• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

We are the Digimon Crusaders!

Previously on Digimon, Digital Monsters
Apple Bloom and Twilight fell into the Digital World only to find some of Twilight's friends being thrashed around by a Garurumon, it goes after the humans and just when it looks like all hope seemed lost a newcomer Digimon appears and Apple Bloom Quickly befriends him. Later they find one of the Elements of Harmony and Apple Bloom grabs it and Armor Digivolves Coronamon in order to save her friends making her an Honorary Digidestined.

Opening theme.

We are the Digimon Crusaders!

The sun shines as dawn enters the Sweet Apple Acres everything is quite as the two farmers get ready to go to the fields.
Apple Jack walks over to Apple Blooms room and knocks on the door.
"Apple Bloom? Are ya ready for School?".

"Yeah sis! Al be down in a second!"
On the other side of the door Apple Bloom was finishing up getting dressed and was adjusting her bow.
"Do all you humans sleep like that?" Asks Sunmon.
Apple Bloom finishes up her bow, turns around to Sunmon and asks. "What do ya mean?"
"I couldn't get a blink of shut eye, you were snoring the entire time" Answered Sunmon getting up and floating, then suddenly yawned.

"Well, Sorry, Ya know how excitin yesterday was." Then She proceeded to walk over to a bag in the corner and moved her books in there. "Hop in!" She said smiling.
"You mean..... In there?" Said Sunmon floating over the bag.

"It's big enough to hold ya and ma books, ah don't know how ma friends would react to you and there are these bullies in ma school who would probably take ya away if they saw you."
"....Fine."putting out hi's flame and jumping in the bag. "I can't believe i'm doing this." He thought to himself.
Putting it around her back. She then ran out of the door.

"Where are we going in such a hurry anyway?" Said Sunmon.

Apple Bloom stops by the kitchen and grabs some Apple Pie. "Mah teachers lettin me retake a test and ah kinda need to get there early." While Munching on the pie.

She finally makes it to the school with Miss Cheerilee waiting for her in front.
"So did you study this time?" She said.
Apple Bloom smiles with a little sweat mark on her head. "Kinda, it was sorta a rush job. But am sure all do better!"
Cheerilee rolls her eyes and walks into the School Apple Bloom following behind.


*Huff* *Puff*

Two Digimon, a Hawkmon and an Armadillomon running down the path running from an attacker in the sky.

"Lets go Armadillomon!"
"I can't! My feet are killing me!"

Panting Armadillomon could do nothing else but keep running until he hit a rock. *trip* "Woah!"
"Armadillomon!" Yelled Hawkmon running over to hi's friend to pick him up.

Meteor Wing!

"Quick! dodge!" They both jumped out of the way as the Phoenix launched a blast from it's wings, they landed just as it was about to impact them. Trying to get the dust off of them they didn't notice Birdramon getting ready for another attack.

They looked up to see a figure on the Phoenix, they couldn't tell who it was but it definetely wasn't a Digimon.
"You two little "Escapes" aren't getting out of this one!" She said giving a very taunting laugh.


Bunny Blast!!

And a green blast of energy hit the bird causing it to get stunned. "Who did that!?" She called out and looked around noticing a Terriermon and a Salamon. "Leave those two alone!" Terriermon jumped into the air yelling. "Terrier Tornado!" and hit Birdramon rapidly. Birdramon
"Why yes, thank you kindly, i don't know what would have happened if you didn't save us."

"So who are you exactly?"

Hawkmon jumped and yelled. "How can you NOT know Terriermon and Salamon AKA the Bearers of the Elements!? These fellows saved the Digital World a long time ago!"
"Oh yeah, i remember hearing something like that."

The Two Digimon look at each other and Terriermon scratches hi's head.

"Don't mind my friend here. What are you doing here?"
"Well it's kind of a long story."
"Though i am surprised that you two are still like this instead of being corrupted."
"Is that what happened to that Birdramon?"

"Kinda, we don't know what's causing it exactly, but we do know that Human is behind it."
"Yeah, it was kinda obvious."

"Well, you two should come with us, you could the protection." Salamon said walking over to the two of them.
"Oh we don't want to impose." Said Hawkmon.
"Look you two, that Birdramon could come back at anytime." With that mentioned they both started shivering. "And you guys are few of the only ones too not get caught by those Black rings yet."

