• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...


"Do we take prisoners?"

"I don't."

Clone trooper Hevy sacrificing himself, by blowing up the Rishi moon outpost.


"And that's how we won the battle of Kamino." Thorn said, finishing the story he was telling the six mares in front of him.

"Wow, those ARC troopers sound really awesome." Rainbow Dash said in awe.

"But, I feel really bad for all of the clones who were killed." Twilight said while wiping away a tear from her eye.

"Boy, am ah glad them Separatists didn't win." Applejack said.

"Those Separatists sure are bad news." Rainbow Dash said.

"They sure are." Twilight added.

"But Thornie can take them on, I bet they don't even stand a chance when he's all like "pshew pshew pshew pshew." Pinkie said while trying to mimic Thorn, as he would hold his Z6.

The ponies all shared a laugh at her silliness.

'How wrong you are.' Thorn thought, remembering his demise.

"But Thorn, those LAAT's are really capable of space travel?" Twilight asked.

"Yes, just like the ARC-170 Starfighters, V-wing, and the pride and joy of The Republic's grand army: The Venator Class Starcruiser" Thorn replied.

"How long did you say those Venator thingies were?" Twilight asked.

"One kilometer." Thorn replied.

"Whoa." All of the ponies said in union.

"I would love to see one of them." Rarity said.

"Why's that?" Rainbow Dash asked confused.

"Because, I think it would be 'awesome', as you would say." Rarity replied.

"So let me get this straight." Rainbow Dash said. "You're a clone from a bounty hunter called Jango Fett." Rainbow Dash said while pointing her hoof at Thorn.

"Yes, all clones are." Thorn replied.

"And because the Jedi couldn't handle The Separatists, Chancellor Palpatine ordered the creation of the clone army right?" Rainbow asked.

Thorn nodded. "The Jedi are strong, but they to need help."

"And there are different ranks of clones right?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes, there are Clone Commanders, Clone Captains, Lieutenants, ARC troopers, and of course the most famous rank in the clone army; a Republic Commando."

"Whoa, have you ever met one of those 'Commandos'?" Rainbow Dash asked curiously.

Thorn stroke his chin (Well helmet-chin, if you know what I mean). "As a matter of fact, I did." Thorn replied.

"Really?" Rainbow Dash asked."Yep, I got the honor of meeting the best squadron (in my opinion) of the clone army."

"Who are they?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"They're the best of the best."

"Who are they?" Rainbow Dash asked with a hint of impatience.

"They're the elite."

"Who are they?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"They're born Commandos"

"Just bucking tell me who they are already!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

All of the ponies; minus Thorn gave Rainbow Dash a shocked look.

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity snapped. "That is no way to speak to somepony!"

"Not ta mention he ain't a pony." Applejack added.

"S-Sorry, but his story was just getting so good, and I hate cliffhangers." Rainbow Dash said, remembering the many 'to be continued’s' from Daring Do.

"ahem" Twilight coughed impatiently. "Thorn, please continue."

"Right, as I was saying; I got to meet the most famous squad of all the Commandos, Delta Squad." Thorn said with a hint of pride. "Or actually, they wanted to meet me."

"Delta Squad." Rainbow Dash repeated. "The name sounds awesome, so they've gotta be awesome as well."

"Yep, they took down a Separatist droid factory on Geonosis, defended the RAS-Prosecutor from a Trade Federation battle ship, while fighting their way through the garrisons of droids inside the deserted cruiser." Thorn said.

"Wow, their squad must be big." Twilight said. "Because from what you've told us, those Trade Federation battle ships can carry over thousands of droids right?"

"Yes, those Trade Federation battle ships are not to be messed with, but Delta Squad consists of four clones." Thorn replied.

"Only four?!" Twilight exclaimed in utter shock.

Thorn chuckled. "Yes, only four Commandos took down hundreds of battle droids, as well as Trandoshian slavers."

"Trandoshian slavers? That doesn't sound very nice." Rarity said.

"They aren't, Trandoshians are slave traders, scum of the galaxy as some would call them." Thorn replied, remembering what Delta 11-38 aka 'Boss' had told him.


"It's an honor sir." Thorn said while saluting.

"Stand down Commander; after I've heard of your actions on Ryloth, I should be the one saluting you." Boss said.

"Thank you sir, is it true?" Thorn asked.

"What's true?" Boss asked curiously.

"Is it true there were Trandoshians on the ship?" Thorn asked.

"sigh" Slavers, mercs, heavy mercenaries, you name them; we killed them." Boss replied.

"Wow, damn Trandoshian scum." Thorn said, venom leaking from his voice."

I know soldier, I know. But there are three more clones I want you to meet." Boss said while opening the door behind him revealing three more Commandos.

