• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 130: New Students

The day had come. It was a day that most students of Canterlot High either dreaded or were excited. And for several students they were pleased, cause in just a couple of months, they along with the rest of their class would soon walk across that stage and officially be graduates. Fluttershy had just finished getting ready as she prepared for the first day of her senior year. She had woken up as the sounds of birds chirping had caused her to awake as she approached the window and opened it.

"Oh, good morning, little friends. Your singing is oh-so pretty." said Fluttershy.

"(Bird Chirping)"

"Yes, it is a very beautiful day today. Certainly something worth singing about." said Fluttershy as some music began to play.

There's music in the treetops
And there's music in the vale
And all around the music fills the sky
There's music by the river
And there's music in the grass
And the music makes your heart soar in reply.

While she was singing, Fluttershy was getting dressed as tons of small birds flew into her room as they began to harmonize with the buttercup girl. Soon she slide down the rail poll as the last note of the song ended and she land as she struck a pose. What she failed to realize was that the others were in the living room as they were shocked to see their shy friend singing all by herself. Fluttershy then realized this as she started to trace her foot in the ground.

"Wow!" shouted Pinkie as she had a huge smile on her face.

"Oh... you... um... you didn't hear me... um..." spoke Fluttershy as she was embarrassed.

"Singing in the most beautiful voice ever?!" exclaimed Pinkie.

"Uh, yeah, we did!" said Rainbow.

Fluttershy just let out a gasp which was followed by a whimper as she tried to hide behind her hair.

"Alright, that's enough." said Sunset as she came to her friend's aid. "We all know Fluttershy has a lovely singing voice."

"Any reason why you're so happy?" asked Twilight.

"Well, I guess it's because it's the first day of school and for us we're starting our senior year at CHS." said Fluttershy.

"Yup, kind hard to believe that time has flown by so fast. It feels just like yesterday that we were all tryin' to takedown Sunset from her cruel and evil power." stated Applejack. "No offense."

"I'm used to it at this point." said Sunset with a confident smile.

"Anyways, are we all set, darlings? We still need to actually get to school. Despite us being upperclassman, it doesn't mean that Principal Celestia and Vice-principal Luna are gonna let us have a free pass." stated Rarity.

"Speaking of which, where's Isaac?" asked Fluttershy as she was expecting their male companion to be with them in their house.

"Apparently, Isaac left early. He said he had to take care of a few things, he didn't say what exactly." informed Twilight as she had just finished feeding Spike and Tigre their breakfast as she gave the two pets a petting.

"Well we better get a move on!" shouted Rainbow as she was already stepping out of the door.

The others soon grabbed their backpacks as they did the same with Pinkie being the last one to exit the house as she locked it. With that the seven of them all started to walk towards the school. They got there as they saw several other of their fellow classmates as well as some new fresh faces as they got a good look at the large group of freshman. Soon the school bell rang as it signaled that school was just moments away from starting. The girls all made their way to Principal Celestia's office as they were going to get their schedules for the following year.

"Good day, girls. Hope you're all excited for your final year." said Principal Celestia. She then handed them their schedules as they all took a look at them to compare classes.

One thing being a senior at Canterlot High is by the time you reached that level, there wasn't that many classes left. Or in the case of Twilight and Sunset, they had reduced the amount of classes that were left available. So in general, the girls all had 4 classes for the whole day which meant they had an entire block that was their free period. For Sunset and Twilight, they only had 3 classes. So it seemed that it would be any student's dream to have this kind of schedule, but that wasn't going to be the case.

"Sweet! Only four classes!" said Rainbow as she was the most excited that she would have a lot of free time on her hands.

"Not exactly, Rainbow. Just because you only have a few classes, doesn't mean you'll have all the free time you want. In fact, all of you girls will be using your free period for a reason." said Celestia as it got the attention of all the girls.

"What do you mean, Principal Celestia?" asked Applejack.

