• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,575 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 85: Christmas Album

The holidays are a time for everybody to gather round. See people who you haven't seen in a long time and catch up. However, the biggest thing about the holidays was the amount of money that people would spend which made all the stores and business very happy. Especially, since the most profitable holiday was right around the corner. The town had already encountered a fair bit of snow, but enough that the people were able to walk on the sidewalks without having to worry about trekking through a huge pile.

The students of Canterlot High were currently going to class as they paid attention to what their teachers were telling them. Not to mention that in about 2 weeks would be the start of Winter Break, which meant finals were going to be on the horizon. Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal even implemented a dueling final exam for this term as they wanted to assess the skills of their beloved students. Normally, a test would throw everybody into a panic, even a dueling exam. But both women were able to calm the nerves of their students by saying that the highest individuals to score would be in the conversation on being the next opponent to challenge for the champion. Seems that was enough to get rid of the fear that everybody had. Since Celestia and Luna were organizing the exam, it meant that Isaac would have to serve as the third judge to oversee the results; which meant that he wasn't going to take part in the test.

The good thing about the upcoming Winter Break is that unlike last year, Isaac and his family would be staying here. They had already sent their Christmas presents and gift cards to their relatives in Chicoltgo. They were told them about how they wanted to spend this Christmas in Canterlot with their new friends. So that being said, it would be the first Christmas that the girls would spend with Isaac; especially for Twilight. So with that the girls started to make plans for Christmas as they wanted to have a good time.

"So, everybody excited for the holidays?" asked Sunset.

"I know I am. Can't wait to see what I get, which reminds me I need to do some Christmas shopping later." stated Rainbow.

"With your speed, it'll be more like dashing through the mall." snickered Sunset. "What about the rest of you, what are your plans?"

"Well, I'm gonna hang out with mah family. Not to mention with y'all. Friends or family, this here's about togetherness." said Applejack.

"Indeed, darling. This is the time of year, where we can get together and appreciate each other and our loved ones."

"Not to mention the presents and candy we'll get to eat." Pinkie then started to lick her lips as she began to drool thinking of all the delicious treats.

"You know Christmas isn't just about candy and presents, right little sis?"

"What about you Isaac, any traditions that you have with your family?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well it's just like anybody else. We do tend to create lots of dishes from my heritage; I know that when we celebrated it at grandma's house, she would get the whole family to help with the cooking and then we sing some Spanish carols. After that we say thanks to God for blessing us with our feast and getting to spend time with our family members. The only difference that we do differently compared to others, is that we actually open and exchange our gifts on Christmas Eve." stated Isaac.

"What? Everybody knows you don't open presents 'till Christmas Day." said Applejack with a slight confusion.

"Growing my grandma always had us open our gifts on Christmas Eve, cause the next day she would drag us to church. So ever since then, everybody in my family just stays up till midnight and we open our presents."

"To each their own, I suppose." said Twilight. "Speaking of which, your family is staying here during Winter Break, correct?" Isaac just nodded at Twilight's question. "Then technically it's gonna be the first Christmas that you spend in Canterlot. but more importantly, with all of us and me."

"Is that suppose to be important?" said Isaac as he lifted his eyebrow.

"Girls, I just thought of an idea. I know that we all have plans to spend Christmas with our families, so why don't we spend Christmas eve at Isaac's house and then the next day we can spend it with out families?"

The girls all thought about Twilight's suggestion. Safe to say they were intrigued about the idea as they wanted to make sure that Isaac spent his first Christmas in Canterlot with his friends. So they all agreed as Isaac just put his hand to his face; eventually he let the issue go as he knew the girls outnumbered him. So the plan was set, which meant all they needed to do was each get gifts for everybody and then exchange them on Christmas Eve.

The next couple of days saw Isaac along with Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna overseeing the dueling exams. It was interesting as Celestia and Luna wanted to introduce Isaac to another aspect of the pro circuit, which was ranking duelists and determining if they had potential. Isaac was less than pleased that he had to judge someone's performance and give a score, but given that he was the champion it was a responsibility he had to do and get used to if he did decided to go pro. Regardless, Isaac was both fair and supportive as he explained what the person did wrong and pointed out some things they could improve on; he did tell them on what they did well and offered some suggestions. Both Celestia and Luna knew that this wasn't something that Isaac thoroughly enjoyed, but they wanted to introduce him to the business side of being a pro duelist so that he wouldn't have to learn it the hard way like they did.

One day afterschool, Isaac was running some last minute duel assessments. "Participant number 25: Overall understood basics. Preferred Summoning method: Fusion. Observations: Confident, shows potential, versatile in extra deck. Notes: Too confident, repetitive move set, Lack of ingenuity. Grade: B-." Isaac let out a tired sigh as he finished the final reports of student's performance as he compiled them into a file. "Man, am I tired."

Just then the door opened and in came Applejack who was looking for him. "Hey sugar. Oh, do you look beat?"

"Hey Aj. Just going over the last reports that I need to give Principal Celestia." said Isaac as he put his head down on the table. "Thankfully, that was the last pile cause my eyes were about to close."

Applejack then sat next to Isaac as she started to rub his back. "Seems you need some time to relax. How about some cider to cheer you?" Applejack then pulled out a bottle of apple cider from her backpack as put it on the table in front of Isaac who still had his head down.

"You carry a bottle of apple cider in your backpack?" asked Isaac.

"Mostly cause of Rainbow Dash. Apparently she can't go a single day without tasting this." chuckled Aj as she opened her bottle.

"Well the stuff is pretty good." said Isaac as he lifted his head up and opened the bottle. "Thanks Aj, cheers." Isaac then clinked his bottle with Applejack as they both took a sip. "Ahhh, that hit the spot. Appreciate you, Applejack. I just needed something to take my mind off of all this grading."

"Anytime, partner." Applejack took another sip of her drink as Isaac did the same. "By the way, ah got somethin' to inform you about. Remember Rara."

"Yeah, your friend. Not to mention I had an incredible duel with her during the summer. Why, is she back in town?" asked Isaac.

"Something like that, see she and her manager wanted to produce a sort of Christmas album. So the other day she contacted me about it and wanted to discuss some ideas, ultimately she remembered that ah was a band with the girls that she came up with the idea of collaboration with me and the girls." stated Applejack.

