• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 18: Wrath of a Women's Scorn

The quarterfinals of the Fall Formal Tournament was about to begin. After Celestia had announced the finalists and the matchups, she told everybody to head to the auditorium. Meanwhile the 8 duelist would report to separate rooms where they would await till it was time to be called for their duels. Each room consisted of the basic necessities; they each had a bathroom, a table with a couple of seats and even a TV monitor that they could watch the other duels on. Everybody was excited because they were about to see this year's top duelist battle it out to see who would be the last one standing. Well almost everybody was excited.

Ever since it was made official that Isaac would be facing Fluttershy. He honestly was feeling a bit sad. When they first devised the plan to enter the competition they knew that eventually they would have to face each other. What he wasn't expecting was for Fluttershy to make it to the finals; not that he was being mean but Fluttershy being in the top 8 was something nobody was expecting. And then to find out that she would be facing him it was so much to take in.

"I knew I would have to face the girls eventually, I just wasn't expecting to face them so soon and Fluttershy of all people." Isaac was shown sitting down in a chair with his hands together. "I'm not doubting Fluttershy's ability, I mean if she made it to the top 8, then it's clear she's not a pushover." Isaac then began to think back on his memories with Fluttershy.

"Before I met the rest of the girls, Fluttershy was the first real friend I ever made. At the time, I thought it was weird that we met but as we got to spend more time with each other we learned more about one another. I found out that she really enjoys animals and that she has a very kind heart. It's what makes her so adorable, anybody would be lucky to have someone like her by their side. She even helped me to adopt Tigre. I can't thank her enough. So is it wrong to say that I don't have the heart to face her." Isaac was starting to shed a couple of tears. "I don't want to be the reason why her dreams come to a sudden stop, I just can't do it!"

Just then Isaac heard a knock on his door. According to what Celestia had said, the eight duelist competing were forbidden from seeing the other competitors as a way to keep order and ensure no shenanigans ensued. So Isaac started to get up and began to make his way to the door. Before he could reach the handle, the door flung open so fast and something tackled him that it caused him to fall on the floor and hit his head. After a few moments, Isaac finally got his head up to see what had tackled him and it was none other than Fluttershy who was hugging Isaac like her life depended on it.

"Uhmm, Fluttershy?"

"Yes, Isaac?" Isaac and Fluttershy were so close that eyes looked at each and their lips were a few centimeters away from practically touching.

"Not that I don't mind this position, but could you let me get up!?"

"Oh, right. Sorry." Once Fluttershy let go, Isaac sat up and checked to make sure that nothing was too badly hurt.

"Well, everything seems to be alright, other than a few bits of pain I think I'll be fine. Anyways, what are you doing here? You know we're not allowed to see each other; you could get in trouble if Celestia catches you."

"To be honest, I wanted to see you. I just kinda wanted to be in your presence before our duel. And I feel like you needed a hug."

When Fluttershy said that she wanted to give me a hug before our match, it kinda made my heart flutter. Regardless, I pushed those thoughts to the side seeing as this wasn't the right time or place to say these kind of things.

"I appreciate your kindness, Fluttershy. But I'm fine, really no need to worry about me."

"See I know you're lying. I've spent enough time with you to know when something is bothering you. So tell me, what's on your mind? Does it have to do with our duel?"


"I'll admit I too was terrified when I found out that I would be facing you, but then I remembered something. Do you know what it was? It was the promise you made to me when you created my deck. The promise that we would face each other in a duel. Well we now have a chance to see it happen; and I know that you're not one to break a promise to a friend. Isaac no matter what happens out there know that we'll always be friends. I mean this when I say, that I couldn't imagine my life without ever meeting you. Even the others admit that becoming friends with you was probably the best thing that could have happened to us. You've taught us some new tricks that have helped us to step up our game. So don't think that just because we're facing each other that you should give up, that's not the Isaac I've come to know."

