• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 186: Return to the Spirit World

Space that was what all it surrounded the person. For them, they had been drifting apart slowly in this ever lasting void inside of some sort of barrier/bubble. They had been drifting along casually without a care in the world as the had their eyes closed as all around them was nothing but darkness. Soon something happened as a small portal opened up as it filled the space with a bright light that the whole view went white.

Isaac was fast asleep as he laid on a surface of sorts. The boy then began to stir as he opened his eye to see the sun's rays blazing in his face as he put one hand in front of them to avoid going blind.

"Where... am I?" asked the boy in a drowsy voice as he blinked and then slowly sat up.

Isaac now sat up as he felt something as he looked down and saw his hands were in sand. He then looked ahead as he saw some waves as they gently crashed against the shore as they were a few feet from reaching him. Isaac also noticed that apart from the clothes he was wearing, he didn't see his backpack which contained his cards and duel disk.

"Guess, I'm in some sort of beach. But how did I get here? The last thing I remember is... is... me leaving CHS and then there was this... bright light." Isaac was trying to recall what happened as he wasn't sure where he was. "But why am... wherever I am? Is this a dream? And if it is, why I couldn't I dream myself in a fast-food joint or something." stated the boy.

"Wait, a minute, this can't be a dream. Cause to do that, I'd actually have to fall asleep. Hmm... unless, don't tell me... did I bit the dust!" shouted Isaac as he felt like that light had caused him to die.

"Ok. Calm down. So this is the great beyond, huh? Not what I'd expect, maybe if I take a look around." Isaac then stood up as he began to walk along the shoreline in hopes of maybe finding out something.

The trip was definitely a good idea as soon the beach was transforming into a forest of sorts as Isaac kept walking on. It wasn't dense by any means, but it did mean that he should still be careful to avoid running into any wild animals. As he was walking, Isaac was taking in the view as the forest was lush with greenery and full of color birds and flowers. He even some animals making some noises as it gave the boy a sense of home. As Isaac was getting lost in the quiet and tranquility of the forest, his mind slowly drifted to his duel with Starlight as he remembered him losing to the girl. Before he could even think about it anymore, he then heard something nearby. He then followed the noise as he hid behind some bushes and saw a meadow of sorts as there were several individuals.

In the meadow, it wasn't people per say, but rather... Duel Monsters. In the meadow were three Dancing Fairy as they were all holding each other as they were scared of who was standing above them. The monster who was causing them to be scared was the Duel Monster, Baron of the Fiend Sword as he cackled evilly at cornering the small things.

"Please, leave us alone." said one of the fairies as they were scared.

"Time to pay." said the Baron as he brought out his sword and looked to destroy the small things.

"Help!!!" shouted all three.

Baron of the Fiend Sword then brought his weapon down as he looked to take out the small things when something fast happened. The monster saw his weapon as he cut some of the flowers clean in half, but standing where his targets they were gone. He then looked to his side as he saw the small things as they were safe in somebody's arms. Isaac had reacted on his instincts as he rushed out of the bushes and quickly got him and the small things out of harms way as he rolled through the meadow as he protected the small things in his arms.

"You girls, okay?" asked Isaac as he looked at the small things.

"Thank you, sir." said the small fairies.

"What's your problem? Harming those who can't defend themselves!" shouted Isaac as he looked at the fiend in front of him.

"Well, now. It's been a while since one of your kind has last visited here. Which means, I've got some good business." said the evil monster as he looked to collect some more.

"Save us!" said the fairies as they buried their faces into Isaac's shirt and his hoodie.

"Don't worry, I won't let anything happen to you all." said Isaac as he tightly hugged the small things as he closed his eyes and prepared for the worst.

Soon a slash attack was heard as Isaac slowly opened up his eyes. He then saw from where the Baron once stood had now been a shower of particles as standing there was a different monster as it was a warrior who wielded a sword and shield. The small fairies in Isaac's arms all looked up from his shirt and hoodie as they saw the warrior and had smiles on their faces.

"You little ones alright?" asked the warrior.

"Yes, thank you Breaker!" said the small fairies. They all got out of Isaac's arms as they circled around the larger warrior as they smiled at him for helping him.

Isaac then smiled at he saw the little fairies be safe. Soon a sword was brought in front of him as he felt a bit scared as Breaker looked at the boy.

"Any last words?" said the warrior.

"No, don't hurt him!" said the small fairies as they got their friend to stop. "He saved us."

"Is this true?" asked Breaker while keeping his sword pointed at Isaac.

"Could you put the sword away first?!" asked Isaac as he didn't like have it so close to his face. Breaker then put the sword away from Isaac as he let out a sigh of relief as the small fairies floated in front of him.

"Thank you for saving us, sir." said the fairies.

"You're welcome."

"What's your name?" asked the small girls.

"My name... is Isaac."

"Thank you, Isaac." smiled the tiny things.

At that moment, Breaker dropped his sword as it caught the attention of the fairies and Isaac. He then approached the boy as he bent down.

"Pardon me, but did you say your name was, Isaac?" asked the warrior.


"It can't be... how..." was all Breaker could say as he looked at the boy. "If I may, would you please come with me?"

"Well, I don't have anywhere else to go. Nor do I know where the hell I am." replied Isaac as Breaker then bent down on his knee as he offered his hand to boy, Isaac accepted it as he was pulled up as he saw the monster was a bit taller than him.

Breaker then picked up his sword and put it in his hold as he began to lead Isaac. The small fairies all hovered to Isaac as they all entered inside his hoodie to feel safe as the third one decided to take shelter under his cap as the boy just smiled. They walked for a bit as soon they were walking up a hill on the meadow as soon they came over it and were standing on top of it.

"Woah!" said Isaac.

For the boy he was seeing a village of sorts as their were buildings and huts all along a pavilion. There was a giant center square in the plaza as they were tons of Duel Monsters interacting with one another as they talked, did business, etc... Along the end of the pavilion was a huge palace of sorts as it looked very Egyptian like. Breaker then began to walk down the meadow as Isaac followed behind the warrior.

I must get the boy to the palace and inform Master Mahad.

"This is amazing." said Isaac as they were in the center square as Isaac took all in.

While he was busying looking at all the cool sights, some of the Duel Monsters noticed the human as it caused them to gasp. Breaker all gave them a look as their only response was a nod as they knew to follow protocol. They then resumed back as if nothing happened as Isaac didn't notice this.

"Well, we need to leave." said the small fairies as they all exited out of Isaac's clothing and under his cap. "Thank you for saving us, Breaker. You two, Isaac."

"No problem." smiled the boy as the small things left.

"Now then, follow me, we're nearly there."

"Aw, but do we have too?" pouted Isaac. "I want to see this place."

"I understand, but I need to bring you to someone important." said Breaker.

"Fine." said Isaac with a groan.

Good to see your excitement is still the same, Master.

The pair now continued to follow the road as they came to some castle gates. Breaker then opened it as both went inside of the palace as the doors closed behind them. The inside was just as if not more amazing than the market. There were a few palm trees, a garden filled with luscious flowers, and even some more buildings inside of the castle gates as Isaac was taking it all in with wonder in his eyes. Soon they arrived at the main huge building as it was the palace itself as both of them entered the place.

"Nice digs." said Isaac as he took in the palace as it was covered in Egyptian decorations and had several doors that led to different places and to the other building.

"Please wait here Isaac. I'll be but a few minutes." said Breaker as he went to fetch his liege.

"Take your time." said Isaac as he began to explore the halls as he soon pushed opened a door as it was the main room of the entire palace. It was huge to say the least, as Isaac saw tons of canvas and hieroglyphics embedded into the walls and structure of the entire place.

"Kuri." said a sound.

"Huh? Hey, Kuriboh." said Isaac as he managed to bump into the small thing as he was hovering in front of the boy. Isaac just petted the small thing on his head as he liked it.

"That's it. Steady now. Remember, concentration is the key." said a man as he was instructing a class of small kid magicians as they were trying to move two tons worth of rocks. "Magic flows within you, you need to be able to bring it out."

"Pardon me, Master Mahad." said Breaker as he got his liege's attention and bent down on one knee to show his loyalty and the authority he had.

"Breaker, what does your visit bring?" asked Mahad.

"Well, sir. It's a rather urgent matter."

"Yes, all of them are. Very well, once I'm done teaching my class, I'll look into it." said Mahad as he snapped his fingers and made a scroll appear in front of his as he used his magic to scribble some stuff.

"It's actually really important, it involves... the master." said Breaker as that got Mahad's attention as his quill and paper dropped from his magical grip as they fell on the floor.

"What is it?" asked Mahad.

"Sweet throne room." said Isaac as he was in the room taking all of it in.

After departing from Breaker, Isaac wanted to explore the palace as he had Kuriboh behind him who followed the boy. He then entered a room and saw some steps as they lead to a chair or rather a throne on top of it. For some weird reason, it seemed to be calling out to Isaac. So the boy slowly made his way to the stairs as he looked at it for a second. He then began to climb the stairs as got to the top and examined it. Kuriboh just looked between the boy and then the throne he was looking at as he knew what it meant as he had a set of happy eyes.

