• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

Into Everfree

Previously on Digimon Crusaders.
"Guys i'm not done." Everyone in the room looked back at Twilight. She looked down for a second.
"We know where he is now because he unleashed some of hi's strength. ...And that power is stronger than all of our Digimon right now." Everyone in the room looked at her with a surprised expression on they're faces. While Twilight had a serious face.

"Stronger than our Digimon?"

The group in the room had looks of shock and surprise on them. Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Seriously Twilight, you've got to be kidding." Twilight closed her eyes. "No, we picked up a huge power source coming from a deep forest in the Digital world."

Scootaloo got up and fistpumped the air. "Great! So we know where he is! Let's go down there and give him a pounding!" Sweetie belle looked at Scootaloo. "Did you even hear what she just said? Yeah we know where he is but do you really think we're gonna do anything to him once we get there?" Scootaloo freeze's right there. Then she looked over to Sweetie Belle. "We we don't know until we try!"

Hawkmon looked at Scootaloo. "All that would accomplish is get us killed Scootaloo!"
"Shut up!" Scootaloo yelled at Hawkmon.
"Will you two be quiet!" The kids looked up to they're predecessors and Rainbow had her arms folded. Scootaloo saw that it was her role model yelling back at her. She got up to her. "Come on Rainbow, you of all people should know that we need to hit them now!"
Rainbow was silent for a bit and she looked to the side, not looking directly at Scootaloo. "Look, normally i would be thinking the same thing but, with what i've been through in the Digital world, i've learned when i should back off."
The look on Scootaloo's face as she heard her idol in a way she's never heard before made her look down.

Apple Bloom was staring at the others, she frowned and looked down. "We can't just sit around and do nothin'." Everyone looked at Apple Bloom. Pinkie spoke up after. "Apple Bloom's right! We've got to do it for the sake of the Digimon!" Apple Bloom got up in response to Pinkie's enthusiasm. "Yeah! We don't know if we'll win till we try!"

Everyone looked to the side of the room where Applejack had her arms folded and her hat covering the top of her face. "Apple Bloom, if ya went in now you would only die! And a'm not lettin' that happen!" Everyone was surprised by Applejack's outburst.
Apple Bloom tried to retort at Applejack's comment. "Come on Applejack! If we don't do this the Digital world will!" But unfortunately Applejack didn't take it. "Look yer Digimon aren't as strong as ours! There's no way ya'll can beat them! I'd be better if you three just sat back and let yer sister handle this!"
"Applejack! We've took care of ourselves just fine!"
Applejack yelled back. "That's because yer enemies have always been on par with you! This time it's too dangerous!"
"BU but Applejack!"
"No Apple Bloom!"
This left the entire room in silence, with Apple Bloom just sitting back down with a sad look on her face. "...What's up with her?" Asked Rainbow dash. Fluttershy looked towards her and just said. "Maybe we should just leave them be.... It seems like a family thing."

Applejack just looked over to Twilight where Twilight just jumped when Applejack gave her that look. "Twilight, is there any way we can get by our Digimon not Digivolving when Trixie's around?" Twilight just looked at her computer and looked back at Applejack.
"Well i can try looking into it but you shouldn't expect much." She said and went over to the computer. "Once i come up with a plan i'll calk everyone back, but right now you guys can head home."

"Right." Everyone said together.


Apple Bloom is squrming around in her bed unable to sleep. She opens her eyes and she sits up on her bed. This launches Sunmon off the bed, but he wakes up before he can hit the ground and flies up towards Apple Bloom.
"Can't sleep huh?
Apple Bloom looks over to Sunmon. "Yeah, ah feel like we should be doin' somethin about this, but instead were lying in bed." She looks to her night stand with her Digivice and picked it up. She just looks at it for a bit Sunmon flies up to her shoulder.
"We DID get pretty beat up, as it stands we probably don't stand a chance at all." Apple Bloom closes her eyes in thought. She opens her eyes immediately and gets out of the sheets.