"It has come to my attention that Duel Monsters is vastly growing, and we here at CHS don't teach it like other institutions do. But a recent development has occurred that I believe will help CHS moving forward. This year, we've got a number of freshman who applied to this school. And one of the main reason was Duel Monsters, now as you know every student here learns about it on their own as we don't teach it. Which is why this year, there will be a special program dedicated to teaching and tutoring these students about the game. And you girls are a part of that." said Principal Celestia.

"What?!" said all the girls in unison.

"You're joking, right? Me, teaching? What kind of idea is that? Look I'm all for helping others, but teaching? They're gonna think I'm an egghead!" shouted Rainbow as she wanted to keep her image up. "Besides, who the hell came up with that idea?"

"It was mines." said Isaac in a booming voice as he now appeared from shadows as stood next to Celestia as the girls were shocked.

"You?" said Rarity.

"What's the meanin' of this, sugarcube?"

"Let me explain. As you know Duel Monsters is a way of life. To some it has the potential for them to have a new life, to start over on clean slate. To help them achieve their dreams. Without Duel Monsters, I probably wouldn't be the duelist that I am today. Which is why I want to give that same opportunity to others. I saw first hand how learning about Duel Monsters affected kids when I was Cheerilee's aid during my sophomore year. And last year when Twilight and I, taught an intro to Duel Monsters class. I want to see what other hidden talents there are. Which is why I had this program created and funded."

"Woah, back up. You created this program and paid for it with money out of your own pocket?" asked Sunset.

"Just how did you manage that?" asked Twilight.

"Remember the money I made during our trip to Las Pegasus." said Isaac.

"Dude, you mean to tell me that you were rolling in cash all this time and you didn't let me have any?!" shouted Dash.

"And what about your little sister?!" shouted Pinkie. "All the times I as you to buy me something and you said no!"

"Calm down. Yes, I made a small fortune during my Blackjack dealings. Add the interest that went with it when I put it in the bank, safe to say that I had enough leftover and then some." smiled Isaac. "But look that's not important, what's important is that we help these kids with their future. Now I told the Board of Education about this idea and they were fairly on par with this program. However, they need to see some results before they can officially back it up and implement it into our education. So I came up with a proposal. I told them that to start out we would have 7 students enter the program and at the end of the year, they'll come down and see the final results for themselves." said Isaac.

"Interesting... but wait, why 7? Are you not going to actually take part in your own program?" asked Rarity.

"No, cause I'm going to be the one to oversee things." said Isaac. "You all will be the teachers, and I'll be the one in charge."

"That's alot to take in." said Sunset.

"Indeed, but I wouldn't ask you guys if I didn't think you all were up for the challenge. You're all incredible and strong duelists, and I believe you'll make fine tutors for these kids." said Isaac.

The girls all looked at each other as they began to discuss this idea. Seeing as how Isaac had poured alot of his own resources into this little project, it would be ashamed if they just left him hanging. Especially after all he had done for them and their decks. So they all turned their head back to Isaac as they gave a collective nod.

"Alright then, now time to introduce the students." Isaac then had Luna hand him the portfolios as he started to put them on the table as he began to explain each one of them. "First up, is a student by the name of Shadow Moonrise. Age: 17. He was left on the orphanage by his birth parents when he was just a baby and he was adopted when he was 1 year old by a kind rich family who couldn't get children of their own. As for his experience, he's started playing Duel Monsters when he was 10 years old and has competed/won in some local tournaments. Nothing too major. Deck type: Raidraptor." said Isaac. He then presented another folder.

"Next up, is a girl by the name of Lucky Star. Age: 16 She comes from a middle-class family, her father is a doctor and her mother is a law attorney. However, when she was young, she didn't get to spend as much time with them as she liked. So for her 5th birthday, her family got her a dueling deck as a way for her to be occupied when they were out on business. Still she's fairly new and has a whole lot to learn. Deck type: Harpies." said Isaac as he finished telling about the female teen.