"Must be important." said Isaac as he looked at the throne. Yet for some weird reason he was being drawn to it and the voice in his head was telling him to sit on it. Just as he was about to, Isaac heard a voice.


Isaac turned around and standing there at the small flight of stairs were Breaker and Mahad. Kuriboh let out a sound as he dropped onto the ground and hide behind Isaac's legs.

"Master, is that really you?"

"Hey, Mahad." said Isaac nonchalantly.

Mahad then climbed the stairs as he now stood in front of Isaac as he looked down on the boy. He then brought his hand to Isaac's forehead as Isaac was confused on what was happening. For Mahad he was channeling his magic to see the truth, once he did he removed his hand from his master's forehead and bent down at his level to look at him.

"Everything..." Isaac didn't get to finish his sentence as his magician wrapped his arms around the boy.

"It really is you, master." said Mahad as he hugged the boy as a small tear fell down his eye.

"Yeah, it's me. Why wouldn't I be?" asked Isaac as he looked towards Breaker for some hint but the warrior just stood still. He then looked down at Kuriboh who just gave the happy eyes.

"Master, what happened to you?" asked Mahad as he pulled back from his hug.

"Well, after my duel with Starlight. I couldn't see my cards nor could I communicate with you guys. So I was all set to leave to find some clarity when this white light appeared out of nowhere and next thing I know, I'm waking up on some kind of beach and saving some fairies from an evil spirit. Then I came here." said Isaac as he told his magician his tale with a straight face.

"You really are here." smiled Mahad as it had been a while since he last saw his young master.

"Speaking of, where is here?" asked Isaac.

"Master, you're... in the Spirit World."

"Spirit World?" asked Isaac.

"Mahad, I'll take my leave."

"Very well, Breaker. Thank you for protecting the master and bringing him here." said Mahad as Breaker bowed and turned to leave.

"Thanks for the assist, Breaker." called out Isaac.

"But of course, anything for you, Isaac." smiled the warrior as he was glad his master was safe and sound as he exited out of the room.

"So, Spirit World? You're not shitting me, right?" asked Isaac.

"It's true, master. You're in a place that has long existed since the time of humanity." said Mahad. "Our worlds used to live together, but as time passed, they became further and further, especially when evil spirits began to cause chaos, and eventually the worlds were spilt and since then been. Not to mention, it's been millennia since there was a human in the Spirit World."

"Wow, lucky me." chuckled Isaac as Mahad just smiled at his master as he still had his carefree side of his personality.

"So, Breaker is he?" asked Isaac.

"Yes, this place. This palace is the home of not just me, but of all our comrades."

"You mean?"

"All the comrades in your deck, live in this realm of the Spirit World. We call this our home, and when we are summoned to battle we appeared in a flash of light ready to fight in your honor." informed Mahad.

"That's cool, so wait? If all my monsters call this realm home, does that mean my friends each have their own realm with their monsters?" asked Isaac.

"Yes," answered Mahad.

"Wait till I tell the others when I get back home, or... if I can figure out how to get back?" said Isaac as he lifted his cap to scratch his head.

"Follow me, Master. I shall tell you whatever you want. And Kuriboh... good job on keeping an eye on the master" said Mahad as gave a smile to his small, furry comrade as Kuriboh just let out a happy sound. He began to lead Isaac and Kuriboh through the palace and the many halls as Isaac was like a little kid just taking in a whole new world.

The pair and small hairball were now walking down some flight of stairs as they were talking. Soon they heard a sound as some pots near them began to shake.

"Did you hear that?" asked Isaac.

"Stay behind me, master." said Mahad as he prepared to defend the boy. Even Kuriboh was a bit frighten as he hid behind Isaac's shoulders.

Soon something came out of the pot as it lunged at Isaac.

"Isaac." said Mana as she wrapped her arms and legs around the boy as he held her.

"Mana, what are you doing?" said Mahad as he yanked his student off of their master.

"What, I can't welcome Isaac for being here. You didn't tell me he arrived." said Mana as she looked at Mahad.

"He's only been here for one hour." said Mahad with a straight face and blunt tone.

"Hey, Mana." replied Isaac.

"I know we haven't spoke in a while, but it's good to see you're doing good, Isaac." smiled the female magician girl. "You haven't forgotten about me, have you?"

"Of course not." said Isaac.

"Mana, that's enough!" said Mahad with a stern tone. "The master isn't here under normal circumstances, and as you can see he's not going to be here forever. Do you not see he is here and does not have time...."

"And he does not have time to speak for himself?" said Mana with a smirk as her teacher. "Is that why you've been doing all the talking for him, Mahad?"

"That is not true." said Mahad as he coughed into his hand. "Besides, shouldn't you be in class right now? Your professors are saying that your magic lacking and you need to study more."

"And shouldn't you be teaching your own class?" responded Mana as the two now began to act like their normal selves as they argued back and forth while Isaac just stood there and watched his two magicians do their usual thing.

It's good to know that I have friends, even here. Isaac let out a smile as he was glad to be reunited with his magicians. He gave another pat on the head for Kuriboh who peaked out from behind his shoulders as Mana saw her comrade and gave the small thing her love and attention.

Sometime later, Mahad had to return to teaching his class, but he told Mana that he and her would need to pay a special visit to someone. As for Kuriboh, he had a duty to uphold as he had to carry out his job of delivering mail and news to other monster spirits and realms so he too said goodbye as he joined his fellow brothers in their line of work. During that time, Mana volunteered to show Isaac more of the palace as she promised she wouldn't cause too much trouble. Mahad just shook his head as he was regretted leaving his master with Mana as he feared the palace might burn down. Once Mahad left, Mana immediately grabbed Isaac by his arm and dragged him away. While she was walking side by side with her master, they saw several of Isaac's other monsters in the palace as they saw their young master and all bowed down in respect as they welcomed him being here. Isaac just smiled and let them go on about their business.

The pair was now in the garden section of the palace as Isaac was walking along a stone wall as Mana was skipping on top of the wall as she talked with her master.

"So tell me, is everything really going to change now that you're here" asked Mana.

"To be honest, I don't know." said Isaac. "I just... don't know what to do... ever since my lost to Starlight, it feels like I lost something. But I don't know what." Mana then jumped down from the small wall as she looked at her master.

"You must have a lot on your mind these days."

"Yes, I do."

"But you still time for me, right?" asked Mana.

"Of course, Mana. You're my friend, and I'll always make time for you, Mahad, and all my other monsters." replied Isaac.

"I guess... now that you're actually here in this world, I guess I really do need to address you as 'Master'."

"You don't have too, just because I'm actually here in your world, doesn't mean you can change how you address me. You can still call me by my name." smiled Isaac.

"Then I won't." smiled Mana as she leaped at the boy and gave him a hug as she wrapped her arms around his neck and nuzzled against his chest.

Isaac returned the gesture as he hugged his female magician as he stroked her hair and gave it a sniff as it smelled like vanilla. Mana then gave her master a kiss on his cheek as she went to hugging and cuddling the boy as Isaac just smiled. Soon Mana had to take care of somethings as she told him that she would be back, she did tell Isaac where to find the library of the palace as a way to keep him occupied to which Isaac agreed. So with one final kiss, Mana left as Isaac went into the direction of the library.

Isaac arrived at a set of twin door as he pushed it open and was welcomed to the sight of many books as they were all neatly stack in shelves and on the bookcases. A couple of ladder here and there to reach the higher ups and there was a second floor also. The boy then entered as he walked past the main desk as their was his Magician's Valkyria.

"Welcome to..."

She saw her master as she immediately bowed down to which Isaac told her she didn't have to do it as she rose up. She gave her young master a loving hug as she allowed him to explore whatever he wanted. Isaac made sure that he wouldn't mess things up to which she kissed his cheek as she smiled at her master.

So for a while, Isaac was checking out and looking at some books as he learned some cools facts and history about the Spirit World. While Isaac was sitting at a table reading, he overheard some chatter as it got his attention. He then walked for a few feet when he saw another table as there was his Mage Annette and Magician boy as the two kids look to be studying.

"Uh... Hmm..."

"What's the matter?" asked Mage Annette as she found her friend's noises to be distracting from all the studying she was trying to do.

"This question's got me stumped. Why did I even bother doing this, Annette?" said the boy magician with a groan as he didn't like math. "A ballista inside a castle is ready to fire at enemies outside. What angle should be used for the shot? Assume the ballista is the same as those in palace. Ignore the effects of wind." said the boy as he read the question. "This is for defensive strategy, isn't it? Why is it so complicated? Don't you just aim and fire?"

"That's not how it works." said Annette with a stern tone as she closed her book. "Let me see... Hmm... It may help to focus on maximizing target accuracy to reduce your miss rate."

