• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,652 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Time to party! A new element added!

Todays story starts as a normal morning in the suburbin area of Ponyville. The sun was rising and the kids were still sleeping.
*Tak* *Tak* Something was hitting the window of a certain girl's house. "....Huh?" Asks the girl. She looks around but doesn't see anything in her room.

Outside of the house Apple Bloom was throwing pebbles at the window with Sunmon sitting just besides her Book bag. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Asks Sunmon right before he gives a big yawn. "Of course, no teammate of mine is gonna slack off while i'm on the clock!" She says and throws a slightly bigger rock at the window and makes a small hole in it and lands in the Sweetie's bed.

She wakes up and sees this so she goes and opens the window. "Sweetie Belle get up!! You'r not gonna sleep in on mah watch!!" She yells as Sweetie stares back still a little drowsy, she looks at her Digivice's clock and notices the time. "Apple Bloom it's 6:20 AM!!" She says in a annoyed. Apple Bloom yells. "The early bid get's the worm as they say!!" Sweetie Belle drops onto the edge of her window.

"Ugh this is gonna be one of those days isn't it?"

Opening theme

We jump cut to later in the day where a familiar bakery where the workers were having quite the lunch rush. "Settle down everyone! You'll each get you're orders!" And the cashire looked back at the kitchen. "You got it Pinkie?" And Pinkie jumps out of the kitchen with a few boxes and placing them on the counter.

She heads back into the Kitchen to make more sweets and puts them all in the oven. Succesfuly making over 20 Cupcakes. "Tada!" And she puts them under the glass. She goes back to the Kitchen to make more when suddenly. *Beep beep* Pinkie looks to her hip where her Digivice seems to be dangling from and that's what was making the beeping sound.

She looked back and forth between the counter and her Digivice, figuring that her closest friend was more important. The woman at the counter looked into the kitchen but it seems Pinkie ran off. "Uh.... Pinkie?

'Time to Party! A new Element added!

The girls were just sitting around tired in the house room area of Golden oaks were they were sitting on a couch with the Television on. "So did ya figure out anythin?" Asks Apple Bloom. "Well she simply said that Luna was the one who gave her Lunamon, when i asked her why she didn't give me a reason." Said Twilight who shakes her head in defeat, she then looks to Sweetie and Scootaloo and notices how tired they are and asks. "What's wrong with them?"

Scootaloo was the first to respond by saying. "Apple Bloom has been pushing us all day...." And Sweetie spoke up. "Yeah she's been forcing us and our partners to do push ups and other exercises to the point of exhaustion..."

"Hey! At least am taking mah job seriously! Unlike some people ah know!" Yells Apple Bloom. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo shoot annoyed looks at her. Upamon and Poromon looked over to Sunmon and asked. "Hey Sunmon, what's up with Apple Bloom?" Sunmon shakes hi's head. "Honestly i don't know, she just sort of started acting like this this morning." Poromon and Upamon just looked back at the girls.

"Twilight!!" Pinkie shows up out of nowhere spooking Twilight and the others and making Twilight fall flat on her face. "Ugh Pinkie what do you want?" Asked Twilight rubbing her face and getting up. "Twilight i need you're help! I think Palmon is in trouble!!"

"Pinkie what are you talking about?"

"Look!" Then she flashed her Digivice in Twilight which was glowing a bright red color. "That can't be right, Princess Celestia enchanted our partners so if they were in trouble it would call us in. Why isn't it working for you?" "That's not the problem! The problem is that Palmon could be in danger right now!!"

When she heard it Apple Bloom looked in there direction noticing there conversation and takes it as a mission for her team. "Alright!" She yelled as she jumps out of her chair. "Let's go girls! We're gonna find Palmon!" She yelled looking over her tired friends even though they responded with a huge groan.


The DigiPort closes behind our group as they land inside the Digital World, this area was kind of mountainous, lots of hills covering the place. "Oooooooooooo This place hasn't changed a bit since last i was here! And that's really saying something considering the time difference! I mean alot of the things here are exactly the same...!" But Scootaloo put her hand in her mouth shutting her up while putting on an annoyed expression.

"So Palmon should be around here right?" Asks Sweetie Belle. Apple Bloom turns to Pinkie and asks. "What does she look like?" "Ohh she's the most adorable little flower with big blue eyes and pink petals perched on top! Though now that i think about it she isn't really that cute but she is too me!" "I GOT IT!!" Yelled Apple Bloom all angry putting her hand on Pinkie's mouth once again. "Now lets get movin! Time's a wastin!" And She started walking in a random direction. Hawkmon asks. "Do you even know where you're going?" Apple Bloom just responded with a 'Eynope' and and Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle just shot looks at each other then proceed to follow her.

