• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Equestrian nights

"I can't even see the enemy!"

"That's why they're called: The Shadow people Tuph!"

Fives mocking Tuph, while battling the Umbaran military on Umbara.


"And that's everything I can tell you." Thorn said.

"Amazing, absolutely wonderful." Rarity said in awe.

Thorn sighed and rested his head on his hands. He had been talking with Rarity for two hours straight, from what his armor was made of, to the fashion on Coruscant. Thorn did his best to tell her everything he knew, but he was getting tired of this 'girly' talk, fashion wasn't one of Thorn's greatest interests.

"I would love to visit Coruscant, imagine how many of my dresses I could show." Rarity said, a twinkle appearing in her eye." And I haven't even begun about the royalty, imagine if I could design clothes for Chancellor Palpatine himself."

Thorn looked up at her and cocked an eyebrow. "Do you really think the Chancellor would be interested in your design's?"

"Well... Maybe." Rarity replied with a smile.

Thorn rubbed his temples. "Listen, it's getting late, I would like to go back to Fluttershy and get some sleep."

"Oh, you can't possibly want to go out at this time, it's ten o'clock, you can stay here." Rarity said.

"I don't want to be a burden." Thorn said while getting of his chair. "Besides, I need to pick up my Z6; since I left it at Fluttershy's."

"You can get it tomorrow, you've eaten dinner here, so you'll be sleeping here too." Rarity said while getting of her chair.

Thorn sighed. "You are really annoying at times." Thorn said while giving her a cocky smile.

Rarity huffed. "How rude." She said sarcastically.

Thorn chuckled. "Where will I be sleeping?"

Rarity smiled. "Please follow me." She said while walking out of the kitchen.

Thorn sighed.’ I hate civilians.’ Thorn thought while grabbing his helmet and following her.

As Thorn followed Rarity to his new room, he couldn't help but think of Sev.

‘Where the kriff will he be staying?’ Thorn thought while walking upstairs. ‘I just hope he hasn't done anything he might regret.’

"Here we are." Rarity said while opening the door with her magic. "I'm sorry but I haven't cleaned the bed, I hope you don't mind."

Thorn shook his head. "Sev and I are brothers, I'd drink out his canteen if I had to."

"Blegh, are all males the same?" Rarity asked disgusted.

Thorn shrugged. "Are all females the same?"

"Touché." Rarity said.

"Goodnight Rarity, and thank you for your hospitality." Thorn said while walking inside the room.

"Thorn, no need to thank me, I should be the one thanking you." Rarity said while placing a hoof on his leg. "If it weren't for you, things might have gone a whole different way."

Thorn placed a hand on her hoof. "Don't think about what could have happened." He said with a smile.

Rarity looked up at him and nodded.

"Thorn, I am so happy that you arrived in Equestria, and Sev as well." Rarity said.

Thorn nodded. "Thank you."

Rarity smiled at him and turned around.

"Thorn, no matter what ponies say about you, know that I will always admire the things you have done for us." Rarity said while walking towards the bathroom.

Thorn gave a small smile and walked inside, closing the door behind him.

'I wonder how the war is going.' Thorn thought while walking towards the bed.

Thorn placed his helmet on a desk that stood beside the bed, he grabbed his pistols and placed them on the desk as well. Thorn got on the bed and placed his hands underneath his head. He gave a relieving sigh and looked up at the ceiling.

‘To think these ponies see me as a hero.’ Thorn thought while looking at his helmet. ‘But that's what I was bred for, fight for The Republic, and if need be; die for The Republic.’

Thorn slowly closed his eyes, he gave one final sigh and drifted off to sleep.


"Well, I guess this is goodbye." Sev said while walking towards the exit of Fluttershy's cottage.

"W-Wait." Fluttershy said.

Sev turned around. "What is it?" He asked.

"If you want, you could stay here for The night.... I mean, if you want to that is." Fluttershy replied.

"Listen, if this is some kind of apology for your reaction from before, then don't, you had all right to be angry." Sev said.