"Black rings?" Armadillomon asked.
"Well explain later, come on." Terriermon motioned them to follow him.


We flash back to town as the bell rings.

The kids run out of class. As Apple Bloom walks over to the exit she says. "Yeah! a B! This is great!" All happy.

Walking out of the building she takes out her Digivice and looks at the time. "Now if we could only get to Twilight's before."

"Hey Apple Bloom!" Apple Bloom was stunned a bit.
"So i heard you got a b!" Said Scootaloo patting her on the back.
"Ya know, it isn't that great of a grade." She chuckled.
"Hey it's better than most of my grades." Said Scootaloo shrugging.

"Hey... What's that?" Said Sweetie, pointing towards Apple Bloom's Digivice.

Apple Bloom quickly hides it behind her back and laughs. "W what do ya mean?"

Sweetie tries to get a good look at it by turning behind her saying "That." Apple Bloom slowly turns to her side to hide it. "U'm it's noting." She said with a non genuine smile.

Scootaloo quickly grabs it and takes a look.

"H Hey!" She said.

"Is this some kind of virtual pet? I didn't know you were into that sort of thing." Scoot says looking at it for awhile blocking Apple Bloom with her hand.

"Give that back!" She said.

Scootaloo presses one of the buttons and a screen appears with AppleJack's mark on the screen.

"What's that?" Says Sweetie.

Apple Bloom takes the Digivice back swiftly.

"Hey!" The two girls said.

"We just want to have a look at it!" Said Sweetie

"Well ya can't!" Said Apple Bloom.

"Well why not?" Yells Scootaloo.

Just as she asked that the Digivice beeped a few times with Twilight's mark on the screen.

"Well, ah think ah hear ma laundry callin."She says before running off.
"....She's totally hiding." Scootaloo said.
"Should we follow her?" Said Sweetie pointing.
"Yes, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other! Were gonna get to the bottom of this!" They both began running after her.

Later Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle walk down the street slowly creeping up to Apple Bloom, she felt like something was following her but she couldn't see anyone doing so.

"Wait!" Said Scootaloo stopping Sweetie. "What is it?" She points over to Twilight's library, seeing Apple Bloom run into it.


"Ah think we lost them." She said lying down next to the door.

"Apple Bloom are you alright?" Asked Twilight.

Apple Bloom looked up and noticed Twilight along with two of her Friends.

"What happened dear?" Asks One of them.

Apple Bloom gets up pouting and says. "Yer sister happened. She and Scootaloo almost took mah Digivice! ....What are yall doing here anyway?" Says Apple Bloom looking to Rarity and Fluttershy.

"Well when Twilight called us and said something about you being a new Digidestined well, i really wanted to see the new Digimon, if that's okay with you." She stroked her pink hair. The other woman sipped a bit of Tea and looked over to Apple Bloom. "IT would have been rude to turn down an invite from one of my friends, i didn't really have any comissions to work on anyway."

Meanwhile Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle sneak up on the window to see just what Apple Bloom was hiding from them, but what they saw completely caught them by surprised.
They saw Apple Bloom opening her Book bag as a Little red ball jumped out of it catching both of them of guard.
"Oh my!" Said the other person running to Sunmon's aid.
"Are you okay little fella?" She said in a caring tone.
"Yeah just a little Dizzy, Apple Bloom kept shaking the bag around while running." He said.

"Oh my god an ali-!" Yelled Scootaloo but was interrupted by Sweetie putting a hand over her mouth. "Shhhh."

"Who's there!?"
The two girls jumped and tried to hide but the group of four and Sunmon in Apple Bloom's arms walking out of the Library.
"What are Yall doing here!?" Asks Apple Bloom.
The two get up and Scoot yell. "We should be asking you the same thing!" She points at Sunmon and says. "Why would you keep an Alien from us!?"
Apple Bloom tilts her head at that. "Pardon?"
"That thing!" Sweetie Belle points to Sunmon who was pretending to be a plush toy. A small sweat ran down hi's face.

That outburst caused a few passerby to give the group a confused expression. "Nothing to see here folks! Move along!" Twilight yelled waving her arms. "Why don't we continue this inside?"

Inside Twilight's house the two were explained the situation involving the Digital World and how they met Sunmon. They even explained a bit about there previous endevors in the Digital World as well as the Elements. Some of the stuff went a bit over there heads but they pretty much got the picture.

