• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,145 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Sev and Luna

"Power! Unlimited power!"

Darth Sidious, to Mace Windu.


"Sev, you know, I've always admired stallions in armor." Celestia purred as she draped her hoof over his chest plate. Sev was in trouble, first Princess Celestia hated him, and now, she's trying to seduce him?! Sev could only turn his head away, awkwardly. He was in a tight spot. Should he just shoot her and be done with it? No, that would not be a wise idea, Thorn would get really angry at him for that... Oh, and the ponies would be missing their Princess, let's not forget about that.

"If you like stallions in armor, why not go to your guards? I'm sure they would love to spend time with you." Sev said as he pushed her hoof away from his chest. "Besides, I'm not interested."

Celestia pouted, but grinned as she teleported in front of him. "Oh, but you will be." She said. Celestia moved even closer towards Sev, making the Commando take a few steps back.

"Stand down Princess." Sev demanded as he pushed her away from him, only for her to teleport in front of him again. Sev sighed and turned to Princess Luna. "I liked the old one, this new one is getting really annoying." Sev said. He felt Celestia's wing on his shoulder. "And is going to be dead soon." He grumbled as he clenched his fists in anger. Could you kriff of!? Sev shouted as he pointed his blaster at Celestia's face, eager to pull the trigger. "I swear, if you touch me one more time, I will add that horn of yours to my collection." He said, showing her King Sombra's horn. The horn he had personally removed from the tyrant king.

Celestia seemed to flinch, when he saw the horn of the king she, and her sister, had defeated so long ago. Gathering her courage, she jumped at Sev, pinning him to the ground as she tried to remove his helmet. Which only made the position they were in, even more awkward.

"Sister, please let him go." Luna sighed as she used her magic to lift her sister; of the Commando.

"Luna, what is the meaning of this?!" Celestia asked in anger and confusion, as she was sat down beside her sister. "You told me to be nice to him." She whispered to her sister. "It appears I was right all along, he is just a mindless beast. I tried being nice to him, tried to befriend him."

"Thou art trying to court him, sister." Luna deadpanned.

"Because you told me too!" Celestia retorted

"We did not!" Luna replied, shocked and angry at the same time.

"Would you two shut up?! I can hear your kriffing whispers, and what is it you said?" Sev asked, walking towards the two Princesses. "I'm a mindless beast?" Sev snapped at Celestia. He pointed a accusing finger at her and spoke up.

"You are the one who is mindless! You sent your own student to her death, you couldn't handle an invasion, by an inferior race! I saved an Empire, Thorn saved your Kingdom! And here you are, sitting on your throne, just waiting for the next thing to unfold itself. Maybe it's a Separatist invasion, or maybe Gungan will come at you and steal your fancy crown. You'd be stupid enough not even to notice it." Sev's rant ended, leaving both Princesses shocked. They knew Sev could lose his temper, they had witnessed it first hoof, many times. But now, he was really angry at them. Especially Celestia, who was currently thinking on how to retort on Sev's rant.

"Why you-- you vermin!" Celestia snapped at him. "You think you are strong, just because you kill? Killing is a sign of weakness. Taking a live, no matter for what cost, is a crime. War, the war you fight in, is none of my concern. You might have been through a a lot." Celestia said as she pushed Sev aside. "But so have we."

Sev grabbed Celestia by her mane, pulling it slightly, making her face him directly.

I have one word to describe you: Weak." Sev said as he let go of Celestia's mane. Turning around, Sev walked towards the throne room's exit. Only for him to be bucked in the side by Princess Celestia. Sev was sent flying into a wall, his armor blinking blue, before his shields were fully charged again.

Sev shook his head as he looked up from where he was laying. He activated his gauntlet-knife and ran towards Celestia. Celestia's horn started glowing. They were inches away from each other, only for Luna to teleport Celestia away from Sev's knife. Sev looked at Luna, as Celestia re-appeared beside her sister. Getting up, and re-tracting his gauntlet-knife, he walked past Luna and exited the throne room.

Celestia snorted as she fixed the hole, that Sev's body had made. "And he's calling me a weakling." Celestia looked at her sister and smiled. "Well, now that he's gone, we can--."

"Art thou out of thine mind?!" Luna shouted, almost using her Royal Canterlot voice.

Celestia's eyes widens at her sister's sudden outburst. Why was she angry at her? Sev had asked for this to happen, he was always showing such disrespect towards her. Always calling her weak, never giving her a chance. Sure, she wasn't nice to him, the first time they had met, but that is in the past. She was a Princess, he should be showing her respect!

