• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,655 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Apple Bloom the Digimon Crusader! Part 2

“So, what’s the plan?” Apple Bloom asked as the group traveled through the forest.
“Well,” Twilight said. “I figured that the best approach is also the simplest.”
“What does that mean?”
“Easy. We find Garurumon and gang up on him. I am sure that together we can beat him.”
Apple Bloom shot Twilight a look. “What kind of plan is that?” she exclaimed.
Twilight smirked knowingly. “Relax Apple Bloom. I can promise you that now that I am here, we can tip the scales in our favor.”
“How do ya figure, Twilight? No offense, but I never figure you to be that good of a fighter.”
Twilight and the Digimon shot each other a look before laughing. Spike rolled his eyes at the two before explaining to Apple Bloom, “Twilight is no fighter. She owns a Digivice and as long as she has it, I can Digivolve.”
“Didvolve? What’s that?” Apple Bloom asked with a confused expression upon her face.
“It’s what happens when a Digimon changes shape and gets stronger, Coronamon said.
“I still dun git it.”
Spike repressed the urge to smack himself in the forehead. “I think it would be best if we showed her.”
“That is a very good idea, Spike.” Twiligh responded. She looked down to Apple Bloom. “Are you ready to a demonstration?”
“Sure, I guess.” She answered with a frown. She watched as Spike took a few steps backwards away from the group. Twilight fetched her Digivice and pointed it over at Spike. A strange but familiar symbol appeared upon the device’s screen before it a burst of bright light enveloped Spike’s body. The light became almost blinding in its brilliance and when it finally dimmed, it revealed…
A young purple dragon with green spikes alone his back.
Twilight’s mouth hung open in shock as she stared at Spike. “What the…”
“That’s not really all that impressive,” Apple Bloom commented.
“How could this have happened?” Asked Twilight. There is no hiding the disappointment in her voice as she prodded the Digivice with her hoof.
“Maybe we forget something?” offered Spike as he stared at his claws.
“Do ya’ll think it has something to do with that dog thing from earlier?” suggested Apple Bloomd.
“I do not know,” Gaomon sighed. “But that doesn’t matter right now. We have to get a move on. If something is controlling all the Digimon than that must mean there is something wrong with the Elements of Harmony.”
“The Elements of Harmony?” Apple Bloom and Twilight exclaimed in unison. “Is that what you guys are doing all the way out here? Looking for the Elements?”
“We’ll explain on the way, but right now we got to get moving!” Gaomon exclaimed.
The group continued along their trek.
“What kind of trouble did I get mahself into this time?” Apple Bloom thought to herself.
“Keep up the pace!” Gaomon shouted.
“Huh?” She noticed that the others were already a couple of yards in front of her. “Aw man!” she whined before speeding up to a trot to catch up. “Wait fer me!”
Apple Bloom paid very close attention to Twilight’s conversation with Gaomon. Even though she didn’t really understand all of it, she was determined to learn as much as she could about what in tarnation was going on around here.
“…So Princess Celestia told us to investigate. We decided it would be best to split up but we never expected anything like this to happen.” Goamon explained.
“Is that why I was summoned here?” Twilight asked.
“Pretty much. The Princess used her magic on us so that we could summon you whenever we were in trouble.” Spike said.
“Uhm, ‘xcuse me, but who is this Celestia person ya’ll keep talking about?” Apple Bloom asked.
It was Coronmon who answered. “She’s the ruler of this world as well as the person who raised me.”
“So she is like your mother?”
“Well, Digimon really don’t have parents, but I guess in this case; yes, she is like my mother.”
“We’re here!” Gaomon hollered.
“Wowie!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. She stared in awe at the sight before her. They were standing in front of a massive building that looked as if it had been sculpted from gold. Beautiful fountains and shrubs lay before it giving it a rather majestic appeal.
“Where are we?”
“It is one of the Shrines dedicated to the Elements of Harmony,” Coronamon explained.
“And what are these Elements? This is the second time you mentioned them.”
“They are ancient relics from an age long forgotten. They are the most powerful relics in the Digital World and were given to us a few ears ago. They were used to Digivolve Spike as well as the others.” This came from Twilight.