"What are you doing?" Apple Bloom changes into her usual outfit, the overalls and yellow shirt, she puts on her bow and puts the goggles. "Cmon' Sunmon we got work to do." Sunmon's eyes shot open as he followed hi's tamer. Applejacks room's door was slightly opened so she looked into it and saw Apple jack sleeping like a baby. She puts on a small smile. "Bye sis." She says and quickly but stealthily walks out of the house, with Sunmon in her arms.

She notices by the look in the sky that her family would be getting up anytime now as they always get up before daybreak. Apple Bloom walks down the steps and is about to leave the main house.
"Were are you goin' Apple Bloom?" The two of them jump and looked behind them, when they did so they saw Apple Bloom's grandmother, granny smith.
"Uh School! Yeah.. School."
"This early?" Granny smith responded just staring at her.
"Uh ya know what they say? Early bird gets the worm!"
Granny Smith was just staring back at her for a bit, she gives a warm smiles and breaks the silence.
"Okay! Ya two run along now!"

Apple Bloom nods nerviously and walks off. "Wait... 'You two?'" She looks down to Sunmon who had the same expression on her face, an expression of surprise, they look back and was back inside. They look a bit confused as to how she saw through they're charade, Apple Bloom just walks off until she makes it to a secluded area.

"Digi port! Open!" The digi port opens in front of her. "You sure i can't talk you out of it?" Apple Bloom walks into the Digi port with Sunmon in hand. The light of the Digital world enveloping her.


AppleJack is buttoning up her shirt while walking down the hallway, she yawns and looks to the side, into Apple Blooms room, seeing it empty, she just assumes that she's downstairs. So when she goes downstairs and only sees Big mac and Granny smith she asks the question with a bit of a worried tone. "Have ya'll seen Apple Bloom? She wasn't in her room."
Big mac gives hi's trademarked 'nope'

Granny smith was sitting on a chair knitting something up when she said. "Oh she went off to school with her space cat."
"School? But's it's Saturday! O oh no." She says with a scared expression on her face. She goes over to the phone in the other room. Typing down the number and waiting for somebody to pick up the phone. "Come on pick up the phone!"
On the other end Twilight is sleeping in barely anything, "Ugh, who could it be at this hour?" She picks up the phone and answers it.
"Hello?" On the other end AppleJack was yelling at her in a worried tone. "Twilight! Apple Blooms gone!" This gets her awake, holding the blanket in front of her while holding the phone in the other hand. "WHAT? Do you know where she could have gone?"
"There's only one place i can think of. Am gonne head down there, ya think you can call her friends? They're the only ones who can open the Digiports."
"Okay Applejack i'll try to call them." Applejack hung up the phone and put it back down. She looks to the ceiling and just says.
"Though there's probably no one to yell at at 4 in the morning." On the other end Applejack hung up as well, she sighed and then looked up confused. "Space cat?"


Apple Bloom was walking through a field in front of the woods. Coronamon trailing benind her. "Look Apple Bloom, normally i'd be all up for this but i think we should turn back." Apple Bloom stops in her tracks, her hair covering a bit of her face due to her not really fixing herself up. "Look Coronamon, please, just help me with this." Coronamon raises an eyebrow and tilts hi's head.
Apple Bloom turns to look at Coronamon.
"Ah want to help the others. Ah just feel so useless just sitting around, ah want to at least find where that group's been hidin' all this time. If we don't do anythin' this entire world is gone, ah know that much and i don't want it to happen, no one deserves to have that happen to them."
Coronamon just stares at her pleading eyes, she really wanted to do this didn't she? Coronamon put hi's arms on hi's waist and sighs. "How can i resist that look of yours? Fine Apple Bloom, we'll go." Coronamon says with a smile. To which she reacts with a big smile.

They made it in front of the forest, to which they were greeted with heavy fog, Apple Bloom gulps while looking at the fog, Coronamon looks over to her. "Well, it's not too late to turn back." Apple Bloom proceeds to put on her goggles and walks into the forest, Coronamon scratching hi's head and walks in along with her. 'We are so dead' he thought. As they walked in two familiar faces walked up to the entrance as well. "This is the place Lunamon?" She nods in response. "Well lets go."

