• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,145 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

When introductions go better than expected

"Echo, Fives, you two both stepped up in the heat of battle."

"We did; what we had to do sir."

"What any clone would have done."

Captain Rex congratulating clone trooper Echo and Fives after the battle of Kamino.


As Thorn walked towards the doors that led to the front of the town hall, he couldn't help but notice a certain pressure building up.

'What do I do when they start to panic? What if they start to attack me?' Thorn thought. 'Well, I guess I'll just have to follow standard protocol.'

Protocol says:

First: Try to reason with the civilian population of the planet you are on.

Second: Set up a 'personal comfort' zone for yourself, if they get too close; fire a warning shot.

Third: Are you on a planet that is allied with The Separatist, try to reason with the civilians, if they attack: retreat or shoot.

Fourth: Never shoot to kill, stun is your best option to prevent further conflict.

Fifth: Stay alive and keep your finger on the trigger.

'Sometimes I just love Republic protocol.' Thorn thought.

"Alright Commander, this is it." Mayor Mare said.

Thorn nodded. "Ma'am I do need to warn you, Republic protocol says that if civilians come too close to me or try to attack me; I have permission to stun them."

"Stun? Is that a bad thing?" Mayor Mare asked concerned.

"No, I'll set my blasters to stun." Thorn said while putting his Z6 against a nearby wall. "Stun will basically tranqualize them, they'll just pass out and wake up a few hours later."

"Oh, I guess that is acceptable, but please try not to scare them." Mayor Mare said while pointing her hoof at his Z6. "Could you perhaps leave that one inside and just take the twin smaller ones instead?"

Thorn mentally grunted but decided to be 'the nice guy' for once. "Yes ma'am."

Mayor Mare smiled. "I will go outside first an warn the ponies not to freak out when they se you."

Thorn nodded.

Mayor Mare opened the door and stepped outside.

"Mayor what's this sudden meeting all about?"

"Who is this new visitor?"

"Why are the fruit prices so high?"

Thorn could hear many questions being asked, but something else caught Thorn's ears, a certain scream coming from the back of the town hall.

"What's wrong blank flank? Sad because you didn't get your cutie mark?" Thorn heard a feminine voice ask.

"Stop it!" He heard another say.

"Ooh, not so tough now when your friends aren't there to back you up." He heard another different voice say.

"Leave me alone Diamond!" The other voice retaliated.

'Hmmm, their voices sound high pitched, must be children, and from what I'm hearing; one of them is being bullied.'

'There are a few things I don't like in the galaxy, Separatist, droids, a hyperspace malfunction, but bullies are things I'd rather shoot.' Thorn said. remembering some of the bullies when he was still a clone cadet.

"Hey there Thorn, you couldn't even hit a clanker if he was one meter away from you."

"Yeah, something must have gone wrong in his pod."

Thorn clenched his fist. 'This goes against every Republic protocol, but any clone would do the same.' Thorn thought while walking towards the back of the town hall.

He kept walking, the voices becoming louder and louder with evey step he took.

"Blank flank, blank flank."

"Stop it."

'Time to quicken the pace.' Thorn thought while running towards the back of the town hall.

"Leave me alone!"

"Blank flank, blank flank, blank flank."

Thorn ran towards a nearby window and looked outside, he could see a pink filly and a grey filly bullying a white filly.

'Blast, she's crying.' Thorn thought while looking at the white filly.

"Ooh awe wou wonna cwy?" The pink filly asked mockingly.

Thorn gritted his teeth. 'Time to teach these two a lesson about respect.' Thorn thought while setting one of his blasters to full.

Thorn aimed the blaster at the window and pulled the trigger. The blaster bolt made contact with the window, shattering the glass answer sending it flying everywhere.

Thorn had to crouch when going throughthe window (due to the fact the window was built on pony heights). He quickly made his way outside.

"You. Should. Leave." Thorn said while slowly getting up of the ground.

The two bullies looked at the creature in front of them, they didn't know what to do, they had never seen something so scary before.

"What a-are you." The pink filly asked.

