• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Training didn't prepare me for this

"What you ask, is impossible."

"It is only impossible, because you think so."


Count Dooku hitting his new apprentice Savage Opress with force lightning.


"Oh for fierfeks sake!"

When Fluttershy opened the door of her cottage, Thorn had expected to see a Bantha, or a Hoska, but he didn't expect this. Inside her cottage were animals he had never seen or heard of.

There were these small colorful ones with wings, there were at least ten long animals with no wings or feet, and they made a hissing sound, there were the strange looking feathery things with a long beak; they made some sort of *quak* sound.

There were so many animals here, Thorn never expected her to have this many animals.

"Please come in." Fluttershy said.

Thorn nodded and walked inside, he had to bend over or else he would have bumped his head into the door frame.

Thorn entered the cottage and stood straight. He looked around and saw that all of the animals were eying him curiously.

"Alright, this is Commander Thorn." Fluttershy said whine walking towards her animal friends. "He is a nice pony and he is going to help me; take care of you today."

All of the animals gave her a 'are you serious' look.

"Yes, he is helping me today, so I want all of you to be nice to him ane treat him like you would treat me." Fluttershy said.

All of the animals looked at each other and shrugged. Suddenly they moved with incredible speed towards Thorn and began to 'climb' him.

The birds were sitting on his shoulders, while a ferret had already made it's way up to Thorn's helmet, while the snakes happily wrapped themselves around Thorn's legs.

Fluttershy smiled at the sight. "Ooh Thorn, they like you."

"I've noticed." Thorn replied. "Am I supposed to stand here and wait, until they get tired of using me as their own personal tree?"

Fluttershy smiled. "No, you can go outside and play with the animals, while I clean their nests, refresh their water and make something to eat for them."

Thorn nodded in response. "Alright, time to go outside, so let go of the clone."

The animals gave Thorn a confused look, but didn't let go.

"Umm, let go please?" Thorn asked.

Umm, when the animals did that to me, they stayed like that for one hour." Fluttershy said.

".... Blast." Thorn groaned.

Thorn sighed and began his (uncomfortable) walk towards the outside. The birds were still on his shoulders, so he couldn't move his arms. The snakes around his legs prevented him from taking bigger steps, so he had to take really small steps. And with the ferret still on his helmet, and the fact its tail was swinging in front of Thorn's visor, he couldn't really see where he was going.

"Oh Thorn, watch out for the--."


"Aaaaah." Thorn exclaimed while falling on his back, and because of the sudden blow to his helmet, he dropped his Z6 rotary blaster cannon. The animals reacted quickly and got of Thorn; before he hit the ground

"Oompf." Thorn exclaimed while falling on his back.

"Oh my, Thorn are you ok?" Fluttershy asked concerned, while trotting over to him.

"I'm fine." Thorn said while rubbing his helmet.

Thorn grunted and got up, he grabbed Z6 rotary blaster cannon and shook his head. Thank the Kaminoans for making the helmets stronger.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Fluttershy asked. "You hit your head pretty hard."

"It's fine, the helmet took most of the impact." Thorn replied.

Fluttershy smiled and turned to her animal friends. "That was not nice of you, Thorn could have hurt himself." She said.

"It's alright, I'm just happy you didn't have an Acklay in here, or something else that could have eaten me alive." Thorn said.

"What's an Acklay." Fluttershy asked.

"Big, giant, green beast that will kill anything that moves." Thorn replied.

"Oh... My." Fluttershy said.

"But I'm guessing you don't have those in Equestria." Thorn said.

Fluttershy shook her head. "The only dangerous animals I know of are: Timberwolves, Manticores,Ursa Minors, and Ursa Mayors."

"Never heard of them." Thorn said.

Thorn looked at the animals, who were currently eying him cautiously. He sighed and spoke up. "Do you still want me to go outside?"

"It would be very nice.... If that's ok with you." Fluttershy said.

"Alright, I'll do it." Thorn replied while turning his gaze towards the animals. "But no more climbing."

