• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,145 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

The Fight Against King Sombra

"Remember, my dear Obi Wan. I loved you always, I always will."

Duchess Satine's last words to Obi Wan Kenobi, after Darth Maul stabbed her with Pre Visla's dark saber.


"So, where do we go now?" Thorn asked while walking through the streets of The Crystal Empire. It was a confusing sight, and he had still not gotten used as to how strange the architecture of the empire was. Crystals as far as the eye could see. It was quite a sight to behold, actually.

"We have to find The Crystal Heart. I don't know where it is, but we have to find it." Twilight replied, glancing up at Thorn.

"Well, at least we know what to search for." Thorn replied, shaking his head. ‘One nitpick. There are crystals everywhere.’

"I told Rainbow Dash to keep the Crystal Ponies busy, my friends will make sure that the fair keeps going." Twilight said.

"Well, the heart must be hidden somewhere deep inside the Empire, maybe if we searched some of the buildings." Thorn suggested, shrugging.

"No." Twilight said while closing her eyes. "The Crystal Heart must be hidden." Twilight said while looking at The Crystal Palace. "There!"

"Where?" Thorn asked.

"The Crystal Palace, of course!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Twilight!" A familiar voice said.

Twilight turned around and saw Spike running towards her and Thorn.

"I'm coming with you." Spike said.

"No, Princess Celestia told me I had to do this test, by myself." Twilight said while walking away from him.

"I know, I promise not to lend a claw; to help you." Spike said.

Suddenly, Spike was covered in a purple aura and was levitated onto Twilight's back.

Not a claw, Spike." Twilight said.

"Let's move!" Thorn ordered while running towards The Crystal Palace.

"Hey!" Twilight said while running after him. "This is my test, remember?"

"I know, that's why I won't help, unless it's needed." Thorn replied.

Twilight gave an annoyed sigh. "Maybe bringing Sev was a better idea."

"I could always contact him on his commlink." Thorn said.

"No, that won't be necessary." Twilight quickly replied.

Thorn shook his head and ran into The Crystal Palace.

"Wait up!" Twilight said while running after him.

"He's pretty fast." Spike said.

"I've noticed." Twilight said while entering The Crystal Palace, closing the door behind her.

Thorn and Twilight ran through the palace, searching every corner. They entered some sort of study room, Twilight levitated a small statue if a Unicorns' head, looking underneath it. She grunted and put it back on its original spot.

"Did you really think, King Sombra hid it there?" Thorn asked sarcastically.

"It has to be here somewhere." Twilight said, while levitating some books out of a bookshelf.

Spike lifted up a carpet, he looked underneath it.

"Not a claw Spike!" Twilight snapped at him.

Spike let go of the carpet and laughed nervously.

"Let's get moving!" Thorn said while walking out of the room.

Twilight ran past him. "No time for talking." She said while running past The Crystal throne room. She stopped and looked at the Crystal throne.

"Spike, what's she doing?" Thorn asked while cocking his head to Twilight.

"I think she's.. Having a flashback." Spike replied.

"How can you tell?" Thorn asked.

"I've been living with Twilight, ever since she hatched my egg, I know these kinds of things." Spike replied.

Thorn got on one knee and waved his hand in front of Twilight's face.

Twilight snapped out of her trance.

"Of course!" Twilight exclaimed

"What? Did you find it?" Spike asked.

"No, because this isn't King Sombras' castle." She said while walking inside the throne room.

"But, isn't this were he used to live with all his power?" Spike asked.

"Yes, but it didn't look like this." Twilight said while looking at the Crystal throne.

Twilight concentrated her magic, her purple aura changing into one of pure black. Her eyes turned green and she unleashed her magic know the Crystal throne. The crystals on the throne became blackened, a shadow covered the floor, revealing a giant staircase.

"When did you learn to do that?" Spike asked.

"That was a little trick, Princess Celestia taught me." Twilight replied with a smile.

"I could have just blasted my way through." Thorn said.

