• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 19: A Promise Kept

After Flash and Sunset's duel had ended, Celestia ordered that they take a brief moment to reset everything. Luna was with the technical team making sure that the duel field was still functioning. Once they ran a couple of tests, Luna told her sister that everything was ready to go.

"Well now that everything is back in order, I say that it's time for the next matchup. Don't you agree, Ms. Pie?"

"You're right Celestia, these students came here to see some action and by golly we're going to give it to them. So if everybody is ready then let the next match of the quarterfinal round get underway." yelled Pinkie into her headset.

"Very well, please allow me to introduce our next pair of duelists. She comes from a well established family who has thrived by their own business. She's looking to not only make her family proud but also to use her win as a way to expand the connections for her family. On my left please welcome, Applejack."

Applejack made her way out on the field and was being cheered by the crowd. She managed to see a couple of students holding posters of her face and it said "Applejack for the win!". She wasn't expecting this kind of reception as she just merely gave them a salute and tip her hat to the crowd. Applejack did manage to find Rarity among the crowd and she was sitting with her little sister Applebloom and her friends. They were each wearing cowboy hats and held signs as a way to show Aj their appreciation.

Applebloom was screaming at the top of her lungs as she was happy to see her big sis make it to the finals. "Go Applejack, show them what we apples are made of! Applejack! Applejack! Applejack!"

Applejack had a tear in her eye that her little sis was rooting for her and promised that she wouldn't let her down. "This is for you Applebloom, time to show these fine folks what it means to be a part of the Apple family legacy!"

Isaac was in his room sitting on a bench watching the TV monitor as Applejack had made her way out. He was still going over the events that had just occurred with Flash and Sunset's duel. The way he saw Sunset become enveloped in darkness and the sudden change in her voice. Isaac knew that there was some sort of evil that was surrounded he, but he didn't expect it to be of that caliber. He remembered how Flash had basically pinned her into a corner and it seemed like there was no way out of it. Then out of nowhere Sunset drew her card and managed to not only summon a powerful monster, but be able to wipe out Flash's field and the rest of his life points.

"Is Sunset really that good of a duelist? I mean I know that I keep saying that all it takes is one draw to swing the duel back into your favor, but this is taking that meaning to a whole nother level." Isaac then thought back to how he had teamed up with Sunset to take down False Face and Mayhem.

"Even in our duel, she showed that she can handle herself and that she possess incredible dueling skills. Everybody here says that I've got some talents, but Sunset might give me a run for my money. Still the way she commanded that battle, it felt like she was toying with Flash and the audience; she was just stringing them along thinking that she was helpless. And in the end, she flipped the switch and showed that she was in control this whole time. I'm not doubting her talents, but I can't help but feel like there's some outside force that influencing her. Maybe? Didn't Dash say that she dueled like she had some kind of magic? No. Could it?"

"Match 3 of the quarterfinal rounds is about to begin. Duelists please make your way to the stage" said the voice on the speaker system.

Sure enough Isaac turned his attention back to the monitor and saw that Aj had managed to win the duel. She had a tough time getting past her opponent's defense, but once she took care of that everything started to snowball downhill. According to what Celestia and Pinkie were saying that the match lasted a good solid 20 minutes with tons of back and forth action. Applejack then waved to the crowd as she was ecstatic that she was moving on to the next round. Isaac even gave Aj a round of applause that she managed to win to ensure that her reason for winning was still intact.

"Well that was a rowdy round between Applejack and her opponent, but in the end it was Applejack who came out on top." said Celestia.

"Indeed, Aj had the support of the crowd on her side not to mention that her sister was in the crowd cheering her on. I say I've got a weird feeling for something apple related." Said Pinkie as she licked her lips. "Now then we've got another match up that sure to be over in a blink of an eye, if you know what I mean?"

"You took the words right out of my mouth, Ms. Pie. Everyone please help me in welcoming the one and only, Rainbow Dash!" Celestia then signaled for Dash to make her way to the stage and when she got out, people were showing their appreciation just like when Aj came out on stage. She even let out a few words before her opponent got out.

