• Published 26th Nov 2014
  • 11,145 Views, 476 Comments

Commander Thorn in Equestria. - SolidArc5542

Commander Thorn gave his life for the Republic. His squad was overrun and he was KIA....or so we thought. Commander Thorn’s alive and kicking ass in Equestria. How can this possibly go wrong?

  • ...

Hammer of justice

"How unfortunate that you are attempting to deceive me."


"You have become a rival!"

Darth Sidious talking with Dath Maul.


"Who dares to disturb me?!" Queen Chrysalis asked furiously.

"This is CC-4254, you will open this door and surrender." Thorn replied.

"Ha! You and what army?" Chrysalis asked mockingly while walking towards the door. While she was walking towards the door; she heard a strange noise in response.

( Skip to 00:22 and ignore the last few seconds in the video.)

An explosion followed and the doors blasted open. Queen Chrysalis quickly used a shield barrier spell to protect herself from the impact; but was blown back against the wall.

But before she would have hit the wall; she teleported herself away just in time. Chrysalis appeared next to the two Changelings that had stayed behind in the wedding room to protect her.

"You two, attack whatever did that!" Chrysalis ordered. The Changelings nodded in response. They started to run towards the blown up doors. They couldn't see what was on the other side because a smoke cloud covered the entrance of the wedding room.

Suddenly a storm of blue lasers came out of the smoke cloud, the Changelings reacted to late and were killed instantly. Chrysalis looked at the scene in horror, her two subjects laid dead on the hardened floor of the wedding room.

"You said me and what army." Thorn said while walking through the cloud of smoke. "This is the army." Thorn said while getting into a battle stance.

Chrysalis eyes widened in shock when she saw what walked out of the smoke. It looked like a bipedal creature, it's skin was white with some red markings on it. But what frightened her the most was that on it's right appendage was blood, the blood of her subjects.

"W-What are you?" Chrysalis asked frightened.

"Clone Commander CC-4254, and your so called army is attacking innocent civilians, and from the looks of it." Thorn said while turning his head towards Cadence. "You are keeping hostages as well."

"I do not know what you are, but I Queen Chrysalis am going to make you pay for the things you have done!" Chrysalis roared while shooting a bolt of magic at Thorn.

Thorn rolled out of the way and dodged the bolt of magic. 'They never learn, do they?' Thorn thought while getting up.

He got up and aimed his cannon at Chrysalis. "Ma'am I suggest you surrender; if you don't want to end up like those two." Thorn said while pointing his finger towards the bodies of the Changelings who he had just killed.

"I will not end up like my subjects!" Chrysalis roared while shooting another bolt of magic at Thorn.

Thorn rolled out of the way again, the bolt of magic didn't hit him; but it did hit the shy pony named Fluttershy. Fluttershy was sent flying and made impact with the wall behind her. "Aaah!" Fluttershy screamed while making impact with the wall.

"Fluttershy!" Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie shouted in union. They ran towards Fluttershy; who was currently in agonizing pain. "Aaah, m-my wing." Fluttershy said while tears of pain started to form in her eyes.

"Fluttershy darling; please speak to me." Rarity said while tears started to form in her eyes.

"This is just awful." Pinkie said.

"Chrysalis is gonna pay for this!" Rainbow Dash said angrily.

"We have to do something!" Twilight said.

"Uhm ah don't think we'll have to do anythin' girls." Applejack said.

"What do you mean AJ?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Applejack simply pointed her hoof towards the creature that was currently running towards Chrysalis.

"Seriously, what is that thing?!" Twilight shouted.

"I don't know, but I think it's on our side." Rainbow Dash said.

"Oh m-my back." Fluttershy said while trying to stand up.

"No Fluttershy, please lay down and try not to move darling." Rarity said while gently pushing Fluttershy back on the ground.

"O-Ok." Fluttershy replied while laying down.