Thorn lowered his head and looked at the filly, his eye burning with fire behind his helmet. "I am a clone Commander, and you two are bullying another child." Thorn said while turning around and pointing his index finger at a white filly, who was currently on the ground; crying.

"Yeah, s-so what!" The grey filly replied.

"So what? So what?!" Thorn shouted. "Have your parents never taught you about respecting others?!"

"My father Filthy Rich owns this town, so you better watch what your saying you freak!" The pink filly replied.

'Ooooh I so want to stun her.' Thorn thought.

"Yeah, Diamond Tiara's father is the most powerful stallion in Ponyville!" The grey filly added.

"Oh yeah?" Thorn asked sarcastically. "Maybe I should have a word with your father."

"My father is going to make you pay for this!" Diamond Tiara said. "You do not speak to me in such a tone!"

'Did she just threatened me? Oh she did, well protocol says to stun civilians if they threaten you..... Children are civilians as well.' Thorn thought.

"Hey kid?" Thorn asked.

"What is it?" Diamond Tiara asked annoyed.

"Are you tired?" Thorn asked.

"Tired? No why would I be--."

Diamond Tiara was cut of when Thorn fired his blaster, stunning the pink filly. Diamond Tiara fell to the ground with a light thud.

The grey filly looked at her friend in shock. "Diamond!" She shouted.

Thorn shot another stun-bolt, but careful not to hit the grey filly. The grey filly looked up at Thorn, fear filling her eyes.

"Now take your friend and go home!" Thorn ordered.

The grey filly didn't need to be told twice, she grabbed Diamond Tiara and ran away; crying.

Thorn shook his head. He turned around and saw that the white filly was staring at him.

"Too much?" Thorn asked.

The filly responded by tackling Thorn in a hug, the sudden add of weight made Thorn stumble backwards, but luckily he didn't fell over.

"Wow, easy there kid." Thorn said while patting her on the back. "The bullies are gone, they're gone."

The filly sobbed a few times in his chest plate. She looked up at the Commander and smiled.

"Thank you." She said.

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet. 'Mission accomplished.'

He holstered his blasters and gently grabbed the filly and put her down on the ground.

"What are you doing here? Behind the town hall?" Thorn asked.

"I thought I saw my friends, but then out of nowhere Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon grabbed me from behind and dragged me over to here." The white filly replied.

"Why didn't fight back?" Thorn asked.

The filly's ears dropped flat on her head. "I'm not a fighter, I guess I was just.... Scared."

"I couldn't help but overhear your conversation, they said something about you friends backing you up?" Thorn asked.

The filly's ears perked up at his question. "Yeah, my friends Applebloom and Scootaloo."

"And where are they now?" Thorn asked.

The filly began to hum. "Hmmm, I think they're with the rest of my class."

"Class huh, do you know where your class is?" Thorn asked.

"Yeah, we were all supposed to go with Miss Cheerilee to the town hall." The white filly replied.

"Well, you are at town hall." Thorn said.

"Yeah your're right, but I think we were supposed to go in 'front of' the town hall." The white filly said. "Something about a new pony in Ponyville; the Mayor wanted us to meet."

"That 'new pony' would be me." Thorn said.

The white filly looked at Commander Thorn with a confused expression. "But your not a pony."

"I know, I'm a human, clone trooper, designation CC-4254, but you can call me Commander Thorn, or Thorn." Thorn said.

"Clone trooper." The white filly repeated. "My name is Sweetiebelle." Sweetiebelle said.

Commander Thorn bend down and held his hand out. Sweetiebelle looked at his hand before putting her hoof in his palm.

Thorn shook her hoof and got back up. "Well, I am supposed to wait inside for Mayor Mare to give me the all-clear."

"All-clear?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Yes, I am supposed to wait inside until she tells me to come outside, to meet everybody." Thorn replied.

"Ooh, well we're not 'inside' anymore." Sweetiebelle said while looking at the shattered window.

Thorn looked at the mess he had made. 'Yeah, defiantly to much'.

"Well.... Shall we?" Thorn asked.

"Huh?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"I can't just leave you like here, how about you come with me?" Thorn asked.

