• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,655 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

  • ...

Staying in a ghost town

Diamond tiara and Lunamon walk through Canterlot castle, coming to show Princess the information she got. They made it to the entrance of the throne room, being stopped by a Pegasusmon guard.
"What business do you have here?"
Diamond flashed her Digivice in front of him. "I got some information on the people terrorizying the Digital world."
Pegasusmon let them pass and they went into the throne room. Another Pegasusmon was speaking with an alicorn like Celestia but had a different color scheme, being a dark blue, the two of them seemed to be in a important discussion. "We've managed to evacuate the remaining Digimon and the Digi-eggs off of Primary village and into the city in case that terroist group strikes again." "Very well." "Princess Luna!" The two horses look over to Diamond tiara and Lunamon. Luna directs Pegasusmon to leave so he does so. "Welcome back you two. How have the two of you been?"

"We've been doing good lately,,, You know considering the circumstances." Lunamon says with her arms behind her back.
"So did you obtain the information we were looking for?" Luna asks, Diamond shows her Digivice to Luna and then she floats it away with her horn.
"Of course we got it, what did you expect from me?" She said proudly. Luna took her Digivice and requested one of the Pegasusmon to examine it. She motioned Diamond and Lunamon to follow her. They made it to a laboratory where they examine the Digivice. The data appears on screen, just the same as earlier plans for the dark rings and towers. She raised an eye brow at some of the information on the Digivice.
"This is... intriguing."

The group settles down in Spike's place in Primary village, Spike looks out the window and then closes the window. Spike walks over to the others and leads the group to the basement, the group sits down in a circle.
"Wowie, this place is a ghost town now" Apple Bloom notes about what they saw on the way there.
"Well, ever since Sombramon's attack on Primary village, the Princess sent her troops to evacuate the Digimon from this town, just in case Sombramon hi's lackeys decide to attack again."
Sweetie belle says with a worried tone. "I guess the situations got everyone on edge."
"Well they're homes were just destroyed. I don't see why they wouldn't be." Armadillomon says.

"Apple Bloom, girls. Ya'll better go get the others." Apple Bloom looks over to her sister with a worried look on her face. "What? But what about you?" She asks, Applejack and Twilight and they're Digimon partners stand up with smiles on they're faces. "Don't worry kids, we've been in tough situations before, we can hold out in the meantime." Said Gaomon.

The three girls looked around at they're Digimon friends. The three of them nodded and opened the Digiport to the real world.
"See you later!" Scootaloo yelled as the group jumped into the Digi port, leaving the group behind in the dark basement. The room just echoed with drops coming from the ceiling. Twilight and Applejack shot looks at each other.
"You guys stay here and wait for the girls." Coronamon looks at the two with eye brows raised. "Huh? Were are you going?" He asked. Twilight and Applejack walked over to the stairs. "Were gonna go and see if there's any Digimon left in town."
Coronamon stood up in excitement. "Alright! Let me go!" Twilight and Applejack looked down at him. "Look Coronamon, you can't come with us. Without AppleBloom you won't be able to Digivolve." Coronamon just sighed. "Really guys?" "Sorry Coronamon." Applejack says, she looks over to Gaomon. "Let's go Gaomon." Gaomon nods and then he and Spike followed the two up the stairs.


Apple Bloom and the others jumped out of the Digi-port. They walk out of the library to get the other 4 element bearers.
The group went first to the carousel boutique, once they get there Sweetie belle looked around them and noted. "Say, i think this is the first time since we became Digidestined where we haven't been by our Digimon's side." When she said that the group slowed down. "Now that you mentioned it, yeah. Man we really got attached to them didn't we?"
Apple Bloom looks to sky. "Girls, we've got to take Sombramon down, no matter what."
Sweetie belle and Scootaloo looked at her. "Where'd that come from?" Sweetie belle asked. Apple Bloom looked down to the floor.
"Girls, we've had a lot of adventures in the Digital world, we've made so many friends there, the thought of them as slaves..." Apple Bloom closed her eyes at the thought, images of the Digimon they've met on they're journey the past months being treated like trash, and being deleted like nothing." Sweetie belle spoke up. "I know, it's pretty scary."

