• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Training escalated quickly

Author's Note:

That's another chapter for you guys.

Sorry for the long delay, school has been keeping me occupied.

It would mean a lot to me if all of you guys would check out my new story: A Hospital Tale.

Please let me know what you think of both my stories.

Don't forget to leave a comment on both of them.

Thanks you guys.

Mi Vode An. (We Brothers All.)


"I understand, I understand wanting to walk way form the Order."

"I know you do."

Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s last converation, before Ahsoka leaves the Jedi Order for good.


*Knock* *knock*

"No, go away Rarity." Sweetiebelle grumbled.

*Knock* *knock*

"Rarity let me sleep." Sweetiebelle whined.


"Aaaah!" Sweetiebelle exclaimed while falling out of bed.

"Knock knock." Sev said while walking into her room.

"Sev, what are you--."

"Rise and shine cadet, training is about to begin." Sev cut her off.

"But it’s too early." Sweetiebelle whined.

Sev grabbed his DC17m and shot a plasma bolt into the ceiling.

Sweetiebelle gulped.

"Get up and grab something to eat, we leave in ten minutes." Sev said while turning around and walking out of Sweetiebelle’s room.

Sweetiebelle sighed and opened her curtains. "Today is going to be a long and stressful day."

Sev walked downstairs, Commander Thorn had already arrived at the boutique with Fluttershy. Since Thorn didn’t really know his way around Ponyville (neither did Sev), she decided to walk with him.

"Commander!" Sev said.

"Yes sir!" Commander Thorn said while saluting.

"Call me Sev, we can drop the formalities." Sev said.

"Of course, Sev." Thorn replied.

"I have a lot to do today, I hope training will go smoothly." Rarity said while standing besides Thorn.

Thorn chuckled. "Trust me, at the end of the day, every muscle in her body will hurt."

"Oh my." Fluttershy said concerned. "Maybe I should get some medicine and--."

"It was only a figure of speech Fluttershy." Thorn cut her off.

Fluttershy gave a relieving sigh.

"So Sev, how are you planning too train her?" Thorn asked curiously.

"Hmmm, that forest would do, I saw some animals in there when I first arrived here, they could be good target practice." Sev replied.

"Target practice?" Fluttershy asked scared. "You don’t mean you are going hurt animals, are you?"

Sev chuckled. "I’ve been killing animals for sports, when I’m not shooting Battle droids, I like to hunt."

Fluttershy gasped. "How could you do such a horrible thing?!"

"That’s simple." Sev said while patting his Dc17m. "I use this and pull the trigger."

Fluttershy walked up to Sev and spoke up.

"You are not going to hurt any animals." She said sternly.

"If I want to kill something, then I will kill something." Sev said.

"You." Fluttershy said while looking up at him. "Are not killing any animals, am I understood?"

"Oh boy, here comes the stare." Rarity whispered.

"The what?" Thorn asked.

"The “stare” is something Fluttershy uses when animals don’t listen to her; I’ve seen her stare turn a Manticore into a kitten." Rarity replied.

"But Sev isn’t an animal, he’s a Clone." Thorn remarked.

"Listen here Yellow." Sev said while bending down and bumping his helmet against her muzzle. I will do whatever I want, if I see and animal that doesn’t appeal me, or is a direct threat to me, I’ll kill it.

Fluttershy gave him an angry glare. "If you do that then—then I will slap you!" Fluttershy said.

Sev crossed his arms. "Go ahead, slap me."

Fluttershy inhaled deeply and gave his helmet a soft bump.

"T-There, that will teach you." She said.

Sev chuckled. "Alright, that settles it, Commander you’ll be taking over my training with Sweetiebelle, I’ll be training Yellow over here."

"Uhm I don’t think that--."

"Yellow, we’re leaving." Sev said while walking towards the boutique’s exit.

"Wait Sev, what am I supposed to do with Sweetiebelle?" Thorn asked.

J"ust train her like we trained on Kamino, be creative." Sev replied while picking Fluttershy up.

"H-Hey, put m-me down." Fluttershy demanded..

"No, I’m going to teach you how to grow a spine." Sev replied.

"But I already have a spine, what use would--."

"It’s a figure of speech." Sev cut her off. "We’re going to your cottage and I’ll show you what I used to do for a living."

Fluttershy gulped.

"Commander, you have your Z6 right?" Sev asked.

"Yes." Thorn replied. "It’s in the kitchen."

