• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,652 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

Double trouble.

"What do you mean you were defeated by them!?" Yelled a voice coming from the edge of a dark room surronded by chairs. "Just as i mean those chumps really did a number on me." The man i the darkness pondered this, both Trixie and Gilda were defeated by these Children. "Hmm It seems the new Chosen Children are not to be underestimated." Trixie got up from her chair and spoke up.

"Let Trixie go and defeat those children! Trixie can make Agumon Digivolve with that strengh i..." The man in the shadows stomped hi's hands against the desk.
"No! You two have wasted valuable resources, you two will stand down until i request it, for now i'm leaving corruption of the Digital world to the Chessmon brothers they have already left to there destination and will plant the dark towers there. You are dismissed!" He said, the group of four leaving the room. Trixie looked back at there boss and huffed.

About a week has passed since the fight with Gilda, Apple Bloom and the others were still wondering about Lunamon, was she a good Digimon? And what about her Tamer?

"Alright ya'll race ya to Twilight's!" Apple Bloom began running down the halls of her school, the others just standing there for a second but Scootaloo ran after her. "You'r on!" and left Sweetie Belle in the dust. "Hey wait for me!" She yelled. "Do you really think you can beat me in a race?" Asked Scootaloo almost catching up with Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom stuck her tonge out and kept running. They made it to the stairs and Apple Bloom took the turn and ran down the stairs, but something unfortinate happened. She slipped. "Wuuuahhh!!!"

Below there were two familiar faces, one wearing a tiara and one wearing Glasses walking directly in Apple Blooms way. "Huh?"


Apple Bloom and one of the girls both laid on the floor. "Hey! Watch were you'r going!" Yelled the girl. Apple Bloom rubbed her head as she did so she heard a familiar beeping noise. "Huh?" She looked next to her and saw a small purse with the sound coming directly from it, she streched out her hand to get a closer look but the Girl snatched it. "Didn't they teach you at that dirty old farm not to take things that don't belong to you!?" Yelled The girl.

"Are you okay Diamond?" Said the other girl Lending Diamond a hand. "Yeah i'm fine silver ...What are you staring at?" Asked Diamond towards Apple Bloom who had a very convincing look of confusion. "Hmmp, Whatever." She says then she and Silver Spoon walk off leaving Apple Bloom confused.

Sweetie belle and Scootaloo went towards Apple Bloom. "Are you alright?" Asked Sweetie Belle pulling Apple Bloom off the ground. "Yeah noting broken at least." Said Apple Bloom. "Who were they?" Asked Sunmon sticking out of Apple Bloom's bag. Scootaloo interrupted. "Just some spoiled brats who think just because there rich there better than everyone else." She procceded to put her hands behind her head.

"She doesn't seem very nice." Said Upamon also sticking out of Sweetie's bag. "Trust me she isn't." Said Scootaloo.

"Anyway we should probably keep going to the library come on!" Said Sweetie walking away, the others following Along.

A Digiport opens right on top of a back alley the Girls falling down in a dumpster. Scootaloo grabbed the edge of the dumpster sticking her head out. "Ugh we need to work on how to control these Digiports..." Sweetie Belle sticking her head out with a Banana peel on her head. "Definitely." She said pulling the Banana peel off her head.

Apple Bloom jumped out and asked. "Where are we?" The others did the same jumping out of the Dumpster, the group walked out of the alley into a market like street, Digimon selling things everywhere. "Woah. Look at all the Digimon." Said Scootaloo.

"Well what are we waitin for? Let's check this out." Said Apple Bloom. They walked among all the Digimon giving them various looks. Lots of Digimon were giving them weird looks, some of interest and some being frightened. Among the crowd voices could be heard saying. "Wow a human!" "Oh the horror!" and "Eh you see one human you've seen them all."

The girls glanced at each other Apple Bloom speaking up. "Ya know ah don't think iv'e ever had this much attention put on me before." "Yeah, it's kind of making me nervous." Said Sweetie Belle. As they kept walking they noticed some Digimon gathering in a small street corner.

"What's going on over there?" Asked Armadillomon. "Let's check it out!" Said Coronamon. They went over to the crowd and noticed two Digimon Selling there wares to a huge group of Digimon. "And this is a fine generation 1 Digivice! Only seen a few battles!" One the Black Digimon said holding out an object resembeling an N64 Controller. "And how about this crest?" Said the white one showing off a strangely familiar crest.