"Hello CHS and everybody at home. I promise you that not only will I end this duel in quick fashion but I promise that when I win this whole thing, I'll make everything look 20% cooler!". People then started to chant her name.

Safe to say that Dash was true to her word as she quickly disposed of her opponent in no time flat. According to what Celestia and Pinkie said it seemed Dash had set a new record in defeating someone in the finals. Isaac only imagined how much it would inflate Dash's ego even more. Just then he heard the speaker system go off again.

"The last duel of the quarterfinals will now begin shortly. Competitors, please make your way to the stage."

With that it was time, time for his battle with Fluttershy. Isaac remembered his earlier encounter with Fluttershy and how she wanted to make sure that he wasn't going to hold back. She knew how much dueling meant to him and if he wasn't going to have fun, then he wasn't doing his job. With that the boy grabbed his duel disk and strapped it to his hand; Isaac looked over his deck one last time to make any changes he saw fit. Once he felt comfortable, he slotted in his deck and began to walk out of the room. As Isaac was walking down the hallway, he could hear his heart beating with every step he took. The boy promised Fluttershy that he would give her duel she wouldn't forget and he planned to. The doors leading into the gymnasium were right in front of him, Isaac put his hand on them for a second and let out a deep breath that he was holding in.

"This is it, if I want to end to face Sunset and stop her rampage then I need to win this duel. Good luck, Fluttershy."

Celestia and Pinkie were back on the mic as they prepared for the final duel of the night. "Well ladies and gentleman it certainly has been one hectic evening so far. We've seen some incredible duels and already we've seen three duelist advance to the semifinals. The question is who will be the last one joining them, we're about to find out now because we have the final duel about to get underway. In fact, you seem to know both of our competitors personally Pinkie, mind telling us a bit about them?"

"Well first off their not only friends but best friends to not only each other, but to me and the rest of the girls. In fact, these two meet when one of them lost a card. Since then they have spent so much time with each other learning about one another. Isaac even helped construct the deck that Fluttershy is using, so you can expect that Isaac will know how to counter it. Then again it's been a while and Fluttershy has shown that she's morphed the deck into her own, so we can expect her to have cards that Isaac is unaware of."

"Then allow us to introduce them on my left it's now other than CHS's fastest rising star in duel monsters, please welcome Isaac!" Isaac then pushed opened the doors and the roar of the crowd was just electric. Everybody was standing on their feet cheering Isaac on and chanting his name.

"And facing him is none other than CHS's kindness person who has a deep connection with animals, everybody put your hands together for Fluttershy!" The crowd did the same thing when Fluttershy came out and they screamed at the top of their lungs.

Everybody at home had their eyes glued to their screens as they were expecting this match to not only be filled with action but also feeling. Even the other competitors were watching on their monitors to see which of their friends would be joining them and who would be eliminated from the tournament. Sunset had an interest in this duel because she wanted to make sure that Isaac made it to the finals so that she could be the one to end him and the hopes of everybody in Canterlot High. Also she wanted to see what Fluttershy could do seeing as she somehow made it in the top 8.

Pinkie then started to speak in her headset relaying some information to everybody listening. "This promises to be a banger of a duel. Fluttershy who uses a Beast-type deck and her ace monster being Behemoth, the King of All Animals. And Isaac who holds a legendary card than none other than the Dark Magician. To think that someone at CHS holds a card that is beloved by the dueling community is really out of this world. Now the question is: Will Fluttershy's cinderella story continue or will the clock strike twelve and fall to Isaac and his magician? Time to find out!"

Isaac made his way to center of the stage and saw Fluttershy waiting for him. He approached her and looked at each other's eyes for a few moments. They both knew this was an important duel in their lives; both we were fighting for personal reasons but they both wanted to see Sunset fall.

"Well Fluttershy, here we are. These people are expecting a spectacle and I say lets give them that."