"Can't Digimon just respawn as eggs?" Apple Bloom looked over to Scootaloo. "Yeah but that makes things worse for 'em. All that pain and suffering, ah don't want to think about it." The two girls just stare at Apple Bloom who had a very serious look on her face, they gave each other a look. "Apple Bloom, i've never seen you so serious before."

"Girls an entire planet is on our shoulders, a've got to try to not to be scared. Ya with me?"
Her two friends looked at her and nodded.


Twilight and AppleJack peek through a street corner, and still complete emptyness. "This is creepy." Spike says, going out there. "I've never seen this town so empty." Applejack says. The rest of the group walks out and keeps going down the street. "You'd think Sombramon would have sent some of hi's men out." Twilight think out loud, she walks out to another street but is pulled by the neck by Applejack.
"What are you doing?!" Twilight says between her teeth, she looks at Applejack who just looks at her with a glare, she points over to the side to which Twilight looks and sees two Gargoyelmon walking around. "Nothing suspicious so far." Gaomon says. "Look closer." Applejack says, they did just that and noticed something wrapped on they're arms. Black rings! "So are they looking for us?" Spike says.
"Most likely, they don't seem to have spotted us yet." Twilight Whispers.

"We should get rid of those Black rings, if we get them off we can put them back to normal. That's what the girls have been doing so far."
Gaomon punched hi's hand and smiled. "So, we beat them up basically?" Applejack looked at Twilight with a raised eyebrow. "Ya sure that's a good idea Twilight?" She nodded in response, Twilight looked down at her Digivice which had an empty screen.
"As long as they don't Digivolve, i'm sure we'll be alright." She looked at Spike. "Go get them."

Spike and Gaomon jumped out of there and went straight to attack the Gargoylemon. "Pepper breath!" "Wild howling!" They shot out a blast towards the Gargoylemon, these blast caught them off guard and sent them back a bit. They retaliated with a "Freezing wing!" attack, creating statues and sending them towards Spike and Gaomon.
"Gaorush!" Gaomon tore the statues apart giving Spike the chance to jump at Gargoylemon. "Crossfire!" Spike yells, gathering up power and launching it through hi's claws to strike at the Gargoylemon.

He grabbed Gargoylemon and sent them to the ground, to which Gaomon hit the dark rings, breaking them off. Gargoylemon rubbed they're heads. Gaomon crouched down next to one. "Are you two okay?"
"What happened to us?"
"You were taken control by those dark rings." Gaomon points over to the ruined rings. "Ya'll should find someplace safe. Somethin' tells me that somethin's gonna go down soon." The Gargoylemon nod together and fly off.
Twilight walks over to the rings with Spike by her side, Spike shivers once they got over to the rings, Twilight looks down to her partner. "Spike what's wrong?" He looks up to her.
"These things are cold." Spike says backing away. Twilight crouches down and picks one up, doing so it just dissipates into the horizon. "I guess after breaking they can't stay in physical form for long." Twilight says.
Gaomon looks to the side, as if he feels something coming in they're direction. "Guys, we should probably hide."
Applejack looks at her partner. "Why?"
"Somebodies coming."
Twilight and Applejack's eye's open up so they run to a nearby alleyway, looking slightly out to see who they're pursuers were. On the other side to see a humanoid Digimon. "Where the hell are those Gargoylemon flying off to!?" It was a Kazemon.
"Wait, they don't have they're dark ring anymore!" A human says as she walks up to the Digimon.

"She looks familiar." Applejack whispers. Twilight looks up to Applejack. "From what i remember of the girls descriptions, that's Gilda, and i believe the Digimon's name is Kazemon."
Applejack put's her finger on the side of her head and just whispers. "That name sounds familiar, didn't Rainbow used to have a friend with that name?"
"Who cares? We've got to take them down!" Spike was about to jump straight at them, but the others grabbed him just before he showd up. "Spike don't. You can't take them on!" Gaomon whispered. "Oh come on! We can do it!" Spike said, punching a set of crates, making some fall, making quite a bit of noise, this noise caught the attention of Gilda. "What was that?" Gilda walked over to the alleyway where they where, causing the others to get nervous.
Out of nowhere somebody throws a fireball towards the other direction.