A loud noise interrupted the mane six and their concerns for Fluttershy. All of them turned their heads towards the source of the strange noise. There they saw the strange creature, firing what appeared to be blue bolts of magic at Chrysalis. Chrysalis was constantly teleporting; trying to dodge as many lasers as possible.

"Aaaah!" Chrysalis screamed in agony. Her left wing had been hit by 2 successful shots from Thorn's Z6 rotary blaster cannon. Chrysalis fell on the ground with a *thud*. She tried to get up, only to see Thorn running towards her. Thorn was quick enough to get to Chrysalis before she got up, he brought his foot down on her left wing and spoke up. "Surrender now!" Thorn ordered.

Chrysalis ignored the pain and focused all of her energy on this last final attempt. Her horn lit up and a huge blast of magic came out of it. Thorn's instincts kicked in and he used the Z6 rotary blaster cannon to protect himself from the impact. Due to the amount of force and the fact Thorn's arm was hurt; he lost his grip on the cannon and it was shot out of his hands, landing 20 feet behind him.

Chrysalis got up and launched herself towards Thorn, Thorn held his right arm up and tried to block her attack; only for Chrysalis to open her mouth and biting him in his arm like one of the Changelings did before; only this time; with much more force.

"Gaah!" Thorn shouted while trying to get Chrysalis to let him go. Due to the fact Chrysalis was a lot bigger and heavier than the other Changelings; Thorn fell on his back, dragging Chrysalis with him. Thorn quickly rolled around and got on top of Chrysalis.

"Let go of my arm!" Thorn shouted while trying to reach for his blaster pistols. Chrysalis bucked him in his torso and sent him on his back.

Chrysalis got up and launched herself at Thorn again. Thorn got up and launched himself at Chrysalis as well. Thorn raised his left arm and punched Chrysalis's face with as much force as he could. He could feel her jaw cracking a little went his fist made impact with her face.

But Chrysalis also got a good hit on Thorn, she bucked him in his stomach with her front hooves, if he wasn't wearing his armor; he would have been severely injured. But because he was wearing his armor; Chrysalis's hit wasn't as powerful as he would have expected it to be.

Thorn grunted and got back up, unfortunately for him; Chrysalis did as well. "You are strong creature, I'll give you that." Chrysalis said while wiping the blood away from her mouth.

"You aren't." Thron replied while grabbing his pistols. 'Gaah, my arm hurts, but I've been through worse.' Thorn thought while aiming his pistols at Chrysalis.

Chrysalis shot another bolt at magic at Thorn, Thorn stood his ground let the bolt hit him. The bolt bounced right of his armor. "You've been trying that for two minutes now, did you honestly think that it would work, now?" Thorn asked sarcastically.

"I will destroy you!" Chrysalis roared while running towards Thorn.

'Time to finish this.' Thorn thought while pulling the triggers of his pistols. But Chrysalis quickly dodged the lasers.Thorn shot two more, one missed and one hit her in her right leg. Chrysalis screamed in pain. She lost her balance and tripped over her own legs. She fell face-first onto the floor.

She was now at Thorn's mercy.

What Thorn and Chrysalis didn't notice was that a certain lavender unicorn had made her way over to the bride. "Quickly, go to him while you still have the chance." Twilight said while freeing Cadence from the sticky Changeling goo that had her hoofs tied to the ground.

Cadence quickly made he way over to Shining Armor; she looked at her husband and laid a hood on his muzzle. She shed a tear and hugged him tightly. Suddenly sparks came out of her horn, and suddenly a small heart appeared and made it's way over to Shining Armor's head. The heart popped in front of his head.

"Huh? wha, huh? Is-is the wedding over?" Shining Armor asked. Cadence smiled in response.

"It's all over." Chrysalis said.

"Be quiet!" Thorn snapped at her while squeezing the triggers tightly. 'One wrong move and you'll be joining the others.'

"Quickly! Preform your spell." Twilight said.

"What use would that be? My Changelings already roam free." Chrysalis said.