"Remember what I said Isaac, I want you to come at me with everything you've got. Don't hold back, okay."

Isaac merely smiled at her comment. "Don't worry, I plan to. Well good luck, Fluttershy. May the best duelist win." he extended his hand out to her.

"May the best duelist." Fluttershy then extended her own hand out and shook Isaac's. A sign of respect was shown and both made their way to their respective side.

Luna then spoke. "If both players are ready, then let the duel begin!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of their duel disks.

"Let's duel!" they both shouted.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Fluttershy's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Fluttershy

"I'll start, I draw." Fluttershy drew her card and looked through her hand. "I'll start by playing Wild Tiger(1400/1900) in defense mode. I'll then place 1 card facedown. Now then Isaac show me what you've got!"

Turn 2: Isaac

Isaac drew his card and looked at his hand. Once he figured out his plan, he then looked at Fluttershy and saw she had a smile on her face. She was counting on him to give her a fight and he wasn't about to disappoint. "Alright, you wanted my best Fluttershy. Then you've got it. First I'll start off with the spell card Ancient Rules, now I can summon Dark Magician from my hand."

Isaac played his card and out came a circle that had a symbol on it and shined. Then a monster appeared that wore purple garments and wielded a magic staff. The crowd was amazed that in just his opening hand Isaac had managed to bring out his ace monster. Fluttershy even had her mouth open with how easily Isaac summoned his magician out, but she was smiling on the inside.

"But I'll not done, because I'll then activate this card Bond Between Teacher and Student. Now you see the teacher, so prepare to meet the student I summon Dark Magician Girl!" Just like before out came a similar spellcaster but was instead a female and she gave a kiss/wink to everybody before taking her spot by Isaac and her master.

"Now I'll set a card due to my spell. Then I'll activate another card Thousand Knives to destroy your tiger." With that knives began to fly to Fluttershy's field and destroyed her monster. "You wanted my best, Fluttershy. Well here it is, now my magicians attack Fluttershy directly. Double Dark Magic Attack!"

With that Isaac gave his magicians their command and they raised their staffs together to form a powerful spell which began to grow into the shape of an orb. Once it was fully charged up they unleashed it and fired it at Fluttershy who was defenseless against the attack as it connected with her. Fluttershy put her arms up as a way to shield herself from the attack as it took a huge chunk of her life points.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 3500-

"I'll then end my turn."

Just like that the crowd was murmuring among themselves. They had just witnessed a spectacle; in just the first turn Isaac had managed to bring out his two star monsters and reduce Fluttershy down to more than half her original total. They went crazy, students started to shout and applaud at Isaac for doing such an awesome move. Celestia and Pinkie didn't know what to properly say to the people watching at home as they were shocked that Isaac had managed to do a move like that. Rainbow and Aj who were watching on their respective screens were impressed with what had transpired, Sunset even showed a level of interest as Isaac had managed to do a move that she would normally do to her opponents in her duel.

Celestia finally spoke up. "Talk about an opening move, the duel has just started and already Isaac has taken a huge lead. His monsters have reduced Fluttershy to just 3500 life points, it safe to say that if Fluttershy doesn't do something soon she may not last very long."

"Don't worry about it Principal Celestia. Now that both duelist have had a chance to feel each other out; the real duel is about to begin. Ooh looks like Fluttershy is about to make her move."

Turn 3: Fluttershy

Fluttershy had just recovered from Isaac's attack and looked at him. Glad to see that you took my words to heart. Now time show you what I've got! "Not bad, but it's my turn and I draw." Fluttershy looked at her card and her eyes started to widen. She had drew the card that Isaac returned to her when she lost it. "Time to met a friend you know very personally, I play Albert the Flying Squirrel(300/500). Next I'll activate my facedown Animal Call, now I can bring back a monster of mine that was destroyed. So say hello to my Wild Tiger. Now I'll do what you did Isaac and kick it up notch because I'll activate the spell card Animal Food Chain, now I can perform an extra tribute this turn. So I sacrifice my 2 creatures to summon out my great beast, appear Behemoth, the King of All Animals(2700/1500); my monster's ability allows me to return my monsters used to summon him back to my hand."