"Good". Sev said while walking towards the boutique’s exit. "We will rendezvous at this location."

"Of course Sev, good luck." Thorn replied.

"I don’t need luck Commander, I make my own luck." Sev said while walking out of the boutique and closing the door behind him.

"That Sev sure is one of a kind, isn’t he?" Rarity asked.

"Maybe, but like I said, each Clone is different." Thorn said while walking towards the kitchen.

"Would you like something to eat?" Rarity asked.

"No, Fluttershy was kind enough to make me one of her soup." Thorn replied.

"Oh, well I asked Sev if he wanted to eat something, but he said no too." Rarity said.

Thorn shrugged. "Maybe he wasn't hungry."

"Maybe, but what does your kind eat?" Rarity asked.

"Well, the official name of my race is: Humans, Humans are Omnivores." Thorn replied.

"Oh, so you eat fruit and meat." Rarity said with a hint of disgust.

"Yes, our body needs protein that are in both meat and fruits." Thorn replied.

"Well, we ponies are Herbivores so we don’t eat meat, there are Griffons and Minotaurs, they are Carnivores." Rarity said while walking into the kitchen and sitting down on a chair.

"Really? Well if you’re worried about me and Sev ponies, don’t worry we won’t." Thorn said.

Rarity gave a relieving sigh. "Phew, but… what are you going to eat then?"

"I… Don’t know, I guess I’ll have to hunt for my meal or something." Thorn replied.

"I don’t think Fluttershy would like that." Rarity said.

"+But what am I supposed to do then?" Thorn asked while leaning against the wall. "I mean, I can’t just change my diet."

"Well perhaps you could talk to Princess Celestia about it, I’m sure she could find a solution." Rarity said.

"Maybe, I just hope Sev doesn’t go and hunt without permission." Thorn said.

"I have been wondering, why is Sev so fascinated with… Killing things?" Rarity asked.

"I don’t know, maybe you should ask him yourself." Thorn replied.

Rarity gave a nervous chuckle. "Maybe I shouldn’t, I believe Sev isn’t really much of a talker."

"You don’t say?" Thorn asked sarcastically.

"Rarity, could you make me a sandwich?" Sweetiebelle asked while walking into the kitchen.

Rarity smiled. "Of course, oh and Thorn will be training you today instead of Sev."

Sweetiebelle gave a relieving sigh. "Boy am I glad, Sev is kinda scary when he starts to order you around."

Thorn chuckled. "I’m sure we’ll get to see more of his bad side. "

Rarity shivered. "I hope not, not that I don’t appreciate the things he has done for us, but it’s just that he is kind of… Rude."

"War can do a lot of things to people, maybe Sev was different before the war." Thorn said while walking towards his Z6. "I used to think I had to follow every order that was given to me, but war changed that point of view."

"The war you fought in was really bad, wasn’t it?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"You have no idea of the atrocities I have witnessed." Thorn said while patting his Z6 rotary blaster cannon. "The Separatists are not to be messed with, one mistake could be a fatal one."

"Here Sweetiebelle." Rarity said while placing a plate on the table. "Your sandwich is ready, I put some tomatoes, cucumber and roses on it."

"Thanks Rarity!" Sweetiebelle said while sitting down at the table.

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet. 'Luckily the war hasn't affected this planet, if it did, I wouldn’t know what The Separatists would have done to them."

"Mmm, this is amazing Rarity." Sweetiebelle said.

"Eat up Sweetiebelle, when training starts, you will address me with Commander or sir, am I understood?" Thorn asked.

"Yes Thorn." Sweetiebelle said.

"Good." Thorn said while walking towards the table. "Because training stats in one minute."

Sweetiebelle looked at Thorn with a dumbfounded expression and swallowed a piece of the sandwich.

"So eat up and meet me at the front of the boutique in one minute." Thorn said while turning around and walking out of the kitchen. "I'll leave my Z6 in the boutique, make sure no one touches it."

Rarity nodded. "I will, now hurry up Sweetiebelle."

Sweetiebelle looked at her sandwich and began to take big bites out of it.

"Sweetiebelle, don’t eat too fast." Rarity said.

Sweetiebelle put the last piece of sandwich in her mouth and got of the chair.

"Cwan’t twalk, mave to go!" Sweetiebelle said while running out of the kitchen.

Rarity shook her head and levitated the plate to the sink with her magic.

