• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Nopony messes with Sev

"This place gives me the creeps."

"Ah Scorch, nothing is better than a jungle hunt, laying in the bushes, blowing a plasma shot into a hostile's cranium. Hmpf, makes me feel alive."

"..... Alright, now Oh Seven's giving me the creeps."

Sev and Scorch, while sneaking into a Trandoshian slaver camp on Kashyyyk.


"Well that was unexpected." Thorn said while looking at Twilight’s (current) state.

Sev chuckled. "Oops."

"Oh my." Fluttershy said.

"I didn’t think you were that menacing sir." Thorn whispered.

"I’m full of surprises Commander." Sev replied while looking at Twilight. "She isn’t dead right?"

Thorn walked over to Twilight and bend over, he held a hand to her stomach. "Nah, she just fainted."

Sev shook his head. "Civvies."

"Twilight!" Spike exclaimed while running over to her.

"Easy Spike, there’s nothing wrong with her, she just fainted." Thorn said reasurigly, while getting up.

Spike sighed in relief. "Does this always happen when he speaks?" Spike asked while pointing his claw at Sev.

"That depends. "Sev said while walking towards Spike.

"Depends on what?" Spike asked.

"That depends if you're in my line of fire." Sev said while bending over to meet him on eye level.

Spike gulped and held his claw out. "S-Spike."

'Aaand that’s another kid who’s scared of me, I’m on a roll.' Sev thought while grabbing his claw.

"The name’s Sev." Sev said while shaking his claw.

"Seeeeeeeeev." Spike repeated.

"Yeah." Sev said while letting go of his claw.

He looked at Twilight (who was still unconscious) and smirked underneath his helmet.

"Commander, come here for a sec." Sev said.

Thorn nodded and bend over beside Sev. "Yes sir?" He asked.

"Apparently, I don’t make a good first impression on civilians". Sev whispered.

"I haven’t noticed sir." Thorn sarcastically whispered back.

He received a jab in his side; in response.

"And quite frankly, that’s the way I like it." Sev whispered.

"Sir? But why would you ‘not’ want to make a good first impression? Gaining civilian's trust is one of the rules in Republic pro--."

"Republic Protocol is what cost many clones their lives Commander." Sev cut him off. "I’ve never followed any standard Republic Protocol, I make my own protocols."

'What is he thinking?' Thorn thought while looking at Sev. "Disobeying standard protocol will get you court-marshalled sir." Thorn whispered.

Several ignored his comment. "Hey, wake up." Sev said while nudging Twilight’s stomach.

Twilight mumbled in response.

Sev sighed and grabbed his DC17s side arm pistol, aiming it at the ceiling and pulling the trigger four times.

Four blaster shots; shot into the ceiling, making the ponies and Spike jump back in shock.

Twilight her eyes shot open. "Gaah! Who is there?!" She asked, her eyes moving from side to side. They stopped moving when they were locked onto Sev.

Twilight looked at Sev, horror and fear filling her eyes. Is that blood? She thought while taking a good look at his armor.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Sev said while getting up, popping his back while doing so.

Fluttershy flinched at hearing his back pop.

"G-Girls, m-mind telling me who this is?" Twilight asked nervously.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. !This is Sev and he’s part of Delta Squad! You know, the Republic Commando Squad Thorn told us about.?

"Huh?" Twilight replied.

"He’s a clone, like Thorn." Rainbow Dash said casually.

Twilight gave her a confused look. "But he doesn’t even look like Thorn."

"Yes he does." Thorn intertwined. "But he doesn’t like to take his helmet of in public."

Twilight gave Thorn a confused look, she slowly got up, stumbling backwards while doing so.

"Easy there Purple". Sev said while placing his leg behind Twilight, thus preventing her from falling backwards

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said.

"What?" Sev asked.

"Nothing!" Twilight squeaked.

Sev looked at Thorn, who just gave him a shrug.

"Now." Sev said while tugging Twilight with his leg. "I believe you had some questions for us?"

Twilight gave Sev another confused look. "U-Us? Uhm I-I had some questions for Thorn, so I didn’t really prepa--"

"Listen here Purple--."

"Twilight Sparkle." She cut him off.

"You’ll be Twidead if you don’t let me finish." Sev said in his low menacing voice.

Twilight squeaked again.

"Sir, maybe I should do the talking." Thorn suggested while placing his hand on Sev’s shoulder pad.

"Suggestion denied Commander." Sev replied.

"But sir I--."

"Disobeying a superiors command, is against protocol Commander." Sev cut him off.

Thorn was about to reply, but sighed and walked back to his spot instead.

"Now listen here Purple, if you were planning to ask Thorn some questions." Sev said while pointing his finger at Thorn. "Then that’s too bad, because you’ll be answering to me and him instead."

Twilight gulped. "B-But I-I didn’t p-prepare enough questions f-for the both o-of y-you."

"B-But q-quite frankly, I don’t care." Sev replied sarcastically.

'What’s wrong with him?' Thorn thought while watching Sev; scaring Twilight to death with his talk.

"So what’s it going to be?" Sev asked.

Twilight had to fight back tears, never in her life was she so scared as she was now. Not only did he made her faint, but now he’s ordering her around like some kind of slave to.

"I-I could ask S-Spike if h-he would l-like to a-ask you some q-questions, you know t-to get a-all the i-information I need." Twilight managed to say.

"Will Thorn be coming with me?" Sev asked.

Twilight gulped and gathered the last remaining courage she had. "No."

"What did you say?" Sev asked while slowly getting up, his shadow towering over Twilight.

"I said no." Twilight replied while standing her ground. "Thorn spoke highly of you, he told me that Delta Squad was the most courageous, heroic and awesome squad ever."

"Well that’s not really what I—"

"Let her talk Commander." Sev cut him off.

Twilight took a deep breath and continued. "But you don’t fit that description, you are nothing like the ‘Delta Squad’ Thorn told me about."

She had done it, this would make him think twice before trying to order her around.

Sev laughed. "Am I supposed to feel guilty now?" He asked sarcastically.

Twilight’s mouth stood wide agape after hearing that. 'How could he not feel sorry, doesn’t he have feelings?'

