• Published 11th Oct 2020
  • 4,575 Views, 856 Comments

Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 56: The Graduation Duel

The school term was coming to a close and many people were already making plans on what they would do once school let out. Many were looking forward to just not having to worry about school and just focus on making the most of their summer. Others were starting to look on to the next phase of their life. And none was truer than one person who was thinking about the next part of his journey. Shining Armor was currently lying on his bed with his arms behind his head as he thought about what had occurred earlier in the day.


Crystal Prep was going over the final scores of every student after all their tests had been processed. The one student who scored the most points who have the honor of having the final duel of the school year. Sombra was there on the stage as he too was seeing the points be tallied by their computer. Soon the results showed up as the positions from 6th to 2nd were the Shadowbolts, but the first position was awarded to Shining Armor who had scored the highest points out of all the students.

"Congrats, Shining Armor, you've done it again! You've gotten the highest scores in the school!" shouted Sombra as he was applauding him. Cadance was on the side of the stage as she too was congratulating her special someone. "And you know what that means! You win the honor of being the headliner in Crystal Prep's prestigious graduation match!"

"Why, thanks." said Shining Armor as he had a smile on his face.

"And as tradition dictates that you get to pick whoever you want as your opponent! So who will it be, Shining Armor?" asked Sombra.

Almost all the students around him started to nervously murmur among themselves as they either were feeling sorry for the person taking Shining Armor on, or were hoping that he wouldn't pick them. Shining Armor just had a serious face as he thought about his decision.

(End of Flashback)

Who will I duel? The only one worthy. Shining Armor then got up from his bed and grabbed his deck; he then looked out of his window as he was looking in the direction of a familiar place. He then opened the window to get a better look at the building; he had already made his choice the second he was picked to headline the event. It's time to give Isaac his rematch.

The next day was unexpected as there was a yelp that was a bit loud. Thankfully there was no one around since it was the end of the school day, but that didn't stop a certain someone from freaking out.

"Sorry... You... Uh... Just kinda scared me there, big bro." said Twilight as she was shocked to see her big brother at her school.

"So, what's up?" asked Isaac who was with Twilight when her brother suddenly appeared.

Shining Armor then stepped between them as he took a quick glance around them. "You know, ever since Twilight transferred here, I've not once set foot in Canterlot High to see how she's doing. It's nice that I've finally found a reason to come out here, other than to check up on my little sis." said Shining Armor with a smile on his face. He was starting to see why Twilight liked it more than Crystal Prep due to more friendly atmosphere.

"A reason?" asked Isaac as he was confused on Shining's comment. "What, like, to invite us out to lunch? Or to take us to one of your hot shot functions?"

"Hmm? To duel you." said Shining as he crossed his arms. Both Twilight and Isaac fell over at what they were hearing.

"Sorry, but I... Thought you said, 'duel'." Twilight was having a hard time believing in what her brother said.

"Yes, I did." Shining Armor then turned back to face both of them as they stood back up.

"Huh?" said Isaac.

"To duel you, Isaac. I've decided. I want you to join me in the grad match at Crystal Prep Academy." Shining said with a straight tone.

"Huh?" said both Twilight and Isaac.

"The grad match? That's the biggest duel of the year for Crystal Prep!" Twilight was starting to sweat hard thinking about it. "But wait, how can Isaac take part in it? According to the rules, only duelists/students at Crystal Prep can be eligible for selection to compete in the graduation match. So there's no way Isaac can be your opponent, since he doesn't go there."

"You're right, Twily. But seeing as how it was my decision to pick my opponent, I decided on wanting to face Isaac. I'll admit when I first mentioned it to Sombra, he was surprised that I would pick someone who wasn't a student at Crystal Prep. But once he saw how serious I was on my choice, he contacted Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna about my decision. They agreed on the matter and Sombra granted my request, and well I thought I come here to tell you myself and to surprise my little sister. I've been meaning to check in on how she's handling since enrolling in a new school." Shining Armor then placed his hand on Isaac's shoulder to give him a quick pat as he was about to leave.

Both Twilight and Isaac looked at Shining Armor as he was getting ready to depart. "Aw, Isaac..." said Twilight as she gave her friend a quick glance.

Shining Armor then opened the door, but before he stepped through he let out one last comment. "Oh, and I like your school by the way. It's a good fit for you kids. Huh." With that Shining Armor was gone as the door to the front entrance of the school closed behind him.

Twilight and Isaac were left standing there trying to process everything that had just happened. Eventually Isaac broke the silence.

"Wow, the grad match! Oh boy, this is so sweet!" shouted Isaac as he was already getting pump that he would take part in such a momentous occasion. "The last duel of the school year for Crystal Prep and I'm in it!"

"Yeah, the thick of it!" shouted Twilight as she got up in Isaac's face which caused him to move a couple of inches back. "Come on, Isaac, this is Shining Armor we're talking about here! My brother! He's the only duelist that you actually manage to tie with during his time at Crystal Prep. Other than that, he's basically undefeated and you're going to be dueling him in front of the entire school!" Twilight was really starting to get worried/concern about Isaac stepping in the ring with her BBBFF.


"Isaac! If you don't win this then you'll pale in comparison to him." Twilight was really trying to hammer in the idea into Isaac's brain.

Isaac then grabbed Twilight's shoulders as he pushed her a few feet to calm her down. "Well! Guess I'll have to win then!"

"But, Isaac! That's easier said than done!" Twilight then took a deep breath. "I mean, don't get me wrong, you're good-- but Shining is..."

"Shining is what, Twilight?" asked Isaac as he was concern with how she was acting.

"It's just that he's unbeaten. Look, Isaac... It's not that I don't believe in you. I... just don't want to see my best friend get hurt. Aw man, this is all just coming out wrong. What can I say? I want to cheer my brother on, but I also want to support you as well; I just can't choose whose side I should pick." Twilight now had her head down as she was hoping that Isaac was too displeased at her.

"How about... everything will be fine!" Isaac gave her a thumbs up to assure her that there wasn't any need to worry.

"Alright... I'll try." Still Twilight was slightly uncomfortable to be put in such a position.

Soon everybody at Canterlot High heard the news as they were really looking forward to the match. Celestia had even made preparations that a few of the students would be joining her as a small group of them would head to Crystal Prep to support their fellow peer. She still made arrangements for Luna to have a giant screening of the duel be broadcast for the ones back at school. Celestia wanted to make sure that everybody got to see this great match that was about to take place in less than a day. Sunset was even talking with the rest of the girls as they were some of the students selected to head to Crystal Prep to offer moral support for Isaac.

"It's true! From what I heard from Twilight, it's going to be Isaac and Shining Armor in the graduation match!" said Sunset.

"My word, darling! That has the makings of a fantastic duel!" said Rarity.

"I'll say," chimed in Dash. "Think of it a student from Crystal Prep taking on a student from Canterlot High in the final duel of the year. It should be good, even glorious!"

"You ain't kiddin' partner, still it will be interestin' to watch?"

"What do you mean, Applejack?" asked Fluttershy.

"See, with Isaac and Shining Armor it'll be cool, calm and collected versus fast and furious!" stated Applejack. "They're basically two polar opposites."

"I don't know about all that, when it comes to big bro." said Pinkie. "I mean we all know that Isaac definitely duels with more passion than Shining Armor."

"True, but sometimes that can hurt your game." said Sunset as she crossed her arms. "The only thing we can do is wait and see."

Twilight was in her bedroom as she was trying to wrap her head around what was happening. Never once did she think, she would find herself in this position. She had the choice of either being in her brother's corner or choosing to cheer on her best friend. It was a matter of either supporting the one person who looked out for her and made sure to protect her growing up; or supporting someone who saved her from some dark magic and was able to be the driving force in helping her get accustomed to her new situation of attending CHS. All of it was too much for her to handle.

"Ahh, I don't know what to do!" Twilight then slammed her fists on her desk and she flopped on her bed facefirst. She then looked at somethings on her nightstand. The first thing she grabbed was a picture of her and Shining when they were younger. More specifically, it was when they first got into Duel Monsters as they had taken a picture with their decks in their hands. Twilight then put the picture back and then looked at her deck; compared to how it was during the Friendship Games, it had underwent some changes. And those changes were a representation not only of Twilight's journey of being at CHS, but also it served as a reminder of her best friend. Isaac had taken it upon himself to help Twilight to improve her deck and even give her some private lessons on how Duel Monsters was more than just facts/numbers. Isaac was the reason why she had gained so many friends and how it lead him to become one of the most important figures in her life that she deeply cared about. She just didn't have it in her to pick favorites, not between the two most important people in her life that wasn't her parents. Eventually Twilight started to cry as she let out a few tears as she buried her head into her pillow.

