• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,132 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Jolly cooperation

"Luke, use The Force."

Obi Wan Kenobi, to Luke Skywalker.


Darkness. That was The only thing Sev could see at the moment. Having agreed to enter Sweetiebelle's dream, together with Luna. The Commando now looked around him,master the darkness started to materialize into a room. A room that was unfamiliar to him. There were several small, wooden tables with smalle litte chairs placed behind them. At the front of the room stood a big, wooden desk. Behind the desk stood a big chalk board. Sev had only seen one of those things before. They were very primitive. But being on a planet that hasn't invented space travel yet, it was understandable.

"Where are we?" Sev asked, looking at Luna.

Luna looked at Sev. "We are in Sweetiebelle's dream. This is the school she attends." She replied, smiling at the Commando.

Sev shrugged as he scanned the classroom. Suddenly, he heard a door opening. Grabbing hold of his blaster, he aimed it at the door. "Who's there?" Sev asked.

"Calm thyself, Sev." Luna said, pointing a hoof at the opening door. "They are just fillies."

Sev tilted his head in confusion. But quickly understood what Luna meant. Sev couldn't help but smile a bit, as he watched several fillies enter the classroom. He only knew a handful of these fillies. There was: Applebloom, Scootaloo, Sweetiebelle, and Dinky.. Three of them had actually helped him once. He'd have to repay them for that, one day. Sev walked up towards Applebloom, only for her to completely ignore him. If looks could kill, then Applebloom would have been dead by now.

"Hey!" Sev said, walking towards Applebloom and pointing his finger at her. "What's your problem?"

Applebloom said nothing. She kept staring at the teacher's desk, and sometimes she would take quick glances at Scootaloo. Giggling to each other.

Sev could only stare in confusion. Luckily for him, he still had his helmet on.

Luna couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Sev." She said, walking towards him. "They cannot see you, because they are part of Sweetiebelle's dream. Young Sweetiebelle is the only one who can see us."

"Well." Sev said, turning around to face Luna. "Where is she at?"

"Well, the dream has for some reason kept repeating itself." Luna said, looking at the fillies that had their eyes glued to the chalk board. I"t always starts with young Sweetiebelle, standing in front of the class. After a few minutes, she starts talking about who her greatest hero is. Then, when her teacher asks who her greatest hero is, she answers with: My sister, Rarity."

"What happens next?" Sev asked.

Luna sighed, her head lowering as she looked at the floor. "Young Sweetiebelle runs out of the classroom, crying."

Sev looked at his blaster, an evil, yet justified thought crossing his mind. Princess. Sev said, looking at Luna. "Is it possible for us to 'change' the outcome of her dream?"

Luna looked at him in confusion. "What does thou mean?"

"Well, if her dream ends with her, running out of this classroom and bawling her eyes out. What if we altered the course of this dream?" Sev asked.

"Well.. We never tried it before, but thou knows what ponies say: You can't judge a book by it's cover." Luna smiled at him. "Go ahead then, but please try to be gentle."

"Gentle is my middle name." Sev joked, walking towards the front of the classroom. He sat down on the teacher's desk. Miss Cheerilee not even noticing him. Probably because this was a dream. Sev turned his head towards the door, wanting for Sweetiebelle to enter the classroom. Luna soon joined him, standing beside Sev. And there she was. Sweetiebelle entered the classroom, a confident expression on her muzzle.

"Hello Sweetiebelle." Miss Cheerilee smiled at the fully. "Are you ready for your presentation?"

Sweetiebelle smiled and looked up at Miss Cheerilee, only for her eyes to widen when she saw the huge mass of plastoid armor sitting in Cheerilee's desk. Sweetiebelle gulped as she watched Sev's visor stare down at her. Drips of sweat fell down Sweetiebelle's forehead.

"Sweetiebelle, are you all right?" Miss Cheerilee asked, a hint on concern in her voice.

"I-I'm f-fine." Sweetiebelle replied, her eyes glued to the behemoth that sat on her teacher's desk. What was he doing in her classroom? And why had Miss Cheerilee not noticed him? Deciding to try and ignore The Republic Clone Commando, Sweetiebelle gathered her courage and looked at the colts and fillies that looked at her with looks of: Confusion, curiosity, and distaste.

"Hello e-everypony." Sweetiebelle began, looking down at the note she had brought with her. "M-My presentation is a-about heroes. Heroes are.." Sweetiebelle trailed off. Turning her head, she turned to Sev, who had his gaze fixed upon her. Gulping, Sweetiebelle looked back at her class and picked up where she left of. "So, heroes are.. Umm."

"Sweetiebelle, do you need a time-out?" Miss Cheerilee asked, looking at the young filly. "You did prepare your presentation at home, right?"

"I-I did!" Sweetiebelle replied, looking down at her note. She gasped when she saw the sentences fade away, and a few letters connecting with one another. Sweetiebelle's ears folded back on her head when she read the one word that was written on the note.