"Y-Yes, you should feel guilty, it’s not nice to treat somepony that way." Twilight managed to say.

Sev laughed again. "Listen here Purple, I don’t care about the feelings of others, I don’t care about anyone except my brothers." Sev said while pointing his index finger at Thorn.

"B-But that still doesn’t mean that—"

"I don’t care about your opinion on how I treat others, this is how I’ve been doing it my entire life." Sev said. "Maybe you should man up and grow a spine." Sev said while pointing his index finger at her.

That did it, Twilight couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. She collapsed on the ground for the second time that day and began to cry.

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed while flying over to her.

"Twilight!" Rarity said while trotting over to her.

"Oh my." Fluttershy said while trotting over to her as well.

"Sir, don't you think you are being a little harsh on her?" Thorn asked.

"No Commander, if she wanted to ask us questions, she should have asked the them right here and now." Sev replied.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?!" Spike asked Sev, with an angry expression on his face.

"Commander, we're wasting time here." Sev said.

"Sir, with all due respect, but is this how you treat every civilian?" Thorn asked with a hint of anger.

"I don't like civilians Commander, they get in the way." Sev replied.

Thorn shook his head. "I used to think of them the same way, but that was until General Fisto showed me that I was wrong."

"So, now you've grown fond of them?" Sev asked.

"Sir, these 'civilians' have treated me with nothing but respect, even going so far to give me a place to sleep." Thorn replied.

"They only did that because you saved them." Sev said while crossing his arms. "Think about it, from what you've told me, we ate the first 'aliens' to arrive on this rock."

"Sir, what are you talking about?" Thorn asked.

"What would have happened if you didn't save them? If you failed and died, or mortally wounded, do you still think that they would have treat you with 'respect', as they have now?" Sev asked.

"Y-Yes." Twilight replied to his question.

"What was that?" Sev asked.

"I said: Yes." Twilight repeated while getting up.

"Twilight are you--."

"I'm fine Rarity." Twilight cut her off. "I just *sniff* couldn't handle the pressure."

"And that's also one of the reasons, I don't like civilians." Sev said.

"We would have treated him the same way, as we have done for the past couple of days." Twilight said.

"I don’t believe you Purple." Sev said.

"Hey back off!" Spike said.

"Stay out of this Spike." Twilight ordered.

"But Twilight he—"

"Is leaving this library this instant." Twilight cut him off.

"Again, don’t care." Sev said while turning around and walking towards the exit. "Commander, let’s get going."

"I said you had to leave, Thorn can stay." Twilight said.

"But he’s not." Sev said while opening the door. "Commander, I am ‘ordering’ you to exit this place with me."

"Sir, with all due respect but--."

"Are you disobeying a superior's order Commander?" Sev asked.

"……. Yes sir, I’m sorry; but your way of treating civilians who gave you shelter, is not right." Thorn replied while walking besides Twilight.

"So they gave me shelter, I don’t care about that, I didn’t ask for shelter." Sev replied while walking out of the library." Commander, you should know better, don’t tell me protocol never cost you any men."

And with that, Sev walked out of the library, closing the door behind him. Leaving Thorn standing there, thinking about what he had just said.

'He’s right, I lost many men because of protocols that didn’t make any sense.' Thorn thought while looking at the library door. 'I’m alone here, there are no space ports on this planet, I’m dead; at least I think I’m dead.'

"Well he’s gone, I hope he doesn’t come back." Spike said.

"I don’t know what his problem is, but nopony treats my friend that way." Rarity said.

"To think I made peace with that guy, biggest mistake I ever made." Rainbow Dash added.

"Thorn, why was he so mean all of a sudden?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don’t know, I really don’t." Thorn replied.

"Maybe he was sad about something." Sweetiebelle said.

"Sad? Sad about what?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"I don’t know, maybe because he can’t get back to Delta Squad or something." Sweetiebelle replied.

Fluttershy turned her head and looked at the door. "Sad about not seeing his family." She said.

"What was that Fluttershy?" Thorn asked.

"Maybe he’s sad because he can’t see his family anymore." Fluttershy replied.

"But Thorn is his family too, he’s a clone like him." Rainbow Dash said.

"Uhm but he doesn’t know Thorn." Sweetiebelle said.

"Whatcha mean Sweetiebelle?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"When Sev found us in The Everfree Forest and when we told him about Thorn, he said that he didn’t 'know' Thorn." Sweetiebelle replied.

"I don’t follow." Rainbow Dash said.

"Clones are technically brothers, but every clone has his own personality, his own friends and family." Thorn said, catching the attention of everyone else. "Sev must have had a really strong bond with Delta Squad, just like I had with my men."

"But that still doesn’t explain why he acted as a total jerk against Twilight!" Spike said, receiving nods from everypony else.

"I don’t know why he reacted that way, but you have to understand that we’re dead, there’s no going back for the both of us, maybe he didn’t realize that up until now." Thorn replied.

"But that’s still no reason for him to act like a jerk." Spike said.

"Well, Twilight was being a ‘jerk’ to him too." Thorn said.

"But I didn’t do anything wrong." Twilight said.

"Sev asked you, if you could ask the questions to the both of us at the same time." Thorn said while crossing his arms. "Why didn’t you just say yes?"

"B-Because….." Twilight trailed of.

"Because of what?" Thorn asked.

"Because… Of… his… Voice." Twilight replied.

"His voice? What’s that supposed to mean?" Thorn asked.

"His voice was what made me faint! Twilight admitted. "I was scared when I saw him, his armor looked like it had blood all over it and his voice was just so low and menacing."

"I can’t believe it." Thorn said. "Just because you were scared of his voice, you said no?"

Twilight fondled with her hooves. "W-Well….. Yes."

"And why didn’t you just tell him?" Thorn asked.

"Because I was scared of what he might do to me." Twilight said while looking at her friends. "And I bet I wasn’t the only one."

Thorn looked at Rarity and the others. "Are you girls scared of Sev, just because of his voice?" Thorn asked with a hint of anger.

"Well his voice made me rather…. Uncomfortable when I first met him." Rarity replied.

"I was scared too." Fluttershy admitted while lowering her head. "Like I always am."

