• Published 11th Oct 2020
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Yugioh: Worlds Collide - ShootingStar25

If everything all relied on you drawing the perfect card, would you take it? Would you risk it all for one shot at being remembered? No matter how much skill/talent you have sometimes all you need is a little luck to turn the tide of a duel.

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Chapter 180: Return of a Familiar Face

The students of CHS were starting to really get more excited as each passing day, it meant it was one step closer to the school year being officially done. But for the graduating class, it meant that graduation was just weeks away and it was turning out to be one of the biggest events that everybody was looking forward to. Especially, for a certain group of friends.

Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were in their offices as they were going over some paperwork and finalizing the plan for the upcoming graduation. Both women were happy to see another bunch of their students leave and then make it out in the world living their own lives, but it also gave the pair a sense of sadness since this bunch there was a special group of individuals that made the last few years memorable. Regardless, they were in a hurry as soon the celebration would be upon them and the entire school building.

Meanwhile, the girls were busy as they had their own task to complete. While graduation was one of the last things they were looking forward to, there was one thing that needed their absolute focus and it involved their students. The Board of Education was coming in about 3 weeks from now and they were coming to see the results of Isaac's little program. Since the school year started all those months ago, Isaac was determined to make sure that the kids were as ready as they could be. The incident with the Shadowbolts in the training facility proved to be a good preview of what the kids should expect their final exam to be. In fact, neither the girls nor the students had any idea on what the final exam actually was. The only clue that Isaac had given them was that they would be competing in one-on-one duels, but he didn't say who the students were facing. Isaac said they would find out in due time as he told the two groups to have faith and trust that he knew what he was doing. And so they didn't push the subject anymore.

It was another day at CHS as Isaac was currently in a classroom as he was talking with Twilight as they were discussing some matters.

"The kids have come a long way since you first introduced them to this program and to us." stated Twilight.

"Which translates that they paid attention, not necessarily that the program is succeeding." informed Isaac.

"But you've seen each of their individual success, I'm pretty sure..."

"That you can't make assumptions!" interrupted Isaac as his tone of voice got Twilight to be scared. "Come on, Twilight. I thought you were smart."

"Isaac, what's gotten into you?" asked the girl.

"What are you talking about?" said the boy as he was dumbfounded by the question asked by his girlfriend. He expect that kind of answer from the others, but not Twilight.

"I... never mind." said Twilight as she put her head down as she didn't bother saying anything else.

"Then we need to get back to work. Come on! The Board of Education will be here before you know it, and when that happens, it's sink or swim. No middle ground, either the students succeed or they fail." stated Isaac with a strict tone. "And let me say, if they fail. Then..."

"Then, what?" asked Twilight as she was nervous on what her boyfriend was going to say about the students.

"You don't want to know. Trust me. I'll be checking in with each of you later." said the boy as he walked out of the room and left Twilight all by herself as she clutched her arm.

"Isaac. Why are you like this? Where's the boy that I admired so long ago?" muttered Twilight to herself as she looked at Isaac and she was seeing a different boy than who she thought.

Throughout the day, Isaac kept to his word as he did check in with the girls' sessions as he wanted to see how the students were taking this knowing full well that all they were learning was about to be on display for the Board. While Isaac did observe, he also saw somethings that forced his hand. Seems the girls were surprised by their male friend as they saw a different side to the boy as it seemed like he was a man on a mission as he pushed the students to their limits while he just stood over them with a scowl on his face. Eventually, Isaac had seen all he needed as he left the room with a shake of his head as the girls helped their students up.

"Don't they know that the Board of Education is nearly here!" shouted Isaac as he was walking in the hallway. "I told them the fun and games were over, enough of that, enough of this bullshit. It's business. Time to be serious. Sink or Swim!!!" Isaac's mind was now turned up to eleven as he was more focused than ever on getting the students ready. While the boy was too busy talking with his thoughts, he was soon interrupted by someone.

"There you are, Isaac." said Vice-Principal Luna as she managed to track down the boy.

"Vice-Principal Luna, is there a problem?"

"Well, not a problem per say. But it's just that we've had some visitors arrive and they want a tour of this school." said the older women.

"At this time of the school year?" said Isaac with an eyebrow raised. "Graduation is only a few weeks away, so if they were looking to transfer here, they can't."

"Well, it's not a transfer. But rather they're from out of town, and they wanted to see this place."

"Why this place?" asked Isaac.

"Well, cause you're here." stated Luna. "Apparently, whoever it was that I talked on the phone said that they knew you attended here and wanted to take a tour of the school with you being the guide."

"That's... weird. And why me?"

"I'm afraid they didn't say. But they are here, they arrived earlier than expected." said Luna.

"Well, I better check it out." said the boy.

"I knew I could count on you, Isaac. Good luck." said the older women as she went on her way as Isaac started to make his way to the front of the school entrance. Eventually, Isaac was about to reach his destination as all he needed to do was turn the corner.

"Alright, what kind of people are..." At that moment, everything froze. Everything stopped; for Isaac his expression changed like that as he saw who the special guests were.

"So nice to see you... Isaac." said the voice as it had a touch of evil. "I was wondering when you and I were going to meet again."

"Starlight Glimmer." said the boy with venom in his tone. Standing in front of the boy was indeed the girl who he hadn't encountered in almost 2 years.

And it wasn't her, as behind Starlight was also Sunburst as he seemed to be his usual self. But from what he could tell from the boy, he seemed to be different, more happier in a sense. But Isaac wasn't focusing on that, he was moreso focusing his attention on the girl in front of him as she had a smile on her face as it caused Isaac to clench his fist as he remembered their last encounter. The incident at the Duos Cup and how Starlight's wicked ideology of making change in Duel Monsters so that everybody would think and act as one. And the fact that she disrespected the great duelists of the past, all of it was unlocking some hidden rage that was being bottled up inside of Isaac as he looked at the girl standing in front of him.

"What, no hello?" snickered Starlight.

"What do you want?" replied Isaac.

"No, how you've been doing since our last encounter? No, my Starlight are you beauty today? No welcome kiss?" taunted the girl as she still had an evil smug smile.

"What the hell do you want? And what are you doing here?" asked Isaac.

"Didn't Vice-Principal Luna tell you, we're the special visitors that requested you to give us a tour of this place." said Starlight.

"I know that's bullshit, you ain't here for no tour? So what are you doing here?" stated Isaac.

"Seems after all this time, your intelligence hasn't dropped. Good, I'll need that when I complete my plan." said the girl.

"You still believe in the idea that everybody should do what you tell them to do? That everybody should follow one mind and one voice." said Isaac.

"I told you, after the Duos Cup and how you and your pathetic girlfriend embarrassed us. I would get my revenge and I would carry out my plan." said Starlight. "It may have taken me a while, but I finally got everything all set up. The only thing left standing in my way is some old unfinished business."

