• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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The storm of friendship.

About a week after Scootaloo got the Element of Loyalty, another Digimon showed up by the name of Ice Devimon. The Digimon jumped in too fight him, the girls watching from the sidelines. "Alright guys! Lets go!" Said Prankstermon who along with Jewlmon and Blitzmon attacked IceDevimon. "Avalanche claw!" IceDevimon unleashed a barrage of ice blocks, Prankstermon and the others jump out of the way... But Jewlmon ends up bumping into Blitzmon. "Hey!" "Control your partner Sweetie belle!" "Sorry."

The two of them say. Prankstermon's cannon latches onto him and attacks. "Alright Jewlmon! Attack!" "Diamond arrow!" Jewlmon launches another attack but it ends up hitting Prankstermon's attack. "You know, i'm starting to think you guys aren't worth fighting." Said IceDevimon, he filled the area with some mist and soon after disappeared.


Twilight sighs and puts down an Ice Cream onto the table as the girls jump into Golden Oak, and Scootaloo grabbed the ice cream that was on the desk.

"Hey!" Twilight said. The girls just sat on the couch. "Ah can't believe that thing got away." Scootaloo looked over to Applebloom. "Oh we can just put the blame on these two." And she pointed to Sweetie belle. "What's that supposed to mean!?" Sweetie belle asked. Scootaloo looked over to her and then pointed to Upamon. "Your partner was the one who got in the way." Sweetie belle just glared at her. "It's not my fault! He was the one fighting!" Apple bloom looked over to them. "Well he is yer partner." "Hey!" Sweetie belle yelled. Scootaloo mumbled through the Ice Cream. "Your partner's pretty much useless." Sweetie belle got mad at her. "My partners not useless!" Twilight suddenly interrupted saying. "Enough! Look maybe you three should just turn in for the night and come back tomorrow." Sweetie belle then got up. "Right." She picked up Upamon, then glared at her friends, she then walked away.

They all did the same, while walking home Apple bloom just spoke to Coronamon. "Do you think these two will keep arguing?" She asks with a bit of worry. Sunmon looked up to her. "Don't worry, i'm sure by tomorrow those two will be as happy as usual." But that was not the case.

Meanwhile in the Digital World IceDevimon flew into a cave, inside were the Flim Flam Brothers and they're Pawnchessmon. "Did you defeat them?" "I did not."IceDevimon nodded a No. "And why not?" IceDevimon looked over to them. "They were pretty much defeating themselves. It just wasn't a worthy victory on my end." The brothers look at each other then look over to IceDevimon. "We can understand that, how about this." IceDevimon looked at them confused as the older brother put hi's arm on a rock. "We've found the location of the Last Element of Harmony, there bound to show up there, you can defeat them there." IceDevimon smiles. "Okay then, tell me where it is."

The next day Apple bloom walked into the park where Scootaloo was doing tricks with a Soccer ball. "Hey Scootaloo." Scootaloo grabbed her ball and looked at Applebloom. "Hey." Apple bloom looked around but she didn't see Sweetie belle "Have ya seen Sweetie anywhere?" Scootaloo looked down and and kept playing with her ball. "Who?" She asked. "Oh come on, don't tell me ya'll still mad at her?" Scootaloo kicked the ball having it fly into a tree. "I don't want to talk about it." She said. Apple bloom tilted her head. "Cmon Scootaloo, ya can't stay mad at ,er forever." Scootaloo gave her an angry look. "She let that Digimon get away!" Apple bloom yelled at her. "It wasn't her fault! Ya can't hold this grudge against for something that small!" Scootaloo yelled back. "Apple bloom! That Digimon could be out there causing chaos because we let it get away! Sweetie belle and her partner are just so useless." "That's not true, they probably just had a bad day." Sunmon said. Scootaloo chuckles. "Yeah that's the reason." She says sarcastically. "Would you two shut up!?" Yelled Sunmon, pretty much shutting up The girls.

Meanwhile Sweetie belle and Upamon were sitting around in the Carousel Boutique's kitchen. The two of them sigh. "What's the matter deary?" Sweetie Looks to her side and sees Rarity looking at her through the door way. "Rarity, are we useless?" She asks, she looks to Rarity to wait for her response, Rarity stutters for a bit. "Not at all Sweetie." Sweetie belle and Upamon could tell she was faking it in a second. "I can tell your faking it sis! I'm not useless!" Rarity jumps at her outburst. "That's not what i mean dear, it's just." She was stopped by Sweetie belle looking at her angry. "We are not useless!" Suddenly she heard beeping, that same beeping was heard by Apple bloom and Scootaloo, she looked at her Digivice and looked back up to her. "And we're gonna prove it!" She grabbed Upamon and ran out. She goes to the side of the building into a corner and yelled. "Digi-Port open!"


