• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,655 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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We are the Digimon Crusaders! Part 2

"HOW COULD YOU LET THEM GET AWAY!?" Scootaloo yelled with a fist in the air while Sweetie, Armadillomon and Hawkmon were holding her back. Meanwhile Fluttershy was covering behind Rarity and there partners. "My what ruffian!" Rarity exclamed. "Alright bub!" Yelled Terriermon, he emerged from behind them walking angrily towards them.

"Look even if we tried to do something we couldn't! We just aren't strong enough!" Terriermon yelled with hi's stubby pawn in the air and hi's long ear mimicing it. Scootaloo stopped right there just dangling from her friend and the Digimon still holding her in place. Sweetie and the Digimon lets go of her making her fall over and she simply states.

"But there's gotta be something we can do right? I mean we can't just let them get away with this!"

The two older Digidestined try to think of something to do, then they remember what Twilight talked to them about before they entered the Digiworld.
'I don't know how, but Apple Bloom somehow took the Element of Honesty and when she did she made Coronamon Digivolve i've never seen anything like it before.'
Fluttershy then exclaimed. "That's it!" Everyone looked at her and she goes back to her shy self hiding in her hair. "Well... uh if we could find the Elements we could Use them to get Apple Bloom back."

"Yeah!" Scootaloo out bursted. "If she can get them we can get them too!" Everything stayed silent for a bit until Rarity spoke up saying. "That's prepostorus! How do you kids expect to wield the Elements? You haven't been in the Digital World for that long."

"Well neither has Apple Bloom." Sweetie belle said. Fluttershy poked rarity and said. "Well it's not a bad idea, remember? Digimon are kind of powered by the imagination of people. And these three are pretty much the most imaginative kids iv'e ever met."

Rarity thought about it for a second putting her hand on her chin 'Hmm Apple Bloom got the Element of Honesty, The element of Honesty used to belong to Apple Jack. I wonder.' She looks over to Sweetie and quickly yelled out. "Idea!" Fluttershy curiously asked. "Uh what is it? .....If you don't mind me asking."

Rarity whispers something in Fluttershy's ear and Fluttershy looked at her raising an eyebrow.

She then she shot a look over to Salamon. "Salamon dear, do you know where the Temple is? We need to get there as fast as we can!"
"Huh why?" Rarity looked over to the Crusaders and said. "Trust me, i believe i'm on to something."

The two kids and two Digimon look at each other.

"Why are you looking at us for?"
"Apple Bloom! Apple Bloom wake up!

"Ugh, Five more minutes Sis..." She said fluttering her eyes opened. "Hu? What!? Where are we!? What in tarnation in goin on!?" She realized she wasn't in the fields anymore but some sort of cage, and also noticed that she and Coronamon were tied to the walls of the cage.

"I see you'r awake." The two of them looked over to a window where Trixie was looking back at them. "What are ya gonna do with us!?" Insisted Apple Bloom.

Trixie made a devilish smile and looked over to Coronamon. "Trixie's taking you to Trixie's boss. He'l be really proud of me if i bring him the Digimon that made off with the Element of Honesty. Maybe he'l give Trixie a promotion. Maybe even give Trixie some more powerful slave Digimon!"

Apple Bloom quickly shot a look at Coronamon. "Coronamon! Why don't ya do somethin!?" Coronamon tried to break free from hi's shackles but to no avail. "I'm sorry, but these things are cancelling out my powers!"

Trixie laughed maniacally. "Ha! Looks like those Black Chains are doing there job. And don't even think of Digivolving." She proceded to take something out of a bag on her belt. It appeared to be Apple Bloom's Digivice.
Apple Bloom and Coronamon gave Trixie looks of anger. "You'r not gonna get away with this!" Yelled Coronamon.

"Yeah, that's what they all say." Then Trixie looks away. The two of them sigh then feel the ground shaking. "Where are we anyway?" Coronamon and Apple Bloom looked out the window and they appeared to be in the air.


"Ugh me and my terrible ideas." muttered Rarity also cutting the branches. "So what exactly are doing?" Asks Scootaloo. Terriermon turned hi's head to Scootaloo. "The short version is, Rarity thinks she can get The elements of Harmony out and use them on her sister."

Hawkmon spouted out. "How do they know it will work?" Rarity says. "We don't but there's not much else we can do." The two kids looked at each other worried. "Were here!" Yelled Salamon. They all pushed the last branches out of the way and saw a simmilar temple to the one Apple Bloom was in the day before.