"I'm giving you only one warning, Starlight. Stay away from me and my friends, get the hell out of my school. Walk your ass out of town and never let me see your face again." said Isaac as he was done playing games with the girl as it was now time to get serious.

"Uh, Star..." said Sunburst as he saw Isaac looking to get physically as he was about to step in to protect and take the hit for his friend when Starlight put her hand out to tell him she had it under control.

"Don't bother, Sunburst. I've got this." smiled the girl as she looked at Isaac.

"I can see where this is going, so since you took the time to come all the way here to explain to me and readers why you're back, why I don't say the real reason to everybody reading this story why you're back." stated Isaac as he was now going off script. "It comes down to business. What do I mean by that, it was good for business and this story that you came back into the fold. You see, the readers of this story have been dying and begging the author to bring you back and it's my job as the protagonist to give the people what they want. To try each and every week, to give them exactly what they want. The readers of this story spoke and they wanted Starlight Glimmer and you know, I put my personal feelings aside for a bit and gave them Starlight Glimmer." stated the boy.

"Yeah, I picked up on that. Personal feelings?" taunted Starlight as she still had that smug smile and played along with going off script.

"It... it was meant to be a compliment, just take it as that." replied Isaac.

"No, wait a second. Just cause you're now a businessman, please don't hide behind that persona." chuckled Starlight. "Personal feelings, I really am interested in to know now, just like all the readers of this story here are, I want to know what your personal feelings are for Starlight Glimmer." smiled the girl.

"Personal feelings are irrelevant, but if you insist," said Isaac with his own smirk, "I think that you're a smug, overrated, attention seeking, gal that puts a little bit too much stock in her own hype. Not that, that's a bad thing." stated the boy as he was breaking reality and the fourth wall.

"Well, I'm glad we could be honest. Smug, overrated... kinda like looking in the mirror, isn't it Isaac." said Starlight as she too was breaking the fourth wall and reality as well. "Yeah, am I smug? Yeah! You know what, absolutely! I don't wear a white cap, I'm kinda of a jerk. Am I overrated? Not really for me to say? Not up to me." stated the girl.

"I wish you'd just come out and say that you hated my guts though. That you hate my guts, but let everybody know what a commodity I am." said Starlight. "See because we live in this era that your so called legendary duelists built, right? They'll great duelists, all of whom you and everybody reading this knows about. You love them all, isn't that right. They all surrounded themselves with great people who said: 'Yes, Yes, Yes'. And they really screwed up the pooch on this entire talent roster, by letting people pass them by only for them to get handpicked by who they thought was going to be the next big thing." stated the girl. "Basically, not only did you want to see me go anywhere else, you couldn't afford to see me go anywhere else. I'm hot, I'm a commodity."

"Fair enough, you are a commodity. But since we're out here telling everybody the truth, why don't you tell the truth about why you're really here and why you came back at this point of the story?" fired Isaac with his own question.

"I already did, I want to facilitate change." stated Starlight.

"That's one way of looking at it. I think of another way of looking at it, would be... you did it for you. You wanted to hear your own voice. What do you call that, a pipe bomb?" asked Isaac. "Well, what happens if a pipe bomb goes off in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a noise? The answer is no, it doesn't! See you needed this platform, you needed the audience and the readers because without them, your pipe bomb and you... well really don't mean shit. That you did for your own ego."

"Well, that's a big maybe. That's 50-50 at best. And I don't like to hang my hat on 'maybes'. I like facts. 100% truths." said Starlight. "And the truth is... I'm back."

"Correction, you're back... but not for long." said Isaac as he started to walk away.

"Woah, woah, woah! Hold on there, Isaac." called out Starlight as she got the boy to stop in his tracks. "I do love a good banter between good guy and bad guy, but... come back here for a second. This pipe bomb is about to go off in the forest and I want you around so that you can here it. I'm just getting warmed up. See I don't want you to think that just because I'm back, that you're gonna treat me the same way you do all your villains. Or that means that I'm gonna shut up. I don't want you to think that I'm gonna tow the company line, and spit out some PG doctrine. I'm not going to promo class, I'm not going to media training. I'm here to stay and I'm here to do things my way, bitch. You want to talk about egos, well then... Isaac. Let's talk about egos!!!" shouted Starlight as she got in the face of the boy.

"Let's talk about you hogging the spotlight, so many, many, many, many times over people who actually deserved a spotlight. Let's talk about the fact that you like to throw your weight around and push people and tell them what to do." stated Starlight. "I mean, how many times do you tell people what to do? You know, don't answer that question. Answer this question. How many times did you say: 'Well, you know. I just don't think he has what it takes' while you're lying in bed, snuggling and making out with Twilight?" sounded off Starlight as Isaac just had a smug smile from hearing the girl say that.

"See no matter what, if you're wearing a $5000 suit? If you're in your regular clothes? If you're dressed up like a low-rent, poor man's Conan, you are the same guy you've always been. You're a bully who likes to throw his weight around and push people." stated Starlight. "And... I'm not picking a fight; I'm just saying be careful who you push. Because you know, I like to push back."

"This comes down to ego, right? And I'll be the first guy to tell you, I got a massive ego." said Isaac. "And right now, that massive ego, is telling me to slap your skinny fat ass!!" shouted the boy as she and Starlight had their foreheads touching each other as they had scowls on their faces.

"But I'm not gonna do that, because this is bigger than that." said Isaac as he backed off from the girl. "This is bigger than that. I took the role as champion for them. The audience and the readers of this story. That comes with certain responsibilities, certain rules. Maybe I don't like those rules any more than anybody else would, but you know what? I respect them, and for them, I'm not gonna break those rules. And Starlight, I would strongly, strongly suggest that you don't break them either."

Starlight then took off her beanie as she shook her hair as it let loose some strands as she took off her leather vest and tossed both of them on the floor as Sunburst grabbed them and looked at her friend as it appeared she was going to get physically.

"Or what?" taunted the girl while getting in the face of Isaac. "You're gonna-- you're gonna beat me up? Huh? You gonna fight me? You gonna punch me in the face? You gonna put your hands on me? To be honest, I don't mind that idea. Pretty sure you wouldn't mind that, right?" said Starlight as she put her hands on Isaac's arms and was feeling him up as she got to his chest and felt it to as she has the same sly look on her face; Isaac still held a scowl as Starlight began to play with his necklace. "Or do you have to go and ask Twilight for permission first?" Starlight then back off as she flicked Isaac's necklace in his face as she backed up and began to walk away.

"Pipe bomb." stated the girl as she and Sunburst now were walking past Isaac as he watched them leave.

After the encounter with Starlight and Sunburst, Isaac had tried to focus on checking on the students, but he was having a tough time as he couldn't get the girl out of his head. Isaac was in a classroom as he was looking over his cards.

"Starlight. You had to show up just as I'm about to complete my objective." said the boy as he gripped his deck even more tightly. He was so distracted that he didn't notice anybody enter the room as they were looking for him.

"There you are! What are you doing here? Your duel is about to start." stated Twilight.