"What kind of Digimon are they?" Asked Apple Bloom. Hawkmon responded with. "Those Digimon are known as Black Chessmon and White Chessmon. There usually very calm, why would they be trying to sell in a flea market i don't know and were would they get those things?" Asks Hawkmon putting hi's wing on hi's beck.

"Simple, there forging them." Said another voice sitting next to them, Sweetie belle jumped when she heard it. "How long have you been standing there?" "Long enough to see you humans see those two's wares. Trust me you don't wanna buy anything from them, any Digimon who buys from them ends up acting all weird." Said the Tiny Digimon, he was small with wings and had a yellowish look on the top of hi's body. "Weird? How?" Asks Scootaloo.

"Well every Digimon who buys from them always ends up being more violent." Said the Small Digimon. As he said so one of the Chessmon aproached the group and said. "Oh lass i believe i may have something worth you'r while." And he pointed to Sweetie, in hi's hand was a necklace with a Star on it around it it was covered in a black chain. "Wow." Said Sweetie. Coronamon noticed something off about the necklace, something about the chain around it. 'Is that a black ring?' He thought. He whispered it to Apple Bloom who also noticed it with a shocked expression on her face.

"Hold it!"

The small Digimon flew in front of Sweetie and yelled out. "There not buying anything from you swindlers!" The Chessmon shrugged. "Oh Patamon, when are you gonna realize our products don't do anything? It's all in you'r head." Patamon looked at him with anger until Apple Bloom interjected pushing Sweetie Belle away. "We got to go anyway come on everyone!" Everyone following including Patamon.

Chessmon looked at the group walking into the streets 'that medeling Patamon! We would have got the chosen children!' he thought walking back to the stand. "Sorry folks! Were closing shop for today!" Some of the crowd left in sadness, they really wanted to get here hands on those items. The two Chessmon walked into a door behind the stand into a room that looked relatively normal inside the room there were two humans tall and definitely male.

"So how much did we get today Chessmon?" Said one of the humans. "About 500 bits." Said White Chessmon throwing a bag of money on the table. "Excellent." Said the other human. "This is quite the business we got here brother." "Yes it is, were selling good items that Digimon here seem to love and without even knowing it, there swearing there allegiance to our king!"

"Yeah creating rare objects using dark data was probably the best idea we ever had!" Said Black Chessmon.
One of the humans forms an evil grin and walks to the window. "As long as the tower stays where it is well have all those Digimon to ourselves!" The other human counting the coins on the table and says. "And were making a quick buck too!"
The two of them started laughing and the two Digimon looked at each other (Or would if they had eyes.) and started laughing as well.


"So you'r name's Patamon?" Asks Scootaloo. "Uh huh." He responded landing on the edge of a fountain. "Well Mah name's Apple Bloom!" "I'm Sweetie Belle." And i'm Scootaloo." The girls yell.

"I didn't know Patamon's existed outside of Canterlot." Said Coronamon, he then procceded to sit next to him on the fountain. "What do ya mean?" Asked Apple Bloom.

"Well back in Canterlot you could see a Patamon in every street corner, i didn't leave the palace much but even from the windows i could tell that there were a bunch of Patamon back home. Celestia has there Digivolved forms as guards as well."

Hawkmon butted in saying. "That makes sense, Patamon are known to be strong when fully Digivolved." While rubbing hi's beack. Patamon sighed. "Well you see, i didn't really want to have a life like that so i left the City and moved here, this is the City of aprotunities."

Sweetie Belle asks. "That still doesn't answer something, why do you hate those Chessmon so much?" Patamon looked at the water coming from the fountain. "Well when they came to this city everymon went to there shop and mine was left to rot. Everyone bought there "Rare" products and got more aggressive, my store didn't make any profit and fell." Patamon got a sad look staring into hi's reflection in the fountain.

"So what did you sell?" Asks Armadillomon. Patamon looked at them with an eager face and jumped off the Fountain. "I'll show you! Follow me!" And flew back in the direction they came, leaving the group back there. They looked at each other and chased after him.