There was a knock on the door and it opened up to reveal none other than Shining Armor. He saw that his little sister was in pain, so he decided to do his best to ease her pain. He then sat on Twilight's bed as he started to pat his sister's back.

"Twily? You okay?"

There was no response from Twilight as she choose to remain silent.

"I'm not going to pretend that I know what you're going through. I understand it must be hard to choose between your brother and someone who's done quite a lot to guide you back into the light after what happened at the Friendship Games. I get it, if I had to choose between two people I deeply cared about. I would have trouble just even thinking about it. But regardless, I would make the choice that I'm most contend with. It may not always be the best choice, but it's the right choice." Shining Armor then started to stroke Twilight's hair.

"In my match tomorrow with Isaac, I'm going to give it my all. I chose to face Isaac because I know he's the right person to take me to the next level. He's shown that he clearly has the desire to be the best, as do I. So it was only fated that we would both face each other, because while we both strive to become the greatest duelist we can, know that there can only be one. I learned somethings as your big brother. But the most important thing I've learned as a duelist is that if you want to be the best, you've got to beat the best. You've got to show that you can hang with the big boys; and tomorrow I give Isaac a chance to see if he has what it takes to survive on the big stage. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say; I'm not forcing you to make a decision, but I have to do what I need to do."

Twilight then sprung up and hugged her brother as she buried her head into his chest. Shining Armor just started to stroke his sister's hair as he let her relieve her emotions. They stayed like that for a few moments as Twilight got all she needed out of her system. Shining Armor then gave Twilight one of his goofy smiles as it cheered her up a bit and then gave her a kiss on the forehead. He then got up and was about to leave as he told her that he had to go somewhere. But before he left, Shining decided to give his sister one last piece of advice.

"Just remember, Twily. Friends are not blood, family is forever." With that Shining Armor left as he prepared to leave to his destination.

Twilight took a moment to register what her brother said. It took a while, but eventually what he said, was the final thing that Twilight needed as she made her choice on who she would support in tomorrow's duel.

Isaac was currently taking a night stroll as he wanted to clear his head. He was wrapped with so many thoughts about tomorrow's duel that he couldn't sleep. So he needed something to help take his mind of things. What a year it's been here at Canterlot High. And what a way to end it. One final match with the big man on campus. The top duelist in his school! The one student who manage to tie with me! The one student who stands between me and taking the next step on becoming the best! "No two ways about it, I gotta win!" Just then Isaac stopped in his track as he saw the person in front of him. Shining Armor was now standing a few feet in front of him as they both locked eyes and stared.

"What's up, Shining Armor?"

"What's up is it's time, it's time for our rematch. I'll see you at the duel arena."

The next morning came and everybody was ecstatic as the entire dueling arena of Crystal Prep was filled to the brim. Not a single seat was empty as every student wanted to get a glimpse of what was sure to be a red-hot match. Celestia and her small group of students arrived as they wanted to give Isaac as much support as he can. Sunset and the rest of the girls all met the Shadowbolts as they discussed on the potential winner of the duel.

"So, still think that your friend has a chance on taking down Shining Armor?" asked Indigo.

"Please, if anything Isaac is going to wipe the floor with your top duelist!" stated Dash as she did her best to back up her friend.

"I highly doubt that." stated Sugarcoat. "I'll admit Isaac and Shining Armor dueling it out in the last match is something that anybody would be asking for. However, according to my figures, Shining is the favorite to win."

"Well, partner. Some things you can't figure." replied Applejack.

"What I'm really worried about is how Twilight is handling this? I mean I can't imagine what must be going through her mind right now." interrupted Sunset. Soon both groups of girls all took their seats as they sat together to see the spectacle that was about to start.

Both Isaac and Shining Armor were in separate rooms as they mentally prepared themselves for what was about to happen. Isaac was busying going over some last minute additions to his deck as he did the best he could to prepare for Shining Armor.

"Well, I've done all I can to prepare myself. Now it's just a matter of getting on the duel field and seeing what happens. Shining Armor is one tough hombre, especially since he controls the Blue-Eyes White Dragon. But I have to believe that my deck will help me see this battle through. As long as I put my trust in my deck, then it will trust me. Here we go, it's showtime."

Shining Armor too was making the last minute preparations for his deck. He knew about Isaac's playstyle since their last encounter and from the many videos that Twilight had shown him. The one thing that he noticed about Isaac was that he was unpredictable and was very good at making some unexpected plays. The one thing that did remain the same was that Isaac always relied on his Dark Magician to get through tough situations. Thankfully, he had a way to deal with that as he was going to rely on his Blue-Eyes to deal with Isaac's monsters. Just then the door opened and in walked a person.

"I'll admit, I didn't expect to see you before my match."

"I thought I'd give you a little surprise before your big day." said Cadance. "How you holding up?"

"Honestly, I'm a bit scared. I've performed in high pressure duels, but this one seems different for a reason. Maybe it's because I found someone who can actually give me a decent challenge and possibly have a shot at beating me." said Shining Armor as he looked at his deck.

Cadance then put her hand on his shoulder. "Well, no matter what happens, you're always be considered the best in my eyes."

"Thanks, Cadance." he said. Just then the P.A. system went off to signal the start of the duel. Shining Armor then stood up as he grabbed his duel disk and slotted in his deck. "Well lets go, wouldn't want to keep everybody waiting." He then offered his arm to Cadance who wrapped her own between his and they walked to the duel arena arm in arm.

Shining Armor then stepped foot through the corridor as he took in the sight that lay before him. He could feel the energy, the electricity that flowed through the building as it was packed to the rafters. Everybody wanted to end the year with one final duel and he was going to give them that. Once they made it to the center of the arena, Shining broke away from Cadance as he got a microphone as he had something on his mind.

"Before we start, I just want to say how honored I've been to be a part of this school. During my time here, I've seen and faced a lot of duelist. Some who proved they've got what it takes, others who were just all talk. But today, my opponent is not just someone who says he's the best. He's the best because he's proven it time and time again; and there's nobody else who I rather share my final moments in this place than with Isaac." Everybody then started to clap as they liked what Shining Armor was saying. Shining then began to speak again. "However, there's another thing I want get off my chest." He then looked at Cadance. "Cadance, you have been the one person since our time here that has always had my back. Whenever I needed someone to talk to, or vent my personal problems to. You were always there for me, I couldn't be more proud than to have someone like you to stand by my side." The crowd then gave a quick applause to Dean Cadance. "Now I don't know if you remember, but I asked you a few years ago about our dreams. My dream was to graduate and become a pro duelist, while you felt your dream was to help students. Well you got to achieve your dreams when you became the Head Dean, while we were still students. And now here I am about to have my final duel in this building before I head off to the big leagues. However, there was also one other dream that we had together."

Shining Armor then grabbed Cadance's hand as he looked at her. "You gave me your answer then, and I'm going to need you to say it one more time." Shining Armor then did something that nobody saw coming. He got down on one knee and pulled out a box and opened it; inside was a beautiful diamond ring as it sparkled. "Cadance Mi Amore Cadenza, will you make me the happiest man alive, and will you marry me?"

Cadance was full of emotions and happiness that she didn't know what to say. She eventually mustered up her breath and let out a heartfelt, "Yes!". With that Shining Armor slid the ring on her finger and the lucky couple gave each other a lovely kiss, as the crowd around them started to clap and chant 'She said yes!' Eventually they broke away, as Cadance looked at the new ring her fiancé gave her.

"What took you so long?" said Cadance.

Shining Armor then gave a small smirk. "Guess I was waiting for the right moment." Cadance then gave him another peck on the lips. "Alright, now that we've gotten everything covered, lets kick off the final duel of the year!" The crowd then roared at the top of their lungs; Cadance then wished her man the best of luck as she got off the stage and joined Sombra and Celestia on the side as they congratulated her on her recent engagement. Now all that was left was to wait for Shining's opponent to arrive.

Isaac was currently walking to the duel arena. He had heard about Shining's proposal to Dean Cadance as he saw on the little monitor in his waiting room. He gave the happy couple his praises and wished them the best of luck. Isaac could see the corridor as the light at the end of the hall was coming into his field of vision. Before he stepped through he heard, a voice call out to him from behind.

"Isaac, wait up!"

Isaac turned around and saw that it was none other than Twilight who had managed to catch Isaac before he went out there. "Twilight?"

"I just wanted to say something to you. I..."