“But ya’ll didn’t have one of these Elements with you when ya’ll were trying to evolve Spike. If you need the Elements, why did you think it would work without them?”
Coronamon just smiled while Twilight explained. “Well Apple Bloom, our partners can Digivolve just fine without the Elements but if they want to achieve their more powerful forms, they need the help of the Elements.”
“This is way over my head,” Apple Bloom said while running a hoof through her red mane.
“Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll understand it eventually.” Said Coronamon.
“Anyways,” Gaomon interrupted. “We’re here.”
“This door?” asked Twilight.
Coronamon walked over to the big, orange door and tried to pull it. When it didn’t budge,he tried pushing but that didn’t work either. With a grunt of annoyance, he put his claws on his hips and snarled at the door. “How do you open this thing?”
“Simple.” Gaomon said. He took a step forward and pushed upon the door. To everyone’s surprise, it opened with little effort! “I’m the key.”
“What does that mean?” Coronamon demanded.
“It means that I am the only one who can open it.” Gaomon said while snickering.
“You could have told me!” Coronamon yelled.
“What fun is there in doing that?” Gaomon laughed. He held the door open so that his friends could all enter the next room. He followed in afterwards letting the door close behind them.
The room in which they entered was filled with a strange glow which seemed to emanate from a glowing sphere from the other side of the room.
Gaomon walked up the steps leading up to the glowing orb. He tilted his head as he examined it.” Phew, it looks like everything is okay!" he said with a smile. “I think we can…”
A vicious howl tore through the room causing the group to jump in surprise.
“What was that?” Apple Bloom shrieked..
“Oh no!” Spike hollered. “He found us.”
“We need to hide!” Apple Bloom cried out.
“There is nowhere we can turn to. We’ll have to fight it out!” Twilight commanded. “Everyone, prepare yourselves for battle!”
The Digimon did as she commanded; Spike hunched over while extending his shape talons while Gaomon clenched his fists after tightening his headband.
“I want to help too!” Coronamon exclaimed.
“Not this time,” Twilight said. “You need to stay here.”
“What? Why? You know what I can do! I can beat Garurmon without any effort.”
“The only reason you did as much damage as you did was because he didn’t see it coming! If he had the chance to block, you wouldn’t had a chance!” Twilight sighed. “Plus we need someone to stay behind to guard Apple Bloom.”
“Hey!” Apple Bloom pouted. “I can take care of maself!”
The chamber shook violently as if something had crashed into the walls.
“Woah!” they shrieked. It sounded as if the beast was already in the chamber. If this kept up, the room would most likely collapse!
“We got to stop him!” Spike shouted.
“Stay here!” Twilight demanded as she and the other Digimon ran off to face the enemy.
"What is she gonna do?" Asked Apple Bloom.
"I think she's gonna try and get Spike to Digivolve." replied Coronamon.

"Pepper Breath!" yelled Spike as he leapt high into the air. A glowing green ball of fire exploded from the palm of his claws towards Garurmon. Garurmon deflected it with a blast of blue energy that ripped through the fireball to hit Spike right in the chest. Spike flew across the chamber with a howl of pain that was cut off the moment his back hit the wall. He collapsed against the floor with a groan.
“Spike!” Twilight screamed. She ran over to his side in hopes that he wasn’t too badly hurt.
“Gao Rush!” shouted Gaomon as he ran towards Garurmon. His fists became a blur of motion as he pummeled the larger Digimon but he might as well be punching air for it looked as if Garurmon felt nothing from the onslaught. Instead, Garurmon latched upon Gaomon’s shoulders and lifted him off the ground. With a snarl of satisfaction, Garurmonslammed Gaomon back-first into a wall with enough force that cracked spider-webbed out from the center of the impact.
Back inside the glowing chamber, Apple Bloom and Coronamon stood with a look of worry etched upon their faces. “This isn’t good,” Apple Bloom whimpered as she peaked through the doorway. “Garurmon is really beating them up!”
“If only they could Digivolve,” Coronamon whined.
That’s when Twilight’s voice echoed through Apple Bloom’s head.
“Well Apple Bloom, our partners can Digivolve just fine without them, but they need them in order to get them to their most powerful forms”
“That’s it!” Apple Bloom exclaimed. She ran towards the glowing sphere in the back fo the room and began pulling at it.
