• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,655 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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The final battle to save the Digital world!

SkullGreymon roars as hi's Digivolution finishes. The Digimon try to get up but they are clearly battered up. "We have to do something!" Palmon yells, Gaomon nods in response. "
"Haha! Do you really think you can defeat Greymon!? You should just give up right now!"
The other Digimon stand up as best as they could, clearly battered and injured. "No way... No matter what where gonna give it our all!" Coronamon yells as he slowly gets off the ground. "Coronamon!" Apple Bloom gasps. Armadillomon slowly rises off the ground. "We've come this far... Were not losing now." Sweetie belle saw her partner get up. "Armadillomon.."
"You better, be ready, because were gonna win!" Hawkmon says as he gets up. "Hawkmon." Scootaloo says in surprise.
Gaomon gets up slowly, along with the other 4 Digimon. "That's right, we've never given up before!" Salamon gets into a fighting position. "Were not giving up now either!" Palmon got into battle position as well. "Let's do this!"
The older Digidestined look on the scene watching they're Digimon muster up they're courage to fight.
"Alright! Go get them!
"Looks at them go, even when they're tired and beat up they're still going."
"Bu, but if they keep going like this, they're bodies won't take any more, they need to rest!"
"Unfortunately they can't, there's no time to."
"There's no way they're gonna make it."

"That's not true." They look back at Twilight who's also watching. Rainbow dash responds. "What are you talking about!? Look at them!"
Twilight looks at the others with a smile. "Those three kids have always found a way to make things work remember? All of you were they're. We have to put our trust in them an they're Digimon."
The five of them were standing they're in silence, and then they all smiled at Twilight. "Yer right Twilight, they've never given up and we can't give up either." Applejack says.
"Go get them guys!" Rainbow dash says.

Gaomon and the others launch they're assault on Skull greymon. Gaomon jumps straight at him and does hi's attack. "Rolling upper!" Skull Greymon catches Gaomon before he could land the attack. "Wh what!?" He proceeds to throw him away. "Gaomon!" Palmon catches him with her vines before he could crash into the ground. "Are you okay!?" She asks. Gaomon nods but it's clear that he can't go much farther. Terriermon flies up and yells out. "Bunny blast!"
He uses as much strength as he can in this blast and it's all aimed at Skull Greymon, but he blocks it with hi's arm, Terriermon is shocked at this and Skullgreymon proceeds to throw him off.
Elecmon runs around him as fast as he could, he jumps and launches hi's attack. He shoots balls of electricity at Skullgreymon, he tries to shock him Salamon catches up to him and tackles Skullgreymon where he shocked him.
"Do you think you can really defeat us with such weak attacks?! HA!"

Armadillomon then suddenly spawned under Skullgreymon's foot, throwing it off balance. "Feather strike!" Hawkmon appears out of nowhere and hits Skullgreymon with it's boomerang straight at where SkullGreymon was hit by Elecmon earlier. And responded to the attack with a grand roar! He was so enraged that he quickly knocked Hawkmon down into the ground with hi's claw.
Armadillomon just barely catches him but with how fast he was going it pushed Armadillomon back.
Coronamon jumps in and attacks. "Petit prominence!" And shot out a bunch of energy blasts and Skull greymon. The attack didn't do much damage but Coronamon wasn't gonna back down, he attacked him again and again, he was just barely avoiding hi's attacks and this was ticking off Trixie. "Stop running and face me!"
Hawkmon and Armadillomon recovered themselves but Hawkmon had trouble standing up, it was clear that the attack injured him but he was trying to supress the pain. "Hawkmon your hurt!" Hawkmon looked at Armadillomon and said. "Don't worry about me, i can still fight!"

"Girls call back your Digimon! We have to get out of here!!" Twilight Yells at the others.
"Palmon! Take Gaomon and come on!" Pinkie yells.
But Palmon ignores her. "Palmon!" She looks back as well as the other Digimon. "Were not turning back." Gaomon slowly moves hi's head. "You guys go, we have a duty to defend the Digital world, we have to beat him here and now so it doesn't break out into your world!" They look on at they're Digimon it's not surprising that they want to go this far but still in they're weaken state They can't last much longer. Twilight speaks up. "It doesn't matter what we say they're not gonna listen, it's probably best if the get out of here." They look at Twilight and nod They begin running into the forest but Applejack stays behind when she notices that Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle they're are still they're. "Sis come on, Sweetie belle! Scootaloo let's go!" "We can't leave them behind!" Scootaloo yells.
Applejack runs up to them and grabs them by the hand. "They can take care of themselves come on!" Sweetie belle and Scootaloo look at each other with depressed looks in they're faces, they look at Apple Bloom. "Apple Bloom come on." "It's too dangerous here."
Apple Bloom just stares off into the fight, watching as her Digimon was avoiding Skullgreymon's attacks. Applejack grabs her sister's arm. "Sis ah understand yer worried but if you stay here you'll get hurt. And Coronamon wouldn't be too happy if you got hurt."
Apple Bloom clenches her fist, and then looks back at her sister. "Okay then." So the three of them start running back to get out of the crossfire.

