• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

.......You'll end up dead

"ARC-5555 stand down."

"Sir, yes sir."

General Krell threatening ARC trooper Fives, after Fives spoke out against him.


Blasting the doors of the castle open with a Termonal detonator, Commander Thorn walked through the now smoking wreckage readying his Z6.

'There aren't many of these 'Changelings' around, could it be that they're too focused on taking the city first?' Thorn thought while walking up a set of stairs. 'Either way, these things are no match for me and 'Hammer', but I wonder in which part of the Outer Rim I am in.'

"Quickly! I heard an explosion coming from the front entrance." Thorn heard someone shout.

'Must be their reinforcements, not that I'm going to have any trouble with them.' Thorn thought while sprinting toward the voices. 'I might be part of The Corusant elite guard; but I know how to handle situations like this. Just like protocol tells you,

First: look what you are up against.

Second: If the enemy is stronger than you; retreat and wait for reinforcements.

Third: If an enemy is weaker or less skilled than you; shoot to kill or either make them surrender. The choice is yours.

Fourth: Never kill an organic enemy that is willing to surrender. Battle droids do not count in this protocol.

Fifth: Take down the enemy as fast as you can, use your training to your advantage.

Sixth: Stay alive.

Let's see if I can follow this protocol correctly.' Thorn thought while powering up his Z6.

"Quick, get down there!" A Changeling ordered.

Thorn ran up another set of stairs until he reached some kind of hallway, at the end of the hallway were two giant doors.

'That's gonna be a long sprint towards those doors.' Thorn thought while activating his infra-red vision. "Aha! I see you." Thorn whispered. Behind the giant doors he made out at least thirteen heat signatures.

'That must be their command center.' Thorn thought while turning of his infra-red vision and aiming his cannon at the Changelings that were guarding the doors.

"What is that thing?!" One of the Changelings shouted.

"I don't know." Another replied.

'Fourteen.' Thorn thought while counting the Changelings in front of him. 'Let's try negotiating one more time.'

"Out of my way! I am giving you one chance to surrender!" Thorn shouted.

"Changelings attack!" The leader shouted.

All of the Changelings flew towards Thorn, firing magic bolts at him. Thorn rolled out of the way, quickly getting up, he took a defensive stance and fired his cannon.

Thorn walked towards the doors while holding down the trigger of his Z6, killing the majority of the Changelings that were guarding them.

The remaning Changelings tried to fly away, but Thorn quickly ended their lives before they could get reinforcements. Thorn's cannon stopped spinning until it was fully cooled down. Thorn looked at the carnage he had created. 'Whoops forgot to negotiate.' Thorn thought while walking towards the door, his cannon still aimed at them in case any more Changelings tried to come out to attack him.

Suddenly the doors opened revealing six more Changelings, as they came out of it; they turned to close the doors behind them and the Changelings turned back around to see Thorn staring at them.

Thorn readied his blaster and spoke up. "Surrender now!" Thorn ordered.

"Who do you think you are?" A Changeling asked while moving closer towards Thorn.

"That's none of your concern." Thorn said while his Z6 started rotating. "Who is your leader?"

Thorn knew exactly how to "extract" information from the enemy. He had "questioned" many Seperatists just before killing them, there were very few times in his career he would arrest them for questioning. His savegry earned him the title of : 'Cold blooded clone.'

"Our leader is queen Chrysalis, creature, and you will be the one who's going to surrender." The Changeling replied while shooting a bolt of magic at Thorn. Thorn simply stood his ground letting the bolt hit him. It bounced right of his armor hitting the wall to his right. The Changelings all gasped in horror.

"Bad move." Thorn said while shooting at the Changelings. Two Changelings dodged out of the way; while the other four got their bodies filled with laser bolts. The two remaining Changelings looked at their fallen brothers in horror.

"Magic is useless against it, rip it to shreds!" One of the Changelings shouted.

The other Changeling started running towards Thorn; trying to get a hit on him. Thorn took aim and shot the first oncoming Changeling pumping it full of sizzling smoky holes with his Z6 rotary blaster cannon.