"So Rara wants you and the girls to assist her in creating a Christmas album. That's pretty big; you girls are really talented when it comes to music. Your band really is top notch."

"Thanks for the kind words, sugar. So want to be apart of it? I know that you've refused to be a part of our band, but maybe you could sing a song or two. You've shown that you got a decent singing voice; plus Rara says that all the profits we make off of sales, a large portion of it will go to charities and orphanages." informed Applejack.

"Look Aj, all that is nice and all. But like I told you at the start, the band is your thing along with the girls. I don't want to interrupt anything good happening, and as for singing, I'm gonna have to say no to that too. I told you that I'm not the big fan of singing, but I'll definitely support you guys in creating the album."

Seems Applejack was contend with that agreement, "Alright, sugar. Ah respect your decision,"

Isaac and Applejack then started to exit out of the classroom as they began to talk about the album. They quickly stopped by Vice-Principal Luna's office as he slide the file under the door so that she could look at it and give it to her sister the next day. After that Applejack began to go over the details, Rara's manager had contacted Principal Celestia and was able to convince her that once their album was complete, they would perform the songs live at the music center where they would have tons of people come watch them perform. With the details all intact, Applejack told the entire group of the plan and gave them the address of the music studio to where they would record and produce the songs.

It was a chilling Saturday morning as all the little kids were out and about having fun. Everything from making snow angels, building snowman, and even having snowball fights. All the adults were shoveling snow off their driveways and front steps. The sense of the holidays was in full swing as everybody was doing their last minute shopping as Christmas was but just days away. Stores were packed with tons of people hoping to find the perfect gift for their chosen person. All in all, the holiday spirit was upon the entire city. As for a certain group, they were getting ready to create something that they hoped everybody would enjoy.

Isaac had finally reached the address of the location he was given. He rang the button on the voice came onto the speaker.

"Can I help you?"

"Uhm, yeah. My name is Isaac and I'm here on behalf of Rara." said Isaac as he pushed the button.

The person behind the speaker checked the list he had been given to him by his boss. Once he checked the list, he then spoke. "Please hold."

After a few moments of standing in the cold, the door buzzed as Isaac stepped through and into the building. Isaac walked into a hallway as there was multiple doors along the hall. At the very end was a sign on one of them that said: Music Studio. Isaac then opened the door and was greeted by an embrace.

"You're finally here." said Rara as she was ecstatic to see Isaac again.

"Hey Rara. How have you've been?"

"It's been pretty good." she said while letting go of Isaac. "After our amazing duel, I've been able to wow the crowd with my spectacular dueling skills. And it's thanks to you for giving me some excellent pointers."

"Happy to help." said Isaac.

"By the way, I must congratulate you on your victory at the Duos Cup. And for being able to snag a girlfriend, it was only a matter of time before you met the lucky girl."

"Thanks for that Rara."

"Still I'm a tad bit disappointed that you didn't choose me." Rara now had a pouting face. "Was I not good enough for you?"

"Uhm..." Isaac didn't know how to answer that question as he didn't want to offend Rara. But at the same time he didn't want to say anything to upset Twilight.

Rara just laughed at how her teasing was affecting Isaac. "Ha, ha, ha. I'm just messing with you. Don't worry, Twilight is lucky to have you. So make sure that you do all you can to make her happy."

"I will."

"Good." Rara then pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something on it before giving it to Isaac. "Though is things don't work out. Here's my number, don't hesitate to give me a call." said Rara as she gave Isaac a wink. With that she led Isaac through the door as they walked into the recording studio.

There were a couple of audio engineers and music producers that were at the control console. There was a couple of rooms that were present, such as a live room, a couple of isolation booths, and a rest area. The girls and Spike were already sitting down on the couch as they were waiting for the two of them. Once they arrived, Rara then started to take the lead as she began to talk about how she wanted to create something that everybody could give for Christmas.

"So as you all know, I want to created something that has meaning behind it. When I first decided to do this, I had no clue as to what I wanted to do. Thankfully, Applejack here gave me the idea to ask all of you to help produce our very first Christmas album. I hope that you'll comfortable with this."

"Of course we are, Rara. You know ah see you as family, and the rest of us are always willing to lend a hand." stated Applejack which she received nods from the others.

"Good now then, do you all have any idea on what songs you want to sing?" Rara's question was met with a unanimous 'No.' "Not too worry, I'm sure we'll figure it out. What about you, Isaac? Do you have any song that you want to sing?"

"I ain't singing." said Isaac bluntly. "I'm just here for moral support."


"Ms. Rara, we're ready to begin recording." said one of the sound engineers.

"Right." With that Rara stepped into the booth as she put on a set of headphones. She quickly looked the song in front of her giving one last quick read. Once she was ready, she gave the producers a thumbs up.

"Alright, everybody. Quick on the set and begin in... 3... 2..." The producer then told his partner to start the track. The girls and Isaac just watched on and listened to Rara sing.

After Rara finished her song, the sound engineer turned the track off as they began to review it. Isaac and the girls all looked from behind the screen as they clapped for Rara's performance. The producers gave her a thumbs up as she took off the headphones and exited the booth.

"Land sakes, you're really something Rara."

"Thanks Applejack. Now then why don't you girls get started on writing some songs and once you have an idea, bring it to my team." The girls all nodded as they began to sit down on the couches and began to discuss potential song ideas. "Meanwhile, I have something you could do." Rara then told Isaac to follow her as she brought them to the control console. "I know you said that you don't want to sing, so I'd figured why not help the engineers with the sound and the music."

Isaac looked at the console and saw tons of buttons and switches that it started to made his panic. "That's a lot of bells and whistles, maybe I can just watch."

"Please I insist," Rara then left as Isaac was left with the sound engineers and music producers.

It took a while as Isaac was unclear on what every single little thing did, not to mention they were using some advanced musically terminology. But thankfully the engineers were patient as they allowed Isaac to mess around with some of the sound equipment and some of the buttons. Eventually, Isaac was able to pick up on some of the basic stuff as he really got into this position. The engineers even allowed Isaac to mess with a single track as they allowed him to free range of creating something, so Isaac put the headphones and began messing around with the sound loop as he created a steady rhythm and eventually a beat that they all enjoyed.