"Wow.." The four said. "Come on." Terriermon made a gesture so they could follow. Once they got inside the temple had a combination of colors White and Yellow specificly 'Wow, this color combination is simply Marvelous!" Rarity's eyes were beaming. "Focus Rarity!" Yelled Salamon. "Oh sorry.".

They got to a huge gate the two older Digimon nodded and touched the door and it began to open.

On the other side of the door there were two orbs. The older Digidestined tilted there heads at this. "What is it?" Asked Sweetie. "Well as far as were aware, the Temple Apple Bloom and Twilight were in only had the Element of Honesty. Why is it different here?" "Well you see." Said Terriermon. Then Salamon explained "In case you haven;t noticed, were not exactly the biggest of the bunch. That's why they put our Elements Together like this."

Rarity walked up to the glowing white orb which she asumed had her Element inside. She tried to take it but it wouldn't move. 'hmm Apple Bloom pulled one of these out and it was her sister's.' "Sweetie belle, would you be a dear and come over here?" Sweetie Belle walked over to her Sister nervously afraid of what would happen if she got closer to the orbs.

"What is it Rarity?"

"Could you pick this up?"

Sweetie belle looked at it with a look mixed with curiousity and nervousnes. She gulp and asked Rarity. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" "Do you want to save Apple Bloom?" She immeadietly perked up. "Of course!" "Then what are you waiting for?"

Sweetie Belle Worked up the courage to take the Element of Generosity pulling at it as hard as she can. It only bugged a little bit. 'It isn't working. Hmm, maybe it needs something extra?' Rarity mumbles. "Hey Armadillomon could you come up please?"

"Huh? Why?" Asks Armadillomon. "Would you please trust me?" "Uh, alright." Armadillomon walked up to the pedestal and grabbed Sweetie's legs.

The two of them pulled as hard as they could, the Element started budging and finally. Snap! The two of them managed to pull it out. "Wow! Pretty." "Iv'e never seen it up close..." The two of them stared at it for a bit. Then something broke the silence.

"I'm going too!" Scootaloo yelled running up the pedestal and grabbing the other orb. But it wouldn't budge. "Huh?" She wondered. "You need a Digimon for it to work." Scoot looked surprised by this then put on an annoyed look."Fine Sweetie let me borrow you'rs."

Armadillomon shrugged. "Sorry. I'm already spoken for." Scoot then got a disapointed look on her face. "But, the only one left without a partner is." Then she turned her head to Hawkmon the sighs. "I get stuck with the chicken don't i?" Hawkmon walked up next to Scoot. And grabbed the Element. "Well i don't like it either, but if were gonna save you'r friend and the Prince we have to." "Ugh fine."

Then they both began pulling the Element of Generosity until it came lose. When they pulled it out all Scootaloo could say was. "...A Butterfly really?" Then Fluttershy hid behind her load of hair. and Terriermon shrugged saying. "Eh."

"....So, how do we use these?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Well normally for us, it worked when our partners were in danger and we wanted them to have the will to keep going. But Twilight mentioned that Apple Bloom just yelled something out. Digi armor Energize i think it was." Explained Rarity.
The two of them looked at each other. "Well we got nothing else to lose." Said Scootaloo. They both nodded and yelled out.

Digi armor energize!

"I feel strange...." Said Hawkmon.

"So do i." Said Armadillomon.

And then they got covered with Digiegg like shapes just as Coronamon did.

Armadillomon Armor Digivolve too! Hawkmon Armor Digivolve too! And the two eggs hatched revealing two thick armored Digimon. One was anthropomorphic and the other was a quadraped. "Woah!" The two girls said.

"Wow, this is the power of Digivolution..." Said The yellow one.

"Wow i look incredible!" Said The other one.

Rarity inspected the Digimon with her armor on it. "It could use some more vibrant patterns but otherwise not bad."

The armor on the yellow one a Pinkish head piece covering the side of hi's face and forming a spike on the back of hi's head. He has a yellow chest plate that goes a bit down hi's arm. There also some armor on hi's legs and a egg like phere in hi's stomach.

The white one had a purple face plate on top of hi's face with horns sticking out, on it's back it had white armor with gem like sparkles.