But Thorn didn't see the other Changeling coming, it jumped on top of his Z6 running atop the barrel towards Thorn. Thorn threw the Z6 to the ground then as he was trying to reach for his blaster pistols, the Changeling somehow managed to grab his arm. The Changeling opened it's mouth bitting into Thorn's right arm. "Gaah!" Thorn shouted. Somehow their fangs were able to penetrate his armor.

Thorn winced in pain but never lost his focus. He ignored the pain and grabbed the Changelings horn, ripping it right off of it's head. The Changeling screamed in pain opening it's mouth. The Changling knew it wasn't going to make it, whether a Unicorn, Alicorn, or Changeling if they ever lost their horn, they would die within minutes. The Changeling ignoring the pain and bit dowm into Thorn's right arm again.

"Gaah!" Thorn shouted. Thorn couldn't take it anymore he lifted his arm, grabbing grabbing it with his left hand and started to run at one of the castle's solid walls. The Changeling not letting go having it's fang's burroued deep into Thorn's arm received the both the full blow of the impact and Thorn's added weight.

Thorn slamed the Changling that still had it's vice like jaws clenched on his arm against the wall several more times; but it was to no avail, the Changeling still wouldn't let go.

"That's it!" Thorn shouted while grabbing the head of the Changeling with his left hand. "Let. Go. Of. My. Arm!" Thorn shouted. With evey pause he smashed the Changeling's head into the wall.

"Let go!" Thorn shouted while smashing it's head into the wall one final time. Suddenly he heard an audible 'crack' fallowed by a 'splash' with that the Changeling finally released Thorn's arm. The changling's body fell to the ground, it's head was now completely deformed. Pieces of brain and bone stuck out of it's deformed head. "Aaah, gross." Thorn said while wiping away the piece's of brain, blood, and bone that now covered his right arm.

'Time to get moving.'Thorn thought while walking towards his Z6 and picking it up.

Suddenly the the two doors opened once more and revealed two more Changelings. Thorn decided that he had enough of these things and sprinted towards the two newcomers, while ignoring the pain in his right arm.

'Blast! This actually hurts.' Thorn thought while taking a quick look at his arm. His armor was slightly damaged and a little blood was oozing out of the wound. 'I'll have to get bacta for that.' Thron thought while running towards the Changelings. He stopped in his tracks this time not even trying to talk to them. Thorn just aimed his cannon at the Changelings and pulled the trigger.


"Stop dodging." Thorn said iritated.

"Look out!"

"Got you now." Thorn retorted.

"What is that thing!?"

"The last thing you'll ever see." Thorn replied.

"Kill it!"

"Not if I kill you first." Thorn said angrily.

Thorn shot the two Changelings, they never saw it coming. Thron took a deep breath and continued his walk towards the castle doors. Grabbing one of his blaster pistols firing two shots into each of the Changelings bodies. 'That's for damaging my armor' Thorn thought while walking past the dead changlings with the added smoldering holes towards the doors.

Putting his side arm back into it's holser Thorn remeniced. It was about the time he and Rex were in combat training back on Kamino, and of the first battle of Geonosis. When they were still phase one clone troopers.


"I got another one!" Rex shouted while shooting another target.

"Don't get ahead of yourself Rex!" Thorn shouted back while shooting a target with his DC-15 carbine rifle.

"Cadets! Cut the chatter and keep firing!" A clone instructor ordered.

"Sir, yes sir!" They replied in unison.

"Sir, we could use your help over here. I think my blaster jammed." One of the cadets said.

"I'm coming, and you two are dismissed, return to your dorms immediately." The instructor ordered.

"Sir, yes sir!" Rex and Thorn replied in unison.

The instructor took their blasters as he walked towards the cadet that was in need of help.

"What's you score?" Rex asked.

"Twenty four." Thorn replied. "Yours?"

"Twenty seven." Rex replied with a smirk.