After Fluttershy had said her little speech to the boy, he started to think back on how he had met her. Isaac remembered that he found a card and was willing to do anything to return it to its owner because he felt bad for someone to lose something that they held valuable. It was because of that card that the boy was able to meet Fluttershy, it was that card that allowed him to gain some of the best friends he could ever ask for in his life.

"Thanks Fluttershy, I really needed that pep talk. Who would have thought that it all started with just a simple card? You're right I've never broken a promise and I don't plan on starting now. Thanks, now you better get going before you're caught."

"Do you really want to get rid of me that easily, instead of spending a few more moments with just the two of us?" Fluttershy left out a bit of sarcasm as well as a little giggle as she enjoyed teasing Isaac. With that she got up from the floor and dusted her skirt off before saying her goodbye and headed for the door. Before she left she turned to Isaac to deliver on final message to him.

"Isaac just promise me that you won't hold back. I want to see you at your very best, so hit me with everything you've got!"

With that Fluttershy opened the door and disappeared. Isaac then got up from the floor himself and then turned towards the monitor. It seems the first duel of the quarterfinals was about to begin. The atmosphere was like no other, imagine Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, etc... all rolled up into one. That was what the atmosphere felt like. There was a sea of students who were getting themselves ready for the finals of the tournament. The one thing that caught everybody's attention was the fact that Celestia and Luna had invested a lot into have a dueling stadium installed in the gymnasium; the new holographic system was enough to make everything seem so realistic. There were thousands of cameras that were broadcasting the event to the homes of the student's, it seemed Celestia felt like this year was going to be the biggest so she wanted everyone to relish in the fun/excitement of dueling. Appearing next to the stage was the commentary table where Principal Celestia sat with none other than Pinkie Pie herself.

"Welcome everybody to this year's Fall Formal Tournament. Over these past 3 days, every student here has battled to secure a spot in the finals but only the top 8 have made it thus far. Tonight we're about to see some of the greatest duelists in CHS take the stage. I'm joined by fellow student and co-commentator, Pinkie Pie. So Pinkie tell us what do you expect from the duels we'll see?"

"Well Celestia let's just say the action in these duels will be like nothing you've ever seen. We'll see friend vs friend, foe vs foe, champion vs challenger. So strap in your party hats folks because today's festivities promises to be rocking one. So what are we waiting for? Everybody in the crowd and at home I've got one question for you: Are you ready? I said: Are! You! Ready!!!!" The loudest noise and cheers could be head from all over the building as the students were ready to witness some fine dueling.

Celestia then decided to start to match. "Well then let's the start the final rounds of the tournament with our first duel. First up looks like we've got a couple of duel champions going head to head. Please welcome on my left, Flash Sentry; and facing him on right it's none other than the current champion Sunset Shimmer!" The crowd was cheering for Flash when he made his entrance, but when Sunset came out they just started to boo her out the building.

Pinkie then chimed in with her own two cent. "This promises to not only be a grudge match but a personal one too. Flash sentry who uses a deck made up of Gem-Knights is looking to take out Sunset Shimmer who believes her and her Archfiends are the strongest pair at CHS. Not to mention that they used to be a thing together, this duel is already good that I can practically taste it." Pinkie even licked her lips when she said that statement but she satisfied her hunger by pulling out a cupcake from her hair.

Flash then made his way to the center of the field where he saw Sunset waiting for him. It had been a while since they last saw or even talked to each other. Flash knew that this was his chance to possibly persuade Sunset to cease her vengeful crusade.

"Hey Sunset. It's been a while."

Sunset merely looked away from Flash as she didn't want to talk to him.

"I know why you're doing this and I'm here to make things right. Please end this before more people get hurt, if I had paid more attention when we were together then maybe I could have helped you. I'm here to save you Sunset; I know that there's still good in you."