"Umm, my sister told me not to go with strangers." Sweetiebelle said.

"Your sister?" Thorn asked.

"Yeah, my sister Rarity, she's the owner of Carrousel Boutique." Sweetiebelle replied.

"Rarity is you sister?" Thorn asked. Sweetiebelle nodded in response. "Well it so happens to be; that I know her."

"You do?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Yep, she's been begging me to tell her more about my armor." Thorn said.

"She has huh?" Sweetiebelle asked with a hint of embarrassment.

Thorn chuckled. "Let's go kid. "

Thorn was about to make his way around the town hall, until Sweetiebelle tugged his leg.

"What is it?" Thorn asked.

"Uhm, I think I should go and find my class alone." Sweetiebelle said.

"Are you sure?" Thorn asked.

Sweetiebelle smiled. "Yes, thank you for standing up for me."

Thorn nodded and walked towards the broken window. He grabbed hold of the window and crouched back inside the town hall.

Thorn quickly gor up and ran back towards the front entrance of the town hall. Thorn could already hear Mayor Mare talking.

Everypony, I am happy to introduce you to Commander Thorn!

"Blast!" Thorn said while running towards the door. He could see the door being pushed open. Thorn ran as fast as he could, and before the door was fully opened, he stood back in the exact spot he had been in a few minutes earlier.

Mayor Mare's head popped out of the front entrance. "Go on Commander, they're waiting for you." She said.

Thorn took a deep breath and walked outside, he stepped outside of the door, Mayor Mare being right behind him.

'Wow, that is a lot of ponies.' Thorn thought while looking at all of the ponies in front of him.

He could see all different kinds of colours, from the brightest blue, to the darkest's of red.

Thorn sighed and walked down the stairs, ponies already backing up from his sudden movement.

'This is going great.' Thorn thought sarcastically. Thorn took one more step until he was face to face with a certain grey pegasus.

"Hello." Thorn said politely.

They grey pegasus gasped when she heard him talk. "Whoa, the alien can talk, it can talk Equestrian!" She exclaimed while throwing her hoofs in the air. But she accidentally hit Thorn's helmet, sending him stumbling backwards.

"Ooh Thorn, are you alright?" Mayor Mare asked concerned.

"I'm fine." Thorn replied while shaking his head.

Thorn looked at the pegasus mare who had just hit him, her eyes were filled with fear.

Thorn sighed and walked towards the mare. He stopped when he was in front of her, he held out his hand and spoke up. "Do not be afraid, I'm not angry at you, it was an accident."

The grey mare looked at the clone Commander in surprise, she looked at his strange appendage until she sniffed it a few times.

"Smells weird." She said.

Thorn shook his head. "Thanks."

The mare looked at Thorn before smiling. "My names is Derpy Hooves, a pleasure to meet you Uhm...."

"Thorn, Commander Thorn from The Grand Army of The Republic." Thorn said.

"Wow, that's a long name." The mare said.

"My name is Thorn, or Commander Thorn, nice to meet you Derpy." Thorn said.

"It's nice yo meet you to, sorry about hitting you, I'm just really clumsy." The mare admitted sheepishly.

Thorn chuckled. "That's alright, there's a certain Senator out there who's even worse."

Derpy looked at the Commander confused, but decided not to asked what he meant by that.

"Thanks Thorn, you are a cool alien." Derpy said. "Hey everypony the alien is cool!"

Thorn looked at the crowd of ponies, they had expressions of curiosity, awe, and fear.

"What is it?" One pony asked.

"Is it dangerous?" Another asked.

"No he is not--."

"Why is it here?" Another pony asked, interrupting Mayor Mare.

"Send it back to it's own planet!" One pony shouted.

"Yeah!" All of the others (minus Twilight, her friends, Sweetiebelle, and Mayor Mare) shouted.

"Everypony please calm down!" Mayor Mare shouted.

"Send it back! Send it back! Send it back! Send it back!" All of the ponies shouted.

"Everypony please calm down!" Twilight Sparkle shouted while running towards Thorn. She stopped when she was right beside Thorn.

"Thorn is not a dangerous alien!" Twilight shouted.