Apple Bloom was walking through the forest through the fog, she was completely lost. "I can see why they picked this spot." Coronamon said. "Remember Apple Bloom, no wandering off!" He said with a bit of worry, Apple Bloom looks back at the small flame that was on Coronamon's head. "As long as ah can see you, am fine, so don't worry about it." She says looking back. They hear some howling in the distance. Which causes Apple Bloom to stop there. "Uh maybe some things to worry about, he he." She says looking towards Coronamon.


Scootaloo and Sweetie belle meet up in front of Golden oaks. "You heard what happened?" so they walk in where Twilight, Applejack and the others were there, Applejack was sitting with a very depressed look on her with Twilight watching by. "Apple Bloom... Ah shouldn't have yelled at ya. It's mah fault yer doin' this..." Rarity pats her on the back. "It's not your fault."
"It kind of is." Rainbow Dash said. Rarity just gave her a really angry look, with a bit of electricity in her eyes, which makes Rainbow feel a little uncomfortable.

"I've contacted our Digimon, were gonna need they're help is something happens." Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nod and take out they're Digivices. "Digi port open!" And thus a Digiport materializes in front of them. "Lets go!" Scootaloo says, the runs in Sweetie belle running behind her, then the older Digidestined. Applejack stops before going in, she looks upward to the ceiling. 'Ma. Pa. Please watch over Apple Bloom...' She then proceeds to walk in, the digiport closing behind her.

Apple Bloom and Coronamon are still wandering around the forest the two of them stayed on a path, that being the only thing they could see on the ground, they walked around for a while Apple Bloom just looking around to see if she could find a way out of the fog.
"So, do ya think we're actually gettin' anywhere?" She says putting her hand over her head. Coronamon walks up next to her, doing the same motion with hi's hand. "You know it does feel like were going in circles. Geez it's like this goes on forever!" He spots a rock on the ground and picks it up, he proceeds to crouch down on the ground in front of him making a marking. Apple Bloom crouches down next to him and wonders what he's doing. "What's that?"

Coronamon gets up and wipes off the dirt off hi's hands. "Well this way we know if we've been here or not!" Apple Bloom looked at it and jumped. "Coronamon, that's genius!" Once he finished the dirt sketch it looked like a chibi version of Apple Bloom's head. "Wow ah didn't know you could draw like that." Coronamon rubbed the back of hi's head at the compliment.

The two of them turned to the path again. "Alright let's go!" to which they went straight into that direction, and walked off, eventually they just made it back to the same symbol on the ground. To which they throwned, Apple Bloom pointed off to a different direction and they went towards there. And they made it back to the same spot. To which Apple Bloom showed a sort of angry look, so she pointed towards the other direction and ran there.
And once they got back to the same spot and sighed, so the two of them lied down on the ground.

"Eeyup we are goin' in circles..." She says all tired and panting.
"Yeah... What's up with this place?" Coronamon says tired.
The two of them just lie there panting and resting until they hear footsteps and a voice, they look behind them and see two shilloutes. "Lunamon! Over there!" The voice seemed incredibly familiar to Apple Bloom and Coronamon.
'Nightmare claw!' The two of them jumped as the attack heads they're way and they get out of the way as quickly as they could. The attack making some cracks in the ground as the two partners loo, into it. "...Diamond tiara?" Coronamon asked, the two rival show up from the fog.

