• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...


Author's Note:

"Back from the dead assholes!" Quoting Boba Fett from AdultSwim. Yep, I'm back and ready for action. A car accident, broken leg and broken ribs, and a concussion aren't going to withhold me from entertaining the people who read my stories. Now, even as I'm kinda hurting myself while typing this. (Stupid ribs and shit.) I am still going to be writing more and more. Thought this story was going to be on hiatus? Well you're wrong!

I'm back and (not so) better than ever. So I hope you all enjoy this chapter and please, don't forget to comment!

"I'm afraid the shield generator will be quite operational, once your friends arrive."

The Emperor, to Luke Skywalker.


"So, what do you usually do in night-court?"Sev asked in curiosity. He and Luna had been walking through the castle, her guards had replaced Celestia's guards. Sev found them to be equally stupid. Their armor, their voices, everything just annoyed Sev. Guards had to be strong, strike fear into someone's heart and soul. These guards made Sev want to laugh. But, they were Luna's guards, and Luna had been nothing but nice to him. But he still remembered her entering his dreams, something he hadn't quite got over.

"Well, it is usually just Us keeping a look on everything. Making sure everypony has pleasant dreams." Luna replied.

"That’s pretty boring. Sev remarked, making Luna shrug."

They reached a balcony on which they both stood on and watched as it became dark. Sev always thought Luna would be as bad as her sister, but he was beginning to think he was wrong.

"And this is what you do on your boring job?" Sev joked.

"Yes, it can be very boring. But We like it." Luna replied. Looking up at the night sky, she sighed as she raised the moon. "No matter how hard we try, our subjects will always choose the day, over the night." Luna looked down at the ground as she felt a watery substance falling down her cheeks. She was crying again.

Sev had not noticed her crying, he had been watching the sky instead. For him, the night was the perfect time for a mission. He could blend in with the dark, stalking his enemies until they noticed they were being followed. But when they did, it was already too late. It was then, at that exact moment, he heard it. The soft sobbing of The Lunar Hierarch. Looking down at Luna, he couldn't help but feel very strange inside. The only time he had felt this strange feeling, was when he saw one of his fellow brothers die for the first time. It was the first time he saw one of his brothers get shot, and it was then, at that exact moment, he vowed to kill every enemy he faced. Once the foe was in front of him, he would fight. Even if it cost him his arms and legs. But still, why did he feel like this again?

"Princess?" Sev asked warily, not wanting to upset her even more.

Luna looked up at The Commando and wiped her tears away, trying to hide her sadness. "We are fine." Sev. She lied.

"I'm not buying that." Sev said as he crossed his arms and pointed his index finger at her. "From what I've noticed, you have more brains than your sister does. From what I've seen, if danger would be in front of you, you would fight it!" Sev said as he looked up at the sky. "Listen, I know you think that no one enjoys the sky night. But there are hundreds of species in the galaxy that do, and even some Clones prefer the night over day." Sev said as he looked down at Luna again. "And one of those Clones just happens to be me." Sev added.

Now that was something that surprised her. Not the part about the million species enjoying the night, but the fact that he enjoyed the night as much as she did. "Why does thou enjoy the night night, over day?" She asked in curiosity.

"Well." Sev began, looking down at Luna, who looked up at him with hope filled eyes . "The night is perfect for hunting, killing..." Sev trailed of. Only for Luna to look at him in confusion. "And the stars!" Sev practically blurted out. "The stars are what make the night so uhh.. Beautiful! Yes that's the word I was looking for! And let's not forget about.. The.. Princess, are you alright?" He asked. He was surprised to see Luna stiffening her laughter.

"Hahahaha! Oh w-we are sorry Sev." Luna laughed as she wiped a few tears of joy from the corner of her eyes. "But we appriciate thou trying to cheer us up." She said. Luna looked as if she was thinking of something -and without Sev noticing- embraced the Commando in a tight hug. "Thou art the first one to actually be honest to Us about our night. Even if thine answers were.. Not what we expected, they were honest." She whispered into his chest.