Sunset finally looked at Flash and she had disdain in her face. "You think you know? You think you know what I'm doing? What I'm going to do to everybody once I win this thing? Please, just like when we were together, you don't know a damn thing about me. In case you weren't aware of I used you, I only became your girlfriend so that I can take what is rightfully mine and that is power. You think you can save me, that girl you think you know is long gone. You served your purpose and now I have no need of you, so prepare your deck Flash. Oh and FYI, I found a new boy toy to play with and he's much more fun than you ever were." With that Sunset walked to her side of the field and ready her duel disk.

Flash then walked to his side while a bit stunned that Sunset had refused to accept his olive branch. He still believed that he could save her and if he wasn't going to get through to her by talking then maybe a duel will convince. "Alright, Sunset time to prove that there's still some light left in you and if I have to duel to get it to come out then so be it."

"Lets duel!" they both shouted.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel" said the mechanical voice of their duel disks.

Sunset Shimmer's Life Points: 8000-

Flash Sentry's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Flash Sentry

"Looks like I get to make the first move, so here goes. I draw!" Flash looked at his opening hand and ran through his options. "For my first move I'll place 1 card facedown and place a monster in defense mode. I end my turn, you're up Sunset!"

Turn 2: Sunset

Sunset smiled as she drew her card and looked at her hand. She then looked at Flash and saw how pathetic his field was and how he started his turn. "The game has already started and you're showing that your scared. What kind of move was that, you just resorted to defense rather than go on the offensive. That's unlike you Flash, unless you're still trying to save that girl you think still exist. I told you before she's long gone and won't ever come back; now watch as show you some power. I'll start things off lightly by activating my Archfiend Rasca's effect from my hand, now I can banish this card to deal you 800 life points." With that Sunset got rid of her card; a demon like bird then started to form and was enveloped in flames as it soared toward Flash striking his life points.
Flash's Life Points: 7200-

"I'll end my turn with 2 cards facedown. Now then I'm giving you a chance Flash, you think you can be a hero then hit me! I'm giving you a free shot, you wanna take aim at the princess you best not miss."

Turn 3: Flash

"You wanna it, you've got it! My draw. First I'll flip summon my Gem-Turtle(0/2000) which lets me activate its ability. Now I can add 1 'Gem-Knight Fusion' to my hand." When Flash's monster flipped up, out came a turtle that shined so brightly due to the emeralds that cover its entire shell.

Sunset was unimpressed with what Flash had done. "I known you long enough to know you would do a move like that. You never change."

"Then you know what I'm about to do next, I activate the spell Gem-Knight Fusion! From my hand I combine my Gem-knight Obsidian and Gem-knight Garnet. I Fusion Summon Gem-knight Citrine(2200/1950)." A vortex appeared on Flash's side and his monsters jumped in. Out came a new monster that wore pale yellow-brown armor and wielding a massive sword of glowing orange rock rose. It then flashed its eyes and swung its sword with its cape flowing in the wind.

"Next I'll activate my Gem-Knight Obsidian's effect now I can revive a monster from the grave, so return to me my Gem-knight Garnet. Then I'll banish my obsidian to add back my Gem-knight fusion back to my hand. Lastly I'll use Gem-Knight Fusion to combine my Garnet with my Gem-Turtle, now I Fusion summon Gem-knight Zirconia(2900/2500)." Out came a gem warrior that had silver and white armor as it raised its fists.

The crowd was going crazy as they had just witnessed Flash be able to summon two powerful monsters in the same turn. Even the people at home were in shock at what they just witnessed. Pinkie and Celestia had their jaws drop.

"Wowzy. Flash just managed to summon out two monsters on his second turn and he looks poised to strike at Sunset's life points." said Pinkie who was containing her excitement.