"So let me get this straight. There's this whole world we don't know about, where few humans are aloud AND they get to see giant monster battles?" Scoot said putting a finger on her head. "That's the general idea." Scootaloo got all happy and excited all of a sudden and jumped out her chair. "That sounds awesome!! Sign me up!" "I want to go to!" Sweetie also got kinda extatic.

Twilight walked over to the pair and put her hands on there heads. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves girls. The Digital World isn't something everyone can go to."
"Hey! if Apple Bloom gets to go were going to!"
"Yeah nothing splits the 3 of us up!" The two kids wouldn't take no for an answer.

Apple bloom went over to the two Sunmon i hand. "Look ah apprecciate it girls but yer not Digidestined. And we dun really know how to git to the Digital World, it just sort of happens."

And just like clock they began hearing some beeping, Twilight and Apple Bloom took out there own and noticed that the beeping wasn't coming from there's. They looked behind them to the table where Fluttershy and Rarity were sitting at. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Rarity leaned over the table looking at the Digivices. "What's that?" Sweetie tilted her head with a puzzled look.Since i couldn't find a short version have this song. The light from the Digivices flew out of them enveloping the group."Let's go you two!" Yelled Twilight as she tried to pull the out but to no avail they were already sucked in.

They crossed the portal in a really quick time. The portal was like a bunch of colors of the rainbow and a few ones and zero's mixed in.

Once they got to the other side Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo fell head first into a lush green field that seemed as if it expanded for miles. "Wow what a ride." Apple bloom and the others on the other hand fell right side up and Sunmon was changed back into Coronamon. "Hey! I'm back to normal!" "So that how you normally look?" Fluttershy stared at him intensely.

"Fluttershy!" "Rarity!" The two looked over to where the screaming was coming from and saw two Digimon running towards them and another pair running right behind them. "Terriermon!" "Salamon!" Salamon immediately jumped into Rarity's arms. "Woah! Wait!" And caused her to fall into the grass. "Sorry about that." Rarity had a sweat mark run down her face in Embarrasment.

Terriermon ran up to Shy's shoulder and yelled. "Long time no see!" With a big smile. Fluttershy returned a smile of her own. "Nice to see you too."

"By Celestia's mane! A human!" Hawkmon stuttered at the sight, not really trusting humans. "Don't worry, These are our Friends!" Hawkmon and Armadillomon looked around. "Well if you say so." Mumbled Armadillomon.

Scootaloo whispered to Sweetie Belle. "Is that a talking Chicken?" Sweetie belle Chuckled and Armadillomon burst into laughter. "Hey! I heard that! I'll have you know i'm NOT a chicken! I'm a Hawkmon!!" "Sorry, we've just never seen anything like you before.It's our first time here." She tried to contain her excitement of meeting a Digital Monster and streched out her hand. "My name's Scootaloo by the way."

Hawkmon still a little nervous returned the favor. "My name's Hawkmon." Scoot thought to herself, That's hi's name too? Digimon are weird.

Armadillomon walked over to Sweetie Belle. "I'm Armadillomon! It's nice to meet you!" Swwetie petted him. "I'm Sweetie Belle! Nice to meet you two!" She smiled.

"Wow, that was quick."
"What do you mean?" Coronamon looked up to hi's tamer.
"Well they ain't even in the Digital World for a long time and they already have friends here.

Apple Bloom looked over too the fields they landed in, she could see really far into the distance. They could see a distant city in the sky, tons of Mountains, a castle perched on one. Even some lakes and forests. "Wow, this place is amazing."
"I know right?" They both stared in aw.

"Um Terriermon, are these you're friends?" She pointed to Hawkmon and Armadillomon. "Well we just met them early, they were being chased by a huge Birdramon and here's the thing. It was with a Human!"

"What!?" the two older Digidestined gasped.

Scootaloo asked Apple Bloom. "Are humans a rare thing around here?"
Apple Bloom shrugs. "Ah wouldn't know, iv'e only been here a day." she then looks over to Coronamon. "Do ya think it's the same person who caused that dog to attack us?"
Coronamon nods. "Totally."

"You see." Everyone looked over to Hawkmon. "That human barged into our village with that Birdramon. She took some of our villagers to corrupt them. At least that's what i think she did with them...."

"That's awful..." Fluttershy muttered.

