• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Time to party! A new element added! part 2

Our heroes kept walking along the path just assuming Palmon would be in the temple or at least nearby. Pinkie noticed the awkward silence. Pinkie inches towards Coronamon. "Do you know what's gotten Apple Bloom's pants in a knot?" She asks. "To be honest, i don't know. She sort of started acting like this this morning."

'Well that's no way to act! Someone needs to put a smile on her face! And i know just the girl!' Thought Pinkie. She skipped over to Apple Bloom standing just in front of her. "Hey Apple Bloom wanna hear a joke?" But Apple Bloom just brushed her off and walked ahead. "Not now Pinkie." Pinkie just pouted she didn't really like people ignoring her. "Look Apple Bloom you can't be all pouty like that all the time."

The group was a bit more separated while the road was getting a little bigger and at the moment Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't want anything to do with each other. "Look Pinkie am the one who has to pull the weight and give the orders on mah team, ah can't have weaklings on the team." Said Apple Bloom. "Who are you calling a weakling!?" Yelled Scootaloo raising her fist.

"Hey am the only one who puts any dedication into there job. It ain't mah fault that ya'll can't seem to do anythin." Scootaloo walked over to Apple Bloom and grabbed her shirt. "Say that again." But Pinkie once again got in the way. "Girls! I don't like seeing best friends fight like this! It's worse than stale Cupcakes!" You stay out of this! Both of them yelled at the same time pushing Pinkie back making Pinkie fall on the ground.

Coronamon and Hawkmon jumped in between them before they could tussle. "Get out of the way Coronamon!" "Not until you two stop fighting! That's not gonna solve anything!" Coronamon yelled. Just then they heard a roar coming from where they just came from. "Hide!" Yelled Sweetie Belle who then ran into the bushes. The others did so as well and they looked up to see if Kuwagamon would notice them.

"How are we gonna find Palmon if Kuwagamon keeps getting in our way?" Muttered Armadillomon. "It's like he's got a death wish on us." Said Scootaloo. Pinkie just chimed in saying. "Well we did bury him in the mountains, i would be mad too." Scootaloo pointed her hand towards Pinkie. "You're not helping." She muttered.

They heard a bit of a clank sound and looked outside to see what it was and they saw something scary. Kuwagamon was roaring in pain as a dark aura enveloped him. They stared long enough to see the dark aura disappear and saw that he now had a black ring around hi's neck, he flew off to the direction of the temple.

"Come on girls!" Yelled Hawkmon, everyone ran of chasing after Kuwagamon. Apple Bloom tried running off too but Pinkie stood in front of her. "What are ya doin? We gotta follow them!"

"Look Apple Bloom you can't keep treating you're friends like that, it's just not nice! Why aren't you being nice to them?" Insisted Pinkie. AppleBloom simply pouts. "Look how many times do ah have to say it? am trying to prove that ah deserve these goggles." She makes her point by pointing at the Goggles hanging from her neck.

Pinkie thought about what Apple Bloom said. "Apple Bloom you're not gonna be a good leader if you keep bullying you're friends like that silly!" Then she suddenly took a more serious tone. "You got to think about what you're friend are feeling, i don't there happy seeing you like this." Apple Bloom noticed Pinkie's seriousness just then and her mouth almost fell to the ground. "Yer.... Bein serious? Well a guess yer right, ah haven't been thinking about the others just mahself." Apple Bloom put her hand on her shoulder in shame. But then heard a scream that sounded very familiar to Pinkie. "Palmon!"


Meanwhile right in front of the temple. "What are you waiting for? Open it!" And Palmon walked over to the door and opened it revealing the Element of Laughter floating in place. "Perfect." Trixie walked over to it and tried to grab it but to no avail. She couldn't manage to get it out, the most it did was shock her 'OW' She yelled.

Trixie stood back holding her shocked hand in her other hand. "What is the meaning of this?" Palmon put her hands behind her back and mumbled. "You can't just grab it like that." Trixie gave her a angry look but then looked over to her partner. "Agumon! Destroy this place! That should dislodge it." She let her Agumon go ahead, he got into battle position and launched. "Pepper breath!!" And hits the pedestal, still nothing gets it loose. "Pepper breath! Pepper breath! Pepper breath!" He yelled with a very villainous like tone in hi's voice hitting everything around the pedestal multiple times.

"This is gonna be harder than i thought." Said Trixie. Just then they heard a roar coming from outside. This gives Trixie a great idea so she walks out and notices the Kuwagamon flying around. 'It seems to be looking for something.' Trixie thought. She put her gloved hand in her pocket and took something tiny, a smile grew on her face as it changed shape into one of the black rings. "What are you planning to do with that thing!?" Asked Palmon. "Oh you'll see." Trixie said and she then threw the black ring towards Kuwagamon, when it hit Kuwagamon yelled while a dark aura enveloped him.

When the dark aura disappeared "Maybe with hi's pincers we can get that Element out of there." that was all Palmon could stand. "Stop it you big bully! I've some really bad creatures in my day but you take the cake and not the good kind!! Take this! Poison ivy!!" Palmon shot out a bunch of vines aiming for Kuwagamon. "Agumon!" Trixie Agumon shot out his claw slashing Palmon's vine making her scream.

