• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

Save the Digital village!

Opening theme.

"Where are they!?" Scootaloo rambled along the library while Poyomon is reading some books in the corner. "Wow, you humans sure have some nice stories." and Twilight is analyzing the Digivices on the the other side of the room.
"Scootaloo relax, what are you so excited about anyway?"

Scootaloo shot a look to Twilight and put an excited look on her face. "Are you kidding!? We got to get back in there and some more Digimon!" Twilight rolled her eyes and went back to her Computer. But she was interrupted by the door when someone starts knocking on the other side.

Poyomon jumped and tried to find a place to hide. "Twilight! It's me!" Sounded Apple Bloom. Scoot walked over to the door and opened it showing Apple Bloom and Sunmon looking a little drowsy. They look at each other for a bit Scoot puts on an eager and annoyed look then grabs her and pulls her in quickly, shutting the door behind her. "What in tarnation was that for!?" She said lying on the ground.

Scoot looked down on Apple Bloom. "Why are you late?" She said. Apple Bloom gets up grabbing the wall. "Ya know todays Saturday right? Ah got chores to do."

Poyomon hops over to Sunmon, he looks over to Poyomon who tries his to bow down even though it looks nothing like it. "I told you it's alright you can treat me like any other Digimon." Poyomon gets an embarrassed look and stands normally.
Apple Bloom looks around noticing there's someone and somemon missing. "Hey, where's Sweetie Belle?" Scootaloo shrugs. "How the heck should i know?" And like clockwork the door knocks again.

Twilight looked at the girls. "Can you two get that?" She makes a small yawn while doing so.
They checked the window to see who it was and it was Sweetie Belle holding a bag in one arm and Upamon in the other. "Can i come in?" Apple Bloom and Scootaloo didn't waste any time opening the door.

"Hey Girls!"

"Hey Poyomon! Sunmon!"

Sunmon floated over the group and Poyomon hopped over as well, Sunmon made note of the bag. "What's in there?"
"Just a little something me and Upamon made." She then took out a small scarf like thing, it was blue with a Yellowish line around it and a little horse. "What do you think? Me and Upamon spent all night making it." She said with a smile. The two looked at each other, Apple Bloom with a curious expression and Scoot with an Unsure expression.

"I don't get it." Scoot said bluntly. "Well every team needs a flag right? So i though i'd make us one." Scootaloo folded her arms. "Couldn't this have been a team desicion?" "Cmon Scootaloo, ah think it's pretty cool." Said Apple Bloom smiling. Scoot looked at it again. "Why a horse?" She asked. Sweetie shrugged. "I couldn't think of anything else." She then procceded to wrap it around her neck. "How do i look?" She asks. "Ya look okay."

Twilight walked over to them. "Hey Girls. I got you'r Digivices ready." They looked over to Twilight who was holding there Digivices. "What did ya want them for Twilight?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Well girls, i wondered how you managed to return here last night so i did a little exmanination of the Digivices." She said Handing the Digivices out. "So what did you find out?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well it seems that these Digivices can open gates between the Digital World and the real world." Then she took out her own Digivice and pointed to her Computer. "Yust yell out 'DigiPort Open!' and you'll be on you'r way." The six of them looked at there Digivices and then did the same thing. "Like this?" Said Apple Bloom.

The three of them chanted out the words. "Digi port...!" But Twilight stopped them. "Wait, i got something else for you Apple Bloom." She tilted her head. Twilight took something from her desk and gave it to her. "A... Pair of Googles?" She asked.
"Well, i thought since you are the new Bearers of the Elements of Harmony one of you has to wear these, and since you'r the leader of you'r little group it has to be you who wears these."

"Ah don't know Twilight, it sounds like a big Responsability are ya sure it's a good idea?" She questioned. Twilight chucked. "Hey it's not like it would look good on me anyway." "Well alright." Said Apple Bloom putting the Googles around her neck.
"Can we go now!?" Yelled Scootaloo. Twilight nodded in response.

"Alright! Digiport Open!" And the gate projected itself in front of the Computer and Scootaloo jumped in eagerly with Poyomon in hand. Sweetie Belle ran in and Upamon hopped in. "Wait for us yall!" And Apple Bloom and Sunmon ran in leaving Twilight alone.

She picked up her Digivice and fell in her chair.

"Good luck you three. This is you'r story now."


The team lands in a hillside in a small woodland area.