"............Blast! Looks like I'm the one who's gonna have to to get our dinner." Thorn said defeated.

"And I heard todays menu is your favorite." Rex added.

"Kaminoan soup?" Thorn asked.

"Yep." Rex replied.

"But that's everybody's favorite." Thorn whined.

"And that means the line will be even longer." Rex added.

"...........Blast." Thorn said again.

"Hahahaha." Rex laughed in amusement.

Two years later.

First clone deployment: First battle of Geonosis.

"Let's move men!" Commander Thorn ordered.

It was the first battle of Geonosis, the new army of the Republic had been deployed for the first time. The clone troopers had been trained to fight against the Seperatist forces, they knew what they had to do: Fight for the Republic, and assure peace across the galaxy.

"Go go go go!" Commander Thorn shouted. Thorn was one of the many Commanders who were sent to Geonosis. Thorn wasn't part of the Corusant elite guard at that time, he was just a clone Commander who was leading a squad of clones into the fight.

"Clankers on your left!" A clone trooper shouted while shooting a super battle droid.

"Termonal detonator! Look out!" Another clone shouted while running away from the Termonal detonator.


"Gaaah! Aaah my leg!" A clone trooper shouted. He was quickly silenced by a blaster round to his head.

The remaining clones (Commander Thorn and four others) were severely injured. One clone was barely hanging on to his life, the other had lost his leg, and another had lost his right arm, one clone's chest plate was burned up, and Commander Thorn's helmet was completely destroyed on the right side, the right side of his face had also been burned. Gaah. Commander Thorn grunted while removing his helmet.

"Commander, what do we--gaah--, do now?" The clone who lost his arm asked.

Commander Thorn looked at his fallen brothers, the clone who's chest plate was burned up was executed by a battle droid, the clone who lost his leg tried to crawl away; but a super battle droid walked up to him and lifted it's right leg up, then brought it back down with an incredible amount of force right into the middle of the clone's back.

"AAAAH!" The clone screamed in agony, when he felt his spinal cord break underneath the sheer weight of the super battle proud.

The super battle droid shot two of it's laser rounds into the clones back.

The clone who lost his leg; crouched over towards Commander Thorn.

"Sir, go and make a run for it." The clone said. "I'll hold them off."

"No! We go together." Thorn ordered.

"Sir, they are getting closer." The clone said while looking at the droids. Two B1 battle droids, a droid Commander, and a super battle droid made their way over to Thorn and the other surviving clone. Behind those droids stood ten more B1 battle droids and fourteen super battle droids.

"Kill them!" The droid Commander ordered.

"Roger roger." The droids replied. They all aimed their weapons at Thorn and the clone preparing to fire.

"Sir, it's been an honour." The clone said.

"The honour was all mine, trooper." Commander Thorn replied. Thorn grabbed the troopers left hand and gaving it a firm shake.

"Hey clankers!" A voice shouted.

The droids immediately looked at the source of the voice; and saw a squadron of clones standing behind Thorn and the severely wounded clone

"Get them--Aaaaah!" A droid ordered but got a blaster round in it's chest in response.

"Go, go, go!" The commanding officer of the squadron ordered.

"Aaah! Get the--Aaaaaaaah." The droid commander couldn't even finish his order, it's head was blown off by a familiar clone captain.

Eventually all of the droids were destroyed, and Commander Thorn and the severely injured clone trooper were saved by an all to familiar clone Captain.

"Are you alright." The commanding officer asked Thorn.

"Yeah I'm fine and.... Rex is that you?" Thorn asked.

Rex removed his helmet and smirked. "Can't even leave you alone for four hours." Rex said sarcastically.

"Hey you try to fend of that many droids. Thorn replied while pointing at the pile of dead droids.

"Thorn, are you ok?" Rex asked concerned.

"Nah I'm fine, just a little burned up I guess." Thorn replied while sitting down on a medium sized boulder.

"A little burned up? The right side of your face is completely burned." Rex said.