"Well now that that's taken care off, come on you two!" And she motioned Agumon and Kuwagamon to follow. "Tear the whole place down!" Before Kuwagamon could do so however.
"What have you done to her you meanie!" Yelled a familiar bubbly voice, Trixie looked to her side and saw those meddling kids show up and Pinkie holding Palmon. "Trixie! What are you doing here?"Yelled Scootaloo. "Oh isn't it obvious? I'm here for the Element of Laughter!" Pinkie raised an eyebrow at that. "But why would you want it anyway?" Trixie just laughed. "Because my boss needs it." Sweetie Belle pointed directly at Trixie yelling. "Alright confess!! Who are you working for?!" Trixie brushes her off. "Why would i tell you that?" She then proceeds to shrug. Scootaloo snapped there so she decided to do the only possible solution. "You know what? Forget it! Let's go Hawkmon Digiarmor energize!" And she then threw her Digivice in the air, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle soon follow.

Buckermon! The Honest rebel!

Jewlmon! The Generous Gemstone!

Shynermon the swarm of Kindness!

The three Digimon did a pose together to complete the entrance. Pinkie saw all this and said the most fitting response from her. "Oooooohh." "hmmp Lets see how this plays out. Kuwagamon destroy them!" Kuwagamon flew directly at them catching Buckermon in it's pincers. "Buckermon!" They all yelled. "Diamond storm!" Yelled Jewlmon hitting Kuwagamon with fierce force, still he wouldn't let go of Buckermon. "Grr, let me go!" He muttered. Kuwagamon tightens hi's grip on Buckermon making him scream. "Fluttering Swarm!!" The butterfly's swarmed to the direction of Kuwagamon but Agumon got in the way. "Pepper breath!" Yelled Agumon burning the Butterflies giving Shynermon a shocked expression. Agumon jumped and hits Shynermon with his claws throwing him back, Agumon kept slashing and slashing him pushing Shynermon back and back.

Jewlmon tried to attack Kuwagamon summoning many Diamond attacks hitting him but the attacks only made slight dents in him, making him finally let go of Buckermon landing right in front of Kuwagamon, degenerating back to Coronamon.

The girls just kept looking on scared of what would happen to there Partners. Apple Bloom was incredibly frightened seeing there partners like that. 'Come on guys ya'll can't just lose now. Please i just want the people of the Digital world to be happy please don't let it end like this.' Just then a small glow from the temple shined through the cracks, then a beam of light shot out of there. "What!?" Yelled Trixie. The beam of light hit Apple Bloom revealing a necklace similar to the one she picked up when she first came to the Digital World. "Wha....?" She wondered. "The Element of Laughter! But that one's mine! How could it have picked you?" Apple Bloom knew there why it appeared then. "Ah get it! Digi armor Energize!!" And she lifted her Digivice up to the sky making the ballon like charm on the necklace glow.

Trixie not giving Apple Bloom a single second to respond sends Kuwagamon after them. "Kuwagamon Destroy them!" But the glow prevented him from touching Apple Bloom or Coronamon.

Coronamon armor Digivolve too!!

He changed into a quadraped shape as a bunch of pink armor covered him, on the top of hi's head, on hi's paws which grew into giant claws and on hi's back. the flae on hi's tale shaped itself into a very poofy structure. Prankstermon!! The laughing Joker!!

He landed ready for battle as Kuwagamon chased after him, getting hi's pincers ready. "Oooooohhhh! That looks amazing!" Before Kuwagamon could hit Prankstermon jumped out of the way calling out hi's attack. "Mirror clone strike!!" And he summoned a bunch of fakes who hit Kuwagamon multiple times by just running into him. "Alright! Looks like we got this beat!" Yelled Scootaloo while fist pumping. Trixie gritted her teeth, she couldn't believe it her eyes! But Agumon took action trying to sneak up from behind but Prankstermon jumped out of the way immediately. "Diamond storm!" Agumon was then hit with a herd of diamonds sending him back.

Agumon gets up and jumps over to Trixie sharpening hi's claws, Kuwagamon tries to return as well but. "Not so fast!" Yelled Prankstermon as he glew a blue color, summoning a canon right in front of Kuwagamon then it shots a bomb covering Kuwagamon entirely in smoke, making the black ring disappear entirely, it''s energy flying everywhere. "Wow! How did he do that!" Asked Sweetie. Prankstersmon just said. "That's a good question." Trixie in the back throws another smoke bomb making her and Agumon vanish.

"She got away again." Said Shynermon then he degenerated to Hawkmon. Jewlmon did the same Degenerating to Armadillomon. Prankstermon did the same going back to Coronamon, a blue light came out of Coronamon and headed to Apple Bloom then going into her Digivice. "Wow Coronamon! You went all out on that Digimon! You were all like BOOM! and we were like WOW! And Kuwagamon was like WuagWuagWuagWuagWuag!" Pinkie eyes sparkled for a second the she yelled. "Ohh we should make a congratulations we got Coronamon to Digivolve party!" She even made a 'Shushing' gester to prove her point. "In secret of course!"

Everyone laughed making Scootaloo say. "You know that makes me wonder how has the Digital World kept being a secret with someone like Pinkie around." Sweetie belle whispered in Scootaloo's ear. "Who would believe her?" And she skipped along to get ready for the party. The others followed behind.

Apple Bloom stared at her Digivice looking at the 8-bit Balloon lying on the screen. "Wow, Ah got two of them now? That's so amazin!" Then she noticed the other went on ahead leaving her behind with an unconcious Kuwagamon.

"Hey! Wait up!"

Author's Note:

Hey guys! Does anyone want to help me write a chapter or two for this story? You see i don't want to feel like i'm rushing into the other Digivolutions, in this story there are only about two or three forms left to unlock.

Maybe a chapter focusing on Diamond tiara or one focused on Scootaloo. I could use some ideas here.