"Alright!" Yelled Scootaloo in such great force. "Time to hunt down some wild Digimon!!" But one of the others pulled on her hoodie. "Hey!" She yelled. "Scootaloo we don't even know where to start lookin." Said Apple Bloom. "Well i figured we can just look for that Trixie girl from Yesterday." She said Shrugging. Sweetie Belle interjected saying. "Actually that's not a bad idea! Humans are a rare thing around here right? If we ask around we might be able to locate her!" She said snapping her fingers.

"Sweetie belle You'r a genius!" Yelled Apple Bloom. "Well it was my idea..." Said Scootaloo. Coronamon walked by scratching hi's head, he asked. "I don't know girls, if i were her i wouldn't be walking around in broad daylight after what she did." Armadillomon came in and said. "Well it can't hurt to try right? We might as well ask the nearest town if the've seen anything."

Hawkmon said. "We if you ask me we should..." But was intterupted by Apple Bloom. "Then it's settled! Let's go Digidestined!" And they ran off. "Hhey wait for me!" And Hawkmon went after them.


In a small town just outside the forest there was another human there alongside two Digimon, one red and one pink. And a bunch of hurt Digimon around them. "Leave me and my friends alone!" Yelled one of the Digimon, it was a small pinkish Digimon with red eyes, the other two were a small blue and a small Red Digimon. "And why should i do that?" She said the procceded to kick the little pink Digimon. "In case you haven't noticed, this is MY street now chumps!" She laughed. "Stop it! Agunimon do something!" Yelled the Red Digimon.

"Not a bad idea." Said the human turning to the side. "Agunimon get them to put on these, they might be useful to us." She said taking out some black rings. Agunimon took the rings and walked over to the little guys, they backed away but couldn't escape.

Meanwhile the girls were walking by to intterogate some Digimon noticing the commotion Sweetie Belle asked. "Huh? Is there some kind of party going on?" The her arm was grabbed by the others and pulled into a bush nearby. "Do ya know what this means!?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Humans aren't so rare after all?" Asked Armadillomon. "Well that." Said Apple Bloom then she looked over to there Partners. "It means we can finally fight some more Digimon!" She whispered eagerly.

"Alright!" Yelled Scootaloo taking out her Digivice. "Let's beat up some villains!" "YEAH!" Everyone yelled except for Hawkmon, he said. "Girls shouldn't we think of a strategy first, i mean we don't know what were up agai..." But was interrupted.

Digi armor energize!

"Ugh, the pain of being the Element of Kindness."

Coronamon armor Digivolve too!! Buckermon the Honest rebel!

Armadillomon Digivolve too!! RareDigmon The Generous gemstone!!

Hawkmon Armor Digivolve too!! Shynermon the Swarm of Kindness!!

The three of them jumped out of the bushes, Buckermon body slamming Agunimon before he could put the Rings on the three little kids. The three girls ran to grab them and run away. "M,more humans....?" Apple Bloom smiled at them. "Don't ya worry! Were the good guys!" "Huh!? Who the!?" Yelled the human. "Get them Kazemon!" And Kazemon jumped in front of them. Charching another attack she was attacked by Raredigmon. "Diamond Storm!!" Hitting her with such great force.

Meanwhile in the shadows another Human and a Digimon were watching the fight with great attention. "Should we help them?" Asked the Digimon looking at her tamer. "Nah lets wait and see if these losers make complete fools of themselves."
"But...What if they get hurt?" Asked the partner. "Then is when we swop in. They need to be taught a lesson in interfering with Proffesionals."

Pyro tornado!! Yelled Agunimon "Flare kick!" Yelled Buckermon, hi's paw radiating in flames blocking Agunimon's Pyro Tornado. "Hit the black ring Buckermon!!" "Don't let them Agunimon!" Agunimon kept shooting flames from hi's arm and Buckermon kept blocking. "I can't get a lock on him!"

Shynermon flew from above. "Don't worry! I got this! Fluttering Swarm!!" And summoned the same flock of insects covering Agunimon completely. "AAARRGGG!!" He yelled the Swarm breaking apart the Ring unleashing all of hi's dark energy into the distance.

"Wow!" Yelled the three Digimon. Agunimon's energy was completely drained and he fell unconscious Degenerating in the process. "Grr, Kazemon retreat!" Yelled the human taking out the same thing as Trixie throwing it to the ground causing lots of smoke to appear. "*Cough* What the...? *Cough*" Asked Sweetie Belle.

The smoke cleared up and the human and Kazemon were gone. The three armor Digimon Degenerated into there Rookie forms the entire town cheering for them. "Hey! Were popular now!" Scoot said rubbing her nose.