All of the ponies went silent when they heard Twilight shout.

"He's not going to hurt anypony, thanks to him; Canterlot was saved from an invasion!" Twilight shouted.

".....What invasion?" A brown stallion asked.

Twilight sighed and began to tell all of the ponies everything, from the Changeling attack to Thorn saving the kingdom. She left out the part of Thorn killing almost every Changeling invader.

"Wait, he did all of that on his own?" A yellow pegasus mare asked.

"Yes, he did all of that to save Equestria." Twilight replied while looking up at Thorn. "He's.... Our friend."

"Yeah! Rainbow Dash said while hovering towards Thorn. "He's the most awesome alien you'll ever meet." Rainbow Dash said while tugging Thorn's shoulder.

"He is a real gentlecolt." Rarity added.

"That fella is that nicest alien y'all ever meet." Applejack said.

"He's the nicest alien ever,and he loves my cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie added.

Thorn looked at the six mares in front of him, mares who were defending him, something only his brothers ever did for him. Why are they standing up for me, I-I don't understand why are they would even consider standing up for me, I was just doing what I was bred for.'

"He's very nice." Fluttershy said.

"How do we know you're not lying?" A light brown pony, with three money bags as a cutie mark asked.

"Filthy Rich." Rainbow Dash said through gritted teeth.

'Filthy Rich? Wasn't that; that little brat's father?' Thorn thought.

"We're not lying!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Yeah right, that alien must have mind controlled you!" Filthy Rich replied.

Thorn clenched his fists. 'That guy is just as bad as his daughter.'

"H-He's not m-mind controlling us." Fluttershy whispered.

"He's probably going to mind control us all!" Filthy Rich exclaimed.

"He's n-not mind controlling u-us." Fluttershy whispered a little louder.

"He's going to take over all of Equestria!" Filthy Rich shouted.

"He's not going to do that." Fluttershy said.

"He's evil!" Filthy Rich shouted.

"He's not evil!" Fluttershy shouted.

To everypony surprise, Fluttershy flew up to Filthy Rich's face.

"And you should be ashamed of yourself, saying that he is a monster." Fluttershy said while looking him in the eye. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

"I-I was j-just--."

"No, you'll see that Thorn isn't the monster you say he is." Fluttershy said. "And now apologise to him."

"I will not--."

"APOLOGISE!" Fluttershy screamed.

Filthy Rich closed his eyes. "Please don't hurt me." He pleaded.

Thorn shook his head. 'Coward.' He thought.

Filthy Rich swallowed his pride and walked through the crowd, he stopped when he was in front of Thorn.

Thorn crossed his arms and lowered his head."Yes?"

"I'm sorry." Filthy Rich said.

'Time to mess with this guy.' Thorn thought.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I didn't quite catch that." Thorn said.

"I'm sorry." Filthy Rich said.

"What was that?" Thorn asked.

"I said I'm sorry." Filthy Rich said.

Thorn bend over and held his hand out. "Alright, I forgive you."

"Your lucky that; that whorse Fluttershy was there to back you up, nex time I see you, you won't be so lucky." Filthy Rich whispered.

Thorn looked at Filthy Rich and smirked underneath his helmet. "Threatening me eh?" Thorn whispered.

"I'm not scared of you, I have powerful friends." Filthy Rich whispered.

"There is an army, millions of clones like me who have fought in many battles and killed many, many things." Thorn whispered while grabbing his hoof and squeezing it tightly. And they are far more powerful than your 'friends' will ever be.

Filthy Rich smirked. "Am supposed to be scared?"

"I don't know." Thorn said. "But I've been killing things for a living, and I could have killed your daughter two minutes ago."

Filthy Rich's eyes widened. "What did you--."

"I stunned her; she's fine, I'm not fond of killing children." Thorn whispered while tightening his grip around his hoof. "But I am fond of killing adults though." Thorn whispered in a grim tone. "Especially adults with an attitude like yours."

Filthy Rich tried to pull his hoof out of his grip, but to no avail.