All of Sev's thoughts were focused on one thing: Do not grab your blaster. Luna was lucky he had not noticed her moving closer towards him. Hadnothe noticed her, she would probably be hurt, badly. But what was tgis funny feeling he was feeling? A feeling he hadn't felt since he had gotten his first kill. Was this the fealing of achievement? Achieving something you thought you'd never accomplish. For Sev, it was showing emotions. But he hadn't shown any emotion towards her, had he?

Luna finally let go of the Clone. She looked up at him and smiled. "Thank you Sev. Now, this is something We usually never do, but.." Luna trailed off, as if scared to say something.

"But what?" Sev asked.

"But we were wondering, if it's not too much to ask." Luna inhaled deeply and -after a long pause- spoke up. "Would thou accompany Us into entering dreams of our subjects?" She asked.

Sev cocked an eyebrow underneath his helmet. "I don't follow." He replied, scratching his helmet in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"Well, 'tis a nightly routine for Us to watch over our subject's dreams. Making sure they are pleasant ones, and not ones filled with fright." Luna replied.

"I don't know Princess." Sev replied as he looked up at the sky. "Is it safe?" He asked.

"Of course it is. When we enter dreams, nothing can go wrong." Luna replied.

"Alright." Sev said as he tugged his blaster. "Let's do it then."

"Huzzah!" Luna exclaimed as she and Sev floated through the sky.

"Wait a sec." Sev said, just realising what had occurred. "You're using, magic on me. But I'm supposed to be immune." He said as he looked at Luna. "What is this sorcery?"

Luna cocked an eyebrow in confusion at The Commando. "We have no idea. Maybe thou art immune to certain kinds of spells?" She said, not even sure herself.

"Maybe." Sev replied as he looked down. He and Luna soared through the sky, and to be honest, Sev was enjoying it. He looked towards Luna. She was smiling, the Princess who was bawling her eyes out just minutes ago, was smiling. Sev had no idea what he had done that made her so happy. He just agreed to go with her. He couldn't be the first one to go with her on such an adventure, right? Shrugging of the remaining thoughts of confusion he was pondering on, Sev enjoyed his little ride in the clouds. Scorch better not be watching, or else I'm going to kill him. Sev thought, remembering Scorch's comedian attitude. Even in the mids of battle, he would still be able to crack a joke.

Sometimes Sev wished he was more like his brothers. He wished he was like Boss: The calm and dangerous one. The Boss had skills none of them possessed, and if it weren't for his leadership, he and Delta Squad would have perished a long time ago. He wished he was like Fixer: The smart and serious one. He knew everything, every mission, every rock that was on the planet. Though he could be annoying with his attitude, he was still second in command. So if The Boss would fall, he would have to take his place. But in all honesty, Fixer would rather be commanded, than commanding. And of course, let's not forget about Scorch: The comedian and the one who seems to have a bit of a soft side. Caring for his brothers and not even doubting an order. Thinking about them made Sev even more angry at himself. Angry because he couldn't fight alongside them anymore, angry because he couldn't be with them anymore. But most of all, angry because he lost the one thing he treasured the most: Family.


Sev's eyes shot open and looked at Luna. Who had a concerned look on her face.

"What?" Sev asked.

"Art thou alright?" Luna asked.

"I'm alright." Sev replied as he looked down. They were now flying over Ponyville. Everything seemed nice, but they were closing in on a familiar house. A house that looked very familiar.

"Is that.. Carousel Boutique?" Sev asked.

Luna nodded as she looked down as well. "Yes, young Sweetiebelle has been having nightmares. And for some reason, I can't get rid of them."

"Maybe I can help." Sev said as he tugged his blaster. "Nightmares go boom, Princess?" Sev asked, trying to be comedic for once.

Luna giggled as she and Seven closed in on Carousel Boutique. "Let's go."

'Alright, killing spree coming up.' Sev thought