Fluttershy's duel disk then slotted out her cards and she added them to her hand. "My Animal Food Chain also allows me to summon another monster to the field, so I'll play the tuner Valerifawn, Mystical Beast of the Forest(400/900). Then from my hand I play the spell Animal type now since I have a beast type monster on my side of the field I can summon different beast from my hand so my tiger is back on the field." Fluttershy then had three monsters on her field, while they stared at Isaac and his magicians. "Time to show you Isaac a new trick I picked up, now I tune my level 2 Valerifawn with my level 3 Tiger. I Synchro Summon Thunder Unicorn(2200/1800)!"

Fluttershy had shocked everybody as she was displaying the new dueling technique she learned and the new monster she added to her deck. Another monster joined Fluttershy's Behemoth and it raced from the sky and when it landed thunder came from the heavens. It had a horn that was in the shape of a lighting bolt and a mane that was pure yellow. It stomped its hooves and let out a mighty cry. Isaac was surprised that Fluttershy had managed to gain a powerful card; he also had a smile on his face as he was proud that Fluttershy had finally managed to make that deck her own.

"Talk about similarities, Fluttershy just one upped Isaac by summoning two powerful creatures of her own. And you can see both monsters on each duelists side are getting ready to go to war." said Celestia. Both duelist had their monsters giving a death glare at each other, them ready for a fight and were waiting to see who would make the first move.

Isaac then spoke up. "Not bad, Fluttershy. However, you don't have enough power to take out both of my spellcasters."

"That's why I'll play this spell Horn of the Unicorn, kind of fitting don't you think. Now my Thunder Unicorn gains 700 attack and defense which raises his attack to 2900. Now my beasts time to make Isaac's magicians disappear. Go Behemoth take out his Dark Magician and Thunder Unicorn take out his Dark Magician Girl." Fluttershy's monster obeyed their master's command and charged at Isaac's field and got rid of his monsters.
Isaac's Life Points: 7200-

"I'll then end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 4: Isaac

"My turn, I draw!" Fluttershy really stepped up her game. She managed to do what no one else has done by taking out my magicians. "I'll start by playing my Electromagnetic Turtle in defense mode. Then I'll activate the spell card Pot of Greed, now I draw 2 more cards from my deck. Then I'll place 1 card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 5: Fluttershy

"I was expecting more, I draw. Now time for my beasts to strike. Behemoth take out his turtle, and Thunder Unicorn attack Isaac directly." The monsters then leaped over Fluttershy; Behemoth then brought its foot down on Isaac's monster as it disintegrated into little bits of static. Fluttershy's unicorn then charged its horn as it struck Isaac in the stomach and caused him to fall to a knee. Once they did their task they then returned to Fluttershy's side where they lowered themselves to her level so that she could pet them. "Good job my friends, just don't try to hurt Isaac too much. I need him to be alright, so that I can be with him. Hope my creatures didn't harm you too badly, Isaac."
Isaac's Life Points: 4300-

Isaac recovered from Fluttershy's attack and addressed her. "It's alright, I've taken more powerful hits than that."

"That's good, I would hate to end this duel so soon. Especially when I'm having so much fun, I'll end my turn."

Turn 6: Isaac

"My draw." Alright, time to think. Right now Fluttershy has two monsters on her field with at least 2700 attack points, then she's also got a facedown on her side. I can worry about that all I want but if I don't defend my life points then I'll be wide open to receiving another round of attacks from her beasts. "I'll play the spell card Premature Burial, now by paying 800 life points I can summon a monster from my grave. Welcome back my Dark Magician." Isaac had managed to bring back his wizard.
Isaac's Life Points: 3500-

"Then I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 7: Fluttershy

"Honestly, what are you doing? You just summoned back your magician for a few life points. Are you trying to let me win?"

Isaac gave a Fluttershy a sly smile, "You know that's not my style, Fluttershy."