"A restaurant?" Asks Apple Bloom, Patamon opens a sliding door and the entire group walks in. Patamon turns on the lights so they could get a better look of the shop, the room itself was rather dusty most probably from disuse, lots of tables everywhere and even some plates, behind the counter there was an Egg like Digimon who appeared to be cleaning something in the back. He quickly took notice of the visitors and said.

"Welcome back Patamon! And it seems you brought customers and there humans too!" Patamon said. "Heh, these aren't customers Digitamamon, these are my friends! And there gonna help us!" Patamon looked at hi's new friends and said. "Wait here i'll bring the best food in the city!" And he flew to the back which they assumed was the Kitchen.

Sweetie Belle thought about it for a minute and said. "Uh i don't get it, how is a Restaurant in compatition with a pawn shop?" She wonders aloud.

Digitamamon spoke up. "It's not about the conpetition. Ever since those two arrived in town we've been slowly losing clientle they have just been abandoning us and leaving to other parts of town." "It still sounds to me like it's you two are competing." Says Armadillomon.

"I don't see it that way." Said Coronamon. Everyone looked at him rubbing hi's chin. "How do you guess?" Said Hawkmon. "Well, the stuff they were selling it was covered in something, and i'm pretty sure they were Black Rings." He said.
"Do you mean they could be working with Trixie?" Wondered Sweetie Belle.

"Well i guess there's only one way to find out!" Said Scootaloo cracking her knuckles and tried to get out of the store but something stopped her in her tracks. "Hey! The food is ready!" Patamon flew out carrying a few bowls on a tray and put them on a table. Scootaloo walked back and noticed what the food was exactly.

"Noodles?" Asked Apple Bloom starring at it. There were some strange plant like things in it and it had a Blueish tint on it. "Come on try it!" Asked Patamon all nervous.

Sweetie Belle took the first risk and grabbed a fork, putting it in her mouth her eyes shoot open. She puts on a big smile and yells. "This is delicious!" And continues to eat it, Patamon flew down to her level and thanked her happily. Apple Bloom and Scootaloo shot looks at each other and ate some of it, there eyes shooting open and eating more of it.

"This is almost as great as mah family's apples!" Yelled Apple Bloom. She gave Coronamon the plate. "Try some!" She said.
"Uh okay." And he took a sip. "Wow!" He said. Hawkmon and Armadillomon did the same taking bits of there Tamers food. Widening there eyes.

"Wow that was amazing..." Sweetie belle says rubbing her stomach. Patamon embarassed says. "Oh you'r just saying that."
"No were serious! Ah loved it!" Yelled Apple Bloom. Patamon smiles. "Thanks guys!" "So will you help us?" Asks Digitamamon. Scootaloo wipes some sauce off her face and responds. "Of course! After all those guys do seem pretty shady."

Sweetie Belle yelled out. "Alright! Then lets get to it!"


"Alright! Time for some investigating!" Yelled Apple Bloom. The group walked up to the stand and sneaked behind the counter to see just what lied behind the door, they tried opening it but it seemed as thought it was locked. "Dangit." Muttered Scootaloo.

Armadillomon walked over to it to try and open it, he took out hi's claws and yelled. "Diamond Slamming attack!" But as he hit the door he didn't even make a dent to it but instead it sent shivers down hi's whole body. "Yaaooohh!!" He yelled taking hi's claw back. Hawkmon walked over to the door to see just what it was made of. "Hmm, it seems that this door is made out of Chrome Digizoid."

"Chrome Digizoid?" Asked Apple Bloom. Hawkmon looked at the girls. "It's the strongest metal in the Digital World, those Chessmon certainly don't want anyone trespassing here." Coronamon thought for a second and walked over to the door, he looked at the lock and took out a single claw from hi's hand. "What are ya doing?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Just watch." He said.

He put hi's claw into the door's lock making it do a few clicking noises. Just then the door opens. "Got it." He said with a cocky smile. the Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Coronamon, Armadillomon, Hawkmon and Patamon walked in leaving Sweetie Belle outside. "Uh girls Is this such a good idea? I mean were sort of breaking and entering."

"Come on Sweetie, don't you want to find out if these guys are working with Trixie and Gilda? Get in here." Said Scootaloo pulling her in.