Sweetiebelle ran towards the boutique’s exit and opened the door. She stepped outside and turned around to close the door.

"Cadet! Stand at attention!" She heard Thorn shout from behind her.

Sweetiebelle turned around. "Do what now?"

Thorn sighed and saluted. "Like this."

"Ahaa." Sweetiebelle said while mimicking Thorn’s actions.

"Very good cadet, now is there some sort of open field around here, a field that isn't near Fluttershy's cottage?" Thorn asked.

"We could go to Sweet Apple Acres, I'm sure Applejack wouldn't mind." Sweetiebelle replied.

"Alright cadet, lead the way." Thorn said while motioning her to walk up front.

Sweetiebelle saluted and together they began their walk to Sweet Apple Acres.


Meanwhile at Fluttershy's cottage.

"Seventeen, eighteen, nineteen and twenty." Fluttershy panted while lying flat on the ground.

"Get up Yellow, those twenty push ups were just the warming up, now give me another twenty!" Sev ordered.

"B-But I-I--."

"That's an order Yellow." Sev said while crossing his arms.

Fluttershy sighed. "How long are you planning on doing this?" Fluttershy asked while beginning her push ups.

"As long as is needed." Sev replied while grabbing his DC17m.

"Wait, why are you grabbing your--."

"Thorn told me about an animal that had attacked you a few days ago, if my hunter instinct is correct, more of those animals might try to pay you a visit." Sev cut her off.

"Oh, b-but I think I could take care of them, you see I--."

"Thorn also told me that he got there just in time, if he had arrived ten seconds later, you would be dead". Sev cut her off again.

Fluttershy stopped her push ups and lay flat on the ground, her ears folded back on her head and she sighed.

"I-I can't help it, I'm just really shy and get scared easily." Fluttershy said.

"And that's why I'm here." Sev said while tapping Fluttershy's leg with his foot.

Fluttershy turned her head and looked at Sev. "What do you mean?" She asked.

"Listen, being scared is for the weak." Sev said while getting on one knee and looking her in the eyes. "It's difficult to get over your fears, but with the right training, you can overcome those fears."

Fluttershy shook her head. "No, I can't, my friends tried to help me before, sometimes they would succeed, other times they would fail. And don't even get me started about Iron Will."

'So people have tried before huh? Well, I guess it's time for the last stage of my training: Hunting.' Sev thought while smirking underneath his helmet.

"Well then, we'll go in there and continue the training." Sev said while pointing at The Everfree Forest.

Fluttershy's eyes widened and she hid behind her mane. "I-I don't think that's a good idea, y-you see I-- my wing still hurts and--."

"Yellow, we are going into that forest, whether you like it or not." Sev said.

Fluttershy gave the most annoying squeak Sev had ever heard.

Sev grunted and walked towards Fluttershy.

"Up you go." He said while lifting her and placing her over his shoulder.

"P-Please don't go in there, I'm s-scared and-- why do I feel so ti-tire-tired?" Fluttershy asked.

Sev retracted a syringe from her neck.

"Bacta, seeing as it got you too sleep before, thought it might work again." Sev replied.

Fluttershy's vision started to fade.

"W-Why? Why are you doing--."

Before Fluttershy could finish her sentence, the bacta kicked in and her body went numb instantly.

"Because you're constant ranting was beginning to annoy me." Sev said while walking towards the forest

'Finally I get to kill something.'


And yer sure nothin' bads gonna happ'n right?" Applejack asked.

"No, just some training in your.... What was it called again?" Thorn asked.

"Orchard." Applejack replied with a smile.

"Right, just some training in you orchard." Thorn said.

"Alright, just fer this once, but dontcha go around and usin' them fancy weapons o' yours." Applejack said while pointing her hoof at Thorn's blaster pistols. "I'd like take keep ma trees alive and well."

Thorn nodded. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happened to your trees." Thorn said.

Applejack nodded. "Well, I'm gonna go and buck some more apple trees with Big Mac, good luck with trainin' Sweetiebelle." Applejack said.

"Will do Applejack." Sweetiebelle said.

"Cadet, you only talk when you are told to." Thorn said sternly.

Sweetiebelle gulped and saluted. "Sir, yes sir."

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet. 'I'm kind of glad Sev decided not to train her anymore, not that he would be a bad Drill Sergeant, it's just his.... Killer instinct might scare her to death.'

"Sweetiebelle, we're heading into the orchard, double time!" Thorn ordered while pointing his finger at the orchard.