The animals gave Thorn a confused look, but cautiously walked towards the clone Commander.

Fluttershy smiled. "I'll let you know when I'm finished."

Thorn nodded in response and walked towards the door.

"Oh and Thorn?"" Fluttershy asked.

Thorn stopped in his tracks and turned his head. "Yes?"

"Could you please be careful with your weapon; around my animals?" Fluttershy asked. "I wouldn't know what to do if one of them got hurt, mostly because your weapon is unknown to me and--."

"I'll be careful." Thorn cut her off.

Fluttershy smiled. "Thank you."

Thorn nodded and made his way over towards the door and opened it. Immediately the animals ran through the door, leaving Thorn standing beside the door frame, with a 'you have got to be kidding' expression underneath his helmet.

Thorn sighed and walked out of the door.

Fluttershy watched as he closed the door and stepped outside; she turned around and walked towards her kitchen.

"Alright, let's play." Thorn said while facing the animals.

All of the animals looked at Thorn and shook their heads.

"No playing?" Thorn asked.

The animals nodded.

"*sigh* Well, I don't really know what Fluttershy does with you." Thorn said. 'What am I doing? I'm talking to animals for fierfeks sake.'

Suddenly Thorn felt something tugging his right leg, he lowered his head and saw a small, white, little animal looking upbeat him.

"Oh, hello there little guy." Thorn said while putting his Z6 down. He got on one knee and held his hand out.

The white animal looked at his hand before sniffing it.

"That's right, now there is no need to bite so.... GAAH!" Thorn exclaimed while pulling his hand back. He looked at his index finger, and then at the white animal. "You bit me."

The animal shrugged.

"Watch out for Angel Bunny."

"Angel Bunny, so that must be you eh?" Thorn asked.

Angel crossed his arms and nonchalantly nodded.

"Well, somebody told me to watch out for you." Thorn said while grabbing his DC-17 blaster pistol. "But I think it would be wise if you'd watch out for me." Thorn said while aiming the blaster at Angel. 'I'm not going to kill it, I'm just showing him who's in charge.'

Angel sniffed the blaster a few times, before quickly grabbing it out of Thorn's grasp and hopping away.

"Hey!" Thorn shouted while getting up. T"hat is property of The Grand Army of The Republic, I am hereby forced to arrest.... Oh who am I kidding?" Thorn said while grabbing his Z6 and running after Angel.

'That Bunny is going in the stew when I'm done with it.' Thorn thought while chasing Angel.


It had been five minutes, five minutes of constant running and shouting.

"Blast, how is it possible that such a small animal has that much energy?" Thorn asked himself while chasing Angel.

What Thorn didn't notice; was that Angel Bunny was running towards a certain forest.

'Where is it going now?' Thorn thought.

Suddenly Angel stopped when he was in front of the forest; he turned around and gave Thorn a smug grin.

"Hey!" Thorn shouted. "Don't go in that forest!"

Angel stuck out his tongue and ran into the forest

'He has spirit, I'll give him that.' Thorn thought while watching Angel enter the forest.

Thorn began running towards the forest, he stopped when he was a few meters away from the forest. 'Whatever is in there.' Thorn thought while spinning his Z6. 'I can take it.'

And with that thought, Thorn entered the forest. He began his walk, he walked deeper into the forest, he turned his head and saw Fluttershy's cottage becoming smaller and smaller with every step he took.

Suddenly Thorn saw a bush move, his instincts kicked in and he began to run towards it.

Thorn ran and ran as fast as he could, but when he reached the bush, Angel wasn't in it. Instead there was a small animal, it had wings, a tail with a sharp tip, it had a red sort of mane and it had; what appeared to be paws.

Thorn sighed. 'It was too good to be true anyway.' Thorn thought while turning around.

But what Thorn didn't expect, was that Angel Bunny was right in front of him. "Hey, there you are." Thorn said while getting on one knee.

Angel Bunny eyed the Commander, watching his every move.