"Well, I can't figure it out, my brain hurts." said the small boy as he flopped his head on the table. "I'm just stupid."

"No you're not! You're smart!" shouted Annette as she didn't mean to say that out loud as she blushed for two different reasons. "What, I mean is... This is important stuff. This math will be useful on the battlefield one day." said the girl as she began to play with her hair a bit while trying to avoid directly looking at her best friend.

"Face it, Annette. I'm useless, I'll never be good enough to help Isaac win. Maybe we should stop being friends."

"But I don't want to lose you as a friend, I want you." blushed Annette even more. "I mean, let's look at the problem again. And I'll help you."

"Fine." said the boy as he lifted his head up and allowed Annette to scoot closer to the small boy as she was doing her best to hide the redness of her face for being so close to her friend.

"To start, let's sort out the setup. Let's see...using these ballista specifications... If the ballista quarrels follow this trajectory, they'll hit the enemy lines, right?" said Annette as she quickly got rid of her blush and pointed at the textbook in front of them.

"Oh, that makes sense! Because the enemy line will be here!" replied the boy magician as he was starting to get a sense of the problem.

"That's it! OK, now try using that same technique and applying it to this other problem." suggested Annette as she pointed to another problem.

"If the walls are this high, and the enemy lines are at that distance—ah! I think I see!"

"I knew you'd get it."

"Wow. I didn't expect math, of all things, to be useful in a siege. This is tough. Numbers are not my strong suit. But this really is the sort of thing you have to know if you want to command troops." said the small boy.

"That's true. But not everyone is good with numbers. That's why we have tacticians do these calculations for us, or prepare them before we go to battle. A century ago, the Empire's mathematicians played a huge role in the Great War."

"I had no idea. Hey, you really know what you're doing, Annette!"

"You think so?" said the girl as she stroked her hair and some of the red returned to her face.

"Definitely! You've obviously done a lot of studying. I really admire that." smiled the boy magician.

"I suppose I have! Studying is a necessity if you want the advantage over your enemies. But necessity aside, it's nice to hear you say that." smiled the girl as she looked at her best friend who was touching shoulders with hers. "OK, now that you know the technique, go ahead and solve this problem."

"Ah—I've got it! Finally!" said the boy as he finished all of his work.

"See? Isn't it fun to learn?"

"Absolutely! You're great at this, you know. You really seem to have all the answers. I wish I could study and just soak up knowledge like you. I'm glad you helped me, Annette. Is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, I'm just happy to help," blushed the girl as she was thinking of something, "But.. if you don't mind..."

"What?" asked the boy.

"Uhm... maybe... I... we..."

"Hey you two!" said Isaac as he was leaning on a pillar as he had been watching the interaction with the kids.

"Isaac!!" shouted the kids as they got off the bench and raced over to see the teen boy as he got down on both knees and opened his arms and the two kids jumped into them as they each hug and nuzzled his shoulders.

"I missed you two little guys."

"We missed you too." said Annette as she gave a hug to her master's left side of his face. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I know. You're here to stop evil an bad guy trying to destroy our world, right? Baw, Pow, Blam!" said the boy as he did some cartoonish sounds and effects as he punched the air with his tiny fists.

"Ehh... something like that." said Isaac.

"I knew it." said the boy as he got excited for some action.

"If only he'd mature." replied Annette which Isaac heard.

"Hey, sorry for interrupting. I know you were about to... you know..." said Isaac.

"Master." pouted Mage Annette as he put the two kids back on the floor as he was still on his knees. "You know that I have this crush, but... if I tell him... he'll laugh at me. And I don't want to risk our friendship because of this crush."

"I get it, Annette. But you gotta tell him eventually, what happens when he starts to be interested in another girl? You'll be there support him, but you're also going to regret on telling him. I'm not saying tell him outright about your crush, but let him know you care for him deeply and on a personal level." said Isaac.

"I guess, but... he's going to be him. It's not like I can change who he is." said the girl magician.

"Hey, Annette. I want to study more with you, you make math sound fun." smiled the boy magician as he was back at their table ready to learn.

"Seems, you're already influencing him a bit." smiled Isaac.

"I guess." smiled Annette as she gave one last hug to her master as Isaac watched the two of his kids magicians interact.

"Hey, Annette? What were you talking about with Isaac?"

"Nothing important," smiled the girl as she placed her hand on top of her friend's as she snuck a quick kiss to his cheek as it caused the boy magician to be dumbfounded as he had birds swirling around his head. Annette just smiled as she began to enjoy her time with her best friend.

"Nice one, Annette." said Isaac as he got up from his knees. At that moment, Mahad now appeared beside his master as he had finished up his duties for today.

"Hope I'm not interrupting anything, master. But I'm afraid it's nighttime."

"So, where I am staying?" asked Isaac. Just as Mahad was about to answer, Mana appeared.

"This is one is mine." said the girl as she grabbed Isaac's arm and teleported the two away.

"Mana!!" shouted Mahad as he was not pleased she took their master away just so that she could have her fun. In the end, he knew that there was no changing the girl's mind so he decided at least for tonight, she could allow the master to be with her. Mahad then snapped his fingers as he teleported back to his own personal home.

Isaac was now inside of another small house as it appeared Mana had teleported the two of them to her own personal home.

"This is where you live, Mana." asked Isaac.

"More or less, most of our allies live at the palace since there's plenty of room. As for me and Mahad, we have our own little homes that we purchased long ago, but we also have our own room at the palace. After all, it's the home that we all live in based on your deck.

"So, where am I sleeping? You got a couch or whatever you use in old times?" stated the boy.

"None of that. You're sleeping with me."

"What, wait!!!" shouted Isaac as he didn't quite hear that. Soon he was in bed as Mana was hugging her master tightly as she pulled him into her chest.

"You're so cute, master."

"Mmmm-mmmmmm, mmm-mmmmm!" was all Isaac could say as his face was literally in Mana's chest as he felt a pair of round objects.

"Good night, Isaac." was all she said as she ignored her master's plea.

"Mmmm-mmmmmm, mmm-mmmmm!" was all Isaac said as he shrugged his shoulders and fell asleep in the arms of his female magician, but not before doing a quick thumbs up for the audience to get the message.

It was the next morning and after a "interesting" wakeup call, Isaac was now back at the palace with his two magicians as the pair were all set to make a little trip with their master. Isaac asked where to which his magicians kept it a secret. Mahad then opened a portal for them to step through as Mana grabbed Isaac's arm and nuzzled against it as they followed their comrade through the portal as it closed behind them. Soon they emerged out the other side of the portal as they found themselves in front of a castle.

"Woah." said Isaac as he took in the place. "Who lives here?"

"Lady Priestess." said Mahad.

"Lady Priestess? You mean, this is where Twilight's monsters live?" said Isaac.

"Correct." smiled Mana as she dragged her master by the arm as they followed Mahad to the gate.

"Halt, who goes there?" said the gatekeeper as it was Defender, the Magical Knight.

"At ease, Defender. It's me, Mahad and my student Mana."

Defender then looked at the pair as he saw them, but he also saw Mana had her arms around Isaac's right arm as it caused him to gasp as seeing the boy.

"What of the mortal?"

"He's our master." replied Mahad.

"I see. Lady Priestess is expecting you. Raise the gates!" shouted Defender, the Magical Knight.

"Thank you." bowed Mahad as he entered with the two following behind.

"Thanks, gatekeeper." said Isaac.

"I'm more than just a gatekeeper, you know." shouted Defender as he went back to his position.

"I told him the same thing." chuckled Mana as Isaac did the same.

"Now, Mana. Please be on your best behavior." said Mahad sternly.

"I'll try," groaned Mana as she didn't like be scolded, especially with Isaac being here.

The pair entered the castle as Isaac got to see first hand just how stunning the interior was. The walls were white as they were lined with red cloth and banners. They were tons of chandeliers that sparkled beautifully due to the jewels that hung from it. The main hall was filled with tons of doors as they led to different parts of the castle. Some of Twilight's monsters and magicians were out and about as they noticed their comrades entering but when they stepped a bit to the side, they let out a gasp as they saw a human but also the beloved of their mistress. While the trio was walking towards the throne room, Isaac felt something by his feet as it happened to be Twilight's Yellow Gadget as it seemed to be malfunctioning.

"Something wrong, buddy?" asked Isaac as he bent down on one knee and helped the gadget up as Red, Green, Gold, Silver, and Ancient Gear all rushed over and sat down their brother to figure out why he wasn't functioning properly. All the gadgets were starting to leak oil as they couldn't figure out what the problem was.

"Huh, maybe this." Isaac then reeled back his leg and as hard as he could, kick the small gadget monster like a soccer ball as it hit the wall as he got some gasps from around him.

"Did he just kick Lady Sparkle's monster?" muttered Justice of Prophecy.

"Lady Priestess is going to be upset." said Empress of Prophecy.