“What are you doing?” Coronamon asked.
“Twi said that these things could make them all Digivolve. So if we can get this over to them, we could probably get Gaomon to Digivolve!”
“That’s the stupidest thing I have ever heard!” Coronamon shouted.
“Well do you have any better ideas?” she snapped back while clonking her hand against the sphere.
“Well, no.”
“Then git over here and help me!” she growled. She slammed her hand against the sphere again and was rewarded with a loud cracking sound. “It’s coming off!” she exclaimed.
“It is?” Coronamon yelled. He ran up to Apple Bloom. “What can I do?”
“I don’t know! Just hit it!” she responded. He did as she instructed and the two of them alternated between hitting the sphere and pulling on it. As Apple Bloom’s hand hit the sphere one final time, a bright light erupted from its center bathing the entire chamber in its brilliance. When the light faded, there lay a necklace upon the sphere. In the necklace’s center was a charm in the shape of an apple. The two of them stumbled down the stairs with Apple Bloom landing on her head.
“That is the third time this has happened today,” she groaned while rubbing her forehead.
“Is that one of the Elements?” Coronamon asked.
“Let’s find out!” she yelped. The two of them raced out of the chamber to help their friends.
“I don’t think we can last much longer!” Gaomon panted while clutching his chest.
"But we can't give up now!" Spike shouted.
The two Digimon stared up at Garurumon as the beast closed in on them. “I think this may be the end, my friend.”
“At least we went down fighting.”
“Petit Prominence!” a voice shouted. The three Digimon looked towards the chamber just in time to see Coronamon smash himself straight into Garurumon. The impact knocked Garurumon off his feet and into the opposite wall. Chunks of stone and debris rained down upon him.
“That will teach you to hurt my friends!” Coronamon snarled.
“Coronamon! What are you doing here?”
“Saving your butts from what it looks like.” Coronamon laughed.
“We have a plan!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she joined the fray. “Look at what we found!” she yelled while waving the necklace.”
“What are you doing with that?” Twilight demanded.
“W-Well, we figured it could help ya’ll Digivolve.”
“But you need the Digivice for that to work!” Gaomon explained.
“Oh…” Apple Bloom whimpered while lowering her ears. She jumped as Garurumon began clawing himself out of the debris pile. He stared at the group with dark, angry eyes before charging towards Coronamon but the Digimon was ready for the beast for his fists were already tightly clenched in anticipation.
“Corona-knuckle!” he shouted while driving his fist into Garurumon’s stomach. Garurumon didn’t so much as flinch from the attack, instead driving both of his fists into Coronamon’s upper chest. Coronamon was knocked onto his back, gasping in pain.
“Coronamon!” Apple Bloom shouted. She ran over to her friend’s side.
“Don’t!” Twilight yelled but it was too late. Garurumon noticed the Element of Honesty dangling from Apple Bloom’s neck and began running after her.
“Ack!” Apple Bloom whined when she noticed that she was now Garurumon’s target. She fell to her stomach while hiding her head with her front legs.
“Arrrgg!” Coronamon jumped in between Apple Bloom and Garurumon with the intention of stopping the charging Digimon. All he accomplished, however, was getting both he and Apple Bloom knocked backwards into a fountain, breaking it on impact.
Apple Bloom dragged herself out of the debris. “I owe you…” she groaned. “What does this make it now? Two times? Three?”
“Friends don’t keep score.” Coronamon gasped. He pulled himself up onto his hands and knees. He looked up with a frown. “Ah…” he pulled Apple Bloom close. “Don’t look,” he whispered for Garurumon was closing in on them, his claws raised high into the air.
She clenched her eyes shut. All I wanted was a quiet place to study, she thought with a whimper. Just as Garurumon was about to deliver his killing blow, a loud voice boomed;
“Digi-Armor Energize!”
Followed by the sound of something heavy smashing into flesh and bone. Apple Bloom opened her eyes to see that Garurumon had been launched across the courtyard, his body bruised and bleeding.