"Well he's got it worse." Thorn said while pointing his finger at the other clone who had also survived. The clone was being treated by field medic Kix. Kix had stopped the bleeding but the clone would still need to spend a few days in a bacta tank.

"Kix, is he gonna live?" Rex asked while walking towards Kix and the wounded clone.

Kix looked up and nodded in response. "He's lucky to be alive Captain, but he still needs to get to a bacta tank as soon as possible." Kix replied.

"Sergeant!" Rex said. A clone came running up to Rex. "What is it sir?" The sergeant asked while saluting.

"Call in a gunship and tell them we need immediate extraction. Priority two." Rex said.

"Yes sir!" The sergeant replied while turning on his commlink. "This is CT-3489, requesting immediate extraction, priority two, I repeat; priority two."

"Copy that CT-3489, gunship 0798 coming to extract." The pilot of the gunship replied.

"Understood, sending you coordinates now." The sergeant replied while sending the coordinates.

"We got you thirty four we'll arrive at your position in five minutes. Be prepared to leave immediately." The pilot instructed.

"Copy that, thirty four, out." The sergeant replied while turning his commlink of. "Captain Rex sir!"

"What is it it sergeant?" Rex asked.

"Gunship will arrive in approximately five minutes sir." The sergeant replied.

"Good, return to to the men and tell them they can get some rest." Rex said.

"Yes sir." The sergeant replied. The sergeant did as he was told and walked towards the rest of the troopers. Kix walked up to Rex and Thorn.

"Sir I need to check on your wounds as well." Kix said while bending over to meet Thorn at eye level.

"Go ahead." Thorn sighed.

Kix nodded and carefully held his hand underneath Thorn's chin, he gently tilted his head to the side to inspect the burn.

"I'll give you some field bacta sir, but that burn is gonna leave a nasty scar." Kix said while slipping his backpack of his shoulders. He opened his backpack and took out a can of field bacta and a syringe. "This might hurt a little." Kix said while inserting the (now filled) syringe into Thorn's neck. Thorn winced in pain.

"Aaaand done." Kix said while removing the syringe.

"Thanks." Thron said.

"Just doing my duty sir." Kix replied.

"Go rest with the others Kix, you deserved it." Rex said.

Kix saluted in response and headed off toward the others.

Rex smiled and sat down beside Thorn. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, it's just that those clankers got us by surprise and... Well you saw what happened." Thorn replied with a saddened tone.

"Do you remember that promise we made on Kamino two years ago?" Rex asked.

"Yeah, we promised that we would get through this war together and that we would stay friends until the end." Thorn replied.

"And I 'tend to keep that promise." Rex said.

"Right." Thorn replied.

"Captain Rex, gunship twelve o clock!" Kix shouted.

"Aah, it appears your ride has arrived." Rex said while standing up.

"Yeah." Thorn replied.

The gunship landed and two clone troopers came out of it. "We heard that there was a priority two, who is it?" One of the clones asked.

"Me, and him." Thorn said while pointing his finger at himself and the injured clone, who was currently being brought over by Kix and the sergeant.

"Alright Commander 4254; we need to get you two on a cruiser as soon as possible." The clone said.

"Alright, lead the way." Thorn replied. The clones both nodded and walked over towards the injured clone. "We'll take him from here." One clone said. Kix nodded to the clones.

The two clones each placed one arm around the injured clone's back and neck helping to support him, as they slowly assited him to the gunship. Thorn just followed their lead not really needing help.

Thorn was about to step into the gunship until he heard Rex call out his name. "Thorn!" Rex shouted.

"What is it?" Thorn shouted back.

"Stay alive!" Rex said.

Thron gave him a two finger salute in response, as blast doors of the gunship closed and it took off.

End of flashback..

"Stay alive." Thorn repeated.

Thorn smiled underneath his helmet and headed towards the doors.

'Time to introduce myself.' Thron thought while knocking on one of the doors.

"This is clone Commander CC-4254, open up or I will blast my way through."

Author's Note:

And that's another chapter.

A cliffhanger, Commander Thorn vs Chrysalis. Who will win?

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