Isaac then interrupted her. "Look Twilight, I get it. It's hard to pick between me and your brother. But know that I would never make you choose; who you choose to support is none of my business. So I don't care if you want your brother to win, at the end of the day, we'll always be friends."

Twilight smiled as she understood what Isaac was trying to tell her. "I appreciate it, but that's not what I wanted to tell you." Twilight then kissed Isaac on the lips as she brought her hand up to his face. Isaac was confused as he wasn't expecting this. Soon Twilight broke apart and mentioned one last thing to Isaac. "Kick his ass!!!"

Isaac was smiling ear to ear as his morale boost shot straight through the roof. Seems that good luck kiss from Twilight had awoken something in Isaac as he was suddenly full of energy; his adrenaline was running rampage as he stepped out onto the duel arena and was starting to feed off the crowd. They were chanting his name and Isaac found himself shifting into high gear as he started to wave and play to the sea of students. His friends saw this and they were surprised by Isaac's burst of energy.

"Woah, what's got Isaac in such a good mood?" asked Rainbow as this was the happiest Isaac had been in quite a while.

Soon Twilight joined them as she took a seat next to Sunset and looked at her brother and best friend as they were about to engage in war. Twilight still had a bit of blush as she saw Isaac and how hyped up he was, due to what she just did a few moments ago. Shining Armor was now standing a few feet in front of his opponent. Both were waiting for the signal to start. Isaac then broke the silence.

"Alright, Shining Armor. I guess may the best duelist win." Isaac then extended his hand out. Shining Armor then did the same as he shook Isaac's hand and gave him a nod. They then took their positions as they activated their duel disk with Shining projecting a card tray of blue light, while Isaac projected a tray of gold light.

Sombra then stood up with a microphone in his hand. "And now, ladies and gentlemen! We commence with the grad match between Shining Armor and Isaac! If both duelist are ready then let the duel... begin!"

"Enough small talk." said Shining Armor.

"Yeah. No joke." shouted back Isaac.

"Let's do this! It's time to duel!" they both shouted.

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said the mechanical voice of their duel disk.

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Shining Armor's Life Points: 8000-

"So who makes the first move?" asked Isaac.

"You can choose." said Shining Armor as he was being generous in letting Isaac decide the order of things.

"In that case go right ahead, I'll go second."

"Really, second?" said Shining who was confused by Isaac's decision. Interesting choice.

Turn 1: Shining Armor

"Alright, Shining Armor! Time to throwdown!"

"Very well then, here goes!" Shining Armor then drew his card and looked through his hand. "I'll start this duel off with my Cards of Consonance spell card, this card lets me discard The White Stone of Ancients from my hand and draw two cards." Shining Armor then slotted his card to the graveyard and picked up two more. "Next, I'll activate Dragon Shrine, this card lets me send one Dragon-type monster from my deck to my graveyard. Then if that dragon is a normal monster, I get to send one more Dragon-type monster from my deck to my graveyard. First I'll send Luster Dragon #2 to my graveyard, then I'll send The White Stone of Legend to my graveyard. Now the effect of the White Stone of Legend activates and it's sent to the graveyard; I get to add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to my hand." Shining Armor then did the necessary things as his duel disk slotted out his ace monster.

"Impressive." said Isaac. "It's your first turn and you've already managed to add a Blue-Eyes White Dragon to your hand." Isaac was doing his best to show some praise for Shining Armor.

"Yes, well that's just the beginning, Isaac. If you're impressed by that you're going to be blown away by the next turn. Next I activate the spell card, Trade-In. I discard the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand and draw two more cards from my deck; now I summon Kaibaman(200/700)!"

"Kaibaman!?" said Isaac as he was in both shock and awe.

"Are you stunned by how handsome this monster is?" asked Shining Armor.

"Uhh.." was all Isaac could say before he was interrupted.

"Or maybe you're just left speechless by Kaibaman's awesome sense of style? Like yours truly." said Shining Armor as he shot a flirt glance at Cadance who just had a blush on her face.

"I don't think that's it." said Isaac as he was unimpressed by Shining's antics. To which he looked at Twilight who was laughing at how Isaac had just made fun of her brother's monster.

"Well get your last look in because he's not staying on the field for long. I tribute Kaibaman to summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand!" Shining Armor then played his ace beast as it descended on the field.

"Oh no! It's only the first turn and you already have a Blue-Eyes on the field!" said Isaac as he looked up at the great beast who gave him death growl/glare.

"That's right, Isaac. And if one Blue-Eyes White Dragon worries you, what chances do you have against two? I activate Silver's Cry! This card lets me special summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon back from the graveyard. Take flight, my second Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

"Two Blue-Eyes White Dragons!?" said Isaac as now he had to another problem to worry about.

"And I'm not finished yet, Isaac. I set one card facedown and then enter my end phase. In my end phase, the effect of the White Stone of Ancients activates, since I discarded it earlier in my turn. I can special summon my third Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my deck." Now Shining Armor had his trio of dragons as they all stared at Isaac as they remembered their last encounter.

Everybody watching was silent as they were impressed with how easily Shining Armor had managed to bring out his great beasts. Cadance was just smiling at her fiance with how much fun he was having. Twilight on the other hand was sweating heavily as even she couldn't find a way to deal with her brother's move. She kept having trouble finding a way for Isaac to survive; so when she looked back at Isaac, she started to clutch her heart as she prayed that her friend would be okay.

"All three Blue-Eyes White Dragons!?" said Isaac as he was starting to get a bit scared at staring in the face of such powerful beasts as they wanted to rip Isaac to shreds.

"Is this familiar to you, Isaac? The sight of my three Blue-Eyes White Dragons staring you down; it's been way too long, but now I have you right where I want you. It's your move."

Turn 2: Isaac

Isaac then took a deep breath and placed his hand on top of his deck. "I draw. First, I activate Pot of Greed. This card lets me draw two cards from my deck, I've drawn Watapon." Isaac picked up his cards and showed one of them for all to see. "I activate Watapon's effect to special summon it to the field, but it won't be staying there for long. I tribute Watapon to summon the Dark Magician Girl!"

Just like that it was Isaac's turn to play one of his ace magicians, as Dark Magician Girl descended onto the field as her arrival caused some noise to erupt. Particularly all the boys, Shining Armor even gave her a wave. Shining Armor made sure to look at Cadance to avoid any unnecessary looks; he knew that it was okay to look at the menu, so long as he ate at home. Shining Armor then cleared his throat as he began to say something.

"I feel bad for her, she's no match for my dragons." said Shining.

Isaac just had a smile on his face. "Then it's time to enlist some help. I activate Sage's Stone, since Dark Magician Girl is on my field, this card lets me special summon the Dark Magician from my deck." Isaac then played his star monster as it came out and shot a quick intimidating glance at Shining and his monsters. The tension was in the air as both magician and dragon were once again set to due battle.

"You think your Dark Magician will save you?" chuckled Shining Armor.

"Maybe not alone, but with Dark Magician Girl on my field alongside it, I have everything I need. I set a card facedown. Now I activate my spell card, Dark Burning Magic."

"Dark Burning Magic!" said Shining Armor as he was in fear.

"I can use this spell card only while Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl are on my field, but since they are, my Dark Burning Magic destroys all cards on your field."

"No way!"

"You're finished, my Dark Burning Magic will annihilate every single card on your field." With that Isaac's magicians then combined their staffs and created a huge ball of energy that took out Shining Armor's entire field.

"This can't be happening!" Shining Armor was in disbelief at what had just occurred. Twilight couldn't help but to let out a smile at how Isaac just got rid of her brother's field with ease.

"I'm disappointed, Shining Armor. You thoughtlessly filled your field with everything you could amass making yourself vulnerable to my Dark Burning Magic spell card and now you're left with nothing to defend your life points against the attack from my magicians." Isaac then thrusted his hand out. "Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, attack Shining Armor's life points directly! Double Dark Magic Attack!" Isaac's magicians then flew towards Shining Armor as they were ready to deliver a huge blow to his life points.

Shining Armor's expression then changed from angry to slyness. He then looked at Isaac with a smirk. "You didn't think I go down that easily, did you? I always have a back up plan, I will beat you, Isaac, and my comeback begins with this card. Goddess of Sweet Revenge!" Shining Armor's card then shined a bright light as it brought Isaac's magicians to a halt. "Since I have no other cards left on the field or in my hand, I discard Goddess of Sweet Revenge to destroy all cards on your field."

"Oh no!" shouted Isaac.