"You better watch your words, I've killed many, many things. Thorn whispered while letting go of his hoof. "And if your life is precious to you, you better shut your klarking mouth and teach that little brat of yours; one or two things about respecting others."

Filthy Rich gave Thorn an angry glare and walked back to his spot.

"I don't like that guy." Thorn whispered to Rainbow Dash.

"Nopony does." Rainbow Dash replied.

Thorn shook his head and looked at the crowd. "Hello ponies of Ponyville, as I said before, I'm an alien."

A light blue mare raised her hoof.

"Yes?" Thorn asked.

"Are you here to take over the planet?" She asked.

"No I am not." Thorn replied.

Another mare raised her hoof.

"Yes?" Thorn asked.

"Are you a male or female?" She asked.

"I'm a male." Thorn replied.

"Is your entire species as ugly as you?" Filthy Rich asked.

"That's it." Thorn thought while grabbing his blaster. "Ma'am, would you be so kind to take four steps to your right?" Thorn asked.

The mare did as she was asked, behind the mare was Filthy Rich; laughing and snickering while two other stallions joined the laughter.

"Hey!" Thorn shouted while aiming his blaster at Filthy Rich.

Filthy Rich looked at Thorn, still laughing. "W-What?" He asked between laughs.

"Time to go to bed." Thorn said. He pulled the trigger and a stun-bolt shot out of his blaster, stunning Filthy Rich.

Filthy Rich fell to the ground with a lighy thud.

All of the ponies looked at Filthy Rich in shock.

"Is he?" A yellow stallion asked.

"No, he's stunned, a temporary sleep." Thorn replied while holstering his blaster.

"Why d-did you do that?" A orange filly asked.

Thorn looked towards the source of the voice and saw a purple mare, around her were small filly's and colts. 'Hey isn't that Sweetiebelle?' Thorn thought while squinting his eyes. 'Yep that's defiantly Sweetiebelle, and those two must be her friends. Appleboom And Scootaboo, if I'm correct.'


"General, why are we in this orphanage?" Thorn asked.

"These children have lost everything Commander, they are all alone." Kitt Fisto replied. "The least we can do is show them that we mean the no harm."

"But sir, I don't understand why I had to come with you." Thorn said.

"Commander, what is your opinion about children?" Kitt Fisto asked.

"Well, I think they would just get in the way sir, distract you from achieving victory." Thorn replied.

"Really?" Kitt Fisto asked. "Well then it's time to change that opinion."

"Sir what do you--."

"I want you to spend some time in this orphanage, you will see that children will not 'get in the way'." Kitt Fisto replied.

"But sir I don't think that is a good idea, the capital is still under Separatist control." Thorn said.

"The capital will be freed in no time Commander, and after that; the Twileks will be free." Kitt Fisto replied while putting his hand on the Commander's shoulder pad. "I've heard the stories about your past Commander, but remember that it was not your fault."

Thorn looked at the General. "Sir, I don't know if--."

"Commander, just try." Kitt Fisto said.

Thorn sighed and saluted. "Sir yes sir!"

Kitt Fisto smiled. "Good luck Commander."

Thorn watched as the General walked away from him, a clone trooper came running up to him and began to speak. He could see Kitt Fisto nodding.

Thorn sighed and was about to turn around to walk away from he orphanage, but was stopped in his tracks when he felt something tug his hand. He looked down and saw a Twilek girl looking up at him.

"Hello." Thorn said politely.

"Nera?" The Twilek girl asked.

"Uhm... I don't know what you--."

"Nera?" The Twilek girl said.

'Oh blast, she's going to cry.' Thorn thought.

"Nera." The Twilek girl whined.

'Oh come on!' Thorn mentally shouted. Thorn bend over and put his hand on the little girl's shoulder. "Shhh, it's alright." Thorn said soothingly.

The Twilek girl tackled Thorn in a hug and began to cry in his chest.

Thorn (being the hardened clone Commander) didn't know what to do. 'Well here goes my pride.' Thorn thought while gently rubbing his hand on the girls back.

"It's going to be alright, I'm going to make those Separatists pay for what they did." Thorn said.

"Commander!" A clone trooper who was currently running towards the Commander shouted.