Apple Bloom already exploring the inside of the room seeing some unsold products and on the table was a hat Apple Bloom took notice of it and picked it up. "Huh. Hey girls does this look familiar to ya'll?" Showing the hat to them. "Hmm, Not really. Why?" Asks Sweetie. "No reason." Said Apple Bloom setting the hat back on the table.

Patamon walked over a carpet, as Patamon walked over it he felt some hard under it unlike the rest of the floor. "Huh?" He stomped the floor a bit and it made a metal sound. He grabbed it with hi's mouth and pulled it. "Hey guys look at this!" He yelled. The girls and the Digimon walked over to Patamon noticing that under the carpet was in fact another door!

"Another door huh? Should we open it?" Asks Sweetie. The other two looked at her and she shrugged giving an embarrassed face. "Alright, lets open it." Said Scootaloo grabbing the edge and pulling it. It creacked open and under it was a ladder and a deep hole.

"Come on let's go!" Said Coronamon grabbing the ladder and dropping down Patamon following him by flying down, Armadillomon and Hawkmon going as well, and lastly the girls drop down.

"Wowie." Said Apple Bloom looking at the tunnel around her surrounded by metal plating everywhere definetly to keep it from crumbling. "How far deep is this place?" Wondered Armadillomon. "One way to find out." Said Scootaloo she proceded to walk down the path, the others following behind.

As they walked along they could hear faint voices in the distance. "Were gonna have to restock our inventory by the way." "Do you hear that?" Asked Sweetie. "Eeyup." Says Apple Bloom and they slowly aproached the end of the tunnel. The end of the tunnel was nothing really special just another metal door with a few metal pipes lying outside.

"These guys really like security don't they?" Swispers Scootaloo "Shh." Says Patamon. They put there ears against the door to try and hear the conversation but they could mostly hear metallic noises like a factory. Inside they could hear four voices two adult male voices and two knight like voices

"This town will be under our control in a number of days, "Sombramon will be very pleased with these results." Said one of the voices.

"Sombramon?" Wonders Apple Bloom. "Shh" Says Coronamon. Trying to pay attention to the conversation.

"These machines are really useful, who knew we could shape black rings into anything we wanted." Said one voice.

"Ha! I knew it!" Yelled Patamon spooking Sweetie Belle sending her back and hitting the pipes. *DING* *DONG* *BUMP*
"Who's there!?" Yelled one of the voices, then they heard footsteps. "Eeep!" Said Sweetie. "Uhoh! What are we gonna do now!?" Mumbles Armadillomon. "Isn't it obvious? We stay and fight!" Said Coronamon getting hi's fists ready. "Ready guys?"
The girls nodded and took out there Digivices yelling the words. "Digi armor energize!"

They Digivolve into there Harmony forms and knock down the door, behind it the humans were standing with there partners in front of them spears out and ready to fight. "Alright! The jig is up!" Yelled Buckermon. 'Woah.' Thought the girls seeing that around them it was indeed some kind of factory. In the middle of it all was another Tower.

"Do you really think you kids can beat the us the FlimFlam Brothers?" Said one of the Brothers.

"Wait, ah know you guys ya'll tried to run mah family out of town!" Yelled Apple Bloom pointing at the guys. "And we would have gotten away with it too." Said Flim.

"Nobody hurts my friends and get's away with it!" Yelled Buckermon and ran straight towards the four. "Chessmon!" They yelled. And the two jumped in spears ablazing, then Raredigmon and Shynermon jumped in Shynermon holding White Chessmon's Spear and RareDigmon holding Black's spear.

"Aw yeah!" Yelled Scootaloo watching there partners do battle Black Chessmon charged some kind of Electricity. "Woah!" RareDigmon jumped out of the way of the Electric blast. "Diamond storm!" And a bunch of diamond collided with Chessmon.

Meanwhile White Chessmon kept trying to stab Shynermon with hi's spear, Shynermon kept dodging them wihile yelling a bunch of. "Woah's!" Searching for an opening Shynermon shot hi's Fluttering swarm attack colliding with White Chessmon.

"Wow! You'r partners are incredible!" praised Patamon. "Heh thanks!" Replied Apple Bloom. "You know this isn't as hard as i expected. Are you sure you guys are any good?" Asks Buckermon Shynermon starts to laugh and Raredigmon joins in with them.