"Nobodies gonna leave when the shows still going! Skull Greymon get them!"

Suddenly he runs straight at them trying to make sure they don't get away. Coronamon however refuses to stand back.
"Your not hurting my friends anymore Trixie!" Coronamon runs up to Skullgreymon, he raises hi's fist and jump. "That's it, let's see how you far you can make it before we delete you!"
"Corona! Knuckle!" He yells as he punches Skull greymon, but the attack has no effect. He tries to keep the attack going but hi's fatigue is catching up to him. Skullgreymon pushes him away with hi's Claw but Coronamon refuses to back down! He jumps back and throws another Corona knuckle but the attack doesn't faze Skullgreymon. He launches a petit prominence at him, it still has no effect.
Apple Bloom watches in terror as her Digimon partner is getting the snot beaten out of him. "Coronamon..." She watches on as he shoots hi's attack out but nothing he does gets through to them. Trixie laughter pierces the air as the weight of the situation gets to her and she falls on the ground. "We can't stop her! What are we supposed to do!?" The other two look at her in surprise. "Apple Bloom what's gotten into you!?" Sweetie belle says
"You haven't given up before, why should this be any different? We can't stop let her just stomp all over us!!"

"Looks at this will ya!?"

Scootaloo and Sweetie belle jumpin surprise. "Nothing we do helps! Our Digimon don't have any energy left!" Apple Bloom yells at her friends, the two of them look down in depression.
Skull greymon finally throws Coronamon to the ground, the girls looks in that direction in shock. "Coronamon!" Apple Blooms yells, tears swell up in her eye and she starts to cry. "No... Coronamon!!" Trixie laughs even harder now. "Greymon... Finish him!"
Skullgreymon then launches hi's most powerful attack at Coronamon. "Dark shot!" He launches the missile embeded in hi's spine at Coronamon. "Coronamon get up!" Apple Bloom yells.
The attack hits Coronamon which makes a huge explosion, the Digimon clinging to life hits the ground.
Coronamon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon lie they're, unable to stand up from the total beating they received by Skullgreymon, Trixie laughs it out maniacally as she approachhes the group. "Coronamon get up! Please!!" Apple Bloom yell. SkullGreymon picks up Coronamon with hi's sharp claws. "Did you really think you could defeat Trixie? Ha! Don't make me laugh!" Coronamon's eyes open with an angry glare. "You might as well just give up now! The Digital world will soon have a new ruler!" Coronamon growls at Trixie. "No... *cough* way..."
She raises an eyebrow at Coronamon.
"I'm not gonna give up ever... For my whole life i've lived in Canterlot castle hoping someday i could what the whole Digital World has to offer. And in my adventures i've made so many friends... Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle. Armadillomon, Hawkmon, the 6 harmony bearers. And all of the other Digimon i've met on my journey!" Just as he says that flashbacks to previous times the girls, hawkmon and Armadillomon have stopped the black towers go through hi's head, he remembers every single one of the Digimon he's met.
"And there's still so much left for me to see! That's why i'm not gonna let you win Trixie!! I'll protect the Digital World till my very last breath!!!" He yells as hard as he can.
Just as he says that the Digivices of Twilight and the others start to glow, as well as they're Digimon. "What's is this!?" Rarity yells. Then lights shoot out of they're Digivices, sending them towards Coronamon. "He's gaining strength from us! From all of us!" Twilight says. Diamond Tiara sees the same light coming from her Digivice, she picks it up and the light shoots out like the rest. All of it aiming at Coronamon.