Thorn looked at the clone and motioned him to hold his position. The clone slowed down and nodded.

Thorn gently grabbed the girl's shoulders and looked her straight in the eyes. "It's going to be alright, I'm sure of it." Thorn said while reaching behind his ammo belt. "Here, have this." Thorn said while handing her his protein bar. "It might taste like bantha-shit, but it's good for you."

The Twilek girl looked at the protein bar before grabbing it and roughly munching on it.

Thorn couldn't help but feel a sudden warmth going through his body. 'Must be the armor.' Thon thought while getting up.

The clone trooper took this as an all-clear and ran towards the Commander. "Sir!" The trooper said while saluting.

"What is it?" Thorn asked.

"We've gotten word from General Windu, he's almost reached the capital but needs reinforcements." The clone said. "General Fisto has ordered everybody to get on their speeders and prepare to leave."

Thorn nodded. "Let's move."

"Yes sir!" The clone said while turning around and running towards the exit of the orphanage.

Thorn was about to leave until he felt something tugging his leg again. He looked down and saw it was the same Twilek girl.

"Listen kid, I don't have anymore food so you just got--."

Thorn was cut of by the Twilek hugging his leg. Thorn sighed and patted her back.

"Alright kid." Thorn said while gently grabbing her arms. "Gotta go." Thorn said while releasing her arms.

Thorn turned around and ran towards the exit.

"Nera! Nera!" The Twilek girl shouted while waving at the Commander. Thorn waved back at her, but didn't stop running.

Thorn kept on running until he was outside. He walked towards General Fisto. "General!" He said while saluting.

"Commander." Kitt Fisto said while getting on his leg BARC speeder. I'm sorry we had to leave fast, how did your time in the orphanage go?

Thorn got on his speeder. "Good sir, gave a little girl something to eat, she kept calling me Nera or something."

Kitt Fisto chuckled. "Nera? Did she now?"

"Yes sir, is it something bad?" Thorn asked while powering up his speeder.

"No, not at all." Kitt Fisto replied while powering up his speeder as well.

"But what does it mean?" Thorn asked.

"It means: Brother." Kitt Fisto replied.

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet. 'Brother huh?'


'Well, let's see if it goes as well; as it did there.' Thorn thought.

"Excuse me, but could you come over herein for a second?" Thorn asked the orange filly.

"Me?" The orange filly asked while pointing a hoof at herself.

"Yes." Thorn replied. "You and your two friends."

The orange filly looked at her friends before walking through the crowd. Her friends right behind her.

"Excuse me, coming through." She said.

After a few more seconds of pushing, the three fillies were in front of Thorn.

Thorn looked down lowered his head and looked at the fillies. "What was your question again?" Thorn asked the orange filly.

"Uhm I-I asked why you did what you did to Filthy Rich." The orange filly asked.

"When he 'insulted' me, he also insulted all of my brothers, my armor might be different, but underneath it; we all look the same." Thorn replied.

The orange filly looked up at him in awe. "You really stand up for your brothers don't you?"

"Not just my brothers." Thorn said while looking at Sweetiebelle. "Hi Sweetiebelle."

"Hi Thorn." Sweetiebelle replied.

The orange filly's eyes widened. "You know him?" She asked.

"Yep, he stood up for me when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon started to pick on me again." Sweetiebelle replied.

"He did?" The orange filly asked.

"Yes Scootaloo, he did." Sweetiebelle replied with a smile.

"Whoa, so he's you're friend?" The light yellow filly asked.

"... I guess so Applebloom." Sweetiebelle replied.

"Whoa." Applebloom and Scootaloo said in union.

"Well, if he's a friend of you then he's a friend of mine." Scootaloo said while tugging Thorn's leg.

"Y'all look mighty cool mister." Applebloom added.

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet and patted Applebloom's head.

Mayor Mare smiled at the scene and turned her gaze towards the crowd. "Does this look like something a 'big and scary alien' would do?"

She got a few mumbles in response.

"That's what I thought." Mayor Mare said. She pointed her hoof at Thorn, who was currently talking to the three fillies. "He will be treated with respect, you will not treat him as an alien, but as a pony. Am I understood?"