"So do you guys have names?" Said Terriermon but before they could answer they got into a strange look on there faces. "Huh?" What's wrong?"
The Hawkmon looked around a bit then said. "I just felt something, i don't know what but i think someone was calling us."

"You picked it up too?" Said Armadillomon.

"What is it?" Asked Sweetie.

"Well the Elements of Harmony are connected, you guys must be picking up Coronamon!" Yelled Salamon.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looked a little puzzled. "In short, we can track Coronamon and Apple Bloom!"

The two of them got all happy and Sweetie jumped onto Armadillomon's back. "Cmon girls! Let's go!" She said pointing to the exit. Rarity and Salamon climbed on hi's back as well. "Are you sure this is safe?" Asked Rarity. Then Armadillomon ran out of the Temple at full speed.

"Uh, what about us?" Asked Scoot. "Don't worry! I got it!" And Hawkmon grabbed Scoot and Fluttershy. "EEK!!" Yelled Fluttershy. Andwith hi's free arm he grabbed Terriermon by the ears and he said. "This is humiliating." While pouting. And they flew away.


Apple Bloom gulped and tried to pull the chains off and escape but to no avail. Coronamon spoke up. "We got to think of something soon or else were gonna get sliced up." Just then the wall of the crate started to make a knocking noise. "Be quite! Both of you!" The Apple Bloom sighed.

"Hey! Why should you have to give me to you'r boss? Don't you want to have all the glory to yourself?" He said giving a miscevious smirk. "Coronamon what are ya?" Asked Apple Bloom giving a confused look. Coronamon winked at her still smiling. "Oh...." She mumbeled.

He turned to the small window and yelled. "You know, you can just destroy me right now and take the Element Directly to him. It's much faster." Trixie looked over to the window. "And why should I trust you? You would probably try to escape."

"I don't know, don't you want to prove to you'r boss that you are so Great and Powerful? Right Apple Bloom?"

He turned hi's attention to Apple Bloom and she proudly said. "Eeyup! It's not like we stand a chance against ya! We might as well give up!"

Trixie gave a small smirk. "Well i am great aren't i?" Then she turned her attention to her Agumon and he gave a gesture simmilar to a facepalm. "Birdramon! Land now!" And Birdramon landed near a pond and she unloaded the crate taking them out.

Apple Bloom and Coronamon were immediately tied together. "Great now what's yer great plan?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Wait for it.." He said. Trixie's Agumon got closer to them and Trixie yelled out. "Eliminate them!" Then Agumon sharpened hi's claws and began running to them.

"Hurry think of somethin!" Apple Bloom Panicked. Until some noise came from nowhere. "Diamond storm!!" And a bunch of gems fell in front of Agumon making him jump back a bit. "HUH!?" Yelled Apple Bloom while Coronamon was smirking.

"Fluttering Swarm!!" Yelled the Yellow Digimon, the swarm hit right in front of Trixie. Then Shynermon appeared behind Trixie and took Apple Bloom's Digivice then just as quick he jumped into the air. "Birdramon destroy him!" And Birdramon began flying after him.

"Puppy Howling!!" Yelled Salamon causing Birdramon to become paralyzed for a brief moment.

During all this chaos Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo came running to Apple Bloom and Coronamon's aid, Untying them. "You okay Apple Bloom?" "Yeah am okay." Apple Bloom said while rubbing her hands. The yellow Digimon landed in front of them showing Apple bloom's Digivice. "I believe this belongs to you?"

Apple Bloom looked at him confused. "Who are you?" Sweetie Belle Interjected. "There's no time to explain! You gotta make Coronamon Digivolve!" "But we don't know how." Said Coronamon rubbing hi's hand as well. Just then Birdramon's paralyzis faded and he noticed the new Digidestined and began charging towards them.

The Yellow Digimon notices this and told Apple Bloom. "Just yell out Digiarmor Energize." And got ready to fight.

Apple Bloom looked at her Digivice and nodded. "Alright. Digiarmor energize!!" And pointed her Digivice to the skyes.

Coronamon armor Digivolve to!!

Buckermon! The honest rebel!

"Alright Trixie! Bring it on!"

Birdramon shot a few fire balls at them. But they grabbed there Tamers and dodged out of the way. "Double barrel barage!!" Buckermon shot out tons of Bullets but each missed Birdramon as it was right in front of them each time. "Meteor Wing!!"