"No way, I was the one who shot that S.B.D." Scorch said.

"In your dreams." Sev replied.

"Can it you two!" Fixer snapped at them. "Sir, Delta 40, Delta 07 and Delta 62 reporting in sir."

"Gentleman, I want you to meet Commander Thorn." Boss said while motioning to Thorn.

"How's it going?" Scorch asked.

"It's a pleasure Commander." Fixer said.

Sev said nothing; he walked towards Commander Thorn until he was inches away from his face. "Killed a lot of droids?"

"Yes sir." Thorn replied.

"Showed mercy?" Sev asked.

"No sir." Thorn replied.

"Had fun doing it?" Sev asked.

"Yes sir." Thorn replied.

"Going to kill a lot more?" Sev asked.

"Yes sir." Thorn replied.

"I like you Commander." Sev said while holding his hand out.

Thorn shook his hand and smiled underneath his helmet. 'This is a dream coming true.'


'Yep, defiantly a dream coming true.' Thorn thought.

"So, do they have a cool name like yours?" Pinkie asked."

Well their designations are RC-1138, RC-1207, RC-1140 and RC-1262." Thorn replied. But their nicknames are: "Boss, Fixer, Scorch and Sev."

"Sev, sounds more like a number than a name." Twilight said.

"And Fixer? What kinda name is that?" Applejack said.

"I don't know why they gave each other those nicknames, I am just glad I got the chance too meet them."Thorn said.

"Why did they want to meet you?" Fluttershy asked.

Thorn looked at Fluttershy and smiled underneath his helmet. "I did some 'heroic' things on a planet called Ryloth, apparently Delta Squad was on Ryloth well, and said they wanted to meet the clone who blew up a Separatist fuel base on his own."

"Wow, you are lucky to have met your idols like that." Rainbow Dash said.

"They're not just my idols; every clone knows who Delta Squad is." Thorn replied.

"Attention all passengers, we will be arriving in Ponyville in approximately five minutes."

The train conductor said over the train’s intercom.

"Looks like we're almost there." Twilight said while getting of the ground.

The ponies and Thorn followed her lead.

"So what's this town like again?" Thorn asked while picking up his Z6 rotary blaster cannon.

"It’s a nice town, full of energetic ponies." Twilight replied. "But Ponyville has been through a lot."

"Like what?" Thorn asked.

"Nightmare moon trying to shroud Equestria in eternal night, Discord, and many more things are probably on its way." Twilight said with a nervous smile.

"If that is true, why hasn’t Princess Celestia set up a defensive perimeter for Ponyville?" Thorn asked confused. 'Sounds like Ponyville could really use Republic aid.'

"I don’t know, usually it’s up to me and my friends to save the day." Twilight replied.

"And you’re ok with that?" Thon asked.

"Uhm, I-I guess so, I always like to think it’s just another test; a test to show that the magic of friendship can overcome anything." Twilight said.

'Magic of friendship? What in fierfeks name is that?' Thorn thought.

"Oh look! Were here!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

Thorn was snapped out of his thoughts as he looked out of the window. He could see a town, but this town was far more different than any of the towns he had been in, it looked….. Colorful?

After a few more minutes, the train stopped at Ponyville station and everypony aboard stepped of the train.

"Alright everypony lets go and introduce Thorn to the town." Twilight said while stepping outside.

"Hey I almost forgot to ask." Thorn said while stepping outside of the train.

"What is it?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Where’s Spike?" Thorn asked.

"Oh, well Princess Celestia said she needed Spike for something important." Twilight replied.

"Oh, that makes sense I guess." Thorn said.

"Well let’s get moving shall we?" Applejack asked.

"You got it." Rainbow Dash said. "I’ll fly ahead and see if I can find Mayor Mare."

"Mayor who?" Thorn asked.

"Mayor Mare is... Well the Mayor of this town." Twilight said.

"You don’t say." Thorn said sarcastically.

Twilight rolled her eyes at his comment. "Let’s keep moving, ponies are already giving you stares."

Thorn looked around and saw that Twilight was right, the ponies were looking at him, either confused, scared, or curious expressions on their faces.

'Let’s see how ‘getting acquainted with the locals’ goes.' Thorn thought while stepping towards a green mare.

"Hello ma’am, my name is Commander Thorn, what’s yours?" Thorn asked politely. 'And now comes the part where they would either curse me, or run away in fear.' Thorn thought while remembering his past experience with civilians.

The mare looked up at him and smiled.

"My name is Lyra Heartstrings."

"A pleasure." Thorn said, while getting on one knee and holding his hand out.

Lyra looked at his hand before putting her hoof in his palm. Thorn shook her hoof and got back up.