"When I heard his voice for the first time, I thought he was a big dragon." Sweetiebelle said.

"I thought his voice was pretty cool at the beginning, but when he threatened me, you bet your flank I was scared." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well, I was pretty scared to of what he might do, I’m still surprised that I didn’t faint right on the spot." Spike said.

"I can’t believe it." Thorn said. "I disobeyed his order, just because the six of you were too scared of his voice."

"Well it was his own fault too!" Twilight said.

"Yeah, he acted like a jerk to Twilight for no reason!" Rainbow Dash added.

"Well from what he has told me, you." Thorn said while pointing his index finger at Rainbow Dash. "Attacked him just because he made fun of you."

"He called me a boy!" Rainbow Dash said.

"And don’t forget he saved your life." Thorn said while pointing his finger at Sweetiebelle.

"I-I know that but --."

"And now he’s gone; to Kamino knows where." Thorn said.

The room went silent, no one said a thing.

After two minutes of total silence, Fluttershy slowly walked towards the exit of the library.

"Fluttershy, where are you going?" Twilight asked.

"I-I’m going to look for Sev and apologize." She replied.

"But why?" Twilight asked while walking up to her. "You didn’t do anything wrong."

"Yes I did, I didn’t know who he was and I already thought of him as mean and scary." Fluttershy replied.

"But he is mean and scary!" Spike said.

"Spike!" Rarity exclaimed while holding a hoof to her mouth.

"No, I misjudged him, we all did and I’m going to find him and say I’m sorry." Fluttershy said while opening the door.

"But what if he gets angry on you too, or worse." Twilight pleaded.

"Then I will not judge him for it, he has all reason to be angry at us." Fluttershy replied.

Before Twilight could argue with her, she flew out of the door, leaving Twilight standing at the doorframe.

"Well that escalated quickly." Rainbow Dash said.

"I’m going after her." Thorn said while walking towards the door.

"No you’re not." Twilight said while standing in front of him, closing the door and locking it with her magic.

"Twilight, open this door or Fluttershy will be the least of your worries." Thorn said.

Twilight gulped. "N-No, I’m sure Fluttershy can take care of herself."

"Have you seen how shy she is?" Thorn asked sarcastically.

"Yes, but when she or her friends are in danger, she can and will stand up for herself." Twilight replied.

Thorn sighed. "I am putting my trust in your hands Twilight, don’t waste it."

Twilight nodded. "Please sit down so we can begin the questioning." Twilight said while pointing at her study table.

Thorn sighed and walked over towards the table.

'Sev, please don’t kill anybody, I’d hate to see the citizens wet themselves by your doing.' Thorn thought.


As Sev walked through Ponyville, thinking about what happened a few minutes ago, he couldn’t but to smile a bit.

'Scared of my voice.' Sev thought while walking past Ponyville town hall.

Yep, Sev overheard their entire conversation, when he heard them saying they were scared of his voice he smirked. Good, they should be scared, that’s what I want people to feel when they lay eyes on me, I want them to be frightened.

"Mommy, look it’s the alien!" A young brown Pegasus colt said while pointing his hoof at Sev.

The blue Pegasus mother smiled. "Yes, that’s the alien. Do you want to say hello?"

"I-I don’t know mom, what if the alien doesn’t want to?" The colt asked.

Sev smiled underneath his helmet. 'That's something that will always cheer me up.' Sev thought while giving the colt a small wave.

"Looks like it does want to talk." The mother said to her son.

'I don't care of children are civilians, children are the next generation, just like the clone cadets.' Sev thought while walking towards the colt and his mother.

"Mommy, it's coming." The colt said while tugging her leg.

The mother smiled. "Yes, but remember what it told us yesterday?" The mother asked.

"N-Not really." The colt replied.

"That it wouldn't hurt anypony, now go ans talk to him." The mother said reassuringly.

Sev walked closer towards the colt, smiling the entire way.

"Hi Mister alien." The colt swid while waving at him.

"Hi." Sev replied politely.

"So, what's it like being an alien?" The colt asked.

"Well, it feels normal I guess." Sev replied.

"Cooooool.* The colt said in awe.

"What's it like being a pony?" Sev asked.

"Feels normal." the colt said.

"Cooooool." Sev said while mimicking the colt's previous reply.

The colt giggled. "Your funny."

Sev bend down and patted the colt on his head. "You're a good kid, never let anyone change that."

The colt smiled again. "I won't mister."

Sev smiled underneath his helmet and stood back up.

"That was really nice of you." The mother said while giving her son a nuzzle in his cheek.

The colt pushed his mother away. "Mom, not when the alien is around."

Sev chuckled. "Don't worry kid, I won't tell anyone."

The colt gave him a nod.

"Oh look who it is." A masculine voice said from behind the mother and colt.

Sev looked at the source of the voice and saw a brown pony with money bags on his rear, with him were two other ponies, probably males as well.

The mother turned her head. "Filthy Rich." She sneered.

"Well well, looks like I finally found you." Filthy Rich said while walking towards the mother.

The two stallions followed him.

"Filthy, I have already told you: I'm not interested." The mother said.

"Oh, just because your husband decided he'd dump you for some other mare, made you think I wouldn't try and get a shot at you?" Filthy Rich asked mockingly.

"Go away Filthy, my colt's here." The mother said.

"Yeah, but who's child is it?" Filthy Rich asked sarcastically. "I mean, you've probably bucked so many stallions, who knows who's the father."

"Filthy, I am warning you. "The mother said while walking towards him, leaving her son standing with Sev.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" Filthy Rich asked while motioning to the other two stallions. "Because I'm not."

Before the mother could react, the two stallions pinned her down on the ground, making her scream out in pain.

"S-Stop it!" The mother pleaded.

"No." Filthy Rich replied while rubbing her cheeks. "I think I'm going to bring you over to my place."

"Leave me alone!" The mother ordered.

"Shut it!" Filthy Rich said while smacking her cheek.

The mother began to cry, this was too much for her to handle.

"Mommy!" The colt shouted while trotting over to her.

"Stay back kid!" One of the stallions ordered while smacking the colt in his face, sending him flying backwards.

Sev watched the scene, he was already pissed at Twilight and her friends, but this just made him more angry. And when Sev gets angry, people get hurt.

