• Published 26th Nov 2014
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Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Crisis on Coruscant

"Fives! Stay with me Fives! Fives!"

"The mission.. The nightmares.. They're.. Finally.. Over."

"No Fives, come on Fives, don't go, stay with me, stay with me! Fives? Fives?! ... Don't go."

"Captain Rex sharing his last conversation with ARC trooper Fives, before Fives dying in his arms."


Commander Fox walked through the crowded streets of the lower levels of Coruscant, two Shock troopers walking beside him. It had been a few days after the conversation he and the Chancellor had. Fox's consciousness had been nagging him ever since. When he had shot Fives, he never thought it'd be this bad, but he was wrong. Some of the Shock troopers who had been there when it happened, had told some others, and those others told others. Commander Fox himself tried to suppress his feelings, feelings of regret and sorrow.

"Sir." One of the Shock troopers asked, pointing at a local bar. "This is were the pickpocket was last seen."

"Right, still can't believe they asked us to take care of this small criminal scum." Commander Fox said, slightly irritated with their new assignment.

"Sir, reports say that the pickpocket is a Duros, sir." The other Shock trooper said, checking his holo pad for clarification.

"Alright, eyes open and fingers on the triggers. Show civilians the picture of the suspect and ask them if they have seen him." Commander Fox said.

"Yes, sir!" The Shock troopers said in unison.

They entered the bar, weapons lowered and eyes opened. The local thugs or "criminal scum" gave the Republic soldiers nasty glares.

"Go and ask that group over there." Fox ordered, pointing his finger at a nearby group of Twi'leks and Weequays.

The troopers nodded and walked towards the group.

Fox looked around, trying to find the Duros, he walked towards the bartender.

"What's a Clone doing in a bar like this? Ain't they got special Clone bars for your types?" The Ithorian bartender asked.

"I'm on duty." Commander Fox replied while showing him the holo pad. "We're looking for him, he was last reported to have been seen here."

"Hmmm." The Ithorian said while taking a closer look at the holo pad. "Yeah, I think I saw him just a few minutes ago, but son, I think you might want to turn around." The Ithorian said.

"And why's that?" Commander Fox asked.

"Because the Duros you're looking for, just stole your blasters." The Ithorian replied.

"Huh?" Fox said while turning around. Indeed there was a Duros, holding his blasters.

The Duros, clearly shocked that Commander Fox had been able to spot him, turned around and ran out of the bar.

"Hey!" Fox shouted while running after the Duros.

The Shock troopers saw their Commander run out of the bar, they quickly followed and caught up with him.

"Set weapons to stun, I want him alive!" Commander Fox ordered.

The Shock troopers nodded and set their weapons to stun.

The Duros was pushing civilians aside, running into different side-streets. Fox and the Shock troopers were on in his tail, but the Duros was faster than they had anticipated. Different civilians were being pushed into the Clone troopers, Fox quickly pushed them aside, not wanting to let the criminal escape, he threw a chair at him. The chair flew through the air, accidentally hitting a Twi'lek; instead of the Duros.

"Sorry." Fox apologized while running after the Duros.

The Twi'lek cursed at the Clone Commander and threw a bottle in his direction.

Fox watched the bottle fly past him.

"Talk about bad aim 'eh?" Fox shouted while running after the Duros.

The Duros pushed a nearby crate, making it fall in front of Fox. Fox jumped over the crate and rolled into a trash can.

"Fierfek!" Fox shouted while getting up, his armor now covered in leftovers and rotten fruit.

"Commander, we're going after him!" One of the Shock troopers shouted.

"I'm coming!" Fox shouted while running after his men.

"Fire!" Commander Fox ordered.

"We can't sir, we might hit civilians." One of the Shock troopers said.

Fox groaned in anger. "Split up, we'll cut him off!"

"Sir, yes sir!" The Shock troopers replied.

They split up, each of them running into a different side street, while Commander Fox kept running straight after the Duros.

"In the name of the law: Stop!" Fox ordered.

The Duros took a right, he ran into another side-street, only to run out of it seconds later.

Commander Fox ran towards the Duros, the Duros took the left side-street, only to run out of it seconds later. The Shock troopers came running out of the side-streets, their DC15s carbine rifles aimed at the criminal.

The Duros backed up, until he hit a dead end. The Duros aimed the stolen blasters at the Clone trio.

"Weapons down and on your knees!" Fox ordered.

The Duros spoke in it's native language, from what Fox could understand, he was pisssed off.

"Men, stun him." Fox ordered.