"I'm not stupid to think that you're relying on your facedowns to protect you Sunset. Well time to attack you with Gem-knight Citrine, now when it attacks you can't activate any cards/effects until its attack ends. Now go my Citrine attack Sunset directly!" Citrine ran forward, its sword of glowing orange rock held overhead. It jumped up and descended on Sunset, delivering a two-handed strike. Sunset held still and closed her eyes as smoke exploded around her.
Sunset's Life Points: 5800-

"Now time for my other monster to strike, Gem-knight Zirconia att-"

"I don't think so, I activate my facedown trap: Archfiend Tome. Since I just took damage, my card ensures that you're also dealt the same amount, so here's some payback. You wanted backlash, well you got it."
Flash's Life Points: 5000-

"Then the second effect of my card activates, now for every 500 life points that you lose I can summon a fiend/archfiend from my deck so long as they have different names. So appear my Fiend Selector, Archfiend Medic(1300/1200), Archfiend Mage(800/800), and last but not least Fiend Assassin(1500/1000)." Just like that Sunset had managed to change her entire field from having no monsters to bringing out 4 monsters, yet they still lacked enough power to stand up to Flash's monster.

Flash was impressed with how Sunset had managed to turn her negative situation into a positive. "Not bad, you managed to protect yourself but that won't last for long. Now Gem-knight Zirconia attack her Fiend Selector!" Flash's monster then charged at Sunset's creature.

"Now time to activate the effect of my Fiend Assassin, it can redirect the attack so that it takes the hit. In addition it has another effect that allows it to become the same amount as your monster."

"Oh no!" With that both Flash and Sunset's monster collided and were destroyed. Everybody was in silence as Sunset had not only managed to bust out monsters but also destroy Flash's with just a simple effect.

"I'll end my turn with a card facedown."

Turn 4: Sunset

"I draw. I told you to take your best shot and it looks like you disappointed me. Don't worry it's not the first time you've done that to me. In fact I'm used to you being a failure, try so hard only to end up crashing and burning. To think I used to date someone like you! Now I'll show you what me and my deck can do, ready! I'll activate my mage's ability now I can banish a fiend from my hand or graveyard to either draw a card or deal damage. I think I'll choose the latter and deal you damage equal to half of your monster's attack which means since Citrine had 2200 points you take a 1100 as direct damage!" Sunset's mage then casted a spell that fired its way towards Flash's monster and then transferred to Flash himself as he was dealt damage. This time the damage felt a bit more really as Flash started to show signs of wounds.
Flash's Life Points: 3900-

"Don't think the fun is over, because since I banished a fiend type monster I can be able to return my Rasca back to my hand but it won't be there for long because by banishing it once again I can deal you another 800 points of damage. They say 'Hell has no fury like the wrath of a woman's scorn', well that couldn't be more true than right now!"
Flash's Life Points: 3100-

"Now I'll activate my Medic's effect, since I banished fiend monster, I can revive another one fiend monster with a different name. Welcome back my Fiend Assassin. Next the effect of my Archfiend Dealer in my hand activates, since another effect of an Archfield just resolved I can then draw a card."

Celestia and Pinkie looked on as they commentated the duel for the viewers at home. "Well Sunset is really showing everybody why she's highly ranked when it comes to dueling at CHS. Just look at the many combos she just managed to pull."

"You're telling me Celestia, Flash who used to be a former champion in his own right is getting creamed by Sunset. I know this duel had some personal background but I didn't expect this to happen."

Isaac was watching the duel on the monitor in his room and began to think to himself. Could this be the power of Sunset's magic, or is she really just that good?

"Next I'll activate my facedown, Archfiend's Hellfire. Now I can banish up to 2 monsters in my hand or graveyard and destroy that same number of cards on your side of the field. So I'll banish my Archfiend Medic and Mage to destroy your Gem-knight Citrine and one of your facedowns. Begone my monsters, use your power to make Flash suffer even more!"

"I don't think so! I'll activate my own trap, Pyroxene Fusion. Now I can immediately conduct a fusion summon with the monsters in my hand or on the field. I fuse together Gem-knight Citrine with the Gem-knight Amber and Lapis in my hand! I Fusion Summon Gem-knight Lady Brilliant Diamond!" Just then out came a warrior maiden that wore beautifully studded armor and wielded a long sword.