Sev clenched hiw fists and walked towards the two stallions.

Filthy Rich apparently saw him coming. "Oh look, it's the alien, what are you going to do?" He asked mockingly.

Sev said nothing and continued walking.

"Well don't think your fancy tricks are going to work this time." Filthy Rich said while pointing his hoof at one of the stallions. "My buddy over here is a Unicorn, meaning he can hurt you, a lot."

Sev didn't reply and kept on walking. He stopped when he was in front of the two stallions.

"I'm not even going to ask." Sev said while kicking the Unicorn stallion in his face, sending him flying into a nearby trash can.

Filthy Rich's eyes widened after seeing this.

What are you waiting for?! He asked the other stallion. "Go get him!"

The stallion nodded and let go of the mother, he turned around and ran straight towards Sev.

Sev waited until the stallion was almost near him. He turned 90 degrees and lifted his right leg up.

The stallion reacted to late and ran straight passed Sev.

Sev brought his leg down on the stallion's back, feeling the bones crunch underneath his boot.

The stallion was smashed into the ground, Sev twisted his foot a few times on the stallion's back, receiving screams from the stallion.

Sev lifted his leg up and brought it down on the stallion's face, knocking him out cold.

Sev looked at Filthy Rich, who was now walking backwards.

Sev slowly walked towards him, his boots making clopping sounds while sounds while doing so.

Filthy Rich quickened his pace and walked back faster.

Sev grabbed his DC17m and attached his sniper attachment.

'I really need to kill something.' Sev thought while aiming his blaster at Filthy Rich.

Filthy Rich turned around and started running away.

'I really want to kill something.' Sev thought while looking through his scope.

Filthy Rich ran as fast as his legs could carry him.

'I really have to kill something.' Sev thought while bringing his finger to the trigger.

Sev inhaled deeply. "Down you go." Sev said.

"Stop!" A feminine voice shouted from behind Sev.

Sev sighed and turned around.

"Yellow, you better have to good reason for making my kill get away." Sev said.

Fluttershy looked up at Sev. "I saw everything, I was watching when you talked to that colt, watching when you *gulp* took care of Filthy Rich and his friends."

Sev turned around and attached his weapon to his belt. He saw that the mother had already made her way over to the colt, hugging him tightly while crying.

Sev walked towards the mother and spoke up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

The mother looked up at him with teary eyes and nodded.

"You should probably head home." Sev suggested.

The mother nodded again and tugged her son.

The colt slowly got up, his legs shaking little.

The mother supported her son by holding her hoof around him, careful not to hurt him.

The mother and colt slowly made their way over to Sev.

"Is he ok?" Sev asked.

The mother nodded. "Thanks to you."

"It's nothing ma'am." Sev replied. "I needed to let my anger out on someone anyway."

The mother weakly smiled and gave and motioned Sev to bend over.

Sev did so and got on one knee. "Yes?" He asked.

The mother gave him a kiss on his helmet and walked past him, careful not to hurt her son.

'What the?' Sev thought while processing what had just happened. 'Why'd she do that? It doesn't make any sense.'

"Sev are you ok?" Fluttershy asked concerned.

"I d-don't know." Sev replied while getting up. "Nothing like that has ever happened to me before."

Fluttershy smiled at him. "She's just showing you how thankful she is."

"Did this happen to Thorn too, when he saved the kingdom?" Sev asked.

"No, not that I know of." Fluttershy replied.

"Why did you follow me?" Sev asked while looking at Fluttershy.

"I followed you b-because I wanted to say: I'm sorry." Fluttershy replied.

"Sorry about what?" Sev asked.

"Sorry for not looking at things from your perspective." Fluttershy replied while lowering her head.

"My perspective?" Sev asked.

"Yes." Fluttershy said while looking up at him. "You’re alone here, well not really ‘alone’ but you get what I mean." Fluttershy said.

Sev nodded. "Continue and make it quick."

Fluttershy sighed. I" thought you were just being mean and unreasonable to Twilight, but it was kind of her own fault too."

"Really?" Sev asked. "Or was it because you were all too scared of my voice?"

Fluttershy winced. "I-I’m really sorry about that, but I can’t help it, your voice is just so low and scary."

"That’s the way my voice is meant to sound, enemies will crawl back in fear because of it." Sev replied.

"But why do you insist on scaring them?" Fluttershy asked.

Sev sighed. "That’s something I’d rather keep to myself." Sev replied.

"B-But if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you, how am I supposed to help you then?" Fluttershy asked.

"Help me?" Sev asked confused.

"Yes, help you become a better person." Fluttershy replied.

"Trust me Yellow, many others have tried, they all failed." Sev said.

Fluttershy wasn’t about to take no, for an answer.

"But I can, I’m sure if you would just try to be a little nicer than--."

"Hey bucker!" A masculine voice shouted from behind Sev.

Sev turned around and saw that the Unicorn stallion who he had kicked before, had gotten up and was now aiming his horn at him.

"Yellow, close your eyes and cover your ears." Sev said.

"Why?" Fluttershy asked.

"Just do it!" Sev ordered.

"No." Fluttershy said.

"This is not a discussion Yellow, cover your ears and close you klarking eyes!" Sev ordered.

"No, because I saw what you did to that stallion." Fluttershy said while pointing her hoof at the unconscious stallion.

"I warned you." Sev said while grabbing his DC17m.

"Oh no you don’t!" The Unicorn shouted while shooting a bolt of magic at Sev.

Sev stood his ground and let the bolt hit him, the bolt bounced of his armor and hit a nearby building.

If you’re wondering where all of the other ponies where, they all ran away in fear when they saw Sev almost beating that stallion to death.

"Sev please don’t hurt him!" Fluttershy pleaded.

Sev didn’t listen and aimed his DC17m at the Unicorn.

The Unicorn shot another bolt of magic at Sev, Sev stepped aside and the bolt went right past him.

'Finally I get to kill something.' Sev said while bringing his finger to the trigger.

"Oooh, m-my wing."

Sev sighed and turned around on last time. "Yellow, I told you to…. Oh blast."

When Sev had turned around, he expected to get another plead from Fluttershy, but what he saw, made him slightly worry about her.

