• Published 19th Aug 2012
  • 4,656 Views, 69 Comments

Digimon Crusaders - Klonoahedgehog

A cross over between the CMC and Digimon taking place in an Alternate universe.

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Crusaders vs Sombramon!

The chilly air from inside the throne room made our 8 heroes incredibly nervous. They look onwards to the end and see King Sombramon sitting in hi's thone, Datamon appeared to be speaking to him. "And that's how i was forced to return up here!" It seemed that he was complaining about the beating Coronamon gave him, Sombramon opens hi's eyes and spots our heroes. "It's nice to see you again little girl. I hope the injuries i gave you weren't too... Severe." Apple Bloom furrows her brow. Sombramon gets up from hi's throne. "I take it you and the other Digidestined recieved my welcome?" He says as he walks down some stairs.

"We did." Coronamon says. He gives off a small smile at him. "But man Sombramon, you sure picked some useless minions. I mean they just let us by without a word." Sombramon made it to the bottom of the stairs and chuckles.

Crusaders Vs Sombramon!

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle took out they're Digivices and the three of them yelled out. "Digi armor energize!"
"Coronamon armor digivolve to, Buckermon!"
"Armadillomon armor digivolve to, Sorcerer starmon!"
"Hawkmon armor digivolve to, Shynermon!"
The three Digimon stood there in front of KingSombramon, and then they got into battle position. "Alright Sombramon lets go!" Buckermon yells. Sorcerer Starmon looks back at the girls. "You four ought to get out of here!" The four girls nod and run out the door.

The group then jumps into battle! Sombramon shows off an evil smile and throws himself at them. He lands in front of the group,
Shynermon shoots lasers from hi's eyes, Sombramon blocks it and then proceeds to punch Shynermon. He tries to avoid the next attack but failed, Sobramon hits him again and throws him into the floor.
"Shynermon!" Sorcerer Starmon yells. Buckermon looks at Sombramon and takes out hi's guns, and begins shooting. Sombramon covers himself with hi's cape, he goes up and tries to hit Buckermon, he tries to block the attack but to no avail, Sombramon throws him onto the ceiling, and he fell onto the ground.
Sorcerer Starmon, shot a blast out of hi's scepter, "Harmonic blast!" He shoots straight at Sombramon, that attack flies straight into hi's center, Sombramon then jumps in front of Starmon and shoots hi's own blast, throwing him away, Sorcerer Starmon recovers before he collides with the wall.

Sombramon goes to attack again, and from behind him comes Lunamon, taking her dark claws, she yells out. "Nightmare claw!" And she slashe right into him, making him flinch. Lunamon lands behind him. "Bet you forgot about me?" She says with a smile, Sombramon turns around. "Not at all little Digimon..." He attempted to attack Lunamon but she dodging, each and every attack. She took an opening to use her Nightmare attack, slashing him again.

"Come on, diamond, make her Digivolve! She can't beat him like this!" Sweetie belle yells at Diamond tiara. She think about it for a moment, "I can't just make Lunamon Digivolve, if she stays like that for too long she..." She suddenly hears a noise from the room.
"I have you now!" Sombramon managed to catch Lunamon and he grabbed her by the neck! "Let me go!" She says.
Diamond Tiara takes out her Digivice and yells. "Digivolution activate!" causing Lunamon to Digivolve.

Suddenly a light enveloped Lunamon, this light as so blinding that she broke free of Sombramon's grasp.
"Lunamon digivolve to!" She grew in size and armor enveloped parts of ger body. The light faded to reveal Lekismon, Lunamon's champion form.
"Now lets see if you can get me now!" The three armor Digimon surrounded Lekismon, still a little banged up but they could keep going. "Alright team! Let's do this!" Buckermon lead another charge as they all shot a barrage of attacks straight at Sombramon, aiming at hi's wounds that Lunamon gave him previously. This aloud them to get the upper hand, the group launches blast after blast, slowly throwing Sombramon back towards the wall. "Lekismon! Now!" Buckermon yells.
Lekismon then runs straight at Sombramon and the two of them threw a storm of punches and kicks, both of them blocking and punching trying to wear each other out. The two of them go appart, then Lekismon jumps into the air. "Moon night kick!" Her leg gets enveloped into a black aura as she falls onto Sombramon.

Sombramon grabs her leg, successfully blocking the attack. "Are you holding back Lekismon?" He says.
"I'm going at you at full force!" He lets her go and she jumps back to deliver a punch. Sombramon then blocks the attack. "Really now? Because that's not the feeling i'm getting from your attacks"
"What are you talking about!?" Lekismon yells.

"You and i are the same Lekismon." This surprised Lekismon and then the two of them jump back.
Lekismon points at Sombramon."You and me are NOT the same Sombramon!"
Sombramon stops and laughs at lekismon. "Didn't you ever stop and think of why you could Digivolve in this castle? Or in any location with a dark tower?"
Lekismon stops there and thinks. "Yeah... I did but."
"Don't listen to him Lekismon!" She looks back and sees Buckermon, Shynermon and Sorcerer Starmon looking at her.
"Don't fall for hi's tricks! He's only trying to get into your head!" Shynermon yells.
"Yeah! You can't trust that jerk!" Sorcerer Starmon yells out.