"Loser." Sweetiebelle sniffed, tears forming in her eyes. "I'm just a.. Loser."

Suddenly, a humongous shadow was towering over Sweetiebelle. Turning around, her eyes widened a bit, when she saw Sev standing in fron of her.

"Soldier!" Sev shouted, looking down at Sweetiebelle. "Has Commander Thorn not taught you the first rule of combat? He asked, bending over to meet her on eye level. Once the foe stands before you, then even if it costs your arms and legs, you fight!"

"I-I don't get it!" Sweetiebelle whispered.

"These students around your foes." Sev said, pointing his finger at her. "And you are the blaster, pointed at their faces! Now turn around, and nail this presentation!"

"Yes sir!" Sweetiebelle saluted, turning around and ignoring the looks of confusion her classmates were giving her.

"This is your moment, so use everything to your advantage!" Sev ordered.

"What is a hero?" Sweetiebelle asked her classmates. "A hero or heroine is a pony or character who, in the face of danger and adversity or from a position of weakness, displays courage, bravery or self-sacrifice—that is, heroism—for some greater good; a mare or stallion of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his or hers brave deeds and noble qualities. There are many heroes. The most noticeable are of course: Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. And let's not forget about The Elements of Harmony."

A muffled 'yeah' could be heard, coming from Scootaloo's seat.

"But recently, a new hero appeared from out of nowhere. Not much is known of him, only that he is not from this planet. His name is: Thorn. He is a Clone trooper from The Galactic Republic. I trained with him once, and I'll tell you. He's not somepony you want to make angry. He saved Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor's wedding, from the evil Queen Chrysalis. He helped defend The Crystal Empire against King Sombra. At least, that's what my sister: Rarity told me."

"And what do you think of him?" Miss Cheerilee asked, eyeing her suspiciously. "Is he your greatest hero?"

Sweetiebelle bit her lip, and looked back at Sev. Sev nodded, looking down at her.

"Go for it, kid." Sev said, giving her a thumbs up.

"No." Sweetiebelle replied, looking at Miss Cheerilee. "He's not my greatest hero."

Miss Cheerilee raised an eyebrow at her reply. "Then who is?" She asked, grinning evilly. "Your sister?"

"No." Sweetiebelle replied. "His name is like a number. His voice will send shivers down your spine. He doesn't show any mercy, and he doesn't like it when ponies disrespect him. His name is: Sev. He is, just like Thorn, a Clone trooper. But he's different than him. He's a Commando. He goes on these really dangerous missions and always returns from them. Me, Applebloom, and Scootaloo were the first ponies he met. He helped us find our way back to Ponyville when we got lost in The Everfree forest. He has these cool weapons, and he was also with Thorn when King Sombra attack The Crystal Empire."

"What happened next?" Asked a filly.

Sev looked at the filly, and saw that it was the same filly he had met in Ponyville hospital.

'Dinky.' Sev thought, a small smile forming on his lips.

"While Thorn was the one who retrieved The Crystal Heart, along with Twilight Sparkle and Spike. Sev actually fought agains King Sombra. Rarity didn't go into any details about the fight. Telling me it was 'a bit extreme'. But what she did tell me, was that Sev actually leaped of The Crystal Palace and landed in front of King Sombra. They started fighting mid-air, and Sev was thrown into a nearby wall. But he survived the impact and he kicked Sombra's flank!"

Sev couldn't help but smile at her story. While he would have told all of these colts and fillies all about the fight (in full detail nonetheless), Sweetiebelle was doing a great job. Sev listened to her story, until he felt someone tug at his arm. Turning around, he saw Luna smiling at him.

"What?" Sev asked.

"Our work here is done. Thou did an excellent job. We are proud of thee." Luna replied.

"... It was my pleasure." Sev replied, a bit confused about the fact Luna was proud of him. "What now?"

Luna looked at Sweetiebelle, who was currently enjoying herself, telling her classmates about Sev. "We think it is for the best, if we leave this dream. Her nightmare is gone." Luna said as her horn was covered in a blue aura. Seconds later, Sev was covered in the same aura. Sev took one glance back at Sweetiebelle. He smiled underneath his helmet. But his smile disappeared when he saw a strange figure standing at the very end of the classroom.

The figure started at Sev and started whispering. His voice was soft, but Sev could still hear what it was saying.

"Greetings Commando. You may not know me, but I know you. For I am life, and I am death. A am light, yet dark. I am: The Son."

"What the-- Princess, wait!" Sev ordered. But it was too late. Sev and Luna left the dream. Leaving the Commando with more unanswered question.

"Yes." The Son said, walking towards the front of the classroom. "He will most certainly do. Now, I shall leave you, child. Perhaps we will meet again." And with that, he disappeared into the darkness. Sweetiebelle not even noticing him as he disappeared.