"Huh? Oh, Twilight."

"Are you okay?" asked the girl as ever since she last saw her boyfriend he had a different attitude than the one from the morning.

"Y-yeah." said Isaac as he was distracted due to him still thinking about Starlight being here.

"Well, hurry up. You need to get to your duel." said Twilight as she grabbed Isaac by his hand and then started to drag her boyfriend to the field.

Their friends and their classmates was all seated in the stands as they were looking forward to this championship duel. Both Twilight and Isaac arrived at the entrance to the field as they could hear the crowd noise.

"Made it just in time." said Twilight.

"Yeah, thanks Twilight." said Isaac.

"No problem, hold still." stated the bookworm as she began to fix her boyfriend's appearance.

"Listen, Twilight."

"Yeah." said the girl as she adjusted her boyfriend's cap on his head and his necklace.

"I'm sorry for yelling this morning. It's just with the test coming up, I'm just a bit worried about how the students will do. Everything rides on this, and now that we're literally weeks away, I'm more scared than ever. I know you and the girls all did wonderful jobs and I know the kids will be fine, it's just... I can't help but worry." said Isaac.

"Hey," said Twilight as she placed her hand on Isaac's cheek as it got the boy to look at her, "it's alright. We know the stress you're under. Do you know who your girlfriend is? If anybody knows what it's like to worry and have a mental freak-out, it's me. So I get it. Now go out there and defend your rank as champion."

"Right." nodded Isaac.

Twilight then captured her lips with his as Isaac cusped her cheek. While the microphone was telling Isaac to get on the field, the pair was still kissing as Isaac wrapped his arms around his girlfriend as he lifted her up as their liplock became more intense as their mouths opened and explore the other.

"One more time! Isaac, please report to the field or it will be a forfeit!" shouted Luna through the P.A. system. That got the pair to break apart as they were out of breath but still had their foreheads touching.

"I think I'd rather stay here and keep kissing you." joked Isaac.

"If only." chuckled Twilight. "Now go win and maybe, tonight I'll give you something special." winked Twilight. With that she then pushed her boyfriend through the door as there was a certain pair that had been watching this from around the corner as one of them had an evil smile as they soon moved to another location.

"Where is..."

"I'm here!" shouted Isaac as he appeared on the field as Twilight had gone off to take a seat with her friends to watch his duel.

"Gees, what took you so long?!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

"Something came up, Dash. But I'm here now."

"Good, I finally earned my shot at facing you and I'm not gonna win by forfeit." said the chromatic girl as she activated her duel disk and projected a sky blue card tray.

"Maybe you should have taken the forfeit, cause I don't plan on losing." said Isaac as he activated his duel disk and projected a gold card tray.

"Ladies and gentleman, this duel is for the rank of champion for CHS. In this duel, it'll be Rainbow Dash taking on the current champion, Isaac." stated Vice-Principal Luna as she stood up from her chair next to her sister. "So if both competitors are ready... let the duel... begin!!"

"Opponent detected. Streaming data. Duel mode set. Initiating. Commencing duel." said their duel disks.

Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 8000-

Isaac's Life Points: 8000-

Turn 1: Isaac

"I'll start off, I draw. I'll summon my Obnoxious Celtic Guardian(1400/1200) in defense mode. Then since I control a Level 4 or below monster, I can summon my Mage Annette(1300/1700). And by summoning her, I get to draw an extra card." said Isaac as his kid magician opened her book and inside was the card as she used her magic to float it over to her master as Isaac took it and gave a smile to his monster.

"With that, I'll lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 2: Rainbow

"Then it's my turn, so get ready!" shouted Rainbow as she drew her card.

Isaac looked at his friend as he could see she was trying to figure out how she wanted to start her turn. Which monsters are you gonna start off with, Dash? Your Ultra Athletes or Speedroids.

"Since I control no monsters, I can special summon this monster, Speedroid Terrortop(1200/600). And by summoning my Speedroid Terrortop, I can add a 'Speedroid' monster to my hand." Rainbow then used her duel disk screen as she was selecting the card she wanted as she made her choice and then it ejected the card out for her to grab. "Then I summon U.A. Libero Spiker(1800/1800)." Rainbow's monster then appeared as it was a person who had a metal suit as it powered up and the monster did a few serves as a volleyball appeared in its hand.

"Now to attack, your Celtic Guardian can't be destroyed by monsters with 1900 or more attack points, but my U.A. Libero Spike only has 1800 and has enough attack points to take it out. So get him bud!" shouted the girl. Rainbow's monster then raced forward as he tossed the volleyball to his captain. Rainbow caught it as she got into position and then she served the ball towards her monster who jumped up high as a volley net appeared and he spiked it down on the floor as it exploded neat the foot of Isaac's monster as it was destroyed.

"I'll now end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 3: Isaac

"My draw, and I summon my Magician Boy(1500/1200)." said Isaac as he now had his other kid magician on the field in his oversized robe and hat.

"Is it my turn yet?" asked Magician Boy as he was eager to get in on the action.

"Calm down. Isaac is the one in charge."

"I've been itching for a battle, Annette. Can't wait to go all super power." said the boy magician.

"That's not even a sentence, god you're a handful." said Mage Annette.

"Lighten up, Annette." said Isaac as he talked with his magician. "Besides, have you told him?"

"Master! Not you!" pouted Mage Annette. She then made her way towards Isaac as he bent down to her level. "I thought you would understand."

"I do, Annette. But maybe you could take a chance." suggested Isaac.

"What are you guys talking about?" asked Magician Boy.

"Nothing! Just stay out of my business!" shouted Mage Annette.

"Come on, tell me Annette. I'm your best friend."

"No! Leave me alone!" stated the girl as she turned her back to her friend as she was trying to hide the blush on her face as she played with her hair.

"Isaac, tell Annette that I just wanted to hear what you two were talking about?" said the kid magician.

"Sorry little bud, but that's between me and her." informed Isaac. "But maybe she'll tell you if you say sorry."

"Why should I say sorry, she started it!" pointed the boy.

"Did not! You did!" stated the girl as she and the boy were now arguing like little kids.

"Guys, settle down." said Isaac as both of his magicians sat back to back as they had their arms crossed and had upset looks. "You guys are best friends, and friends fight, that's just naturally. But know that as upset as you guys may be with each other, you both need the other. To help and offer support when they need it the most. Like me, I need you guys to help me win this duel. So can you both stop getting on each other nerves?"

Both of Isaac's kid magicians looked at their master and then at each other as they soon smiled.

"Alright, Isaac." said Magician Boy as he stood up. "I'm sorry, Annette."

"I suppose I can accept your apology." said Mage Annette.

Magician Boy then offered his hand to his best friend as Mage Annette looked at her friend as the blush returned on her face. She then placed her hand in his as it made her heart flutter a bit as he pulled her up as she gave the small boy a deep and loving hug.

"That's what I like to see. Now let's get back to battling." stated Isaac.

"Yes sir, Isaac." said both kids as they got into position.

