• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 10: My Little Guinea Pig

December 29,

I finished the lunch service at the cafe and went back home to find Twilight and Jynx talking to Celestia, “What's up, Sunshine.” I said, “How's the royal stuff?”

Jynx's eyes grew to the approximate size of Jupiter while Celestia just chuckled.

“It's good to see you too, my little kitty.” she said, “Twilight showed me the show today. It was... different.”

A knock came at the door.

“I got it.” I said and waved at the door. It rolled up with flapping noise, and the girls came in. They were used to my antics by now, Jynx, however, was not. Her face was hilarious.

“I see you're enjoying your magic.” said the sun goddess.

“You should have seen when had squirrels jousting.” Pinkie said with her usual vigor. Celestia gave my a look.

“They had armor on.” I said in my defense.

She just shook her head, “Oh, before I forget, care to explain this?” she pulled a letter out of her saddlebag.

She opened it up and read it out loud, “Dear Princess Celestia, Luna mooned me. Yours truly, Captain Awesome.”

Pinkie, Dash and I laughed, “I don't know, but this 'Captain Awesome' sounds like a real mad genius.” I said

Twilight glared at us, “Or a tiger with too much free time.”

“Probably.” I agreed, “So who's ready for movie night?”

I got enthusiastic approvals from everyone. I hit play on the remote and sat back to enjoy.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The credits were rolling on the second movie of the night and I was still holding back a laugh at their faces.

Celestia spoke up first, “I did not expect that.”

AJ was next, “I can't believe it, Darth Vader is Luke's father? Ben said he was dead.”

“Hurry and start the next one!!!” Twilight yelled.

After the final movie was finished the girls decided to leave.

“I want an ewok. They are soooo cute.” said Fluttershy.

“Ah want one of them AT-ST's ta take care of the varmints that keep stealin mah apples.” said AJ.

“I want a rancor. They are so bad flank.” Dash said.

“I want R2-D2, he's funny.” said Pinkie.

“I want Han.” Rarity said, the others looked at her like she was nuts, “What? He's hot.”

We laughed as Twilight shut the door behind them.

“I really should be off.” Celestia said, “Who knows what kind of trouble Luna's getting into. Before I go,” she looked at me and gave me a Pinkie smile, “you don't happen to have any more of those moon pies do you?”

“No, but I have a few eclairs you can have.” I said, “I swear don't you have a chef at the castle who can make this stuff for you?”

“You make them better. Not as good as Pinkie but close enough.” she said.

“Yeah, I wish I could cook like Pinkie. Have you tried her Cerry-Changas?”

“Oh yes!!! Those are THE BEST.” she was starting to drool. Realizing this she quickly wiped it away, “ehem, yes well, I must be going now. I'll see you new years Twilight.”

“Bye, mom.” Twilight gave her a hug and the princess of the day left.

I nudged Twi with my elbow, “Dude, your mom's hot.”

“WHAT?” her jaw was just about dragging on the floor. She makes it way too easy.

I picked myself up off the floor after the fit of laughter subsided.

“Hey, Shiro,” Twilight said, “is there a way we would be able to see those stories our fans made?”

I thought about it, “Maybe, but I'm not sure if you'll really want to read them. Some of them are violent, and gory, and some even tell about your... um...” wow I did NOT want to tell her but I have to, “sex lives.”

“Our sex lives?” she said, “I’m pretty sure the only ones with a sex life are, AJ and Rarity. Maybe Pinkie but I'm not sure.”

“That doesn't keep people from making them up.” I said.

“Are there any of these stories with me in them?” Jynx asked.

“No,” I answered, “I'm pretty sure this is the first.”

“Oh, ok... wait what?”

“I have an idea. Do you have a couple books you don't want anymore? That or blank books.” I asked Twilight.

“Yes. I have blank books in my chest, I’ll get you some.” she said. She came back down with three books hovering in front of her.

I took one of them held it in one paw and waved the other around, “Presto change-o.” I tossed it to twilight, “Try it out.”

She read the first page out loud, “Touch the title you would like to read, or touch search.” she looked at me and smiled. After touching a couple of pages she grinned, “Here we go... 'The Broken Soldier'.”

“Oh, god your reading mine!?” she just smiled and nodded.

I made the other two, handed one to Jynx and played with the third myself.

After about a half an hour Twilight looked up at my with one helluva poker face, “A few things I have to say. One, your grammar is terrible. Two, why am I depicted as being sex crazed?”

“As for the 'one', I know my grammar sucks, and for 'two' I did it for the comedic effect.” I looked over at Jynx and saw she was tearing up, “You OK?”

“I'm fine, this is just so sad.” she said, “Twilight you should read this one called 'My Little Dashie' it's so sad, but so good.”

We read for a while longer before deciding to call it quits.

“Your second was better.” Twilight told me.

“Thanks?” I said.

“Tomorrow I want to run some tests on you, if that's OK with you.” said Jynx.

“We'll see.” I said and went down to my room.

Mephisto jumped up beside me, “Hey buddy, where have you been?” he started bouncing like a certain pink puff, “Pinkie's,” he nodded.

I opened the little fridge I have and grabbed a piece of boar meat. Twilight put it down there for me when I was in the hospital. Mephisto and I shared the chunk.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

December 30,

Same morning routine as always; wake up, Tai-Chi (it's easier with fingers than hooves), eat, work, home.