"Next is another boy, called Bryant Lopez. Age: 16. Growing up he was fascinated by Duel Monsters at a young age. Even in defeat, he's always willing to show respect for his opponents even if they don't express that same feeling. Nevertheless he makes sure to give it his all and he deeply is connected with his family. He has dreams of becoming a duelist, to what extent we don't know, but maybe we can help him. The deck he uses is special in that it's a Performapal deck." stated Isaac.

"After that is another girl named Penny. Age: 17. She comes from a family of three as she has two older sisters who are celebrities and models. She discovered Duel Monsters when she was waiting in her sisters' dressing room. Her sisters aren't big fans of her dueling as they believe it be a waste of time, especially cause they think it's more suited towards boys then girls. They want her to follow in their footsteps, but she doesn't seem to have too much an interest in it. Deck type: Blackwing." mentioned Isaac.

"This one is interesting. A kid by the name of Jack Hunt. Age: 18. Comes from a modest family of hard working people. His father is in the Army and his mother is a cook. They moved all over the place due to his father being in the army so he never had a chance to gain any real long lasting friends. The only thing that was constant in his life were video games, he has pet cockatoo named Odis. He's a novice player and doesn't take the game so seriously as others do. He did have one card that he loved above all others. In fact, one night while his family was sleeping their house caught on fire. They got out in time but Jack went back inside to get his deck or at the very least, his favorite card. While inside there he got trapped under some burning rubble and has severe burns on his right side of his face. He has since been healed up but has permanent burn marks. Some on his neck and face and his whole right arm is burnt. He wears long-sleeve shirts to cover that up and a glove on his right hand to cover it up. Still despite all that he's got an friendly demeanor towards others and will open up about what happened if he trusts you. Deck type: Battlin Boxer." stated Isaac.

"This next person is a girl called Amber. Age: 15. She's the youngest of this group. You would think that she would have a typical girl childhood. She scored high marks on the entrance exams and got a superb score when it came to her Duel Monsters IQ. But watch out! She gets angry if you treat her like a child. As for her parents, well they're currently away on some business with their jobs as historians." said Isaac as he showed some family photos of their travels to other countries. "Her level of experience is on a average. Deck type: Lunalight." chuckled Isaac.

"And the last of the bunch, is a boy named Jason 'Ironhide' Starr. His parents are wrestlers as well as duelists. He's been traveling with them across the world and has return to finish his studies. He applied to Canterlot High when he heard about the many challenges that occur. Age: 18. Plus he's a bit of an exercise person, given his family, so he likes to stay in shape. Despite all that, he still tries to show as much respect as he can for others. Deck type:... Blue-Eyes/Kaiju." said Isaac as he put the last folder on the desk as he looked at the girls.

"And there you have it. Those are the 7 students that have been selected and hand-picked to be a part of this program." said Celestia.

"Interestin' bunch." said Applejack.

"I'll say all those different stories and tales. Kinda makes me wonder if we got what it takes to teach the next generation of students." said Sunset.

"Ditto, oh well, I'll take this person." said Rainbow as she started to reach for a folder when she was smacked on the back of her hand by Principal Celestia. "Ow, what the hell?!"

"You're not going to be choosing who you get. None of you will. I will." said Isaac with a tone that caused all the girls to straighten up and give a gulp. "Consider it a test, not just for the students, but also you girls. Besides, there's another reason why I've done this which I'll explain after we see the new recruits."

"Alright then, so we do we meet them?" asked Twilight.

Isaac looked at his watch as he let out a smile. "Right now, in fact. Which means we need to get a move on." said Isaac as he started to exit the classroom with the girls following behind him.

"I hope this idea of yours is successful, Isaac." said Celestia.

"Indeed, cause if not. He's gonna have a huge debt in his pocket." stated Luna.

The new freshman class was full of all different kinds of students that all ranged from different personalities. Among those group were several individuals. A boy who had a peach skin tone, silver hair and red contrast eyes; he wore a red jacket with a red shirt underneath it. The back of the jacket had the symbol of the Duel Monsters logo on the back of the card; he also wore red pants as well as black sneaker shoes. He was excited to start his first day of school as well as the special program that he 'supposedly' enrolled. He was taking in the sight of his school that he failed to noticed where he was going as his back bumped into someone.

