• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Champion evolution.

Previously on Digimon, Digital Monsters.

Trixie walks into a pretty dark room, a room where the only lights in it. Inside Datamon was typing on a computer. "Is it done?" She asked. Datamon looked back. "What is?" "You know! The Absorption weapon." Trixie yelled. Datamon walks up to a tube and pressed a few button. "Why yes, yes it is ready." He removed hi's claws from the control panel and the tube opened to reveal a pair of claws. "Excellent, Agumon, come over here!" She smiles and it all fades to black.

"Alright! The 6 Elements are ours!" Apple bloom says as she stretches her arms and lies down on the living room floor while the three Digimon were drinking out of juice boxes. Twilight looks over to her. "Applebloom your acting as if we already won, after all we still have to find where Trixie and those other goons are stationed in the Digital world." Apple Bloom looked up to her and said. "Yeah, ah know but this is a really big step right?" "Well yes that's true, it's just all a matter of searching for it."

Sweetie belle spoke up. "Uh girls if were gonna look for they're base, do you think we should ask the other Digidestined to help us?." Twilight responds to her. "Of course your sister and the others are coming along." "Yeah i know, but i mean Diamond and Lunamon." Causing Scootaloo who was also drinking a Juice box to have a spit take. "Are you serious Sweetie belle? We ask her?" Poromon looks up to her and says. "Well Scootaloo she is a Digidestined like you four so she might be willing to help us." Scootaloo immediately spoke up yelling. "Are you serious!? She's the biggest jerk outside of the Digital World!"

She looked to Applebloom and asked. "Am i right?" Applebloom put her hand on her chin and thought for a second, she looked to Scootaloo and said. "Ah know she's a jerk but she's a Digidestined too which means the four of us are team like it or not, it can't hurt to ask." She then got up off the ground. "Cmon girls." Scootaloo just mumbled under her breath. "Fine."

We jump cut to just outside a Mansion where Applebloom and the others were standing in, they proceeded to press a button on a speaker. "Hello?" Applebloom then spoke up. "Yeah, is this where Diamond Tiara lives?" The voice on the other end says. "Yes, who is this?" Sweetie belle walks a little closer. "Were some of her classmates, we wanted to talk to her, is she in?" "Yes i'll open the gate." And it does so the group goes inside.

A butler opens the door and leads them to a couch. "I'll bring her down. Please lie down." The group just sits down, and put the Digimon on the couch, they look around and noticed how fancy everything looked. "Rarity would love this place." Thought Sweetie belle. They hear footsteps so they look at the doorway and see Diamond walking in with Lunamon hanging by her shoulder. "What do you want?" She asks as she walks over to them.

Applebloom starts. "Uh ya see we kinduh need yer help." Diamond raises an eyebrow. "My help?" She asks. "What could the Celestia's little helpers want my help for?" The girls and they're Digimon look at each other and then look back at her. "Well we managed to get all 6 Elements of Harmony." "Without your help." They all look at Scootaloo then look back to Diamond. "Anyway we managed to get the Elements of Harmony, and we need to find the place where the Black towers are coming from and where gonna need all the help we can get." She extends her arm. "Can ya help us?" Diamond chuckles and slaps Applebloom's hand away. "If anyone's gonna find that source." She looks up to Applebloom. "It's gonna be me, and i don't need help from anyone else!" Lunamon just shots looks inbetween the two girls. "What about you Lunamon?" asks Applebloom. Lunamon jumps at the question but simply says. "Sorry, i'm very limited too what i can do if i'm not around DT." Pouting at the girls as they had with a sad look on her face.


Trixie and Agumon walk throught a woodland area. "This should be a good place." She looks over to her partner Digimon and gives her a sly look. "Activate it." She says. Agumon then puts a pair of gloves on hi's claws causing a burst of dark energy. This caught the attention of the Digidestined in the real world who were just sitting in Sugarcube corner drinking milkshakes. "Well that didn't work." Mumbled Sunmon. "We probably should have expected this." Sweetie belle Said. Just then they're Digivices started bleeping. "Alright girls come on!" They ran into a hallway and jumped into the Digital World.

The got out in a very forestall area just when they got a message from Twilight. "Girls! Be careful, this power boost was higher than the others it could be dangerous." "Relax Twilight, after all the stuff we've been through ah think we can handle this." Responds Applebloom and stops the message. They keep going to a small circle area in the woods where they walk into it foolhardily. "Seems safe enough." Says Coronamon. Sweetie belle looks at her Digivice then too Armadillomon and says. "Well, i guess this is the place." Then they walked onto the center and once they did. Coronamon feels something in the air "Something doesn't feel right." He got a sudden feel in hi's legs and pushed Applebloom out of the way. "Look out!"