"Now I'll have my Magician Boy attack your U.A. Libero Spike. And with my Magician Boy's special ability, he can't be destroyed in battle and any damage he takes you take instead." said Isaac as his tiny magician tried so hard to raise his staff as he got a good aim and then fired his spell as he managed to not fall down this time as it collided with Dash's monster who blocked it with his fist as it ricocheted off his armor and headed towards the girl as it pinged her.
Rainbow's Life Points: 7700-

"Then the other effect of my Magician Boy activates, when it fails to destroy a monster, I can then one monster on the field and you take damage equal to its attack points. So your Libero Spiker is now destroyed." stated Isaac as this time Mage Annette now placed her tiny hand on her best friend's shoulder as she transferred some of her power as both kids fired a spell that took out Rainbow's monster.
Rainbow's Life Points: 5900-

"Nice job, you two." said Isaac as he bent down and gave his kid magicians each a high five. "I now end my turn."

Turn 4: Rainbow

"Not bad, but I ain't done. Just what I needed, I summon Speedroid Maliciousmagnet(0/0)! And now Maliciousmagnet allows me to synchro summon using any one of your monsters that's out on the field. So I'll borrow your Magician Boy, Isaac. And then I tune my Level 1 Speedroid Maliciousmagnet with your Level 3 Magician Boy!" Maliciousmagnet then soared into the air as it turned into one giant green ring as it circled around Isaac's spellcaster as a new monster was being summoned. "I Synchro Summon, Hi-Speedroid Puzzle(1300/1600)!" said Rainbow as her new monster was a ninja as it appeared on the field with such speed and agility.

"Now to attack, Hi-Speedroid Puzzle attack his Mage Annette. In case you forgot, Isaac. Hi-Speedroid Puzzle's ability allows him to double his attack points when he battles a special summoned monster until the end of the Damage Step. So now your other magician is gone." stated Rainbow as her monster managed to get rid of Isaac's other kid magician.

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 5: Isaac

"Then it's my turn, and I'll summon my Berry Magician Girl(400/400)." Isaac now had a small baby appear on his field as she had tiny fairy wings that she flapped hard to hover while having a pacifier in her mouth. "And when I summon my Berry Magician Girl, I can add a 'Magician Girl' from my deck to my hand." Isaac's magician girls all appeared in front of their master as they were all trying to convince their master to pick them, well except Kiwi Magician Girl as she was the oldest of the sisters and just let the others be themselves.

"Hmm, tough choice in picking which cute girl I want. Berry, what do you think?" asked Isaac as he looked to his magician to get her input.

"Let me think." said Berry Magician Girl in her baby voice as she sat on Isaac's shoulder. "Lemon was mean to me the other day, she took my toy away." pouted the little thing.

"It was past your bedtime little miss." said Lemon Magician Girl to her baby sister.

"No!" pouted the small thing as she made a suck on her pacifier. "Apple's always nice, I pick her."

"Alright then." said Isaac as he agreed to that choice.

"Yes!" stated Apple Magician Girl. "That's why you need to be sweet with our sister." said the girl as she gave Lemon a smug smile that their baby sister liked her the most. Apple Magician Girl then snuggled Isaac's arm as she was glad to be picked by her master.

"Alright, Apple. You can fawn over me later." stated Isaac as he reminded his magician that they were still in a duel.

"Right, Isaac." smiled the girl as she now turned into a card as it was now in Isaac's hand.

"I picked my Apple Magician Girl. Then I'll place one more card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 6: Rainbow

"My draw, and I'll summon my U.A. Midfielder(1200/1000)!" A portal opened up as out came Rainbow's monster as it landed on the field as its hair blew in the wind. He then turned to his left as he saw Hi-Speedroid Puzzle as he gave a quick fist bump to his comrade as Puzzle used his cannon hand to return the gesture.

"You guys ready to attack?" asked Rainbow to her two lead monsters as they nodded at their captain. "Good, now U.A. Midfielder attack that Berry Magician Girl!"

"You now triggered Berry Magician Girl's other effect, so it switches to defense mode and then I can special summon one other 'Magician Girl' from my deck to the field. So I pick my Chocolate Magician Girl(1800/1000)!" stated Isaac as a piece of a chocolate bar appeared as soon it began to melt and then appeared his monster as she gave a wink.

"Either way, I'm still going to attack your Berry Magician Girl." said Rainbow as her Midfielder took out Isaac's tiny magician with a powerful kick attack. "And now Hi-Speedroid Puzzle take out his Chocolate Magician Girl, and don't forget my Puzzle doubles its attack points since its battling a special summoned monster."

"Well, let me tell you about Chocolate Magician Girl's effect, so now I can revive a spellcaster in my graveyard and then it becomes the new target and its attack points are cut in half. So rise up, Mage Annette in defense mode. And by summoning Mage Annette once again, I draw an extra card. And with your monster's attack cut in half, that means it drops back to 1300." said Isaac as Rainbow's monster collided with Isaac's kid magician as she held her ground with her wand as she pushed back the machine.
Rainbow's Life Points: 5500-

"Good one, Annette." said Chocolate Magician Girl.

"Thanks, Chocolate. Hey, are we still going to hang out later?" aske Mage Annette to the older girl.

"Yup, and maybe this time we'll finally get you to work up the courage to admit to that crush of yours." giggled Chocolate Magician Girl as all of Isaac's female monsters and magicians all knew about Mage Annette's crush on her best friend as they often tried to get the small girl to open up and tell him about it.

"No! If I tell him, he'll laugh at me." said the small girl as she stroked her hair as she contemplated about telling her best friend she had a crush on him.

"It'll work out Annette." said Isaac as soon him and his monsters returned back to battle.

"Not bad, Isaac. But this duel is just getting started, I end my turn."

Turn 7: Isaac

"My turn, I draw. I'll activate my Chocolate Magician Girl's special ability so by sending one spellcaster in my hand to the graveyard, I can draw an extra card. So I'll discard my Apple Magician Girl." stated Isaac as he sent his card into the graveyard slot and then picked up an extra card. "I'll now sacrifice my Mage Annette so that I can summon my Dark Magician Girl!" stated Isaac as his ultimate female spellcaster appeared.

"Isaac!" said Mana as she gave her friend a hug from the side as she nuzzled her cheek against his.

"Hey, Mana. I had Isaac first." stated Chocolate Magician Girl.

"But I'm Isaac's favorite girl outside of his girlfriend. Isn't that right?" asked Mana as she batted her eyelashes at the boy.

"I love you guys all equally, you're my friends." stated Isaac.

"He's so honest and cute." stated Mana as she gave a quick peck on the cheek before getting into position.

"Now then, I'll have my Dark Magician Girl attack your Hi-Speedroid Puzzle!" stated Isaac.

"Not so fast, I reveal my facedown, Burning Sonic. Now I can negate your attack and then target one of my monsters and give it 500 more points, so I choose my Hi-Speedroid Puzzle." stated Rainbow as she saved her monster from being destroyed and powered it up.