Lekismon then looks back at Sombramon. "They're right, i'm not falling for your tricks!" She goes straight at Sombramon with another punch, but Sombramon grabs it. "If you won't show your tru strength, then i just have to force it out of you!" Sombramon shots a very powerful blast of energy from hi's hand, this blast hits Lekismon directly in the stomach, it was so strong that it sent Lekismon flying into the wall. She proceeds to fall into the ground.
Sweetie belle gasps "Oh no." She yells. "Lekismon!" Buckermon yells, he looks to hi's team mates. "You guys take care if Sombramon!" They nod and run over to him. Buckermon goes over to Lekismon's side.
"Lekismon! Get up please! Lekismon! Sis!"

She slowly gets up, clearly damaged by her fight with Sombramon as her pieces of armor have parts chipped off. A growl comes from her mouth. "Lekismon? Are you okay?" Buckermon asks in concern. Lekismon opens her eyes, and her eye color appeared to change color, to a light blue. "GRAHHHHHHHH!!!" She roars, letting loose a dark aura. "Lekismon! What's gotten into you!?" Buckermon yells, the energy radiating from Lekismon slowly pushing him back.
Lekismon proceeds to run straight at Sombramon, pushing Shynermon and SorcererStarmon out of her way.
"What's going on with her!?" Shynermon yells.
SorcererStarmon responds with. "Looks like she got her second wind." Lekismon starts whailing on Sombramon, punching and kicking him repeatedly, she delivers one last punch that pushes him away.

Outside the room, the girls look on to the sight. Scootaloo fist pumps in celebration. "Alright! Way to go Lunamon!"
Diamond Tiara just looks in worry. "This is bad..." She says. The three of them look back at Diamond giving her confused looks. "How is this bad? Were winning!" Scootaloo says.
"When Lekismon gets like this, she can't even tell who are her enemies, or her allies." The three girls jump back in surprise. "What!?" They yell.
"Why do you think i was so reluctant in having her fight Sombramon in her Digivolved form? If she goes too far she can no longer control herself."


The older digidestined, still in the same room from they're battle with the Chessmon twins suddenly feel the energy from above, making the castle shake, suddenly debris from the room fell onto the floor. "What's going on!?" Rainbow yelled. "Apple Bloom!" "Sweetie belle!" Applejack and Rarity yelled out, they ran over to the door and tried to open it. "It won't budge!"
The groups Digimon partners assaulted the door and broke it down. "Alright everyone! Let's go!" Gaomon yells out so the others swiftly obeyed and ran out, Pinkie noticed one of Flam lying there still in shock over hi's Digimons death. She runs over to him and pulls him by the arm. "Pinkie!" They called out. "Come on! Digimon never really die, cheer up!" He looked up at her and saw her smile, so he decided to follow her.

Back outside the tower Spike Greymon was still fighting Trixie's Greymon, the battle was heating up and the two slashed and slashed each other, they pushed each other away and shot balls of fire at each other. Each attack missed however, then Spike rushed towards him and lifted him up with hi's horn, this throws Greymon back to the ground, Greymon gets up and blows fire onto Spikes back! Causing Spike to scream. "GRAHHHH!"
"Spike!" Twilight yells, Spike falls onto the ground, Greymon then jumps into the air, and stomps hi's stomach. He moves hi's paw around Spike's stomach, he then raises hi's paw and then digs hi's claws into hi's belly, causing him to scream.
"Stop it! Call your Greymon off!!" Twilight yells to Trixie. Greymon's stomp did so much that Spike degenerated back to hi's rookie form.
"...Greymon get off. Were done here." Trixie commanded, and Greymon did just that, He walked over to Trixie. Trixie then looked at Twilight with an evil smile. "Look like we know who's better." She said as she walked away. Twilight ran over to Spike and picked him up, cradlying him in her arms. "Spike!! Are you okay!?" She yells, Spike slowly opens hi's eyes and nods. "Don't worry, i'm okay."
Twilight looked at Trixie with anger. "How could you do this!?"
Trixie stopped there and looked back at Twilight.
"I've been disgraced by many people in my life, now that i have the chance to get my revenge at those who wronged me, i'm not gonna let anyone stand in my way!"
"But you know Sombramon's gonna betray you and the other Digidestined who work with him in the end!" Twilight yells.
Trixie laughs. "You think so? Did you ever think that maybe Trixie plans on doing just that?" Twilight's eyes shoot open when she hears that, Trixie was planning to betraying Sombramon? Just like that? She thought.
"But why?" Twilight says.
"I'll let you think what you want, but Trixie has to get going. She has an appointment to keep!" Trixie then goes off with her Agumon into the tower. Twilight with Spike run after her into the tower but once they make it inside she was nowhere to get found. "Did she go up the stairs? We've got to be careful." So she does just that.