"Now, just give me." Thorn said while slowly moving his right hand towards Angel Bunny. "That back!" Thorn quickly said while successfully grabbing his blaster out of Angel Bunny's grasp.

Thorn quickly holstered his blaster and got back up.

Angel was pissed to say the least, not only did his plan to lure Thorn away from his caretaker fail, but Thorn also out smarted him. Angel began kicking Thorn's leg violently.

Angel thought he was hurting him, but Thorn felt (literally) nothing.

"What are you trying to accomplish with that?" Thorn asked sarcastically.

Angel looked up at the clone Commander and gave him an angry glare.

"So I'm guessing you don't like me?" Thorn asked while getting on one knee.

Angel nodded and continued to kick Thorn's leg.

Thorn sighed and gently grabbed Angel.

Angel was caught off guard when he did that, but as soon as he saw Thorn's fingers wrap around his mid-section, he bit as hard as he could.

Thorn expected as such, so he tried his best to ignore the pain. 'I've been through worse pain than this.'

Angel continued to bite Thorn's fingers. But Thorn still didn't let go.

Finally Thorn raised his hand, until Angel was face to face with him.

Angel looked at Thorn's emotionless helmet, seeing only his own reflection in the helmet's visor.

"Now, I want you to calm down." Thorn said.

Angel looked at the clone Commander; fear filled his eyes, who knew what he would do to him?

"Alright, when I put you down, I want you to--."


A loud roar interrupted Thorn, he turned quickly turned around.

"What in blaze’s name is that?!" Thorn asked.

In front of him was a creature he had never seen before, it had four paws, a long tail, wings, and a expression that could only mean one thing: Dinner.

Thorn’s instincts kicked in, he turned around and began to run away from the beast, but was stopped by another beast.

'Great, now there are two.' Thorn thought.

Thorn looked at Angel Bunny, who was currently shaking with fear in his palm. Thorn had to improvise…. He had to improvise fast!

Thorn quickly put Angel Bunny on the ground and removed his helmet; he grabbed Angel and put him in his helmet. 'I hope I don’t break every bone in his body; by doing this.' Thorn thought while throwing his helmet over the beast that had stopped him from escaping.

The Manticores watched as the strange object was thrown away, they didn’t care about that, they only cared about getting rid of the intruder… By any means necessary.

Thorn readied himself and aimed his Z6 at one of the Manticores. 'There’s no point of trying to reason with these things.' Thorn thought while taking a step backward.

The Manticores watched as their ‘prey ‘began to back away, they knew it was scared, they had it right where they wanted it. They both walked closer towards the Commander, with each sep they took, Thorn took a step backwards.

'This is not going to end well.' Thorn thought while watching the Manticore's every movement. Thorn stopped backing up when his back bumped into something; he turned his head and saw that it was a tree. Blast! Thorn shouted.

The Manticore’s mouth were dripping with drool, they were going to enjoy this.

Thorn sighed and aimed his Z6 at one of the Manticores. "Shoosh!" Thorn ordered while shooting a few warning shots at the Manticore.

The Manticore growled and backed away, but the other didn’t. The other Manticore quickly ran towards the Commander, Thorn quickly reacted and rolled away, making the Manticore bump into the tree.

The Manticore shook his head and looked around, trying to find the creature. He stopped when he saw Thorn getting on his feet.

Thorn quickly aimed his Z6 at the Manticore and pulled the trigger. A rain of blue lasers impaled the Manticores body, killing it instantly. The other Manticore looked at the Commander in fear, Thorn aimed his Z6 at the Manticore and shot a few warning shots into the ground in front of it.

"If you don’t want to end up like your friend, I suggest you leave." Thorn said.

The Manticore didn’t take the hint; instead it launched itself towards Thorn.

Thorn sighed and aimed his Z6 at the Manticore. "I’ll see you in hell you--."

"Thorn?! "

"Thorn was interrupted by a familiar voice. Fluttershy!?" Thorn shouted.

The Manticore apparently heard Fluttershy’s voice, because he turned around and began to run towards the source of the new voice he heard.