The Mayor got another set of mumbles in response.

"I said am I understood?" The Mayor shouted.

The ponies all nodded in response.

"Good." Mayor Mare said with a smile. "Any further questions can be asked later, Commander Thorn has got a 'task' to complete."

"Really?" Mayor Mare could here Sweetiebelle ask.

"Yep, giant space ships, entire fleets." Thorn replied.

"Whoa." The three fillies said in union.

Mayor Mare smiled and walked over towards Thorn. "Girls, I think the Commander wants to complete his 'task'."

"Task? What task?" Sweetiebelle asked.

Thorn sighed and whispered something into Sweetiebelle's ear.

Sweetiebelle giggled in response. "Watch out for Angel Bunny."

Thorn nodded and got up. "Alright." He said while turning his gaze towards the crowd. "I am going to go with Miss Fluttershy, that would mean I have to walk through Ponyville."

One of the ponies raised his hooves.

"Yes?" Thorn asked.

"You are really not planning on taking over the planet?" He asked.

"No." Thorn replied. "I will not harm any of you unless I am provoked."

The stallion smiled at the Commander. "Then I think I speak for everypony when I say: Welcome to Ponyville!"

The entire crowd began cheering. Chanting Thorn's name.

Thorn chuckled and walked towards Fluttershy. "The animals?" He asked.

Fluttershy's ears perked up at his question. "O-Oh, I thought you wouldn't want to do it because--."

"I always keep my promise." Thorn cut her of.

Fluttershy couldn't help but smile at the Commander. "Follow me please."

Thorn nodded and took one final look at the crowd. He turned around and waved at the ponies. The ponies began cheering even louder.

"Thorn, will we see you again?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Of course." Thorn replied.

Sweetiebelle smiled and hugged his leg. "Thanks 'stranger'."

Thorn patted her on her back and walked towards Fluttershy.

"Are all of the ponies as 'huggable' as she is?" Thorn asked.

Fluttershy smiled at him. "Only when they really trust you, but mostly mares give hugs, stallions just bro-hoof or something like that."

Thorn nodded. "Hey, what about the five of you?" Thorn asked while facing Twilight and her friends.

Twilight smiled at him. "Fluttershy only dared you to help her, not us."

"Yeah, and besides; there will be many more opportunities to humiliate you." Rainbow Dash added.

"Will y'all stop sayin' thangs like that?" Applejack asked while giving Rainbow Dash a jab in the side.

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash shouted while rubbing her side.

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Not so tough as y'all say ya are?"

"Bla, bla, bla." Rainbow Dash replied while sticking her tongue out.

"Y'all act'n like a little filly." Applejack said.

"Fluttershy you better get going, I'd hate to see Thorn get caught between Applejack and Rainbow Dash's argument." Twilight whispered.

Fluttershy nodded and tugged Thorn's leg. "Lets go."

"Wait." Thorn said while running up the stairs and opening the door of the town hall. He opened the door and grabbed his Z6.

'Almost forgot you.' Thorn thought while walking back outside. He walked downstairs until he was in front of Fluttershy.

"Follow me." Fluttershy said while walking down the last set of stairs.

Thorn nodded and followed the yellow mare.

"Watch out for Angel Bunny."/i]

'What's an Angel Bunny?' Thorn thought.


The walk towards Fluttershy's cottage was a quiet one, since most of the ponies were still gathered at the town hall.

During the walk, Thorn got a good look of Ponyville, the town was bigger than he first anticipated, it reminded him of the towns of Naboo.

Eventually they reached a cottage near a forest.

"That's the Everfree forest, don't go in there, dangerous creatures live there." Fluttershy warned.

"I think I can handle them." Thorn said while spinning his Z6.

Fluttershy flinched when he said that. "Now you have to assure me that you will not hurt any of my animal friends."

Thorn nodded. "I promise."

Fluttershy smiled and opened the door of her cottage. "Mommy's home."

Thorn walked inside.

When he saw the inside of the cottage, he dropped his Z6 and spoke up.

"For fierfeks sake!"