"I don't think Cadence would appreciate you doing that." Twilight said while looking down the staircase.

"I'll go alone, Spike, Thorn you stay here." Twilight said.

"I don't think so." Thorn said while walking past her.

"Hey! It's my test, remember?" Twilight asked with a hint of anger.

"Yeah, I won't lend you a hand." Thorn replied while walking down the staircase.

Twilight sighed and followed the Clone Commander.

"Wait, Twilight can I please come with you?" Spike asked.

"No Spike, and besides, I thought you didn't like the dark?" Twilight asked.

Spike carefully walked towards the staircase, looking down and seeing nothing but stairs and darkness. He gulped.

"Maybe you're right." Spike said while quickly backing up.

Twilight and Thorn walked down the stairs, Twilight upfront and Thorn not far behind her.

"Can you see what's down there yet?!" Spike shouted.

"Not yet, I can't even tell how far down this goes." Twilight replied.

Twilight grabbed a crystal with her magic, she levitated it over to her and dropped it, she listened as the crystal fell descend to the ground, after a few seconds of listening, she finally heard the crystal make impact with the ground.

"That's a long way down." Thorn said.

"Spike!? Can you see outside?! Twilight shouted.

Spike immediately walked towards a window, he looked outside, seeing the force field, it did not look good.

Sombra watched as the force field started to fade.

"Yes." He trailed of, as he watched the crystals on the crystal gate turn black.

'I will finally have my kingdom back.' Sombra thought while watching his dark magic swallowing even more crystals. 'But I sense something.. Something dark and powerful. What could it be?' Sombra thought.

"It's not good! "Spike shouted while running back to the stairway.

Twilight's expression turned into one of determination, she quickened her pace and ran down the stairs. But she tripped and fell down the stairs.

"Twilight!" Thorn shouted while running after her.

Before Twilight would have hit the ground, she quickly cast a levitation spell on herself, preventing her from making impact with the ground.

"Twilight, are you okay?!" Spike shouted from upstairs.

Twilight looked around, that's when she saw a big door. She smiled and cast her magic around the doorknob, only for the door to move at incredible speed. She tried again, and got the same result.

"Stop." Twilight said while jumping at the door, only to make impact with the wall. She quickly got of the wall. "Moving." She said.

Twilight was sick of this, she concentrated her magic, her eyes becoming the same as Sombras again, she hit throne door with her magic, this time, it opened.

Twilight smiled. "Spike, I think I found it." Twilight said while running through the door.

Unaware to her, the crystal above the door started glowing.

"Twilight!" Thorn shouted while running towards her.

"Twilight?" Thorn asked while slowly walking towards her. "What's wrong? Why are you staring at that wall?" Thorn asked.

"You didn't say anything about, not being your student anymore if I failed the test." Twilight said, tears forming in her eyes.

"Twilight! "Thorn said while shaking her with his right hand, his left hand holding his Z6. "What's wrong with your eyes? Why are they green!?"Thorn asked.

"Twilight! Twilight!" Spike shouted while running downstairs.

Twilight snapped out of her trance and turned her head to Spike.

"I know you told me to stay up there, but you were down here for so long, and you weren't answering, so I got worried and came down here and you were just staring at that wall, and I tried to get your attention and then you-- what were you looking at?" Spike asked while walking towards the opened door. "It's just a wall." Spike said while taking a close look at the wall.

The same thing happened to Spike, the crystal started glowing and Spike's eyes turned green.

"Huh? How did I get-- no Twilight I don't wanna go, please don't leave me!" Spike begged while tears ran down his cheeks

Twilight quickly closed the door, Spike's eyes turned normal again.

"King Sombras' dark magic, a doorway that leads to you're worst fear." Twilight said.

"We were home, you told me you didn't need me anymore." Spike said while rubbing his eye. "You were sending me away."

"That is never going to happen." Twilight said while hugging him. "I'm never gonna send you away, and I'm not going to fail my test!" Twilight said while shooting a bolt of magic at the crystal that hung above the door, the door was covered in a white aura and opened, revealing another room.