"Woah, sorry! Didn't see you there? I'm Bryant Lopez. Are you a student here, too?"

"No, I just figured I'd randomly stand here and see how many people would walk into me." said the person in a sarcastic tone as he let out a huff.

The boy that Bryant had bumped into was another male teen who was a year older than him. His name was Shadow Moonrise. He had dark blue skin tone, as his hair and eyes were azure colored. He was wearing a black and dark blue hoodie with black jeans and azure sneakers. One thing that was noticed about the teen was the gaming device in his hand it served for his love of video games.

"Thanks to you, I just lost all my lives and have to restart the level. Next time, pay attention." said the kid as he started to walk away as he returned back to his game.

"Hey, don't go." said Bryant as he chased after the kid. "Look, I'm sorry for bumping into you and for ruining your game. Can I make it up to you?"

"Why are you asking that? I don't even know you." said Shadow.

"Well, then lets get to talking. Maybe we could become friends. What are your interests? For my its dueling, wanna see my deck?"

"Seriously? Kid, I don't know how things go in your world, but you don't just stumble onto the streets and just make friends with whoever. Not how life works. You don't just give a stranger all the info on yourself. Plus, I already got a deck and trust me, my Raidraptors are way better than your cheap circus acts." said Shadow as he was trying hard to beat the level.

"They're called Performapals." responded Bryant.

"Whatever." said Shadow.

"Coming through, people!" shouted a voice as the person collided with the two boys as they all fell down. The person who bumped into them was a girl by the name of Lucky Star. She had spring green skin tone, as she had blond hair that was in a ponytail. Her outfit consisted of a green jacket with a blue shirt underneath it as the sleeves of her jacket were cut off. She had white shoes, black leggings, and wore a cyan blue skirt that came just above her knees.

"I said I was coming through! God, why are boys always distracted by their toys?" said Lucky Star as she got off of the males. "No wonder they say girls are better than boys."

"What you say?!" said Shadow as he stood up and looked at the girl.

"You heard me. You're too busy dwindling your thumbs that you don't focus what's in front of you." stated Lucky Star as she placed her right hand on her hip.

"I think we're all equal." said Bryant as he looked for the peaceful solution.

"Whatever, I'm here to see what this school has to offer. Nothing can stop me and my Harpies, we're gonna have a smooth ride to the top." stated Lucky Star.

"As if, those overgrown turkeys are just some cheap knockoffs of what real birds are like. Kinda like that perfume you're wearing." said Shadow.

"Are you disrespecting my deck?" asked Lucky Star as she was ticked off.

"Hey you started this when you bumped into me and ruined my game." shouted Shadow.

"Let's all settle down, no need to cause a fight. Especially on the first day of school." said Bryant as he hoped to avoid an unnecessary conflict.

Just as both of them were glaring at each other, they heard somebody laughing as they looked to their right and saw another girl who was leaning against the lockers as she too was watching this interaction.

"You're both delusional, the real bird of prey deck belongs to my Blackwings. Not some overcomplicated Xyz monsters." stated the girl named Penny.

She had fair skin, brown eyes, and dark burgundy hair. Her hair was mostly chin-length with the addition of elbow-length bangs that frame both sides of her face. She her front bangs were rolled up with a hair curler on top of her head, while a bit hung down on each side. Her attire had her wearing a purple shirt along with a hoodie that was colored black. Her shoes were brown as she wore white socks that were just below her knees and she wore a burgundy mini skirt.

"The best kind of summoning method is Synchro. And nothing better than to have a deck that revolves around it. So you both can take your little 'pigeons' and fly away. Besides, they're way more popular then your two decks. I think everyone in the dueling committee can agree on that." stated Penny.

"Synchro summoning? When it comes to dueling, it's all about going big or going home." stated Lucky Star.

"As much as I hate Ms. High and Mighty over here, I have to agree. The best way to win a duel is to perform the most advanced and trickiest summoning methods. And that's Xyz summoning and Raidraptors are all about that. Swarming the field and overwhelming your opponent." boosted Shadow as he defended his deck.