"Fine then, I'll have my Chocolate Magician Girl attack your U.A. Midfielder!" said Isaac as his other magician took out its target.
Rainbow's Life Points: 4900-

"With that, I'll end my turn."

Turn 8: Rainbow

"My turn, and now I'll play my Speedroid Horse Stilts(1100/1100). And when I summon this monster, I can also special summon one Level 4 or lower Speedroid monster from my hand, so join the field, Speedroid Den-Den Daiko Duke(1000/1000)." Rainbow now had a total of four monsters on her field as she looked to take things to the next level. "I now tune my Level 3 Daiko Duke with my Level 4 Horse Stilts!" Rainbow's Daiko Duke then transformed into three giant green rings as they circled around Horse Stilts. "Beat your wings to whip up a whirlwind of destruction! I Synchro Summon, Clear Wing Synchro Dragon(2500/2000)!" shouted Rainbow as one of her powerhouses of her deck had arrived as it let out a growl as it prepared to due battle for its mistress.

"This could be a challenge." said Isaac as he knew how tough Rainbow's dragon could be, especially with its ability.

"Now to attack, Hi-Speedroid Puzzle attack his Chocolate Magician Girl! And remember since you special summoned her, my monster's attack double and with the boost from my Burning Sonic, it now has a total of 3600 points." stated Rainbow.

"Don't forget about my Chocolate Magician's Girl's effect, I revive one of my fallen magicians and then it changes over to it."

"Well, not if I send my Burning Sonic to the graveyard, by doing so it negates the activation of your monster's effect so you can't do your trick. It may lose the extra 500 points, but you're about to take a bigger hit." said Rainbow as her monster made contact with Isaac's monster as it was taken out.
Isaac's Life Points: 6700-

"And now Clear Wing take out his Dark Magician Girl!" commanded Rainbow.

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Pigeon. So now I can return my Dark Magician Girl back to my hand and then replace her with two 'Pigeon' tokens." said Isaac as his card flipped over as his magician turned into a white light as it shot towards his hand as he held her card and on the field were white pigeons as soon Rainbow's monster came in at high speed and took out one of them as only feathers remained.

"Not bad, geek. I'll end my turn."

"And now at the end phase, all my Pigeon tokens are destroyed and then my Dark Magician Girl is back in play." said Isaac as the white bird now had a light coming from it as soon Isaac's female wizard was back.

Turn 9: Isaac

"My draw," said Isaac as he drew his card and was beginning to think of how to properly deal with Rainbow's Clear Wing.

"Got a plan, Isaac?" asked Mana as she appeared next to her master as she looked over his shoulder to see his cards.

"I got something, do you trust me, Mana." asked the boy.

"Don't I always." responded the girl with a kiss.

"I simply lay one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 10: Rainbow

"My turn, and I'll play the spell card, U.A. Signing Deal. So now I can special summon one 'U.A.' monster from my deck, but its effects are negated and I take damage times its level by 300. So I choose my U.A. Rookie(300/300) whose Level 2." Out came a boy who had brown scruffy hair and wore a shiny bronze metal suit with blue and orange patterns, compared to his teammates who all wore shiny silver metal suits.
Rainbow's Life Points: 4300-

"Now let's try this again, Clear Wing take out his Dark Magician Girl!"

"I reveal my facedown, Magical Hats! Materialize!" shouted Isaac as his trap now produced four hats that came out and then shuffled his monster. "You know how this works, Dash."

"I do. Which is why I hate you." said the girl as she gritted her teeth.


"Yeah, I love you." said Rainbow so that only Isaac could hear that response. "Fine, Clear Wing attack the hat on the far right!" instructed the girl as her dragon took flight and then came rushing down as it made contact with the hat as it produced smoke. It soon disbursed as three other hats remained. "I'll fine her eventually, I end my turn."

Turn 11: Isaac

"My turn, and I'll summon Magician's Valkyria(1600/1800) in defense mode. Now for long as she's on the field, you can't target any of my other spellcasters until you get rid of her. With that, I'll lay another card facedown."

Turn 12: Rainbow

"My draw, and now I'll tag out my U.A. Rookie so that I can summon my U.A. Mighty Slugger(2300/700)!" Rainbow's monster emerged from a portal as he did a quick high five with the little boy as he traded places with him; her new athlete then tossed a ball in the air as he swung his bat as he scored a homerun as he gave a nod to his fellow comrades.

"Now, Clear Wing this time take out his Magician's Valkyria." stated the girl as her dragon managed to take out Isaac's monster. "And this time my Mighty Slugger will attack the hat on the right, and thanks to his ability, you can't activated any cards or effects until the end of the Damage Step." stated Rainbow as she knew this attack she was for certain she could avoid Isaac activating his facedowns. Her monster then brought its bat down on the hat as once again there was nothing there.

"Strike two!" shouted Isaac with a smile.

"Either way, you have no more places to hide her. I end my turn with a facedown."

Turn 13: Isaac

"My turn and I'll dispel my Magical Hats." said Isaac as his magician was now revealed. "Now, I'll play Sage's Stone since I have Dark Magician Girl on the field, I can now summon my ever-faithful companion, Dark Magician!" shouted the boy as now he had his ultimate wizard on the field. "Then I'll play my Magic Formula so that I can give my Dark Magician an extra 700 attack points. So now time to take out your Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" commanded Isaac.

"I reveal my facedown, Shift. So now I can change the target, so my Hi-Speedroid Puzzle is taking the hit and it's special ability allows it to double its attack points when it battles a monsters that was special summoned, so I'll minimize the damage I'll take." stated the chromatic girl as her other monster stepped in front of her dragon as it collided with Isaac's monster.
Rainbow's Life Points: 3700-

"Either way, you still have fewer life points than me. Now Dark Magician Girl take out her Speedroid Terrortop." stated Isaac.

"And now the ability of my Hi-Speedroid Puzzle activates, since it was sent to the graveyard this turn, I can add a different 'Speedroid' from my graveyard and add it back to my hand, so I'll take back my Speedroid Terrortop." said Rainbow as her duel disk ejected her card for her to grab.

"I end my turn."

Turn 14: Rainbow

"My turn, and I'll summon my Speedroid Razorang(2000/0). Then I activate its special ability, which allows me to target one monster on the field and change it to defense mode and it loses 800 attack points this turn. And the monster I choose... is my own Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!" said the girl as she pointed at her creature.

"But then you can activate..."

"Correct, I activate Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's special ability, it allows me to negate the effect of my Razorang and then destroy it all together. Go Reverse Revenge!!!" shouted the chromatic girl as her dragon unleashed her power and absorbed its comrade. "Then Clear Wing Synchro Dragon gains the attack points of the monster it destroyed with its effect, so now my Dragon has 5000 attack points!" shouted Rainbow as her monster powered up. "Now take out his Dark Magician Girl! Spin Storm Sky Strike!!" Clear Wing heard Rainbow's command as it soared high into the air as soon it was above the clouds and then came racing down with so much speed and velocity as it began to spin really fast as it made contact with Isaac's monster.

