• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 13: Fusion

January 1, New Years Day,

“JYNX!!!” I ran over to her.

The pipe entered through the right side of her stomach and came out the left. Her breathing was shallow.

“Shiro...” she said.

“Shut up. Don't wast your energy.” I said

She shook her head, “I don't want to die with out saying something first.”

“You're not going to die, so save it.” I told her, but the tears in my eyes said otherwise.

“Bullshit, I'm dieing and you know it.” she said weakly. I gave in and let her give me her last words, “I love you.” my eyes shot open as hers closed. She loved me.

“Jynx...” I was sobbing out loud now, “Jynx... no Jynx.” my mind went back to my oath... 'never again'.

cue music

The scar on my palm began to burn.

As if it had a mind of it's own, it shot forward. In a bloom of orange and red fire a figure flew from my paw... Philomena.

With a cry she wheeled around and dove at me, her body glowing as if made of light. She struck me in the chest, but instead of bouncing off, she went inside of me. I felt a surge of energy as I was cocooned in red an orange fire.

When the flames soaked into me and I was changed. I had a collar of red feathers that covered my neck and shoulders. My fore arms were similarly covered. My hind paws were talons and I had large wings.

Not only that though, I had knowledge. I knew what just happened. When Philomena burned me she made a link. Through that link I summoned her when I needed her.

Fusion magic. That's what it's called. The user absorbs another being for a time and gains the abilities of that being magnified three times. The downside is that the users own abilities become locked away.

I bent over Jynx and rested my paws on her shoulder and flank. I focused in pouring my new found power into her.

Being a phoenix, Philomena had the power to heal. That power is three times as strong now.

The crowd watched in awe as we were engulfed if fire. It swirled around us in a gentle embrace. At the peak of my magic I let it go with a roar.

It began to spin faster and more violently as we were lifted into the air. The fire contracted into a sphere before erupting in a shock wave. We lowered gently to the ground.

Jynx's eyes fluttered open, “Am I dead?”

“No, but that was a good try.” I said.

She looked at me surprised, “Shiro, what happened to you?”

“It's a long story. Let's get back to the palace. I got wings.” I flared them out. She smiled at me and clung to my neck.

With a thrust of my (or I should say Philomena's) wings we took to the sky.

“Hey!” I heard the guard yell. I didn't care. I was having a Superman moment.

I flew past the open balcony doors of our suite first to see if there was anyone else there. Sure enough the mane six as well as Celestia and Luna were sitting there looking worried. Time for a dramatic entrance.

I flew above the balcony and held my wings up. I landed in a crouch and a little ring of fine from my feet (for effect).

Slowly I stood up and said, “Did ya miss me.”

That was it! That was the reaction I was looking for. Every eye was huge and every jaw dragging.

I let Jynx down who was doing a very good job at not laughing at the spectacle.

“Shiro?” Twilight said, “What happened to you?”

I gave a smile and released the fusion. Philomena, for lack of a better term, pealed off of me like a cloak and flew over to Celestia.

Everyone watched me as I walked in and sat on a couch.

“So, you were going to explain.” Jynx said.

I told them about the fusion magic and how it works. Then Jynx and I told about the accident.

Rainbow Dash rushed to give Jynx a hug, “I'm just glad your OK. I don't know what I would have done if I lost you. Thank you, Shiro.”

“Thank Philomena. It was her magic that saved her. I just helped.” I said.

Jynx walked off and sat outside on the balcony. I looked at the girls. They all waved their hooves at me to go to her. I took a breath and stepped outside.

“Hey Jynx, how ya feeling.” she was beautiful in the waning light.

“I should be dead right now, you know that. Nopony survives being impaled through the stomach.” she looked at me and smiled, “But here I am.”

“I've been wanting to ask you.” I said, “Back there when you were... ya know. Did you really mean what you sa...” I was interrupted by her hooves around my neck and her lips meeting mine.

I was overcome with a feeling of pure bliss as her tongue danced around mine and played with my teeth. I wrapped my arms around her and returned the kiss with fervor. After a time we broke both of us panting.

We stayed there holding each other for a while. I couldn't remember the last time I was this happy.

Jynx giggled, “You're purring.”

I listened to the low rumble I was making, “So I am.” it was kinda funny, I didn't even know I could purr.

“We should probably get to bed.” she said.

We walked back inside. Dash was waiting for us.

I headed towards my room while Dash stopped Jynx.