It was a few days later and the group was putting the finishing touches on their songs. During that time, the girls each came up with an idea for the song and ran it by the engineers. At first they just let the girls into the booth and they sang their lyrics which were... interesting. Everybody in the music team and Isaac all did their best to try to get their point across on the lyrics the girls chose. So overall, the first edition of the songs fell completely flat. With that it was back to the drawing board as the girls tried to come up with better lyrics.

Isaac was just messing around with the control console as he was creating a sound loop when he was approached by Rainbow.

"Hey, Isaac."

"Yeah Rainbow," said Isaac as he took off the headset and placed them around his neck.

"Care to take a look?" she said as she handed Isaac her lyric sheet.

Isaac took a good look at the song and was reading the words while he tried to picture the beat to go along. "This could work. Not bad, now all we have to do is wait for the sound team to come back from break."

"That'll take too long, let's do it now." Rainbow then stepped into the recording booth as she put the headphones on.

"Hey. Rainbow get out of the booth. You know you can't be there when the sound team is out."

"So what, you've been observing closely from them the past couple of days. I'm pretty sure you can handle this."

"It's not that simple. I only know the basic shit. Other than that, I don't the advance stuff that the technicians know." stated Isaac.

"It'll be fine. Now then let's get this going." shouted Dash.

Isaac just let out a sigh as unplugged his headphones and began to do a basic sound check. He then started to think about a basic sound loop that they could mess around with. "Alright Rainbow, I got a sound loop that we could use. As the song goes on, I'll add some effects and beats, but nothing to fancy." Rainbow gave Isaac a thumbs up to show she understood what he said. "Alright, begin in 3... 2... and now." Isaac pushed a button and the soundtrack began to play as Rainbow looked at her lyric sheet and began.

Halfway through the song, the girls came back into the recording studio and saw Rainbow singing in the booth while Isaac was at the control console doing his job. Safe to say that they were impressed with what they heard from both of them, they even saw use his hands to signal Rainbow should do certain things like keeping in tempo and knowing when to shout and when to lower her voice. Once Rainbow ended her song, she looked at Isaac who stopped the track and gave her a thumbs up. Soon they heard some applause behind them as the girls were impressed with what their friends were able to come up with. Seems that was enough to get them excited as they all wanted to get in the booth and try their hand at their songs.

First up was Rarity who had gone with a classic song. But she decided to put her own twist on it. Everybody seemed to like what she was doing as she stepped into the booth and tried her hand at singing. It took a while, but eventually they were able to get the proper recording.

"Alright, Rarity. We've covered all the bases, now remember your cue. Don't strain yourself too much and keep in time with the music. Overall, just do your best." said Isaac.

"Will do, darling."

"Alright, everybody quiet. Starting in 3... 2... and..." Isaac then pushed the button as the soundtrack began to roll.

While everybody was listening to Rarity, Rara and her team came in as they listened to what the group was doing. Rara was impressed with what she saw as the girls now had their songs and were waiting their turn to step in the booth. She even saw how into Isaac was at the control console. Soon the song ended as Isaac saved the audio and gave her a thumbs up. Soon everybody got to work as they all recorded their songs and hopped into the booth.

"All set, Fluttershy." said Rainbow.

Fluttershy just nodded as she was still afraid. Thankfully her friends gave her supportive smiles as she began to take deep breaths and finally focused. With that the sound team began to create a sound loop for her to sing to as they counted down and then pushed play. Unlike the others, Fluttershy's song was the most tender and melodious out of the group.

"Next up, Applejack."

"You got it, Rara." stated Applejack as she grabbed her lyric sheet and stepped into the booth. She then put the headphones on as she waited for the signal. The engineers then created a different sound loop and then pushed played as Applejack began to sing her song with passion that it nearly brought a tear to everybody.

"Little sis, you're next."

"Yippee my turn. My turn." said Pinkie as she bounced up and down into the booth.

"Don't touch anything!" shouted Isaac. "Just put the headphones on and wait! We don't need to create a mess." shouted Isaac as he was worried that Pinkie was going to screw things up.

"Okey dokey lokey." smiled Pinkie.

Isaac then gave the sound team the signal to start. They saw how upbeat and chipper Pinkie Pie was so they created a sound loop that would reflect her personality. It seemed to work, as everybody enjoyed it. Thought based on some of the lyrics that Pinkie chose to write, it was something that Isaac wasn't going to forget anytime soon. And he prayed that when this album was finished, they wouldn't be singing Pinkie's version of the song.

"After that it's Twilight and her dog Spike." said Rara.

"Hey, a talking dog singing on a Christmas album is one way to attract attention." said Isaac as he was eating some Christmas cookies.

Twilight then grabbed Spike as she stepped into the booth. She then placed Spike on a stool as she put on her set of headphones. She then put a smaller set on Spike as she showed that they were ready to begin. The sound team then got to work as they recorded Twilight's song first before moving on to working with Spike. Isaac was very fascinating as he got to hear his girlfriend sing which warmed his heart.

After Twilight finished her song, Spike jumped up in her arms and began to lick her face. Soon she put him back on the stool as she gave him instructions to do his best when singing.

"Almost ready, Spike." stated Rara as she gave the signal to start recording.

"All good, Rara." informed Spike.

"Hope everybody is ready to hear what a singing/talking dog sounds like." said Rainbow as she watched from behind the glass with the others as they listened to Spike's vocals.

Safe to say that everybody was blown away by Spike's performance. Not to mention that the sound the team went with had a bit of a jazzing feel that got everybody snapping their fingers to add some more pizazz to Spike's song. During the song, Isaac incorporated some brass instruments sounds as they messed with the song and helped to give it an uplifting vibe. After the song ended, Twilight went back into the booth and picked up Spike as she gave him a hug and petted his head.

After that the crew got to work on putting together the final product as they played back the songs from earlier and started to see if they needed to do any retakes. Meanwhile they left Isaac to record one more song, but this time it was all the girls, Spike, and Rara. So they all got into the booth and put their headsets on as they waited for Isaac's cue. Spike sat on Twilight's lap as he had his own little headset as he wagged his tail in excitement. Once Isaac got the beat he wanted in his head, he then started to create the sound loop as he turned towards the girls.

"Hope you're all ready for the finale. Here we go! In three... Two... And.... now!" Isaac pushed play and the girls plus Spike took off as they sang in prefect harmony.