"Fluttering Swarm!!" A ton of Butterflies appeared hitting Birdramon with intense force. "Nice shot!" Yelled Scootaloo.

"Look at that!" Yelled Salamon and pointed a paw to the leg. A black ring that had a tight grip on Birdramon. "That must be what's Trixie's controlling him with!" Said Rairty.

"Aim for the leg!" Yelled Terriermon in the sidelines.

The Digimon looked up and noticed the ring. But Birdramon was moving to fast that they couldn't hit it. "Don't worry i got it! Diamond storm!!" Raredigmon shot out a bunch of Gemstones, but they just a few inchis besides the Black ring. "Ha! You best work on you'r aim. Not that you have time to do it thought." Trixie mocked. The Crusaders and there Digimon just looked at her with enraged faces.

"Meteor wing!" Was shot out of Birdramon hitting all three of the Digimon. "NO!!" Yelled Apple Bloom. In the smoke of the blast they were all lying on the ground slowly getting up. "This is bad. None of our attacks are hitting him." Said Buckermon slowly getting up.

"Maybe we should throw all our attacks at the same time?" Said Armadillomon. Hawkmon looked at him with a confused expression. "What good will that do?" "Well one of our attacks is sure to hit him." Buckermon thought about it for a second and he then got an ecouraged look on hi's face. "You know that's not a bad idea. It's worth a shot."

Meanwhile Birdramon started charching one last attack. And the three of them got up and charged there attacks.

"Double barrel barage!!"
"Fluttering swarm!!"
"Diamond Storm!!"

And the three attacks were shot. "Meteor wing!!" All four shots collided together but the Elements of Harmony came out succesfull! And all three of them started glowing together colliding and forming one attack. "Huh?!" All the girls, Terriermon and Salamon said in unison. "What!?" Yelled Trixie.

The blast of Rainbow colored energy collided with Birdramon entirely. "RAAAAWWWRRR!!" Breaking the black ring entirely making it fall on the ground. When she got to the ground she degenerated into her Rookie form. A pink bird with blue stripes. It's name: Biyomon.

"All right!!" Yelled All three girls while Hi-fiving! The Digimon Degenerated into there respective Rookie forms two lights coming out of Hawkmon and Armadillomon going over to Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. "Huh?" They said. Apple Bloom looked curiously until Digivices came out of the lights and landed into there arms.

Apple Bloom's expression became one of shock. "D-does this mean...?" Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle looked at her and gave her a smile. "Yeah! Guess you'r not the only one who can get a Digimon!" "Looks like were on the same team now!" They all Celebrated and had a good laugh until someone interrupted them.

"So you think you've defeated Me?" The group loked over to Trixie with angered expressions. "Just give it up already!" Yelled Scootaloo. "Yeah! We got rid of you'r pet!" Yelled Sweetie. Trixie reached for her Pocket and they all got into a fighting position. But all she got out was some sort of ball.

"What's in Tarnation is that?" Asked Apple Bloom. Trixie grew a sly smile on her face and threw the ball on the ground, making a huge base of fog. "It was a smoke bomb!" Coughed Salamon. The smoke dissipated but Trixie was no longer there. "Where did she go!?" Asked Scootaloo.

"She got away..." Said Armadillomon.

"Girls look!" Sweetie Belle pointed to where Biyomonn landed and the body began getting up. But fell on the ground again.
The group ran to her aid. She opened her eyes to see her Attackers. "Please don't hurt me!!" she begged. She felt something grabbing her and pulling her in. She then heard someone talking to her in the sweetest tone. "Shh it's gonna be alright, were not gonna hurt you." She opened her eyes and looked to see Fluttershy smiling at her. "Don't worry." She said."Thank you for saving me..." She said.

"Poor dear, could you explain what that horrible woman did to you?" Asked Rarity.

"I-i don't remember much, just a few humans taking our town. And putting some black thing around my leg."

"That sounds awful." Said Sweetie belle.

Coronamon perked up and looked at her. "Don't worry! We'll get you're town's Digimon back!" Biyomon eyes sparkled. "Yyou will!?" And Apple Bloom interjected. "Eeyup! We promise!" She then looked to her friends and there new partners. "But am gonna need help." And there partners perked up. "It's an honor to serve you Prince Coronamon!!" And they gave a salute. Coronamon was a little embarrased. "Guys it's fine you can just treat me like any normal Digimon."