Back at the match, Sombramon and Lekismon were still duking it out, unleashing blow after blow at each other. The two of them land on the floor. "Your really powerful Lekismon." He says, Lekismon makes a noise that sounds like Growling and panting put together. He notices that Lekismon seems to have a weird looking aura, and sweat was pouring down her face. "But it seems like your wearing yourself down."
Lekismon then runs up towards Sombramon again. "Lekismon stop!!" Diamond yells.
Lekismon stops right there, and falls on the ground unconscious, she then degenerated back to Lunamon. "Looks like she wore herself out." Sombramon raised hi's hand and was charging a blast.
"Lunamon!" Just before hi's blast hits her Applebloom comes runing in and grabs Lunamon, she avoided Sombramon's attack just barely as hi's attack managed to cut a good chunk of her hair clean off, leaving it short. She lands on the ground a little to the side of him. "Got ya, everythings gonna be alright Lunamon..." She says, looking at Lunamon smiling. He goes over to Applebloom and charges another attack. "That was a reckless move child!" Applebloom looks at Sombramon with a scared face.
Suddenly Buckermon came and kicked Sombramon, stopping the attack. "Shynermon! Take Applebloom and Lunamon outside, me and Sorcerer Starmon will handle this!" Buckermon says. Shynermon proceeds to do just that, grabbing Applebloom and Lunamon and flying outside the room.
She puts Applebloom down next to her friends. "That was a reckless move Applebloom, you could have been killed!" Applebloom quietly looks down. "I'm sorry, it's just that i didn't want anythin' to happen to Lunamon..."
"You should have left us handle it." Applebloom looks at Shynermon. "I know, sorry."

"Applebloom are you alright!?" Sweetie belle asks, Applebloom rubs the back of her head, where the burnt hair was. "Just a haircut, but am okay."
"It looks kind cool that way though." Scootaloo responds, Applebloom looks at Scootaloo in confusion. "...It does?" She says.
"Will the two of you be serious!? Hows Lunamon!?" Applebloom Handed Diamond her partner, Lunamon was clearly beaten up, with wounds all over her body.
"Lunamon..." She says depressed, she looks at Applebloom. "Why did you help her like that?"
"Do ah need a reason? She's part of our team ain't she?" She says smiling, Diamond looks at her confused and looks bac towards Lunamon.
"You all need to go someplace safe, it's gonna get dangerous here and i don't want you guys to get hurt."
Scootaloo then yells. "No way! Were your partners! We're staying right here!"
"This isn't the time for that! You need to get somewhere safe!" He yells back.

Sweetie belle puts her hand on Scootaloo's shoulder. "For once will you please listen to your Digimon?" Scootaloo sighs.
"Fine." They run back down the hallway, Scootaloo briefly looks back at Shynermon. "Good luck! I don't want to see your Digi egg later!" Shynermon smiles at her and she goes back down, Shynermon then proceeds to fly back in.

Back with Buckermon, he begins attacking sombramon by kicking him repeatedly in the stomach. Slightly pushing him back, Sombramon smiles and grabs hi's foot, he then throws him upward, Buckermon got out hi's guns and started shooting. "Double barrel barrage!!" Shooting tons of blasts at Sombramon. He blocks the attacks with hi's cape. "Shining eye beam!" Shynermon flies in and blasts Sombramon from behind, getting him to flinch.
"Rising thunder!" Sorcerer Starmon shot down thunder from the ceiling, shocking him. Sombramon shook those attacks off and jumps over to Sorcerer Starmon and straight up punches him. "Grahhh!" He yells as he flew back. "Starmon!" Buckermon yells as he lands, he runs straight towards Sombramon and kicks him.
The other two came up and ganged up on Sombramon. Delivering punches and kicks and whatever else they had. But each time he blocks the attacks and hits them back.
"D Eraser!!"
This attack was so strong that the wind threw our heroes back into the wall and they fell back to the ground, Buckermon got up with a hand on hi's knee, he was clearly battle damaged with injuries on hi's body. "How is he so strong?" He asked, he noticed right then that Sombramon was panting. "Is he getting weaker?" He thought.
"Your not gonna stand and fight?" Sombramon asked. Buckermon struggled to get up, but he did manage to do it, he was panting and holding hi's chest.
"If i just draw this battle out, he'll eventually tire himself, we just got to hold out till then..." He thought, he looked at Sombramon and gave a cocky smile. "Alright Sombramon, give it your best shot!" He mustered up enough energy to run. "Have you run out of battle strategies? Very well then!" Sombramon charged up and attack, Buckermon ran up to him just as Sombramon was about to shot, Buckermon swiftly got out of the way just as he launched hi's blast. "He's attacking from behind!?" He looked behind himself and just saw. Buckermon then ran over to hi's friends who were getting up.
"Are you all alright?" Buckermon asked.
"A little beat up, but otherwise alright." Sorcerer Starmon said. Buckermon whispered to the others.
"Don't you ignore me!" He yelled.
Buckermon and the other got back up. "Go!" So they ran in different directions, Shynermon went to the left, Sorcerer Starmon went to the right and Buckermon went straight.
"What are they doing?" Sombramon thought. He began to launch attacks at Buckermon. He avoided each and everyone of them. Sombramon started assaulting him with punches but Buckermon tried as much as he could to avoid them. He managed to do so quite a few times but the last attacks got him and Sombramon pushed him on to the ground.