Meanwhile at another part of the same area Palmon was backed into a corner by who other than Trixie and her Agumon! Palmon shoots another attack but Agumon deflects it. "Stop it you big bully! What did i do to you?!" Agumon stays silent but has hi's claws out and ready to attack. Palmon looks the other making it look like she's talking to the reader. "He's not much of a talker is he?" "Be quiet!" Yelled Trixie making Palmon shudder.

It was a very rare for Palmon to be scared ever since she met Pinkie but for once she was terrified seeing a Rookie level that strong. "Wwhat do you want?" She asked shiveringly. Trixie walked over to her and pet her making Palmon close her eyes. "Oh not much, i wish to see the Element of Laughter. If you behave i won't have to Delete you."

"Y, you won't?" Palmon says slightly opening her eye. "If you stay with my demands or course." Palmon just agrees with this, accepting the fact that alone she had no chance so she walks away with them following.


Back with our team they were trying to climb a mountain, there was a ledge where they were taking a breather. "These wings need a brake..." Says Hawkmon. The group sans Pinkie, AB and Coronamon. They heard a faint "Hey!" from up above. The girls looked up and saw Apple Bloom, Pinkie and Coronamon just chilling on the top. "How did they.....?" Wondered Sweetie. "Hey! No slacking off!" Yelled Apple Bloom. "Oh, it is on!" And Scootaloo grabbed the mountain side and climbed as fast as she could even leaving a small dust cloud. "Woah i didn't know she could go that fast." Asked an amazed Armadillomon.

Before Scootaloo could reach the top she tried grabbing the edge of the cliff she slipped and started falling. But a hand managed to catch her leg, two hands in fact. She was pulled up by Apple Bloom. "Ohh i'm so glad you're okay! I mean if you fell you would have gotten splat and it would have been all bloody everywhere! What would we tell you're dad huh?" But was shut up by Coronamon. "This is what happens when yer not careful." Said Apple Bloom. "Alright that tears it!!" Yelled Scootaloo as she put her hands in a strangleing motion.

But before she could actually get a hold of AB they felt the ground rumble as something appeared from a cave in the side of the mountain. "What on Earth is that!?" Yells Sweetie Belle. "It's a Kuwagamon!" Yells Pinkies in a really high pitch. Kuwagamon spreaded hi's wing and got off the mountain side, he got hi's pincers ready and headed in Sweetie's direction who was still climbing. "Were gonna need some serious fight power! Digi armor energize!" Yelled Scootaloo.

Shynermon tried to protect them. "Keep going!" He yelled.And Sweetie Belle kept climbing. "Fluttering Swarm!" he hits it launching him back a little, Shynermon flies in to punch him but instead Kuwagamon grabs him with hi's pincers crushing him. "GAHHHH!!" He yelled keep getting crushed. Coronamon goes and charges up hi's Petit Prominence attack and launches it! It makes contact and it blinds him letting Shynermon go.

Shynermon flies back to the group just at the same time as Sweetie Belle got up and Armadillomon's head poked out of the ground. "Did we get it?" Asks Sweetie. Just then Kuwagamon falls over. "Ah think so...." The entire group curiously looks over the edge to make sure he was dead. What they heard was a roar "Raaawwwuurr!!!" They all shot looks at each other. "I think we should get out of here." Said Coronamon And they all agreed and ran off to find Palmon.

"Thanks Coronamon, it's good to see SOME of us are trying to do our jobs right!" To emphasise her point Scootaloo looked at Apple Bloom. "Ya wanna start somethin?" She said. "Maybe." Said Scootaloo putting on an coocky face. "Fine by me!" Said Apple Bloom walking towards Scootaloo. "Stopit!" said Pinkie standing in between them. "You two are supposed to be friends! Why are you fighting?" She asked. Scootaloo and Apple Bloom Looked away from each other a bit angry.

Unbeknownst to them Kuwagamon was slowly getting back up from hi's confusion and climbed the hills in search of those who invaded hi's territory.

To be continued

Author's Note:

How did they blind a Kuwagamon if it doesn't have eyes? Because shut up that's why.

I'm splitting this one into two because i wanted to get a chapter out before School started.