• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

A new rival! Light vs Darkness!

This story begins in a slightly different scenario than usual. Inside a mansion just outside of Town a Girl walks up to a door that seems to be her's and opened it. When she walk inside a small Digimon jumps on her bed and and asks. "Is piano practice done already?" The girls takes off her bookbag and goes on her bed. "Uh is something bothering you?" Asks Lunamon.

"Nah i'm just a bit annoyed. How could Celestia pick those losers to be Digidestined. I superior than them in every way." She said taking out her Digivice. "And there not even doing a very good job! It's so agrevating!" She said. "If only there were a way for us to get Apple Bloom to give him up." Then Diamond got an idea, an awful wonderful idea.

Opening theme

"Huh? Where am i?" Said Coronamon as he noticed that he was wandering in a forest like area with no goal whatsoever. "The last i remember was.... Going to the Apple's place." He said scratching hi's head. He looked around this forest wondering how he could have gotten there. He suddenly heard some footsteps and looked all around vigilantly.

"Who's there?!" He yelled. Then a figure appeared in the fog. "Coronamon relax! It's me." Coronamon recognized the voice as Lunamon's and she appeared out of the fog.
"Lunamon!" He yelled with glee and ran towards her. But before he got there he was hit with something. It seemed to be some sort of invisible wall. "Huh? ...Don't tell me, you're visiting me in a dream?" Lunamon nods and smiles. "I'm actually here to pass along a message from my Tamer."

Coronamon gets up from the ground and rubs the back of hi's head. "A message? From you're Tamer?"
"Yeah, she wants to meet up with AppleBloom."

Coronamon scratches his head a bit. "Why? I thought she didn't want anything to do with us. ...Wait how do you know Apple Bloom's name?" Lunamon shrugs. "Aparently she knows Apple Bloom. Just tell her to meet up with us outside of town at 4 PM. Don't forget!" She says and runs off into the darkness. "Wait! Lunamon! How are we supposed to know where to find you?" Asks Coronamon.

Lunamon stops for a second and tells him. "We'll leave you a letter!" And hops into the night. Just then Coronamon sees a bright light covering him and then.... He falls off a bed.

He opened hi's eyes to see Apple Bloom staring at him. "What happened to you?" She asks. He floats back up to Apple Bloom's bed, it seems that he Degenerated to Sunmon.

"Apple Bloom, it seems we got a visit from Lunamon last night." Apple Bloom looks around confused and raises her eyebrow. "Uh what do ya mean?" "I'm saying she visited me in a dream." Apple Bloom got all excited hearing that. "Wow really!? What did she say?" Sunmon asked. "She said to meet her in the park with her Tamer."

"So at what time are we gonna meet them?" Said Apple Bloom as she got out of bed and put on her bow.

"After School . Wait, you believe me? I mean it sounds kind of farfetched."

"Sunmon i'm talkin to a floating talking fireball who can't burn things and were team mates with a talking Hawk and Armadillo. ah think anything sounds believable now." She said putting on her clothes. "Anyway we gotta get going so let's go." Sunmon hopped into her bag and they left to town.

Meanwhile just before classes started a girl walking by the lockers stops by Apple Bloom's and puts something small in it, she looks around and runs off.

Later that day.

Lunchtime was almost over and the Digidestined were walking down the hall on there way towards the Lunchroom.
"Are you sure you weren't just dreaming it?" Said Scootaloo. Sunmon peeked from Apple Blooms bag. "I know how it sounds but Lunamon has the ability to see Digimon's dreams. If she wanted to she could jump into Upamon and Poromon's dreams too."

"That's incredible." Says Sweetie. "And scary." mumbles Upamon.

The girls stopped by there lockers to take some stuff and as Apple Bloom opened hers a letter dropped out. "Huh? What's that?" She wonders.

