• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,145 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Can the future be changed?

Author's Note:

Big thanks to Poeticbrony for editing. Also, I would really appreciate it if you guys would check out my new story: A True Hero. It's a Metal Gear Solid 4 and My Little Pony: Equestria Girls one-shot!

I'll see you all, in the next chapter.


"Send a message to the fleet! We have to warn--gaaah!"


The nameless Clone trooper Sergeant's last words, before being killed by The Commando Droids, who infiltrated the Rishi-moom outpost.


"So, Commander Fox. Echo spat at him. You don't know me, but I know you, I know a lot about you. I've done my research, and found out you are a " By the book" kind of Clone, right?" Echo said.

"Following Republic protocol, is what makes us who we are." Fox spat back at him.

"This man, this so called "Chancellor". He is the one that will lead The Republic into its downfall, he will not end the war; he'll only postpone the end of it. Echo said, looking at The Chancellor with disgust. Rage and hatred filled in his eyes. As an ARC Trooper, my armor was stronger, that is how I survived.. That is how I made it out of that kriffing hole." Echo said.

"What "kriffing hole", are you talking about?" Fox asked while slowly stumbling towards Echo, his stomach still stung; due to the kick in the gut Echo had given.

"The Citadel. A Separatist prison. The most highly guarded one for that matter. I was sent on a mission to rescue Jedi Master Even Piell. The mission went downhill fast. We were compromised and had to re-treat, but we managed to rescue General Piell, along with Admiral Tarkin and other Republic officers. We had a Separatist shuttle, which we had captured, waiting for us at one of the landing bays. But unfortunately, before we were able to get even near the shuttle, we were under enemy fire. Droids and their defense turrets were firing at us. I saw one of the droids man a turret, and it had its optics set on the shuttle. I tried to make my way over to the shuttle, I tried to use its turrets to destroy the enemy turret.. But it was a doomed plan, I was almost inside of the shuttle, but it was destroyed. The explosion send me flying.. And I blacked out." Echo replied.

"That's quite the story, soldier." Fox said. "But that still doesn't explain why you decided to take The Chancellor hostage." He said while crossing his arms.

"Because I overheard things, things that.. I was never meant to hear. General Piell had been killed. I was on The Citadel, my body hurt, but I tried to ignore it. When I awoke, I found out I was on some kind of operation table. Then I saw one of those Tactical droids walk in, with all sorts of tools, and believe me, those tools weren't to patch me up. Echo replied with a sigh. Luckily, I knew how to.. Fake things. So I faked a heart attack." Echo said.

"You faked a heart attack? That has got to be the most idiotic thing, I have ever heard." Fox said, sarcasm clearly present in his voice.

"Well, droids aren't that smart. So they untied my binds and were about to.. Well, whatever they do to you when you have a heart attack. I snapped the droid's neck and got up from the table. Of course, two of those B1's entered the room. I took them out and grabbed the blaster of one of them. That is when the fun started. Now, I am not going into full detail, but I had to run, run fast, and duck, duck many lasers. Luckily, Osi Sobeck, the Citadel's supervisor, had been killed, at least, that's what I heard after I escaped the "operation room". After my risky escape, I was able to hide in one of the Separatists' cargo shuttles. After seizing control of the shuttle, I just put in the coordinates to Republic space.. Not the wisest idea. I was near Ryloth. Apparently, The Separatists still hadn't given up on terms of concurring the planet. I was hit by one of my own brothers, I crashed.. But survived. In case you are wondering what happened to my armor, that's simple, I had none. The droids had removed it, so it was just the usual, tight, body suit. Luckily for me, I crashed in Twi'lek territory, I was quickly surrounded, but helped by the Twi'lek resistance." Echo said.

"And let me guess, you were eventually brought to Republic forces, you explained what happened, and that's how you arrived on Coruscant." Fox said.

"Yes and no, while I was brought to Republic forces, I was still wounded, apparently some of my ribs were broken and I had a slight concussion. I was put on the Venator-class starcruiser Spirit of Justice, and was treated there. What I didn't know, is that they had captured a Separatist representative named: Roka Malisius. He was a Neimoidian, but he was as much a slug like Viceroy Gunray. They checked my designation and serial number on the cruiser. When they found out I was presumed K.I.A, they were quite surprised I proved the opposite. They found out I was part of the 501st Legion. So what do you think they did?"Echo asked.

"I don't know." Fox shrugged, his arms crossed and his eyes narrowing at Echo. Luckily, Echo couldn't see him staring at him, because he still had his helmet on. "They contact General Skywalker and you were recruited back in the 501st?" Fox said.