The Shock troopers aimed their blasters at the Duros. The Duros aimed his blasters at Fox and pulled the trigger.

Fox tried to dodge, but the plasma round hit his shoulder. Fox fell to the ground, the faint sound of a blasters stun function could be heard. Fox's vision became blurry, he turned his head and saw one of his troopers run towards him.

The trooper got on one knee and checked his pulse.

"Hold on Commander, you're gonna be fine." The Shock trooper said.

Fox looked at the trooper, only seeing some red and white blurrs, instead of a full Clone trooper. Fox's eyes closed and his body went numb.




Fox slowly opened his eyes, he checked his new surroundings. He was lying in a,bed, in a bright room, full of medical tools, he slowly turned his head and saw a 2-1B Medical droid standing beside his bed.

"I see you are awake." The Medical droid said in its usual low, mechanical voice.

"Yes, w-what happened? Why am I here?" Fox asked.

"You have been shot, we had to perform surgery." The Medical droid replied.

"Surgery?" Fox asked.

"Yes, you were shot in the side of your head, and right shoulder. Parts of your cranium were damaged so we had to perform surgery, to make sure no brain tissue was damaged." The Medical droid replied.

"My men, are the two troopers that were with me alright?" Fox asked.

"I do not know, but you need to rest." The Medical droid replied.

"When can I leave?" Fox asked while moving a hand through his-- wait, since when was he bald? "Hey! Where did all my hair go?!" Fox asked.

"It was shaved, necessary for us to perform the surgery. You will be allowed to leave in two days" The Medical droid replied.

"Oh, this is just great." Fox said, sarcasm dripping from his voice he dropped onto his pillow.

"Be glad you are alive." The Medical droid said.

"Who were you talking to?" Fox asked.

"No one, I was just recording the surgery." The Medical droid lied.

"Okay?" Fox said, slightly confused.

"Get some rest, sir, I need to report about the surgery." The Medical droid lied. It walked out of the room and closed the door.

"Well, I guess I better do as he says." Fox thought while closing his eyes.

The Medical droid walked until it reached a corridor, it grabbed a holo pad from its robotic leg and activated it.

After a few seconds of waiting, a cloaked figure appeared.

"Is it done?" The figure asked.

"Yes my lord, I have successfully removed the chip from the patient." The Medical droid replied.

"Good, good." The figure said. "Everything is going as planned. Soon this Clone will die, and he will no longer be a thorn in my side." The figure said.

"My lord, I have told him he could leave in two days." The Medical droid said.

"No, that is too long, have him leave in two hours." The figure ordered.

"But sir, if I do that, he--."

"You will do as I say. Now listen closely for the following instructions; of phase two of my plan." The figure said.


"Don't do anything that requires intensive use of you're muscles." The Medical droid said while giving Fox his last insertion.

Fox rubbed his neck and nodded. "You got it." Fox said while walking out of the room.

Fox walked outside, his armor off, wearing nothing but the thin clothing he wore underneath his armor. Two Shock troopers were waiting at the entrance of the military med-bay, at least: that was what he was told. Fox walked towards the exit. Indeed there were two Shock troopers at the entrance.

"Commander." One of the Shock troopers said.

"Troopers, was the Duros captured?" Fox asked.

"Yes sir, he is locked behind bars for a long time, sir." The Shock trooper replied.

"Love the new style Commander." The other Shock trooper joked.

"Shut your mouth, soldier!" Fox snapped at him.

"Sorry Commander, but why are you bald?" The Shock trooper asked.

"I was shot, remember? Plasma bolt hit the side of my head." Fox replied.

"Sir, from what Kicks and O-Niner told us, you were hit in your shoulder, not the head." The Shock trooper said.

"Huh? Then why did the Medical droid tell me that I was shot in the head?" Fox asked.

"Want us to have a word with him?" One of the Shock troopers asked.

"No, no, let's just go." Fox said while holding his head.

"Are you alright sir?" One of the Shock troopers asked, concern clearly present in his voice.

"I'm fine, really, I'm fine." Fox replied while walking past them. "Where's the Gunship located?"

"Follow us sir." One of the Shock troopers said.

Fox followed the troopers, outside was a LAAT, they stepped inside the LAAT, the blast doors closed and the ship took off.

"Commander, we're ordered to transport you to the nearest barracks, after that, The Chancellor has requested your presence in his personal suite." One of the Shock troopers said.

"Who gave you that order?" Fox asked.

"The Chancellor himself, sir." The Shock trooper replied.

"Why?" Fox asked.

"I don't know sir, I get the orders and I follow them." The Shock trooper replied.