Sweetiebelle saluted. "Sir, yes sir!" And began trotting towards the orchard.

Thorn walked after her. 'Sev, please don't do anything you might regret.'

Thorn quickened his pace and began to run after Sweetiebelle. 'She's pretty fast for such a youngling.'5

Sweetiebelle stopped running until she was underneath an apple tree.

"This *pant* is harder than I thought." Sweetiebelle panted.

"And it will become even harder, remember that Clone cadets have to go through intensive training like this even day." Thorn said while walking towards Sweetiebelle.

Sweetiebelle groaned. "I feel sorry for those cadets."

"There's nothing to feel sorry about.' Thorn said.

Oh, ok. Sweetiebelle said with a smile.

"Sweetiebelle, I want to ask you a few things." Thorn said while sitting down and resting his back against the tree.

"What is it?" Sweetiebelle asked curiously.

"Come here for a sec." Thorn said while parting the ground beside him.

Sweetiebelle nodded and lay down beside him.

"So, what do you want to know?" Sweetiebelle asked.

"Well, what do you think of me and Sev?" Thorn asked.

Sweetiebelle gave him a confused look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I don't know, me and Sev.... Are born killers, we fight, kill and die for The Republic." Thorn replied while lowering his head. "My entire life consisted of two things: Fighting and Following orders, I never thought this would happen to me."

"This?" Sweetiebelle asked confused.

"Being stranded on a planet that's peaceful, no war, no Separatists." Thorn replied.

"Well, you're here now, I'm sure you're happy right?" Sweetiebelle asked.

" I don't know, this; all of this is just really confusing." Thorn said.

Sweetiebelle placed a hoof on his leg. "Thorn, I'm sure everything will be ok, I don't know how, but I know it is."

Thorn patted her head. "Thanks kid, now get up ans give me twenty."

"Huh?" Sweetiebelle asked confused.

"I said: Get up and give me twenty push ups cadet!" Thorn ordered.

Sweetiebelle got up and saluted in front of him. "Sir, yes sir!"

Sweetiebelle began her push ups and started counting. "One, two, three...."

'Maybe she's right, maybe this is my redemption or something. I mean, every Clone asked themselves the same question over and over again: "What happens to us when the war is over?" No one knew the answer, but maybe I've finally found it.' Thorn thought while giving a relieving sigh. 'I just hope Sev can live without killing something for a long time.'

"Eighteen, nineteen, twenty." Sweetiebelle panted.

"Very good, run now towards the barn and back." Thorn said.

Sweetiebelle's mouth stood agape. "Y-You're kidding right?"

Thorn shook his head and crossed his arms. "I'm dead serious, now move it cadet!" Thorn ordered.

Sweetiebelle groaned and began trotting her way towards the barn. "Stupid training." She muttered.

Thorn chuckled. "I love my job."


Sev walked through The Everfree Forest, with Fluttershy still over his shoulder, he knew this place was scary for ponies, but he isn't a pony.

"Well, let's see what animal has the luck of running into me." Sev said while grabbing his DC17m. "And you need to wake up." Sev said while shaking Fluttershy.

Fluttershy gave the most adorable grunt, but Sev found it annoying.

Sev sighed and gently put Fluttershy on the ground.

"Maybe that bacta idea, wasn't my smartest one." Sev said while looking around for any unlucky animals.

"Aaah." Sev said switching his blaster attachment for his sniper attachment. "Looks like I got something."

Sev looked through his scope and zoomed in on a tree, there he saw his target. It appeared to be some kind of flying animal, it had white feathers, a red belly and a innocent look. Something Sev hated.

Sev inhaled deeply and pulled the trigger. A plasma round shot out of his blaster, the bird had no time to react, before it even heard the sound of a blaster going of; the plasma bold had already hit its target.

The bird fell out of the tree, it hit the ground and its body went numb.

Sev smirked underneath his helmet. "That's one down, millions too go."

Sev looked through his scope and looked at every direction of the forest.

He stopped when he saw a small brown creature, it appeared to have fur and long ears, it was hopping around, happily munching on some leafs and branches.

Sev pulled the trigger, he got the same result from before. Before the animal had time to react, the plasma round had already impaled the creature. The animal looked at his mid section, a solid hole was on his belly. The animal's eyes rolled back into its head and it fell to the ground.

"That's another one down." Sev said while looking through his scope again.