To which Diamond tiara just sighs. "Oh, you guys." Apple Bloom just gets up from the ground and walks over to her. "What are ya'll doin' here?" To which Diamond just laughs at her in a sort of mocking tone. "You didn't think i would be informed by the info Twilight got did you? I'm a digidestined too you know." Apple Bloom just rubbed the back of her head. "Well ah didn't think you would be here already."
"Well if you excuse me." Diamond said as she kept walking, to which Apple Bloom stopped her by grabbing her by the shoulder. "Wait! Ya can't just go off like that! We've tried and we just end up at the same spot." Diamond just put on a smile at her.
"You clearly don't know about Lunamon." Apple Bloom tilted her head. "Lunamon?" She asked and looked to the ground where Lunamon was standing, to which she just grinned back. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Remember? She's immune to the effects of the dark powers those Digimon have. This fog is just an effect similar to that so she can cross just fine." Diamond said with a grin. To which Apple Bloom and Coronamon looked over to Lunamon again. Lunamon shrugged. "She's right." Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow with a bit of confusion. "But how? She seems like any other regular Digimon."
Lunamon frowned when she asked that question. "To be honest, i don't know. For as long as i could remember i've been like this." "Wow, those are some pretty neat powers." Apple Bloom said.
"Okay, that answer your question? Let's go Lunamon."
"Wait! Lets us go with you!" Coronamon yelled out, with Apple Bloom looking over to him. Diamond looked back at the two. "Why would we do that?" Lunamon said to which Coronamon just Smiled. "We'll even if you find they're base you'll probably not be able to take everyone down! You need us to help you!"
Diamond and Lunamon looked at each other with Lunamon just saying. "She's got you there DT." Diamond just huffed and looked at the side. "Fine you can come along."

The two Digimon and Apple Bloom cheered at that response. "Alright!" So the group got going, following Lunamon to try and get out of the fog, the forest itself was like a maze with many different pathways to cover. Eventually the group felt like they were finally getting somewhere, with the fog sort of clearing out.
As they kept walking along Lunamon noticed some footsteps noise coming from somewhere in front of them. So she put her hands out to stop the others from moving. "What's wrong?"
"Look over there." Apple Bloom said as they looked over to where the footstep were coming from, it looked like one of the Pawnchessmon. So the group started following him, until eventually they made it to a spot where the fog finally cleared up.

Once they got there, they made it to a cliffside. "Get down." Coronamon said, so the group did so and made it towards the edge of the cliff, to which they saw something very surprising, which left the team mouth agape. "Woah..." They saw a giant fortress on the base of the hillside. The bottom of which they saw quite a few of Digimon under they're control, each with a black ring around a certain part of they're body except for two, Whitechessmon and Kazemon, with WhitePawnchessmon walking up to Kazemon and saluting.
"What's goin' on down there?"
Diamond just responded like. "Oh it's a Digimon sweet 16 birthday party! How the heck should i know?" She said trying not to yell to much.

"Well whatever it is we're goin' down there!" And Apple Bloom ran off towards the base of the cliffs. "Apple Bloom wait!" Coronamon yells. Lunamon just looks over to the other two. "Is she always like this?" Diamond and Coronamon both say together. "Unfortunately." They say with a sigh, and then Coronamon went after her.
"Hey! Let those Digimon go!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Hey, it's that kid!" "It is milady, but this time she's on our battlefield!" Coronamon caught up to her and grabbed her arm. "Apple Bloom wait! We can't fight this many Digimon at once!"
"He's right kid, you might as well just hand over that Digivice in your hands!"
"No way!" Apple Bloom yelled with her Digivice in her hand. "There's no way out of this is there?" Coronamon ran in front of Apple Bloom. "Digi armor energize!"

Coronamon, Armor digivolve too!
Buckermon, the honest rebel!

And he got hi's guns out and stood hi's ground. "Apple Bloom, get out of here!" Apple Bloom nods and tries to run away, but Kazemin jumps in front of her with an evil grin on her face to stop her. "You're not going anywhere kid!" Apple Bloom just backs away slowly. "Don't worry Apple Bloom, i'll protect you." Buckermon said backing up towards Apple Bloom.
"Attack!" Chessmon yelled, and all the other Digimon around surrounded Apple Bloom and Buckermon. "Starting to regret coming here aren't you?" Apple Bloom just says nerviously. "Uhh kinda."
Buckermon kept shooting at the Digimon, trying to take them out but there's just too many of them getting closer and closer.
"This is bad!" Apple Bloom said, Kazemon and Pawnchessmon closed up on Apple Bloom. "Now you're coming with us kid!"
Apple Bloom closed her eyes in fright but....