"Oh no you don’t!" Thorn shouted while pulling the trigger of his Z6.

Lasers chased the Manticore, hitting its right leg, left wing and his back. But the Manticore didn’t stop in its tracks.

'Oh no.' Thorn thought while running after the Manticore. 'I can’t let anything happen to Fluttershy, she trusted me with her animals, I can’t let her down now!'


Fluttershy hummed a happy tone, when it came to preparing food for the animals and cleaning their ‘homes’, she was faster than Rainbow Dash. She had just finished the last bird house when she heard somepony knock on the door.

'Who could that be?' Fluttershy thought while hovering towards the door.

*knock*…….. *knock*

'Wait, pacing between the knocks? That’s something new.' Fluttershy thought while opening the door.

When she had opened the door, she saw nopony.

"Huh? I swear I heard somepony knocking." Fluttershy said wile landing on the ground. Suddenly she felt something tug her front leg, she lowered her head and saw Thorn’s helmet, the only thing that wasn’t right was that the helmet; wasn’t on Thorn’s head.

Fluttershy squeaked and quickly backed away.

The helmet entered the cottage and began to circle around, as if it was trying to look for something. It stopped when it faced Fluttershy. It quickly moved towards Fluttershy, scaring the life out of her.

"P-Please d-don’t hurt me." Fluttershy pleaded.

Fluttershy expected the worst, but was surprised when the helmet began to tug her leg.

Fluttershy cocked an eyebrow; she hesitantly reached for the helmet and pushed it over with her hoof. The helmet rolled over and Fluttershy looked inside of it. She saw nothing but darkness, darkness and….. Angel Bunny?

"Angel, is that you?" Fluttershy asked.

Angel responded by hopping out of the helmet.

Fluttershy embraced Angel in a hug. "Oh Angel, I was already wondering where you were."

Angels pushed himself away from the hug and pointed his paw at Thorn’s helmet.

Fluttershy stared at Thorn’s helmet for a couple of seconds, before understanding what Angel was trying to tell her. "Did something bad happen to Thorn?"

Angel nodded furiously.

"Where is he?" Fluttershy asked concerned, scared that she already knew the answer.

Angel hopped towards a nearby window and pointed his paw at The Everfree Forest.

"Oh.... No." Fluttershy said.

Angel then began to make his way towards the door, when he was in front of the opening; he motioned Fluttershy to follow him.

"I d-don't know i-if we should *squeak*."

Angel rolled his eyes and hopped over towards Fluttershy, he got behind her and began to push against her legs.

"Angel I-I c-can't, I'm just s-so scared." Fluttershy said.

Just then, Fluttershy got a flashback, a flashback that showed how Thorn had saved not only her but also her friend's life.

Fluttershy inhaled deeply and gathered her courage. She flapped her wings and began to fly towards the door.

Angel smiled and hopped after her.

When Fluttershy had reached the outside of her cottage, she saw that the animals Thorn took with him, were all staring towards the direction of the Everfree forest.

Fluttershy flew up to her animal friends and spoke up. "I want all of you to go inside and stay inside."

The animals did as they were told and walked/flew/crawled towards the door.

Fluttershy was about to fly towards The Everfree forest, until she saw Angel hopping towards her.

Fluttershy hovered towards Angel. "Angel, I want you to go inside and make sure that of the animals are safe."

Angel pouted.

"Angel." Fluttershy said with a hint of anger.

Angel accepted his defeat and hopped towards the door.

Fluttershy smiled, but quickly turned around and flew towards The Everfree forest. 'I hope Thorn didn't run into any Timberwolves..... Or Manticores.'


After for what seemed like hours of flying, Fluttershy reached: The Everfree forest.

"This is it". Fluttershy said while walking towards the forest. 'Wait, maybe I should try to call for him first.' Fluttershy thought.

Fluttershy inhaled deeply. "Thorn."


Fluttershy sighed. Maybe a little louder. "Thorn."