The girls ran down the staircase in a hurry. "Wait!" Applebloom stopped everyone.
"What's wrong?" Sweetie belle asked. They hear footsteps coming up from the staircase, they kept hearing it getting closer and closer. "Someone's coming." Diamond said. They nervously looked down as they waited for the person, sweating down theyre faces. They then saw Applejack and the others running back up. They sighed in relief realizing that it was just the other Digidestined.
"Applebloom!" Applejack yelled out, she notices that he had part of her hair burnt off, so she runs over to her sister. "Oh heavens what happened to your hair!?" Rarity gasps. Applejack puts her hands on her younger sisters shoulders. "What happened!? Where's Coronamon!?" Applebloom looks nervously at her sister. She rubs the back of her head. "Coronamon and the others are fightin' Sombramon right now, and this... Well ah kind of got caught up in the fight."
Fluttershy jumped back in surprise. "You jumped in the middle of a them fightin'!?"
"Do you have any idea what you were thinkin'!?" Applejack yelled.
Applebloom jumped back and out her hands out. "Look sis am sorry! It's just that Lunamon was in danger, ah felt like ah had to do somethin'!" "What happened to Lunamon?" Rarity asked, Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie belle moved to the side, the older Digidestined took a look at Diamond with Lunamon in her arms, all terribly beat up. Fluttershy ran up to Lunamon and took her from Diamonds arms. "What happened to her!?" The group explained what happened to Lunamon, her fight with Sombramon and how she went out of control. Afterwards the older Digidestined just stood there surprised that Lunamon could do such a thing. Fluttershy was examining Lunamon, she took her back to Diamond Tiara and handed her Digimon back.
"Diamond Tiara, i'm glad to say that Lunamons gonna be alright."
Diamond gave a small smile in releaf. "Thank you."
"I'm surprised that you were able to survive against lord Sombramon." Flam responded. The girls took notice to who said that and that it was Flam. "You!" Scootaloo yelled and jumped straight at him ready to punch. She was being held back by Rainbow Dash and Elecmon.
"He's with us kid!" Elecmon yelled. Scootaloo just stopped there. "Wait, what?" They let go and she fell. She immediately got up however. "What is he talking about Rainbow Dash!?"
"Ask Pinkie." She says shrugging, Scootaloo looks at Pinkie and she just says with a smile. "He looked like he needed help." And the girls just looked at her annoyed. Pinkie responded by shrugging. "He seemed like he needed help."
"But it does give us a good time to ask something." Palmon says. Gaomon looks at Palmon confused. "What do you mean?"
"Well of course, we still don't know why that Sombramon guy wants to do any of this."
Rainbow folded her arms. "Is that even important? As far as i care we just have to beat this guy."

Gaomon walked over to Flam and raised hi's fist, Flam flinched back as Gaomon gave him a mean stare. "Now, tell us, what Sombramon's game huh?"
"Wwhat are you gonna do to me!?" Flam said frightened, "Oh me? Nothing, but my friend here probably isn't thinking the same thing." He pointed at Elecmon who began charging one of hi's attacks,
"Fine i'll talk!" So they stop freatning him and he sighs.
"I'm not entirely sure on the details, so i'm not sure if this is correct."
"Just get to the point!" Scootaloo yells.
"Well, Sombramon wasn't always the Digimon he is today."
"What do ya mean?" Apple Bloom asks wondering.
Flam proceeds to explain it in better detail.


"A long time ago, probably before you kids were even born, Sombramon was a computer program that came about when Digital world was still young. He was a government program i believe, meant to corrupt the electronics of enemy armies. At some point, he was infected by a virus, this caused him to go haywire and start to infect the machines in the country with comouter viruses, the government had to take action, they developed an anti virus capable of destroying the virus, they managed to temporarily weaken said virus, and once they did they managed to delete the program.
Like all deleted programs, he ended up in the Digital world. At first he didn't cause much harm, the princeses didn't seem to think so, until Digimon started disappearing."

"Disappearing? What happened to them?" Gaomon asked. Flam looked at Gaomon and just said. "Maybe if you sat down and listened!" Gaomon folded hi's arms and looked away. "...I don't like this guy."