The lights all cover him, making him radiate such a bright that Skullgreymon is forced to let him go. "What is...What is happening!?!?" Trixie yells out, meanwhile in Canterlot castle, looking out the window as the Digimon who were evacuated from Primary village watch from afar. Princess Celestia suddenly feels a strong pulse coming from the forest. Luna looks at her. "Sister what's wrong?" Celestia responds. "I can feel it, all 10 Digidestined, working together as one! All of that energy gathering together in one spot." She smiles as she knows that energy is coming from Coronamon. 'Coronamon, i know you can do it.' She thinks to herself.

Back with Coronamon and the others, he lands next to hi's Digital friends, the light covering them as well. It fully heals them, and they get up, surprised of what was happening. Coronamon was now eminating blue flames instead of hi's usual red flames. "Are you guys ready?"
"Ready as i'll ever be!" Hawkmon said.
"Let's take them down!" Armadillomon responds.

Apple Bloom as well as Sweetie belle and Scootaloo notice Coronamon's confidence as he runs straight at SkullGreymon with Hawkmon and Armadillomon behind him. "Coronamon... He's right!" Sweetie belle says giving a smile of confidence. "He's not giving up and neither should we!" Scootaloo yells. "That's right! Let's do this Girls!" They point they're Digivices at they're Digimon.

"Digi armor energize!!"

The Digimon jump at Skullgreymon just as he recovers, with they're lights of Digivolution covering them.
"Coronamon armor Digivolve to! Buckermon!!"
"Hawkmon armor Digivolve to! Shynermon!!"
"Armadillomon armor Digivolve to! Sorcerer Starmon!"

"Let's do this guys!" The three Digimon stand there, glowing with the power of the elements of Harmony, and wind blowing around them.

"Skullgreymon! Attack now!" Trixie says with an angry tone to her voice.
SkullGreymon launches another missile at our heroes, but they're power boost makes them invulnerable to it as it blows up, they appear in front of the explosion and they all attack at the same time, pushing SkullGreymon away with a powerfull attack, sending him into the remains of Sombramon's castle! Tearing the last of it down into ruble. This throws Trixie off her perch on hi's head and onto the ground, Skullgreymon proceeds to grab Shynermon and try to attack him again using hi's 'Cursed breath' attack.

For a moment Shynermon flinches at hi's bad breath but he breaks free from hi's grasp and shot a lazer blast from hi's eyes hitting Skullgreymon, Sorcerer Starmon shoots a blast of lighting from the sky hitting him right in the center of hi's body. And Buckermon kicks him in the head. This makes him roar. Trixie looks at the scene with true horror. "Agumon!! No!!"
"Double barrel barrage!!" Buckermon shoots from hi's guns, pushing him back more and more until it made him fall to the ground!
"Agumon get up!" Skullgreymon got up and tried to grab Buckermon and Sorcerer starmon, they tried to push them back. They grabbed hi's hands struggled against him. "Give, up, already!"
Skullgreymon responds with a roar, Trixie then points her Digivice at Skullgreymon's direction hoping it would do something, the black light launches at hi's direction. This powers up Skullgreymon slightly and and he pushes the three Digimon back a bit.
"Buckermon!" Apple Bloom Yells.
"Buckermon!!" The others yell out as well.
As the two Digimon overpower Skullgreymon pushing him back even further, "Agumon! Do them in!" Trixie says with fear in her voice. He responds by shooting another missile from hi's back. However Shynermon jumps in the way and summons a herd of butterflies to slow down the attack, making it blow up before it can hit them. Buckermon takes tbis chance and runs straight into the clous left by the explosion, Skullgreymon readies another attack as he runs straight at him.
Buckermon jumps right they're and raises a fist in Skullgreymon's direction.

"ROOOAARRRWWWWW!!!!" Skullgreymon launches a blast from hi's mouth, but it doesn't slow down Buckermon at all. AppleBloom raises her voice as hard as she could as she yells out. "Buckermon!!! Do it!!!" An the older Digidestined as well as Scootaloo and Sweetie belle yells out. "FINISH HIM!!"
"Harmony Blast!!" Buckermon yells out as he runs straight through Skullgreymon with the power of the elements flowing through him, silence falls around the Digital world and just as quickly Skullgreymon explodes in a glorious boom oof rainbow colors, covering the entire area in a blinding light.