"Mmm. That's right, Isaac. Both of your magicians are destroyed along with your facedown card." Now it was Isaac's turn as his entire field was wiped out in a blinding light as there was nothing left after it died down. "Next my Goddess of Sweet Revenge lets me special summon any monster from my deck, I special summon Deep-Eyes White Dragon(0/0)! If I summon Deep-Eyes White Dragon, it gains the attack points of any dragon in my graveyard. Since my Blue-Eyes White Dragon is in my graveyard, my Deep Eyes has 3000 attack points. Revenge is so sweet, isn't it? Now your field is empty and I have the strongest monster once more." Deep Eyes then felt the power surge as it let out a bellowing roar causing nearly everybody to cover their ears.

"My field may be empty at the moment, but it won't be for long. When you used the effect of your Goddess of Sweet Revenge, you destroyed my Chaos Scepter Blast."

"So?" said Shining as he was worried.

"That means my Chaos Scepter Blast effect activates, if it's destroyed I get to special summon a Dark Magician of Chaos from my deck. Come forth, Dark Magician of Chaos!" Isaac had managed to gain a new monster as it arrived to protect Isaac's life points. "My Dark Magician of Chaos has 2800 attack points and an incredible effect, when it's summoned I get to add any spell card from my graveyard to my hand. I'll return Pot of Greed to my hand." Isaac then touched his duel disk screen and selected the card he wanted as it slid out for him to grab.

"Your Dark Magician of Chaos is still no match for my dragon." said Shining with a commanding tone.

"Next I'll activate Pot of Greed to draw two cards, I set one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 3: Shining Armor

"It's my turn, I draw." Shining Armor then looked at his card. "Perfect, I activate Card of Demise. Now I draw until I have 5 cards in my hand as long as I've discarded my hand in five turns, but there's no way this duel will last that long, Isaac. Ha, ha. I'll defeat you long before that happens."

"We'll see about that." replied Isaac.

"Next I activate the effect of The White Stone of Ancients, by banishing it from my graveyard, I get to add a Blue-Eyes White dragon from my graveyard to my hand. Now I reveal the Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my hand to special summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon. I can special summon Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon from my hand simply by revealing a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, plus my Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon has a special effect. Once per turn, I can control and destroy one monster, I activate my dragon's effect to destroy your Dark Magician of Chaos."

"Not so fast, Shining Armor. When you target a spellcaster on my field with a card effect, I get to special summon Palladium Oracle Mana from my hand. Come forth, Palladium Oracle Mana. As long as Palladium Oracle Mana is on my field, my level 7 or higher spellcasters can't be destroyed by card effects. That means my Dark Magician of Chaos is perfectly safe." Palladium Oracle Mana then opened her book and started to chant a spell as it surrounded Isaac's other magician and shielded it.

"For now, but I'm not finished. I summon the King of Dragons(1200/1100), next I activate the King of Dragons' effect. When it's normal summoned I can discard a spell or trap card and add one of three different spell cards to my hand. I'll discard a spell card to add Dragon Revival Rhapsody to my hand. Now I activate Dragon Revival Rhapsody, I can only use this card while I control a spellcaster-type monster, but as luck would have it the King of Dragons is a spellcaster. This card lets me special summon two dragons from my graveyard as long as at least one of them is a normal monster. I'll special summon two Blue-Eyes White Dragons back to the field." Just like that Shining Armor once again had his trusted beasts.

"Oh no." said Isaac.

"Hmm. Now it's time to battle, Deep-Eyes White Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Dark Magician of Chaos."

"I activate my trap card, Mirror Force. Your monster's attack is reflected right back at you. All of your monsters are now destroyed."

"Not so fast, Isaac. I guess you didn't see the card I discarded when I activated the King of Dragons' effect. The card I discarded was Return of the Dragon Lords and this spell card has a special effect that I can activate from the graveyard any time one or more of my dragons would be destroyed by battle or card effect, I can banish Return of the Dragon Lords from my graveyard to protect them. I'll use its effect to protect all of the dragons on my field." Now Shining Armor's monsters were spared except for his King of Dragons. "Since the King of Dragons isn't a dragon, it's destroyed by your Mirror Force but the rest of my monsters are safe. Now Deep-Eyes White Dragon continue your attack, luckily for you, you don't take any damage during the turn. I activate Dragon Revival Rhapsody, that means your life points are safe but I can't say the same for your magician. Your Dark Magician of Chaos is destroyed."

"When my Dark Magician of Chaos leaves the field, it's banished from the duel." said Isaac with a somber tone.

"Now Blue-Eyes White Dragon destroy Palladium Oracle Mana, White Lightning Attack!" Just like that Isaac was without any monsters. "Your Palladium Oracle Mana is destroyed."

Isaac had a little smile. "That means her effect activates, if she's destroyed by battle or by card effect, I get to special summon Dark Magician Girl from my hand, deck, or graveyard. Come forth, Dark Magician Girl."

"It makes no difference, my second Blue-Eyes White Dragon still hasn't attacked. White Lightning! Your Dark Magician Girl is destroyed, you have nothing left on your field. I set two cards facedown and end my turn. It's your move."

Turn 4: Isaac

"I draw." Isaac then looked at his cards. "First I activate Dark Magic Veil, by giving up 1000 life points, I can special summon a dark spellcaster from my hand or graveyard. Return to my field, Dark Magician. Next I activate my spell card, Bond Between Teacher and Student. Now that the teacher is on the field, his student will follow; since I control the Dark Magician, this card lets me special summon the Dark Magician Girl from my graveyard." Isaac was now reunited with his two magicians as they both gave him a cheerful smile before all three of them turned their attention back to Shining Armor and his army of dragons.
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

"Then I get to set a spell card from my deck and I choose Dark Burning Attack. But it's not staying facedown for long, since the Dark Magician Girl is on my field, I can activate it. My Dark Burning Attack destroys all monsters on your field, Shining Armor!"

"All of them!?" exclaimed Shining Armor.

"That's right!" Dark Magician Girl then pointed her wand high up in the sky as she casted her most powerful spell and got rid of all of Shining Armor's dragons. Both Isaac and Mahad were impressed with her that they all gave her a smile. Mana then gave Mahad a quick hug while she gave Isaac a kiss on his cheek. This time it was only Isaac who could see her movements. Isaac then returned his focus back to his opponent. "You have no monsters left on your field to defend."

"That maybe, but by destroying my Deep-Eyes White Dragon you activated its effect. When it's destroyed by a card effect all monsters on your field are destroyed." Shining had a huge grin on his face.

"Oh, no." shouted Isaac.

"Oh, yes. Bid farewell to your magicians." Shining Armor was pleased with himself.

"My Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl may be destroyed, but my turn is just beginning. I activate Card of Sanctity, now we each draw from our decks till we have six cards in our hands." Both Shining and Isaac drew their cards, as they had a fresh new hand to start with. "I've drawn Palladium Oracle Mahad, when I draw Mahad, I can special summon him to the field. Come forth, Mahad. Next I activate a ritual spell card, Chaos Form. By banishing the level 7 Dark Magician from my graveyard, I can now ritual summon an even more powerful spellcaster. I banish the Dark Magician from my graveyard to call forth my ritual monster, Magician of Chaos." Now Isaac had one of his newer monsters as it arrived on his field.

"Isaac really is trying some new tactics." said Sunset. "To think that he would banish his most loyal monster to try to gain the advantage, really is a risky move."

"Can you blame him, darling? He's in the ring with one of the most dominate duelist to ever appear in Crystal Prep."

"Rarity is right, dear." Sunny Flare was now putting her input. "Shining Armor is also pulling out some new moves. He's always know for being in control, but the way he's been playing is that he's trying to stop Isaac from pulling out some surprises."

"Still we've never seen Shining Armor act this way, from the moment he played his opening turn. He's doing stuff that makes me glad I'm not facing him." said Indigo Zap as she had a slight fear on her face.

"For once, I agree with you." stated Sugarcoat. "Good thing Isaac is the lucky person then."

"Next I activate Upstart Goblin, this card increases your life points by 1000 and lets me draw a card. But first, I'll chain the effect of my Magician of Chaos. Once per turn, if a spell or trap card or effect is activated while Magician of Chaos is on the field, I can target one card on the field and destroy it. Now Magician of Chaos, strike down Shining Armor's facedown card on the left."

"You've targeted my Ring of Destruction!" Shining Armor's trap then revealed itself as it started to wrap around Isaac's magician as it was set to denote. "I chain it to the effect of your Magician of Chaos and target your magician. My Ring of Destruction will destroy your magician and when it does, we'll both take damage equal to the attack points of your magician. That means we each lose 2500 life points."

"Don't be so sure about that, Shining Armor." said Isaac with a smug look. "I activate the effect of the Palladium Oracle Mana in my graveyard."