The killing continued, Sev had killed about seven more animals, five of them being of the same kind as the first two he had shot. The other animals consisted from snakes, to other kinds birds. Sev wasn't satisfied yet, he wanted-- no he needed to kill more, his hunter instinct still wanted more bloodshed.

Sev reloaded his blaster and looked around. The only animal he saw, were the ones he killed.

'Well, I didn't know I was that good... Actually I did.' Sev thought while lowering his blaster.

"Well, time to pick up the kills." Sev said while picking up one of the dead bunny's by its ears. Sev walked towards the rest of the dead animal, picking them one by one, blood oozed out their wounds, staining Sev's (already) blood red armor.

Sev walked towards Fluttershy, he looked down at her and sighed. 'Too bad she couldn't see my handy work in action, ah well maybe next time.' Sev thought while placing all of his kills ten feet away from Fluttershy.

Sev flicking his wrist and his triangular pointed knife came out of his hand pad. Sev rarely used this, but he did made a few modifications to it. Normally the knife would retract two seconds after it was activated, to deliver a full blow to your target. Sev's modification made it possible that the knife would stay outside of his hand pad, unless Sve flicked his wrist again, making the knide retract.

Sev laid his DC17m beside him and started to skin his preys, he began with the bunnies. Sev was quick at skinning animals, he had done it a lot of times before.

After a few minutes of skinning, Sev was finally done with the bunnies, he was about to begin with the birds until a familiar weak, but caring voice stopped him.

"S-Sev, what a-are you doing?" Fluttershy asked.

Sev sighed and stood up, he stood aside from the pile of dead animals and motioned his hand towards them. "My hobby."

Fluttershy gasped. "What have you done?"! She exclaimed while trotting towards him. "Please don't tell me you did this." She pleaded while tears started to form in her eyes.

"I did it andquite frankly; I had fun doing it, death is a common thing when it comes to animals and--."

Sev was cut off when Fluttershy started to cry and punch his leg.

"Monster, monster, monster." She repeated with evey punch. "You k-killed those animals." She sais while giving his leg another punch.

"I need to eat and--."

"I HATE YOU!" Fluttershy shouted between tears.

"Yellow listen I--."

"I HATE YOU!" Fluttershy shouted while punching his leg a hard as she could.

"Ouch, you an your stupid armor!" Fluttershy shouted while holding her hoof.

"Yellow, I told you before, this is what I like to do, I'm not changing that just because you like animals." Sev said.

"I HATE YOU!" Fluttershy roared.


A loud growl interrupted Fluttershy's rant against Sev, she turned around.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT?!" She shouted.

Fluttershy was angry, she was very anger, Sev did something unforgiving, he killed animals, animals she might have took care of before.

Fluttershy was about to turn around and punch Sev again, but when she saw what growled at her and Sev.

A pack of Timberwolves had made their way over to Sev's location.

"Blast, they must have heard by blaster or smelled the meat." Sev said while grabbing his DC17m. "Yellow, get behind me, no discussion."

Fluttershy turned around. "No, you'll kill them too, I won't let that happen." Fluttershy said while walking towards the Timberwolves.

The Timberwolves growled at her.

"There, there." Fluttershy said while trying to contain her fear and sadness.

"One of the Timberwolves made its way over to Fluttershy." Sev aimed his blaster at it and spoke up.

"Back away Fluttershy, I can see how they are inspecting you, these are predators, they'll strike when you least expect it." Sev said while bringing his finger around the trigger.

Fluttershy didn't listen and let the Timberwolve come closer. The Timberwolf sniffed, inhaling Fluttershy's scent, he then proceeded to lick her cheek.

"Impossible." Sev whispered while lowering his blaster.

Fluttershy gave a small smile and patted the Timberwolf's head.

"Why are you here?" Fluttershy asked.

The Timberwolf stopped licking her cheek and turned its head to Sev and growled.

Sev growled back at it. 'No animal growls at me.' Sev thought.

"Oh you poor thing, did that big meanie scare you?" Fluttershy asked soothingly.

The Timberwolf nodded.

"Well don't worry, he won't hurt you." Fluttershy said while nuzzling the Timberwolf's head. "Just go back to your home and everything will be ok."

The Timberwolf looked at Sev, but lowered its head to Fluttershy, it nodded and turned around. It barked at the others, the other Timberwolves barked in response and began walking away from Fluttershy and Sev.

Fluttershy watched as the Timberwolves walked into the deeper parts of The Everfree Forest. But she remembered what had happened before.