Lunamon Digivolve too!

"Moon night kick!" And Lekismon hit Kazemon and Chessmon sending them back, Lekismon lands back 2 back with Buckermon.
"What took you so long!?" Buckermon yelled while shooting the Digimon's dark rings. "Sorry. Tear arrow! But DT wanted to be fashionably late." Buckermon quickly looks at her with an 'are you kidding me?' look, Apple Bloom looks up to the cliffside but Diamond was nowhere to be seen which left her giving a confused 'huh?'. Kazemon and Chessmon got up and tried to attack. Buckermon shot him to the side and Lekismon shot her. Kazemon landed on her feet thanks to her wings slowing her fall but Chessmon just falls over comedically.
"Get the others out now Chessmon!"
"Very well milady!"
Buckermon got a scared expression on hi's face and looked at Lekismon. "We've got to get out of here! There's no way we can take them all together!"
"Tear arrow!" Lekismon looked at Buckermon. "Look Buckermon, we just have to wait a little longer!" She looks away and get another Digimon. 'I hope so anyway, this plan of yours better work.'

"Hmp, i knew those two would make good distractions." Diamond said as she stealthily walks through the corridors. "There's gotta be some information around here." She thought, she looks out the window and notices just how high she is. She looks over to the direction she just came from. She hears some footsteps coming from one of the rooms, she walks up and there was an open door, once she peeks in she sees Datamon, he just fiddles around on hi's computer, Diamond hears some beeping noises coming from Datamon which causes him to look up, this startles Diamond and she tries to hide from him, afterwards he get out of hi's chair.
Diamond begins to sweat as she hears the footsteps walking over. She's just about ready to run for the exit. The suddenly, she hears a door close. Diamond sighs and looks back into the room and wanders in. She looks at the computer in the room and sees that they have to write in a password to go in. "We'll, shouldn't be too hard, how many passwords could one hunk of bolts have?"
So she types in any little word that came to mind that had to do with machines, but to no avail. Eventually she just slams the desk in frustration. Diamond just looks out the door which saw out the window, which made her think of how high the building was aand she goes to write down something on the computer. "S.T.A.I.R.S" She wrote down out of nothing. ...And it worked. Which left Diamond with the most confused expression on her face. "Are you kidding me?" She thought.
The computer proceeded to load a ton of information, some skematics for machines and plans for the dark rings and towers. "Now how am i supposed to get this info out?" She whispered to herself, she noticed something to the side of the control panel, kind of looked like a place to put a Digivice. She took out her own and place it on there.
A message poped up on the screen tha't said something in some weird symbols. Then she heard a beeping noise which confirmed that it was finished downloading.
"Hey who's there!?" Diamond took out her Digivice and ran off just when Datamon came back, he saw how the computer was still on. So he runs over to a corner of the room where there was a red button, Datamon pressed it which sended an alarm throughout the fortress.

Back outside Lekismon and Buckermon were still standing there, panting as the Digimon with black ring kept surrounding him. "Guys ya can't keep this up!" Apple Bloom yelled to get the attention of the two Digimon. "Not the time Apple Bloom!" Buckermon yelled.
Lekismon heard the noise coming from the fortress and looked up. "Looks like she grabbed they're attention." The two of them looked to her and saw her expression of fright, Lekismon jumped across the horde of dark ring Digimon to make it inside, and began looking for her tamer.
"Tear arrow!" She yelled shooting to the side to distract some of the Digimon. "Lekismon!" She heard that and went over to where the voice came from. "DT!" She yelled.
Diamond was running through a corridor and finally caught up with each other. "Lekismon!"
Lekismon looked down to Diamond. "DT! I was so worried about you, come on lets go!" She grabbed Diamond Tiara and went back. "Not so fast!" They were surrounded by a few guards. "Hold on DT." Lekismon shot a blast 'Moon! Night! Bomb!" Knocking the one in front of them out! So she runs off with Diamond Tiara in her arms.
She made it outside the base, but other corrupted Digimon ran up to them, giving Apple Bloom and Buckermon the time to climb back up the cliff. She pointed her Digivice to Buckermon and then.