Apparently, the bolt of magic that Sev had dodged, hit her in her right wing.

'That’s gotta be broken.' Sev thought while looking at Flutterhsy’s wing.

He turned around and saw that the Unicorn had already ran away. Sev had lost his kill, something that never happened to him before.

He shook his head and attached his DC17m back to his ammo belt.

Hey bend over and gently touched Flutterhsy’s wing, making her wince in pain.

"Yellow, can you move your wing for me?" Sev asked.

Fluttershy looked at Sev with teary eyes, she tried to move her wing; but to no avail.

Fluttershy shook her head. "N-No, I-I think my wing is b-broken."

Sev reached for his belt and grabbed a syringe, he gently grabbed Flutterhsy’s head and inserted the syringe into her neck.

Fluttershy winced in pain.

"W-What d-did you do?" She asked.

"I gave you some bacta, it’ll ease the pain; but you still need to go to a medical bay to get your wing treated." Sev replied.

Fluttershy slowly nodded. She tried to get up but the pain was still too much, making her collapse on the ground.

"I-I can’t w-walk o-or fly." Fluttershy sobbed.

Sev sighed and gently picked her up.

"W-What are you doing?" Fluttershy asked frightened.

"Do you know the way back to that tree house thing?" Sev asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes I do, but Ponyville Hospital is j-just around the corner, w-we could go there and--."

"Yellow." Sev interrupted her.

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked.

"You talk too much." Sev replied.

Fluttershy blushed. "S-Sorry, but do you know the way t-to the aaaaah!"

"What’s wrong?" Sev asked with a hint of concern.

"My w-wing, I can’t feel my wing anymore." Fluttershy replied while breathing heavily

"That’s just the bacta kicking in." Sev said. "Strange, normally bacta kicks in five minutes after insertion."

"Sev, am I supposed to feel this tired?" Fluttershy asked.

"Tired?" Sev asked confused.

"I *yawn* feel really *yawn* tired all of a sudden." Fluttershy said while closing her eyes.

"Hey hey." Sev said while tapping her on her head. "You have to stay awake, don’t fall asleep."

Sev got no response, Fluttershy had already fallen asleep in his arms.

"Blast!" Sev shouted. "Is this some kind of crazy side-effect from the bacta I gave her?"

Sev sighed and started running . 'I don’t know where I’m going, but I need to find that hospital.' Sev thought.

After a minute of running, he finally came across some ponies.

"Hey look it’s the alien!" One of the ponies said while pointing her hoof at Sev.

Sev ran towards them. "Ponyville Hospital, where is it?" Sev asked.

"Why would you want to go there?" The pony asked confused.

"To get dinner, why do you think I would want to go to a hospital?!" Sev asked angrily.

"Whoa, t-the hospital is just a few meters from here, keep going straight ahead and you’ll see it eventually." The pony replied while pointing her hoof at the direction Sev was supposed to go.

Sev gave a quick nod and ran towards the hospital.

'Just hang in there Yellow.' Sev thought while taking a quick look at Fluttershy.


Inside Ponyville Hospital, Nurse Redheart and Nurse Tenderheart were talking with each other, about patients, the weather and a certain bipedal figure.

"So what do you think of the alien?" Redheart asked.

"I think he’s….. Intimidating to say the least." Tenderheart replied.

"Yeah, I mean have you heard what he did to Filthy Rich?" Redheart asked.

"Yeah, I’ve heard he tried to eat him alive." Tenderheart replied.

"Really?" Redheart asked confused. "I heard he tried to kill him."

Tenderheart shrugged. "I don’t know which one is true, but what do know is that--."

"I need a medic over here!" A low masculine voice shouted.

Nurse Redheart and Tenderheart both turned their heads.

"It’s the a-alien." Tenderheart said.

"I-I know right?" Redheart asked nervously.

"Well, I guess we better greet him." Tenderheart said while walking towards Sev.

Sev watched as a blue pony with a cross on its rear made its way over to him.

"Welcome to the Ponyville Hospital." She said with a smile. "How can I help you….. Oh my." Nurse Tenderheart said while holding a hoof to her mouth.

"This one got hit by some sort of bolt, I gave her some bacta, buts eh fell asleep afterwards." Sev said.

Redheart, get me a stretcher now! And get Doctor Horse, tell him it's an urgency, tell him it’s one of The Elements of Harmony!

Redheart nodded and began to run as fast as she can.

Tenderheart looked at Fluttershy with a compassionate look.

"What happened to her?" She asked concerned.

"Somepony shot a bolt of electricity at me, I dodged it but she took the hit." Sev replied.

"A pony shot magic at you?" Tenderheart asked.

'Magic? Are you kidding?' Sev thought.

"Yes." Sev replied.

"Oh my, what happened next?" Tenderheart asked.

"Well, let’s just say you have to prepare another stretcher." Sev replied.

"….. I…. understand." Tenderheart said.

"There it is Doctor!" Nurse Redheart said.

Sev looked towards the source of the voices and saw two ponies that were running towards him. One was white with red hair and had a tattoo of a red medical cross on her rear and the other was light brown and appeared to be wearing Doctor’s clothes.

Doctor Horse and Nurse Redheart stopped when they were in front on Sev.

"Quickly! Put her on this stretcher!" Doctor Horse ordered.

Sev nodded and gently placed Fluttershy on the stretcher.

"How long has she been asleep?" Doctor Horse asked while inspecting Fluttershy.

About four minutes or so, I gave her bacta so her wing wouldn’t hurt anymore, I guess the bacta’s side effect was that she fell asleep after the insertion. Sev replied.

Doctor Horse nodded. "Nurse Tenderheart, please make sure that the alien has a pleasant stay here; while we take care of Miss Fluttershy."

Tenderheart nodded. "Please follow me sir."

"I'd rather not ma'am, I don't really like hospitals." Sev replied.

Nurse Tenderheart shook her head. "Sir, you will have to wait until the Doctor has fished treating her."

Sev sighed. "Can't I just leave the rest to you?"

Tenderheart shook her head again. "No, since you were the one to bring her here in the first place, she's you responsibility."

"That's not--."