“What that,” she mumbled. She looked around to see that a shimmering force-field was now covering her and Coronamon. “What is going on?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” she said while blinking. Then she looked to the necklace and noticed that it was glowing. It was at that point she realized that the booming voice she had heard came from within her own head. An idea popped into her mind and she shouted out as loud as she could;
“Digi-Armor Energize!”
The necklace’s glow became much more brilliant. It rose off of her neck to land upon the nearest Digimon; which happened to be Coronamon who was now enveloped completely in the necklace’s light. Apple Bloom shrieked as Garurumon lunged at them again, his claws digging at the force-field with a mad fury. The force-field shimmered on impact and she knew that it would not hold forever.
She covered her head with her hands as the force-field finally shattered. Garurumon took a single step forward, a vicious grin upon its lips. It raised its claws high over its head…
…just as a large foot smashed straight into his snout. The sound of bones breaking echoed throughout the courtyard as Garurumon was kicked out of the way. He landed upon his chest, blood dripping from his nose, clearly stunned.
“What just happened?” Coronamon whispered while staring at his glowing body. He was enveloped in a strange orange aura that covered him from head to toe. “What is happening…” his sentence was cut off as the aura suddenly solidified, wrapping him up in what looked to be a Digi-Egg.
The Digi-Egg cracked open to reveal a Digimon who stood just a few inches taller than Twilight. He was dressed in a western-style cowboy outfit with two guns holstered upon his hips. A spiky blond mane covered his head and there was a rather familiar marking upon his back.
He opened his eyes exposing that they too had changed; to a deep green coloration.
Buckermon! The Honest Rebel!
“W-What happened? Did I Digivolve?” he whispered to himself. Because he could get an answer, he noticed that Garurumon was already on his feet and preparing for an attack. Garurumon lunged towards Buckermon who side-stepped Garurumon’s swipe before swinging his own leg up into Garurumon’s unprotected stomach.
Before Garurumon could hit the ground, Buckermon pulled his guns from their holsters and fired them towards his enemy, striking him repeatedly. Buckermon holstered his guns as Garurumon hit the ground. He was wounded, badly, and despite the soft whimpering sounds he was giving off, Garurumon still found the strength to keep conscience.
“What just happened?” Apple Bloom yelped.
“He Digivolved,” Twilight gasped. “But I have never seen it like this before.” When she noticed that Garurumon was still trying to get up, she shouted; “Aim for his leg!”
Buckermon didn’t need to be told twice. He pointed one of his guns at Garurumon’s left leg but before he could pull the trigger, Garurumon spat out the same blue flames from earlier. Buckermon dodge the barriage all while pulling his gun’s trigger as quickly as possible. The two moved around the courtyard, exchanging attacks before, finally, one of Buckerman’s shots struck Garurumon in the leg. A bright flash erupted from Garurumon’s body as the attack released Garurumon from Hi’s possession. Within seconds he degenerated back into Gabumon.
The battle won, Buckermon changed back into Coronamon. The orange light responsible for the transformation fluttered on over to Apple Bloom where it transformed into a Digivice.She stared at it like a kid who had been given a new toy. “Woah!”
“Wait,” Twilight cautioned. She prodded Gabumon with her hand. His eyes snapped open causing Twilight to jump backwards in surprise. Gabumon looked around at those whom just seconds ago he had tried to kill. “Don’t hurt me!” he shouted before running from the courtyard.
“That was weird,” Spike grumbled. “Is everyone okay?”
“Think so,” Coronamon muttered. He looked to Apple Bloom with a smile. “We make a very good team, don’t we?”
“A team?” she asked. “What did I do?”
“You made me Digivolve. If it wasn’t for you, we would not have stopped that thing.”
“Ah!” she smiled. “What I don’t understand, though, is what this thing is.” She showed them the Digivice.
Twilight glanced at it then snatched it from Apple Bloom’s hands. “Hey!” Apple Bloom exclaimed.
“Just hold on,” Twilight said while pulling out her own Digivice. She compared the two and while there were slight differences, they were the same device.
Apple Bloom is a Digidestined
“How is that possible?” Twilight whispered.
Twilight walked back to Apple Bloom and gave her the Digivice back.
"What is it?" Asked Apple Bloom.
"It's a Digivice." Spike explained. He seemed just as surprised as hi's Tamer.