"Nevermind Lady Priestess, what about Mistress Sparkle?" said Amores of Prophecy.

Yellow Gadget now had gotten up as all his mechanical brothers were concerned when he spitted out some gears as it was covered in grease as soon he was back to function again. The others all let out mechanical noises which were cheers as it got all of Twilight's monsters to soften as the small gadgets shook Isaac's hand for helping to get their comrade get the thing stuck from inside of him. Isaac just smiled at the small devices as soon he and his two magicians entered the main throne room as all of Twilight's monsters entered the room as they stood before their great leader, sitting at the top of a staircase was High Priestess of Prophecy with her legs crossed as on her right was her advisor Hierophant of Prophecy and on her left, was Twilight's Dark Red Enchanter as he was recently promoted to be Priestess' personal bodyguard and second in command.

"Lady Priestess." said Mahad as he bow in respect as did Mana.

"Ahem, Isaac." said Mana as she gestured her head.

"Oh, right. Hey there." said Isaac as he waved to which Mahad and Mana facepalmed themselves.

"Show the proper respect, mortal!" shouted Dark Red Enchanter.

"At ease, no harm no foul. The boy was merely greeting me like a normal individual and not some royal decree. I like him, perhaps you could learn something Mahad." giggled High Priestess.

"Yes, well, Lady Priestess may I present to you my master."

"Master?!" said all of Twilight's monsters as they were shocked to see the boy was Mahad and Mana's master.

"Master Isaac." said High Priestess as he got up from her throne and began to walk down the stairs as she stopped in front of the boy as she was a few feet taller than the teen. "Let's have a look." High Priestess then snapped her fingers as a book appeared in her hands as she looked at it and then at Isaac "Yup, he is." said the female sorcerer as she closed the book without much excitement.

"That was fast." said Isaac.

"Everyone, this here is Master Isaac, and he is beloved of our Mistress Sparkle!" shouted out High Priestess.

"Mistress Sparkle. All hail, Twilight!" said the group as they all bowed down with their arms in front of them as they showed their respect as a magical image of Twilight appeared.

"Twilight." said Isaac as he saw the image flicker for a bit before it was gone.

"You seem to have the caught the eye of my Mistress. And I can see why." said High Priestess as she was looking into the boy's eyes as they were telling his whole story from his childhood to all of his adventures up to this point in his young life. "I'm pleased she chose to be with someone like you. Thank you, Isaac." bowed the sorceress.

"Hey, I didn't do much. To be honest, she caught my attention, she knows how to throw down for a girl. That I admire." said Isaac.

"Well, I'll admit, since Twilight was just a young girl, she did love to duel. She might have been more analytical at the time, but we still loved her nonetheless. And now she has someone who showed her that Duel Monsters isn't just facts and figures. That I can say with my upmost gratitude, thank you." said the female magician as she gave the boy a kiss on his forehead. "Now then, let's discuss."

With that High Priestess then lead the trio to one part of her castle as she opened it and inside was a room that matched the artwork of the Spellbook of the Heliosphere Library as there was a sun emblem in the middle of the room as some magical flows floated about. Isaac was amazed at what he was seeing as he saw the three magicians all stand in the center of the room as they all raised their arms up as they channeled their magical energies as they were asking the great library for some assistance. It heard their command as they produced a book that appeared in front of High Priestess. She then began to flip through it as she was hoping for an answer as to why Isaac was here. Since no mortal had been in this place for well over millenniums. Unfortunately, nothing in the book gave the group an answer. High Priestess then had one last trick as led the trio to another room as she chanted some words as the seal on the set of doors unlocked. With that all three of them entered the room as it was dark.

"Five, Six, Seven. Seven thousands lost souls all collected." said Reaper of Prophecy as he had his death scythe in his hand as his right side of his face was a skeleton and wore dark robes.

"Nothing like being the judger of fate." said Temperance of Prophecy as the cups she was holding filled with the souls of a person's fate.

"Destruction." said Prophecy Destroyed as he brought his sword out and was polishing it while he crushed a spellbook and infused it into its body.

"Make way, everyone. Lady Priestess arrives." said Wheel of Prophecy as he notified the whole keepers of dark magic as in came their leader who they showed an undying loyalty and devotion for.

"Lady Priestess." said the whole group as they bowed.

"Rise." said the female. "Now, have you all not been messing with souls? Reaper?" said the sorceress as she knew he liked to let his death side show from time to time.

"You offend me, Lady Priestess, I swear on my undying self that I haven't been taking souls for fun. Just a few." smiled the magician with a bit of an evil smirk.

"Well, we have some guests. Presenting Master Mahad, spirit of the Dark Magician, Apprentice Mana, spirit of the Dark Magician Girl, and their master, Master Isaac." said as she allowed the three to step forward as Isaac was behind his magicians.

"A human!" said all four dark magic users.

"Hmm. Strange. Death doesn't seem to have sent you here. You're very much alive in the RG, and yet your whole spirit and body is here. A world that has unobtainable by man since ours worlds first split." said Temperance as she used her cups to look and read Isaac's soul as she had it enter her mouth and out as she tasted his spirit.

"Hmm." said Reaper as he looked directly at the boy with his two-faced face as Isaac looked into his skeleton eye. "You escape death many times, ohh, would hell like your soul as good trophy." stated the magician as he was about to touch Isaac with his skeleton finger.

"Reaper!" shouted High Priestess.

"Fine. It's not his time, yet." said the adult as he floated away. "I can wait, boy."

"Duly noted." spoke Isaac as he knew now what death had in store for him when he reached the end of his life.

"So, what's the fleshing doing here, my lady?" asked Prophecy Destroyer as he towered over the boy as he let out a breath of disgust as Isaac coughed a little from the bad smell.

"That's what we're figuring out." said Mahad. "As you know, it's been a long time since a human last set foot in the Spirit World. But yet, my master is here and well and alive. Which means there's a reason as to why he's here, to what, I have no idea. But I do know that I wish to help my master get home."

"So as you can see, we have quite the dilemma on our hands." said High Priestess. "The library upstairs didn't have any info, perhaps the Library of the Crescent and its dark magic could provide some insight."

"We shall see, Lady Priestess. Everyone get in position." said Wheel of Prophecy as he lifted his weapon as all other three magicians lifted their personal items into the moon emblem as they chanted some dark words as this time dark energies gathered around them as ghosts and souls were gathering in the center of the room as the moon powered up as soon all of it became condensed as it produced a spellbook as High Priestess used her magic to grab it as she opened it up

High Priestess then finished reading the dark book as she closed it and looked at the trio. She just put her head down as it served as the sign of a dead end.

"So nothing?" said Isaac as he sat down on the floor as he clutched his necklace and looked at his hands. "I can't see my friends, my family? All of it, gone."

Mana then sat next to her master as she hugged him from the side and comforted Isaac.

"It'll be alright, Isaac." assured Mana as she tried to cheer up her master.

"I'm sorry. To you all." said Isaac as he looked at Twilight's monsters. "I promised to be their for Twilight and I can't do that anymore, hell I bailed on her, on my friends when they need me the most. I said that I would never betray my friends, but I didn't keep that promise, maybe Starlight was right."

Temperance of Prophecy then approached the boy as she bent down and grabbed the boy's chin with her hand. She then did something unthinkable as she took off the hood of her robe as it allowed everybody to see her true face. Isaac saw the face of the women as she had fair skin. Brown eyes and straight brown hair reaching down to the front of her shoulders, further behind her back and slightly curling at the tips. Her fringe covered her right eye. She also possessed a single ahoge that arced off the top of her head. She then placed her two fingers on Isaac's forehead as she grabbed some of his essence and place it in her cups as they overflowed with smoke, soon it produced a light as she looked inside of it as she smiled at what the cup revealed.

"Fate has foretold that you will return. You will see those who matter to you. And that you will find the answer to what've been searching for." smiled the female as it caused Isaac to smile a bit.

"Thanks, for that. It eases the pain a bit." smiled Isaac.

"Well, thank you for your help Lady Priestess, but we must take our leave, it's getting rather late." bowed Mahad as he took off his hat.

"My pleasure, Mahad." said High Priestess as Mahad took her hand and kiss it as he, Mana, and Isaac all left through the door to head back to their realm.

"Did you feel it, Lady Priestess?" asked Wheel of Prophecy.

"Yes, the bond Master Isaac has with his magicians, quite a powerful one indeed."

"The boy's soul had revealed a lot about his fate." said Reaper. "A soul like his is a powerful one that even death one day hungers for. But yet his soul has also survived even the most brutal of encounters, seems even death itself loves to flirt with the boy."

"Twilight really knows how to pick them." said High Priestess as she made an image of their mistress appear as all of the magicians in the castle looked at their lovely owner and bowed down in respect to show their love and loyalty for their young mistress.

The trio had arrived back at the palace as the moon was coming up. They did make some spots in the girl's realms as Isaac got to interact with each of their monsters.

"It's late, we should all get some rest." informed Mahad.