Fluttershy sighed and inhaled deeply. "Thorn!"

Fluttershy had hoped that Thorn would have replied, but she only got silence in response.

She sighed and began to walk towards the forest. 'Please let me find him fast.' Fluttershy mentally pleaded. She entered the forest and began to call out Thorn's name.

"Thorn, where are you?" She asked.

"Fluttershy, get out of here!" A faint voice shouted from the distance.

"Thorn?" Fluttershy asked while walking towards the source of the voice.

"Fluttershy, get out of here!" The voice repeated.

"Thorn is that you--."

Fluttershy stopped mid-sentence when she saw something running towards her, something big, something familiar, something--. "Manticore!" Fluttershy shouted.

The Manticore came running towards her at full speed, Fluttershy tried to move, but couldn't get her legs to move, she was frozen in fear.

The Manticore came closer and closer until it was a meter away from Fluttershy.

"N-Nice Manticore, no need for you to--."


Fluttershy squeaked and curled up into a ball, she knew she wasn't going to get out of this alive, her friends weren't there to help her, she was all alone.

"Help m-me." Fluttershy pleaded, tears forming in her eyes.

The Manticores drool dripped in front of Fluttershy, it couldn't kill its last prey, but this one wasn't going to put up much of a fight.

Fluttershy cried out for help, but she heard nopony answer her pleading. "I d-don't w-want to die, I w-want to l-live." Fluttershy whispered.

The Manticore raised its claw, this was going to be fun.

"Hey!" A voice behind the Manticore shouted.

The Manticore turned around and saw the same creature from before.

Thorn looked at the Manticore, rage filling his eyes when he saw Fluttershy's curled up form, she wasn't moving.

"You-You killed her." Thorn said.

The Manticore growled at Thorn.

"You killed her." Thorn said while raising his voice.

The Manticore growled again.

"YOU KILLED HER!" Thorn roared while aiming his Z6 at the Manticore.

The Manticore ran towards Thorn, completely forgetting what he had done to the other Manticore just a few minutes ago.

"Raaagh!" Thorn roared while pulling the trigger. A rain of blue lasers shot out of the Z6, impaling the Manticore in its tracks and making it fall dead on the ground; in front of Thorn's legs.

Thorn breathed heavily and brought up both of his arms, placing the Z6 directly above the Manticore's head. Thorn pulled the trigger and the lasers impaled the Manticore's head, Thorn kept on shooting until the Manticore's head was nothing more but a pulp of flesh, brains, and bones.

"This is for her!" Thorn shouted.

"T-Thorn?" A faint voice asked.

"Fluttershy?" Thorn asked.

"Thorn, i-is it really you?" Fluttershy asked.

Thorn walked over the Manticore's, he walked towards Fluttershy while smiling. 'She's fine.' Thorn thought while looking at Fluttershy. 'Oh no.' Thorn thought, remembering what he had just done. 'That must mean she saw everything.'

Thorn stopped when he was in front of Fluttershy, he got on one knee and spoke up. "Hey, I uh I--."

Thorn was cut off when Fluttershy wrapped her hooves around his neck, her muzzle resting on his shoulder.

Thorn couldn't help but smile, he wrapped his arms around her back and gently stroke it. "Shhhh, it's alright, your safe now." Thorn said comfortingly.

"I thought you were gone forever, o-or worse." Fluttershy cried into his shoulder.

"I'm fine, we're fine." Thorn said.

After a few minutes of comforting the yellow pegasi mare, Thorn finally broke the silence. "Hey, I think we should head back to your home, the animals must be worried sick about you."

Fluttershy gently broke the hug and looked up at Thorn, she saw his scarred face, the face of a hero who not only save her once but twice.

Thorn smiled at her. "Let's get going shall we?"

Fluttershy nodded weakly she couldn't help but notice the dead Manticore. It took all of her strength not to vomit at the sight.

"You know the way right?" Thorn asked sheepishly.

Fluttershy weakly smiled. "Follow me."