I walked in the front door and heard something that terrified me.

“Oooo, here's one called 'Cupcakes', I love cupcakes.”

“NNNOOOOO!!!!” I screamed, “Not that one, anything but that one!” I ran over and shut the book on Pinkie.

“Hey, what gives?” she asked offended.

“I'm sorry, Pink, but that's one of the most disturbing stories ever written. Please, don't read that one.”

“OK, if it has you that worried, I won't reed it.” she said.

I looked over and saw a open book with no Twilight, “Where'd Twi go?” I asked.

“She was reading and found an author by the name of 'TAW'. She read for a bit and went upstairs.”

“Oh, crap.”

I went upstairs. It sounded like she was crying or something. I knocked on the door, “You OK Twilight?”

“Oh, shit.” I heard her whisper. After some shuffling sounds she answered, “I-I'm fine thanks.”

“Do you need any help?” I asked.

“NO!... I mean no thanks, I'll be down in a bit.” she was acting weird.

I went back down stairs.

“Is she OK?” Jynx asked, “What's wrong?”

“TAW writes... erotic stories.” I said.

She said “Really? Then why is she... oh.”

“Oh, what? Is something wrong?” I asked.

“There might be now.” she said looking over my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Twilight staring daggers at me, “Are you OK?”

“You suck. You know that?” she said.

“Uh, OK.” WTF.

“Oh, Shiro about those experiments.” Jynx sad interrupting my thoughts, “I'd like to discuss them with you. Walk with me.”

We left the library and went to the edge of town. The silence was stifling

“So Jynx,” I decided to strike up a conversation, “What was that thing you were flying on?”

“Ah, That is the result of the combination of several forms of ancient magic. It usually works, but I hit a bird and it broke my guidance system.” she explained.

“Do you think you can repair it?” I asked

“I should, as long as it didn't take too much damage in the crash.” she replied.

“It looked to be in one piece.” I said.

We stopped a good distance outside of town.

“Why are we way out here?” I asked

She looked at me, “Safety, I want you to show me that thing you did to kill those wolves.” she reached into her saddlebag and pulled out a device with a long rod attached to it.

I held out my right paw and conjured the silver flame.

“Good, now hold it.” she stuck the rod in the fire, “Interesting. Are you sure this is the same fire that you used?” I nodded my head, “hmm, try shooting that rock over there with it.” she pointed a hoof towards a small boulder.

I brought my paws to my side, holding the fire between them, “Hadoken!” I threw the fire at the rock and shattered it.

“Hold the fire in your paw again.” she said and picked up a stick, “Now, DON'T burn this.” she said and put it in the flame... nothing. It was untouched, “now burn it.” In an instant it was ash. I had to admit that was bad ass.

“Very good!” she wrote something in a note pad, “again don't burn me.” she stuck her hoof in it before I could react.

She took several sticks and stuck them in the ground in a circle with one in the middle, “engulf them all in flames, but only burn the middle one.” I covered them in fire but as Jynx said I only burned the middle.

“Final test with this for now.” she held a stick in each hoof and held them out, “burn the sticks.”

“What?” she couldn't be saying what I think she's saying.

“Burn the sticks but not me.” she was serious. I reached out closed my eyes (I couldn't watch) and let loose.

“It feels tingly.” she said. I opened my eyes and she was untouched.

“This is interesting. That was chaos flame. The only known kind of choas magic that always follows the will of the user.” she explained, “I saw Luna use it during the changling invasion, but she refused to let me test it. Hers is a deep indigo, though, not silver.”

“What now?” I asked.

“Conjuring,” she said, “Conjure something I've never seen.”

I smiled, “OK. Say hello to my little friend.” I whipped my out from behind my back.

“So...” Jynx looked unamused. I looked down at my empty paw.

“Hold on” I did it again... and again... and again, “Oh come on really. You wont let me have a gun. You suck.” I said to my magic.

“I take it your magic refused your requested item?” she asked.

“Yeah. That's actually the first time it's done that.” I said.

“Try something else.” she said.

“OK,” I pulled out a Snickers bar and began eating it.

“Try doing it with your paws showing.”

I held my paw out and conjured a dozen flowers. They fell out of the sky, “Here you go.” I gave them to Jynx.

“Thanks, they look delicious.” she said, “It seems that Conjured items always come from somewhere unseen.”

I went through several tricks as she took notes. By the time we were done I was exhausted.

“Alright, let's call it a night.” she said, “This is so awesome. I'm the only pony in twelve hundred years to study chaos magic first hand. I. am. awesome.” she sounded a lot like her sister.

We talked the whole way back about nuclear physics, she was entranced by the concept of atoms. We walked in and stooped at the basement door.

“Thank you for letting me study you. I'll do something to pay you back for it.” she said and gave me a peck on the cheek before going to her room. I sat on my haunches and rubbed where her lips had just been.

I turned around and saw Mephisto looking at me with a knowing grin, “What? She was just thanking me for helping her... don't you roll your eyes at me.”

I laid down in my bed trying to sleep, but failing. My mind kept going back to that kiss. I couldn't explain it but that kiss affected me more than the one Dash gave me, and that was full on lips. I haven't known her for very long... god she's cute.

I shake those thoughts away and finally find sleep.

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