"Well, then. We'll be off."

"Not this time, Mana." said Mahad as he yanked his student off of their master. "You had your night with the master, tonight he'll be sleeping by himself in the master room of the palace."

"You're no fun," pouted Mana as her teacher was going overprotective of his rule in keeping their master safe.

"Follow me, master."

Isaac then followed Mahad as he began to lead the two of them to the master room in the palace. They arrived at the place as Isaac opened it and was shocked to see luxury accommodations. He even had his own balcony that overlooked the entire courtyard of the place almost like he was a king of sorts.

"Not bad for a temporary stay." said Isaac as he jumped on the bed and flopped down on how soft and comfy it was.

"Now then, Mana let's leave the master."

"Fine, see you in the morning, Isaac." waved Mana as she went to her room in the palace.

"One more thing." Mahad then snapped his fingers as he made a small bell appeared in Isaac's hand.

"What's this for?" asked the boy.

"Should you need anything, just simply ring the bell and someone will attend to you. Also, master. I didn't tell you this since we were busy, but the arrival of a mortal in the Spirit World is one that we've been waiting for a long time. So as you can see this is a big deal for everyone here. So to commemorate the occasion, they'll be a grand celebration tomorrow night."

"So, like a party?"

"In your terms, yes. Well, I'll take my leave now. Master, I'm... grateful that you're safe since your last duel, we've all been worried about you. But it warms our hearts to see you here. Now then, good night... Isaac." With that Mahad then closed the door to his master's room as he proceeded to head towards his.

"You know, I'm glad to be here." said Isaac. "I forgot what it was like to talk with my monsters, I missed this." Isaac then let out a yawn as he was tired as he laid back on the bed as he slowly drifted off for a good night sleep.

The morning sun rose up high in the sky as it served as a new day. Tons of Kuribohs and Winged Kuribohs were out in the village delivering the mail to the denizens of the town as they all greeted them with a small hello in their language. Eventually the rays of the morning star entered through Isaac's room as he felt them hit his face. The boy then slowly opened his eyes as he let out a yawn as he sat up and stretched his limbs.

"What time is it? Oh, right." Isaac remembered that his watch was frozen as he couldn't tell what time it actually was. Not to mention that time also probably worked different here than back at home.

Isaac then looked on the table next to him as there was the small bell that Mahad had given to him the night before. Isaac picked it up and looked at it as he remembered the words his magician told him.

"Well, let's see if it works." said Isaac as he lightly ringed the bell. Nothing happened for a second until...

"How may we serve you, master?" said some voices.

Isaac then look up as he saw where the voices came from.

"Oh, god." said Isaac.

Standing in front of him were his Apple, Lemon, and Chocolate Magician Girl. Which normally wouldn't be any issue since they were his monsters and loyal to him, but it had to do with what they were wearing. The fruits sisters were all standing in front of their master's bed in maid outfits to which they all smiled as Isaac just rolled his eyes.

"What can we do for you, master?" asked the girls in unison.

"Okay, first of all, why are you dressed like that?" asked Isaac.

"Don't boys like this?" asked Apple Magician Girl.

"Not all of them," responded Isaac. "Look just change back into your regular outfits."

"Whatever you say, Isaac." said Lemon Magician Girl as the three of them all were back in their usual attire.

"So, what can we do for you, Isaac?" asked Chocolate Magician Girl as she batted her eyelashes as her young master.

"Well first, mind telling me what time it is?"

"It's a quarter past 8." answered Apple Magician Girl.

"Huh. Alright then, you guys mind telling me where the bathroom is?" asked Isaac.

"Over there." pointed Lemon Magician Girl as a door magically appeared to where she was pointed as the boy got out of bed and began to make his way to the door to take freshen up when his hand stopped at the handle as he turned to look at the three teen girls.

"So... do I have to... with you three girls..." asked Isaac cautiously.

"Just because we're in a Egyptian palace doesn't mean we're not that uncivilized, Isaac." said Chocolate Magician Girl. "We've adopted things from your time, like a proper bathroom and privacy." With that all three magician girls left their master's room.

"Good to know." said Isaac as he was relieved to hear.

Isaac now spent the next ten minutes or so inside of the bathroom as he took his time to freshen up. Once he was done, he then realized something as it caused him to be embarrassed. He then rang the bell as he only opened the door a little bit so that his head could stick out sideways.

"Yes, Isaac?" said the three magician girls as they zoomed in front of the door.

"Uhm, girls. Where are my clothes?" asked the boy.

"We took them." said Apple.


"Cause they were a bit dirty." stated Lemon. "So we put them in the washer for you."

"That's nice, but now I have nothing to wear. What am I going to do?" asked the boy.

"We thought of that, here." said Chocolate as she gave a stack of clothing to her master. "These might not be your traditional garments, but they'll do the job."

Isaac just looked at them as he pulled his head back in and locked the door as he put on the new set of Egyptian attire given to him by his servants. Once he looked at himself in the mirror, he then opened the door as his magician girls took in their master's new look. The boy was now dressed in an Egyptian Kaftan or robe as normally it would cover up his entire arms, but the girls adjusted it to their master's liking as they had the entire arm sleeves cut so that when Isaac wore it, his entire arms were exposed. For his footwear, he replaced his running shoes with white flat shoes. Around his waist he wore a gold metal belt as well as he had other gold pieces along his body. A small piece of gold wrapped around his neck as he still had his necklace dangling, armbands in both of his arms that wrapped around his biceps, leg pieces that covered the area in between his kneecaps and ankles. A gold wristband on his right wrist as he still had his watch on his left, and lastly he wore a blue cape over his shoulders as it fluttered in the wind.

For Isaac's magician girls they saw their young master's look and vibe they were getting from the teen boy was that of a king or some might say pharaoh. Isaac looked over his new outfit as he wasn't too sold on the idea.

"You sure this is all you have? I mean, I can wait for my clothes to finish washing." said the boy.

"Don't be ridiculous, Isaac. You look great and handsome." said Chocolate Magician Girl as she leaned against her master's chest.

"Don't forget about us." said Apple and Lemon as they leaned on the boy's arms as they felt his muscles.

"Somethings never change." said Isaac as he rolled his eyes as his magician's fascination with him. He then started to exit the room as the trio of girls followed their master.

Mahad was already in the main room as he was going over some of the preparations for tonight's celebration. He then heard the door open as in walked Isaac as he was being dragged and pushed by the magician girls. For Mahad seeing Isaac in his temporary new outfit reminded him of a certain someone from long ago.

"Master, I hope everything is to your liking. Thank you girls, you're dismissed, I'll take it from here." stated the magician.

"Bye, Isaac!" said the girls as they let out a giggle and gave a goodbye kiss to their master's cheek.

"Yup, somethings stay the same no matter what world you're in." said Isaac as he rubbed his cheek.

"I hope you won't find your new garments too bothersome." asked Mahad.

"Well, not really my style, but if I was like a Egyptian king maybe. Anyways moving on, got anything to eat?"

"Of course," said Mahad as he snapped his fingers and made a table appeared as it was full of delicious breakfast foods and fruits.

Isaac's mouth watered at the sight of the delectable meal as a chair was magically pulled up for him as he sat down.

"Whatever you desire, master." said Mahad as he bowed his head.

"Well, I'm not going to finish all of this. Dig in." said Isaac.

"I beg your pardon, master."

"Come on, Mahad. Have some, share a meal with friends is one the best feelings in the world." said Isaac. "Sit down."

"As you command." said Mahad as he pulled up a chair and sat across from the boy.

"Hey, don't tell me you were going to eat without me!" shouted Mana as she arrived and sat next down to Isaac as she hugged and nuzzled him as she showed her usual affection for her young master as the three of them began to eat.

After breakfast, Mahad then had to go on patrol in the village. He was about to leave when Isaac wanted to tag along as he wanted to see the plaza. Based on Isaac's eyes were filled with excitement, Mahad knew it was pointless to say no, so he ordered that Breaker come with them in case they ran into trouble he would protect the boy. So they exited the palace as they made it to the village square. The monsters in the center plaza saw Mahad and his master as they all did a respectful bow for the boy as they made sure to not do anything less they risk suffering the boy's wrath. Eventually, each of the venders got the chance to get to know Isaac as he was the type of person who didn't see them as servants but rather friends and so they enjoyed the boy's visit. After patrol was done and Isaac had fun in the square market, they were now back at the palace as Mahad had to continue to plan the rest of the party while Isaac went to explore the castle.

Isaac now entered the part of the palace where all his monsters in his deck lived as each of them had a door with a name on it as he could assume it was their room. He approached one of the doors, as he opened it and immediately fell into a sea of water as he was now drifting against the waves. Soon he was picked up out of the water as he look to see who saved him.

"Ohh, it's the captain." said Isaac's Sorcerer Swordsman as he was surprised to see the young boy.

"Well, don't just stand there." said Mirage Magician as she used her magic to dry Isaac and his clothes. She then changed his attire to match that of a pirate's clothes.