"No." Shining Armor said while trying to preform the spell. His horn gave of some sparks but no magic came out of it. "My power is useless now, I don't have the strength to repel them" Shining Armor said defeated.

Cadence trotted over towards him and gave him a hug. "My love will give you strength." Cadence said while hugging him tightly.

"What a lovely, but absolutely ridiculous sentiment." Chrysalis said. She received a kick in the stomach from Thorn in response.

"Be quiet!" Thorn ordered.

Shining Armor closed his eyes and hugged her back. Suddenly Shining Armor's horn started glowing; Cadence horn did the same. Their horns connected with one another and a bright purple/pink light covered them. Cadence one's messed up mane and coat wer returned to its normal state and her energy returned, Shining Armor's energy seemed to have returned to him as well.

The light became brighter and brighter, suddenly Cadence and Shining Armor's eyes became a bright white and the light became so bright that everybody had to close their eyes. Suddenly a big heart appeared. The magical energy became bigger and bigger until it 'exploded' sending a huge wave of magic across Canterlot. The magic didn't seem to affect the ponies nor Thorn. It only affected Chrysalis. "Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! "Chrysalis screamed while she was sent flying of the balcony.

'Blast! She trying to escape!' Thorn thought.

Thorn shot his pistols while Chrysalis was sent flying, he didn't know if he had hit her; but he had this gut feeling he had.

'Looks like those two actually were useful.' Thron thought while holstering his pistols. He turned around and walked towards his Z6.

The ponies didn't seem to notice, because they were all busy watching the pink and white pony.

Cadence and Shining Armor landed on the ground and hugged each other. Twilight quickly trotted over towards the recently freed Princess Celestia.

"I'm fine, you have a real wedding to attend to." Celestia said in her motherly tone.

"Whoa wait a minute." Rainbow Dash said.

"What is it Dash?" Applejack asked.

"I know we're all happy and so, but we still don't know what that thing is!" Rainbow Dash said while pointing her hoof at Commander Thorn. (Who was currently picking up his Z6 rotary blaster cannon.)

"Huh? Who is who?.. What is that thing?!" Shining Armor asked, a terrified expression planted on his face.

Eveypony stared at Thron with different expressions on their faces, some were looks of terror, others were looks of curiosity.

Surprisingly, Cadence was the one to walk up,towards Thorn.

Thorn did nothing, but he held his Z6 ready; just in case they would try anything funny.

"Hello? Can you understand me?" Cadence asked Thorn while walking closer to him.

"Cadence!" Shining Armor shouted while running after his soon to be wife. "Don't get close to that thing."

"Shiny, that thing just saved not only our wedding; but also all of Canterlot." Cadence said.

'Wedding? They were getting married?' Thorn thought.

"Hello? It's ok, we won't hurt you." Cadence said. "Can you talk?"

"My name is Clone Commander CC-4254, but you can call me Commander Thorn." Thorn replied.

"Well then Commander Thorn, I think I speak for all of us when I say: Thank you for saving not only my wedding, but also saving Canterlot and Princess Celestia." Cadence said.

"Ma'am, do you have any sort of communication I couldn't use to contact The Republic?" Thorn asked, getting straight to his point.

"What's The Republic?" Twilight asked curiously.

"You've never heard of The Galactic Republic?" Thorn asked.

"No. "

"The war that has spread across the entire galaxy?"


"The Seperatist?"

"Again: No."

"The Jedi?"

"The what?"

"Would you believe me if I told you that I am from another planet?" Thorn asked.

"Another planet? Pffft, yeah right." Rainbow Dash said while hovering towards Thorn. "From what planet would you be, then?"

"Kamino." Thorn replied.

"And what are you?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"A clone, I am a soldier, one out of millions who look exactly like me." Thorn replied.

"So they're your brothers?" Cadence asked curiously.

"Yes, technically they are." Thorn replied.