Isaac started to move his head up and down as he bopped to the song. He then looked at his friends as he saw how happy they all were. It brought a smile to his face; soon the song ended as Isaac stopped the track.

"Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Good job girls. You too, Spike." shouted Isaac as he gave them a nod of approval. "Alright Mic, cut, edit it and print it out and we're golden!"

The girls stepped out of the booth as they began to give each other high fives. The rest of the day was spent with putting together the album as Rara thanked the group for helping her. It was almost time to leave as the girls were in the break room discussing their Christmas shopping that they still had to do. Meanwhile in the recording studio, Rara along with a few of the composers were putting the finishing touches on the songs and playing it back for their boss to hear. Rara seemed pleased with what she heard.

"Well I think we can call this Christmas album a success." stated Isaac as he drank some hot chocolate.

"Indeed, once again I'm thankful for you all in helping me to get this done." smiled Rara. "Though I still can't help but wonder, maybe you could contribute a song?"

"Not gonna happen, Rara."




"No!!" shouted Isaac. "I told you I don't sing, not my thing. If you need somebody to duel, then I'm your guy. But singing, no way."

"Please? I'll pay you if that's what it takes." said Rara as she got on her knees.

"I don't want your money, Rara. No matter how much you offer me, no amount is gonna get me to sing." said Isaac as he stood his ground.

"Alright, but could you just step in the booth and sing a song, just for me." smiled Rara.

"Yeah, I'm not falling for that. I know what you're doing, you're gonna get have me step into the booth and when I'm not looking, you're tell your sound engineers to record it. And then you're gonna put it in the album. I know this trick, Rara." said Isaac as he stood his ground.

"I promise I won't do that." said Rara as she gave Isaac the puppy dog eyes.

Isaac took a long stare at Rara that he seemed to trust her. "You promise."

"Promise." Rara then extended her hand out for Isaac to shake, Isaac then did the same as he shook her hand. However, Rara had her other hand behind her back as she had her fingers crossed.

So Isaac finished his hot chocolate as he stood and stepped into the booth. He then put the headphones on as he awaited for the signal. While Isaac had the headphones on, Rara quietly told her crew to record Isaac as she wanted to put them in the album. Rara then gave Isaac a thumbs up to tell him they were ready; with that the music played as Isaac heard. He then looked at the lyric sheet in front of him as he did his best to follow the cue and stay in tempo with the song.

The song ended as Isaac took the headphones off and put them on the stand. He then looked at Rara who was talking with the sound crew about something. He just tapped the glass to get their attention and she just put on the biggest smile she could. Isaac just raised his eyebrow as he just shrugged his shoulders and exited the booth. The crew was able to input Isaac's recording into the main album as he sat back down before he suspected anything.

"Well, you happy now?" asked Isaac.

"Very." smiled Rara. "You know for someone your age, you've got an okay singing voice. With a bit of vocal training and little bit of polish, you could shine. I could help and make you a star, just like that." Rara snapped her fingers to show how much potential Isaac had.

"I thought we went over this. I'm not much of singer; I'll admit, I do sing when it's just me and I enjoy a song that I like. And as for my voice, well it's fine. But I just don't see myself as someone who can sing for living, not like you Rara. I have another passion that takes up most of my time." said Isaac.

"I know, you're very content with dueling. Based on your eyes, you have something the French call, je ne sais quoi." said Rara.

Isaac just stared at Rara with a confused look. "What the hell does that mean?"

"What I'm trying to say is that you've got something. Something that can't fully be described, but I know that you've got what it takes to get to the top of the dueling world. That is your dream, isn't it?"

Isaac took a deep breath as he thought about Rara's question. "To be honest, I don't know. I don't know what I want to do with my life after I graduate. People say I would fit right in if decided to go pro, but then again, is that really something that I want. Will it make me happy? All I know is that whatever I decide to do has to be so that my parents can rest with ease, knowing that I've made them proud and that their son is capable of taking of himself." Isaac was thinking about his childhood growing up and all the sacrifices that his parents had to endure to make sure that he stayed on the right course. Whatever his future was, he knew that his deck was the key to unlocking his potential.

"Well, I hope that you figure out what your future is. Now then let's leave. The producers will take care of the rest and all is left is for me and the girls to perform the songs." With that Rara grabbed her coat as she and Isaac joined the others in the break room as they all went home for the night.

The next few days everyone was getting prepared for the live performance. Rara's manager had managed to get the word out that the Countess would be dropping a Christmas album and they flew off the shelfs. In fact, the moment the stores put them on the shelf, in a blink they were gone. Everybody was hooked on Countess Coloratura was releasing a new album and in time for the holidays. They were even more surprised that she chose to record and produce songs with a bunch of high schoolers, but based on how much they liked the songs they didn't complain much. Soon it was the night of the performance as people piled into the music center building to hear the girls and Rara perform.

The wardrobe team was busying making sure that the girls all had some nice dresses so that they could perform. Even more so that they tried to get Isaac to change which shocked him at first. Isaac didn't pay much attention to the album, so when the girls told him about how Rara had actually put the song he sang into the soundtrack, he was less than pleased. Isaac confronted Rara and well she just played it off as if nothing bad had happened. So it seems that Isaac would indeed be singing the song as he was less than pleased. He still declined being put in an over the top outfit as he chose to remain in his signature look for his performance. The show went great as even more copies of the album were sold with all the profits going to a charity. Some of the fans even wanted the girls to sign their copies to which they obliged. Even Spike had a couple of requests from some pets as he used his paw print to sign their copies. Overall, the success of the Christmas album proved to be a smashing success as Christmas was just one day away.

Christmas Eve came and everybody was finishing the final touches of their presents. Everybody was looking forward to spending the holiday with their loved ones. Isaac and his family were putting up their Christmas decorations as they were setting up for when the girls would come over. Pinkie was the first one to arrive as she wanted to bake all her gifts before the others showed up. So with Isaac's help they were able to make all the delicious treats that she wanted and made a couple extra as they placed them on the table for all to enjoy. Pinkie snatched up all the boxes that she had and gently slid them all under a large decorated tree sitting snugly in the corner. The whole house was covered with bright, colorful tinsel lined along the walls. large bulbous ornaments hanging off of each one by the dozens. There was a large, lush wreath hanging on the door as well. To top it off, the star on the nearby tree was bright enough that there was no need for candles. Soon one by one the others arrived.