"Slide evolution!"

'Moon! night! Kick!' Lekismon jumped and collided with the ground, throwing some of the Digimon off they're balance, Lekismon takes this chance and jumps up towards Prankstermon. The group hopped on to Prankstermon and ran off, unbeknownst to them Sombramon was looking straight down at them from the top of the fortress, wth Trixie and the others siding next to him
"KingSombramon, do we go after them?" Trixie asks.
Sombramon turned and walked back into the fortress.
"Let them have they're small victory, it'll be quite enjoyable to see them try to defeat me."
Gilda yelled, "Are you crazy boss!?" Sombramon looked back at Gilda, just seeing hi's face caused her to stop, she took out her Digivice aand contacted Kazemon.

"Sombramon wants what!?"
Apple Bloom looked back at them when she heard that name.
"Just do it Kazemon, as much as i hate it."

Everyone in the area stopped as Prankstermon was getting away. "Huh? They're letting us go?" Lunamon.
"Just keep running and thank heavens were not dead yet." Prankstermon said as he disappeared into the forest.


Apple Bloom, Prankstermon, Lunamon and Diamond walk out of the forest all exhausted. "Man, that was intense."
Apple Bloom gives a great sigh. "Ah thought we were done for there."
"Ha! If it wasn't for my quick thinking you would have!" Diamond said with pried, Lunamon just looks over to her and says. "All you did was send me in and run blindly into they're base!" Diamond just gave an awkward pause, then the others started laughing.
Once they got some distance away they get off Prankstermon, letting him degenerate to Coronamon. Apple Bloom puts her hand behind her head and looks over to Diamond just to say. "Uh Diamond, thanks for helping us out." Diamond looks over to her then looks away "Don't get used to it. I was coming to this place to begin with, you just happen to have been here at the time."
Apple Bloom frowns at her. "Apple Bloom!" She looks to the side and sees the other running up to her. "You've got company." Lunamon says. Applejack grabs Apple Bloom by the arm. "I should just ground you right now for disobeying me." Apple Bloom gets really nervous at what she said so she closed her eyes. But instead of the scolding she expected, she felt that Applejack was hugging her.

She opened her eyes and saw her sister hugging her, and tearing up a bit. "Sis, yer cryin'." Applejacks looked down to her and rubbed her eye. "I was just, so worried about you sis, i thought i was about to lose ya after what 'appened in Primary village, and now this 'appened."
Apple Bloom just looked down, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm sorry, ah thought ah could do this by mahself, but it turned out i really did need it...." Was all she could say.
Twilight smiled at the two sisters making up, she looked to the forest behind them and frowned. "So this is the place where the dark rings are being made."
Sweetie belle shivered behing them. "Just looking at this place gives me chills, how about you guys."
Twilight nods. "But we need to press onward if we want to clear this place for good." Twilight looks back towards the others. "We need a plan of action."
"You do that." Twilight looked at Diamond tiara who started walking away. "Were are you going?" Asked Hawkmon. Diamond looked back at them and showed her Digivice. "I've got some information i need to report to Canterlot. Later losers." She walks away with Lunamon trailing behind her.
Scootaloo just grunts at her.
"See you later." Apple Bloom said smiling. Her friends looked over to her.
"Huh?" Sweetie belle looked to Apple Bloom.
"Ah was just thinkin' out loud." Apple Bloom said.

Apple Bloom looked back at the forest full of fog. 'Sombramon huh... Well your goin' down!' She thought.

Author's Note:

Sorry this is kind of late, i got Phoenix Wright Dual destinies for my birthday and it took control of my life.
Now if you'll excuse me, i'm literally on the last chapter of the game, gotta get Athena off the hook.