"Well, General Skywalker was apparently on a rescue mission on Scipio, they didn't tell me any specifics. So, they decided it would be for the best if I was to be returned to Kamino and stay there until General Skywalker returned from his mission." Echo said, a sigh escaping his mouth. "That's when things started going downhill. When we arrived on Kamino, I was instantly taken to the medical bay. The Kaminoans examined me there, and after a couple of hours, I was free to go. That's when my curiosity got the best of me. I asked one of the Kaminoans about my brother, my friend, Fives. They asked fir a specific designation, I told them his designation and serial number."

"What happened next?" Fox asked curiously.

"That's when I received the news, how ARC Trooper fifty five fifty five, was Killed In Action. Now that shocked me, but what I was told next, was what completely blew my mind. They told me how Fives tried to rescue a Clone, but the Clone still died. But that wasn't the only thing, no, what shocked me the most was.. That Fives tried to kill Chancellor Palpatine. But I knew Fives, he would never do something like that!"

"But he did, and he died here. Fox said. I still regret killing him, but I was only doing my duty."

"Yes, but now, finally, I can avenge my brother. Because I know, that what Fives had discovered, had The Chancellor worried." Echo said.

"What do you mean?" Fox asked.

"While I was staying on Kamino, I saw a droid who was about to be escorted to the re-program chamber. I asked the troopers who escorted him why, and they told me he had helped Fives when he was still on Kamino. I needed information, so I told them I could do it. After some talk and taking ranks, they abruptly agreed. I took the droid to the re-program chamber, but instead of him, I--."

"You questioned him." Fox finished.

"Yes, that's when he he told me everything, he told me how he had helped Fives, how they found out that these "micro organic chips" were planted in our genetic code, from the minute we were born. When we were cloned! I asked him what purpose these chips served, but that, he did not know. But eventually, I had to do what had to be done. So I re-program the droid.. For once, just this once, I felt sorry for a droid. He helped my brother, when I told him Fives was killed, it was like he showed the slightest emotion, like he was actually.. Sad. Then, the droid asked me what my name was. I told him my name was Echo. And he told me his name was: AZ-3. And with that, I gained a lot of information, in a short amount of time. Eventually, I decided to follow in my brothers' footsteps, so I left Kamino.. On my own. Not caring about the consequences of my actions." Echo said.

"That still doesn't explain why you decided to assassinate The Chancellor, or how you ended up in that Senate Commando armor." Fox said while walking towards him.

"Because, after arriving on Coruscant, I entered one of them Clone bars, you know, were soldiers who actually see combat, take their time and have fun." Echo spat at Fox. "Anyways, I came across some Troopers of the 501st, I asked them what they knew of ARC Trooper Fives, that's when a Clone came walking up to me. I believe his name was Kix, and he told me that he had spoken to Fives, before he was killed. I kept asking what happened next, but he told me that if I really wanted to know, I should talk to Captain Rex, or General Skywalker.. But as I said before, General Skywalker was on Scipio, and were General Skywalker goes, so does Captain Rex." Echo said.

"Yes, continue." Fox said.

"No, I've already told you enough. The only reason I tried to assassinate The Chancellor was because-- because.. A voice in my head kept telling me to." Echo said.

"A voice in your head? What voice?" Fox asked.

"I don't know!" Echo shouted in frustration. "I kept hearing it, it was driving me crazy!" Echo screamed while grabbing hold of his head in frustration.

"Echo, what did the voice tell you?" Fox asked.

"Ooh, w-what happened?"

"I see you are finally awake." Echo said while walking towards The Chancellor. Grabbing hold of his collar, he dragged him onto his feet and looked him in his eyes.

"Release me at once!" Chancellor Palpatine demanded.

"Quiet!" Echo shouted while punching The Chancellor in his stomach, making him clutch his chest and falling to his knees. He coughed and looked up at Echo. "Why are you doing this?" He asked in fear.

"You know why." Echo said.

"End this! Do it! Strike him down! "

"I-I." Echo stuttered.

"Strike him down! Save the galaxy!"

"Echo, stop!" Fox shouted.


Five minutes earlier...

"We're closing in on the target, be prepared for unwanted combat." Captain Rex said to his superior.

"Thanks Captain Rex, let's go save The Chancellor." Jedi General Anakin Skywalker replied.