Cables come up and grabs the group's legs, sans Coronamon and Apple bloom and Scootaloo and Sweetie belle drop they're Digivices. Trixie and Agumon pop out of the shadows walk over to them, grabibing the paralyzed groups Digivices. "Well be taking these." "Hey! You can't do that!" Armadillomon yelled, he tried to move but it was no avail he was stuck. "Are ya forgetin about us?" Asked Applebloom, Coronamon got into a battle position as they threatened her.

Trixie gave them a look. "Do you really think you two have a chance against us?" She flashed them the girls Digivices. "After all i have these." Coronamon lifted hi's fist and tried to attack Agumon. "Give those back!" Agumon slapped him with hi's claw, a claw covered in a black armor, sending him back.

"Pepper breath!" Yelled Agumon hitting Coronamon. "It's no use Applebloom! You've got... to get... help." And with that her friends blacked out. "No! Coronamon, ya got to get them!" Coronamon ran over to her and grabbed her. "We promise we'll come back!" He ran off. "Coronamon!"


Coronamon stopped near a town and put Applebloom next to a tree then she sat down, "I can't believe we let that happen..." Coronamon gave her a saddened look. "Sorry i couldn't do it on my own." Apple bloom just looked at her and gave him a sort of apologetic smile then got up. "We gotta get help." Said Apple bloom. "But who? The others are nowhere near here." then she sighs. "Yer right." The she paced around a bit. "Now we can't even Digivolve now that ah don't have mah Digivice."

"Should be around here." Apple bloom heard a familiar voice then he looked up. "It looks like that signal just disappeared. What a bother." She recognized the voice as Diamond Tiara. Coronamon then asks. "You hear it too?" She nods. "Ah know she didn't want to help us earlier but mah friends are in trouble and ah can't turn my back on them." "You kind of did." Says Coronamon but Applebloom hits him over the head. "Lets go."

"It looks like it's on the move." Said Diamond looking at her Digivice, Lunamon got her tiny fists out. "Then we have to go after it!" Diamond put away her Digivice. "That's the idea!" She runs but is stopped when she hears a familiar voice. "Hey Diamond!" "Oh no." She mumbled. Apple Bloom stops right in front of her and takes a breather. "Ya got to help us!" She said, Diamond raised an eyebrow at her. "Help you?" She asked. Applebloom and Coronamon explained to her what had happened to her friends and they're Digimon. "Do you think i'm gonna help you? Ha! Your own stupidity is what got you into this mess so it can get you out. " Was all Diamond said making Applebloom and Coronamon look at her with anger.

"Your on you'r own." She says, she then feels something pulling on her leg, she looks down to see Lunamon staring back at her with an incredibly cute expression. "Please? They're Digidestined too so we have to help." Diamond just looks at her but as Lunamon keeps staring at Diamond she puts on an even more cute sad expression. "Pwease?" She asks Diamond fianlly caving in, closing her eyes. "Fine." She says, Lunamon looks over to Applebloom and Coronamon who had looks of confusion, she gives them a smile and looks back to Diamond. "Look i'll help you but only because we have similar goals right now, i could care less about your loser friends." She says. Applebloom and Coronamon look at each other then look at Diamond smiling. "Right!" Then she extends her hand, Diamond shaking it. "Truce." They said.

They walked in the direction of the signal, Diamond stopping for a second and said to Lunamon. "Those eyes of yours aren't always get you want Lunamon." She looks back and laughs, then she says. "I know." She even sticks out her tongue and runs off with Applebloom and Coronamon.

Scootaloo and Sweetie belle slowly waking up and saw Trixie looking back at them. "Your awake." She says while Sweetie belle tries to make her own 'You don't say' face with Scootaloo just looking at Sweetie belle annoyed. "What are you gonna do with us?!" Yelled Scootaloo. Trixie simply gave her an evil look and laughed. "Too you? nothing, To them?" Then they looked over to the side where Hawkmon and Armadillomon tied up together.

Agumon walked up to them sharpening hi's claws, Agumon looked over to Trixie with a face that said 'Ready when you tell me too.' which Trixie walked over to Armadillomon and Hawkmon, kicking them and forcing them to wake up. "Wwhats going on!?" Yelled Armadillomon. Trixie walked back letting Agumon take point. "Do it." He took out hi's claws and utterly stabbed them on they're sides making them scream. "What are you doing to them!?" Yelled Sweetie Belle. Trixie looks over to them, she smiles. "I'm taking something that should belong to us." When she says that Armadillomon and Hawkmon begin to glow, the glow also affecting Agumon.

"Stop it!" Yelled Scootaloo as she tried to break free from her shakles covering her arms and legs, but alas she couldn't do it. "Don't bother those are made of Chrome Digizoid."
"What!?" Scootaloo yelled, Sweetie belle then whispered in her ear. "Chrome Digizoid is the strongest metal in Digiworld." Scootaloo was giving her an annoyed look when she said that.

"Lunar claw!"
"Petit prominence!"