Gilda was just about to reach Twilight when. Suddenly The two heard another noise coming from further down the street. "Gilda! There's something over there!" Gilda and Kazemon ran in that direction, leaving Twilight and the others sighing in relief. "That was a close one."
Spike wondered out loud. "But what was that noise?"
"That would be me." The four of them looked up to a rooftop, it was Coronamon giving them a peace sign, he jumps down in front of them. "Coronamon! I told you to stay behind." Twilight yells. He pouted right there. "Your welcome."
"I can't just leave you like this guys, were a team remember?" Coronamon protests about, yelling really loudly, to which Twilight and the others shush him because he might cause enough noise to catch Kazemon and Gilda back.
Gaomon tapped hi's mouth. "Look Coronamon will you just lower your volume?"
Coronamon took hi's paw off the mouth. And gave them a sky smile. "Not until you let me go with you."

The two older Digidestined just sighed at Coronamon's annoying antics, suddenly out of nowhere they hear a group of screams coming from where Kazemon and Gilda left too. "What in tarnation was that!?" Applejack yells. Coronamon jumps in front of them. "We got to check that out!"
He's stopped by Twilight when she grabbed hi's arm. "Coronamon! You can't just run off like that!" Coronamon looked at them with a bit of angerin hi's eye. "Okey! I get it, you guys are cowards! Somebosdy's out there getting hurt and you guys are sitting here doing nothing about it. You guys are supposed to be the Digital worlds greatest heroes and your letting everyone down!"
This stops Twilight, Applejack, Gaomon and Spike, they looked at the ground in thought. Coronamon furrows hi's brow. "We'll i'm gonna go do something about it whenever you want to or not." He runs off leaving Twilight and the others there. "...We've gotten soft, haven't we?" Applejack looked to Twilight, who looks back up to her. "I wouldn't put it like that, we've been away from the Digital world for a long time. We always used to fight with everything we got in the old day, no matter how bad things get. But now we've been to scared to do so." The two of the stare at each other for a bit.
"Let's do this." Gaomon interjects.

Three familiar faces were huddled up in the corner while Kazemon was leaning over them. "Huh, a Gigimon, Demiveemon and a Koromon. Three Digimon that can make wonderful alies once they grow into Champion Digimon."
Gilda looked at Kazemon with an evil smile. "Get them."
"With pleasure!"

"Hold it right there!" The two looked back to see Coronamon looking at them with a calm but angry stare. "Look, it's the twerp!" The three Digimon looked at Coronamon with big smiles, as hope fills they're eyes once more. "Coming alone this time are you?" Gilda asks.
Coronamon cracks hi's knuckles. "I can take you on by myself." Kazemon walked over in front of Coronamon. "Bring it."
The two of them engage in a flare of punches, of course Kazemon, being a higher level Digimon outspeeds him and trips him up. Coronamon grabs hi's balance and shot a Corona flame attack at Kazemon, burning one of her wings. "GAAAH!!" She yells. Coronamon gives her a cocky smile. "Now you can't fly away!"
"Alright Coronamon!" The three kids yelled, Gilda gives them a glare and they reacted with fear in they're eyes. "Corona knuckle!" He jump out at her while she tries to blow out the flames and punches her in the gut. "Grahh!!" Coronamon lands in front of her, ready to deal the finishing move when.
"Not to fast! Hurricane wave!" She shot waves of wind at Coronamon to spin him out. He tries to pay attention to what's in front of him, but hi's dizziness prevents him from focusing.
"Roseo Temporale!" Kazemon starts rapidly kicking him, the three baby Digimon just watching in horror as they're hero gets struck down. Coronamon falls over and Kazemon stomps on hi's belly. The three Digimon going. "Oooh." In unison.
"Looks like you can't do anything without your partner!"