Apple bloom picks it up the letter and opens it up. "What does it say?" Asks Sweetie. 'To find the location Lunamon mentioned, follow these directions. Only bring Coronamon, or else. And under it was a map of the park. (poorly drawn by the way)

"What's that supposed to be?" Asks Scootaloo. "Ah think it's supposed to be the the outside of town" The girls tilt there heads looking at it. Scootaloo speaks up. "It looks like she want to see you somewhere secluded." Upamon gulps and then says. "What, what if she wants you 'gone'?"

"It could be a trap. Maybe we should tell Twilight. She might know what to do right?" Asks Sweetie belle.

Apple Bloom wondered about it for a second. "Nah Am goin." The two girls both yelled. "WHAT?!"
"Look Lunamon is Coronamon's friend. Am sure she wouldn't her friend. She seems like a nice enough person." Just as she said that the bell started ringing and they were off to the next class.

Meanwhile in the corner of the room a familiar girl was watching them and she mumbled. "Well Lunamon it's time for the hunt." And she went to the classroom as well.


Even later that day.

Apple Bloom and Sunmon were walking on a path just on the edge of town in front of a park like area, there wasn't really a lot of people in there just sitting on benches and lying on trees. "So where are we supposed to go?" Apple Bloom took out the letter again and looked at the directions. "....Ah think we have to go this way." And she walked down the straight path.

They kept going in the way the directions tolf the too until eventually they made it too a dead end more like a Hedge really. "What now? There's nothing here!" Asks Sunmon. Apple Bloom looks around and says. "And there doesn't seem to be anyone around either."

Apple Bloom looked around again wondering if she got the Directions wrong. "Maybe we go through here?" Asks Sunmon. Apple Bloom then tries the idea going through the Hedge. And once on the other side she sees that there in some sort of Grotto.

Sunmon floated off of Apple Bloom's arms and was floating right next to her. "So this is where were supposed to meet Lunamon and her tamer?" Said Apple Bloom as she was walking further into the grotto.

But something wasn't right, and Sunmon felt it. He quickly looked to hi's side and yelled to Apple Bloom. "Look out!" And pushed her to the side as two blasts hit the ground.

"What was that!?" Yells Apple Bloom. "Lunamon! What are you doing!?" Yells Sunmon. Lunamon jumped off a nearby tree landing by them.

"Huh, almost had them." Mumbled a voice from the trees. Apple Blooms was shocked at who's voice it was. "Wait.... Diamond Tiara?! Is that you!?" She said.

Diamond came out of the trees shadow. "The one and only."She said. "Y you're Lunamon's Tamer?!" Yelled Apple Bloom.

"Yeah pretty much." She said, doing a mocking gesture. "Bu. But how?" Said Apple Bloom all nervous. "Oh no reason. The Princess just angknowledged my greatness and gave me a Digimon as a reward." She said putting her hand on her forehead.

Apple Bloom got up from the ground yelling. "That's ridiculous! Princess Celestia would have never given you a Digimon!" Diamond shrugs. "Oh you insult me Apple Bloom. Who said it had to be Celestia who gave me Lunamon?"

"She's right after all there are two Princesses." Said Sunmon. "Wait there's another Princess besides Celestia?" Asked Apple Bloom tilting her head.

Diamond laughs at Apple Bloom's stupidity making Apple Bloom give her a very angry look. "You're hopeless. How on Earth did the Princesses find you fit to be a Digidestined? Now listen here Apple Bloom let me give you a choice. Either you give me Sunmon right now and i'll tell the Princesses that you quit, or i'll take him by force. Which do you pick?" She said.

Apple Bloom's blood started boiling at her sudden offer. Was she crazy? "No way! Ah just got used to havin Sunmon around and ya'll want to take him away!? You must be crazy!" She said giving Diamond her best Objection finger. "Oh were the crazy ones? Who's the one who always jumps into things foolhardedly?"

Apple Bloom thought about it for a second, sure her and her friends always do thing like that but they can't help it. "That's right you." Said Diamond Tiara. Apple Bloom just speaks up. "Sure me and mah friends do things without thinkin, but that's just who ah am!" Diamond laughed at her. "Oh so simple minded. It's like you're not even fit to wear those Goggles!"