"Alright, but how are Kicks and O-Niner?" Fox asked.

"They called for a med-evac after you were shot, you were picked up and brought to the medical bay. They're alright, just worried about you, sir." The Shock trooper replied.

"Well, tell them I'm doing just fine." Fox said.

"I will, but we're landing soon." The Shock trooper said.

Fox nodded.

Minutes passed. It was quiet inside the Gunship. The Gunship landed at the barracks. Fox and one Shock trooper stepped out of the Gunship, they walked towards the barracks' entrance. Around the barracks were all sorts of troopers, playing games, talking, and having fun. Fox and the trooper stepped inside the barracks, walking through the busy halls of the barracks, greeted by many Clones. They walked towards the armory, opening the door and stepping inside, Fox saw his armor and helmet, neatly cleaned up and hanging from a clothes hanger.

"I'll wait outside, get dressed sir, take any weapons you need." The Shock trooper said.

Fox nodded and walked towards his armor.

The door of the armory opened, the Shock trooper stepped outside and closed the door behind him.

Fox put on his armor, beginning with his boots, thighs and legs. He rubbed the spot he was shot, he shook it off and put on his shoulder pads, arm pads, and gauntlets. Flicking his arms and legs, hearing his joints pop. He walked towards the weapons depot, grabbing a set of DC-15s blaster pistols and a DC-15 blaster rifle. He checked his weapons, holstered his blaster pistols and walked outside of the armory.

"Sir." The Shock trooper said while turning to face the Commander.

"Trooper, get me to the Gunship." Fox ordered.

"Sir, yes sir." The Shock trooper said while turning around. Follow me, we don't want to keep the pilot waiting.

Fox followed the trooper, they walked outside the crowded barracks. AT-TE's, LAAT's, HAVwA6 Juggernauts, as far as the eye could see. Clones were marching in formation. Fox smiled underneath his helmet, he was proud to be part of the biggest army the galaxy had ever seen. They walked towards a Gunship, they stepped inside.

"Pilot, take off and drop us on these coordinates." The Shock trooper said, using his commlink to send him the coordinates.

"Yes Sergeant, right away." The pilot replied.

The Gunships' side doors closed. It took off towards the famous Chancellor's suite, Fox began to think: What would the Chancellor want from him? Did he heard what happened to him? Was he worried? No, the Chancellor wouldn't be worried about a Clone like him, like he said: "There are many Clones out there, if one dies, another will take its place." Fox thought the sentence was rude, Clones are not tools, they are living, breathing men.

"Trooper, did The Chancellor tell why he wanted to see me?" Fox asked, he knew he had asked before, but another try wouldn't hurt.

"No sir, perhaps he is worried about you." The trooper replied while tightening his grip around the metal bars that hung from the Gunship. "I mean, you are probably the only Clone who has ever gotten this close to The Chancellor."

"Well, either way, seeing The Chancellor in person is an honor." Fox said.

"Not for you it isn't." The trooper joked.

"Perhaps." Fox said while crossing his arms.

Fox rubbed his sore leg, it still stung a little.

"Are you alright sir?" The Shock trooper asked.

"Yes, I'm fine trooper, this itch is just killing me." Fox replied.

"You should be grateful it's just an itch, that Duros could have killed you, sir." The Shock trooper retorted.

"I guess you're right trooper, but watch your tone." Fox warned.

"Yes sir! Sorry sir." The trooper apologized.

"Apology accepted, trooper." Fox said.

Suddenly, the Shock troopers' commlink beeped. The trooper answered the call and spoke up.

"This is: CT-5489, what is it?" The Shock trooper asked.

"CT-5489, we'll be arriving at our destination soon." The pilot said.

"Copy that pilot." The Shock trooper replied. Turning his commlink of, he looked at Fox. "Sir." He said.

"I'm not deaf trooper, I'll be ready to leave." Fox said.

The Shock trooper nodded.

Minutes of flying passed, flying was one of Fox's favorite things to do, he loved it. The Gunship landed at the famous Senate building of Coruscant. He'd been there lots of times. One time,he had been sent there to stop the infamous bounty hunter Cad Bane from freeing the crime lord: Ziro the Hutt. But Bane was one step ahead of him, he had planted bombs inside the room where he held the Senators hostage. Bane ordered Fox and his men to holster their weapons. Fox ordered his men to lower thier weapons. He watched as Bane walked past him, even giving him a toothy smile before stepping into his speeder and escaping. That day, Fox knew he had failed The Republic.