"Ug we've been backed into a corner." "Then Brother i guess we have no other choice." Then they took out 2 Black Digivices and put them together and yelled. "Digivolution activate!" The Digidestined have sudden looks of Shock seeing the two Chessmon Digivolve.

Pawn Chessmon Digivolve too!!

Knight Chessmon!!

The two of the landing in front of the Digimon. Being somewhat bigger than them and holding huge spears. They resembled "Were in trouble aren't we?" Asks Buckermon. "Yes you are." Answers White KnightChessmon. The both Chessmon galoped into the air reaching just almost to the roof of the place and began to fall. "Get out of the way!" Yells Sweetie. The three Digimon try to jump out of the way only to get trampeled by Knight Chessmon's shockwaves making them fall on the ground.

"Ya have to get up!" Yells Apple Bloom. Chessmon stomps on them, holding them in place. "Get...Off of me!" Yells Buckermon. "No on you're life." White Chessmon

Patamon stares at hi's new friends desperately trying to break free of there clutches, he get's a brave expression and flies directly towards the Chessmon. "Patamon!?" "What are ya gonna do!?" Ask the girls. Patamon flies up to Chessmon from behind and yells out. Boom Bubble!! Hitting him with a blast of air causing Black Knight to tumble around, hitting the wall a few times and even hitting White knight.

"Thanks Patamon!" Yells Shynermon. Patamon Smiles at them giving them a thumbs up with hi's stubby paws. Just then the ground starts to rumble and pieces of the rook start to fall crushing some of the factory machines. The two Knightmon Degenerate. "You fool! Do you know what you've just done!?" Yells one of the PawnChessmon. "Yeah! He just beat you!" Yells Buckermon pointing hi's gun at PawnChessmon. "Hold it!" The FlimFlam brothers yell and jump in front of there partners and throw something onto the ground.

The Digimon cough loudly

The girls notice a big chunk of of rubble heading straight for Patamon. "Patamon look out!" Patamon looks up. "Huh? And notices the rock heading for him but he has no time to react and the boulder hit's him propelling him to the ground. "Patamon!" The girls yell and run towards where he's falling. Before he could land Sweetie catches him. "I got you!" She yells victoriously, but they remember the ground is falling around them, they hear a big noise and look at the Black tower seeing boulders hit it making it fall. "We got to get out of here!"

More rubble starts to fall some of it heading in there direction! "Aw Crap!" Yells Scootaloo. Before the boulders and rocks could land on them however there partners grab them and jump on the rubble. And they get out before the completely collapses.

Meanwhile all over the city Digimon that got items from the FimFlam brothers immediately fell all woozy, there items crumbling apart.

The team gets out in the back of the store and watch it fall into the ground. "Woah... That could have been us." Says Apple Bloom as she Gulps. There partners Degenerate. "Don't worry i wouldn't have let that happen." Says Coronamon making a proud stance. "Everyone look!" Everyone looks at Sweetie still holding Patamon in her hands, he wakes up to see all hi's new friends staring at him with looks of both worried and happy. "What...What happened?" He asks.

"Don't ya'll worry a bit. Noting bad 'appened." Said Apple Bloom with confidence. "Yeah i was the one that grabbed you when you fell." Patamon got out of Sweetie's hands. "Thanks. Sweetie Belle." He says happily. "No problem." She says smiling then they shake hands.


The group sits in the store eating another bowl of Patamon's noodles. "These are pretty great." Says Apple Bloom. "You said it!" Yells Scootaloo. They hear the door open and look over to it, seeing a few Digimon walk in. "Well it looks like these guys are back in business." Says Armadillomon. "Yep." Says Coronamon. The group gets out of there chairs and walk over to the Kitchen. "Hey Patamon!" Yells Sweetie Belle.

Patamon flies over to the team and says. "Hey girls! So are you leaving?" He asks. "Yeah, our Tamers here got School tomorrow." Answers Coronamon. "Will we see you again?" Asks Digitamamon.

"Of course, after all we know where to get the Digital Worlds best noodles!"

Ending theme.

Author's Note:

Well Happy New year readers! And a happy Day of the 3 kings?

Yeah i know the premise for this chapter is stupid but it really didn't pop into my head until i wrote it so i hope some of you actually enjoy this chapter!

I'm not really good at writing Battle scenes.