"What does it matter who has the best deck?" said a voice. All four of them then looked off as they saw someone who was in the shadows as they only saw the left side of his face. "We're all good in our own way, the only indication of one's skill is to see how they handle high pressure situations."

The person that was talking was another male by the name of Jack Hunt. From afar, only his left side was shown as his whole right arm was burnt as well as some permanent burns that ran alongside his face and neck. He had short hair, red-eyes, tannish skin as his current attire was a long-sleeved shirt as he wore some shorts and some running shoes as well as glasses.

"Okay, who ordered the creepy student talking in the shadows?" asked Lucky Star.

"Trust me, it's best that you don't see my other side." said Jack.

"What, did you mutation when you were born?" asked Bryant.

"No, worst."

"What, got six fingers, or it toes?" asked Shadow.

"Far worse."

"Oh for crying out loud, just show us!!" shouted Penny.

Jack just took a deep breath as he slowly stepped out of the shadows. He showed off his right side as the others could see his burn marks. Despite having the proper treatment, it still left a patch of skin that was burnt out as the others noticed this.

"Yeesh." all four of them said as they looked at the kid.

"Now you know." said Jack.

"Gotta say, it's not bad look for you. Show that around the ladies and you may catch their attention." said another person as he appeared in front of the group.

"Alright, what's your introduction?" asked Shadow as he found this starting to get repetitive.

"My name is Jason 'Ironhide' Starr." said the boy. He too had tannish skin, as his hair and eyes were colored brown. Compared to the others, he was currently dressed in workout clothes with a couple of sweatbands.

"Nice to meet." said Bryant.

"Same here." said Jason.

"Well I've had enough of you guys wasting my time." said Lucky Star. "I need to get to class."

With that all of them began to walk. What they didn't notice was that all of them was heading to the same place as they started to have outrun the others. Soon an entire dust cloud appeared as they all tumbled and started to push each other out of the way as they struggled to fit through the door. Soon all six of them came tumbling down into the door way as they all fell on a pile.

"You guys are late." said a girl who was sitting in a desk with a book in her hand.

She was had vanilla skin as she had brunette hair that stopped at her shoulders as she had a pink in her hair. She had emerald green eyes as she wore a shin-length pink dress that buttons up the front and a denim bolero jacket. She wore brown boots and had metal bracers on her wrists and around the edges of her jacket sleeves.

"They expect us to be on time, and these are my classmates. I knew I should have request a private one-one session." said the girl who was named Amber.

"Well we know who the child of the group is." said Jack.

"Child, I'm only 15. And compared to you all, it seems I'm the only one who's mature enough." replied back Amber.

Soon everybody started to argue, while this was going one they failed to realize someone had entered the room till they heard a voice.

"I see you've all met." said Isaac in a loud tone as they saw the upperclassman entering the room with his arms crossed.

"Someone want to explain to me, who the hell that is?" asked Jason.

"What do I care?" stated Shadow.

"Seems kind of cute." said Penny.

"In case you're wondering, I'm the one who asked for all of you. Now take a seat!" said Isaac as all 7 students all sat down as Isaac stood in front of him. "Now you all got a letter explaining that you were selected for a program, well that program is something that I've started as a way to see if CHS can get the proper funds to actually teach Duel Monsters."

"So we're just your guinea pigs?" asked Lucky Star.

"Don't know how I feel about being an experiment." said Bryant.

"Believe me, this is more than just an experiment." said Isaac. "Each of you possess some talent. What that is, well that remains to be seen. But based on the decks you all have, there's potential."

"No offense, but I'm pretty experienced when it comes to my deck." said Jason.

"So am I, won a couple of tournaments when I was younger." said Shadow.