Apple Bloom gave her an even angrier look. "Fine, i guess we have to take him by force. Lunamon! You know what to do!"

"Right!" Yelled Lunamon. Then she got her dark claws out and ran towards Sunmon. Before she could hit him however he dodged her attack, each strike missing as Sunmon kept dodging.

"Fine! If it's a fight you want!." Apple bloom's Digivce started to glow.

Sunmon immediately Digivolved into Coronamon. "Huh?" He wondered. But he didn't have to wonder for long because Lunamon tried striking him again. "Look Lunamon! I don't want to fight you!" Lunamon stopped for a second. "Trust me i don't want to fight you either but DT is my tamer. I have to obey her orders." She said then struck her claws out once more.

Coronamon looked back at Apple Bloom then looked at Diamon and Lunamon. "Fine if that's the way were gonna play it." He said then he stuck out a fist! "Corona Knukle!" Before he could land hi's punch Lunamon dodged it and tried hitting him with her claw again.

The claw hit him but not enough to make him bleed. He jumped back but Lunamon kept trying to slice him apart. Coronamon tried to dodge each attack until he was backed into a corner.

Lunamon slashed him but he ducked under it and the tree behind him got slashed and he looked back to see. "Woah." But just then Lunamon punched him making him land on the ground. 'Wow, how did she get so much power?' Thought Apple Bloom.

Lunamon stuck her claw out again and aimed it at Coronamon. Coronamon opened hi's eyes and quickly kicked her. Coronamon stood up and charged hi's Petit Prominence attack and shot it directly at Lunamon.

Lunamon quickly dodges the attack and the blast hit the ground. "Long ear ripple!!" She yelled trapping Coronamon in a bubble. He had in eyes in a 'cartoony' shock like expression as he was trapped.

Diamond started laughing again, making Apple Bloom shot her an angry look. Diamond looked at her and said. "Ha! He's so weak! I bet he can't even Digivolve!"

"What are ya'll talkin about? Of course he can digivolve! Ya'll saw him when we fought Gilda!" Apple Bloom yelled. Diamond chuckled at this. "Oh you think that was a real Digivolution? Please, you've just been borrowing power from the older Digidestined!" Apple Bloom tilted her head and thought to herself 'what's that supposed to mean?'

"Now us on the other hand...." Apple Bloom looked up to see that Diamond took out her Digivice and it was glowing and a small mark appeared on it's screen. "We got real power! Digivolution Acti...!" But before she could finish.....

"Stop it! Both of you!" And all four looked to the entrance and noticed Twilight walking up to them. "Apple Bloom i expected better from you when i gave you those Goggles." She said walking up to Apple Bloom. She then looked over to Diamond and said. "And you, who do you think you are? Digimon aren't meant to settle childhood rivalries! Being a Digidestined means were supposed to protect them!"

"Hmmp Whatever." Said Diamond. She turned to walk away and looked back. "Lunamon come on." "Coming!" Yelled Lunamon and jumped onto Diamond's shoulder and she kept walking away. "How did a spoiled brat like that get to be a Digidestined?" Asks Apple Bloom.

Twilight looked at her and said. "Don't worry i'll schedule a meeting with the Princess, we'll straighten things out." Coronamon degenerated and floated over to the two. "Phew glad that's over with. Say Twilight how did you find us?" "Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle told me what was happening when i got here i simply followed the signal my Digivice was giving off. Cmon let's get you two home." Said Twilight.

As they were walking back to Sweet Apple Acres the words Diamond said to her kept ringing in her head. "Oh were the crazy ones? Who's the one who always jumps into things foolhardedly? That's right you."
"Oh so simple minded. It's like you're not even fit to wear those Goggles!"

Apple Bloom took a look at her goggles. "Am gonna try and be a better leader from now on."

Ending theme.

Author's Note:

Next time on Digimon:Digital Monsters The team unlocks a new Element! Which one is it? Stay tuned!

First chapter written on my brand spanking new WiiU! ....Well most of it anyway.

The browser on this thing is amazing!