He looks up to Kazemon in pain, trying to get her foot off of him but to no avail. She raises a punch but...
"Pepper breath!" A blast hit the ground next to them and everyone looked to the side, they saw shiloutes of the two older Digidestined and they're partners. "Leave them alone!"
More twerps!?" Applejack raises an eyebrow. "Aren't ya a little old to be calling anyone 'twerp'?" Spike and Gaomon ran after Kazemon, the two of them kicked Kazemon together sending her flying, Spike landed and shot up a Pepper breath attack at Kazemon, Gaomon followed up on this, landing and running straight at Kazemon. "Gao Rush!" He delivered a barrage of punches throwing her into the wall. "...Crabaskets." She grunts as she gets out of the rubble.

Gaomon lands on the ground, Spike catching up to him. "We're not gonna let you push us around anymore!" Spike Yells. Gilda growls at that sudden outburst. "Kazemon! Get up!" Gilda yelled, Kazemon tired to do as she instructed but failed, and she fell right then and there.

Gilda runs up to Kazemon and grabs her by the arm to take her to safety. "We'll get you for this!" The two of them tried to run off they bumped into Twilight and Applejack. "Your not getting away!" Applejack said. Gilda starts to sweat a bit and gives a mocking smile. "What makes you think you can catch us?" Applejack and Twilight give the two a gaze then an evil smile creeped onto they're faces.

"Let me go!" The group had tied Gilda and Kazemon up with a very strong rope. Spike taps they're mouths with tape and whistles away. Applejack clapped her hands. "Well we got one of Sombramon's generals. ...Now what?"
Gaomon lookes over to Applejack. "We interogate her for information, that's what."

Coronamon looks over to the three child Digimon and furrows hi's brow. "What are the three of you doing here!? You know it's not safe!" The three of them look down in sadness. "Were sorry Coronamon." "Yeah we didn't mean to get stuck here."
"Coronamon. Do you know these kids?" Gaomon asks. Coronamon looks over to him and scratches the side of hi's head. "We met a few months ago. These kids lived in a village where Gilda and Kazemon attacked."
Gigimon spoke up. "Yeah! Coronamon your our hero!"
Gaomon quickly gets back to business. "What do you mean by you didn't mean to get stuck here?" The three kids looked down in depression, and they pouted. "We were here with Flamemon here in town doing errands when the princess's guards came started taking Digimon away."
Demiveemon spoke up too. "And when that happened, we got separated from him in the crowds."
Koromon spoke up last. "And wheve been lost ever since."
Twilight looked at the three Digimon. "And that's when Gilda found you?" Applejack walked over to them and petted them. "Don't ya worry, we'll get ya to a safe place." she said as she picks up the kid Digimon on her back.