"But she is, since there is no family member around to take care of her after her treatment." Tenderheart cut Sev off.

Sev mentally groaned. "But I don't even know her, I just helped get here."

Tenderheart smiled. "Then you are a good stallion for doing that, you can wait in here." Tenderheart said while opening a door.

Sev sighed and walked through.

"You better tell the doc that he had two hours, after that: I'm gone." Sev said.

Tenderheart nodded. "I will, please stay in this room, I can get you something to drink if you want."

Sev shook his head. "Two hours." Sev said while closing the door.

Tenderheart gave the door a confused look and turned around. 'That voice of his almost made me run away in fear.' Tenderheart thought while walking towards the front desk.

As Sev entered the room, he saw that he was not alone, a grey filly with a blond mane was playing with her plushie.

Sev walked towards the corner of the room, he grabbed his DC17m and DC17s side arm pistol and sat down on the ground.

'Might as well clean my rifle to pass the time.' Sev thought while detaching his sniper attachment.

Sev grabbed his anti-armor attachment and blaster attachment from his belt. He set them down in front of him and began to count his ammunition.

'Let’s see, I’ve got four Thermal detonators, four Electronics Counter Detonators, four Sonic Detonators and four Concussion grenades.' Sev thought while laying the grenades in front of him.

'I’ve got about twenty clips for my sniper attachment, eight anti-armor grenades, I think I have forty clips for my blaster attachment in my backpack and I still have my trusty side arm.'

"Whoa, what kind of toys are those?"

Sev looked up from his weapon arsenal and saw that the grey filly was now eyeing him curiously.

"These are adult toys kid." Sev said while putting all of the grenades and ammunition back in his backpack.

"Hey I know you." The filly said.

"I doubt that." Sev replied.

The filly smiled. "You’re the alien, I saw you a few days ago, but you look different now."

"That’s because I’m another alien, the alien you saw a few days ago was probably Commander Thorn." Sev said.

The filly gave Sev a confused look. "So there are two aliens in Ponyville?"

Sev nodded. "Yep."

"Whoa, that’s so cool!" The filly exclaimed.

"What are you doing in the hospital?" Sev asked.

"My mommy had a flying accident and she sprained her wing." The filly replied.

The filly gave Sev a curious look. "Mister alien?"

"Yes?" Sev asked.

"Why are you in the hospital?" The filly asked.

"Someone got hurt, I brought her here, end of story." Sev replied.

"What happened?" The filly asked.

"Nothing." Sev replied while attaching his blaster attachment to his DC17m.

"But if nothing happened, why are you in the hospital?" The filly asked confused.

"Hasn’t your mother ever taught you not to stick your nose into peoples personal business?" Sev asked with a hint of annoyance.

The filly’s ears dropped flat on her head. "S-Sorry, but it’s really boring in here and my mom was supposed to get me when she was done, but knowing my mom; she probably made her situation worse."

"Why’s that?" Sev asked.

"My mommy has bad luck." The filly replied.

"So? Everybody has some bad luck." Sev said.

"Well, my mommy has bad luck every day." The filly replied.

"Oh, that’s…. No fun I guess." Sev said.

The filly sighed. "You have no idea."

"Dinky!" A voice said.

Sev turned his head towards the door and saw a grey Pegasus standing in the doorframe, she had blond hair (the same as the filly) and she had bubbles on her rear.

"What’s wrong with her eyes?" Sev thought while watching the mare walk to the filly.

"Hi mommy!" The filly said while hugging her.

"Dinky, I’m so sorry to keep you waiting, but things got complicated." The mother said.

"Complicated?" The filly asked.

"Let’s just say Doctor is in need of a Doctor now." The mother replied.

The filly winced. "Ouch, sounds like he had it rough."

The mother gave her a cheeky smile. "Well, the Doctor said I can’t use my wing for two days, so unfortunately I’ll have to ask somepony to take over my shifts."

"But that would mean we get to spend some more time together!" The filly exclaimed while hugging her.

The mother smiled. "Dinky, you can be so adorable at time you know that?"

'Blegh, mothers.' Sev thought while watching the mother and filly. 'Never liked them, not that I had one…. Well aside from the Kaminoans, but I never really saw them a s a motherly figure….. They kinda creeped me out actually, those big eyes; like they were staring into your very soul. '

"Hey mommy, look who I met today." The filly said while looking at Sev.

The mother looked at Sev. "Whoa, you met the alien." She said happily.

"Yep, I’m the first one to meet him." The filly said.

The mother gave her daughter hug. "Really? That’s great, always trying to make new friends."

"Mom, the alien is watching." The filly said ashamed.

"Well maybe the alien wants a hug to?" The mother asked.

"No thank you." Sev replied. "I’m not too fond of hugs, or any physical contact with people I don’t know or like."

"So you don’t like us?" The filly asked sadly.

"I…. never said that, but I don’t know you." Sev replied.

"Well my name is Dinky Hooves and this is my mommy Derpy Hooves." Dinky said.

Sev nodded.

"Soooo, what’s your name?" Dinky asked.

"The name is Sev." Sev replied.

"Well it was nice meeting you Mister Sev." Derpy said while grabbing a hold of her daughter. "But we need to get going, it was nice meeting you and I hope we see each other soon." Derpy said with a smile.

"Yeah, maybe we could." Sev Said.

Derpy nodded and turned to her daughter. "How about we get some ice cream?"

Dinky’s ears perked up. "Yes! Oh yes please!"

Derpy giggled. "Well let’s go!" She said while grabbing a hold of Dinky and running out of the room.

"Bye Mister Sev!" Dinky said before being dragged out of the room.

"Later kid." Sev replied. but he was sure Dinky couldn’t hear him anymore.

Sev sighed and leaned against the wall.

'This sure was one strange day, first the little ‘scene’ with Purple and now I’m in the hospital with Yellow, a strange day it is.'

"Hey Sev don’t you ever get tired of this?" A question echoed in his mind.

'Scorch, you have no idea.'


Two hours later.........

"Sev?" A sweet, caring voice asked.

Sev recognized that voice and turned his head. "Good to see you’re still alive Yellow." He said while watching Fluttershy walk into the room.