"Are you two alright?" Thorn asked.

"We're fine, luckily you are immune to magic, I wouldn't know what to do if your worst fear would appear." Twilight replied.

"That's none of your concern." Thorn said while walking through the door. "Now let's go find that heart."

Twilight nodded and followed him.

"What's in there?" Spike asked while peeking through the doorway.

"Stairs, a lot of kriffing stairs." Thorn replied with a sigh. "Sev would have blown this place to bits, if he had gone with you."

"Maybe you should come with us this time." Twilight said.

Spike smiled and followed her.

"Let's get going." Thorn said while activating his commlink. "Sev, if you can hear me, we're underneath the palace, I repeat, we are underneath the palace"

"Who are you talking to?" Twilight asked.

"Sev." Thorn replied.

"How?" Twilight asked.

"I'll explain on the way." Thorn said while walking up the giant set of stairs.


Sev, Shining Armor, and Cadence stood on the balcony. Cadence was not looking good, the force field was not going to hold for much longer.

Sev looked through his scope, seeing the shadow at The Crystal Gate moving closer into The Empire.

"How long do you think this force field will stay active?" Sev asked.

"I don't know, Cadence is doing all she can, the only thing we can do now, is hope that Twilight has found The Crystal Heart." Shining Armor replied.

Sev sighed and looked through his scope, searching for Sombra. "Come out, come out, so I can kill you."


As Thorn, Twilight, and Spike walked upstairs, Thorn couldn't help but think about his brother, who was currently guarding Princess Cadence.

"What if this is just more of his magic, he makes a door that leads to your worst fears, why not a staircase that goes on forever?" Spike said while (with a lot of effort) walking up another set of stairs.

Twilight looked up at the staircase, seeing how many stairs they had yet to walk. Twilight levitated Spike onto her back with her magic.

"Hold on to me." Twilight said while casting a levitation spell around her and Spike.

"Uhh?" Spike trailed of.

"Whoa!" Twilight exclaimed while floating towards the smooth side of the stairway.

Suddenly, they were now upside down, Twilight began running, only for the to (literally) slide upstairs.

Thorn watched as Twilight and Spike made their way upstairs. He shook his head and ran upstairs.

"Stupid magic." Thorn muttered.

After a minute of sliding, Twilight and Spike reached the upper level. They were now at the top of The Crystal Palace.

And that's when they saw it. The Crystal Heart.

Twilight looked at Spike, he motioned her to get it. Twilight smiled and walked towards the heart, only to activate a trap that was set up by Sombra.

Sombra felt the disturbance near the heart, he roared and casted a spell.

Suddenly, Twilight was trapped within giant sets of crystals, but before she was trapped between the crystals, she kicked The Crystals Heart, making it fall and land near Spike.

Sombras' laugh could be heard, echoing through The Empire.

"The Crystal Heart, where is The Crystal Heart?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, it's over here, it landed here when you dropped it." Spike said while moving towards the heart.

"Don't move!" Twilight ordered.

Spike did as he was ordered and stood still.

"You can move, just not towards me." Twilight said.

Twilight cast a teleportation spell, she was out of the crystal cage for a few seconds, only to be teleported back in; instantly.

"How could I have been so foolish?" Twilight asked while trying to push the crystals over. "I was just so eager to get it, and when I saw what was happening outside I"

"Twilight you have to get out of there, you have to be the one who brings The Crystal Heart to Princess Cadence." Spike said while looking at The Crystal Heart. "If you don't, you'll fail Celestia's test."

"King Sombra is already attacking The Crystal Empire, he could reach The Crystal Ponies any second, reach Princess Cadence, my brother, my friends. There may not be enough time for me to escape." Twilight said while collapsing against the crystal prison she was trapped in.

"Hey!" Thorn shouted while running up the last set of stairs, and into the tower. "Don't you ever pull that stunt on-- what in blaze's name is going on here?!" Thorn asked while pointing his Z6 at the crystal prison.