Thorn nodded and began to follow her. 'Poor girl is probably going to have nightmares about this.' Thorn thought.


When Fluttershy and Thorn had reached her cottage, Fluttershy insisted that Thorn should lay down in her bed and get some rest.

But every time she insisted, Thorn would decline her offer.

Eventually Fluttershy stopped trying and went on to take care of the animals, while Thorn would help her when she asked him to.

The day went by fast, and eventually Fluttershy and Thorn had finished their work.

"And that's the last bird house." Fluttershy said.

Thorn gave a relieving sigh and sat down on the ground. "I'll double that."

Fluttershy smiled and went into her kitchen, she came out of her kitchen with a bowl of soup, firmly held in her mouth.

She walked up to Thorn. "For you."

Thorn smiled and took the bowl. "Thank you." Thorn said while taking a sip from the soup.

"Don't you want a spoon?" Fluttershy asked.

Thorn respond by taking another sip from his soup.

Fluttershy giggled. "I'll take that as a no."

Thorn couldn't help but laugh at his own silliness.

The laughing went on for a few more seconds until Thorn spoke up.

"It's getting dark." Thorn said.

"It sure is." Fluttershy said while yawning.

Thorn chucked. "Tired?"

Fluttershy nodded.

"Well, where am I supposed to go now?" Thorn asked. "I mean, I don't have anywhere to sleep."

Fluttershy smiled. "Twilight told me that if things got late, you could sleep here."

"I don't want to be a burden." Thorn said.

Fluttershy placed a hoof on his chest plate. "You aren't."

Thorn looked at Fluttershy, he saw a faint shade of pink on her muzzle.

"Are you feeling ok?" Thorn asked.

Fluttershy quickly removed her hoof from the Commander. "I'm f-fine I'll just uh.. Bye!" Fluttershy said while quickly flying out of the room.

Thorn looked at the spot were Fluttershy just stood. 'Looks like I'll be sleeping on the ground.' Thorn thought while walking towards a corner, he positioned himself so he would face the door. He crossed his arms and sighed, he still had the bowl of soup in his hand, he took one bug sip and swallowed it.

'Luckily it wasn't too hot.' Thorn thought while placing the bowl beside him.

Suddenly he saw his he saw his helmet rolling towards him?

"What in the world?" Thorn whispered.

Suddenly the helmet stopped in front of Thorn, what Thorn didn't expect; was Angel Bunny coming out of his helmet.

Thorn grabbed his helmet and placed it beside him.

Angel Bunny watched the Commander, he saw his strange appendage move towards him, he closed his eyes and prepared for the worst..... But felt no pain?

He opened his eyes absent saw that Thorn was patting his head and giving him a soft smile.

"That'a boy." Thorn said. "Now, go to your bed." Thorn said while pointing his finger at a basket.

Angel nodded and hopped towards his basket.

Thorn looked around the room and saw that Fluttershy had forgotten to put out her lanterns. He got up an blew our each one of them

He then walked back to his spot and sat down.

'Well, this day sure was interesting.' Thorn thought, remembering everything that happened not only today, but over the past few days.

A yawn escaped Thorn's mouth.

'Enough thinking.' Thorn thought while crossing his arms and closing his eyes. 'Time for sleep.'

And with that thought, the fearless clone Commander; drifted of to sleep.


It is late at night, everypony was asleep and well, ponies were sleeping peacefully, eventually Thorn had fallen asleep as well.

But in The Everfree forest, a figure known for his merciless hunting, hardened war experience, his desire to kill any threat that crosses his path, awoke with a grunt.

"Where am I?" The figure asked no one in particular.

He got up and checked his surroundings. 'This is defiantly not Kashyyyk.' The figure thought.

He brought his hand up to his helmet and spoke up. "This is RC-1207, Delta's do you read?"

Author's Note:

And that's another chapter!

Sev is in Equestria and is ready to kick ass.

Tell me what you guys think of Sev's appearance and what you like about the story. I'd love to know!

Don't forget to leave a like and comment.

Until the next chapter.