"Well then, draw! Now I'll have my Behemoth attack your magician."

"Hold on reveal Magical Hats! Now you see him, now you don't. Good luck, Fluttershy. Hiding under one of these hats is my magician but choose the wrong one and you'll be in for a surprise. Feeling lucky?"

"I'm not afraid of what you've got Isaac, Behemoth attack the hat on the far right." Fluttershy's monster obeyed its order and brought its entire weight on the object in its way hoping that it destroyed Isaac's magician. But when the smoke cleared there was nothing there.

"Ohh, that's a miss. Care to try again?"

"Then I'll just have my Thunder Unicorn strike, attack the leftmost hat. Go Charging Thunder!" Fluttershy's unicorn then charged forward as it popped the hat and smoke came out. However, unlike the first hat this one had a trap waiting and Fluttershy had sprung it.

"Looks like you were right Fluttershy. You picked the right hat because you activated my trap Spellbinding Circle. Now your Unicorn is confined by its magical properties and loses 700 attack, now my Magician come out. Time to send Fluttershy's unicorn to the grave, attack her monster!" With that Isaac launched a counteract on Fluttershy's creature which felt a full blast of dark magic as it was destroyed.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 3200-

"I knew you were going to do something like that and yet I still fell for it. You continue to still amaze me. However, the effect of Horn of the Unicorn activates since it was sent to the grave I can return to the top of my deck. With that I'll end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 8: Isaac

"My turn, draw. I'll play the spell Magician's Rebirth now since I have a spellcaster on my field, I bring back one from my grave so welcome back Dark Magician Girl. Then I'll play Magician's Valkyria in defense mode. Due to her ability, she's the only one you can attack when she's on the field. Then I'll play the spell Card of Sanctity now we each draw till we have six cards in our hand. Next I'll boost my Dark Magician Girl attack with Magic Formula by giving her an additional 700 points. Now Dark Magician attack Fluttershy's Behemoth!"

"My monster outranks your magician by 200 points, why send him to his doom?"

"Because from my hand I activate Dark Magic Expanded. Now the effects depend on how many Dark Magician/Dark Magician Girl I have on the field or grave. First my Dark Magician gets an extra 1000 attack points till the end of the turn; then you can't activate and card or effects in response to my spells/traps. So now Dark Magician blast away her monster." On Isaac's command, his magician then raised its staff at the bigger creature and casted a spell that sent it off its feet and destroyed it. "Now my Dark Magician Girl will wage an attack on your life points! End this duel!"

"That would work if it wasn't for my facedown. See I can't activate cards that target yours but I have a different effect. Reveal Animal Sanctuary, now by banishing a monster from my grave I can cut the damage I take in half." Fluttershy then removed her Thunder Unicorn and its spirit then rose out of the card. It gave a cry as it used its own body to shield Fluttershy from most of damage while she covered herself with her arms.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 1350-

Isaac was in disbelief that he almost won the duel, but Fluttershy still found a way to stay in the match. He then started to laugh because Fluttershy was showing that she had learned something for him. She learned on how to hang on and get your opponent to become frustrated. He then gave an applause.

"Well done, Flutters. You really are hanging in there; I thought for sure I would have won the duel. But you surprised me, which is something that not a lot of people can do."

"Seems I really did learn something from you. I learned to consider all of my options and put my faith in my cards. You told me to put my trust in my cards and they'll respond. Well time to show you how far I've come.

Turn 9: Fluttershy

"My draw!" When Fluttershy drew her card a yellow light soon followed with a few particles as an afterglow effect. "First I'll activate my spell Unicorn Beacon now I can bring back my Thunder Unicorn by banishing 1 card from my hand." Fluttershy then removed her Albert, the Flying Squirrel and in exchange she brought her Thunder Unicorn. When her monster appeared on the field, he made his way over to Fluttershy and nuzzled her to show his affection. "Welcome back, old friend. Now I'll also play the Horn of the Unicorn and give it to my beast to raise his attack by 700. Then I'll play the spell card Animal Mate now I can summon two of the same monsters from my hand and/or deck. So I bring out Baby Raccoon Ponpoko(800/0). Then I'll overlay both of my raccoons to build the overlay network. I Xyz summon Number 64: Ronin Raccoon Sandayu(1000/1000, OLU: 2)."