"Still trying to hold on? No wonder I dropped you! They say that both people should learn to never get clingy to each other in a relationship, but you're very desperate to stay in this duel with me. I'm not scared with what you've got, I'll then switch my monsters to defense mode and end my turn."

Turn 5: Flash

"Sunset stop all of this! I'm sorry!"

"How many times do I have to tell you! The Sunset Shimmer you knew is dead, I got rid of her and replaced her with someone better! Don't waste your breath or unless you want to suffer my wrath, I'll gladly give it to you!"

"I will save you Sunset and it starts with this move, draw! I'll start by summoning Gem-Knight Emerald(1800/800) then I'll sacrifice him in order to activate my Lady Brilliant's ability, now I can summon any 'Gem-knight' fusion monster from my extra deck ignoring its summoning conditions. Welcome my Gem-knight Prismaura." Out on Flash's field stood two monsters that wore studded armor that was covered in colorful gems.

"Then I'll activate the Gem-knight Fusion in my deck, so I'll banish my Gem-knight Garnet and return it to my hand. But it won't be in my hand for long because I using my Prismaura's effect so discard the card I just got in order to destroy one card on the field and I choose your Archfiend Assassin."

"Too bad that won't happen because my Archfiend Dealer in my hand has another ability now I can send one of my monsters to the grave and your attack or effect is negated, so I'll send my Fiend Selector to the scrapyard. In addition you get dealt another 800 points of damage." Out on Sunset's field appeared a gambler and with his power expanded his hand which formed a shield to protect Sunset's monster from Flash's effect.

"That's what I was hoping you do. I said I was going to save you Sunset and that's exactly what I'm going to do now Prismura attack Sunset's Assassin."

"Didn't you learn? My assassin can copy the attack points of your monster." Sunset then snapped her fingers and just like that her monster powered up which then collided with Flash's monster and both erupted into smoke.

"That's fine because my Prismaura has cleared the way for my other monster to attack you directly. Now Lady Brilliant attack Sunset directly."

"I'm not getting beat that easily, whenever a monster declares an attack I can summon Soul Collector from my hand(600/100) in defense mode."

Flash's monster then lifted its sword and with so much force brought it down on Sunset's monster causing their to be an explosion.

"Well talk about failure, you just wasted your entire attack and failed to beat. It's like I said to you at the beginning you can't defeat me."

Flash had his head down when he listened to Sunset. When she finished, Flash then lifted his head and had a smile on his face which confused Sunset. "Then it's a good thing my attack is not done, reveal my facedown De-Fusion. Now this spell allows me to split my Lady Brilliant back into the monsters used to form it. Appear my Gem-knight Citrine, Gem-knight Amber(1600/1400) and Gem-knight Lapis." Flash's monster disappeared in a pillar of light and left behind three gems, which then evolved and grew into the three monsters that were fused together to form it. "Now then, go my knights attack Sunset directly!"

Sunset was sweating as there wasn't anything she could to protect herself from Flash's onslaught. All three monsters then wailed on Sunset's Life Points as she put her arms up. The attack was powerful that it caused her to drop to her knees and let out a cry. Once it was over, Flash's monsters returned to his side and Sunset was left breathing heavily while on her hands and knees. Flash was concern with Sunset's well being after taking an attack like that to the face, but knew that a duel was still going on.
Sunset's Life Points: 800-

"I told you I was going to fight for you, Sunset! One more turn, and then it'll be all over. I then end my turn. Everybody can forgive you for what you've done, just let me help you."

Turn 6: Sunset

Sunset then got up and stood tall with her hand on her deck as she prepared to draw.

"You think this is the end? Said sunset with a bit more demonic tone in her voice. She even had a dark aura surrounding her.