"I don't know if I'm still angry, but I can't let you go outside, especially at this time of the day." Fluttershy said while walking towards Sev.

"Alright. " Sev said while closing the door. "Where do I sleep?"

"Well, I thought Thorn would be sleeping here again, so I prepared my bed and--."

"Great, where is the bed?" Sev asked.

"Well it's upstairs, but what I meant was--."

Alright, let's get going. Sev said while walking upstairs.

"Wait, but I-- but *squeak*."

Fluttershy sighed and followed Sev, secretly hoping he didn't find her room. Unfortunately, he did.

"Alright." Sev said while opening the door to Fluttershy's room. "Time for some well; earned sleep."

Sev walked towards Fluttershy's bed, it was a tad bit smaller than Rarity's, but still an acceptable size. He got on the bed and gave a relieving sigh.

"Uhm, Sev y-you're uhm, kind of in my bed." Fluttershy said while slowly walking into her room.

"Well, you said the bed was upstairs, so I went upstairs." Sev replied while removing his helmet. "Always better to sleep without this thing on your head."

"Well, it's just that... I normally sleep in my bed, I thought you could maybe sleep downstairs... On the couch." Fluttershy said while nervously looking around the room.

"If you insist." Sev said while getting out of bed. "I'll go downstairs then."

Fluttershy smiled at him. "Thank you."

Sev grabbed his helmet and walked past her.

"You're welcome." He said while walking out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Fluttershy sighed with relief.

‘Now, time to brush my teeth and take a quick shower.’ Fluttershy thought while walking out of her room.

‘This could have been worse. Sev said thought while walking downstairs. ’She could have thrown me out, but then again, I'd probably be spending the night at White's place.’

As Sev finally entered the living room, he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. He quickly turned around and flicked his night-vision on. He looked around the room, trying to find the thing that had been watching him. Only to be greeted with nothing.

Sev sighed and de-activated his night-vision. He made his way over to Fluttershy's couch, only to find out the couch was too small to lay on.

‘I should have stayed in the bed.’ Sev thought while sitting down on the couch. Sev sighed and crossed his arms, he lowered his head and closed his eyes.

‘Just a few hours of sleep, and I'm ready to kill.’ Sev thought.

Five minutes later, Sev drifted off to sleep.


As Princess Luna flew, watching carefully over her subjects, she couldn't help but sensed a dark, and almost evil presence. A presence she had never sensed before.

‘Where is it coming from?’ Luna thought while flying over Twilight Sparkle's tree house. ‘It's not coming from there, it feels like it's near the Evefree Forest, near... Fluttershy!’

Luna concentrated all her magic, luckily she knew where Fluttershy lived, for she had been there before, during Nightmare Night. He horn started to glow and within seconds, she was hovering above Fluttershy's cottage.

But when she got there, she felt a darkness, she felt pain and suffering. It was almost too much to bear.

Luna gathered all of her courage and concentrated all of her magic on the darkness’' presence. She closed her eyes and felt herself being dragged into something.

‘Here we go.’ Luna thought.

A few seconds later, Luna opened her eyes, she looked around, only to find out she was in the middle of a forest.

‘Huh?’ Luna thought to herself. ‘How can I be in The Everfree Forest?’

"Mmm, fresh meat." She heard a male voice say.

Luna slowly turned around and saw what appeared to be some, industry of lizards, they were wearing clothes, were holding strange weapons and appeared to be cooking something, something that looked like an animal.

"What are you?" Luna asked.

She got no response.

"Hello?" Luna asked while waving a hoof in front of the lizard's face.

No response.

Luna gave the lizard an angry glare.

"I am Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria and I order you to speak!" Luna said.

This time, the lizard tilted his head.

"Finally." Luna said with a smile. "Now what I was--."

"Look out!" The lizard exclaimed.

Luna gave the lizard a confused look.

"Look out for what?" She asked confused.