Now Fluttershy had two different monsters on her field. "As you know, Isaac. My monster has a special ability which I'll now use by using 1 overlay unit I can summon a token to my field and its attack is the same as the highest monster on the field and that's my Thunder Unicorn with a total of 2900. Then I summon Beast King Barbaros, however since I chose to summon him without tributing his attack drops to 1900. Lastly, I'll play my final facedown The Big March of Animals. Now all my Beast-type monsters I control gain 200 attack points times the number of Beast-types I control. With four Beasts in play, they each get 800 points." Fluttershy's monsters then started to grow as they were powered up by the card's effect. "Now time to attack, go my monsters wipe out his monsters. With their combined attack it's enough to wipe out the rest of your life points."

It seemed like the duel was over and Fluttershy would be declared the winner. All her beasts charged at Isaac and tore apart his entire field and disposed of his magicians. The impact from the attacks sent Isaac off his feet and landed on his back. Fluttershy was happy because she had just managed to defeat Isaac and advance to the next round. She was so excited that she didn't see the screen of her duel disk prompted a message until it started to flash to get her attention. She looked at it and was surprised with what it said.
Isaac's Life Points: 500-

Fluttershy was left a stun look on her face. "How? How did you survive, I thought for sure that last attack would have taken you out?"

Isaac then got back to his feet and addressed everybody wondering the same thing, "It's because of you, when you sent my Dark Magician Girl to the grave she also had Magic Formula equipped to her and when its sent to the grave I gain an extra 1000 life points. That was just enough for me to survive the onslaught and stay in this duel." Everybody was losing their minds, they all thought that Fluttershy had the match won, but Isaac pulled out one last trick out of his sleeve and survived Fluttershy's attack. Even the people at home were clutching themselves as they couldn't contain this level of excitement; everybody's heart was racing even the commentary booth were shown having a bit of sweat on their faces.

"Well then, it seems my turn is over. I'll finish things off next round. Make your move, Isaac."

Turn 10: Isaac

Isaac had managed to stay alive in this match but now he was down to his last life points. Now to mention that he had to deal with Fluttershy and her entire Beast monsters that swarmed the field. If he was going to pull a miracle out of his ass, it had better happen now. With that he put his hand on his deck and got ready to draw. "This duel is about to end Fluttershy, my draw! I'll play the trap Eternal Soul." Once the card registered on the duel disk, out came a giant tablet that seemed very Egyptian with the many hieroglyphs that surrounded it. "Know why this card is special to me, Fluttershy. Because this is a reminded that no matter what my magician will always be with me, when things are tough I'll always know that he has my back. So now I activate its effect which allows me to special summon 1 'Dark Magician' from my grave, so arise one last time my ultimate monster, Dark Magician."

"I respect that you would choose your ace creature as a final stand. But know that even if you brought him back he doesn't stand a chance against my creatures. All it takes is one attack and then you're left wide open for a direct attack from my other monsters."

Isaac then cracked a smile once Fluttershy finished her statement. "That's why I'm giving my magician a little 'tune-up' if you will. I now play the spell The Eye of Timaeus and with it I can fuse my magician to call forth an even stronger creature. Make way for the mighty Dark Magician the Dragon Knight(3000/2500). A vortex then opened up in front of Isaac as his magician was sucked in and enveloped in a pillar of light that shot to the sky. Once it ceased, out descend a brand new creature for all too see. It was a huge dragon that let out a mighty roar as it spread its massive wings. There was also a rider on the dragon's back it was the Dark Magician but instead of his normal outfit he wore a set of armor that was purple and shined brightly under the spotlight. The dragon opened its mouth and you could see the pair of fangs attached to it. It landed with a loud thud that shook the very ground and everybody in attendance. The monster looked back at Isaac and peered into his eyes. It understood what its master wanted and so with a nod from its rider turned its attention to their opponent.