Apple Bloom spoke up make Shy jump. "Well don't you worry you two!! Me and my partner here are on the case!! Right?" She then looked to Coronamon and he nods in agreement. "Yeah! With the two of us along with Elements of Kindness and Generosity well have this wrapped up in no time!"

Fluttershy slowly spoke up. "Um Apple Bloom, i don't really like to fight."
"Neither do i darling but when a Digimon is in trouble we have to go, even if it's a dirty job."

"So where do we find this person anyway?" Asks Coronamon.

The ground begins to rumble and the trees begin to shake. "Ah don't think we have to." Apple Bloom begins to tremble but still stays on her ground. A Phoenix jumped out the trees in the distanced and started flying towards them. "You two take my sister and her friend and hide!" Says Rarity.

"What!? I want to watch the monster battle!" Fluttershy looks to the two with her stare, Scootaloo reacts all. "Uh , okay then." And hides behind a few nearby boulders.

"Alright Coronamon! It's time to Digivolve!" She yells raising her Digivice to the skyes. But nothing happens. "What are you doing?!" Asks Coronamon. "Hey it's not like this came with any instruccions!" Apple Bloom reacts.

"Relax you two, we got this." Says Terriermon. The two older Digidestined took out there Digivices and pointed them to there partners. Lights came out of them and flew over to the Digimon.

Terriermon Digivolve to!

Salamon Digivolve to!

The lights faded away showing that it didn't work on them either. "Huh?" The two woman asked. "The same thing happened to Twilight." Apple Bloom remembered the previous day. The bird caught up the group and shot some blasts to the Digimon.

"This is so awesome!" Yelled Scoot.

"You think?" Sweetie belle wonders. "I'm getting scared."

"Forget it, i can still fight like this!" Coronamon jumped and charged and attack. Corona Flame! And shot it out at the bird. Birdramon shot another blast and countered Coronamon's attack. "This is gonna sting!" He says, he tried to dodge it but to no avail the blast was too big. "AUUGHH!!" Coronamon was lying there. "Coronamon!" Yelled Apple Bloom and ran over to her friend. "Apple Bloom!" Her friends yelled.

Apple Bloom grabbed Croronamon and tried to wake him up. "Cronamon are ya alright!?"

"How very unimpressive. How is it that you were the one that stopped Trixie's Garurumon?"

"Huh?" Apple Bloom and Coronamon looked up to see the birdramon landing in front of them and the Human looking down at them.
"Why did ya do this!?" She yells out at the human, who jumps down off Birdramon's back. "I simply have a mission and i'm carying out." She boasts.

"Get away from her!" Fluttershy speaks up. Everyone looks at her dumbfounded by her outburst.
There two partners start running towards Trixie and Birdramon. Trixie notice's this take out a black object shaped like a Digivice and summons a Digimon who jumps out of Birdramon's back shooting a blast in front of them.

The Digimon lands in behind the smoke in front of Apple Bloom and Coronamon and Apple Bloom revealing itself to be the same creature as Spike. Only yellow with gleaming red eyes. "Say hello to my partner, Agumon."

The two of them notice that he didn't have a Black ring like the other two. "Why are you helping her!? Can't you see she's hurting innocents!?" Yells Coronamon, he tries to get up but falls down immeadietly. "Don't strain yerself." Apple Bloom tells him. "Why are you doing this!?" She insists. Agumon walks over to Trixie with an emotionless expression. "He's not much of a talker."

"What do ya want from us?" Apple Bloom asks. Trixie walks over to them streching out her hand. "...The Element, hand it over." Apple Bloom hardens her grip on the Digivice. "Well if you won't hand it over willingly i have to take it from you!" Trixie grabs something attached on her belt. It looked like one of those things that holds swords. "Mother." Apple Bloom and Coronamon thought.

She slowly takes out what was in her belt while both of them flinching. It tunrs out it wasn't a sword at all but some sort of wand. The wand starts glowing and releases some sort of energy from it, hitting Apple Bloom. "Huh? What did ya...do..." in a daze she falls asleep.

"Apple Bloom!" Yells Coronamon. "Why i oughta!" He takes out a fist but before he can do anything Trixie shots him too. "Huh..? Why do i....feel..so sleepy?" Was all that could be heard before he falls asleep aswell but before he could completely close hi's eyes Trixie waved a taunting hand.

"Good Night."

To be continued.