As they recovered from the fight, AppleBloom rubs her eyes and sees all the rubble that was around. "What happened?" She looked around and she didn't see where they're Digimon were. "Coronamon!" She runs up to the gigantic crater left behind to find her Digimon, and she slides in. "Apple Bloom wait!" Scootaloo yelled, the entire group caught up her. Apple Bloom begins to get worried, luckily she sees Coronamon in they're, bruised up and unconscious, she tears up right they're and goes to see if he's alright. She takes him in her hands and shakes him to get a reaction. "Coronamon! Wake up!" She tears up more and more and starts to cry.
Some of her tears fall on Coronamon, hi's eyes slowly open and he looks at AppleBloom crying. "Apple Bloom?" She opened her eyes and saw him just starring at her.gives her a thumbs up. "Hehe, We did it."
Apple Bloom nods still with tears in her eyes.
Hawkmon and Armadillomon slowly get up and they're partners run up to them. "Your all alright!" Sweetie Belle hugs her partner really hard. "Yeah i'm alright. ...Could you let go a bit?" She does so. "Sorry." Scootaloo rubs the top of Hawkmon's head. "Way to go dude!" She lets go of him and he rubs hi's head embarrassed. "I didn't help that much."
"Oh come on Hawkmon, you and the others saved the Digital World!" Sweetie Belle says in happiness. Apple Bloom responds. "She's right, the 3 of you guys saved it together! You should be proud!"

The older Digidestined look on at the scene of the younger Digidestined celebrating with they're partners. Rainbow Dash angrily asks. "Now where's that Trixie?" The others look around after she says that, Pinkie sees some rubble moving off to the side. "Over they're!" Trixie lifts the rock off of herself, her clothes are slight ripped and dirty because of the rock that fell on her. She looks around and sees the group gathering around her, she slowlyinches back and bumps into the Digimon.
Seeing as she's surrounded and she has no other tricks left up her sleeve. She sighs right they're and look down. "Just end me already, i have nothing else to live for."
"Were not gonna end you." They heard a voice coming from nowhere. Suddenly they see a bright flash. Just then Princess Celestia appears out of nowhere. "The Princess!" "Trixie, for your crimes against the Digital World you are hereby banished!"
Apple Bloom watches her as she was lying depressed. "You know, i feel kind of bad for her." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle look at her surprised. "What are you saying!?" They both yell in surprise. "It kind of reminds me of how Diamond treated me before i met you guys... Maybe if she had someone like ya'll to help her in her time of need she wouldn't have been caught up in all of this." She gets up from where she was sitting, and then she runs up to Princess Celestia as she's about to do her sentence.
"Wait, yer highness!" Everyone looks at her in surprise. "Um, could ya please go a bit easy on her?"
"WHAT!?" Applejack grabbed her sister's shoulder. "Apple Bloom, have ya lost her mind!?"
Apple Bloom looked at her sister and the others. "I mean she was under Sombramons control right?"
"Apple Bloom she was still trying to take over the Digital world and real world, you can't be defending her!"
"But she really cares for her Digimon, i don't think she can be all bad."
Trixie looked at Apple Bloom in surprise. Was the child who was fighting against her this whole time really defending her? she thought. She felt something cold on her face, and a couple of tears fall from her face. 'Why am i crying?' She thought, then the thought came to her mind, it's been so long since someone was being friendly to her. Right then and they're she started crying. Everyone looked at her in confusion. Apple Bloom walked up to her and sat where she was lying. Trixie looks at her and Apple Bloom smiles. "Everythin's gonna be fine." Trixie wipes her tears and laughs. Princess Celestia looks at the two of them. "Very well, i'll lessen her sentence."

"Alright!" Apple Bloom cheers.

Meanwhile some rubble in the back started moving, and then suddenly Flim, Chessmon and Datamon brea out of there. "Looks like they're distracted, lets get out of here while we still can." Flim says, so the three of them slowly back away from the group. But Flim bumps into something weird. "Were are you going?" They slowly turn they're heads and see Princess Luna staring back at them. "Uh... i was under mind control?" And Princess Luna just stares at them.
They're screams interrupted Apple Blooms celebration. They look to the side and see the three wrapped up together and Luna smiling at them.
"Apple Bloom... Right?" Trixie gets up from the ground. "Huh?" Apple Bloom wonders. "I'm gonna try my best to make up for what i've done, thanks to you. " She says this while the others look at her with suspicious looks. Apple Bloom smiles at her. "Maybe we'll meet each other again someday, as teammates, and maybe as friends too." Trixie gives her a smile.