Fluttershy was left looking in awe at the sight of Isaac's monster. She was a bit scared of the dragon seeing as it was slighter bigger than her Behemoth, but thankfully Isaac reassured his creature to not cause too much damage towards her.

"Remember boy, Fluttershy is a friend. So don't hurt her too badly. Well what do you think of new monster, Fluttershy? Impressed, well how about meeting him up close and personal; now I'll activate my facedown that I placed at the beginning of the duel. Dark Magic Twin Burst, now I can target 1 'Dark Magician' that I control and boost its attack by that of the 'Dark Magician Girl' on my field and in the graveyard." Dark Magician Girl then appeared in spirit form and rose up to her teacher; she started to cast a spell that empowered him and then disappeared. "Now my creature wipe out the rest of Fluttershy's life points and end this duel!" The dragon then took flight and with its mouth charged up an attack and unleashed it on Thunder Unicorn. Fluttershy's horse then put its body around it master to protect her as best he can. Fluttershy started to pet him to signal that everything would be alright as the attack blasted both of them and her life points were gone.
Fluttershy's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Once the duel was over, Isaac went to check on Fluttershy who was lying face down. He gently started to check on her to see if she was okay.

"Hey, Fluttershy. Are you okay? Say something!"

Fluttershy opened her eyes and looked at Isaac. She couldn't contain herself as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought him into a hug. Isaac soon followed as he embraced her back. The crowd was standing up and applauding for the amazing duel they had just witnessed between two fine duelist. Eventually both of them got back to their feet and let go of their embrace and turned to face the crowd. The emotions that were inside of them couldn't describe how amazing it felt to be cheered by their fellow peers. To know that they went out there and stole the show. Fluttershy then turned to address Isaac.

"Good job Isaac, you didn't hold back and I got to have the time of my life."

"I should be the one thanking you, because I got to see the transformation and the birth of a great duelist. Since we first met, you were afraid that you weren't good enough to compete let alone hold a deck. But look at you know, you made it to the finals, competed on the biggest stage of your life and took me to the limit. Sure I managed to beat you, but that was because of I got lucky if anything you were primed to win. And for that you should be proud of how far you've come."

Isaac's words touched Fluttershy's heart that she began to shed tears of happiness. "Thanks Isaac, but it wasn't luck that you beat me. You were the better duelist today and don't let anybody tell you different. Also thank you, I wanted to make you proud so I pushed myself to master this deck you built for me. At first I was scared of becoming a disappointment, but you gave me the strength to move forward. For that I'm eternally grateful." Fluttershy then did something unexpected and she gave Isaac a quick kiss on the check. It surprised Isaac as he had to take a step back and put his hand to where Fluttershy had kissed. She merely giggled at how shocked and confused Isaac was.

"Ladies and gentleman, give one more round of applause for both our duelist here." said Celestia into the microphone as she approached them. "I dare say that was a duel I haven't seen in a long time; you two really put your heart and soul into that match. Take one last bow!" Isaac and Fluttershy both turned towards the audience and thanked them before taking a bow.

Celestia then began to speak. "Now that the final match has concluded, it's time to meet final competitors who will be battling in the next round of the tournament." Celestia then pointed at the screen and the portraits of winners were shown. "Advancing to the semi-finals is: Sunset Shimmer, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Isaac. They have all come very far, but only two of them can win and earn a spot to compete at next week's Fall Formal where the winner will be crowned CHS duel champion. To everybody watching at home and live in attendance I thank you all for a wonderful evening and don't forget the semi-finals will begin starting on Monday. Good night and remember to tune in for some more incredible dueling." With that Celestia gave a signal and the transmission was cut; unbeknownst to Isaac and everyone there was a yellow streak of particles that entered his deck and disappeared.

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