"Anyway, That's when Sombramon was born, he had corrupted Digimon with hi's influence, turning them into into a zombie like state." "That's what happened with the black rings!" Sweetie belle said. Flam nodded "That's the purpose of them, he was slowly absorbing they're Data to regenerate hi's body, like back then he absorbed enough energy to create a full body for himself, he became a Digimon, personality and all, in the end though he's still just a virus so hi's ultimate goal is to erase and destroy." "Maybe we can run an anti virus or something to get him to stop?" Sweetie belle asks, Flam looks at her. "Yeah, try finding any computer with hi's data still on it, all of it was dumped into this world."
"Oh... Sorry for suggesting then." She said looking away.

"That's when the Princesses took action, since they were equal power level it was a long gruesome battle. They're were some casualties throughout. Eventually though Celestia and Luna were able to defeat him, or so they thought, a little bit of hi's data was left behind, and it was able to be revived somehow."

"So how did he get out?" Palmon asked. Flam put hi's hand on hi's chin and looked deep in thought. "Well... I'm not so sure of the details there, i'll have to think about that..."
Just then they heard loud noises coming from upstairs. Terriermon yelled out. "Dangit we got too distracted with the story!" Palmon yelled out. "We've got to get going!"
"Were goin' too!" Apple Bloom runs up to the Digimon but someone grabs her shoulder, she looks back and sees Applejack grabbing her. "Sis. Please, for once listen to us, it's dangerous up there and you could get hurt or worse!" Applebloom looked at her sister all sad but Applejack nodded in disapproval. Apple Bloom just sighed, then she looked at the group of Digimon and smiled. "Fine, make sure not to get hurt okay?" The Digimon smile and nodded, then they ran back upstairs.
Once they were out of sight Apple Bloom looked down sad. "Applejack... Do you think Coronamon's alright?" Applejack petted her sister on the head. "Don't worry, i'm sure he's alright." She looks at the others. "Come on, lets leave this to our Digimon, we have to get out of here!"
The Digimon run up the stairs. "Do you think they'll be alright?" Palmon asks. Gaomon looks at her. "I guess well find out when we get there."
"Get ready guys!" Terriermon yells out, the group makes it to the top of the stairs to the ominous doorway leading to Sombramon's chambers.


Back with the group we see them running and dodging all of Sombramons attack. Buckermon thinks to himself, 'i don't think i can keep up much longer! How much energy does this guy have!?'
"Hahaha! Did you really believe that strategy would work?" Buckermon keeps running trying to avoid Sombramon's blasts, hi's attacks just barely hit him, Buckermon was slowing down from exhaustion. Sombramon then jumped over to Buckermon to attack him, Buckermon just barely escaped by limboing under him. Sombramon quickly reacted and attacked again, this time grabbing Buckermon and shot him with a blast of energy. "Buckermon!" Sorcerer Starmon yelled out, he shot a lighting bolt over to Sombramon shocking him, he looks back at Starmon and attacks him with more energy blasts, throwing him away.
'We need help here, there's no way we can take him down on our own!' Shynermon thinks to himself. He quickly looked at Sombramon and noticed how hi's panting was increasing, he's starting to tire out!

They hear the door breaking down, with Gaomon being the one breaking it. "Guys were here!" Palmon yells. Buckermon looks back at them and this distraction was enough for Sombramon to shoot an attack straight at him, throwing him to the ground. "Buckermon!" They ran up to him as he slowly got up from the ground.
"Looks like the gangs all here" Sorcerer Starmon says, the two other armor Digimon go over to the others.
Gaomon helps Buckermon up from the ground. "Gaomon... Guys, it took you long enough." He said chuckling.
"How are you holding out you three?" He gave a thumbs up to the older Digidestined, but he was clearly weakened by the fight. "I'm alright. Don't worry." Sombramon looks on at the scene watching all of them regroup. "Get all the help you want! Those Rookie level Digimon can't stop me."
Buckermon and the others got into position, lining up and posing. "That's what you think! With all of our strength together well be able to stop you!" Terriermon yelled.
Sombramon laughs them off. "Very well, lets go!" And they all jumped straight at him.

Sombramon was surrounded on all sides by our group of Digimon, he was clearly tired by hi's fights with Lunamon and the three armor Digimon. He looked around noticing them all getting ready to attack. "Sombramon... You lose." Buckermon says, raising hi's gun. Sombramon looks at them. "I lost? I don't think so!" He then shots out an attack that launches them back with wind. Buckermon closes hi's eyes trying to resist the winds. Once he recovered, he opened hi's eyes and noticed Sombramon was gone! Buckermon looks around. "Where'd he go!?" The group searched around the room, They trie checking the walls, under the rug and trying to find a hidden switch.
Palmon walked in front of the chair and felt a breeze, She looks at the Chair and tries to move it. "Guys!" Everyone went over to her and she pointed to the chair. "I think there's something behind this!" The armor Digimon then tried to push her chair out of the way, revealing another staircase!
"Oh come on!" Terriermon yelled.
Gaomon ran up to the entrance. "Come on guys! He's right this way!" The group nods and go up the stairs, running as fast as they could so that Sombramon wouldn't get away. "Just how high is this tower!?" Salamon groans, "It can't be too long now."
They make it too what seemed to be the top of the tower, it appeared to be a small door. "Not really what i was expecting." Palmon says. Shynermon looks at her. "I guess not a lot of people go up here."
"Alright guys! Lets do i!" Buckermon jumps right at the door and breaks it down.
On the other side was a giant room that looked like a viewing platform, they're was another door in the corner of the room though no one seem to pay it any mind, looking out the window you could see very far into the distance, the tip of Everfree could be seen from far away. In the corner of the room looking out of the window. Was Sombramon.