"A what now?”
"A Digivice.” Twilight said. “A special device created to help Digimon grow and get stronger. I don't know how but it seems that you have become it's owner. You are a Digidestined.”
"What is a Digi…” she stared but suddenly a loud thunderous boom erupted throughout the courtyard. Thick grey clouds rolled through the sky as a white figure descended from the heavens to land in front of the group.
“Greetings Twilight Sparkle. It sure has been a long time.”
“Yes, Princess Celestia, it has!”
Proncess Celestia examined both Apple Bloom and Coronamon. Apple Bloom, who had never stood in front of a Princess before, was trembling in fear while Coronamon just watched Celestia with a cautious expression upon is face.
"Do not worry little one, I will not hurt you." The Princess said in a soft and caring tone. Then she turned her attention to Coronamon. "But you on the other hand." Her voice took on an icy tone. "What were you thinking leaving the castle like that!?"
"I-I’m sorry Princess. It’s just that…”
Celestia’s voice cut through his excuse like a knife. “I don’t want to hear any excuses! Do you know just how worried I was about you?”
“Well,” Coronamon whimpered while looking at his feet. “I…”
“If I may,” Gaomon interrupted. “If it wasn’t for Coronamon we wouldn’t be here right now.”
“Yeah,” Spike added. “He and Hi’s Tamer stopped a wild Garurmon from destroying us by Digivolving. You should have seen it! It was so exciting!”
“Is this true?” Celestia asked Twilight.
“Yes Princess. It is all true.”
“Please don’t banish him!” Begged Apple Bloom.
Celestia chuckled. "Do not worry little one. I am not planning to banish him. It appears he's done a good deed protecting his friends. May I ask what your name?"
"Uh, Apple Bloom."
"Well Apple Bloom, I hereby welcome you to the team of Digidestined! May your contribution to the Digital World help protect it!" She bowed her head, placing her horn on either side of Apple Bloom’s shoulder as if she were being knighted.
Coronamon stuck his paw out at Apple Bloom and said. "Well, looks like were partners!"
Apple Bloom grinned while shaking his paw. “I am not really sure on what all is going on, but it sounds good to me!”
"Not to intrude Princess, but we really need to get home. I'm really behind schedule cleaning the Library."
"And ah really need to get home. Mah family is probably worried about me."
"Very well,” Celestia said. “I will send you back home but know this: you have the power to return whenever you want. We still need help from the Digidestined. So if there comes a time where we need your help, I shall summon the both of you. Understand?”
"Yes Princess!” Twilight exclaimed.
"And Coronamon. I want you to stay with Apple Bloom in the real world."
"What!? Why!?" They both said.
"If you two are going be Digidestined you need to bond." She explained. “Take this time to get to know one another and grow closer as friends.”
Twilight said. "Don't worry. I'll tell Apple Jack. I'm sure she'll understand."
So Princess Celestia's horn started to glow. A bright light enveloped the group and without warning, they vanished from sight.
So the 3 of them returned to the library in a poof of smoke.
"Hey we’re back!" Twilight exclaimed
Apple Bloom was upside down, somehow landing upon her head. "Why does that keep happenin?" She muttered.
"Are you okay Apple Bloom?" Said a tiny voice from out of nowhere.
"Huh? Who said that?" She said looking around then noticed the little red orb above her. She looked up to it and said. "....Coronamon? Is that you?"
"What d you mean? Of course it's me!" He suddenly stopped and noticed why she said that. "....Oh."
The two humans laughed a little and Twilight said, "It looks like Coronamon can't hold hi's form in the real world."
"Hey stop it!" He pouted.
Apple Bloom noticed the sun was almost gone from the sky and nightfall had started.
"I should really be getting home. C’mon Coronamon.” She said. She grabbed Coronamon. "H-hey!" he said cried. With a giggle, she ran towards the door leading.
"See ya Twilight!" she shouted.
As they were walking to the outskirts of town Coronamon was taking in the sights, there were almost no people around so it was easy to hide him from view. As they approached Sweet Apple Acres one thing popped into Apple Blooms mind and it made a shocked face in her head.
How do I explain this to my family?
I'm so screwed tommorow!

Ending theme.