"Palladium Oracle Mana has an effect in the graveyard?" said Shining as he was surprised by that.

"Since you targeted a spellcaster on my field, I can special summon Palladium Oracle Mana from my graveyard. Return to my field!"

"Oh no!" Now it was Shining Armor who was concerned.

"Now that she's on my field, my level 7 or higher spellcasters can't be destroyed by card effects. That makes my Magician of Chaos immune to your Ring of Destruction; you know what the means, Shining Armor. Now my magician and my life points are perfectly safe. Now that that's taken care of, my Upstart Goblin can finally resolve. I'll increase your life points by 1000 to draw a card from my deck."
Shining Armor's Life Points: 9000-

"Now then, Mana, Mahad, and Magician of Chaos. Attack Shining Armor directly." Isaac then thrusted his arm out as his magicians were ready to strike.

Shining Armor then put his hands up as he pretended to be scared. Then he changed his demeanor as he was now having a huge smirk. "That would work if it weren't for my facedown card. That is I activate, Negate Attack!" Just like that, Isaac's assault was brought to a quick halt; Cadance couldn't help but have a smile as she enjoyed watching her man go to work. "Your attack is negated and your battle phase immediately ends."

"Well done, Shining Armor. " Said Isaac as he gritted his teeth.

"Thank you." said Shining as he took in Isaac's praise with a cocky smile.

"You've bought yourself another turn, but I still have three powerful magicians on my field and you're left with nothing. It's your move."

Turn 5: Shining Armor

"I draw." Shining then looked at his opponent. "Isaac, I maybe have nothing on my field, but thanks to your Card of Sanctity, my hand is full. First, I'll activate this spell card, Forbidden Chalice. This card lets me negate the effects of one monster on the field and increase its attack by 400. I'll target your Palladium Oracle Mana, I don't want it's pesky effect getting in the way with the rest of my turn. Next, I activate Dragon's Mirror; this spell card lets me fusion summon a dragon from my Extra Deck by banishing its fusion materials from my graveyard. I banish Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon and two Blue-Eyes White Dragons from my graveyard!"

"Oh no."

"Come forth, Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon(4500/3800)!" Shining Armor now played one of his top monsters as it let out a fierce cry that caused everybody in attendance to be struck with terror.

"Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon!?" Isaac was now getting flashbacks on how this type of creature was a problem and made him a bit scared.

"My Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon has 4500 attack points and 3800 defense points, just like my Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon. But unlike my ordinary Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon, this new and improved version is an effect monster. If I fusion summon it by using Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon as a fusion material, once per turn, my Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon can destroy 3 cards on your field." said Shining as he held up his fingers. "Since that's how I summoned it, I'll activate that effect. Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon destroy all three of Isaac's monsters." With a snap, it was over. Isaac had no magicians left.

Shining Armor then began to mock Isaac. "Now who's defenseless, Isaac? What? What? Tell me." said Shining as he put his hand over his ear waiting for Isaac to respond.

"My monsters may be gone, but their legacy will live on. I activate the effects of all 3 of my monsters. First, when my Palladium Oracle Mahad is destroyed, I get to special summon Dark Magician from my hand, deck, or graveyard."

"But you don't have a Dark Magician in your hand, deck, or graveyard. I've studied up on your deck and your strategies, Isaac. And I know that you only have one Dark Magician and you banished it with Chaos Form." Everybody else agreed with what Shining Armor was saying, well except Twilight who just laughed at how uninformed her brother was.

Isaac soon confirmed his belief. "Don't I? Look again, Shining Armor. While my Magician of Chaos is on my field or in my graveyard, its name becomes the Dark Magician. That means I can special summon it with Mahad's effect. Next, I'll use the effect of Palladium Oracle Mana, since she's destroyed, I get to special summon Dark Magician Girl from my hand, deck, or graveyard. Return Dark Magician Girl. Finally, I use the effect of my Magician of Chaos, since you've destroyed it by battle or by card effect after it was ritual summoned to the field. I get to special summon 1 Chaos or Black Luster Soldier ritual monster from my hand ignoring its summoning condition. Come forth, Magician of Black Chaos Max(2800/2600)!" Now Isaac had a couple more monsters as they appeared in defense mode. "My three magicians have been replaced by three more."

"For now, but they won't last on the field for long. I banish the King of Dragons and Deep-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard to special summon Chaos Emperor Dragon--Envoy of the End(3000/2500)! My Chaos Emperor dragon has 3000 attack points and I can special summon it simply by banishing a dark and light monster from my graveyard. Since the King of Dragons is a dark monster and Deep-Eyes White Dragon is a light monster, they're the perfect pair for summoning this powerful dragon. Next I activate this spell card, Dimension Fusion. By paying 2000 life points, this card lets us special summon to the field as many banish monsters as possible. Return to the field, Deep-Eyes White Dragon, Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon and two more Blue-Eyes White Dragons."
Shining Armor's Life Points: 7000-

Once Shining Armor filled his field with his army of monsters. Isaac was now staring in the face of six dragons as they all looked to tear him apart. The Wondercolts and Shadowbolts all started to feel sorry for Isaac having to be in such a position. Some of them wanted to shield their eyes to not witness what was about to happen. Then a thought occurred to Isaac.

"Impossible! You have six monsters on the field, you can only have up to five monsters on the field. Explain yourself, Shining Armor." demanded Isaac.

Shining Armor just let out a laugh at how misinformed Isaac was. "I guess you aren't familiar with the way they do things in the pro circuit, Isaac. Ordinarily, a duelist can only have 5 monsters on the field in their main monster zones. But now each duelist also has access to an 'extra monster' zone, specifically for monsters special summoned from the extra deck. As you can see, since my Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon was special summoned from the extra deck it's in the extra monster zone. That leaves room for five more dragons on the field for a total of six." said Shining as he held up his fingers once again.

"Incredible." said Isaac with disdain. "But I'm not out of this duel, yet Shining Armor. Thanks to your Dimension Fusion, I special summon my banished Dark Magician and Dark Magician of Chaos back to the field." Now Isaac had a field full of monsters as they were all placed in defense position. Pinkie even pulled out a camera and snapped a quick photo of her big bro with all his magicians. She wanted to show him the picture later.

"Now that our monsters are back on the field, their effects activate. I'll use my Deep-Eyes White Dragon's effect to copy the 2400 attack points of the luster dragon #2 in my graveyard."

"My Dark Magician of Chaos' effect also activates when it's summoned, allowing me to return a special card from my graveyard to my hand. I return Card of Sanctity." Isaac touched his screen and selected his card as it returned for him to grab.

"Now my monsters enter into battle. Deep-Eyes White Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Magician of Chaos! Chaos Emperor Dragon attack and destroy Magician of Black Chaos Max! Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon attack and destroy Dark Magician of Chaos! And Blue-Eyes White Dragons attack and destroy Isaac's Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl! Double White Lightning Attack!!" With that there was nothing left as Isaac's monsters left in a blanket of smoke. "Fortunately, for you, since my ultimate dragon used its effect this turn it can't attack. But I still have 6 monsters on my field and you have zero." said Shining Armor as he pointed to Isaac. "In a duel between the two of us, our fields look exactly the way I'd expect them to look, Isaac. I set two cards facedown and end my turn."

"What the hell does Isaac do now!?" asked Rainbow who just looked in awe at how her friend was in a tough bind.

"Maybe find a place to hide." suggested Fluttershy in a soft tone.

"Dude, Shining's been turning it up from the get-go." stated Lemon Zest.

"Like I said, facts don't lie." smile Sugarcoat as she pushed up her glasses.

"We have to believe that Isaac can turn this around, he's got plenty of life points. Right, Twilight?" suggested Sunset.

"Maybe, but if he doesn't find a way to get rid of Shining Armor's field, then I'm afraid this is the end for Isaac." Twilight was scared at how Isaac could survive this, she prayed that he would find someway to pull a miracle like he always does.

Turn 6: Isaac

"I draw. First, I'll set three cards facedown. Next I activate Card of Sanctity, once again we each draw until we have 6 cards in our hands and I'm not done drawing cards yet, Shining Armor. Now I activate Pot of Desires, I banish the top ten cards of my deck facedown to draw two cards." Isaac then took out a huge chuck of his deck and add two more cards to his hand.

"What the hell is that kid doing?" asked Indigo.

"Yeah, doesn't he know that he'll need every single card he can get just to beat Shining Armor. It wasn't even worth it to banish a large portion of his deck just to draw two measly cards." said Sour Sweet.

"Maybe, big bro has lost it." said Pinkie with a concern look.

"No, there's a reason why Isaac did that. But what?" Twilight was also trying to wrap her head around Isaac's move.