"Thanks for saving us!" Yelled one of the Digimon. "No problem at all!" Said Coronamon. "I thought humans were all really bad people, but you guys proved us wrong!" Said the Blue Digimon. The girls laughed at these kids. "Am Apple Bloom!"
"I'm Sweetie Belle!" "And i'm Scootaloo!" The three of them said. The Digimon chanted. "I'm DemiVeemon!" "I'm Koromon!" "And i'm Gigimon!"

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle picked up Demiveemon and Gigimon and both yelled out. "AAAAAWWWW!! There so cute!!" Scootaloo rolled her eyes. The girls admiring how adorable these Digimon were didn't notice a small old man like Digimon walking up to the girls.

"Uh Apple Bloom?"

Before she could take noticed the Digimon hit her on the head with hi's cane. Causing Apple Bloom to fall over to the ground with a lot of pain in her head. "Elder Jijimon!? What are you doing!?" "Getting rid of these human scum!" He yelled. "What in tarnation!?" Yelled Apple Bloom rubbing a bump on her head. "Hey we just saved you'r lives! Were the good guys!" Yelled Scootaloo.

"Good guys? You must be joking, no human in the Digital World has been good ever since the 6 legendary warriors left." He said with hi's can up to Scootaloo's neck. "6 Legendary warriors? Oh you must be talking about the Elements of Harmony!" Said Sweetie.

Scootaloo pushed the cane away from her face and yelled out. "Well mister my friends here just so happen to be RELATED to the Elements of Harmony!" "Hmm?" He said rubbing hi's facial hair. He stared intently at Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle then he went back a little. "Now that you mention it, you DO kind of remind me of the Elements of Honesty and Generosity."

"Those are our Sisters!" They said together. Jijimon rubbed hi's facial hair. "Well you do certainly look a bit like them."
"Hey girls!" Yelled Armadillomon. They looked over to there Partners and the children Digimon staring at the unconscious Agunimon.

The girls and Jijimon walked over to the Digimon and noticed that he looked like he was under a fever. "Looks to me like he's come down with a fever." He pointed to a house nearby. "Come with me, and take Flamemon with you." He said to the girls.
Coronamon and Hawkmon picked up the body and walked behind Jijimon, the girls followed as well.


Later they were sitting in the house with a Babamon taking care of Flamemon's wounds. She walked over to a table where the Children Digimon, Jijimon and the Digidestined were sitting on Babamon walked over to them and poured some tea into a cup. "So how long has that woman been harassing this town anyway?" Asked Sweetie Belled taking a sip into the Tea.

Jijimon looked to hi's side.
"Well i believe it all started when that tower went up." The girls looked over to where he was looking at, in the distance there was in fact a Tower surrounded by trees.

"That tower suddenly appeared over night, none of us know where it came from but when it appeared strange things began happening to the town. Digimon lost there ability to Digivolve, some in fact Degenerated into Rookies just like Flamemon. The only Digimon who don't seem worried are the little ones." He looked over to another window where outside Gigimon, DemiVeemon and Koromon were playing in a field.

"We sent Flamemon out to investigate that tower asuming it had anything to do with what was happening at all, but you know how that turned out." Sweetie Belle spoke up. "How could you just send a Rookie out there!? He's so defenseless!" She yelled with a voice crack. Jijimon laughed a bit at that. "Well before the tower appeared Flamemon was in fact our best fighter, Agunimon. But now where worried what will happen to him."

He looked over to Flamemon once more, Flamemon was shivering in pain from what looked like a fever. The Digidestined looked worried at the little guy.

Apple Bloom looked at the pair of Googles hanging around her neck then spoke up.
"Don't Yall worry!" Then she stood up. "As the current leader of this Digidestined team we promise we'll do somethin about that Tower!" She proudly announced. "Yeah! And we'll totally get ourselves killed!" Yelled Hawkmon in a sarcastic tone.

"Look ah know we just started this but ah think we can really pull this off. Think about it, Agunimon was the best warrior in this town if we could beat him were sure to figure out how to defeat that lady!" Scootaloo stood up. "Aw yeah! I'm in!" And Sweetie Belle got up as well. "Count me in too!" Coronamon and Armadillomon smiled and got up. "Yeah, Lets go!" They yelled.

Hawkmon sighed at these kids cockyness. "Girls we need to think ahead and have a strategy, were not gonna have total victories all the time! And in the Digital World it's game over!"

Scootaloo looked at her partner and said. "Relax you'r worrying to much!"

Apple Bloom nodded in agreement and put on the googled over her eyes.

"Alright girls! Lets go!"