"Thanks." said Isaac to his pendulum monsters.

"So, what brings you here on fine sea?" asked Sorcerer Swordsman as he sat down on one of the barrels and polished his sword.

"Well, besides the party happening tonight, I went to do a bit of exploring." said Isaac.

"Well, at least I have some decent company. Other than your skeleton crew who just stares at me." said Mirage Magician.

"Pretty lady." pointed all the undead crewman.

"Like I said, it's your fault for wearing clothes like that." chuckled the pirate.

"I'd stick with our master, he doesn't stare at a women even if she wears skimpy clothing." said Mirage Magician as she stayed behind the boy.

Soon they heard some noise as it got the crew to rush from side to side as they prepared themselves.

"What's going on?" asked Isaac.

"Trouble." smiled Sorcerer Swordsman as he knew what was happening.

Some fog rolled in as it started to appear in front of them. Soon another ship was seen coming from the fog as had a black flag with a skull on it as they had some weapons. Sorcerer Swordsman order his men to prep the cannons as Mirage Magician was given the task of protecting their master. She tried to get him to stay in the quarters, but Isaac refused and said he wasn't going to leave his friends behind. Plus, when was he going to get another chance to engage in some pirate action. The ship was then brought side to side with theirs as they looked at the one in charge of the ship as they showed their face to be the Duel Monster, Piwraithe the Ghost Pirate.

"Parley!" shouted the ghost pirate.

"Parley?" said Isaac.

"It's a bit of a pirates code. Anyone who invokes 'Parley' must not be harmed 'til negotiations are complete." said Sorcerer Swordsman.

"This is no time for rules." said Mirage Magician as she knew it was her duty to keep Isaac safe.

"True, but remember Mirage, we're honorable pirates and we should stick to the Code." replied the male sorcerer. "Mustn't strike a pirate abroad ship... when said pirate offers to confabulate."

"You mean, you follow the Code. I just tag along on you and your crazy sea adventures. And anyways, isn't the Code more guidelines than rules." said the female magician as her friend was walking towards the center of the ship as he looked at the ghost pirate and began to talk.

"All right, you. Out with it!" said Isaac's sorcerer.

The crew, along with Isaac and Mirage all watched the interaction as they couldn't hear what was be discussed. Soon he smiled as they shook hands as the ghost pirate was back on his ship as he started to turn it around.

"Make way, drop canvas!" shouted Sorcerer Swordsman as the crew got to work as they knew what it meant. "Set to sail!"

"So, what'd he say?" asked Isaac.

"Seems there's buried treasure over yonder on that island. So he challenged us to a game of sorts. The first to get there not only gets the chest, but anything they desire from the other."

"So what did you wager this time?" asked Mirage.

"The captain. He seemed to dead set on it."

"And you agreed!" said Mirage Magician as she did an animated slap to her friend. "This is our master, he commands us, he's not a bargaining chip."

"It's what he wanted, and the honorable pirate that I am, agreed to it."

"It's alright, Mirage. Let them have their wager, cause there's no way we're going to lose." said Isaac as he was for the idea of a pirate ship race as he raced over to the wheel.

"Majority rules, Mirage. Now then, everyone make haste. Captain Isaac will be the one steer us on the right course." instructed Sorcerer Swordsman as the crew nodded and put their faith in the captain.

"Be careful Isaac." said Mirage Magician as she gave a kiss to her master as she prepared to fight the ghost pirate should the worst happen.

"Now then, full speed ahead!" shouted Sorcerer Swordsman as he pointed with his silver sword as the race was on.

Isaac's crew was way in the lead as he managed to use some strategies he learned from a video game as he hoped it would give them the edge to which it actually worked. They were about to reach the island when the enemy decided to forsake the contest and started to blast their ship in hopes of sinking them. Isaac managed to dodge the shots as the boat was rocking back and forth trying to avoid getting hit.

"Stop bowling holes in my ship!" shouted Isaac.

"Well, they seem to have forgotten the contest." said Mirage Magician.

"Then you know what that means, Mirage." smiled Sorcerer Swordsman. "They're closing in! Come about! Make ready to return fire!"

"Aye, aye!" said Isaac as he nodded his head as the undead crew prep the cannons as Isaac did a hard spin of the wheel to the starboard side as the ship turned right as their cannons were now directly aimed at the enemy ship. "BOOM." was all Isaac said as the cannons were fired.

Isaac now exited out of the door as he was back in his Egyptian outfit as he had a good time with his Mirage Magician and Sorcerer Swordsman on the seven seas. He then passed another room as it belonged to his Black Art Trickster as he now found himself in a Las Pegasus show theater as he was sitting front row as he was the only person. On stage was a huge box as it had a question mark on it. Soon smoke came off as it opened and there was the female performer as a spotlight was shined on her as she gave a wink to her cute master.

"I was wondering when you gonna visit me." said Black Art's Trickster as she sat on the stage swinging her legs while looking at the boy.

"Well, I'm just seeing what you guys are like other than when I summon you." said Isaac.

"Oh my, I love having you as my master. So young, so cute, and yet so determined. So, care to have fun with me, cutie?" asked Black Art's Trickster as she offered her hand to which Isaac shrugged his shoulder as she pulled him up on stage.

"Now then, it's showtime!" shouted the female magician as she transformed the room to have actually people in as she transform Isaac's clothes to match that of a magician tux and cape as well as a top hat.

"Ladies and gentleman, we want to welcome you all to our show tonight." said Isaac as he was getting into the role as he had fun. So for the rest of the time, Isaac began to have his fun with his Black Arts Trickster as she enjoyed spending time with the boy as she couldn't stop smiling. Soon it was time he left as she gave a parting farewell kiss as he closed the door to her room.

Isaac then made his way to the next room as it belonged to Rune-Eyes Illusionist as he found him going over the middle of an act.

"Fancy seeing you here, Isaac." said the ring master magician as he was directing some of the animals for the trick as the relic in his left eye powered up to help finish the act.

"Passing by." said the boy as he watched his monster at work.

"Care to join in on the fun." said Rune-Eyes as he made a ringmaster outfit appear on the boy and gave him one of his powerful relics.

Isaac smiled as he began to help his magician put on the best show he had to date as the young man got to see just how excited and involved his master was as he too smiled. From one entertainment to another, Isaac then visited the room of his Sleight of Hand Magician as it looked like to be a poker room as he was doing some card tricks. His outfit was changed to a casino dealer. Isaac sat on one of the stools and played a couple of Blackjack games with his magician and other card games. Safe to say Isaac's magician taught him some useful tips when playing other card game that would always assure that he would win. Isaac made a mental note of that so that the next time he went to a casino he had a winning strategy. After that, he then exited the room and moved on to the next one as he read the name on the door and was hesitant about entering. He then took a deep breath as he opened the door.

Isaac now found himself in a dark room as it was lit by candlelight. He then saw some demons peaking their heads from the shadows based on their yellow eyes. Isaac was cautious about where he walked as he didn't want to end up being lunch for any of these demons. Soon he felt something against his back as he put his hand to feel the thing as he felt some cloak-like material as he slowly move his hands up.

"Move your hands any further up and not only are you going to feel something soft, but it will be the last thing you ever feel and touch." said a goth voice.

"Noted." said Isaac as he turned around and saw his Black Robe Mentalist as she was hovered in the air as she looked at her master in her room. She took the hood of her cloak off so that she could see the boy with her own face.

"What are you doing in my room?" asked the girl as she didn't like anybody being in here, not even her master.

"Well, I wanted to explore the palace." said the boy as he hoped his goth magician wouldn't do anything to him.

"Fine, you're telling the truth." said the girl as she floated away towards her bed.

"Is your room always like this?"

"It's my room. I do whatever I want to it, now if you're gonna complain, leave or I'll send a demon after you." said the goth girl.

"Alright, calm down. Whatever happened to the positivity I tried to get you to have." asked Isaac.

"I ate it, remember I told you, I'm half human, half demon." said the goth girl.

"Actually, you never told me you had a demon side." said the boy as he was now a bit scared to think that the girl in front of him could very eat his soul should she choose so.

"Relax, I'm not gonna devour your soul. Honestly, that's not the proper way to take a human soul. Far too many calories, any other essence is fine, hell your sweat would be a much more tasty meal for me should I choose to tap into my demon side." said the goth girl. "But I prefer to live my human side, plus there's another reason."

"Is it because I'm your master?"

"Hell no." replied the girl. "You're cute. And if I took you away from the other girls, then I'd be painted as the bad guy."

"Great, so that's the only reason stopping you from potentially taking me out permantly." said Isaac with a sarcastic tone.

"Sit down." gestured Black Robe Mentalist as she patted the spot next to her as she sat on the edge of her bed.