"I'll continue my turn by activating a new spell card, Ledger of Legerdemain. This card lets me banish the top three cards of my deck facedown then during my third standby phase after activating this card, I get to add three of those banished cards to my hand." Isaac once again got rid of more of his deck.

"Again?" Rarity was dumbfounded that Isaac got rid of more of his cards.

"Land sakes, guess the city slicker really is starting to crack." stated Applejack.

"What the hell are you thinking, Isaac?" questioned Sunset. Both groups just couldn't figure out Isaac's game plan.

Isaac had a small smile on his face. "I have you exactly where I want you, Shining. I activate my facedown card, Polymerization. I fuse together my Crystal Seer, Old Vindictive Magician, Apprentice Illusion Magician, Mystical Elf, and Droll & Lock Bird!"

"Five monsters!?" screamed Shining Armor as he couldn't believe it.

"I Fusion Summon, Quintet Magician!" Isaac now had a powerful monster as it could compete with Shining's ultimate beast. "My Quintet Magician can be fusioned summon by combining any five spellcasters and unfortunately for you, as soon as it strikes the field, its effect activates. Since it was summoned by combining the spellcasters with different names all cards on your field are destroyed. Quintet Magician, strike down all of Shining Armor's monsters and the cards in his back row!"

"Hang on! I activate my trap card, Gift of the Mystical Elf. This card increases my life points by 300 for each monster on both sides of the field; since there are 7 monsters on the field, I gain 2100 life points."
Shining Armor's Life Points: 9100-

Isaac was less than pleased. "You may have gotten a life point boost, but your monsters and remaining back row are still destroyed."

"Oh no!"

Isaac's magician then soared high into the air as it had a clear shot at Shining's dragons and pointed its staff at the field and launched a powerful spell. It caused some smoke to appear, but when it died down, there was still one monster left on Shining Armor's field. "What's this, your ultimate dragon is still on the field?" Isaac was confused on how it survived when it shouldn't have.

"That's right, Isaac. You may have destroyed the rest of my monsters, but my Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon has another effect. My ultimate dragon can't be targeted/destroyed by card effects; that means your Quintet Magician's effect is powerless against it."

"Even so your other five monsters are now gone." stated Isaac.

"Which reminds me, I activate the effect of my Deep-Eyes White Dragon, as you already know, since its destroyed so are all of the monsters on your field. Say goodbye to your Quintet Magician!"

"It's a bit too early for that, Shining Armor. I guess you aren't aware of my Quintet Magician's other effect."

"Other effect!?" Shining Armor was now getting annoyed at Isaac.

"Like your Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon, my Quintet Magician can't be destroyed by card effects, That means your Deep-Eyes White Dragon's effect is powerless against it. And like your ultimate dragon, my Quintet Magician has 4500 attack points which means our two monsters are evenly matched. But before they clash, I'm summoning Sangan(1000/600) to the field. Now Quintet Magician attack and destroy Shining's ultimate dragon!"

"Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon counter-attack!" shouted Shining Armor.

"You're dragon is destroyed!!/You're magician is destroyed!!" they both shouted.

Both monsters collided with each other and just like the first time it generated a mass aftereffect. Both monsters were defeated as a giant hurricane wind came over the entire field as it caused every single person to hold onto themselves to avoid flying away. Isaac and Shining Armor both held their ground as they shifted their weight and covered up to avoid being flown back.

"Not again!!" shouted Rainbow. Both the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts were hanging onto each other till the wind died down.

"Now Sangan attack Shining Armor, directly. I end my turn."
Shining Armor's Life Points: 8100-

Now there was silence as everybody took in what just happened. Back and forth this duel was going and neither player was letting up. Both had hit each other with their best shot and it still wasn't enough to keep them down. Isaac and Shining Armor were just staring at each other; neither wanted to lose, but each were having a tough time keeping the other down. They both expected a battle, but this was just turning into an all out war. Cadance just looked on as she was concern with how her fiancé was handling this battle; Twilight was in the same boat as she was starting to worry about Isaac's stamina.

Turn 7: Shining Armor

"I draw. First, I activate Pot of Greed." Shining then picked up his cards. "Next I'll activate Swing of Memories, this card lets me special summon a normal monster from my graveyard. Take flight, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!" Just like that, Blue-Eyes appeared once again. "Next I activate the effect of my Neo Kaiser Glider, by discarding it from my hand along with one other monster, I can special summon another normal monster from my graveyard. I discard my Neo Kaiser Glider and Kaiser Vorse Raider; return to me, Blue-Eyes White Dragon. Now my Neo Kaiser Glider's other effect activates and it's sent to the graveyard. All monsters you control lose 500 attack points until the end phase. Oh my turn isn't even close to being finished, Isaac. I activate Polymerization; I fuse the Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand with the two on my field. Come forth, Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon(4500/3800)! My new dragon has 4500 attack points, you're finished, Isaac. Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon attack Isaac's Sangan!"

"I activate my trap card, Magic Cylinder. This card negates your monster's attack and inflicts damage to your life points equal to your monster's attack points."

"You know, you're so predictable I knew you try something like that. That's why I was prepared, I activate Diffusion from my hand. This card splits my ultimate dragon back into 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons that were used to summon it; your Magic Cylinder is rendered powerless. Now I have 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons against your tiny Sangan. Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack and destroy Isaac's Sangan!"

"If you want to destroy my Sagan, you'll have to find him first. I activate Magical Hats." Now four hats appeared as they shuffled Sangan among them. "My Sangan is hiding under one of those four hats and before your dragons can get to my life points, you'll have to find my Sangan. Take you best shot, Shining Armor."

"Woah." said Dash. "Normally, Isaac does that move with his magicians, but this time he did with another monster."

"He had to sugarcube. Or else he would have lost this duel."

"Blue-Eyes White Dragon attack the rightmost hat."

"That's a miss." chuckled Isaac.

Shining Armor was getting angry. "Now my second Blue-Eyes, attack the middle hat."

"Hmm. Better luck next time." said Isaac with a smug as he gave a quick wink at Twilight which caused her to blush. Twilight was just enjoying herself, seeing her brother become frustrated.

"Fine. My third Blue-Eyes attack the hat on the left!" Shining Armor was now the angriest he'd been.

"You finally destroyed my Sangan, but unfortunately for you, that activates its effect. Now I can add any monster with 1500 or fewer attack points from my deck to my hand. I choose Kuribandit."

"You may have survived one more turn, Isaac. But there's no way you'll win this duel; I set one card facedown and a monster in defense mode."

Turn 8: Isaac

"I draw. I begin my turn by summoning Kuribandit(1000/700) to the field. Now I'll tribute it to activate its effect, Kuribandit's effect lets me reveal the top five cards of my deck. Any spell/trap cards revealed are added to my hand and any monsters revealed are sent to the graveyard." Isaac then looked at his screen and it project the cards for everyone to see. "I reveal Overdone Burial, Diffusion Wave-Motion, Magic Formula, Electromagnetic Turtle, and Clear Kuriboh. My Electromagnetic Turtle and Clear Kuriboh are sent to the graveyard, but the rest of the cards are added to my hand. Next, I discard Sorcerer of Dark Magic from my hand to activate Overdone Burial. I can activate this card by discarding a monster from my hand, then Overdone Burial special summons a monster from my graveyard with a level lower than that level of the discarded monster. The effect of the monster I special summon with Overdone Burial has its effect negated. Since I discarded my level 9 Sorcerer of Dark Magic to activate Overdone Burial, I can special summon my level 7 Magician of Chaos back to the field. Next, I equipped my Magician of Chaos with Magic Formula; this spell card gives my spellcaster 700 more attack points bringing it up to 3200. Making my Magician of Chaos the strongest monster on the field."

"You may have the strongest monster on the field, but my monsters still outnumber yours 4 to 1." said Shining Armor.

"But they won't for long, Shining Armor. I give up 1000 life points to activate Diffusion Wave-Motion; Diffusion Wave-Motion forces a level 7 or higher spellcaster on my field to attack all monsters you control plus the effects of any monsters destroyed by their attacks can't activated and are negated. Your four to one advantage is about to be eliminated, my Magician of Chaos will attack all your monsters."
Isaac's Life Points: 6000-
Shining Armor's Life Points: 7500-

"Your field of monsters is vanquished, Shining Armor."

Shining Armor then started to chuckle. It was so loud that everybody around started to wonder what was so funny. Isaac was surprised to see Shining Armor laughing that it caused him to be terrified. "Ha, ha, ha!"

"What's so funny?" asked Isaac.

"Oh listen, by destroying my Giant Germ, you fell right into my trap!"