The Digidestined run down the stairs in an attempt to get out of the tower, they run past the rooms they went in previously and past the debris. Right after they past the room where they fought the Chessmon they hear footsteps coming from the other end. "Someones coming!" Rarity says, They stop right there, and they hide amongst the debris just to be safe. The apple sisters were paying attention to the doorway. They see a familiar shadow showing up on the ground as the figure approaches.
"Girls! It's Twilight!" Apple Bloom says running up to her. The others get out of the debris and run up to her as well.
Twilight looks around at her friends who surround her. "Uh, hi girls."
"Oh my! What happened to Spike!?" Rarity yells. Twilight looks down on the ground. "You see..."
Twilight proceeds to explain what happened outside with Trixie and Greymon.
"That little! She's not gonna get away with this!" Rainbow Dash said with a fist up.
"Speaking off, i saw her go in this direction, none of you saw her?"
"No i think we would notice a meanie pants like that coming by, unless she turned invisible!"
"...Anyway, what are you guys doing here? I thought you were headed to the top of the tower."
Applejack explains. "Well us and our Digimon decided it'd be best if we got out of here before things got to chaotic. And we were on our way out. It's probably for the best that you come with us Twilight."

Trixie and Agumon arrive by Sombramon's side, . Gaomon whispers into Buckermon"We can't expect to take on another fight Buckermon. I think we need to retreat."
Sombramon laughs at them.
"Oh that won't be necessary, Trixie! get theguarghhh!" Sombramon looks behind him and sees Agumon with hi's claw in hi's body, Datamon jumps and then grabs Trixie's cape. "Trixie what are you doing!? Let him go!" Trixie looks on at this scene. "Agumon do it!" Agumon then begins to absorb Sombramon's data into him. "Grahhh!!!! Let me go!" Agumon was slowly absorbing more and more of Sombramon's data, hi's body slowly disappearing as a result. "Trixie please i beg you stop! Maybe your punishment won't be a harsh if you stop right now!" A smile formed on Trixie's face. Buckermon and the others look on this scene in pure fright. They couldn't believe what they were seeing, was Trixie fighting for them? But why?.
"Stop... I comand you..." He said, more and more of hi's body dissipating into Agumon's body.
"You command no one you fool! This is MY show now."
"You'll pay for this... Mark my words! ...GRAHHHHH!!!" The last of hi's energy was absorbed into Agumon.

Buckermon slowly gets up from where he lies. "Uhh Thanks? Why'd you help us?" Ye asks.
Trixie looks at Buckermon. "Me? Help you? Ha! Don't make me laugh."
Buckermon and the other Digimon got into battle ready position. "Then why'd you do it? He was your boss!"
"He was nothing but an old fool." Trixie looks at her Digivice, then she looks at the group. "He thought too small, just by enslaving the Digital world... No, Trixie intends to take control of BOTH worlds!"
"WHAT!?" The Digimon yelled out.
"And your just standing in Trixie's way. We have to deal with that."

Back with Twilight and the others, they just make it out of the tower. Sweetie belle stops there and looks back at the tower. "I hope SorcererStarmon's okay..."
Rarity goes up to her sister.
"Sweetie belle, i'm sure he's okay, we need to get out of here."
They hear a noise coming from the tower so they look back up at it. "Guys look up they're!" Sweetie belle yells.

Buckermon and the other Digimon are thrown out of the room, when that hapened they broke the wall, Buckermon degenerates back to Coronamon. Apple Bloom takes notice to them and runs over to them. "Coronamon!" She yells. Apple Bloom catches him, hi's weight makes her fall to the ground. "Apple Bloom!" She looks at him and she smiles. "Ah got ya buddy." Coronamon looks at her with a smile.
They look back up towards the tower and they see Trixie riding her Greymon. Greymon put hi's paw on the side of the building, and he then jumps off of it, breaking that particular part of the building.

They're Digimon partners all land on the ground in front of them. "Armadillomon!" Sweetie belle and Scootaloo run up to the side of they're partners. Scootaloo schoock Hawkmon around. "Come on! You have to get up!"
Greymon lands in front of the group. "Don't waste your time, they're all tired out." Trixie said smiling. They all look at her with anger in they're. "You'll pay for this!" Scootaloo yells out. She points at her. "You'll pay for what you did to Hawkmon!!"
"You should just sit back and enjoy the show little girl, there's nothing you can do to stop me." Trixie says.
Sweetie belle yells out "Why are doing this!?"