"Listen to me you monster." Fluttershy said while turning around and looking at Sev with a furious expression on her face. "You will pay for this, one way or another, I want you to take me home and leave me alone. If I ever see you near, my cottage or any of my animal friends again, I'll make sure you'll pay."

"Yellow, get behind me." Sev said while aiming his blaster at something.

Fluttershy gave him a puzzled glare and turned around.

There she saw another Timberwolf, but there was something really strange with this one. Its eyes were black instead of green and green fluid was leaking out of its mouth.

"What's w-wrong?" Fluttershy asked while holding her hoof out to touch the Timberwolf.

The Timberwolf growled at her and tried to bite her hoof. Fluttershy retracted her hoof just in time, two seconds later and her hood wouldn't be attached to hee leg anymore.

"Yellow, get behind me now!" Sev ordered while aiming his blaster at the Timberwolf.

Fluttershy hesitantly walked back towards Sev, never keeping her eyes of the Timberwolf.

The Timberwolf growled and slowly walked towards Fluttershy.

"Easy Yellow, no sudden movements." Sev said while bringing his finger to the trigger.

Fluttershy gulped and walked towards Sev a little faster, she was scared, scared because she knew what was wrong with this Timberwolf, it had rabies.

The Timberwolf growled at her and in one swift move, launched itself at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy hid behind her mane and held her front legs in front of her face.

"Nooooo!" She shouted.


Before the Timberwolf could even touch Fluttershy, it collapsed on the ground, landing inches away from Fluttershy.

Fluttershy slowly lowered her legs and opened her eyes.

There lay the Timberwolf, breathing slowly and heavily, a solid hole could be seen at the back of its neck.

Fluttershy gulped and turned around, to see Sev, still aiming his blaster at the Timberwolf.

"Did you?" Fluttershy asked.

"I was surprised that you got the others to leave." Sev said while lowering his blaster and walking towards Fluttershy and the Timberwolf. "But then this one came up from behind, I saw that there was something wrong with it, its eyes were black instead of green."

Fluttershy nodded. "Yes, it is sick."

"Is it a curable disease?" Sev asked while bending down beside her and placing his hand on the Timberwolf.

Fluttershy shook her head. "I don't know, I've never treated a Timberwolf before.'"

"Then you know what to do." Sev said.

"What do you-- no, not that, I'm not doing that." Fluttershy said while looking at Sev's blaster, which was currently held out to her by Sev.

"Yellow, every second we talk, this Timberwolf suffers." Sev said while placing his blaster beside her.

"No, I won't do that." Fluttershy said while tears started to form in her eyes.

"If you truly care about animals, then you know what do do when one of them is sick and will never get better." Sev said.

Fluttershy began to whimper. "What? What am I supposed to do?"

"..... Put it out of its misery." Sev said.

Fluttershy looked at him with teary eyes. "I-I can't-- I just can't."

"Death is a part of nature, you should know that--."

"I know death is a part of nature, but what you have done is not how nature works!" Fluttershy shouted.

"Listen, you should--."

"Small animals are preyed upon by large animals, those larger animals are preyed upon by larger animals!" Fluttershy shouted while sobbing. "I know that, but you k-killed them. You. Are. A. Monster!"

"If that is what you think, then I won't judge you." Sev said while getting up, but not picking up his DC17m. "The choice is yours." Sev said while walking towards the pile of dead animals he had created. He sighed and turned around, only to see Fluttershy talk to the Timberwolf.

"I'm sorry, I'm so; so s-sorry." Fluttershy cried while grabbing Sev's blaster with her mouth. She positioned the blaster, that the barrel pointed at its face.

Fluttershy thought of what to do next, but couldn't figure out how to make the weapon shoot those blue thingies.

Sev walked towards Fluttershy and bend over, he gently grabbed her hoof. "See that?" Sev asked while pointing his finger at the trigger.

Fluttershy slowly nodded.

"Put your hoof around it and squeeze." Sev said.

Fluttershy looked up, at him her cheeks stained with fresh tears. She slowly put her hoof around the trigger.

The Timberwolf whimpered in pain.

"I'm so s-sorry." Fluttershy said.

"Do it Yellow." Sev said.

"I'm sorry."

"Yellow, do it."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Do it."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Yellow, do it now."

"I'm so, so sorry."

"Do it!"


