• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Do what you want cuz a pirate is free!


The Digiport closes with them landing in a very tropical forest like area on a hillside, "The signal was coming from around here right?" Asks Armadillomon. Hawkmon pointed to the hillside. "It's coming from all the way out there." Sweetie belle wondered. "But how are we supposed to get over there?" "Well find a way!" Scootaloo says all cocky.

Apple bloom looks over to the same direction and is amazed by what she sees. "Wowie!" She goes over to a guardrail looking over to an Ocean with slight lines, like coding on a PC running through the water. "Yeah, that's the Digital-sea. Awesome sight isn't it?" Said Coronamon walking up to her.

"A'hve seen the ocean up close before." The girls look walk to he, Sweetie belle put her finger on her chin. "But you'r cousin lives in New York Apple bloom." Apple bloom looks back to her friends. "Well ah never actually been there." She runs off down the hillside. "Come on everyone! Let's take a closer look!" "Race ya!" Yelled Scootaloo chasing after her, the others follow behind her all the way down.


On the bottom of the hill there was a port town with a bunch of old style buildings. The girls were exploring the town when Coronamon blurted out. "So how are we gonna find a way out to sea?" "That's a good question." Replies Hawkmon. For a bit the 6 of them were just standing in the middle of the path in complete silence, besides of course the sounds of the ocean and Digimon walking around.

"We should ask around, maybe see if someone's nice enough to give us a ride." Armadillomon looks up to her and says. "You can't really trust people out here, they might try and mug us while were not lookin." Coronamon looks over to him. "Well what choice do we have?" Apple bloom smiled at her friends. "Besides were the Digidestined, they can't turn us down!"

Then they go on a montage of sorts with them asking the Digimon on the dock to see if they would give them a ride. Each one of them turning them down, one after the other.

"Ah can't believe they turned us down." The girls were standing in a dock where they were just thinking how to get to where the signal came from. Apple bloom looked over to Hawkmon. "Can't Hawkmon just Armor Digivolve into Shynermon and fly us there?" Hawkmon nods in disagreement. "Sorry Apple bloom but i don't think i can take all of you at once. I would probably get to tired." Apple bloom and Coronamon both sighed and looked straight out to the ocean.

"How are we gonna find the black tower now?" Asks Armadillomon. "Black tower eh? I think i might be able to help." The group looks back to where the voice came from, they saw a Digimon with what appeared to be a Diver's suit looking off in the distance. "Who are you?" Asked Coronamon. "The name's Divermon. I'm guessin you'r the Digidestined." "Uh yeah." Replied Sweetie belle. "Why would you want to help us anyway?" Scootaloo asks. Divermon looked directly at them and smiles. "Why don't we discuss this over at the milk bar?" The group looks at each other and just rolls with it.

The Team plus Divermon were sitting around in some kind of bar, Divermon chugged down an entire glass of the stuff while Apple bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle just stared back and forth in between the glasses and there Partners, who were also drinking the milk. "Well ay might as well explain me situation." So they looked over to Divermon who took out some kind of map and placed it on the table. "What yer looking for is located around here right?" And he points to the spot where Twilight told them where to go. "Yeah!" Said the three girls in unison.

"Well ya see there's a treasure there as well, and said treasure is being guarded by a very murdeous creature." Scootaloo tilts her head at that and simply asks. "A murderous creature?" "Yes by the name of Seadramon, you see that Digimon is defending the only way into this undersea cave right here." And he points to the same spot on the map.

"I need you six to defeat it, i believe that it being controlled by something. I figure it would be a win, win sitiation for us. I could give ya a chunk of the booty and you can get closer to saving the Digital world." Hawkmon and Armadillomon looked at each other. "We could be rich!" "Can you imagine what we can do with that kind of money?" Coronamon just casually sip hi's drink as he responds with. "You guys know i'm already rich right?" Making the two of them just stare at him. "Right." They both said. "Well i'm waiting for you'r answer."

The 6 of them got out of the table and huddled up. Apple bloom looks over to Coronamon. "Come on Coronamon it'll be fun." Then Coronamon responds with. "Look we shouldn't trust people who just happen to want our help." Sweetie belle looks over to him. "Oh come on, were adorable i mean who can resist this?" And she put on a really goofy smile. "She's got you there Coronamon." Hawkmon Responds. "Fine, but i warned you." Apple bloom got all excited. "Then it's decided!" She looks over to Divermon. "Well do it!" And she takes her hand out, Divermon shakes it. "Let me take you to me ship." So they led them outside to hi's ship,


"Were riding in this?" Asks Scootaloo. Pointing to a small ship, even though it had the shape of a pirate ship it was pretty small. "Right that's me pride and joy." Said Divermon while loading a crate onto the ship, Sweetie belle asks Divermon. "Are you sure that thing is safe to ride?" "It's as safe as can be!" He says, Apple bloom walks onto the deck and stops around for a bit. "He's right, it's completely safe!" After that confirmation the other hop on as well, Coronamon still had a distrusting face to Divermon.