"Well were entering the final chapter of this story, you it's only fair that Trixie reveals her reasoning behind all of this, wouldn't you say? I warn you though, you may find this tale quite sad."
"I doubt it." Apple Bloom mutters.


I lived a normal live like any other child, i lived alone with my father, we were rich in the slightest, we lived in lower middle class, with my father constantly trying to pay the bills, combined with spending time with me he was heavily stressed. I had an interest in watching and doing magic tricks. I even tried doing them myself, but i wasn't really that good at it. "Keep it up honey! Your getting better!" My fathers encouraging words pushed me forward, i tried showing it off to people at the school, to see how well i am at it, I tried the best i could, but i couldn't do much, and then that's when it started, the ridicule and embarrassment from that day, the people started calling me names and bullying me all because of my interests. "Hey freak! You got another 'magic trick' for me?"
"Leave me alone!" "What are ylu gonna do? Make yourself disappear?" Meanwhile at home the stress my father had on him was starting to catch up to him, each day he was getting weaker and weaker.
One day i arrived home, but everything was quiet and the lights were off. Confused i turned on the lights.
And right they're on the floor was my father! "Papa!" I ran up to him to see what was wrong, but i didn't feel a pulse... "Papa! Papa no!!" I immediately called the hospital, when they came it was too late, he was long gone, the only person who loved me in this world, was gone. I heard the doctors say something about a heart attack being the thing that killed him, it made some sense. He had to take so many jobs and still work as a single father. The stress of all of that must have been too much for him...

I was left alone in the world, after my father passed away i was left in an orphanage, i tried as hard as i could to make friends here, i even showed people my attempts at magic tricks but everyone just called me things like 'freak' or 'weirdo'. No matter how hard i tried people still made fun of me, whenever it be school or at home people would make fun of me, and bully me.
Until finally i had it.
I ran away from the orphanage crying, i ran down into the corner of an alleyway, i then sat down in the corner my eyes out.
"Papa... Why? Why did you leave me? And in this place..." I said in sobs.

"Are you feeling alright kid?" I looked around but i didn't see anyone the're "Who said that?" I thought i was imagining things until i heard hi's voice again. "I'm over here." I saw something opening up in the wall nearby, i approached it and saw something i wasn't expecting to find.
"Who's in they're!?" I asked, i saw a pair of eyes. "There's no need to be afraid, i don't mean any harm." I saw the image from this weird portal start to appear better. When it cleared up i saw the Digimon who would become my partner, i jumped back when i saw this. "Please don't run away!" i calmed down right there and after a bit i explained to him what happened to me over the previous year.
Once i was done doing that he scratched hi's chin. "That's too sad, i don't think i could handle living like that." He said
I head faced to the ground and i rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the tears. Agumon looked at me with sad eyes.
I looked back up at him when he said. "Maybe... You could come to my world?" I tilted my head wondering about this offer. "I don't know..."
He compelled me further. "Oh come on it's not like anyone wants you they're anyway." He was right, no one in the orphanage wanted me.
"I guess... your right." Agumon smiled at me. "Okay, come on!" He extended hi's claw out to me, slowly and i reached out for it, i was nervous as he grabbed me and tried pulling me. With a bit of effort i was thrown into the portal.

He drove me into hi's world, the digital world, and i felt myself lose conciousness. Once i woke up i found myself on a bed. I didn't recognize where i was at all. As i got off the bed i heard something walking up to the door, i froze they're on the spot afraid of what was coming, i saw the door opening and once again i saw the dinosaur. This made me jump back on my bed, he ran up to me. "Are you alright!?" He asked me.
I slowly got up. A little bit nervous that i was standing in front a living dinosaur! "Yeah i'm fine... So that wasn't a dream?" I asked him. "Nope, youve managed to jump across that hole into my hometown!" I looked out the window and saw all those different creatures, of many different shapes and sizes, i looked on in amazement