"Well that's one big family, I feel sorry for your mother; I couldn't image to give birth to millions of children." Cadence said.

"I was not born, I was created by the Kaminoans, they took DNA from a bounty hunter named Jango Fett and made millions of clones of him, I am one of them. Thorn replied.

"You were created? But why?" Twilight asked.

"To fight against the Seperatist." Thorn replied.

"Who are these Seperatist?" Twilight asked.

"*sigh* Listen I think it would be wise if we would continue this conversation elsewhere, seeing that you have a lot to clean up."Thorn said.

"Yeah, but why did you kill those Changelings?" Cadence asked.

"Those aren't the only ones, on the lower parts of the castle are more of them." Thorn replied.

"More!? You killed more!?" Shining Armor asked.

"Around one hundred, maybe more." Thorn replied.

Shining Armor's eyes widened in response.

Suddenly Princess Celestia came walking up towards Thorn.

"Greetings Commander Thorn from the planet Kamino, I Princess Celestia thank you for what you have done for us." Celestia said while bowing.

"Ma'am I am a clone, clones are created to fight in the war against the Seperatist, and to protect the innocent. I was just doing what I was bred for." Thorn replied.

Celestia looked at Thorn, a smile crossing her face. "I was just showing some respect towards Equestria's first alien/hero." Celestia replied.

"Just doing my job ma'am." Thorn replied.

"You can call me by my name Commander Thorn, there is no need for formalities." Celestia said.

"Yes ma--err Celestia."Thorn replied.

"So wait, you are an alien?" Rainbow Dash asked astonished.

"Well if I'm the first clone to arrive in this planet then; yes I am an alien." Thorn replied.

"Wooooooow that's so awesome!" Rainbow Dash squealed.

"Uhm, not to be rude but I will have to get some bacta for my wounds." Thron said while showing his arm.

"Oh my, you poor thing." Fluttershy said while flying towards Thorn.

"Fluttershy! I told you to lay down." Rarity said.

"I'm feeling better, and this poor alien is hurt." Fluttershy said while carefully grabbing Thorn's arm. "Oh my, Chrysalis really bit hard didn't she?"

"Well she got a lucky hit. She was lucky I didn't blast her into oblivion." Thorn said.

"Blast? What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked confused.

"This." Thorn said while showing his Z6 to the ponies. "Is the Z6 rotary blaster cannon, it is one of the most powerful weapons used in The Clone Wars, it is also what I used to take out those Changelings." Thorn said.

"So it's a weapon?" Celestia asked.

"Yes, but I only use it against people I don't trust, and seeing the fact that you aren't trying to blast me; has earned you my trust." Thorn replied.

Celestia sighed in relief. "That is good to hear. And I think I speak for everypony when I say that you've earned our trust as well."

"Thank you Celestia. But about that communication." Thorn said.

"I am afraid we have no such a thing Commander, I am over five thousand years old and I've never heard of this 'Republic'." Celestia said.

"Well, that means I'm really dead then." Thorn mumbled.

"I'm sorry?" Celestia said.

"N-Nothing Celestia, just thinking out loud." Thorn replied.

"Well I guess we better start cleaning up this mess." Celestia said. "And Thorn." Celestia whispered.

"What is it?" Thorn whispered back.

"This may seem selfish of me but, could you dispose of the bodies of all the dead Changelings?" Celestia asked.

"I don't think that's necessary anymore." Thorn whispered back.

"What do you mean?" Celestia asked.

"Well, when the pink pony and the white one did what they just did, Chrysalis and her Changelings were sent flying. Seeing that the bodies of those two Changelings are also gone, I can assume that that energy field not only got rid of the living Changelings, but also the dead." Thorn explained.

"So what you are saying is?" Celestia asked.

"No dead bodies to be seen for the ponies."

"Well that is a relief, my subjects aren't really used to death you know." Celestia said.

"I've noticed and ouch!" Thorn said while wincing.

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to I--."