"Lulu, I--"

"Don't Lulu us." Luna cut her sister off, glaring at her sister. "We are going after Sev. Thou should think about thine actions, not everypony will agree with thine decisions and opinions." Luna said as she walked after Sev.

Celestia stood inside her throne room. The proud Princess of Equestria. Everypony admired her, they all liked her. So why was it, that she shed a tear, when Luna said that to her? Was it because of what she said? Or was it, because of what Sev has been saying to her, ever since the day they met?


"Sev, please wait." Luna said, despratly trying to keep the Commando inside the throne room.

Sev gave no response as he walked out of the throne room. Not wanting to deal with Celestia, nor Luna. He walked through the castle halls, concentrating on getting out of the castle as fast as he could. Some Royal guards greeted him, he greeted back, but didn't stop to talk to them. If Celestia was going to come after him, she better be prepared to face his blaster. Of course Luna hadn't given up the hunt as well. Constantly teleporting in front of him, trying to make him stop and return to the throne room with her. Sev just pushed her aside, not caring about her pleads.

"Sev, We art sorry for our sister's behaviour. Luna said as she teleported in front of him again. Please,would thine anger be bested, if We were to..." Luna trailed of.

"Do what?" Sev asked, crossing his arms and cocking an eyebrow underneath his helmet.

"Well, We can't offer you much, We art stil tying to blend in with Equestrian society. After the Nightmare Moon incident." Luna admitted, sadly looking at the ground as a small tear fell from her eye. It was true. Many ponies might have forgiven her for almost bringing eternal night to Equestria, but she knew her subjects were still afraid of her. But Sev, Sev didn't know about her past, and he too, shared an awful past. What she had seen in his dreams, was ten times worse than Nightmare Moon. At least her other self hadn't killed anypony. But Sev did. Not that she cared, mostly it was self defense.

"Sev, We would appreciate it if thou would attend night-court with Us." Luna said, giving Sev her best puppy eyes.

Sev shook his head, and walked passed her.

Luna pouted and grabbed Sev by his leg, not letting go of it. "Please." Luna whined, as she was dragged across the castle by Sev. Sev ignored her, she reminded him too much of Scorch. Always childish. Then he remembered, Scorch was his best friend and brother. So maybe, just maybe, Luna was like him. Mentally scolding himself, he stopped and shook Luna of his leg.

"Alright, I'll do it." Sev said.

Huzzah! Luna exclaimed in joy. Thou art not going to regret this decision! Luna said as she gave Sev a quick hug. We have to tell our sister about our decision, We hope she will agree.

"And if she doesn't?" Sev asked.

"That is simple." Luna said, winking at him. "We will just tell her that We made you one of our Night-guards."

"Clever girl." Sev chuckled. Wait, did he chuckled because of her?

Sev watched as Luna walked away from him, probably going to make her sister hate him even more. Why didn't he just forgive Celestia? Well, the answer is simple. If she had just accepted who he was, nothing would have happened. But she just needed to call him a beast, a killer, a monster.. Truth is, she was right. He was a killer. He was a monster. He was.. A beast. But he did what he was best at. What he was bred for: Defending The Republic, by any, means necessary. Even if that meant giving up his own life.

I am a soldier. It is our duty, to defend the innocent, whatever the cost. Sev thought, taking a quick glance at his DC-17. "My life, compared to the lives of others, is worth nothing to me." Sev whispered.

"Are you certain of that, young Clone?" A dark, grim voice asked.

Sev quickly turned around, not seeing anyone. "Who's there?" Sev asked.

"I am everywhere, I am life, I am death, I am The--."


Sev turned around, seeing Luna trot up to him. She had a big smile planted on her face.

She nailed it, didn't she? Sev thought while walking up towards Luna.

"Ready to go? Night-court is about to begin!" Luna exclaimed. Wow, she was very happy. Why? Sev was just an ordinary Clone, nothing special about him.

"I'm always ready." Sev replied


"My lord?" Asked an infamous Sith Lord, who was currently residing in his secret palace, on Serenno.

"Lord Tyrannus, the two Clones have escaped. Our plan is in danger. You know what has to be done." Lord Sidious replied.

"Of course my Master." Dooku said, bowing for his all powerful Master. "I will handle this, personally." Just then, two MagnaGuards appeared behind Dooku, activating their electro staffs. Sidious smiled wickedly as he began to laugh. The evil laughter echoing through the castle.

Dooku couldn't help but grin. Finally, the destruction of The Jedi, was near.