Sev looked at the Timberwolf, a solid hole was now in its head, smoke was coming out of it. The faint smell of burned wood filled Sev's nostrils.

"W-What have I done?" Fluttershy asked while retracting her hoof from the trigger.

"You did the right thing." Sev said while grabbing his blaster.

"I j-just.... Killed an animal." Fluttershy said while crying into her hooves.

"It was going to die anyway, you put it out of its misery, you did what had to be done." Sev said while placing a hand on her back, careful not to touch her bandaged wing.

"Get." Fluttershy said while shaking Sev's hand of her back. "Your filthy whatever those things are called, of me."

Sev looked at his hand and sighed.

"Training complete." Sev said.

"What?" Fluttershy asked.

"I said: Training complete." Sev repeated.

"Training complete?" Fluttershy repeated while looking at Sev. She looked at Sev, then she looked at the pile of dead animals, and finally she turned around and looked at the Timberwolf she had put out of its misery. "Training complete?!" She shouted.

"Yellow, I'll be honest with you, the moment I saw you; I could see and smell the fear on you." Sev said while looking at the dead Timberwolf. "But it didn't go unnoticed that; you had a soft spot for animals, when I talked about hunting animals one hour ago, that shy little attitude of yours, changed into one; I never expected."

"So, you did all of this." Fluttershy said while pointing her hoof at the dead Timberwolf. "To see if your assumption was right?"

Sev shook his head. "Well I did want to see if I was right, the hunting I did just because I needed to."

"Needed to?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, I needed to kill something you see I-- my life, my life during the war wasn't a nice one." Sev said while lowering his head. "Killing is the only thing I know, it's become a part of my life."

"But Thorn is a Clone too, he doesn't have to kill something and--."

"Thorn is part of The Coruscant Elite Guard, the only missions he was sent on were probably escort missions, missions were you rarely get to fight against Separatist forces." Sev cut her off.


"I am a Commando, do you know how many Clone Commandos died on the battle of Geonosis?" Sev asked.

Fluttershy slowly shook her head.

"Four thousand nine hundred eighty two." Sev said.

Fluttershy flinched at hearing that number.

"I lost that many Commando brothers. The normal Clone troopers? I don't even want to know how many of them died on Geonosis." Sev said.

"What does t-this have to do with this?" Fluttershy asked while wiping away the tears from her eyes.

"I wanted to take revenge on all of those filthy bugs, the only way I saw fit, was to kill as many Geos; as they killed Commandos." Sev replied.

"I don't understand" Fluttershy whispered.

"What I'm trying to say is: Death has become a part of my life, I can't live without it." Sev said.

"Why did you make me do this?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't like it when I see fear, fear is for the weak." Sev replied while looking at the dead Timberwolf. "Like I said before, when I first met you, I could smell the fear on you, I hate fear, I despise it."

"So.... You thought this." Fluttershy said while pointing her hoof at the dead Timberwolf. "Would help me overcome my fears?"

"Yellow, what is your biggest fear?" Sev asked.

"I-I don't k-know." Fluttershy said.

Sev sighed. "What is one of your biggest fears?"

"L-Losing my f-friends." Fluttershy replied.

"What would you do, how would you react when all of your friends were killed?" Sev asked.

"I-I... I would be mad." Fluttershy replied.

"Mad?" Sev asked.

"I would be furious." Fluttershy said.

"Would you want to take revenge? An eye for an eye?" Sev asked.

Fluttershy hesitantly nodded. "Yes, but you already made one of my worst fears come true." She whispered.

"I did?" Sev asked.

"When I got my Cute Mark, I knew what my calling was, I knew I had to take care of any animal, big or small, dangerous or not". Fluttershy replied while lowering her head. "My biggest fear was; that I would somehow hurt an animal, whether it be on accident or not. I just k-killed a animal."

Sev felt a nudge in his stomach.

'What in blaze's name is going on? Why am I feeling so empty inside, all of a sudden?' Sev thought.

"And now, I'm scared. Scared that something like this happens again. If anypony hears about this, they'll think of me as a monster." Fluttershy said while collapsing on the ground.

"I *sob* hate myself. " Fluttershy said cried.

'What have I done?' Sev thought while looking at Fluttershy. 'Why am I feeling like this?'

Sev was feeling something, something he had never felt before: Regret. He regretted his actions, he didn't regret killing those animals, no he regretted hurting Fluttershy, she had been nice to him from the start. Even when all ods seemed against him, she still believed there was something good in him. She knew something lay behind that thick hunter shell of his: His heart.