What she got as a reply, was the lizard; being struck by a blue bolt, the same bolt that Thorn's weapon used. Luna watched as the lizard fell to the ground, its eyes rolling back into its head.

Luna looked at the other lizards, only to see them getting hit by the same blue bolts.

Luna had to cover her mouth, this made her sick.

"Nice work Deltas." She heard a distant, male voice say.

Luna turned her head and saw four figures walking towards her. On was white and had orange markings all over its body, the other was a mix of black, grey, white, and yellow, the other was white and had green markings all over its body, an finally the last one, it was white, but its body was covered in what appeared to be blood.

She suddenly saw one of the lizards trying to crawl away from the figures, only for the red one to raise its weapon and shoot it in its back.

"That one should have played dead, now it’s extra dead." The red one said with a low masculine voice.

"He, serve’s them right." The yellow one added,

"Can it you two!" The green one snapped. "Boss where do we go now?"

The orange one one pointed its fingers at a dirt road.

"That way Fixer, Deltas let's form up!" The orange one ordered.

The others all nodded and followed the orange one down the dirt path.

Luna gave them a confused look. Did they not see her? But if they didn't, then this must mean that she.

"Of course! " Luna exclaimed while flying after the four figures. "I must be in a dream. But the question is: Who's dream is this?" Luna asked herself.

Suddenly, she heard a loud explosion, Luna watched as the four creatures fought their way through the various lizards.

"Trandoshian scum!" The yellow one shouted while shooting some kind of explosive at two unlucky lizards, sending them flying backwards.

"Bang and you’re dead" The red one said while shooting a lizard in its head.

"You are dead!" The green one shouted while stabbing a lizard in its neck.

"You lizards need to know that I’m a lot scarier than you are." The orange one sad while shooting two lizards.

"What is happening?" Luna asked herself, she had to turn away from the horror, this was too much to handle.

"That’s the last of ‘em Boss." The yellow one said to the orange one.

"Alright Scorch, set up the Holo-pad, I want contact with the Advisor." The orange one ordered.

"Yes sir." The yellow one said while grabbing a strange device. He threw the device on the ground, and all of a sudden a blue creature came out of it.

"Advisor, I believe the Separatists are using this base as a station area for their assault on Kashyyyk." The orange one said.

"Alright thirty-eight, your primary objective is to rescue Tarful, he is said who be held captive in this base, meaning that--."

"Enemies go “splat” sir?" The red one asked.

The blue creature nodded. "Yes oh-seven, but next time; let me finish."

The yellow one chuckled. "Sev is always a man of words."

He received a jab in his side from the red one.

"If you don’t shut your mouth, I’ll use you as bait for the lizards." The red one threatened.

"Commandos, loose the chatter, we are on a spec-ops mission here!" The green one snapped at them.

"Forty’s right, loose the chatter." The orange one ordered. "Advisor our objectives are clear: Rescue Tarful and eliminate any Separatist or Trandoshian threat along the way."

The Advisor nodded. "Good luck Delta-lead."

And with that, the blue figure disappeared. Leaving a confused Luna standing, mouth agape. These creatures, they reminded her of Thorn, but they looked so different.

"What are these things?" Luna whispered.

"Deltas we are moving out, be prepared for hard contact."The orange one said.

"Copy that." The others said in union.

Suddenly, everything around Luna started to shake, trees were breaking and then everything went black.

Minutes passed before Luna opened her eyes, never had she seen such a powerful dream, or was this a nightmare? Luna opened her eyes and saw that she was no longer in a forest, no she now appeared to be in a dark room.

(Warning! Everything in this followig dream is non-canon! And has nothing to do with Sev's history in the game or books!)

"Now, where were we?" A low voice asked.

Luna turned around and saw one of the most frightened things she had ever seen, it appeared to be a bipedal creature, it was wearing a cape, its eyes, its eyes were full of hate, its body was frightening. She didn’t know what it was, but it didn’t look friendly.

"You might have captured me General, but I’m not giving you any information, you’ll have to kill me first." Another voice said.