Isaac then did what the teen girl asked him as he sat next to her as she was chanting some ancient Latin as she formed a protective seal around her master to avoid any of the demons she let roam freely in her room in the case they were tempted in going after the boy. She then began to do her ritual as she put her left hand on top of her master's as she put her right hand on his right cheek and touched her forehead with his as she closed her eye and still chanted as Isaac looked at her and then his eyes turned completely white.

Black Robe Mentalist was now inside of her master's mind as she was looking at the memories of the boy. She was seeing with her eyes what happened after she was defeated on the battlefield. She saw the image of Starlight and Isaac as they were looking at each other with angry looks as their fury was on full display as both wanted to tear each other apart. She then saw Isaac call what he thought was the final attack as Mahad and Mana fired their wands. The collision of the attack produced a huge smokescreen, soon it disbursed as there was Starlight as she emerged from the attack with some scuffs along her body as she played a spell and there emerged her new creature as it took out the trio as Starlight was declared the winner as her master fell over with tons of scuff marks of his own as his cards all scattered around him. She then removed her forehead and right hand from Isaac as she let out a sigh.

"It's just as I fear. The vision came true." said Black Robe Mentalist.

"Yeah, I lost." said Isaac as he put his head down. "And now I'm here when my friends need me the most. And I fear that Starlight is causing trouble. I have to get back home, as much as I love being here with you all, I have people counting on me."

"I understand, Isaac. Still..." Black Robe Mentalist then hugged her master as she smiled. "I'm grateful you're here at least."

After a few moments, Isaac exited the room of his Black Robe Mentalist as he informed her of the celebration happening tonight as she let out a groan that she would have to interact with her comrades and friends. But seeing as how Isaac would be there, she reluctantly agreed. Isaac then proceeded to the next hall of the palace as it was the rooms of each of his Extra Deck magicians, his Ebon Illusion Magician, Ebon High Magician, and Chaos Mageía all shared a room as it was split into three sections with one being more 'girly' than the other two. He entered his synchro magician, Dark Sorcerer Magician as he gave the boy some fist bumps as they enjoyed themselves. He turned the corner to another room as he saw the door as this one had the initials, B.L.A.C.K. on it. He then opened it as he came into a room with four beds and a small cradle by the window.

"Master." said Berry Magician Girl as she sucked on her pacifier as she used her tiny wings to float over to the boy's face as she wrapped her tiny baby arms around his cheek as she nuzzled and then sat on his right shoulder.

"Hey, Berry." said Isaac as he tickled the small thing's tummy.

"Welcome, Isaac." said Kiwi Magician Girl as she was a bit taller than the boy as she bowed down. "To what brings you to our room?"

"Just looking around. The others?"

"Our sisters are out helping to get the celebration for tonight. Which I'm glad because it allows me to have some peace and quiet for once." said the oldest magician girl as she didn't have to listen to her younger sisters and their fascination for their master when he summoned one of them to battle.

"Isaac, can you read me a story?" asked the baby magician on his shoulder as she pulled out her book.

"Sure, Berry." said the boy as Kiwi Magician snapped her fingers to make two chairs appear as she too wanted to listen as their master opened the book and began to read to her baby sister.

"The end." said Isaac as he closed the book shut. "You like?"

"Yup." said the baby magician as she took the item from her master and then let out a small yawn.

"Looks like someone needs a nap before the party tonight." said Kiwi Magician as she used her magic to grab her baby sister from her master's shoulder and gently rocked her in he arms as she then walked over with Isaac to the baby cradle as she placed her inside.

"No! I don't wanna sleep... I wanna play... with... Isaac." said the baby as soon she pulled her baby blanket and sucked her pacifier as she was sleeping.

"You'll have time to play with Isaac tonight, little sis." said Kiwi Magician as she kissed her sister's cheek. The pair then watched the tiny thing as she was sleeping peacefully. "Thanks for having fun with my sister, being the oldest of the group can be a handful at times, especially with the other three."

"Happy to help, well better let her sleep. See you all tonight." said Isaac as he prepared to leave.

"See you tonight, Isaac." said Kiwi as she gave her own kiss on her master's cheek. "I'm not like my sisters constantly showing affection towards you, but I still love you the same. I'm lucky your my master." said the older woman as the boy left the room.

"Pardon me, Master Isaac. But the festivities are about to begin shortly." said Apprentice Illusion Magician as she had a book in her hand. She then led her master to the room as she wrapped her arm in between his and smiled.

It was now nighttime as the entire main room was decorated with tons of banners and tapestries. There were several tables all lined up filled with ton of food. The music being provided by Isaac's Enchantress of Melody as she played her lyra for the smooth, gentle music in the beginning, before using her magic to change her instrument into a drum set as she went full rockstar mode and used her magic to change her appearance as the others were stunned by what their comrade's hidden talent.

"Who knew Melody had a wild side to her." stated Sorcerer of Dark Magic as everybody was shocked as they heard the loud drums.

While all of Isaac's magicians talked with each other, his Magnet Warriors, Breaker the Magical Warrior, and Royal Knights all stood on guard as they knew their job was to protect from any trouble. Mahad was next to the throne chair as was Mana as they watched the others having fun. Soon the door opened as in walked in Isaac with his Egyptian gear with Apprentice Illusion Magician behind her young master. The moment Isaac was seen by every single one of his monsters, they all bowed down and didn't dare lift their heads up until he said so. The teen girl gestured Isaac to walk towards Mahad and Mana as he did so.

Isaac then approached the stairs as he saw the throne chair as Mahad nodded. The boy then climbed the stairs as he saw the chair in front of him, he then looked at his magicians as they both bowed down as Isaac then sat down on the throne. The moment Isaac did that, every single one of his monster all saw their young master for the ruler that he was. While Isaac wasn't for the idea of having his friends bow down to him like some kind of king, but it did feel right for a weird reason. So with the raise of his right hand all of Isaac's magicians all stood up as they showed their loyalty for the boy as they truly called him their master. With the signal given, the celebration was underway as Isaac sat on the throne watching his monsters with both of his magicians by his side.

The party saw all of Isaac's monsters smiling and having fun, even Black Robe Mentalist cracked a smile as she pulled down the hood of her cloak so that her comrades could see her true face. All of this, Isaac was seeing from his throne chair as he too had a smile.

Everybody's happy. But... still...

"Something troubling you, master?" asked Mahad as he was standing next to the boy's throne.

"Just... what's happening back home? Don't get me wrong, Mahad. I love this place, and I love being here. Hell, I would love to stay here with you guys, but I can't." said Isaac as he put his head down. "Cause even if there was no way for me to return home and I had to stay, you guys wouldn't be fully happy. You'd be miserable to see their master depressed. And I know how close we all are, but I miss... home. I miss everybody." Isaac felt some tears rolling down his face as he sniffled a bit.

"Master," said Mahad as he bent down on one knee to address Isaac, "You possess a great gift. One that's not only capable of saving your world but ours as well. Ever since you were young, my duty and responsibility blessed on me was to keep my new master safe. And fate brought the two of us together when you were very young, we may not have spoken, but I made a vow with Mana that we would protect and serve you, no matter what."

"You're the one who makes us feel like we're human again. That is the greatest gift I could ever ask for in this life." smiled Mana while hugging the boy's from the side.

"Thank you, sorry for bringing the mood down." said Isaac as he wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Come on, let's dance." said Mana as she grabbed the boy from his seat.

"Mana!! Tradition!!" shouted Mahad as she was breaking tradition by actually having Isaac take part in the festivities since he wasn't suppose to. He then began to chase after his own student to give her a lecture.

The moment, Mana brought Isaac to the middle of the room, all of his female magicians all began to fight over who should get to have their young master first. Isaac just stood there as all of his magicians were trying to convince the young teen to pick them; Isaac just simply raised his hand as it got all of them to be quiet as he began to speak. Isaac reminded them the idea of sharing so, they all took turns spending time and hugging their master. And so the next few hours passed with tons of entertainment and magic battles for show as all were smiling. That was until...

An explosion went off at the entrance of the palace as everybody all looked to see some smoke coming from the door. Soon it opened up as Isaac's Magnet Warriors, Breaker, and all five Royal Knights were fighting against some minions who were Crashbug X, Y, and Z. While they were disposing of the little things, in walked the monster that Isaac had met when he first arrived in the Spirit World.

"Where is the boy?" asked Baron of the Fiend Sword.

"What business do..." Mahad was then cut off.

"I'm right here!" shouted Isaac as he made himself known as Mana was behind him as she clutched his shoulders.

"Master, please. Let me handle this."

"Stand down, Mahad." ordered Isaac to which Mahad nodded as he let his master talk with the intruder.

"You and I have some unfinished business, boy. You cost me a fortune by letting those little fairies walk away. Now, I plan to collect an even bigger reward. I'm sure the cost of a mortal fetches a nice prize. But I'm a fair guy, so I'll give you a chance to defend yourself in your way." said the fiend as he had a device on his arm.

"If you're saying you want to challenge Isaac to a duel, you're on!"