Sev brought his hands up to his head and did something, he never thought he would. He removed his helmet and dropped it on the ground. He bend over and brought his hand to Fluttershy's mane, gently stroking it in a soothing manner.

Fluttershy looked up from the sudden touch, and saw Sev. But not his emotionless helmet, no she saw his face.

His face was the same as Thorn's, but instead of a burn mark on his face, Sev appeared to have three claw marks, going down from the top right of his head, to the the bottom left.

"I've never showed my face to anyone." Sev said while grabbing his helmet. "If you keep this a secret, I'll keep this a secret too." Sev said while pointing his finger at the dead Timberwolf.

Fluttershy looked up at him. "I promise."

"Thanks." Sev said while putting his helmet back on his head. "And Fluttershy?"

"Yes?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm.... Sorry."

Fluttershy gave him a small smile.

"I'm sorry too."


Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres.

"Can we stop now?" Sweetiebelle pleaded while wiping away the sweat from her head.

Thorn sighed. "Cadet, we've been training for two hours now, well you have." Thorn said while getting up from his spot. "So yes, we'll stop."

Sweetiebelle sighed and collapsed on her back. "Finally, four hundred push ups and four kilometres of running has really taken it's toll on me."

Thorn chuckled. "Just wait until tomorrow, your muscles are going to feel heavier than a AT-TE Walker."

"What?" Sweetiebelle asked while tilting her head.

"Nothing, just get some rest, you've earned it cadet." Thorn said.

Sweetiebelle smiled at him. "Thanks sir."

"Training is over, you can call me Thorn now." Thorn said.

"You *yawn* got it." Sweetiebelle said.

"Tired?" Thorn asked.

"Kind of." Sweetiebelle replied.

"Come on." Thorn said while picking her up. "Let's get you home."

Sweetiebelle yawned and nodded. "Thanks Thorn."

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet. "You're welcome kid."

Thorn began to walk towards the barn, Sweetiebelle had already closed her eyes and rested her head on Thorn's chest.

"Hey there partner." A low masculine voice said.

Thorn turned around and saw a red pony standing in front of him, he was pulling a cart filled apples.

"Hello." Thorn said politely.

"Yer tha alien right?" The pony asked.

"Commander Thorn of The Grand Army of The Republic." Thorn replied.

"Well, ma name's Big Macontish, but ya can call me Big Mac." Big Mac said.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Big Mac, byte I need to get going, but I hope we meet again." Thorn said.

"Eeyup." Big Mac said.

Thorn nodded and started his walk to the barn.

'Today was a fun day, never expected to be happy without fighting Battle droids. Sure the war is still my number one priority, but since I'm dead, I won't fight in it anymore.' Thorn thought.

Thorn had considered this a lot of times, he thought about his life after the war. Clones were meant to fight in the war, they were meant to protect and serve The Republic, Thorn knew that. Even though he was part of the Coruscant Elite Guard, he had his fair share of war.

Sev was something completely different, even though he has the same genes as Thorn, he still faced bigger and more dangerous threats. Sure Sev is a cold blooded killer, but war can change a person.

'I wonder what Sev's been up to.' Thorn thought while walking past the barn.

"Well look who it is." He heard a familiar voice say.

"Hello again Applejack. "Thorn said.

"Aww, would ya look at that. That's ta cutest thang I've ever seen." Applejack said while looking at Sweetiebelle sleeping peacefully in Thorn's arms.

"Training, she did good." Thorn said.

"Well, Applebloom's grounded 'till Tuesday." Applejack said.

"Well, at least she's learned her lesson." Thorn said.

Applejack nodded. "Ah hope so, well I gotta go, them apple trees aren't going to buck themselves."

Thorn nodded. "I'll see you around Applejack." Thorn said while turning around.

Applejack smiled. "I hope so, yer a interestin' fella."


*knock* *knock*

"Coming." Rarity said while walking towards the boutique's front entrance. She opened the door with her magic, revealing Thorn; with a sleeping Sweetiebelle in his arms,

Rarity smiled. "Aww, that's adorable."

"I think I might have trained her a little too hard." Thorn said while stepping inside the boutique.

"Well." Rarity said while closing the door. "That gives us some time to talk."

"Talk about what?" Thorn asked.

"About you." Rarity said with a flick of her mane. "And your armor."

"..... Oh blast."