"I know it is. Your facedown really surprised me, but now your field is wide open. If you did have another effect that would burn the rest of life points you would have done it already, in fact you probably could have ended the duel on your last turn. Not to mention that you didn't summon a monster to defend yourself; which means your hand is full of cards in which you can't activate. It's over, you played a good game Sunset. It reminded me why I got with you, you've got nothing to be ashamed of but today I'm the winner."

"You couldn't be further from the truth than you already are. You say that I don't have anything left to play? Well time to find out! Sunset drew her card which was followed by a streak of red light with a dark afterglow, she then lead out cry as she felt her power unleashing. She looked at her hand and gave a sinister smile.

"From my hand I activate the effect of my monster. Just then pillars of fire started to erupt and began to swirl furiously as they began to get closer to each other. Flash was scared with what was going on that he looked at Sunset with concern in her eyes.

"What is this? What are you doing Sunset?" shouted Flash.

I call upon the powers of the fiends that lay dormant in my grave! Now I banish them to summon a creature that will strike fear in the hearts of everyone here! Bow down and appear before the all mighty: Chaos Archfiend. Chaos Archfiend's attack is based on the number of fiends that I have been banished from my grave since the start of the duel multiplied by 800, since I have a total of seven monsters I sent away my monster's attack points are 5600! Out came a demon that was out of this world. It had dark black souls for eyes and had wore the soul of something across his chest like a badge of honor. It's claws were gruesome as they were red blood and razor sharp. Not to mention the winds on his back made it seem like it was some sort of fallen angel and had the the lower body of a minotaur. When it led out a roar, you could definitely hear the cries of hell as fire started to enveloped around it like some sort of battle armor. Sunset Shimmer then led out a laughter as Flash was trembling a bit staring at the monstrosity of such a big creature.

Everybody in the crowd was on their feet as they got a look at Sunset's new monster. Even Pinkie and Celestis were left speechless by what Sunset had managed to summon to her field. The other competitors who were watching were astounded by the monster that Sunset had by her side. Isaac looked at his hand and it started to shake a bit; he even felt the air around him turn cold.

Sunset then raised her finger about to unleash her monster on Flash. "Now my Chaos Archfiend attack Flash's Gem-knight Citrine! You say you're sorry for breaking up with me, well then allow to share my pain with you! Feel the wrath of my vengeance! The whole field was then shrouded in darkness as Sunset's monster raised its hands and let out a pillar of fire that burned all of Flash's monster. The attack then transferred over to Flash who felt the sting of pain from Sunset's attack and was thrown far on his back as his life counted reached zero.
Flash's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Sunset Shimmer

The creature still appeared on Sunset's field even after the duel ended; Sunset then snapped her fingers which caused the creature to disappear. She even began to return back to her normal self as the evil aura that surrounded her cease to exist. She then fixed her hair before turning to leave; she caught a quick glance back at Flash who was struggling to get back up. She took out an item and looked at it before crushing it in her hand and tossed it at Flash's feet. "Consider this breakup official!" She then left through the door and returned to her room.

Flash was just barely coming to when he saw Sunset leave and toss the item at him. He had a bit of scars and wounds on the side of his face and his clothes were covered in dust. He then grabbed the item Sunset threw and held it in his hand; it seemed that Flash had failed to save Sunset and now she was one step closer to achieving her goal. Flash led a few tears out as his heart started to break a bit; the medical team they got near Flash as they checked on him to make sure he wasn't too badly injured. Other than just applying the proper ointment and some bed rest, Flash was going to be alright.

Celestia and Pinkie then tried to get everything back on track. "Well this certainly took an unexpected turn. But nevertheless Sunset proved to be the victor in this match, she'll now move onto to the next round."

"Still did you see what she summoned, I'll say that monster was giving me the willy willies." Pinkie then started to have shivers all over her body. "Anyways moving right along we got a ton of more duels still yet to come. The quest to find CHS duel champion continues and who will advance to the next round and join Sunset Shimmer in getting one step closer to achieving greatness. Don't go anywhere folks, you don't want to miss this!"

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