"Uhm, I-I want t-to thank you for taking care o-of me." Fluttershy said.

Sev waved his hand in a dismissive manner. "Don’t mention it Yellow, but try not to get shot again."

Fluttershy smiled and looked at her (now) bandaged wing. "The Doctor said it was indeed broken, I’m afraid I won’t be able to fly for two weeks."

Sev got up and popped his back. "Flying is easy, landing is hard."

Fluttershy weakly nodded. "What was that you gave me a few hours ago?" Fluttershy asked.

"Bacta, it is used to ease the pain when a clone gets hurt on the battlefield, but if a clone gets severely injured, he’ll have to spend a few days in a bacta tank." Sev replied.

"Oh, does it always make you sleepy?" Fluttershy asked.

Sev shrugged. "Never did with me, maybe it’s a side effect."

"Well whatever it was, it took the Doctor at least an hour to wake me up." Fluttershy said.

"I was already wondering why it was taking so long." Sev remarked.

Fluttershy walked towards Sev and hugged his leg. "Thank you so much, I don’t know what would have happened if you didn’t help me."

Sev rolled his eyes underneath his helmet. "What is it with these creatures and hugs?" He asked himself.

"T-The nurses told me I could go home, but that I needed to rest and try not to use my wing." Fluttershy said.

"Well safe trip." Sev said while walking towards the door.

"Wait." Fluttershy said.

Sev stopped and turned around. "What is it now?"

"M-My legs are still a bit sleepy so I was wondering if you could uhm, if you don’t mind uhm……"

Sev sighed and picked her up.

"If you tell anyone…. Well you know what will happen." Sev warned.

Fluttershy gulped and nodded.

"Good." Sev said while opening the door with his left hand. "Where to now?"

"Uhm y-you have to go to the reception and sign some papers and--."

"Not really a big fan of paper work." Sev cut her off while walking towards the exit.

"But you--but you can’t-- *squeak*."

Sev walked to the exit and out of the hospital.

"So where to now?" Sev asked.

"Uhm, t-the others must be worried sick about me, we should probably head back to the library." Fluttershy replied.

Sev sighed. "The library it is then."


"So wait, you’re telling me that Jango Fett is technically your 'father'?" Twilight asked.

"For the last time Twilight: Yes." Thorn replied annoyed.

For the last couple of hours, Twilight had been bombarding him with questions about: His origins, the war and basically anything she could come up with. And if she didn’t know what to ask, that’s when the others got their opportunity.

'I am getting sick and tired of the questions.' Thorn thought.

"So what exactly is a bounty hunter?" Twilight asked.

Thorn groaned. "Can we take a break?"

Twilight tapped her chin. "Hmmm, a five minute break could be arranged, but we will need to continue the questioning afterwards.

"Twilight I am getting kind of tired of your--."

*knock* *knock*

"Huh? Who could that be, and at this time of the day". Twilight said while walking towards the door.

"Who’s there?" She asked.

"Purple, open this door, I’ve got Yellow with me and her wing is broken." Sev replied.

"Her wing is broken?!" Twilight exclaimed while opening the door with her magic.

When Twilight had opened the door, she saw Fluttershy laying in Sev’s arms.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight exclaimed while teleporting her out of Sev’s arms. "What did he do to you?"

"H-He didn’t do a-anything." Fluttershy replied.

"But your wing is broken and….. Wait why is your wing bandaged?" Twilight asked confused.

"Well, I was following Sev and I found him talking to a pony and her colt; but Filthy Rich and two other stallions were trying to harass her." Fluttershy said.

"Harass? I knew Filthy Rich was bad but this?" Twilight said.

"Yes but Sev uhm t-took ‘care’ of them, but one of the stallions shot a magic bolt at him, he dodged it…. But it hit me instead." Fluttershy said.

"Oh Fluttershy darling." Rarity said while bringing her in for a hug. "If I ever find those stallions they will pay."

"Don’t worry, I don’t think those three are going to bother her for a long time." Thorn said while looking at Sev. "Right sir?"

Sev tapped his DC17m.

"You killed them?" Thorn asked.

"No, just hurt one of them….. And almost killed one if Yellow hadn’t stop me." Sev replied.

"And that’s when Sev brought me to the hospital, the Doctor treated my wing and said I couldn’t use it for at least two weeks." Fluttershy said.

"That sucks Fluttershy." Rainbow Dash said while bringing her in for a comforting hug. "I’ll make sure Filthy Rich pays for this."

"Or Thorn will." Rarity said.

"Yeah, Thorn how about you and me and that big gun of yours, go and visit Filthy Rich?" Rainbow Dash asked with a smirk.

"Sorry Rainbow, but I can’t and won’t do that." Thorn replied.

"Awww, why not?" Rainbow Dash asked.

*sigh* "how much I want to, I just can’t, it’s against the rules." Thorn replied.

Rainbow Dash pouted. "Stupid rules."

"Uhm, S-Sev I’m sorry for the way I treated you before." Twilight said while lowering her head.

"Purple, normally if someone would have treated me like that, I would have ripped their spines out." Sev said.

Twilight winched at this.

"But since I didn’t, consider your apology accepted." Sev said.

Twilight smiled and gave his leg a hug. "Thanks Sev."

'Again with the hugs.' Sev thought while patting Twilight on her back.

Twilight let go of his leg and looked up at him with a faint blush. "Uhm this might sound really stupid but, I’ve b-been asking Thorn a lot of questions."

'Too many.' Thorn thought.

"And I-I was wondering if could maybe ask you some questions?" Twilight asked.

"That depends." Sev said.

"Depends on what?" Twilight asked.

"Depends on how many and at what time." Sev said.

"Well I don’t know how many, but I would like to begin now." Twilight replied.

Sev sighed. "Alright Purple, but only if I get to ask you some questions afterwards."

Twilight smiled. "Sure let’s begin!"

'May the universe have mercy upon his soul.' Thorn thought.


"And then what happened?" Twilight asked impatiently.

"The Geonosians had me and Fixer surrounded, Fixer shot one out of the sky with his sniper, we were surrounded and almost out of ammo, but that's when Boss and Scorch showed up." Sev replied.