The group walked in to the house with they're kidnappe, and the child Digimon on them, they leave Gilda and Kazemon in the living room. "Spike, Gaomon. You guys watch them." The two Digimon nod as Applejack and Twilight walked further into the basement. Once they got to the bottom, they saw a huge group of people waiting for them. Some playing cards, and others just chilling around, Sweetie belle looks at the entrance. "Hey girls! Twilight and Applejack are back!" Everyone looks at them and puts down what they're doing and go over to them.
"Whatever happened?" Rarity asked. Applejack pointed up the stair with her thumb. "We managed to take one of Sombramon's henchmen, Spike and Gaomon are watchin' 'em now."
Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle look at what's behind Applejack. "It's you three!" Sweetie belle yelled hapilly.
"Apple Bloom! Scootaloo! Sweetie belle!" The three Digimon jumped on them in happiness, making the three girls smile and giggle. "Am surprised ya remember our names, it's been a really long time since we saw you."
Demi Veemon beamed. "We don't forget our heroes!"
This makes the three girls pause there and stare at each other. "Did you hear that? They think of us as heroes!" Scootaloo said. "Scootaloo don't let that get to your head." Sweetie belle responded.
The six older Digidestined look on to the group on the ground and smile. Suddenly a heavenly glow starts to fill the room, the group takes noticed and flinch in response. The light fades away that reveals the princess of the night herself with Diamond tiara and Lunamon.
"Diamond? Lunamon? What are ya'll doin' back here? ...And who's that?" Apple Bloom asks putting Koromon down and getting off the ground. The three girls looks at Princess Luna in amazement. Diamond gives them a sigh. "You don't know the second princess of the Digital world? Your hopeless!" The three girls look over to Diamond. "Hey!" They yell in unison. Luna chuckles at them. "It's fine children. You may not have studied on our worlds history, but seem to really care for it." The three girl look at Luna and smile. Twilight walks over to them.
"But if you must know, Princess Luna is the second princess who governs over the Digital world." Apple Bloom looks over to Twilight. "I think i heard that they're were two of the once, so she's the second one?" Twilight nods in response. Luna interrupts Twilight's explanation. "You see i'm almost never seen during the day, i just wish you digidestined could be around to see my beautiful night sky." She says looking upward.
"Sorry your highness, we are just kids afterall, our families would get worried about us." Sweetie belle says.
Luna smiles down on the children. "It's fine, i've learned a long time ago that not everyone gets to view the night sky." She looks at the older Digidestined and they smiled back.
"Getting back down to business Luna." Coronamon says, folding hi's arms together.
"You have to have a reason for coming here, so spit it out." Luna looks towards Coronamon. "Well yes, thanks to Lunamon and Diamond tiara we have discovered something quite intriguing." They all leaned in to hear Luna's discovery, then they heard knocking from upstairs. "Our guests are getting a little antsy." Coronamon says. Lunamon looks to Coronamon. "You have guests over?"
"Well, they're more like prisoners but yeah."
Twilight looked at the three who arrived. "We were hoping to get some interrogation done when you came."
Princess Luna stopped right there and looked up the stairs. "Very well, we shall do that post haste." And she began walking up the stairs to Gilda and Kazemon. "Hey! Weren't you gonna tell us something?" Scootaloo yelled over to her, right afterward her mouth was tapped by Hawkmon. "Scootaloo you can't do that to someone of her authority!" Luna looked back at them and smiled. "We need to confirm this with the captive before doing anything about Sombramon." She goes up the stairs leaving the group there.
"What are you guys waiting for? Lets go!" Coronamon said and the group went back up. Once they made it back up they saw Princess Luna waiting for them, and Gilda with Kazemon. Those two appeared to be trying to hold back nervous looks, Gilda looks over to where the stairs were, and saw Rainbow coming out along with the rest, Gilda gives her a mean glare. Rainbow took notice of this and gave her a glare back.
Spike and Gaomon approached the two and removed some tape that was stuck on they're faces. "Ready to cooperate?" Gaomon asks.
"No way!" Gilda yells. Spike gives the two a sly smile. "Are you sure? If you don't you know what'll happen..." And points towards Luna.
Gilda yells out. "T, that doesn't scare me!" Luna walks over to her, until she was directly standing up close to her. "I have quite a few question for you!" She says with a strong tone of voice. Gilda looked away from her. "What makes you think i'm gonna do what you say?" Luna stomped on the floor causing a great thundering noise! Kazemon immediately reacted. "Don't you dare hurt Gilda!"
Everyone in the room took notice of Kazemon sudden outburst and were surprised by her loyalty.
"Kazemon... Shut up!" Gilda looked over to our heroes, she just sighs. "Okay, i'll give you answers."

"What was that?" Apple Bloom muttered. Luna began her interrogation with Gilda.
"Now, why is it that you were brought into the Digital world?"
"Well..," Gilda looked away from the group, causing them to get a little more annoyed. "Hey! You told us you'd give us answers! What happened to that!?"
"Well, he picked each of us out from our... Emotional trouble." Rarity put her hand on her chin. "Emotional trouble? What does that mean?"
"I knew it." Luna looked over to our heroes. "When we were researching the data Diamond tiara collected, we found out that each of these humans were picked based on similar feelings of rejection."
Apple Bloom raised her voice. "Based on... Rejection?"
"What does that mean?" Asks Scootaloo.
"So each of these Digidestined were chosen because someone did something wrong to them?" Sweetie belle asks. Gilda raises her head, looking over to Sweetie belle she just says. "You got that right kid..." She turns her head to look over to Rainbow and Fluttershy. "And it was they're fault!" Causing Fluttershy to flinch in surprise, while Rainbow just furrows her brow, then pointing her Objection finger to Gilda. "YOU were the one who didn't stop bullying others in School!"