The Gunships' side doors opened, Fox stepped outside, his DC-15s carbine blaster rifle in his hand. Unfortunately for Fox, he put too much pressure on his injured leg and fell to one knee.

"Commander!" The Shock trooper shouted, ready to run out of The Gunship.

"Report back to base." Fox said while holding his hand up in a dismissive manner. "Tell Kicks and O-Niner I'm doing just fine. "

"Yes sir." The Shock trooper said while grabbing the metal bar inside of The Gunship. "Pilot, get her into the air and report back to base."

"Yes Sergeant." The pilot replied.

Fox watched as The Gunship took off, smiling to himself, he turned around and was greeted by four Senate Commandos.

"Are you Commander Fox?" One of the Senate Commandos asked, his armor being blue with stripes of white running over his helmet, arms and legs. This had to be a Captain.

"Yes." Fox replied.

"Please follow us, we will escort you to The Chancellors' suite." The Senate Commando Captain. said.

"Right." Fox said while walking after the Commandos, careful not to put more pressure on his injured leg.

After a minute of walking, they reached a landing platform, there they stepped inside a ship, it took of and flew towards its destination.

"So, nice weather 'eh?" Fox asked, trying to start a conversation with the Senate Commandos.

"It's alright I guess." One of The Senate Commandos replied.

"Right." Fox said. He cleared his throat and looked out of a nearby window. Seeing the crowded streets of Coruscant. It was getting dark, and when it got dark, it got dangerous.

'I should be out there.' Fox thought while touching the glass. 'To uphold the law, protect the innocent, serve the public trust.' He thought. A sigh escaped his mouth, instead of taking down criminals, he was being escorted to see The Chancellor.

'Could have been worse.' Fox thought while rubbing his =shoulder. 'I could have been killed.'

"Commander, I will have to ask you to hand over your weapons when we reach The Chancellors' suite." The Senate Commando Captain said.

"I know that, only Jedi are allowed to enter with their weapons... And you guys." Fox retorted.

"Hand them over, we will keep them safe." The Senate Commando Captain said.

"Sure." Fox said while grabbing his blaster and blaster pistols. He handed them over, the Senate Commando Captain grabbed them and handed them to another Senate Commando.

"Sir, we will be arriving at our destination shortly." The Senate Commando who was piloting the ship said.

"Roger that." The Captain replied. "Commander, sit tight and good luck."

"Thank you Captain." Fox replied.

Finally, the ship landed, opening its doors. Commander Fox and two Senate Commandos stepped outside, the Commandos were carrying their standard DC-15s blaster rifle, only they had a customized wooden stock. Fox and the two Senate Commandos walked inside the famous building, a building well known among Politics and Jedi alike. They stepped inside a elevator, one ofthe Senate Commandos pressed a button, going more than two hundred levels.

Suddenly, one of The Senate Commandos' commlink started beeping. "This is Blaze." Blaze said, answering the call.

"This is Captain Rukis, new orders came through, you are to escort Commander Fox to The Chancellor's office, Chancellor Palpatine requested it himself."

"Copy that Captain." Blaze replied. He turned his commlink off and looked at Fox. "Upper level it is." He said while pushing another button.

The elevator stopped, they didn't step outside, due to it being the wrong floor. The elevator doors closed and it went up again.

This might sound strange but, Fox was feeling.. Different, like a piece of him was missing. But what? What could be missing? Fox didn't know, and quite frankly; he didn't care. He only cared for one thing: His job.

The elevator stopped as they reached the upper levels of the building. The two Senate Commandos and Commander Fox stepped out of the elevator, only to be greeted by two other Senate Commandos, who were currently walking towards them.

"What's the access code?" One of The Senate Commandos asked.

"Forty-zero-twelve-nine-seven-four." The Senate Commando replied.

"Area pacification granted, The Chancellor has been expecting you". One of the Senate Commandos said.

They nodded and walked past the two, walking towards the entrance of he famous office of Chancellor Palpatine himself. The Senate Commando entered a pacification code. The doors opened, revealing Chancellor Palpatine sitting behind his desk. Hands folded and a smile on his face.

"Please enter." The Chancellor said.

Commander Fox and the two Senate Commandos who had escorted him entered the office, the two Senate Commandos stood at attention.

"Please leave us, we have much to discuss." The Chancellor said.

The Senate Commandos nodded, Senate Commando Blaze walked towards the door, but instead of opening it, he locked it.

"I'm sorry Chancellor." Blaze said while turning around and aiming his DC-15s at the other Senate Commando. "But I'm afraid that just won't do. "

And with that said, he pulled the trigger.