When Twilight had asked Sev about his life and missions, Sev told them; leaving no details behind. Everyone was listening carefully, dying to hear more of his awesome tales.

"And let me guess, you beat those Geonosians into a pulp right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Nope, Scorch blew ‘em up." Sev replied.

"That Scorch sounds like a fun guy to be around." Rainbow Dash said.

"He is Blue, he is." Sev replied.

"And Boss sound like a really wise man." Rarity remarked. "I hope I get the chance to meet him sometime."

"Are those Geonosians really as bad as you told us?" Fluttershy asked.

"Those bugs are the nastiest thing I’ve ever seen." Sev replied.

"Oh my, look at the time." Twilight said while looking at her clock. "It’s already half past six."

"Wow, we sure have been talking a lot." Sweetiebelle said while yawning.

"Are you tired Sweetiebelle?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, but it’s Sunday tomorrow so I--."

"Will be training with me." Sev cut her off.

"What?!" Sweetiebelle exclaimed. "I thought you were joking."

"I don’t do jokes." Sev said.

Sweetiebelle pouted.

"It’s that or being grounded for a week." Rarity said.

"…… Fine, what time?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Tomorrow, Eight o’ clock." Sev replied.

"What?! That’s too early." Sweetiebele whined.

"Clone troopers always get up early." Sev said while looking at her. "Commandos get up even earlier, but since your not a Commando, eight 'o clock will do."

Sweetiebelle sighed. "Alright, but it's not gonna ne too hard right?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"You'll find that out tomorrow." Sev replied.

"Well if you and Sev have to get up so early tomorrow, then we'd better head home." Rarity said.

"With 'we're' you mean you, Sweetiebelle and Sev right?" Twilight asked.

Rarity smiled. "Only if Sev wants to."

"I'll do it." Sev said while turning to Commander Thorn. "Tomorrow, eight 'o clock, White's home."

"Sir yes sir!" Thorn said while saluting.

"Commander, I've been dying to ask you this but: Did you leave your weapon back at the cottage?" Sev asked.

Thorn rubbed his helmet. "Well, we were going to the library and--."

"Commander, get your weapon before someone else might and take Yellow home with you." Sev cut him off.

"Yes sir!" Thorn said.

Thorn walked towards Fluttershy and spoke up.

"Ready to go?" Thorn asked.

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, I think I can walk, so there's no need for you to carry me..... But if you want to, I don't mind."

"Nah that's alright." Thorn said while walking towards the exit. "You coming?"

Fluttershy nodded. "By everypony and Sev."

"Bye Fluttershy." They all said in union.

"Rest that wing Yellow, that's an order." Sev said.

Fluttershy smiled. 'Maybe Sev isn't as bad as I first anticipated.'

"Sir, I'll see you tomorrow." Thorn said while opening the door.

Sev nodded.

"After you." Thorn said while motioning Fluttershy to walk through the door.

"T-Thank you." Fluttershy said While walking through the door.

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet and followed her.

The door closed, leaving Sev, Twilight, Rarity, Sweetiebelle, Spike and Rainbow Dash in the library.

"I'm gonna go to." Rainbow Dash said while flying towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Come on Sweetiebelle, we haven't even had dinner yet." Rarity said while walking towards the door.

"Yeah I'm starving." Sweetiebelle said. "Are you coming Sev?"

"Yeah I'm coming.* Sev replied while walking towards the door.

"Later girls and guy!" Spike said while waving his claw at them.

"Bye Rarity, take care of Sev!" Twilight added.

'Take care of me? Hmpf, no one 'takes care' of me.' Sev thought while walking out of the library. He closed the door behind him and turned his gaze upon Rarity and Sweetiebelle.

"So, dinner?"


"I can't believe nopony left a note; saying how sad they found it that I hadn't opened the boutique today." Rarity said while walking towards her kitchen.

"Maybe nopony was interested in buying any clothes." Sweetiebelle said while sitting down on a chair in the kitchen.

"Oh Sweetiebelle." Rarity laughed. "Of course ponies are interested in my clothes, why wouldn't they be?"

Sweetiebelle shrugged. "I don't know."

"Alright, what do you want for dinner?" Rarity asked.

"Hayfries!" Sweetiebelle replied.

Rarity smiled. "Hayfries it is then."

"Do you like hayfries to Sev?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Listen, it's nice of you two being so nice to me, but you don't have to." Sev replied while walking out of the kitchen. "I'm going to get some sleep."

Sweetiebelle and Rarity watched as Sev walked away from them for the second time that day.

"I'm going after him." Sweetiebelle said while getting of her chair.

"Just let him be Sweetiebelle." Rarity said while laying a hoof on her sister's back.

"But he--."

"Probably needs some time to think, remember that he's been through a lot, let's just let him get some sleep." Rarity said.

Sweetiebelle looked at her sister with a sad expression. "I wonder if he will always be like this."

"I don't know Sweetie, I really don't." Rarity said while bringing he in for a hug. "I'll go and make those hayfries."

Sweetiebelle smiled and hugged her sister back. "Thanks Rarity."


Two hours later........

"Let's form up."


"Geonosian scum!"

"Boss, hold onto your guts while I rip out theirs."


"Why do we always get the tough jobs?!"

As Sev laid on Rarity's bed, he kept having flashbacks from his previous missions. Maybe 'not being in a war-zone' has finally gotten into him, he's dead and there's no way of turning back..... But he really wants to go back, to his squadmates, friends, brothers.

"Sev, don't you ever get tired of this?"

Sev sighed and removed his helmet, revealing his scarred face, scarrs on the inside and outside.

'Scorch.' Sev thought while putting his helmet on the ground. 'You have no idea.'

And with that, Republic Commando RC-1207 fell asleep and drifted off to the land of dreams.

But what he didn't know, was that a certain fashionista had been watching him the entire time.

"So that's what you look like." Rarity whispered while closing the door. "Luckily he didn't notice me."

Rarity turned around and walked downstairs.

'He does look rather...... Manly.' Rarity thought a faint blush making it's way on her face.

Author's Note:

That's another chapter.

This one was kinda a pain in the ass, but it had to be done.

Don't forget to leave a like and comment.

I'll see you all in the next chapter.