"Merry Christmas, Isaac." greeted Rarity.

"Merry Christmas, to you too, Rarity." nodded Isaac as he was putting up some final decorations. "Need something?" he asked.

Rarity shook her head. "Oh not at all," she began, smiling daintily, "I'm merely a tad excited. Christmas is such a beautiful time of the year, don't you think?" she asked.

Isaac blinked, but nodded, "Yes... it does possess a lovely sort of... aesthetic," he agreed hesitantly, "Though the color white can only be seen so many times before it gets annoying."

Rarity tittered, "Oh my, I certainly hope I'm not the one getting annoying," she jested, holding a hand to her cheek as she swayed dramatically.

"Hmm... we'll see."

Their banter was cut off as one of the girls by the door yelped, Rainbow Dash specifically, and she practically dived away.

"Jeez, Pinkie! You gotta warn somebody about that!" she snapped, glancing up at the ceiling above the door, before groaning. "Great, now I'm going be stuck thinking about it the whole time!" she grumbled.

Rarity giggled beside Isaac, but he didn't know what she was laughing at. He only caught a glimpse of what Rainbow was looking at before Pinkie took it down in a flash. It was brief but from what he could make out it was a small green plant that with a ribbon. He didn't think much of it as he put it out of his mind and gave a shrug.

"Oh my gosh! Everyone's here!" Pinkie squealed, "Now we can PAARRRTAYY!" she shouted, bolting over to the music player, causing a festive song to play. With that Pinkie began to bust out some unique dance moves as the other just watched while talking with one another. "Okay!" she shouted over the music, though it wasn't all that loud to begin with, "Since we're all here, it's time for us to have some real fun! C'mon everybody!" she shouted, producing a small box labeled 'Party Games' in pink marker, "Let's PARRTAY!" And thus, Pinkie dragged the lot of them into some of her games.

And so, for the next few hours, the eight of them were subjected to increasingly vibrant games, ranging from simple board games like Monopoly and Candy Land, to even more elaborate team based games, like Charades and Pictionary, where Sunset demonstrated her masterful skills when it came to drawing. Spike had gone off to play with Tigre as they enjoyed watching their owners and their friends having fun. Strangely enough, Isaac and Twilight were partnered up for every game they played that required partners. It was strange, since neither of them had attempted to cause such a thing. It was more confusing on Isaac since everytime he tried to switch up partners, all the girls said they already had one which left Twilight as the sole person. That alone was enough to make him think, and it didn't help that Rarity was constantly staring at the two of them while her eyes kept darting upwards.

Isaac followed to where she was looking, but there was nothing there. He looked down and saw her looking up again; Isaac then looked back at the ceiling and found nothing there. He thought that she must be playing a trick on him. What Isaac didn't notice is that Pinkie was purposely taking the thing Rarity was looking at off the ceiling whenever Isaac looked up as she wanted to tease her big brother. Isaac did managed to get a tiny glimpse of what he thought Rarity was seeing everytime he looked back at the ceiling. The only thing he saw was that it was just green. Eventually, the moon finally arrived in its favorite position in the sky, leaving only an hour till midnight. Thankfully, it seemed Pinkie was fully aware of this, and ended the games not too long after the realization had come along.

"Time for presents!" Pinkie announced loudly, "C'mon everyone! Gather around the tree!" she yelled. Her excited attitude was normal, but there was something about it that just seemed to shine brighter than normal, soon all of them migrated over to the pretty decorated evergreen, and sat in a half circle before it.

Before they opened their own, both Spike and Tigre all received some gifts of their own that ranged from new toys, to Christmas sweaters, to even lint rollers for Isaac and Twilight to clean up their pet's hair. Spike had managed to get a book from Twilight about the importance of dog hygiene as he just looked at her with a confused look. She merely told him that since he could now talk, then he should have no problem on learning how to take care of himself like Tigre. Tigre just let out a meow to which when translated meant she was laughing at Spike.

"Okay!" Pinkie announced and deflated, "How are we gonna do this?" she asked innocently, staring at the seven of them.

"Tch. Figures you'd plan out everything but this, Pinkie." Sunset said with a bit of snark while having a smile.

"How about we just hand out someone's gift ta everyone?" Applejack suggested.

"Or maybe have one person open every one of their gifts, before moving onto the next one?" came Rarity's suggestion.

"How 'bout we just open all of 'em?" Rainbow asked impatiently. She was ignored.

"I like Applejack's idea," Twilight said, "That way we can all see how everyone reacts to what we got them at once."

"O-oh! I'd like that!" Fluttershy stammered excitedly, "I-I get so worried during the wait..."

"Eh, why not?" was Isaac's response.

"Okay! Let's do that!" Pinkie cheered, already standing next to the plethora of colored boxes, "Who's gifts first?" she asked, looking at them, "Oooh! Me! Mine first!" she added immediately, producing seven bright pink colored gifts, and leaving no room for argument, as she quickly distributed them to her flabbergasted friends.

Immediately, Isaac could smell whatever it was that Pinkie had put in the box she all but shoved into his hand, hinting at its baking origin.

"Woah!" came Rainbow's stunned voice, producing a new helmet along with some shoulder and elbow pads for when she went skateboarding, "These are awesome!" she announced, fitting them on. "I've been looking for a new pair for weeks! Thanks Pinks!" she said, smiling brightly.

"No problem, Dashie!"

"Guess, I'm up," Applejack said, carefully ripping open the box, when her eyes widen slightly at what was inside, "Oh my goodness, Pinkie, how'd you...?" she asked, staring up at the party girl in surprise. Pinkie only smiled, and mimed locking her lips shut and tossing the key, before ushering her on to show the rest of them.

Hands shaking slightly, Applejack lifted a... picture frame? From the box. It was gold in color, and had a series of apple and vine themed designs along the border. Despite the simplicity, it seemed it was enough to drive the normally tough farm girl to tears.

"Pinkie, how did ya do this?" she asked once more, hiccupping slightly as she stared at her pink friend.

Unlike the previous reaction, Pinkie smiled softly, "You know that cranky old man who runs a blacksmith in town?" she asked.

There's a blacksmith in town? Isaac was shocked that those still existed.