"Hate to break it to you, but those were child play at best. This here, CHS is where the best of the best compete. Be lucky that you're surrounded by talented duelists from all walks of earth." said Isaac. "Now, let me explain the program. Each of you will be assigned a tutor. You'll meet 4 days out of the school week, but you'll each be in separate rooms. And on the day you guys don't meet with your tutor, you'll be gathered in a room and I'll be checking in with each of you to see your progress. Over the course of this year, you'll learn everything there is to know about Duel Monsters as well as trying to improve your skill set. At the end of the year, some special guests will be here to judge what you learned. Pass and you'll be hailed as heroes for future generations." Isaac then snapped his fingers as the girls all entered the room as the students all had different expressions on their faces.

"How may girlfriends do you got?" asked Jack.

"The girls you see standing before you are my friends, but more importantly, they'll be your tutors for this year. Listen to them, pay attention to their lessons and you should be able to pass this program."

"And what's the consequence if we don't listen?" asked Amber.

"Then you'll have to deal with the champion."

"Hold on, you're the champion of this school?" asked Shadow.

"Two years, he's been defending his rank as champion at this school." said Rainbow.

"Yes, though let's put that aside for now. Do you all understand?" asked Isaac.

"Yeah, yeah." said all of the students.

"Good, cause I also have another announcement. One that I haven't told the girls, but now I can cause everybody is here. As you're all aware the Fall Formal is one of the biggest events to Canterlot High. And the past two have been quite entertaining to say the least. But this year, I talked with Principal Celestia and well she agreed. In the coming weeks, they'll be a tournament, the winner of the tournament will face me at the Fall Formal for the title of champion." said Isaac as that really got the student's attention. "Now you girls are going to participating, and as for the other seven, well... that will be you all." said Isaac as he pointed to the students.

"You mean that we could potentially face you and beat you?" asked Bryant.

"That's assuming you have the skills to back it up." taunted Isaac as that seemed to get the competitive edge out of all the students. "Now then, it's time to assign mentors. So here are my decisions." All the girls and the students all leaned in and listened closely to hear what Isaac was going to say.

"Shadow Moonrise, you'll be paired with... Pinkie Pie. Amber will go with Rarity. Jason 'Ironhide' Starr will be Twilight's student, Bryant Lopez will be paired with Fluttershy, Lucky Star will get Applejack, Jack Hunt your mentor will be Rainbow Dash, and lastly Sunset will get Penny." With that Isaac made his choices as it left mixed emotions not just on the students, but on the girls as well. "Now then, take the time to meet your student and we'll begin out lessons tomorrow in the gym." said Isaac as he walked out of the room.

Safe to say that Isaac's choices were met with less than pleasant choices as he had a few of the students confront him about his decision.

"This is a joke, right?" asked Shadow Moonrise. "You really put me with that pinky puffy haired girl?"

"Is there a problem with that?" asked Isaac.

"Uh, yeah. No offense but after you left she just kept going on and on. I couldn't stand her rambling anymore, she's downright annoying." said Shadow Moonrise. "I'm not going sit here and say that I'm giddy for this, but I was willing to give it a chance until you gave me a weird person to be my mentor."

"So you're calling Pinkie weird? You call Pinkie weird, well she's my honorary little sister. And it feels like you're disrespecting her, and if you disrespect her, you disrespect me. So it sounds like you're saying that you don't respect me. So I ask, are you disrespecting me?" said Isaac as he was looking at the kid.

"Don't try to twist this. That's not what I said."

"But that's what you're implying." sounded off Isaac as he still had his scowl face on. "Let me ask you this, Shadow Moonrise. Which way does a tree fall?"

"What the hell kind of a question is that?" asked Shadow Moonrise.

"Which way does a tree fall!?!" said Isaac in a booming authority tone.

"I dunno know. Down?" answered Shadow Moonrise.

"A tree falls the way it leans. Be careful which way you lean." said Isaac as he dismissed the boy.

Soon another student came in as it was Lucky Star.

"Look Isaac, we need to talk. So why did you put me with that country gal? She seems to be nothing more than a hillbilly girl, besides I don't have time for deadweight." stated Lucky Star.

"First of all, her name is Applejack. You best remember it. And second, you should be lucky to have Applejack as your mentor." said Isaac.