Behind Thorn, Applejack was whistling. "That’s a good start partner, now ya just gotta be so nice to tha entre town, and they’ll warm up ta ya in no time."

Thorn nodded and walked back towards Twilight.

"Let’s go to Ponyville town hall and see if Rainbow Dash has found Mayor Mare." Twilight said.

The rest of the ponies nodded in response and followed the lavender mare. Thorn was not far behind them.

'Let’s see how my ‘introduction’ will go.' Thorn thought while quickening his pace.

"Wait a minute." Lyra said while looking ate her hoof. "Strange appendages, long arms, bipedal? "gasp" It can’t be."


The walk towards Ponyville central square went better than Thorn had first anticipated, the ponies only gave Thorn looks of curiosity or confusion; but didn’t even run. Perhaps it was because he was with Twilight and her friends.

After a few more minutes of talking, they arrived at Ponyville town hall, only to see Rainbow Dash arguing with Mayor Mare.

"Come on Mayor; please wait for five more minutes." Rainbow Dash pleaded.

"No, I have waited long enough." Mayor Mare replied while walking away from Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash sighed and turned around. She was about to fly away until she saw a familiar bipedal creature in the corner of her eye.

"Mayor Mare!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Mayor Mare’s ears twitched. She turned around and gritted her teeth. "What is it!?"

Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof towards Thorn and her friends.Mayor Mare looked at what Rainbow Dash was pointing at, and froze in fear.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and flew over towards Thorn."Hey." Rainbow Dash said casually.

"Plan didn't go as planned?" Thorn asked with a hint of mock.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes. "Yeah yeah, Twilight you better get over to Mayor Mare before she stays like that."

Twilight looked at the Mayor and quickly trotted over to her. "Mayor Mare!" Twilight shouted while trotting towards the Mayor.

The Mayor just stood there, not moving an inch. Her mouth was hanging open from utter shock.

Thorn sighed and walked over towards the Mayor. Twilight was already trying to get the Mayor out of her state; by shaking her furiously, it wasn't working.

Thorn got on one knee and spoke up. "Let me try something." Thorn said while putting his Z6 down.

He grabbed his blaster pistol and pointed it in the air. He pulled the trigger and a laser shot out of it.


Mayor Mare’s ears perked up and she jumped back in surprise. "Gaah!"

Thorn chuckled and holstered his blaster. "Works every time."

Thorn got up and picked up his Z6.

"Mayor Mare!" Twilight exclaimed while trotting over towards the shocked Mayor.

"T-Twilight Sparkle, what in Celestia's name i-is that?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Please Mayor, calm down and let me explain."

Twilight said.Mayor Mare slowly nodded. "Please e-explain what t-that thing i-is."

Twilight sighed and started to explain everything to the Mayor. How Thorn was not from Equestria, how he saved Canterlot from the Changeling attack (which Mayor Mare didn't know up to this point), and of course the reason why he was here in Ponyville in the first place.

"So now do you believe me?" Rainbow Dash asked Mayor Mare.

"I don't know what to say." Mayor Mare said while looking at Thorn. She cleared her throat and spoke up. "Commander Thorn of The Grand Army of The Republic, I am terribly sorry for my previous reaction, but as Mayor of Ponyville; I can say I am most honored to have a hero like you stay here in our little town."

"Ma'am, I appreciate your apology, but it is not needed." Thorn said.

Mayor Mare looked at the clone Commander. "Why is that?" She asked confused.

"Because your reaction was to expect, from what Princess Celestia has told me, I am the first 'alien' to arrive in Equestria." Thorn replied.

"Oh." Mayor Mare said while giving Thorn a smile. "I suppose you are right, but I would be most happy to show you around town."

"Umm Mayor, not to be rude but; didn't you tell me a few minutes ago that you had some important business to attend to?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yes." Mayor Mare replied. "But that can wait, I mean somepony has to show our new visitor around."

Rainbow Dash was about to argue with her, but was silenced when Applejack gave her a stern glare.

"Ma'am with all due respect, but I think it would be most wise to introduce me to the public; when they are all gathered in the same spot." Thorn said.

Mayor Mare held a hood to her chin. "Hmmm, perhaps I could arrange a town meeting, but that would take some time."

"Ooh! Ooh! I can get everypony here before you can say cupcake's!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Wait, Pinkie you can't just go around and tell everypony, "Hey there's an alien in Ponyville, and the Mayor wants us all to, meet him in front of the town hall." Twilight said.

"Yes, I think it would be wise just to tell them; that the Mayor wants everypony to gather around the town hall this afternoon, because.... A new pony has arrived?"

Rarity suggested.