Twilight looked at Thorn and Spike, she nodded to herself and spoke up.

"You, you two have to bring The Crystal Heart to the fair." Twilight said.

"But Twilight you--."

"Go!" She cut Spike off.

"She's right, Twilight we'll come back for you." Thorn said "Let's go, come on, climb on my back!" Thorn ordered.

Spike grabbed The Crystal Heart.

Spike took one final glance at Twilight, who nodded and smiled.

"Go!" Twilight shouted.

"Alright kid, let's kill a King!" Thorn said while climbing out of the tower.

Thorn jumped out of the tower, landing on a nearby crystal. Crystal were appearing behind them.

"Look out!" Spike said while blowing fire at a crystal.

"Oh not good!" Thorn shouted while jumping towards another crystal, unfortunately for him, he slipped and fell. Thorn quickly reacted and grabbed hold of the crystal with one hand, his other hand holding his Z6.

"Spike." Thorn grunted. "Get off my back and climb onto this crystal." Thorn ordered.

Spike nodded and walked over Thorn's helmet, he stepped on the crystal and looked down at Thorn.

"Give me your hoof!" Spike said.

"No!" Thorn said, looking down he saw the balcony, he saw Sev, Cadence, Shining Armor, and the rest of Twilight's friends standing underneath him.

"Let's just hope this works." Thorn said while gathering the last of his strength. He threw his Z6 at the balcony, Thorn watched as his trustworthy Z6 fell towards Shining Armor.

A loud clank could be heard, grabbing the attention of Shining Armor and the others.

"Huh?" Shining Armor said, looking at the familiar weapon in front of him.

Sev turned around. "That's Thorn's Z6!" He said.

"It fell from the sky." Shining Armor said.

"Up here!" They could hear Spike shout.

Everyone turned their gaze towards the source of the voice, and were shocked, but relieved when they saw who’s voice it was.

"Spike!" Rarity exclaimed.

"And Thorn!" Shining Armor added.

"We've got The Crystal Heart!" Thorn shouted. "Spike, give me the heart."

Spike nodded and handed him the heart.

"Sev, catch!" Thorn shouted while throwing the heart at him.

Sev watched as the heart fell towards him, he reached his hand out for it, only to be distracted by a familiar moan like scream.

"Oh no, Cadence!" Shining Armor said while hugging his wife.

Cadence's horn stopped glowing, her magical barrier was gone, Sombra now had entrance to The Crystal Empire.

"The heart!" Rarity exclaimed.

Sev quickly turned around he tried to catch the heart, but regrettably failed to catch it. He watched as the heart fell to the ground.

"All is lost." Shining Armor said in utter fear.

"Not yet!" Sev said while jumping of the balcony, attaching his DC17m to his belt in the process.

"Sev!" Shining Armor shouted.

Sev flattened his body, getting less resistance from the wind and making his body fall faster. Sev reached a hand out for the heart, he almost had it until.

"That belongs to me!"

Sev turned his head and saw King Sombra, he quickly grabbed The Crystal Heart and grabbed his DC17 side-arm pistol and began shooting at King Sombra.

Sombra laughed manically and took hold of Sev's arms and legs, dragging him to the central square of The Crystal Empire. Sombra threw Sev at the ground, Sev made impact with the hardened concrete of the central square. His armor protected him from the impact, but he lost his grip on The Crystal Heart.

Shadow Sombra laughed and moved towards The Crystal Heart, his body regaining its original form, the form of the Unicorn tyrant who ruled over The Crystal Empire.

Sombra licked his mouth and moved towards The Crystal Heart, but was stopped when a plasma bolt made impact with his chest. Sombra stumbled backwards. He shook his head and looked at his attacker.

"Fool! You do you not know who you are dealing with!? I am King Sombra, ruler of the Crystal Empire!" Sombra roared.

"All I see is a king who is not worthy of his title." Sev retorted.