"Well, I helped him throw a party for his niece, and I asked if he could fix that up for you!" she chirped.

Fix? Isaac's eyes darted back over to the simple picture frame. Yes.... he could see it. Some of the metal used in its making seemed a tad bit older than the rest of the metal, showing faint signs of aging, and even rust in one or two spots. Couple that with its design, and Isaac had a feeling that it was an old Apple Family treasure that had seen better days, and to think that Pinkie had it fixed? No wonder Applejack was tearing up. Family meant the world to that girl.

"Oh my, it's beautiful!" Rarity gushed, leaning a bit closer to look at it, "Such detail! My my, whoever made that must be quite the artisan!"

Applejack swallowed, and nodded at Rarity's words, "Yeah, mah Ma made it," she whispered, staring down at the frame in her hands, ignoring the gasps of the others around her, "She gave it ta me before she an' Pa passed away. A-always been good with 'er hands, she wanted ta make sure I always had somethin' ta 'member her by in case I ever left home."

Pinkie smiled brightly, but ushered the next one of them to open their gift.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy breathed, looking into her own carefully unwrapped box, before taking out a small stuffed bunny, "It's so cute!" she gushed, giving the small thing a big hug, "It's just like Angel," she cooed.

Rarity was up next, giving a small, lady-like laugh as she revealed a new sewing kit from within the pink present, "My, how thoughtful!" she said, nodding thankfully at Pinkie, "I must say, I've been meaning to stock up on new thimbles and needles for awhile now."

Twilight came right after, showing them a large book, titled 'Party Planning for the Party Impaired'. The flat look on her as she revealed the book to them roused a loud chorus of laughter from the group, one that she joined in moments later. Sunset opened her gift and saw that Pinkie had gotten her some new art supplies to which she smiled as she gave the pink girl a hug.

That left Isaac with his gift, which he opened to reveal-

"A... chocolate pie?" he asked incredulously, staring at Pinkie, "But-! How did you-?" His attempts at speaking ended in nothing but insane gibberish as he tried, and failed, to understand how she knew he got her a chocolate pie? There was just no way it was a coincidence that they each got each other the same thing! Pinkie only smiled and shrugged at him.

"Alright, my turn!" Rainbow said, zipping up to Pinkie, gesturing to her to take her previous place, before passing out her gifts, all wrapped in blue paper. Unlike Pinkie, none of her gifts sent any of them into tears, but that didn't mean she didn't get any reactions.

"What the hay is this?" Applejack asked, holding a small slip of paper, turning it over to peer at the back, "Good for One Chore Free Day? Dash, is this a dang coupon?" she asked, looking at the rainbow-haired girl incredulously.

Rainbow shrugged, "Yeah, I mean, you always complain that I just show up and just simply drink cider while napping, and how it messes up with your chores and stuff. So figured you know..." she trailed off.

Applejack stared at it for a moment longer and chuckled, "I'll hold ya to it," she warned with a smirk, before they were distracted by Pinkie's shout.

"Ohh! New pranking supplies?!" she cried, staring excitedly at the small box. "Whopping cushions, markers, paint-ooh! It even has confetti! I love confetti! Thanks Dashie!" she gushed, jumping forward to wrap her arms around Rainbow's neck, nearly sending them both to the ground.

"Gah! Pinkie, you're heavy!"

"Ha, ha. No I'm not." said Pinkie in a straight tone.

Tittering at the display in front of her, Rarity set about daintily opening her gift as well. Her eyes widen slightly, before narrowing in confusion, "Rainbow Dash, is this one of your little pranks?" she asked, staring at the chromatic girl with distrustful eyes, "I'll have you know that Opal is still coughing up smoke from your last prank," she added. Rainbow looked at her, pausing in her struggle to remove Pinkie, confused.

"What?" she asked, glancing at the box, before her eyes lit up, "Oh, nah. It's some type of cloud material from Cloudsdale that people are trying out. It's supposed to be a fabric or something for people's clothing, I dunno." she said, then paused before continuing, "There should also be a jar with white stuff in it too, and some kind of rainbow fabric. The guy who sold it to me said that you have to coat the needles and thread you wanna use in the stuff or else they won't like work or anything. He said he put some instructions in there too, so..." she trailed off.

Still staring at her, Rarity reached into the box and pulled out a cloud-like material. It was puffy and airy like most clouds and was also a slightly off-white color, "Oh my goodness..." Rarity breathed, "It's... surprisingly warm..." she muttered, as her eyes began to sparkle madly, "Oh my! The things I can do with this kind of material! Jackets, coats, scarves, mittens! Oooh! It's the perfect material for cold weather!" she squealed.

The rest of the gifts weren't as extravagant, with Fluttershy receiving a new winter hat, as her old one had apparently been shredded by some ornery cats, Twilight got a set of training weights, as well as a jab from Rainbow about needing to do it at home as well; Sunset was given several new video games. Which left Isaac receiving goggles?

"Goggles?" said Isaac as he looked at Rainbow with a confused look. "Look Dash, I know you have a thing for picking out stuff that's 'awesome', but what the hell am I gonna use goggles for?"

"I dunno. There's was a two for one sale, so I'd figured I'd give you the second pair; who knows, maybe you could use them to keep the light out of your eyes when you're in the spotlight." snickered Dash.

Isaac just rolled his eyes as he took another glance at the object. They weren't anything special, their color was gold with orange lenses. Still Isaac didn't see a practical use for having this, but he kept it regardless.

Fluttershy's gifts were well received as well, with every one of them receiving a small bag of treats for their respective pets, all hand-made by Fluttershy herself, with Pinkie receiving some gummy shaped alligator sweets due to her lacking a pet of her own. Applejack had given them all some form of apple-based product she'd made. Rainbow had received a bottle of cider, much to her delight. Fluttershy was given some fritters. Rarity had gotten a bottle of apple-based champagne, much to Isaac's surprise and slight disgust. Pinkie had gotten a set of cupcakes, which she had nearly begun to scarf down if it wasn't for the spread of food off to the side. Twilight received some apple jam that Applebloom had helped make, Sunset received a box of apple dumplings and Isaac, much to his amusement, had gotten yet another pie, only it was apple this time around.