Two attacks collided with Agumon sending him back. Trixie looked back and saw Coronamon and Lunamon with Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara. "Apple Bloom! ...Diamond Tiara?" Coronamon and Lunamon got ready to fight, Apple Bloom pointed towards Trixie and Agumon. "Alright! Give it up! We've got ya surrounded!" Trixie gave them a chuckle. "HAH! What do you expect to do without this?" And she flashed Apple Bloom's Digivice in front of them.

As she did so Agumon stood in front of the two Digimon. "Heh, do you really think we're defenseless?"Trixie looked at Diamond who gave her a smug look. "What are you talking about?" Trixie says. Diamond laughed at her and took out a Digivice from her pocket. "Lunamon! Digivolve now!" Apple Bloom looked to DT with a confused expression and her Digivice glowed with a mark appearing on the screen.

"Lunamon! Digivolve too!" Coronamon looked at Lunamon in shock. "You can Digivolve!?" Lunamon was enveloped by a bright light and changed shape, growing bigger with visible legs and a purple slime like substance materialized on her body, then a piece of armor covered her face. Back in the fight the lights broke apart revealing another Digimon. "...Lekismon!" Lekismon hit the ground. The others having a face of shock on them.

"What!? You shouldn't be able to Digivolve!" Diamond smiled. "What makes you say that? I'm not as new to this job as these losers, i've already mastered the champion level!" Lekismon intterupted them. "And were gonna show you this power!" Trixie's eye twitched and she yelled at Agumon. "Delete her!" Agumon nods and jumps in claws ablazing.

Lekismon quickly evaded it, She ran up next to him and delivered a swift kick to hi's stomach. "Moon like kick!" And with Agumon kicked up against a tree Lekismon takes an arrow from her back. "Tear arrow!" Trixie was paying so much to the fight that Apple Bloom took the Digivices while she wasn't looking, she also noticed a key which she asumed belonged to those locks keeping Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle in place.

She took the keys and unlocked them releasing the girls, the first thing Scootaloo did is rub her wrists. Apple Bloom gave them they're Digivices and Sweetie Belle celebrated. "Yeah!" Trixie heard that and looked to them. "How did you!?" "Maybe you should keep better care of the things you steal Trixie!" Yelled Diamond in a mocking tone. Apple Bloom pointed her Digivice to Trixie. "Now Am gonna show ya'll not to mess with mah friends! Digi armor energize!"

Coronamon armor Digivolve to!
Buckermon! The honest rebel!

"Alright! I;m back!" He yells. He takes hi's guns out at Agumon and along with Lekismon holding another Tear arrow, he was pretty much backed into a corner. "Agumon! Fall Back! We still need to deliver the energy!" He shot another pepper breath to distract them which they fell for it. "You'r not getting away that easily!" Scootaloo ran to her but Trixie took out a Smoke bomb and threw it to the floor.

Scootaloo was left coughing as the smoke cleared up. "She got away." Sweetie Belle said in a sad tone. Lekismon degenerated back into Lunamon and hopped onto Diamonds shoulder. "Well there's nothing left for us here." Lunamon said. Diamond nods and walks away, she was stopped when Apple Bloom said. "Hey Diamond! Thanks for that." She says, the two looked to her.

"Ah couldn't have gotten mah friends back without ya." Diamond looked back at her. "Don't get the wrong idea, just because i helped you this time doesn't mean where buddy, buddy. We just wanted to get the same thing." She proceeded to walk away leaving the girls in that spot. "How does a person like her get they're Digimon to Digivolve like that? I thought you could only do it when you were good friends with your Digimon." Apple Bloom scratched the back of her head. "Ah guess she don't have a black void where her heart should be after all." The group of 4 heard something behind them, a groan of pain.

They got a schocked expression and loocked back to where they're partners were and they saw Hawkmon and Armadillomon in pain. "Hawkmon!" "Armadillomon!" They ran to they're friends side and noticed how it seemed they're bodies have lost data. "We got to get them help quick!"


"Where is it? Datamon!?" Yelled Flim. Datamon stammered around trying to explain himself. "Trixie showed up and took it earlier!" "And you just let her take it?" Flam responded. Then a voice from out of nowhere came out and spoke to Datamon. "You shouldn't have done that Datamon." A door opened and revealed Trixie walking in. "Hello Sombramon, peasents." The two brothers gave her an awkward expression.

"So you took it?" Sombramon said. "Yes i did but unlike these clown i actually put it to good use, Agumon!" And Agumon entered carrying some kind of tube full of some glowing substance, inside it was a bunch of ones and zeroes. He proceeded to put it down in front of Sombramon. "Interesting." Hi's shadowy hand grabbed it and it broke apart hi's body absorbing the data stolen from Hawkmon and Armadillomon.

Sombramon Digivolved Too!

Author's Note:

Animal Crossing New Leaf has taken way too much of my time, this chapter would have been out way sooner if i didn't have New leaf.