"How dare you?!" Sombra roared while shooting a powerful bolt of dark magic at him. Sev rolled out of the way, not wanting to test if his armor could withhold the blast. Sombra grunted in frustration and shot another bolt at him, Sev rolled out of the way again, much to Sombra’s' annoyance.

"My turn." Sev said while shooting a plasma round at Sombra. Sombra let the bolt hit him, and chuckled grimly. How many times was he going to try this? It did not hurt him, it did not kill him. He couldn’t be destroyed.

"Fool. I am still part shadow, you cannot destroy me!" Sombra mocked.

"That's why I have a backup plan!" Sev retorted. Grabbing an Electronic Counter Detonator from his belt. He threw the ECD at Sombra and it landed several feet in front of him. Sombra looked at the strange device in front of him. "Ha! This thing doesn't even do anything! You fool!" Sombra laughed.

"And." Sev trailed of. "Boom."

The ECD exploded, creating an electrical shockwave. Electricity coursed through Sombra’s body. this was no Equestrian electricity, far from it. Somehow it made him feel… vulnerable

"Raagh!" Sombra roared in pain, sparks of electricity igniting from his body.

Glaring at the Commando, Sombra gritted his teeth in anger and annoyance. He had had enough of this creature, and he was going to finish it off; right this instant. Concentrating his every thought on this final spell, Sombra’s eyes lit a malicious glow and a burst of dark magic shot at Sev, sending the Commando flying backwards.

"Y-You fool, you cannot destroy me." Sombra said while slowly walking towards the Crystal Heart.

Sombra moved closer towards the Crystal Heart, he could feel its power coursing through his veins. The Crystal Empire would be ruled by a king, once again.

When pain is inflicted to him, he gets angry. When he the ones he cares about are in danger, he gets stronger. But when he is about to lose a fight, he loses every bit of humanity that is still left in him. Slowly pushing himself off the ground, the Commando looked at Sombra. It was not uncommon for him to get angry with someone. He had a anger problem, just as Scorch stated. "Play time is over, king, "Sev said as he stood at his full height again, his back aching from the previous impact.

"What?" Sombra asked in utter shock. This would have killed anyone. Pony or not, his magic was unlike any others.

"Republic Commandos, are not taken down that easily." Sev said.

"What?! How can this be?" Sombra asked in utter shock.

"I'm immune to your magic, at least; that’s what I’ve been told. The blast might have sent me flying into a wall, but my armor protect me from the force of impact." Sev said, slowly stumbling towards King Sombra. "The Kaminoans did a good job, creating this armor. "

"Impossible,” Sombra said, his eyes widening.

"Oh it's possible." Sev said, kneeing Sombra’s chin. Sombra was sent flying into the air, but Sev quickly grabbed hold of one of his legs and smashed him into the hardened concrete they were standing on.

Sombra looked up at Sev, only for an armored boot making impact with his face.

Sombra roared in pain as Sev continuously kicked him, he felt his muzzle crack under the sheer force.

'This dark presence.' Sombra thought. 'It's him, it's coming from him.'

Sombra gave a small laugh. 'Looks like my time is up, but at least Equestria has a new threat to worry about… This darkness coming from him, will destroy us all.' Sombra thought, looking up at Sev.

"It's over." Sev said, bringing Sombra to his hooves. Sombra stumbled to keep balance, he looked at Sev with one eye, his left eye swollen and covered in his black blood.

Sev lifted his leg up and brought it down on Sombra’s' back, the cracking of his bones could heard by not only himself, but also by many ponies who were watching the scene from a safe distance.

Sombra fell to the ground, his body broken as well as his spirit.

Sev activated his gauntlet knife and walked past Sombra. Sombra was about to turned his head, until he saw a red hand come up from behind. He felt something impale his throat.

"This." Sev said while digging the knife deeper in Sombra’s' throat. "Is." He said, cutting through Sombra’s' neck, feeling his column and Adams apple crack underneath the sheer force of his knife. "Where you." With one final twist of his arm, Sev cut through Sombra’s' neck entirely, black blood oozing out of the giant cut he had made. "Die." Sev finished.