Rarity's gifts had been about as extravagant as to be expected from a personality like hers. Each of them had received a brand new article of clothing. Fluttershy's consisted of a white and blue outfit that she had originally modeled for her once, with a few alterations to better compliment her. Rainbow had received a set of shoes, since the girl evidently didn't like her feet being touched by others, some kind of experience that happened while the two went the spa which just left Isaac confused. While Applejack had gotten a new hat, though Rarity had stressed it was for formal occasions, so she didn't get her normal hat all messed up. Pinkie's gift had been a bright blue cape with pink lining. According to Rarity, her inspiration for it had come from seeing her play around with the Cake twins, and she'd made this for just that. She had been crushed by one of Pinkie's hugs after that.

Sunset was given a given a new set of mittens as it had her sun insignia stitched on the front and back. She also had a flame pattern with her initials. Funnily enough, both Isaac and Twilight had received new scarves, though he had been a little embarrassed when he realized that his was a deep lavender the same shade as the stripe in her hair, while hers had been the same shade of brown as his eyes. Twilight distributed her gifts out to them next, and, to no one's surprise, they all turned out to be books of varying subjects.

Rarity's had been about old African fabric weavers and their methods of turning even tough, unyielding fabrics into soft clothing. Rainbow's had been about the history of the Wonderbolts an elite team of high skilled duelist to compete on the pro scene, while Applejack's was about various farming techniques. She'd been a tad offended at first, but after some explanation from Twilight about turning a more profitable harvest, she'd been appeased. Pinkie's was a new cookbook filled with desserts. The look on Pinkie's face had... unnerved Isaac, causing him to vow to himself to be very far away when she tried making anything in it. Fluttershy had received a book on rare supernatural creatures. Fluttershy had opened it right away, to a page that had been suspiciously dog-eared, and yelped at the sight of the, extraordinarily well drawn, image of a Wendigo. Sunset had gotten a book about different art styles, as well as it offered guide on how to make your artwork get noticed and become profitable.

Twilight's gift to Isaac was rather surprising; Isaac was expecting his girlfriend to get him a book. He thought she might have gotten him a book about Duel Monsters, or possibly a biography on one of the famous duelist of the past. But instead, she got a book on a different topic.

101 Ways to Mimic your Idol.

Isaac... couldn't tell if there was a joke in there somewhere or not.

Sunset was up next as her gifts were all similar and different at the same time. The thing she got all of them is that she had hand drawn and colored portraits of her friends with some of their signature monsters. Looking at them all, it seemed to be like one cool giant poster. Rarity was depicted as a fashion designer who wore a glorious outfit as she rode on her Rainbow Dragon along with her Crystal Beasts by her side as they took care of any crimes against fashion. Rainbow was centered around as a star athlete as she was on a field surrounded with her team of U.A. along with Clear Wing Synchro Dragon and U.A. Star Player as they watched their owner score the winning goal. Applejack's had her dressed in a cowgirl outfit as she was working on the farm with her family and she had her Predaplants helping her to make the farm thrive, they even shared some apple cider. Pinkie was dressed like a superhero as she had her beloved Toons and her newly acquired Madolche deck as they spread laughter and sweets to the hungry children of the world. Fluttershy was shown as a princess, as she was in a beautiful woodlands as she was surround by flowers and her adorable animals of her decks. Twilight was seen as a mage as she had a book in her right hand and magic coming out of her left as she was in a huge library. Alongside her were some Spellbooks that floated in the air; she also had her trusting spellcasters as they were smiling and reading the many books, especially her High Priestess of Prophecy who was next to Twilight also doing some magic. As for Isaac, he was dressed as a sort of ruler who oversaw a crowd of people who all looked to him for guidance. It also had him being engaged in battle as he had his two most trusted allies by his side with them being his Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl.

The group were all touched by Sunset's gifts that they let out a couple of tears. She then showed them her portrait of herself; she drew herself as having magical phoenix-like wings as she was in front of the sun. She then transformed as she appeared in a celestial form that she named Daydream Shimmer as she spread the magic of friendship across the land along with her Red-Eyes Black Dragon by her side. Now, it was time for Isaac to distribute his own gifts. He could only hope they turned out well. So with a heavy deep breath, Isaac gave his gifts to their respective person.

First up was Applejack, "Woowee!" Applejack cheered, holding out her new pair of work boots, carefully eyeing their simple, earthy design, "I've been savin' up fer some'a these for months now!" she announced, smiling at him, "How'd ya know?" she asked, already slipping them on.

Isaac just shrugged, "I didn't."

Chuckling at his response, Pinkie eagerly tore open her own gift, gasping happily as she revealed the chocolate confection, "Pie!" she cried, before giving it a strong sniff, "Ooh! Chocolate!"

"Extra chocolate," Isaac corrected her, amused.

"So that's why you seemed so confused earlier," Twilight noted, smiling softly, "You two ended up getting each other the same thing."

"Great minds think alike? Huh... you really are my big brother!" was Pinkie's response. None of them could tell if she was being serious.

"Oh my!" Fluttershy breathed, carefully taking out the cookbook he'd gotten her, opening it up immediately, "Goodness! There's so many recipes!" she gushed excitedly, her eyes darting around the pages as she eagerly flipped through them, "So many treats! There's one for otters, and monkeys, and toucans, and kitties, and flamingos, and-!"

Isaac chuckled softly at the shy girl's enthusiasm, but stopped paying attention as she continued to list animal after animal, until it got to the point where he stopped recognizing the species she was naming. "I'd figured since you have a dream of creating an animal sanctuary, you could use something to make sure that the creatures don't try to eat each other." chuckled Isaac sheepishly.

"Aw yeah!"

It seemed that Rainbow's gift went over well too.

"How'd you get this?!" she asked, staring at him with wide eyes, "These things've been sold out for months!" Isaac only shrugged,

"Let's say that I made a call to Mr. William and well he was able to have his team of engineers design a skateboard for you to have. Now not only can you show off your sick tricks, but you can do so while showing off your overinflated ego." Isaac smirking wickedly.

"Thanks dude, hey wait a minute? What do you mean my overinflated ego!?!" said Rainbow as she didn't take too kindly to Isaac's comment as the rest of the girls just snickered and laughed.