"MANA!!!" shouted both Isaac and Mahad as their heads did an angry cartoon effect as they barked at their friend.


"I would do that, but I don't have my deck with me!" said Isaac. "Besides, even if I did have my cards, I can't see 'em. So what's the point?"

Soon a bright light appeared in the room as it got everybody's attention. It then floated over to Isaac as it landed in his hand.

"No, way. Is this?" Isaac was now holding his very cards in his hand as it had been far too long since he last saw his deck.

"Remember, master. True strength isn't about winning. It's about getting back up when you fall down. You once loved dueling with all your heart. Tell us, what happened to you?"

"I... lost." said the boy as he looked at his deck.

"Then perhaps this is your chance to start over." suggested Mahad.

"I'll try." stated Isaac as soon he noticed some magic responded to him as it formed around his arm as he was now wearing his duel disk. "My duel disk, just like back home."

"Isaac!" shouted Apple, Lemon, and Chocolate Magician Girl. "You're gonna need these." The girls then tossed their master his regular clothes as in one quick transition, Isaac was now back to what he was wearing as his cap floated gently and landed on his head.

"That's more like it." said Isaac as he was back to his usual attire.

"Now then, let's begin." said the Baron.

"Alright, then everybody. I need your help." said Isaac as he held his deck up high as all of his magicians all transformed into lights as they were sucked into his deck as it shined with a rainbow coloring. Isaac then slotted in his deck as it projected a familiar gold card tray.

The Baron's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

Isaac then drew his opening hand as his cards were still blank white as he couldn't see them. He had an uneasy look on his face as he drew his card. Isaac looked at it as soon it responded with a rainbow light as the image of the card became clearer as did all the other cards he was holding in his hand.

"My cards! I can see them!" said Isaac as he had a tear roll down his eyes from the happiness he was experiencing. He was crying as his smile came back to his face. "I'm back and I'm kicking this duel off with my Magician Boy(1500/1200). And he doesn't go anywhere by himself, cause he always has his best friend by his side, come on out, Mage Annette(1300/1700)!" Isaac now had his two kids magicians appear on the field as they were shocked to see that their master could see his cards.

"Isaac, does that mean?" asked Annette.

"We're back."

"Aw yeah! Time to go super power!" said the boy as he started to do some cartoonish moves.

"That's not a real thing." groaned Annette as she looked at her best friend/crush. She then walked over to the boy and planted a small peck on his cheek. "Just promise you won't do anything reckless." said the small girl as she took her position.

"Now since I summoned, Mage Annette, I can draw a card from my deck. Next, I'll throwdown a facedown and call it a turn.

Turn 2: The Baron

"My turn, and I'll send two cards to the graveyard so that I can special summon Candelato, the Beast of Light(0/0)!" Out emerged a twin-headed monster as it had a hole in its body where some light came from and their eyes were lights as well. "Now my monster's effect activates, it gains 1000 attack and defense points for each card in my hand. So since I hold three, my monster has 3000 points!"

"Not good." said Magician Boy.

"Relax, he can't attack on the turn he's summoned." said Mage Annette. "Did you even read the book we had for class, it had a picture of him."

"Annette, I'm a slow reader." said the boy magician as he didn't like being scolded by his best friend.

"Your move, human."

Turn 3: Isaac

"It's about time," said Isaac as he drew his next card and like before he could see it as it brought him a smile. I've been so busy feeling sorry for myself, I forgot why I started dueling in the first place-- to have fun!

"I'll now discard a card so that I can special summon my Apprentice Illusion Magician(2000/1700)! And by summoning her, I get to add 'Dark Magician' from my deck to my hand." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card as he added it to his hand as on his field emerged another one of his spellcasters as she flashed a wink and a hug at Isaac.

"That's all?"

"Then what are you waiting for, take your turn." taunted Isaac. "Just remember, cause of your monster on the field, you skip your draw phase."

Turn 4: The Baron

"Now Candelato attack his Mage Annette! Prism Blast!" shouted the Baron as his monster then opened its mouth and fired the attack as it headed for the girl.

"I activate my facedown, Shift. So now your Candelato has to attack another one of my monsters, and I choose my Magician Boy!" said Isaac as his boy magician stepped in front of his best friend.

"I'll protect you, Annette." said the boy magician as picked up his tiny staff as struggled a bit before putting a barrier over him and his friend as Annette grabbed the back of her friend as she felt her face lighting up with red as she saw how her best friend was willing to protect her as it caused her heart to flutter a bit. She closed her eyes as she hugged and nuzzled against her friend's back.

"Now my Magician Boy's special ability activates, not only can't it be destroyed in battle, but any damage I would have taken, you take instead." said Isaac as his tiny male spellcaster was able to reflect right back at the Baron as he was knocked on his ass.
The Baron's Life Points: 6500-

"No one harms my friend." said the boy magician.

"You saved me." said Annette as she released her hug as her friend look at her with a smile on his face.

Annette then wrapped her arms around him one more as the boy magician was confused why she was doing it but soon placed his head on top of Annette's as he smiled and held his best friend. Annette felt safe being in the small boy's arms as it brought her the happiest smile in her life. She then did a small peck on her crush's cheek as she went back to hugging the small boy.

"I end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"My turn and time to win." said Isaac, "You all ready?"

"Yes, Isaac." said all three of his magicians on the field.

"Alright then, I'll now sacrifice my Magician Boy and Mage Annette so that I can summon my Dark Magician!" Isaac's two kids magicians vanished as in their place a pillar of light was shown as out emerged his star monster. "Then I'll play Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now meet... Dark Magician Girl!" said Isaac as he now had his two most loyal companions by his side where they all belonged on the dueling field. "Then the effect of my spell allows me to set my Dark Magic Twin Burst which I'll then use so that I can raise the attack points of my Dark Magician by the attack points of my Dark Magician Girl! Next, I'll play Thousand Knives so now I can destroy your only monster." said Isaac a magical daggers then appeared by Mahad's side as he pointed his staff out as they followed his command as they got rid of Candelato.

"This is what I've been missing. You both ready?"

"Yes, master."

"Now my magicians finish him! And I'll activate the effect of my Apprentice Illusion Magician so now I send her to the graveyard to boost my Dark Magician Girl's power. Finish him!" shouted Isaac as both Mahad and Mana put their staffs together as they produced a huge ball of energy as they smiled at seeing their master back to his usual self.

"Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted all three as the attack was shot forward as it pierced through Candelato and was heading to the Baron as he covered up as he let out a scream of defeat as the light engulfed him and when it died down, he was nowhere to be seen.

The duel was over, as all of Isaac's magicians were now back in the room. All the Crashbugs his Magnet Warriors, Breaker, and Royal Knights were fighting had been dealt with as they all looked at their master. Isaac stood in there with his deck in his hand as he looked at it. The magical colors that were coming off of it now circled around his body and entered him as he let out a sigh. He looked at all of his monsters as they all bowed down in respect of their master. Soon there was a portal that opened up as it showed the image of a familiar place. At that moment, both Mahad and Mana knew what it meant.

"Guess, I found what I lost." said Isaac as he approached the portal.

"Indeed." said Mahad as he and Mana were now standing behind the young boy as they prepared to say their final goodbyes.

"Everyone, I'm gonna miss you all. I had a wonderful time here in your world, but I need to leave and stop someone bad from destroying your home." said Isaac as he was addressing his subjects/servants as they too had sad expressions on their faces. They were sad to see their master have to leave since all of them enjoyed his presence here, but they knew the danger that was still present as he had to be able to stop it from hurting their home.

"We'll miss you, Isaac." said all of his female magicians as they all rushed over to hug their young master and each plant a kiss on his cheek as their final goodbyes.

"I'm gonna miss you. I was glad this time, I was able to show you my world." smiled Mana as she hugged the boy to which Isaac returned the embrace of his female magician. "Isaac... can I... please, just this once?"

"Alright." said Isaac as he knew what Mana meant as he smiled.

Mana then brought her lips to make contact with Isaac which he did enjoy. Mana brought her hands up to her master's cheek as she too was enjoying the contact. Soon they pulled apart after a few moments as Mana was smiling as the boy touched her cheek to which she closed her eyes and felt his touch as it was soothing. She then broke from his embrace as Mahad was now standing in front of Isaac.

"Thank you, Mahad. For keeping me safe, and always being there."

"It was my duty, Isaac." said the magician as he bent down and gave a meaningful hug to the boy as for the first time, Mahad was crying. "I'm gonna miss you."

"As will I." replied Isaac as he returned the hug from his magician as he too cried a bit.

The hug lasted for a few seconds but for the pair it might have been an eternity. Soon Mahad let go of his embrace as he stood back as Isaac was now facing the portal.

"I have a job to do. And I can't do it alone, but with you all, I know we'll be victorious." said Isaac giving one last look at his monsters as they nodded. Isaac then stepped forward through the portal as it then shined brightly as soon it closed behind him as he was gone. He was now traveling through the darkness like the first time.

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