Sweetie belle looks over to Rainbow. "You know this thug!?" She says.
"It's a long story. We used to be friends in School." Rainbow was shut up swiftly by Gilda. "Until you betrayed me and went with those losers!!" Everyone in the room gave her a mean look, Rainbow walks over to Gilda and looks down on her, Gilda looks at her with rage. Rainbow looked down on her. "Don't you dare look at me like that."
"So you did all of this just to get me huh?"
"Of course i did! And intend to finish the job!"
Rainbow then proceeded to cut the ropes that were holding her.
"Rainbow dash what are you doing!?" Asked Scootaloo, to which Hawkmon grabbed her shoulder. Gilda gets up confused. "Do it now." Rainbow says. "Huh?" Gilda asks, Rainbow stretches her arms outward. "If your gonna kill me, do it now." She says with a very serious look in her eye. Twilight just stares on at the scene and thinking 'what is she up to?'
Gilda just looks at her confused, until she cracks her knuckles. "Fine, you want it that way?" She runs at he all ready to deal a blow but, at the last second she stops. "What's wrong? Can't bring yourself to do it?"
She nerviously looks at Rainbow. "Of course i can!" She brings the fist back and tries to punch Rainbow again. Only to stop in front of her again. "Even with all the power in the Digital world, you would'nt have been able to take me down." Gilda lowered her fist with a sad look on her face. "You were my best friend... Even if i wanted to get you, i couldn't. I treasure my time with you too much..."

"But you know that i can't be your friend, especially after you tried doing all of this." Gilda just looks down after that. "I know that we couldn't be friends anymore, and that just made me so angry!" She punches the ground after that. "I thought if i got rid of you that feeling would go away."
"That would just make everything worse wouldn't it? I mean you'd have something else on your concience." Coronamon said.
"Coronamon's right, that's a terrible idea. You would just have guilt over killing her." Silence just fills the room, you could tell Gilda was holding back tears. "Rainbow dash... I'm sorry for whatever i did to you...." Rainbow looks down at her and croutches in front of her. "After all you've done, working for Sombramon...I shouldn't be accepting this apology." Gilda's tears finally come out, and you could see it stain the floor in front of her. She feels something grabbing her shoulder. "Apology accepted."

Princess luna spoke up after all of this. "Tell me something else, is it true that unless you have a Digimon who's has been influenced by the dark rings?" Gilda looked up to Luna. "Yes... yes it's true."
Apple Bloom noticed something about what she just said. "Wait a second! If what yer sayin' is true." Apple Bloom looks over to Lunamon and Diamond. "Does that mean that you have a black ring on you?" Lunamon looked at Apple Bloom. "What? I never had a Black rings on me!" Apple Bloom looked at her confused. Princess Luna interrupted them. "Anyway, you two are coming with me." Luna's hown begins to glow, and grabs Gilda and Kazemon. "Hold it!" Luna looks over to Rainbow dash. "You could go easy on her?" Luna nods in response. She looks back at the Digidestined. "All of you get some rest, you need it for tomorrow." And the three of them disappear.

"So do we open up the Digiports now?" Sweetie belle asks. To which Twilight responds. "I think it'd be best if we stayed here for tonight." Spike and hi's group gather around. "Well take turns keeping watch tonight."
"And we storm the castle in the morning!"

Author's Note:

Once again my procrastination can be attributed to me getting into another game franchise. This time being Professor layton.
I've played 5 of the six games in the series so expect some more updates now that i'm almost done with Layton.