"It's alright, just be gentle please." Thorn cut Fluttershy of.

Fluttershy smiled in response.

"This is the first time I've seen Fluttershy act that calmly around a stranger, especially considering the fact that this stranger is an alien." Rarity whispered to Applejack.

"Hey, maybe this Thorn fella can get her outta her shell?" Applejack asked.

"Maybe. I still can't believe it. A really alien." Rarity said while walking towards Thorn. "Say darling, is that white colour your skin?"

"No, this is just armor." Thorn replied.

"Oh my, it looks amazing! Did you do it yourself?" Rarity asked astonished.

"Uhm, the red markings I did all by myself yes." Thorn replied, well his reply was not entirely true; the helmet he did all by himself.

"Oh, so you are a soldier with a sense of fashion? Oh, we are going to get along just fine darling." Rarity said while flicking her mane.

"Hey don't forget about me!" Spike shouted while running towards Thorn. He stopped and looked up at Thorn.

"Hey kid." Thorn said.

"Wow, you are so cool." Spike said in awe.

"Thanks kid, you're not too bad yourself." Thorn said while giving him a pat on his head.

"You heard that Twilight? He thinks I'm cool." Spike said.

"Yes, I heard that Spike." Twilight replied.

"Well let's get this wedding started!" Pinkie shouted.

Wedding? Thorn asked.

"Oh I almost forgot." Cadence said. "My name is Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, but you can call me Cadence."

"And I'm Shining Armor, captain of the royal guard." Shining said.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said while giving Thorn a smile.

"My name is Rarity, a pleasure to meet you darling." Rarity said.

"Pleasure's all mine ma'am." Thorn replied.

"My name's Rainbow Dash! Fastest flyer in all of Equestria!" Rainbow Dash said.

'Fastest flyer? Heh let's see her outfly a ARC-170.' Thorn thought.

"My name is Pinkie Pie! And I'm going to throw you the best Welcome to Equestria and thank you for saving Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's wedding party ever! "Pinkie said.

"Wow, slow down and breath." Thorn said.

"Okie dokie lokie." Pinkie replied while bouncing up and down.

'She reminds me of senator Binks for some reason.' Thorn thought while looking at the bouncing pink pony in front of him.

"Mah name's Applejack, pleasure to meet ya partner." Applejack said.

"A pleasure to meet you too." Thorn replied.

"Well I think we better start cleaning the rest of this mess, and like I said before: You have a real wedding to attend to." Celestia said.

"Yeah, let's." Twilight said with a smile.

With that said, everybody was preparing the wedding, Fluttershy and her song birds preparing the music, Pinkie Pie hosting the reception, Applejack taking care of the catering of the reception, Rainbow Dash was going to do a sonic rainboom when the bride and groom would complete their I do's, Rarity being responsible for designing the dresses for the bride and her bride maids, and Twilight making sure everything goes as planned. And Thorn? Thorn had asked if he could be left alone for a couple of hours, of course Princess didn't deny his request.


One hour before the wedding, Thorn's temporary chambers.

I can't believe they insisted me to attend to the wedding. Thorn thought.

Here he was, Clone Commander Thorn. A soldier of The Republic on an unknown planet who haven't even heard about The Republic, or Seperatist.

'How did I end up in this mess? And why did that yellow pony insisted on patching me up? Thorn thought as he looked down at his hands. 'I wonder how the battle is going on Scipio, I hope that senator Amidala made it out before those clankers.....Killed me.'

Thorn was lost in thoughts, so many questions; but no one to answer them.

"What will happen to me now?" Thorn said while taking helmet of. He looked at his helmet and thought back at all of the battles he had been in. He remembered his brothers, his generals, his death.

Guess he couldn't keep that promise.

"Rex.. I'm sorry."

Author's Note:

That's another chapter.

Now I know what your thinking: Why didn't Thorn kill Chrysalis? Well that's because he still follows Republic protocol.

As always don't forget to leave a like and comment on this story.