"Mana!!" shouted Isaac as he put his arms up and was thrown off his feet for a second before he roll through the attack and was bent down on one knee as his magician was gone.
Isaac's Life Points: 3700-

"With that attack, our life points are now even. I end my turn."

Turn 15: Isaac

"It's my turn, my Dark Magician Girl may be gone, but she won't be for long. Cause now I play the spell Bond Between Teacher and Student, so now I can bring back my female magician." said Isaac as soon Mana rose up once again ready to battle. "Then my spell allows me to set a card of my choosing from my deck, so I choose my Dark Magic Twin Burst, but it won't be staying down for long, cause now I'll activate it so that my Dark Magician gains attack points equal to my Dark Magician Girl raising his strength to 5200. Now attack her Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!"

"I reveal my facedown, Dicetadium of Fate! Here how it works, I pick a monster on the field to apply its effects, so I choose your Dark Magician. Then whatever number I roll determines what effect kicks in, an odd number that monster is destroyed, even number that monster gains 1000 attack points."

"You're making a risking play there, Dash."

"True, but I learned that from you. Besides, if it works in my favor, then I'll have be one step closer to be called champion. Now... Dice Roll!" shouted the girl as she tossed a die into the air as it began to bounce around as soon it landed on a side. "One, and that's an odd number so that means your Dark Magician is gone!" stated Rainbow as she managed to survive.

"I reveal my facedown, Eternal Soul. So now I can use its effect to bring back my Dark Magician in defense mode." said Isaac as he prepared for Rainbow's next turn. "And since you also sent my Magic Formula to the graveyard, I gain 1000 life points."
Isaac's Life Points: 4700-

Turn 16: Rainbow

"Trust me, you're gonna need them. I draw, and I'll resummon my U.A. Rookie. Then I'll play the spell card, U.A. Turnover Tactics; if I control two or more 'U.A.' monsters with different names, I can shuffle those monster back into my deck and then I can replace them with two different monsters but they can't attack this turn. So I'll return my Rookie and Mighty Slugger so that I can substitute my U.A. Playmaker(2600/2000) and U.A. Strategist(1000/600)! Then the other effect of my spell allows you to special summon up to the same number of monsters that I shuffled back into my deck."

"Very well, then." Isaac then used his duel disk screen as he was thinking of which monsters he wanted to summon. "I choose my Dark Magician of Chaos(2800/2500) and Queen's Knight(1500/1600) both in defense mode. And when my Dark Magician of Chaos is summoned, I can add a spell card back to my hand." said Isaac as his duel disk ejected his card for him to grab.

"Now I'm activating my U.A. Strategist, so by returning 'U.A.' monsters from my graveyard back to my deck, I can increase or decrease the level of a 'U.A' monster on my field. So I'll return my U.A. Libero Spiker so that I can decrease my Strategist from Level 3 to Level 2. And with that, I'll then tune my Level 2 U.A. Strategist with my Level 8 U.A. Playmaker!" Strategist raised its whistle and blew into it; Strategist’s whistle echoed as it turned into two green rings that floated into the air. Playmaker rose up into them as they began to spin. A pillar of blue light shot down through the rings. “I align brains and brawn, coach and player, and call in the unparalleled master of the field!” Rainbow’s duel disk popped open as she grabbed her card materialized from her Extra Deck compartment. She grabbed it and held it up. “Meet a superstar like no other! I Synchro Summon! Rushing in, U.A. Star Player(2700/2500)!” The pillar of light receded, revealing a darkened form floating in the air. Clad head to toe in a silver bodysuit with glowing blue and orange stripes up the sides, it hung ominously in the air. The monster raised its head, scruffy blond hair blowing in the wind, and dropped to the ground, landing on its feet. It held a hand to the side and a pair of orange sunglasses appeared in its fingers; it slipped them on, grinned, and reared up to its full height, arms crossed.

Rainbow now had her two best monsters on the field as both gave a nod to each other as they prepared to help their mistress in winning this battle.

"Next, up I'll play Graceful Charity so that I can draw three cards and then discard two." said the girl as she drew her cards and selected the ones she wanted to get rid of. "Now, Clear Wing attack his Dark Magician Girl and Star Player attack his Dark Magician!" stated Rainbow as both of her monsters managed to take out Isaac's two magicians.

"With that, I'll one card facedown and end my turn."

Turn 17: Isaac

"My turn, I'll activate the effect of my Eternal Soul so that I can bring back my Dark Magician. Then I'll summon my Enchantress of Melody(900/1800). And now I activate her ability, which means I can roll a die and whatever number it lands means I can either decrease or increase a monster's level. Now time for my dice roll!" said Isaac as he had a die appear in his hand as his Enchantress of Melody put her hand on her young master as she smiled.

"Dice Roll!" shouted both monster and master. The die then was tossed high into the air as it came down and rolled around a bit, as it stopped and landed one a side. "One, so I'll now decrease my Melody's level from 3 to 2." stated Isaac.

"Hey, Melody. Ready?"

"Of course, Isaac." said the girl with a wink.

"Now I tune my Enchantress of Melody with my Dark Magician and when using Dark Magician as Synchro Material, he counts as Level 6 instead of 7." Enchantress of Melody then turned into two giant green rings as they circled around Dark Magician. "I Synchro Summon, Dark Sorcerer Magician(2500/2100)!" Isaac's new monster emerged as it made its staff appear out of stardust as it has seven symbols swirling around the top of its wand. "Now when my monster is summoned, I can select one spell/trap card on the field and destroy it. And the card I choose is my own." stated Isaac as he took out one of his facedowns.

"What?!" shouted Rainbow as she though for sure Isaac would have selected her facedown given what it was she laid down.

"You'll find out when it happens." said the boy. "Then I'll switch my Dark Magician of Chaos into attack mode. Now I'll have my Dark Magician of Chaos to attack your Star Player!" Isaac's magician then raised his staff and fired a powerful spell as it took out Rainbow's monster.
Rainbow's Life Points: 3600-

"Then I'll have my Dark Sorcerer Magician attack your Clear Wing Synchro Dragon." said the boy as his other spellcaster prepared to trade blows with Rainbow's dragon.

"They'll both be destroyed, unless..." smirked Rainbow, "You gonna use your monsters ability to cut my dragon's strength in half."

"And then activate Clear Wing's ability in response to make itself stronger, nice try Dash. I may lose my monster, but at least I'll take out your dragon with it." informed Isaac.

"Smart, but I figured you wouldn't do that, which is why I had a backup plan. You should've destroyed my facedown, cause now it'll cost you. I reveal King's Synchro, now when you declare an attack on a Synchro Monster, I can negate that attack, then I can banish the Synchro monster you tried to take out and one tuner monster in my graveyard to synchro summon a new monster from my Extra Deck so long as its level equals to the combined total of the monsters I'm banishing." stated Rainbow as the image of her Speedroid Red-Eyed Diced appeared.