"Ya mean we gotta lie?" Applejack asked.

"Uhm... Yes. "Rarity replied with a small blush.

"Ahm not a big fan of ly'n, but ah'll try." Applejack said.

"Good, we'll split up in groups of two, Applejack you're with Rainbow Dash, I will go with Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy you can go with Rarity." Twilight said.

"What about him?" Rainbow Dash asked while pointing her hoof at Thorn.

"The Commander can stay with me; inside the town hall, nopony is there at the moment anyway." Mayor Mare said

"Yes ma'am." Thorn said while walking towards the town hall.

"Commander, please wait for me." Mayor Mare said while trotting towards Thorn.

Twilight shook her head. "Let's go everypony."


Ponyville town hall, ten minutes after mane six's department.

"And this is my office, we can stay here until Twilight Sparkle and her friends have gathered everypony." Mayor Mare said while sitting behind her desk.

"I hope you don't mind, but I have a lot of paper work."Thorn shook his head. "Not at all, I'll just stand over there and wait.

"The Mayor smiled at the clone Commander and began to work on her paper work.

Thorn walked over towards the back of the room and placed his Z6 against the wall, he crossed his arms and leaned against the wall.

Thorn let out a relieving sigh. 'Blast, a lot of things can happen in just two days. First I get dragged to another planet; with no means of space travel whatsoever. Second, I get tricked into a stupid game and now I'm here in a Mayor's office. And third..... I really miss my brothers.'

Thorn was never the clone to show his feelings to anybody, he was always the 'get straight to the point' kind of clone, but he did care when it came to protecting the innocent and his brothers.'Let's just hope Scipio is under Republic control.' Thorn thought. 'I would hate to see it fall into Separatist hands.'

"No this is not good either." Mayor Mare grunted."Is there something wrong ma'am?" Thorn asked.

"No no, it's just these complaints about Ponyville; that some ponies have written to me." Mayor Mare replied.

"Complaints? Like what?" Thorn asked, pretending to be interested. 'Anything to get my mind of the Separatists.'

"Oh, about the price of food being so high, or about the weather ponies not doing their jobs right." Mayor Mare replied.

"But you're just a Mayor, the price of food being so high shouldn't concern you, the shopkeepers are the ones who decide the prices of their food." Thorn said.

"I know that, but someponies aren't as smart as you are." Mayor Mare said while reading through another complaint.

"Anything I could do?" Thorn asked.

The Mayor shook her head. "No, you wouldn't understand."

"I guess you're right." Thorn said. 'I'm just a soldier, never really liked paper work anyway."

"sigh" sometimes I wonder if some of these ponies are just plain out stupid, or really think they're smart." Mayor Mare said while finishing another letter.

Thorn mentally sighed. 'This is going to be a long and boring day.'

"Finally, now onto my speech for introducing you to the public." Mayor Mare said.

'Yep, a very long and boring day.'


Location: Equestria.

Current location: Mayor Mare's office.

Weapon status: Z6 rotary blaster cannon fully operational, DC15 dual blaster pistols fully operational.

Explosives: 3 Thermal Detonators, 2 Electronics Counter Detonators, 2 Sonic Detonators.

Armor status: Fully operational, slight damage.

Status CC-4254: Alive.

"Aaaand done." Mayor Mare said while putting her quill down.

'Two hours, twohours it took the blasted pony to write a single speech. I swear if these ponies run away when they see me; I'm going to stun them all.' Thorn thought while getting of the ground. 'That nap really did the trick.'

"Commander, I finished the speech, would you like to hear it?" Mayor Mare asked.

Thorn shook his head. "No thank you, I think it would be better to--."

"MAYOR MARE! They heard a familiar high pitched voice shout.

Mayor Mare and Thorn quickly walked towards the window behind her desk, Mayor Mare pushed the curtains aside and looked out of the window.

"By Celestia, they actually did it." Mayor Mare said in surprise.

"Did what?" Thorn asked while moving behind Mayor Mare; to get a better view of the outside.

"By Kamino." Thorn said in utter shock.Outside were maybe hundred, no maybe three hundred ponies; gathered around the town hall.

"That's a lot of civvies." Thorn said.

"Civvies?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Civilians." Thorn said.

"Ahaa." Mayor Mare said. "Well let's go outside, shall we?"

Thorn nodded. Mayor Mare opened the door and motioned Thorn to follow her.

Thorn walked outside of the office and followed Mayor Mare.

On his way to the outside of the town hall,Thorn could only think of one thing.

'I have a bad feeling about this.'

Author's Note:

That's another chapter.

Big shoutout to my new editor TitanInvictus

In the next chapter Thorn will have his 'getting acquainted with the locals'.

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