So the two of us lived together in the Digital world for quite some time, we spent our time traveling around the Digital world, one day we ended up in everfree forest. "Trixie i don't think this is such a good idea."
"What's the matter scared? This is just little hike in the woods!"
"But i've heard weird things about this place." "You shouldn't worry so much Agumon." Little did i know that 'little hike' would change my life forever. As we went depper in the forest at the time, i couldn't help but feel like they're was something odd about the place, but it didn't bother me that much, i thought it was just my nerves, suddenly it got cold really cold, it even started to snow, at the time i didn't know but something was leading me. "Trixie i think we should go back!" I ignored hi's warning as i went on, he never left my side the entire time. Suddenly out of nowhere a blizzard appeared. "What's going on!?"
I saw a cave nearby, i looked back at Agumon. "Hey Agumon! Let's go in here!" So the two of us did, once we got inside suddenly a blizzard broke outside. Agumon scratched the back of hi's head but i wasn't paying much attention. "Looks like were not going back that way." They're was more to this cave, and i was gonna find out what that was. "Come on Agumon."
I felt like...something was guiding me, and i was just going along with it.
We eventually made it to the end of the tunnel. And it looked like they're was something buried in the ground here.
"What do you think it is?" Agumon asked. "It looks like... some horn?"
I could feel something pulling me towards it, and i was standing right in front of it.
"Trixie i don't think you should get near that thing!" But i ignored him... And that's when it happened, i pulled out Sombramons horn!
When i did that, lots of black energy spilled out and covered me from all sides.
"Trixie!!" He tried to save me, but he break through it, instead t threw him away, against a wall.
"What's going on!?" Suddenly a voice from out of nowhere seem to respond to my question. "You have awoken me!" I looked around but saw no one. "Who, or what are you!?"
"I'm a Digimon like your friend."
"A... Digimon?"
"Yes, but as you can see i've unfortunately lost my body. I'm but mere mist now."
"Yeah that does seem like you need help."
"Maybe you can help me?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "What do you mean?"
"You can help me regain my body." He explained how to do it using the black rings. "What!? You want me to enslave other Digimon!? You must be out of your mind!"
"I knew you wouldn't be persuaded so easily, i can sense it. You have had a rough life, people have been mistreating you left and right."
"Y, yeah, that's true."
"If you work with me, you'll be able to get revenge on those who have wronged you."
I thought about it, yeah in my life people really have been mistreating me, and i hated it! Maybe working with him would be better here. "So... what's your answer?" I nodded. "I'll do it."
"Very well, he is a gift from me." I could see some of the dark energy swirling in a circle in front of me and something landed on my hands.
"It's called a dark Digivice, it is used as a way to tame groups of Digimon, this is what you will use to carry out our goal. I look forward to working with you."
The dark energy that was enveloping me suddenly disappeared. And i was left alone with the Digivice, it was then i realized that Agumon was behind me! And i heard him scream back they're too. "Agumon!" I went over to him and saw that he was unconscious, i was afraid that he was leaving me too as i noticed he had an injury. So i carried lifted him up and carried him on my back, what i didn't know is that some of the energy from the Dark digivice went inside hi's injury.
That's when it started, over the following few years, i collected Digimon for him slowly. And Agumon's loving personality was starting too warp into what you see now... And he even took in more people that stumbled upon the Digital world at random.
But as time passed i realized all Sombramon was doing was using us! He promised us conquest of both worlds yet he only wanted this one, he thought to small so now i'm fixing HIS mistake!


"And this concludes Trixie's tale of woe. Trixie hope you all enjoyed it." Trixie said with a bow. Apple Bloom thought to herself. "
The other Digimon get up from the ground. "And it seems your friends are coming back." Apple Bloom looks back and sees the older Digimon clearly all battered up and trying to stay up."Trixie were not gonna let you let you take over our worlds!"
"Yeah your completely surrounded!" The Digimon run up and try to stop her, but suddenly they're stopped when Knightchessmon stands in they're way, Flim standing on top of him.
"Your not getting near her!"
"Ahh! I completely forgot about you!"
Knightchessmon stands in between our group and Trixie, Flim standing on top of him.
She looked below and saw AppleBloom looking at her with a sympathetic look on her face. "It doesn't have to be this way! You were made fun of and bullied to no end, we get it. Ah went through the things like that before." Trixie raised an eyebrow at her. AppleBloom looked at Scootaloo and Sweetie belle. "Unlike you ah had others who could help me through it. But." Just then Trixie snapped back
"Enough! I don't care what you have to say to me! It's time, for the curtains to rise on this final chapter! Feast your eyes! Greymon digivolve now!!" Trixie yelled, Her Digivice launching a dark energy, this energy jumped into Greymon, causing him to move groan and roar, hi's eyes turned red.
"Greymon... Dark Digivolve too..." Sombramon's essence was fused with Greymon, hi's entire body was wrapped in a black aura, he grew bigger and bigger, hi's body changing and thinning, it appeared that he was turning rather skeletal in nature, hi's red eyes glowed and the aura dissipated, revealing the new gigantic Digimon. "SkullGreymon!" He roared, Trixie standing on hi's head, she began laughing madly.

Apple Bloom just stares at the skeletal dragon that appeared before the group, sweat rolls down Apple Bloom's face and she just looks down.
"You know i'd say ah didn't see this coming, but that would be a lie."

Skull Greymon begins hi's assault on the Digital world! The Digidestined are completely tired out after they're fights in Sombramon's tower, how will they be able to defeat him?
Next time on Digimon Crusaders! The final battle to save the Digital world!

Author's Note:

Man this took longer than it needed to, partly due to school work and partly because of my own procrastination with Super smash bros.