"So I banish both of them so that I can tune them together, to pave the way for an even mightier dragon! Watch as the essence of that Monster takes shape! Watch as it is forged by raw power! I Synchro Summon! Take flight, Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon(3000/2500)!" shouted Rainbow as she upgraded her beast for a more powerful version as it had wings made up of crystal as it let out a roar heard throughout the field for everybody watching the duel.

"Now things have gotten a bit more complicated." said Isaac as he looked at Rainbow's beast. "I end my turn."

Turn 18: Rainbow

"My turn and first off, I'm summoning Speedroid Ohajikid(1000/200). And when he's summoned, I can target one tuner monster in either of our graveyards and use it to synchro summon, so I'll use my U.A. Strategist." said Rainbow as her monster reappeared as it turned into three giant green rings that circled Ohajikid. "I now tuning them together to call forth a mystical cross-sword with the power to cut every enemy down to size! I Synchro Summon! Hi-Speedroid Kendama(2200/1600)!" said Rainbow as she called forth another one of her synchro monsters. "Now to activate Kendama's special ability, by banishing a Machine-type monster from my graveyard, you take 500 points of damage." said Rainbow as she removed her Ohajikid as her monster fired a beam directly at Isaac.
Isaac's Life Points: 4200-

"Now to attack, Kendama attack his Queen's Knight. Kendama allows it to deal piecing damage to any monster in defense mode, so you're still taking damage." informed the girl as her monster took out the knight.
Isaac's Life Points: 3600-

"And now to attack, Crystal Wing attack his Dark Magician of Chaos, Crystal Wing's ability allows it to gain the attack points of the monster it battles so now it has 5800 attack points. Go Crystal Cataclysmic Strike!!!" shouted Rainbow as her dragon did some sharp maneuvers in the air as it soon collided with Isaac's monster.
Isaac's Life Points: 600-

Isaac thrown from the attack as he landed on his back with some scuffs and dirt on his body.

"With that I end my turn."

Turn 19: Isaac

"Nice one, Dash." said Isaac as he slowly got up and wiped his mouth as he looked at his dragon. Given the power it possessed, Isaac knew it wasn't going to be easy.

"Now then, my draw! And to start off, I'll use my Eternal Soul to bring back my Dark Magician from the graveyard." said Isaac as his most loyal monster was back for one more round.

"So what? My Crystal Wing's ability will just gain the attack points of any monster when it battles, so even if you power up your magician, it won't matter." stated Rainbow.

"Then what about this move, I activate a card from my graveyard." said Isaac as a white light began to shine through from the ground.

"Graveyard, wait a sec..." Rainbow was now thinking back to when Isaac's summoned his Dark Sorcerer Magician and how he took out his own card instead of his own.

"Time to see it in action, the card I destroyed was my Broken Wand Ceremony!" shouted Isaac as up rose an altar as there were some torches that lit up as some ghostly spirits were circling about. "First off, I need to sacrifice a monster for this to function, so Dark Sorcerer Magician lend me your power for this turn." stated the boy as his monster gave a bow to his master and transformed into a light as it entered the altar itself as the flames of the torches grew even more powerful. "With that done, my victory is assured. Now a spellcaster on my field gets a power boost for every magician in my graveyard it gains 300 attack points. And currently there are 9 magicians laid to rest so that means my Dark Magician gains 2700 more points bring it to have a total of 5200. Now to battle, Mahad!"

"I told you, Crystal Wing's ability allows it to gain the attack points of the monster it fights, so I'll activate its effect to boost my dragon by your magician's power." said Rainbow as her dragon used its wings and shot a light at Isaac's monster as it powered up heavily. "Now it has 8200 attack points so... you lose."

"No I don't! Cause by activating your dragon's ability, you let me activate my Broken Wand Ceremony's additional effect." smiled Isaac.


"When you activate a card or effect during the battle phase, my Broken Wand Ceremony allows to remove any number of spellcasters from my graveyard, to lower your monster's attack points by 1000 until the end of the battle. So I'll remove all nine of my magicians to lower your dragon's attack all the way down to zero. Now your monster is weaker and powerless against my magician, so thank for the help, Rainbow." said Isaac with a smug smile as he looked at his friend. All the spirits of Isaac's magicians in his graveyard appeared as they pointed their wands and staffs at Mahad as they gave their leader some power.

"All together now!" shouted Mahad as he lifted his staff up high.

"Yes, Mahad!" shouted the other magicians.

"Finish this, Dark Magic Attack!!!" shouted Isaac. His monster then fired a powerful spell with the help of his fallen comrades as the spell shot towards Crystal Wing who let out a roar as it was sucked of all its power and then started to feel itself be destroyed as it exploded and cause Rainbow to be thrown onto her back.
Rainbow Dash's Life Points: 0-

Winner: Isaac

"And the winner of this duel and still champion, Isaac!" stated Luna as she stood up to make the announcement.

The crowd all cheered as they stood up and gave an applause to the two duelists who left it all on the line to bring them a entertaining fight. Isaac had dropped to a knee as Rainbow had managed to get the boy to be exhausted; he took a few moments before properly standing up and making his way to Rainbow who sat up and looked at her friend. He extended his hand out to which she accepted as Isaac pulled her up.

"Good fight." said Isaac with a hint of exhaustion.

"You too, geek." smiled Rainbow.

They saw their friends giving them some applause as they both decided to take a bow. However, just as they were coming up from the bow, an object was flying towards them. In fact it was aiming for Rainbow's head; Isaac noticed this out the corner of his eyes as it was coming at fast speed.

"Rainbow, look out!" shouted Isaac as he shoved the girl out of the way and stepped in the line of fire as he got hit hard in the head with the object as down he went.

"Isaac!" shouted Rainbow as she saw her friend get knocked down and fell facefirst into the ground.

She then raced over to check on her friend as the others were all concerned to as they got up from their seats and were starting to make their way to the field. The other students watching this were shocked as they began to do some small murmurs and talk at what they saw. Even Principal Luna and Vice-Principal Celestia were shocked by what they saw that they demanded whoever was responsible for trying to injure the pair to come out. Soon they got their answer in the form of an evil laugh. Soon on one of the screens projecting the duel, there was a feed cut as static sound was heard and then the picture became clear as it showed an empty room and a chair. Soon the person came into frame as they sat on the chair.

"Congratulations on your victory, Isaac."

"Starlight?!" said Twilight as she was shocked to see the girl.

"She's back?!" said the others.

Starlight then crossed her legs as she leaned forward a bit as she prepared to say wanted she wanted. "Isaac, while you lay there, hopefully, as uncomfortable as you possibly can be, I want you to listen to me." said the girl as Isaac was still in a bit of pain from taking the soccer ball to the head as he tried to get up but his body and the girls weren't allowing him to as he only could lift his head to see Starlight on the screen taking to him.