Sunset opened up her gift and she was stunned by what Isaac got her. Isaac had made Sunset a bracelet that had the word 'Friendship' spell out. The design consisted of leather due to how Isaac knew she liked to wear clothes of that material, but also that it had the same colors as her hair and some special features. One of them is that it glowed in the dark as it emitted a flame and Isaac was able to have tiny gems embedded in it that the reflection showed her journey from bully to a lovable girl as well as the symbol of her Red-Eyes B. Dragon as the logo.

"How... how is this possibly?" Sunset asked.

"Like I said, I called in a few favors." A very soft gasp caught Isaac's attention, causing him to turn in Rarity's direction, finding her staring, open-mouthed, at the simple, silver necklace, inlaid with a single diamond, he'd crafted for her.

"Oh my..." she breathed, staring at it with sparkling eyes, "It's... beautiful..." she muttered, turning to stare at him.

It was? That was... a relief, actually. It meant that the kit he'd bought had very good instructions. Better than he'd hoped, even. He shrugged once more in response, "Eh, it's nothing," he said, "I didn't go to much trouble to make it."

"Make it?!" Rarity shrieked, staring at him in surprise, "You made this?!" she asked. Isaac blinked, and nodded, albeit a tad hesitantly, "Yes? Just like I made Applejack's boots and Pinkie's chocolate pie," he said, pointing at the two gals in question, "Apart from me asking Mr. William to create Sunset's and Dash's gift, I did tell them the design of the thing and how I wanted it to look. You don't want to know how much time I spent on the internet researching all these different gifts and then trying to actually work on it to be presentable. Is that... bad?" he asked, a lump appearing in his throat.

"No!" was Rarity's rapid response, inadvertently calming the panicking boy, "I was just... surprised. It... it looks wonderful," she repeated, "I-I just couldn't believe you made something like this..." she muttered, before her eyes widened, "Oh goodness, it must've cost a fortune!" she gasped, "Oh nononono! This is too much!" she said, suddenly leaping at him, and tried to force the necklace into his hands, "You shouldn't spend so much just for a little gift you know!" she tried scolding him, though her voice was a bit stuffy, and he could see the faintest trace of tears in her eyes, "Even if it's a wonderful thing, it's just too much! I couldn't, in good conscience, accept something that cost you so much!"

"Wha-" he tried to argue, pushing her away, gently of course, "What are you talking about?" he asked, carefully taking a step back from the girl, "It's just a necklace!"

"It's a diamond necklace!" Rarity argued, "Diamonds are extraordinarily rare!"

"Hold one! You made a dress of diamonds a few months ago! Which you sold to Rara, remember?!" Isaac retorted,

"I had to use my entire supply of diamonds for that one dress!" Rarity said, almost desperately, "The only reason I had as many as I did was because some of my wealthier clients decided to pay with one!" she added, "Diamonds are extraordinarily expensive! Just one is enough to buy my entire stock of dresses! The amount of money on the check that Rara gave me nearly gave me a heart attack! It was enough to completely restock everything in my store ten times over!"

Isaac sighed, "I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of it anyways. It's a gift. Do you know how rude it is to just return a gift like that?" he teased, relaxing back onto the floor, "Besides, you've given away quite a few outfits to me and the others for free. You don't get to complain about giving someone something that costs a lot of money, Rarity. Just accept it, and move on," he added, his voice turning a tad threatening towards the end.

She looked like she wanted to argue, even looking at the others for assistance, only to find the other six nodding along with his words, a few even looking a bit smug. "Wha-but-I.... fine!" she said, trying to look miffed, but the smile that refused to leave her face kept any sort of malice from slipping through, "But don't think for a second that I'm letting this go, Isaac!" she warned, "I'll repay you, no matter what it takes!" she said.

Isaac then looked at Twilight who was talking with the others. He then got her attention as he pulled her to the side, "Listen Twilight, about your gift, well... do you mind if I give it to you when the girls are all asleep?" Twilight was suspicious about Isaac's intentions, but she just simply nodded.

So for the next hour, the girls all wanted to cap off the night with a couple of duels. Seems Isaac was able to convince Mr. William and Mr. Johnson to give him some extra card packs that he brought them into the middle of the floor as they all grabbed some and began to open them up as they explored the many new options for their decks. Soon it was nighttime as the girls were getting ready for bed as Isaac pulled out some extra mattresses. Once the girls were asleep, Twilight then got up as she was able to ease Spike out of her arms as she slipped out and put on her glasses. She made her way towards the bathroom only to stop at the stairs before heading to Isaac's room. She quietly knocked on his door as seconds later Isaac appeared with his hands behind his back. He asked Twilight to close her eyes as he prepared to give her his gift.

"Okay, open your eyes."

Twilight opened her eyes and saw the gift in front of her and she immediately gasped. Isaac was holding a necklace, similar to the one he gave Rarity. But this one was much more beautiful, it had a lavender chain as in the center was a gem that matched her symbol. There was also a couple of tiny gems that allowed it to shine in the light; the one thing that really caught her attention was her name was embedded on the gem as it read: Twilight Sparkle.

"Oh... my god." she said.

"I thought you might look good in it. I wanted to give you something to remember me by, just like you gave me my watch." Isaac was smiling as Twilight grabbed his hands, they were looking deep in each other's eyes. "May I?"

Twilight nodded as she turned her back towards him as she moved her hair as she exposed the back of her neck. Isaac then stepped forward as he prepared to put the necklace on her. He gave her a couple of kisses on her neck as Twilight let out a moan before Isaac put it on and hooked the back of it. She then looked at it as she touched it; Twilight was admiring the thing her boyfriend got her and it was the most stunning thing she ever saw.

"It's beautiful, I love it." Twilight was now having tears form in her eyes.

Isaac then brought his hand up as he wiped the tears from her eyes as he looked at her. "I felt like you deserve something that sparkles just as you do."

Isaac then noticed something on the ceiling as he saw a green plant with a ribbon wrapped around it with a couple of berries hanging from it. Twilight looked up as well as she began to blush, Isaac was then met with a kiss as Twilight jumped at him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Isaac leaned into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her with them closing their eyes. The passion and love between the two was strong as they broke apart for a few moments to look at each other before taking part in another kiss. About a minute or two had passed as they pulled away with both of them just smiling and holding each other, soon Twilight decided to head to sleep as she thanked Isaac for her gift and gave him one final peck as she retreated downstairs; Isaac wished her a good night as he entered his room and was smiling at how Twilight liked his gift.

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