"Impossible! Your Giant Germ's effect is negated thanks to the effect of my Diffusion Wave-Motion."

"I wasn't trying to use my Giant Germ's effect, Isaac. I just needed you to destroy it, so that I could activate this card. Crush Card Virus!" shouted Shining Armor.

Just then a virus then started to appear on Isaac's duel disk as it made its way into his deck. Isaac's duel disk then started to flash red as many of his cards were becoming infected; Isaac could see and feel the spirits of his monsters be hurt my Shining Armor's card. Then some of his cards then started to flash red. Isaac's eyes had become wide open. "What have you done, Shining Armor!?"

"I wasn't trying to infect your deck with a germ, Isaac. I wanted to infect it with a virus. The deadliest virus in all of Duel Monsters and it looks like I succeeded. When you destroy one of my dark monsters with 1000 or fewer attack points in battle, I can activate this trap card. And since my Giant Germ is a dark fiend with 1000 attack points, it fits the bill. As we speak my Crush Card Virus is infecting your hand, field, and deck. Now for the rest of this duel, any monster in your hand that has a draw with 1500 or more attack points is immediately destroyed; plus any monster on your field with 1500 or more is immediately destroyed and don't even think about special summoning any monsters with 1500 or more, Isaac. Because guess what they'll suffer the same fate as well."

"This can't be." said Isaac with sadness in his voice.

"You fell right into my trap, Isaac. Attacking my Giant Germ with your Magician of Chaos marks the beginning of the end for you and the first victim of my trap card is your Magician of Chaos. Since it's on the field right now and has way more than 1500 attack points, guess what. It's immediately destroyed." shouted Shining Armor with such happiness in his tone.

"My magician." Isaac was really starting to feel hopeless.

"Face it, Isaac. Without access to your best cards, you don't stand a chance. Not even the heart of the cards can save you now."

"Now that just plain rude by Shining Armor." screamed Applejack. "What kind of person does that to another duelist?"

"Yeah, forcing Isaac to watch his best cards be destroyed." Dash was starting to feel angry with how Shining Armor had tricked Isaac.

"What a meanie!" said Pinkie as she didn't like seeing her big bro be so helpless.

"Except that what he did was all legal." said Sunset. "He came up with a good plan and it worked in his favor, cause now he's in the lead and Isaac was just thrown for a loop. No matter what way you look at it, Isaac fell into a trap and now that may be what causes him to lose. Shining Armor did an expert play and showed Isaac just how much better he is." Sunset was showing a bit of respect for Shining Armor to pull off a move that really paid off.

Twilight just looked at Isaac with pity, she couldn't begin to understand what Isaac was going through right now. Not only did her brother outsmart her best friend; but now he was making Isaac watch his best monsters be destroyed in front of him and there was nothing he could do. She just clutched her heart and she let a few tears drop.

It doesn't look good, but I have to trust my deck and find a way to win. I can't give up. Isaac was trying his best to keep his hopes up. "When my Magician of Chaos was destroyed, so was my Magic Formula and when Magic Formula is sent from my field to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 7000-

"1000 life points will make no difference at all, Isaac. Not anymore, nothing will stop the Crush Card Virus from tearing apart your deck and nothing will stop me from winning this duel!" said Shining Armor.

"I end my turn."

Turn 9: Shining Armor

"I draw." Shining Armor then picked up his card as it was the only one in his hand. "How pitiful, you ended your turn without a single card on your field, but I guess that's the best you can do with my Crush Card Virus devastating your deck. I assure you, Isaac; my turn will be far more impressive. First, I activate Pot of Extravagance. I banish 6 random cards facedown from my Extra Deck to draw two cards, now for the rest of the turn, I can't draw cards from my deck. But that won't be a problem, I activate Chaos Form. This card didn't do you a lot of good, Isaac. But I'll make sure to make better use of it, I banish a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from my graveyard to ritual summon Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon(4000/0) from my hand."

"4000 attack points!?" said Isaac.

"That's right, Isaac. And it also has a couple of effects that you might want to hear about. First, my Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon can't be targeted/destroyed by your card effects; second, anytime it attacks a defense position monster it inflicts double piercing battle damage."


"It's over, Isaac. Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon attack Isaac directly." Shining Armor commanded his monster.

"It's not over yet, Shining Armor. I activate the effect of the Clear Kuriboh in my graveyard, by banishing it from my graveyard, I get to draw one card from my deck. If its monster, I can special summon it to the field." Isaac then put his hand on his card as he let out a breath. He had only one chance to save himself. "I draw. I've drawn Kuriboh, instead of special summoning it to field, I'll activate its effect. I discard it from my hand to take no battle damage from your Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon." Just like that Isaac had managed to dodge Shining Armor's attack.

"Classic Isaac, using that small guy to stay alive in this duel." said Sunset.

"Tell us, does Isaac ever not have that little fuzzball in his deck?" said Sour Sweet.

"Never!" all the girls replied in unison. It caused both groups to let out a laugh as they thought about how Isaac and Kuriboh were inseparable.

"Face it, Isaac. You're only delaying the inevitable defeat; you have no cards in your hand or on your field. Defeating my Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon will be impossible, maybe you could have defeated it if your monsters weren't infected with my Crush Card Virus. But with my Crush Card Virus in effect, you don't stand a chance. It's your move."

Turn 10: Isaac

He's right, I've considered every card combination remaining in my deck, there's no way for me to defeat his Blue-Eyes Chaos MAX Dragon. No, I can't think that way. I can't give up. "I draw. I activate Draw of Fate, if my life points are lower than yours and you control the strongest monster on the field, I can activate my Draw of Fate spell card. This card lets me select 3 cards from my deck and put them on the top of my deck in random order. Then I get to draw one of those cards and for the rest of the turn, I can't set any spell/trap cards and I can't activate more than one card or effect."

"Talk about a big gamble from Isaac." said Indigo Zap.

"Clever move, Isaac. By manipulating your next three draws, you can guarantee that you won't draw a monster susceptible to my Crush Card Virus. But if you think that will be enough to save you in this duel, oh man, you're delusional."

"I draw a card with my Draw of Fate." Isaac then looked at his card. "I end my turn."

Turn 11: Shining Armor

"Another turn wasted. It's my move." Shining Armor then drew his card. "Perfect, I activate Monster Reborn. This card lets me special summon a monster back from either graveyard. I choose my Blue-Eyes Alternative Ultimate Dragon." Now Shining Armor had two powerhouses on his field as they looked to finish off Isaac. "Remember my ultimate dragon, it has 4500 attack points, 3800 defense points, and it can't be targeted/destroyed by your card effects. Yeah, alongside my Chaos MAX Dragon, I'd say your odds of winning have just been cut in half. But what's half of zero anyway, Isaac? Now my dragons take flight and attack Isaac directly and end this duel!"

Now everybody was leaning forward as they were about to see Shining Armor be declared the winner. And there was nothing that Isaac could do... Or was there?

"This duel isn't over yet, Shining Armor. I activate the effect of my Electromagnetic Turtle, by banishing it from my graveyard, I can end the battle phase. It looks like I'll be getting another turn." said Isaac.

"If you insist. Go ahead and take another turn; draw your last pathetic card, Isaac."

Turn 12: Isaac

This is it. There's only one card that I can draw that will turn this duel around. But what if I don't draw it; I can't think like that. I have to believe that I can turn things around. It's like I always say put my trust in my deck and it will trust in me. Isaac closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. Heart of the cards, guide me. "I draw." Isaac then looked at his card. "Since three turns have passed, since I activated my Ledger of Legerdemain, I add these cards I banished with its effect to my hand. Now I have the perfect five cards I need to defeat you, Shining Armor. "

"You're bluffing!" said Shining Armor.

"Am I!? I activate this spell card, Burial from a Different Dimension. This card allows me to return three banished cards to their owners graveyard, I'll use it to return The White Stone of Ancients, Blue-Eyes White Dragon, and the King of Dragons to your graveyard. Next I activate Soul Release, this card lets me banish any five cards that I choose from any graveyards. I banish Giant Germ from your graveyard and banish Mystical Elf, Droll & Lock Bird, Kuriboh, and Old Vindictive Magician from my graveyard."

Everybody in the crowd hadn't the foggiest clue on what Isaac was doing. Even Shining Armor was confused on why Isaac had done what he did. "What are you planning?

"You're about to find out, I discard Dark Magic Twin Burst from my hand to activate Double Spell. By discarding a spell card from my hand, Double Spell lets me select a spell card in your graveyard and activate it on my side of the field. I choose your Dimension Fusion; I give up 2000 life points to force both of us to special summon as many banished monsters as possible."
Isaac's Life Points: 5000-

"Have you forgotten that any monster you summon with more than 1500 attack points will be immediately destroyed!?" shouted Shining Armor.