Suddenly Pinkie comes in the middle of the group and yells out. "You know what this calls for?"
Then with an awkward transition we cut to a huge celebration of the Digidestined's victory. "A party!" She runs up to a Radio and puts in a CD which plays a familiar theme. The celebration is out in full swing, we can see the children Digimon playing around, Rainbow and Applejack endulge in an eating contest. and even Patamon and Digitamamon cooking on the side.
Spike is a little injured but he still takes part in the festivities, while he eats with Twilight. "Twilight! Spike! That was so cool!" They said to Twilight. To which she responds. "Huh? What do you mean?"
"Making Spike Digivolve into such a big dragon thing!" Sweetie Belle says. "Yeah! I thought you were just a boring bookworm but that was so awesome!" Scootaloo yells.
Twilight blushes at they're compliments and she proceeds to look down, she rubs the back of her head and says nervously. "Thanks, i guess even 'bookworms' can be 'awesome' if they tried." She was suddenly interrupted by the three. "You have to teach us how to do that!" She looks at them in surprised, the three of them having an eager look in they're eyes. "Uh, i don't know if i can."
"Come on!! Please?"
She looks around and sees the group practically begging for it, so she sighs. "Okay, i guess i can try."
The three girls cheer out. "Yay!" Princess Celestia approaches the three. "You all did well today little ones." They looked back in surprise. "Tthank you your highness! That means a lot!" Sweetie belle says nervously.
She laughs at the girls. "They'res no need to be nervous girls."

"Okay." Scootaloo says, trying to calm down. "You three have done good today, and you have my thanks." The three of them are surprised when she bows in front of them, even Twilight is surprised by this. "You have potential for great things. I can tell. I look forward to seeing how you three improve in the future." She says.
"Wow, thanks your highness!" Sweetie belle says.
"By the way were are your Digimon?" Twilight points to the corner where the three of them are sleeping quietly."
"They were so tired out by the fight that they couldn't stay awake any more."
Celestia giggles. "That's understandable, compared to Spike and the others they're just children. I'm sure they'll get better at this as time goes on."

Apple Bloom looks to the side and sees Diamond tiara and Lunamon walking away, she runs up to them before they can leave. "Hey! Where are you goin'? The party's over here!" Diamond turns around to face Apple Bloom and sees her smiling face. "Me and Lunamon were taking our leave, we have no business here."
"Ah come on! Do ya have to be like that? Ya help save the Digital world ah think you should be here too!"

Diamond just closes her eyes and pinches the middle of the face in an annoyed manner. "Aren't we supposed to hate each other? Why can't we just leave it at that?" Apple Bloom interrupts her again. "Because were part of the same team! Since we saved the world together ah think it's fair that we celebrate together!" It surprises Diamond just how insistent Apple Bloom is about this. She notices that Apple Bloom extends her arm out to her. "...So how bout it? We extend the truce a little more?" Diamond has to think about it for a bit, she feels something tug at her leg and she looks down to see Lunamon pulling her leg. "Please? I wanna have fun too..." Diamond sighs the're. "Fine. I'll go."

Apple Bloom and Lunamon cheer in happiness. "Yay!" And Diamond and Lunamon walk back in. Scootaloo and Sweetie belle come up running. "Why'd you do that? She's been a bully to us this whole time and your inviting her to a party!?" Apple Bloom looks at her friends.
"Well ah get the feelin' they'rs SOME good in her, after all she became a Digidestined."
Sweetie belle responds. "Well i guess your right. But it's still a bit uncomfortable."
Apple Bloom laughs in response. "Come on let's go back girls, were missing the party!"
The two of them look at each other and nod so they run back to celebrate they're victory! And that they did! They partied until they were too tired to do it anymore.

And that's where mah first adventure in the digital world came to a end. But little did we know, that this was just the beginning, me and mah friends still have more adventures in the Digital world!

Author's Note:

Two years coming and it's finally done.
Welp, this is the last of Digimon Crusaders's first story As i post this i've already started writing down it's sequel and i hope to get it out in february. :D

This was fun story, some update hiccups aside, i intend to get better at this in the second story.

Coming soon:Digimon crusaders: Digital invaders!

Comments ( 6 )

Every time I see this fic updated, the digimon theme pops into my heads and makes camp for a few days. They had a really good marketing technique.

4998311 asome u finished the story:yay:

Thanks! :D I didn't think people still read this story.

5456194 I always read yur stories and others yur the best dude:rainbowdetermined2:

As a matter of fact i'm writing down a sequel right now. Just won't upload it till Summer at least.

As seen here: http://klonoahedgehog.deviantart.com/art/Digimon-Crusaders-2-516026147

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