Sombra gurgled, he tried to breath, but couldn't.

But this wasn't the end for Sombra. Sev retracted his gauntlet knife. He brought his hands towards Sombra’s' neck, his fingers dug deep into the cut he had made.

Sev pulled, feeling Sombra’s' neck shift slightly. He pulled again, and again. Until Sombra’s' head came straight off. Blood splattering against his armor, his entire visor covered in Sombra’s' blood. Sombra’s' body fell to the ground, it began to spasm, moving its legs in different directions.

Sev wiped his visor clean, he looked at the head of the King he had slaughtered, he grabbed hold of Sombra’s' horn and broke it off. He threw the head towards the (now) motionless body of Sombra.

He looked up at the sky and roared. He roared for himself, for victory, for his brothers.

Sev looked around, breathing heavily. He walked towards The Crystal Heart and picked it up. He sighed and walked towards the central square.

All of the Crystal Ponies looked at Sev, fear filling their eyes. Never had they seen such an atrocity.

Sev looked at The Crystal Heart, it began to change color, from its original white; into the darkest red.

Sev sighed and quickened the pace, picking up his DC17m along the way.

"Where does this belong?" Sev asked a Crystal Pony, showing her The Crystal Heart.

The pony gulped. "T-There, it belongs there." She replied while pointing her hoof at the spot; where the fake Crystal Heart stood.

"You can do it Thorn, just a little further!" Spike encouraged.

Thorn grunted and with a lot of effort, finally managed to sit down on the crystal, along with Spike.

"Alright Spike, time to go." Thorn said while grabbing him.

"Where are we going?" Spike asked.

"Down." Thorn replied while jumping towards a wall.

"Aaah! We're going to fall! We're going to die!" Spike said while covering his eyes.

"Spike." Thorn sighed.

"Yes?" Spike asked in fear.

"Open your eyes." Thorn replied.

"No, we're falling." Spike retorted.

"No we're not." Thorn said.

"Huh?" Spike asked while opening his eyes. To his surprise, they weren't falling, they were literally walking down the walls of The Crystal Palace.

"How?" Spike asked in amazement.

"Magnetic boots, build into every Clones' armor." Thorn replied.

"Cool." Spike said in awe.

Thorn chuckled. "Come on, we're almost there."

After a few more minutes if wall-waking, Thorn and Spike had reached the balcony.

"Oh my dear Spikey Wikey!" Rarity said while hugging him.

"H-Hey Rarity." Spike replied with a blush.

"Thorn, I believe this is yours." Shining Armor said while cocking his head towards Thorn's Z6.

"Aaah, yes." Thorn said while picking up his Z6. "Thanks."

"Where's Sev, we need The Crystal Heart." Shining Armor said.

"I found Sev!" Rainbow Dash said while hovering above Thorn.

"Where is he!?" Cadence asked.

"The central square." Rainbow Dash replied.

"Cadence are you--."

"I feel a little better Shining Armor, but we need to get to the central square, The Crystal Ponies have to fuel the heart." Cadence cut him off,

"Let's go then!" Shining Armor said.

Everyone nodded and ran as fast as they could, eventually they reached the central square.

"Sev!" Thorn shouted while running towards him.

Sev looked at the Commander, but said nothing.

"Sev." Thorn said while stopping in front of him. "What happened."

Sev lifted his hand, showing him The Crystal Heart.

"You did it, you beat Sombra and retrieved The Crystal Heart." Thorn said.

"Sev." Cadence said while trotting towards him. "Give me The Crystal Heart, I will return it to…" Cadence trailed of. Cadence looked at Sev, he was holding a Unicorns horn, but this one wasn't from a normal Unicorn.

"Did you?" Cadence asked.

Sev said nothing and passed the Crystal Heart at her. Cadence caught it with her magic and levitated it towards the two crystal pillars that stood in the middle of the central square. The Crystal Heart regained its original blue color.