Isaac just had the biggest smug grin on his face. "I'm not planning to summon any monsters with more than 1500 attack points, Shining Armor. I special summon Clear Kuriboh, Electromagnetic Turtle, Mystical Elf, Droll & Lock Bird, and Kuriboh." Now Isaac's enter field was full of monsters as they appeared in defense position. "Since each of these monsters have fewer than 1500 attack points, they're all unaffected by your Crush Card Virus. And since your Giant Germ is banished from the duel, you must special summon it to your field."

Shining Armor's Giant Germ then reappeared. "Fine, I'll summon it in attack mode."

"Now I have you right where I want you." said Isaac as he had a huge smile.

"Impossible!?" Shining Armor was starting to get a bit worried based on Isaac's expression. "What's the last card in your hand!?"

"I tribute Clear Kuriboh, Electromagnetic Turtle, Mystical Elf, Droll & Lock Bird, and Kuriboh. I've told you once and I'll tell you again, Shining Armor. My deck has no pathetic cards, but it does contain the unstoppable Exodia! Come forth, Exodia the Legendary Defender(?/?)!"

The moment that Isaac said that, everybody lost their shit. All the students couldn't believe their minds as they witness Isaac's new monster come out. Sombra, Celestia, and even Cadance had the biggest jaw drops as they were in disbelief that Isaac had managed to obtain such a card. Both the Wondercolts and Shadowbolts didn't know what to say or think. Shining Armor was now the most scared as he started to sweat hard as Isaac's Exodia stared him down and even his dragons starting to let out small whimpers.

"Exodia!? How can this be!?" yelled Shining Armor who was in too much shock to comprehend the situation.

Isaac just gave him a smile as he explained. "Exodia the Legendary Defender is a new addition to my deck that I added for such an occasion. I can tribute summon it by tributing the monsters from my field and if I do, Exodia the Legendary Defender gains the attack points and defense points equal to the total attack points of the monsters tributed. I carefully selected the monsters to tribute so that their combined attack points total is higher than that of the stats of your Giant Germ, but lower than 1500. Since two of the monsters I tributed have zero attack points, two of them have 300 attack points, and the last one has 800 attack points. My Exodia the Legendary Defender has 1400 attack points, making it unaffected by your Crush Card Virus."

"That Exodia is nothing like the real thing. It's feeble stats just barely make it strong enough to defeat my Giant Germ; on my next turn, my two dragons will wipe out Exodia as well as whatever is left of your life points." commanded Shining Armor.

"There won't be a next turn, Shining Armor!" said Isaac as he was about to finish this duel. "Exodia the Legendary Defender also has a special effect, when it destroys a dark fiend in battle, I automatically win the duel and since your Giant Germ is a dark fiend."

"No way!!!!!" screamed Shining Armor as he brought his hands up to grab his head.

"Yes way!!!" Isaac then looked to his friends as they started to chant his name and cheer him on. Isaac looked at Twilight who was cheering the loudest as she was about to witness her best friend bring this duel to a close. With that Isaac gave her one of his signature thumbs up and smiles. "The very monster you relied on to infect my deck with the Crush Card Virus was also the weak link that has assured your defeat, Shining Armor. Now all I have to do to win this duel is attack your Giant Germ with Exodia the Legendary Defender."

"This can't be happening!?"

"Alright everybody reading this, if you know the line then say it with me. Exodia! Obliterate!!!" With that Isaac thrust his hand out and Exodia laid waste to Shining Armor's field as he put his hands up to try to defend him but it was for nothing. The attack flung him back as his life points dropped to zero.
Shining Armor's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

Silence. There was nothing but silence. All there was the heavy breathing that Isaac was doing as he was sweating his ass for pulling off such an upset victory. Then the crowd started to stand as they gave a hearty round of applause; Celestia, Sombra, and Cadance also stood on their feet as they showed their appreciation for being able to witness such a spectacle of a duel. They everybody started chanting at the top of their lungs 'This is awesome!'. Isaac took in the view as he slowly put his arm up after going through such a grueling fight; he then collapsed as he fell to his knees. Just then Isaac was tackled to the floor by Twilight who had jumped over the barricade and threw herself as she hugged Isaac tightly.

"You did it! You actually did it!" said Twilight. She couldn't believe that her best friend had actually managed to pull off a win from behind and actually beat her brother. Twilight was so happy that she didn't want to let go of Isaac. Which wasn't good for him.

"Look Twilight, I'm glad that you're happy for me. But can you please let me go? You've got a strong grip all of a sudden." Isaac was having a bit difficult time to breathe as Twilight wasn't letting him go, not to mention that they were in a bit of an awkward position seeing as how Twilight had caused them to fall on the floor with her on top of him. Isaac tried to get her off, he even asked the rest of the girls for help to which they just looked on while laughing.

Cadance had made her way to Shining Armor who had just sat up as she bent down to check on him. "You okay, honey?" she asked.

"Yeah, just thrown for a loop, but I think I'll be okay. I have you don't I." Shining Armor then grabbed his fiance's hand and kissed it which caused Cadance to giggle and blush a bit.

Cadance then stood up with Shining Armor as they looked at Isaac being held down to the ground by Twilight as she still wasn't letting go of him. Cadance then spoke. "Isaac really is someone special, huh. I can see that he's got some great things ahead of him."

"Yeah, he really is one of the best to ever grace this game. I could only imagine that he could potentially be the next King of Games." said Shining Armor as he agreed with his fiance on that statement.

"Speaking of which, do you think he'll make Twilight happy? I mean she doesn't seem to be letting go of him, anytime soon." Cadance said slyly as she saw the way both their eyes sparkled and saw the special connection they shared.

"Hey now, you may be all for it, but I'm still her big brother. Which means that I need to still watch out for her if she takes any interest in a boy." Shining Armor still was protective of his LSBFF, but he saw that Isaac was someone who wouldn't do anything to hurt her. With that they both made their towards the fallen couple.

Isaac and Twilight noticed that Shining Armor and Cadance were making their way towards them. Twilight noticed this and finally let go of Isaac as she did her best to ignore the blush on her face and to avoid her brother on getting the wrong idea. Isaac then stood up as he wasn't being held down and could finally catch his breath as he looked at the newly married couple in front of him. Shining Armor then stepped forward a bit as he stared Isaac down.

"Congrats, kid. You did it." Shining Armor then stuck his hand out. "You'll make a fine duelist and I hope that you continue to always keep smiling and keep making others happy with your style of dueling."

"Thanks Shining Armor; you were my toughest opponent I've definitely faced." Isaac then stuck his hand out as he shook his hand to signal the respect that both had gained from each other. "I wish you the best of luck with your career, and that you both have a happy life." said Isaac as he congratulated the happy couple on their engagement.

Shining Armor then pulled Isaac a bit closer so that only him and Cadance could hear what he said. "By the way, take care of my sister. You have my approval."

"Huh?" Isaac was confused at what Shining Armor had told him. He looked at Cadance for some clarification to which she just giggled as that confused Isaac even more. Eventually he let go of Isaac's hand as Shining Armor and Cadance then took a bow together as they waved to their fellow peers and gave one last kiss to each other as they were ready to move on to the next phase of their life.

Isaac then made his way back to Twilight's side as they watched the happy couple have their moment. Twilight was super happy that not only would her brother become a great duelist, but that she would gain a great sister in-law. Soon everybody started to give congrats to Shining Armor and Cadance's engagement, as Pinkie had managed to make them a quick 'Congrats on getting married' party in such a short amount of time. To the happy couple this was the start of their next step in their journey, but for Isaac and his friends they still had tons of things left to do.

(Author's Note)

Author's Note:

Wow... just wow. Talk about a duel that had everything. Emotion, passion, electricity, the back and forth action keeping you on the edge of your seat. Not to mention a callback to a famous scene. Honestly, this feels like it could be ranked as a five-starred duel, though I think that may be exaggerating it a bit. In a previous author's note, I mentioned about having the longest chapter I've written, well this is it. As it stands right now this chapter has the most words that I've written so far. I'll be honest, when I wrote this chapter about a month or so ago, it took me 9 hours to write and edit this. This is definitely one of my most favorite chapters to have written and not just because of the duel. This is one of the many reasons why I love this game; anyways hope you all enjoyed it as well as I know for sure it gave me goosebumps. Before I head out, I found a video online and thought I'd share it with y'all. That's it from me and I'll see you in the next chapter.

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