Meanwhile two familiar faces stared at the ship. "Idiots." Diamond says. "DT, should we just let them handle it?" Diamond just keeps staring for a bit until coming to a conclusion. There gonna sneak onto the ship. Diamond and Lunamon run to the ship quickly before Apple bloom and the others could come out.

They hide behind some barrels as Apple bloom and the others walk out. Diamond ducked just out of sight while Lunamon was still sticking out. Sweetie belle feels like she's being watched so she looks in the direction where Lunamon is hiding. She quickly hides just out of sight, making Sweetie belle look around confused. "Huh, i must have been seeing things." So she walks away.

"Shh, we can't be discovered." She opens the wanted poster which had the picture of Divermon on it with a certain number of bits in reward. "Were getting that bounty Lunamon." Lunamon looked at her. "But why? You'r already rich and i lived with Princesses." Diamond smiles at her partner. "You can never have too much of a good thing." Lunamon just shrugs it off.

The ship sets sail and Apple bloom just stares excitedly at the sea. "Can you be anymore excited? It's just a bunch of water." Said Scootaloo. "Yeah but ah never been on a boat like this before!" She responds with childlike glee. Divermon was looking down on them from the helm just smiling as if he had evil intent. Meanwhile Coronamon felt like he was being watched, he looks up to Divermon who simply looked away.

"Something's seriously not right with that guy." He said while he stared at him having a very suspicious look on hi's face. The boat quickly comes to a stop. "Huh?" "Why are we stopping?" They look to where Divermon was, he was walking down the stairs to where they were standing. "What's wrong?" Divermon responds to them. "Well a Digimon's gotta eat right?" He took the crate he loaded on earlier and opened it. "ye got to keep yer strength up if you want to beat Seadramon." They looked into the crate at what appeared to be some rotten Vegetables. "...What is that?" Asked Apple bloom. Scootaloo responded with. "I don't know, it looks like rabbit food." Sweetie belle then looked at both of them. "I don't know, i've been to Fluttershy's house and the food she gives to her animals looks nothing like this."

Coronamon picks one up. "Hey i've heard of these, there supposed to taste like delicious meats and veggies." He looks to Divermon. "Where did you get these anyway?" Divermon just responds with. "I stol. err i mean i received them from a small village on the other side of the Digital world." Sweetie belle points at the food. "Are you sure these are edible?" Scootaloo picks one up. "Well there's only one way to find out." And she takes a big bite out of it. And smiles. "Yum, tastes like steak!" Apple bloom and Sweetie belle share a glance and pick them up. "Mine taste like chicken!" "Mine taste like Asparagus!" The Scootaloo and Sweetie belle stare at Apple bloom and say 'eww' "What? Ah like Asparagus." Meanwhile from there hiding spot Lunamon started drooling, even her stomach was rumbling. "I'm soooo hungry." she mumbles. Something was quickly put into her mouth, when she looked she saw it was a white chocolate candy bar. She looked up to Diamond who just shushes her.


Outside the ship there was something moving in the water. Coronamon looked around to see everyone was enjoying the food, he tried to take one bite but felt something coming. Sudenly a Sea Serpent Digimon jumped out of the water roaring. "What is that!?" Yelled Sweetie belle. "That's Seadramon!" Yelled Hawkmon. "Ice blast!" Coronamon charged the flame on hi's forehead launching towards the Ice blast. "Corona-Flame!"

It hit the ice causing the area to be covered in mist. "Digi-Armor Energize!!" Shynermon jumped out of the mist, hitting Seadramon with hi's elbow, the seadramon launched another Ice blast at our heroes. "Fluttering Swarm!!" Also coming out of the mist was Jewlmon. "Diamond storm!" Hitting Seadramon as he began roaring. "Were do we go now?" Asked Apple Bloom. "Down." Replied Divermon who jumped into the water.

Coronamon looked at Apple Bloom then they both nodded Apple Bloom took in a breather, put her goggles over her eyes, then they jumped into the water as well, when they got in Coronamon's flames disappeared. While the mist was still covering the are Diamond tiara and Lunamon jumped into the water swimming behind out heroes.

Author's Note:

I was gonna make this chapter longer but i suffered writers block at the end there and i didn't want this to take too long.

I put in a reference to Digimon Frontier in there, i thought i'd let you know.

Music used:

Kingdom Hearts Destiny Islands.
Pokemon Colosseum Pyrite town.
Pokemon XD Gale of darkness Cipher peon battle.