"Behold, the Crystal Princess!" One of The Crystal Ponies said.

"The Crystal Heart has returned, spread the love and light within you to power it, so King Sombra does not." Cadence said.

All of The Crystal Ponies lowered their heads, touching the ground and making a beautiful blue aura appear. Everypony turned into a Crystal Pony, the prison that held Twilight captive was destroyed by the spirit of love and light. The light destroyed every single bit of Sombra’s' dark magic, when it reached Sombra’s' body, it evaporated. Even Sev's blood soaked armor was cleaned, leaving only its original blood red color on it.

Sev looked at the horn he was holding, his new trophy, he deserved this, for he had saved the Empire, not someone else.

And so, The Crystal Empire was saved, not only by Twilight and her friends, but also two extraterrestrial beings.


Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Princess Cadence, Shining Armor, Commander Thorn and Sev walked towards the train station, their adventure had taken their toll on them, but they were happy, happy that everything turned out alright.

"Too bad it wasn't permanent, did you see how my mane absolutely sparkled." Rarity said.

"But, good things are better when they are: A Rarity." Applejack replied with a wink.

"Ooh." Rarity said with much glee.

"You've got to stop saving my rump like this, it gets embarrassing." Shining Armor said while nudging his sister.

"It wasn't me who saved you're rump, it was Spike." Twilight said with a sad expression.

"It's just a test." Shining Armor said as they reached the station. "Maybe she'll let you re-take it."

"I don't think she's going to give me a new test." Twilight said while walking towards the train.

"Sev, you're awfully quiet." Thorn said while walking towards the train. "What's bothering you?"

"Nothing." Sev replied while looking at his new trophy. "Nothing at all."

Thorn nodded and stepped inside. Sev took one final glance at The Crystal Empire and stepped inside.

'Another kill for the cause huh?' Sev thought.


"So, your test was like a test ina test?" Thorn asked while walking through the halls of Canterlot castle.

"Well, you could say that." Twilight replied.

"Why did Princess Celestia require our presence?" Thorn asked.

"Well, let's just say, I now know what Sev did to Sombra." Twilight whispered.

Sev could hear her whisper, but decided to keep his mouth shut.

As the trio made their way over to the throne room, two guards opened the door with their magic.

"I'll be waiting outside." Twilight said with a smile.

Thorn nodded. "Alright, let's go."

Thorn and Sev stepped, the doors closed behind them.

"Greetings." Celestia said while walking down her throne.

"Princess." Thorn said, giving her a polite nod.

"I heard you two helped save The Crystal Empire." Celestia said.

"Just doing our job." Thorn replied.

"I see, and does that job.' Celestia said while turning her head to Sev. "Also involve slaughtering a King?! Mentally scaring dozens of Crystal Ponies?!" Celestia snapped at Sev.

"I did, what you could not." Sev retorted, showing her Sombra’s' horn. "I butchered him."

"Walk with me." Celestia said.

Sev and Thorn looked at each other, but decided to follow her. After a few minutes of walking, they reached a set of giant windows, each one of them holding an image. One of them showed Twilight and her friends defeating Discord, another showed Princess Cadence and Shining Armor.

But one window stood out in particular, that window held an image of a man, a man holding the head of a Unicorn King on one hand, while its other hand was raised sky high, a blade extended from its hand. Above stood Princess Cadence, together with The Crystal Ponies.

"Nice holo-pic." Sev joked.

"Yeah, really brings out your eyes." Thorn added.

"This is no laughing matter, this image is a disgrace! An atrocity was committed by you! "Celestia said while pointing her hoof at Sev. You might have saved The Empire, but know this Sev." Celestia said while moving closer to him. "You have not earned my trust."

"Celestia, this is going too far." Thorn said. "He saved an Empire, he only did what was right."

Celestia shook her head. "Perhaps, but know this Sev, you have not earned my trust or respect." Celestia said.

"I don't need the respect of a Princess that hides behind her castle walls." Sev said while turning around and walking away. "It would spoil my reputation"