As the Republic LAAT Gunship flew through the city of Coruscant, following the track of the stolen transport ship, in which The Chancellor had been taken hostage in. General Skywalker had returned to Coruscant, shortly after the battle of Scipio. He was to return to The Jedi Temple immediately, to report and explain what exactly happened on Scipio. But when he arrived, he received the news of Chancellor Palpatine, his good friend and fatherly figure, being kidnapped by a rogue Senate Commando, and Clone Commander Fox. Not wasting any time, he gathered a squadron of his finest men, including his most trustworthy Clone Captain Rex. And now, we find the General and his squadron of Clones, closing in on their target.

"General." Captain Rex said.

"I know, Rex. I can't believe it either. But it's true." Anakin said with a sigh.

"I can't believe we're at this junk again, thought I'd never have to come back here." Rex said.

"General, we'll be landing within two minutes, I suggest we move in, as fast as we can." A 501st Clone trooper said, grabbing a DC-15s blaster rifle from the ammo crate inside the Gunship.

"Yes trooper, but set weapons to stun, I want these two alive for questioning." Anakin ordered.

"Yes sir." The Clone replied.

"Rex, I'm going to need you on this one, buddy." Anakin said.

"Have I ever let you down?" Rex asked.

"No, not yet. But there's a first time for everything, right?" Anakin joked.

"Perhaps, but not today sir." Rex laughed.

The Gunship soared through the Coruscant streets. Finally reaching the sinister storing bay, the troopers and Skywalker exited the Gunship and ran inside of the cargo bay. Anakin motioned them to be quiet and stay low. Anakin stood behind a set of metal crates, he peeked his head around the crate and saw Clone Commander Fox, and The Senate Commando. The Senate Commando aimed his weapon at The Chancellor. That was their cue.

"Echo, stop!" Fox shouted.

"Take 'em!" Anakin ordered, while activating his lightsaber. The troopers followed their General and aimed their weapons at the two rogue Clones.

Echo, hearing the familiar voice of his former General, instantly grabbed The Chancellor and held his in a head lock, and aimed his weapons' barrel at The Chancellor's back. Picking The Chancellor up, he looked at Fox and motioned him to get behind him.

"Let The Chancellor go!" Anakin ordered.

"General Skywalker, don't you remember me?" Echo asked.

"Release The Chancellor, trooper!" Anakin ordered, slowly moving toward him. Only to stop when Echo fired a plasma round in front of Anakin's feet.

"Stay back!" Echo ordered.

"Calm down, let's talk about this, alright?" Anakin suggested. He de-activated his lightsaber and attached it to his belt. "Men, lower your weapons."

The 501st Clone troopers did as they were told, but with slight hesitation. Finally, Echo moved closer toward Fox.

"Brother, this plan has failed, we need to make a run for our transport." Echo whispered.

"No, I am going to stay here, I am not--."

"Anakin, please, these Clones are going to kill me!" Chancellor Palpatine shouted.

"... Go, I'll cover your back." Fox whispered back, grabbing hold of Echo's blaster. Echo nodded and slowly walked towards Anakin, The Chancellor still in his grasp. That's when Fox fired the blaster, stunning several of the Clones. Anakin grabbed his lightsaber and activated it, but Echo pushed The Chancellor into Anakin, making them fall on the ground.

"Quickly Fox!" Echo shouted while running out of the cargo bay. Fox quickly ran after him. Troopers were firing at Fox, running after him as fast as they could. Fox finally got out of the cargo bay, frantically looking around for Echo and their transport. But there was no Echo, and no transport.

"He left me." Fox said, his head lowered in sadness. Fox heard the 501st troopers shouting, he could hear them closing in on him. Fox wasn't going to escape, at least that's what he thought. Then, out of nowhere, a small, two-manned, green cargo ship came flying towards him. The ship stopped and landed in front of Fox. The cockpit opened, revealing Echo.

"Come on, we're leaving this planet!" Echo shouted.

Fox didn't want to know how, or why, he instantly entered the ship and they took off. Fox took one final glance at the cargo bay they were in. Seeing General Skywalker and some 501st Clone troopers running out of it. Fox simply shook his head and removed his helmet. His heart felt like it could explode any second. The ship flew sky high, finally breaking through the atmosphere of Coruscant.

Fox sighed and cursed himself for doing something this stupid. He looked at Echo.

"Where will we be going?" Fox asked.

"Tatooine." Echo replied, typing in the coordinates for the desert planet.

"Why?" Fox asked.

"Because it's the only place, they'll never suspect us to go. Now sit back, and enjoy the ride." Echo replied.

And so, our Clone troopers set course for Tatooine, not knowing what the future has in store for them....