"I want you to digest this; I have a lot of things I wanna get off my chest. I don't hate you, Isaac. I don't even dislike you. I do like you. I like you hell a lot more than anybody else out there and anybody reading this story. I just hate the idea that you're the 'best' because you're not. I'm the best." said Starlight. "I'm the best in the world. There's one thing you're better at than I am and that's kissing Duel Monsters' ass!" sounded off the girl.

"You're as good at kissing Duel Monsters' ass as Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna were." said the girl as she made sure to direct that statemen to the two older women as it got them to have a scowl. "I don't know if you're as good as the legendary duelists though, I mean they were all pretty good ass kissers, especially your idol the King of Games, right? Always were and they still are. Oops, is that not in the script of this story; am I going against what the author wrote for me." mocked Starlight as she did a quick wave to the fourth wall for breaking reality. "Well, since we're going off script, I like to take this opportunity to everybody reading." said Starlight as she gave the middle finger to the readers. "Especially to the assholes that are always complaining and bitching about every single little chapter, including whining why isn't a certain character here, or why is he left out so hard of many things. To that I say personally, fuck you. Screw off and stop ruining the fun!! You're bothering other people and the author." Starlight then turned her attention back to Isaac as she had more to say.

"I am the best duelist in the world. I've been the best ever since day one when I got into this game. And I've been vilified and hated since that day because someone saw something in me that nobody else wanted to admit. I've grabbed so many of these imaginary brass rings that Duel Monsters is suppose to provide that it's finally dawned on me that they're just that. They're completely imaginary." said Starlight. "The only thing that's real is... me! And the fact that day in and day out, for almost 16 years of my life, I've proved to everybody in the world that I am the best! On this microphone, on that dueling field, even when I was tagging with Sunburst on the underground scene!! Nobody can touch me!!!" shouted Starlight with fury in her voice.

Isaac was now shifting his body as the girls helped to move their male friend as he now sat with his back leaning against Twilight as she held the boy while he saw Starlight continuing to talk. Fluttershy pulled out a handkerchief as she started to check his head for any internal damage.

"And yet, no matter how many times I prove it, I'm not on your lovely little tag that this story uses to attract people. I'm not on the cover pic for the program, I'm not even brought up by people in comment section asking where the hell am I. I'm barely promoted as is." said Starlight as for her she was attacking the readers and their comment made to this story. "I don't get to be in movies, like you Isaac. And I certain don't own a shitty card shop. But the fact of the matter is, I should be! And trust me, this isn't sour grapes. But the fact that you've been blessed with all this and made the protagonist of this story so you can have all this glory and accolades, and I don't have anything to show for my efforts, makes me sick to my damn stomach!!!" yelled the girl to everybody listening and watching her speech.

"Oh, hey. let me get something straight. Those of you who are cheering me right now in the comments section and agreeing with what I'm saying since I brought up all these points. And all those fakeass fans supporting me for speaking out right now. You are just the biggest part of what's wrong with this game and with this story!!" said Starlight once more breaking the wall of reality. "You're the ones who are buying into this BS, into this story. You buy those card packs, you buys those cards, you buy those figurines. You're the ones who buy those promo packs and programs that try to sell to the consumer and then you start to horde as much as you and then at 5 in the morning you try to sell it online on E-bay to make a quick buck because you're all too lazy to go get a real job!!" shouted the girl.

"The reason why you all are the problem is this. You are still gonna pour money into this game. I'm just a spoke on the wheel, I'm nothing more than a player in this world and reality. The wheel's gonna keep turning and I understand that. But this game is gonna make money because of you all bandwagon bitches!!" said Starlight.

"Someone cut it off!" shouted Celestia as she had enough of Starlight and her badmouth as one of the technicians tried to cut off her transmission.

"Ohh, but wait, I have a story to tell. I'm sure everybody wants to hear this cause it involves Luna and Celestia. Right girls, I think you know which one I'm talking about." said Starlight with a sadistic evil smile as both women had their eyes widen at what Starlight was going about to say.

"Hurry up!" shouted Luna.

"Students, let me tell you all a personal story about your beloved principals. All right. You know this whole bullying thing that they stand against, well guess what, they used to bully...." at the second the transmission cut off as they managed to end Starlight's broadcast.

"Got it." said one of the engineers.

"Very well, but I got my point across. Let's go Sunburst." said Starlight as the boy pulled the cables from the school's mainframe as they exited the room and left the premise without anybody seeing them.

Meanwhile out on the field, the message that Starlight did had everybody shooken. The student's chatter became more audible as they were now looking at their principal as it seemed they wanted to hear what Starlight was going to say about them. For the girls they couldn't believe that Starlight was back and had bad said all those things, but for Isaac he had finally gotten the strength to stand up as he looked at the screen where Starlight did her little broadcast as he clenched his fist as he knew that this time she was back and badder than ever.

Author's Note:

Well... we've finally reached this point. The final story arc, and what a hell of a way to start it off and grab everybody's attention. Now this story arc, I've had this in my head since the moment, I was working on the Equestria story arc. All the way back then, that's how long I've had this idea cooking in my head. The hard part was being able to get to this point, and now that I have, I'm so happy I was able to just use every single thing I could think of between then and now. So, as you can tell, this story arc, is one that I've had fun with. One of those is that for this story arc, the main overall theme when it comes to when Starlight and Isaac talk/banter each other is the idea of going off script. What do I mean by that? Is what a character is suppose to say, versus what they aren't suppose to say? It's the idea of blurring the lines of reality; what someone says is true or not. So know that when the banter happens between Isaac and Starlight, all I can say is get some snacks, drinks, get comfy, use the bathroom if you have to, whatever you need. Cause the stuff they will say, ohh, it's juicy. Shade is gonna be thrown at everything, people, comments, etc...

Now that we have reached the final story arc, I mentioned that you all will needed to remember certain things. This is true, especially for the next chapter and what happens. So one of those things, you're gonna need to reread or refresh on is all of Isaac's moments where he meets the members of the Big 5. So chapters 96, 115, 128, and 155. Just get a quick reminder of Isaac's meeting with those duelist. Then also refresh on chapter 164 where he also brings up those experiences and the incident at the end of what happens in that chapter. And of course now that Starlight is back, reread chapter 76, specifically, the part where Starlight talks with Twilight and Isaac individually.

All of this is key details and what will drive the story going forward for this arc. And especially for the next chapter. So I urge you guys to refresh on these points in the story before the next chapter gets published because it will help you all to understand the points made by both Isaac and Starlight. And of course one last message I do want to convey throughout this story is the idea of which side do you choose. Will you side with Isaac and the points he make, or Starlight and the debates she'll bring up when the two of them clash.

Anyways, hope everybody is ready for the fourth wall to be broken a lot and to sink your teeth in on some juicy and personal banter between the two. Now then, go refresh yourselves on those chapters and come next chapter... oh boy.... get ready to have your mouth watering and be feed a full course meal.

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