Sweetie belle and Armadillomon jump out of the Digi-port into an snowy mountain area. Sweetie immediately felt the cold, when she did she shivered quickly. "Ugh i should have brought my snow clothes." She says, she looks to her Digivice then looked to where the Digivice was pointing. "Looks like that's where were supposed to go." Armadillomon looked at her. "Sweetie belle if we stay here we'll freeze to death, maybe we should wait for the others." Out of nowhere he Digivolved into Jewlmon. "I take it that's a no." Sweetie belle jumped onto hi's back. "High ho Jewlmon!" And treated him like a horse as he ran through the Snowy landscape.

Up on the mountain you could see IceDevimon looking over to her. "We'll would you look at that, there they are." He noticed that there was only one person there, it confused him for a bit. "Interesting, they only sent one person? Oh well." He said, he sat down there and waited for Sweetie and Jewlmon. "Might as well make the game fun." He said and flew to a ridge.

Jewlmon climbed up the side of the mountain trying to make it to the top.
IceDevimon pushed a rock, making a giant snowball fall through the mountain, Jewlmon noticed it and jumped out of the way, "What was that?" He asked. Sweetie belle looked around. "Be careful Jewlmon." She said.

IceDevimon notices how they dodged it and pushes about three boulders down in they're direction. Jewlmon notices all the snowballs going in they're direction and dodges every single one of them. IceDevimon gets a little mad so he decides to cut the crud and launch one of hi's attacks. "Tundra freeze!" He shoots ice beams from hi's eyes, the ice beams hit the ground in front of Jewlmon and he slips around. "Who's doing this!?" Asked Sweetie belle. Jewlmon looked back at her and said. "Hold on!" He tries to stop and succeeds, panting tries to walk slowly towards the other side. "Maybe we should turn back?" He says looking over to Sweetie belle. "No way! Were already so close, we can't turn back now!" She says. Jewlmon makes it to the other side.

Meanwhile IceDevimon looks down on them and flies ahead, just out of view of Sweetie belle and Jewlmon. He makes it to a cave entrance an looks inside, he smiles and goes in, once he does he leaves little Ice walls around to make it hard for Jewlmon to there. Then Jewlmon and Sweetiebelle make it there, Sweetie belle looks around the cave and shivers even more. "Ugh this is extremely cold." She says as she walks in.

Jewlmon's body glowed with the reflections of the cave, Sweetie belle looked around amazed by it. "Wow Jewlmon, i didn't know you were that reflecting." She said as she looked at her partner. Jewlmon looked over to her. "It's just the armor. I can't believe we never noticed how shiny i was." He said covering one of hi's eyes. Sweetie belle put her arm on him, she then says. "If it bugs you, you can degenerate back into Armadillomon if you want too." Jewlmon looked at her and nodded, he then proceeded to degenerate into Armadillomon.

Meanwhile Applebloom and Scootaloo are running over to Golden oaks, once they make it in Twilight looks over to them. "Where's Sweetie belle and Upamon?" Asked Apple bloom. "Who needs them, we can do this ourselves." Scootaloo insisted, with Poromon and Sunmon giving each other an annoyed look. Twilight however wasn't so annoyed, she looked to the four. "Girls, Sweetie belle's already in the Digital World." She said with an annoyed tone. Apple bloom got a little worried at the way she said that, if she was still mad like Scootaloo was, what if she went into this mission recklessly? Applebloom looked to Scootaloo then looked back to Twilight. She then asked. "What happened to her?" Twilight looked at the screen. "Nothing yet but if she keeps going in the direction she's going, she's going to hit a very powerfull Digimon." This caught they're attention. Making the group of four's eyes go wide.

Back in the Digital world Sweetie belle and Armadillomon kept walking to a slighty open area, this area had a some kind of ice wall combined with an icy ground, they treaded carefully towards the wall. Sweetie belle looked at her Digivice, the Beeping was coming from that Direction, she looked over to Armadillomon. "We should probably break this down." Sweetie said. Armadillomon nods and curls up into a ball. Meanwhile IceDevimon was looking in the shadows with an evil smile. Armadillomon proceeds to break the wall and it crumbles down. The cracks fell grew onto the ice ground.

The ice kept cracking Sweetie and Armadillomon noticed. "We got to go!" Sweetie belle yelled. The two of them tried to run out but it was no avail, the ice finally broke. "Oh no!" Yelled Armadillomon as the ice broke beneath them, causing Sweetie belle and Armadillomon too fall into the depths. "AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!"

To be continued.