"Still, what could she have to offer me?"

"How about being all alone?" said Isaac as that got Lucky Star's attention. "You were alone for most of your life. Your parents constantly being called to work, you had nothing but your deck. Applejack prides herself on the idea of family and honesty. Perhaps she can provide you with some, since you've been missing it your whole life." Lucky Star just shook her head as she left the classroom.

The last person came in and it was Jack Hunt. But before he could say anything, Isaac immediately got to talking.

"Before you say anything, know that I had stern talking with Rainbow Dash. And if she even makes fun or does an unnecessary comment about your burns, then I will deal with her personally." said Isaac.

"I appreciate that." said Jack. "But I want to ask, why did you pick me of all people to be part of this program? Look at my scars, it's a sign that I'm a former shell of myself. That fire burned a part of me away; I still fell the searing pain, the burning."

"You showed courage when you entered that building to get this." said Isaac as he showed off Jack's favorite monster of his deck which was Jinzo. "You and this card are similar, in that you're both unique. You're not human, but you're not a monster. Besides, your deck shows the fighting spirit that you've had that has allowed you to get past the nasty remarks made by people. Rainbow to has a fighting spirit and I believe she can help you to channel that inner anger you have." said Isaac. "And most important of all... fear."

"I guess."

"Trust me, now go on." said Isaac as he dismissed Jack.

Isaac then let out a deep breath as he returned back to his seat as Twilight entered the room.

"How you holding up?" asked Twilight.

"Well, seeing as how I've had some requests from the students about certain things, I think we call this a successful day." said Isaac as he felt some stress come upon him.

"Let me help." said Twilight as she started to massage Isaac's shoulder as she tried to get her boyfriend to calm down which worked. "So, do you really think these kids will listen to us?"

"They better." said Isaac as he tried to relax.


"Yeah, Twi?"

"What's happening to you?" asked Twilight as she looked at her boyfriend. "Just that ever since you came back from your trip with Sunset, you've changed a bit. First you became the co-owner of Mr. Johnson's store. Then on our anniversary, you surprise me and the girls with our own house. And now you started up a program that you're paying for out of your own pocket."

"What's your point?" asked Isaac.

"It's just feels like you're taking on new responsibilities, like you're becoming an adult."

"That's basically what were are about to be, Twilight. Its just since my time as a teen is starting to wind down, I'm just preparing for the next stage of my life even after graduation." said Isaac.

"I just worry you're growing up to fast." said Twilight softly.

"Look, we'll discuss this another time; school is about to be over. And I need to get going, I'm suppose to close the store tonight and do the inventory for next month's orders. So I won't be home till late, just tell the girls to not worry and to make sure that the house is clean." said Isaac as he got up from his chair and exited the room as Twilight was left standing there with a sad look on her face.

"Isaac... I know you're planning for the next phase of your life, but do you really have to mature so fast?" said Twilight as she clutched the necklace she was wearing as she remember when Isaac gave it to her that he was much happier then. "I understand your new role and with it comes new responsibilities, but... can you still be the same person you once were?"

Author's Note:

Well, it officially begins. And as you can tell the ending of this particular story arc will end at the Fall Formal. Now onto a bit of background info, so this idea of having the main cast tutor students was something that I started to look into way back when I was writing the Equestria story arc. I wanted to do an idea that would involve some of the fans of this story. So I reached out to some people both in the comment section and people who personally PM me and we got to talking. I explained the idea to them about having their own character involved, now each of the decks that each student has was all my idea. 5 out of the 7 choices were selected by me, with the others resulting in me having to bend some rules. Regardless, everything else about the character's which includes their background and stuff was made by the person who created them. I just gave them the choice of what deck they wanted to have. Also during these interviews, I had each person rank the girls; this was done not only to select pairings but also will be used for future references, especially when we get to the tournament. Now for those of you that have their character, if you have any questions, send me a PM if you have any concerns. My only hope is that I can be able to give the character you described to me the proper treatment; that's all I ask. Now then, this is going on long enough, so take care everybody and I'll see you next time.

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