Luna turned around and saw the same red creature from before, only this time, she got a good look at its face. Its face had no fur whatsoever; but it was covered in cuts and bruises. The creature was hanging from some kind of blue magical force, its hands and feet being hold by the aura.

"You Clones are pathetic, did you really think you could defeat me?" The creature with the cape asked with a hint of mock.

"Just wait until the Jedi arrive, they’ll make spare-parts out of you." The red creature threatened.

The creature with a cape walked towards him, it raised its arm and stretched his fingers, revealing the sharp, claw-like fingers it had. It brought his hand towards the red ones’ face.

"I can make your death a quick one, resistance is futile, give me the information and I might let you live." The creature with a cape threatened.

The red one chuckled. "I am a Commando, I don’t betray The Republic; or my brothers for that matter."

"And I am General Grievous, Supreme Commander of the Droid Army of The Confederacy of Independent Systems, and soon to be, your doom." General Grievous threatened.

"RC-1207, at your service General." The red one mocked.

Grievous let out an annoyed growl.

"Turn up the power, make him suffer!" Grievous ordered.

Luna looked at the red creature, suddenly its body began to shake, sparks coming from it.

Luna turned her head, she heard the screams of pain coming from the creature. Luna wanted this nightmare to end, she couldn’t take it anymore.

"Stop it!" She shouted.

"More power!" Grievous ordered.

The B1 Battle Droid nodded and turned up the electricity, making the red creature scream in pain.

"Raah! " It shouted, its body shaking violently from all the electricity that went through body.

"Are you going to talk?" Grievous asked.

The red creature looked at Grievous, his eyes burning with rage. "N-Never, you scrap-metal reject!" It shouted.

Grievous growled at him.

"More power, highest level!" He ordered.

"But sir, if we do that; he won’t make it." The B1 Battle Droid warned.

"I do not care!" Grievous said while walking towards the Battle Droid.

"But sir, Count Dooku said—aaah!"

The Battle Droid was cut off when Grievous punched its head off, making the body walk around, waving its arms into different directions, before hitting the ground with a thud.

"Now." Grievous said while walking to the control panel. "I believe you were about to give me the information I need."

"You *pant*will have to kill me *pant* first, y-you bucket of bolts." The red creature retorted.

"I will." Grievous said while turning on the electricity.

"Raah!" The red creature roared.

"Now." Grievous said while turning of the electricity. "You will tell me everything."

"The name’s Sev, it’s the name of the Clone that’s going to end your life." Sev said.

"A Clone?" Luna asked herself. "It—I mean he is a Clone?"

"Hahahaha." Grievous laughed. "You think you can defeat me Clone?" He asked while walking towards him.

Sev smirked. "Yeah, I did blew your arm of with that anti-armor shell."

"A lucky shot." Grievous said while raising his mechanical hand to Sev’s face.

"Lucky shot? " Sev mocked. "I think it was true precision."

Grievous growled at him and punched him in his stomach, making Sev wince in pain and cough due to the sudden amount of power Grievous had.

"I have had it with you." Grievous said while grabbing something from his cape. "Dooku wanted you alive, but I don’t." Grievous said while activating his lightsaber.

"Do you remember this?" Grievous mocked while showing him the lightsaber. "It belonged to the Padawan I killed, the Jedi Padawan who died because of your “true precision”."

Sev tuned his head away from the General.

Grievous chuckled. "Clones are pathetic, one Commando Droid equals twenty Clones."

"And one C-Commando, equals one hundred Commando Droids." Sev retorted.

"Silence!" Grievous ordered while punching him in his stomach again. "You will give me the information now!"

Sev looked up at him and gave him the most angry glare he had ever given someone.

"One day, a Clone like me is going to kill you and your clankers." Sev said.

"You fool. No one can defeat me, not even your Jedi." Grievous said while bringing the lightsaber closer to Sev’s face.

"I will give you nothing!" Sev spat at him.

"You will give me." Grievous said while lightly tracking the lightsaber across Sev’s face. "Everything."