Rarity looked at the new Digidestined and asked. "Are you kids sure you want to do this?" Sweetie Belle looked at Armadillomon then She said. "Yeah sure! I got this thing don't it?" And showed off her Digivice.

"Scootaloo may not like me much but i'm still gonna be her partner if it's to save my world!" Scootaloo looked at her and said. "Not like you? Are you kidding? You'r almost as awesome as Rainbow!" Hawkmon got all gloatful. "Well i don't like to brag." And put an arm on Scootaloo's leg but she moved a bit to the side causing Hawkmon to fall. "Don't push it." She said.

Just then there Digivices started to glow. "Huh?" Said Apple Bloom taking out her Digivice and it began moving on her own, pointing to a certain direction. "What's going on?" Asked Sweetie. The screens on the three Digivices shot something out and i made some sort of portal.

"What is that?" Asked Scootaloo and began walking close to the portal. "It's some sort of gate..." Said Coronamon and he walked over to the portal. "I think this goes to the real world." Sweetie Belle Perked up. "Really!?"

Armadillomon and Hawkmon looked at each other. "are you sure we should go with you?" Coronamon told them. "If you guys want to get to know you'r tamers you have to go live with them. So get up and lets go!" And he then ran inside the Portal. Apple Bloom ran behind him jumping into the portal as well.

Scootaloo looked at her partner and asked. "Well? Are you coming?" Hawkmon sighed and nodded so he jumped in behind Scoot. Sweetie Belle and Armadillomon did the same.

Rarity and Fluttershy looked at there partners. "So are you two coming as well?" Asked Rarity. Terriermon responded. "Nah, were gonna go get Biyomon to somewhere safe." And Salamon Added. "Don't worry well catch up with you soon." Then Fluttershy and Rarity walked into the portal.


On the other side of the portal was a dark room. Each of them landed stacked on top of each other looking around. "Are we back in Twilight's house?" Then a flash of light came and went and a really bubbly pink voice yelled.


"Pinkie!" They all yelled. Looking around they were in fact in Twilight's house but it was decorated for party just like Pinkie would do. Rainbow and Apple Jack were there as well.

"WhenTwilightcalledallofuslastnightafterhearingthatyougotaDigimonofyou'rownijusthadtodothisbecauseiwantedtomakeournewfriendfeelathome!! Can i meet him!? Where is he!?" "I'm down here...." Mumbleled Sunmon under Apple Bloom. "Coulb you gep off mee?" He asked barely being able to understand him Apple Bloom got up and he floated around in a daze.

"Ohh Ididn'texpecttoseemoreDigimonhere! Now i have to make two more Parties!!" Twilight shut her mouth and said. "Pinkie, lets just focus on this one." Twilight then looked at a small bird and a yellow ball. "I'm honestly surprised you two managed to get partners. So what kinds of Digimon are you?"

The bird spoke up first. "I'm Poyomon!" And the ball spoke second. "And i'm Upamon!" Apple Jack spoke up. "Wow, i didn't see that comin." The was interrupted by Rainbow. "So all three of you are Digidestined?"

"Yeah!" Scootaloo yelled while laughing.

Pinkie spoke up again. "Hey! Aren't we in the middle of a Party!?"

The rest of the Night went by pretty well. Everyone had a good time, even the Digimon but Rarity explained everything that happened that day and how her Sister and Scoot became Digidestined to Twilight. She was very confused on how there could have been another human in the Digital World. How did Trixie get there and what was her goal? It was a strange mystery to be sure. Twilight even explained to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle they had to keep there Partners hidden at all costs, it would be bad if more people got wind of the Digital World. Think of how many people could use there powers for evil.

The party was just about over and everyone was about to leave. But before they could Twilight stopped them. "Hey Apple Bloom! Sweetie Belle! Scootaloo!. The three of them walked over to Twilight. "What is it Twilight?" Asked Sweetie belle. "Do you mind if i borrow you'r Digivices for abit?" The three of them looked confused at her offer. "But why?" Aske Apple Bloom handing her Digivices like the others.

"You three used these to get back here correct?" The three of them nodded. "Interesting, how about you come back tommorow and i'll give these back to you? I believe i'll need to run some tests on these." "Uh, okay Twi. Well see ya tommorow." Said Apple Bloom.

And so they left the library going back to there respective homes.

[url=Ending theme]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_HK_vi0hcw