Sev roared in pain.

Grievous laughed manically and did the same thing again, making another cut across his face.

Sev roared in pain, sweating and panting heavily.

"Now." Grievous said while grabbing him by his throat. "The information."

Sev spat in Grievous’ face, making him retract his face and wiping the spit away from his face.

Sev chuckled. "There’s more where that came from." Sev mocked.

Grievous growled and grabbed him by his throat, he made another cut across his face with his lightsaber.

Sev suppressed the pain, trying not to show any form of weakness.

Grievous deactivated his lightsaber and sheathed it back in his cape.

"You are strong Clone, I will give you that." Grievous said while walking towards the control panel." I will make sure to break that strength."

With that said, Grievous activated the electricity again, making Sev scream out in pain.

"Suffer!" Grievous said.

"No, enough of this!" Luna shouted between tears. "I want to leave this nightmare!"

Luna concentrated all of her magic on leaving the nightmare, she tried to ignore the laughter and the screams of pain, she closed her eyes and she felt herself being pulled away from the dream.

Luna gasped and her eyes shot open, she was sweating and panting heavily. She looked at her surroundings and saw that she was no longer in the dream, she was hovering above Fluttershy’s cottage again.

‘A-Alright Luna, j-just stay calm.’ Luna thought to herself. ‘You still have to continue your duties as: Princess of The Night.’

But did she really needed to? For she had seen something, something she should have never seen. But that dream, could it been Thorn’s. Because of her knowledge, he was the only Clone in Equestria… Right?

‘I will have to ask Tia about it.’ She thought while flying towards Ponyville. ‘I just hope I won’t encounter many more of those nightmares.’


Sev’s eyes shot open, he was breathing heavily. He sighed and removed his helmet, revealing his sweat covered face.

‘Another nightmare.’ Sev thought while looking at his helmet.

"Suffer!" Echoed in Sev’s mind

‘Grievous, he’ll pay for what he did to me… and the Padawan.’ Sev thought.

He sighed and decided he would sleep without his helmet on, Sev laid his helmet beside him and closed his eyes.

‘Who was that blue pony?’ Sev thought to himself. ‘I don’t recall her being in the interrogation room.’


Location: Equestria

Current location: Carousel Boutique

Weapon status: Z6 rotary blaster cannon fully operational, DC15 dual blaster pistols fully operational.

Explosives: 4 Thermal Detonators, 2 Electronics Counter Detonators, 2 Sonic Detonators.

Armor status: Fully operational, slight damage because of Changeling's bite

Status CC-4254: Alive.


Location: Equestria

Current location: Fluttershy’s cottage

Weapon status: DC-17m ICWS blaster fully operational, sniper attachment, anti-armor attachment fully operational, DC-17s side arm blaster fully operational.

Explosives: 4 Thermal Detonators, 4 Electronics Counter Detonators, 4 Sonic Detonators, 4 Concussion grenades.

Armor status: Fully operational, no damage.

Status RC-1207: Alive.


"Good morning Lulu." Celestia said while taking a sip from her tea.

"Good *yawn* morning sister, how are you?" Luna asked while walking into the dining room.

"Luna, something is troubling you." Celestia said. "What is it?" She asked concerned.

Luna sighed and sat down on a chair. "Well, sister are you certain Commander Thorn is the only Clone In Equestria?"

"Yes." Celestia replied. "Why do you ask?" She asked confused.

"Well we were in a--."

Luna was cut off when a letter magically appeared in front of her sister.

Celestia smiled and opened the letter, and started reading it.

"What does it say?" Luna asked.

Celestia looked up from the letter and smiled.

"It appears we have a new visitor." Celestia said.

"Really? Who is it?" Luna asked curiously.

"His name is Sev." Celestia replied.

"….. I knew it!" Luna exclaimed.

Author's Note:

That's another chapter, sorry for the long delay.

Anyways, don't forget to leave a comment.

I will see you all in the next chapter.