Dash whispered, forgetting my hearing is extremely keen, “You're not in season are you?”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

January 2,

I was the happiest kitty in Equestria. I had great friends, awesome magic, a crazy ass dog, and now I have a hot girl.

Jynx decided to officially move to Ponyville. Her official reason was to study my chaos and fusion magic. That meant more tests but I didn't care. It was an excuse to spend time with my new girlfriend.

She purchased a house just outside of town near the Everfree Forest. It was perfect since I was moving in with her (It had three bedrooms so don't get any ideas. I was a gentleman and she wasn't like that, so get your mind out of the gutter). The location meant I didn't have to drag a dead animal trough town when I went hunting.

“Where the hell is Dash.” she was suppose to be coming over to hang out and Jynx was getting impatient, “This is just like her. Ever since we were fillies she was always late for everything.”

“Relax, I’m sure she'll be here soAGK,” I grabbed my right paw with my left.

Jynx jumped, “What's wrong?”

“My scar... it burns.” I explained, “It's really not bad it just surprised me.” something was wrong, I knew it. Those oh, so wonderful instincts were screaming at me. I knew this was my magic at work.

Someone was in trouble, and I had a good feeling who it was. I got up and strapped Piercing Light to my back.

“What's going on, Shiro?” Jynx asked.

“Don't worry about it.” I said, “I just have to check something. Stay here.” I opened the door and walked out.

“Like hell I’m staying. I’m studying you, remember, and I know this is some chaos magic thing so I’m coming.” there was no changing her mind.

“Fine, but if anything happens, run.” I said.

“I make no promises.” she said.

We made our way to the library to see if Dash had stopped by.

“No, but I saw her while I was on some errands earlier.” Said Twilight, “She said she was going to stop by Sugarcube Corner to make cupcakes with pinkie. I don't know why, Rainbow Dash is a terrible cook.”

“Oh, god, tell me it's not what I think.” I whispered to myself and took off.

There were so many similarities in this world to the fan fics it was hard to tell sometimes what might be true. I only hoped that this was just a sick fantasy of someones.

I got to the Corner and found a rather upset looking Pinkie at the corner.

“Have you seen Dash?” I asked.

“I was about to ask you.” Said the normally happy mare, “Dashie was suppose to make cupcakes with me. What's worse, my Pinkie Sense has been going haywire all morning.”

I ran outside toward Dash's house, Jynx struggling to keep up.

“Slow down, Shiro.” she said.

“Something's wrong, I'm sorry. I’ll make it up to you later.” I said and threw my right paw out summoning Philomena. We fused and took to the sky.

“You, flank hole!” I heard Jynx call to me. Sorry babe.

It didn't take me long to get to Dash's place. Immediately I knew something was wrong. The door was wide open.

I walked in and found the place in shambles. There were holes in the walls, plates scattered across the kitchen, and several trophies and awards broken.

There was definitely a struggle here.

I searched for clues of any sort. Having no experience as an investigator I had to rely on my instincts. Luckily it wasn't necessary. Posted on her bedroom door was a note addressed to “Mr. Hero.” I grabbed it and read it's content.

Mr. Hero,

Come to Dragon Peak in the Everfree Forest by 2:00 pm or Rainbow Dash dies.

“Someone came to MY town, and kidnapped MY friend, just to get to ME.” I growled, “I'll tear them apart.”

With a roar I took of, punching another hole in the wall, and made strait for the lone mountain.

I saw him him long before I arrived, hovering just above the cave at the peak. He was a rather lean built griffin wearing a bastard sword on his back.

I drew my katana and flew strait for him. He flinched and drew his. Obviously he was expecting conversation, but I wasn't in a talking mood. Our blades collided and he was forced into the side of the mountain by the force of my impact.

I didn't even bother hiding my malice as I glared into his eyes, “WHERE IS SHE!”

“Calm down, kitty cat.” he said, “You hurt me, you'll never find her.”

He kicked me off of him.

“What the hell do you want?” I demanded.

“Simple, I was hired to kill you.” he said as he lifted a talon.

A bolt flew from a hidden launcher on his wrist. I dodged it easily enough, but he used the distraction to get into an advantageous position to my left.

He brought his weapon down like a cleaver, but I had been trained rather extensively in martial arts since I was 13. I moved into him and brought the edge of my wrist into his, halting the swords decent and weakening the grip his left talon had on the weapon. I brought my own weapon across the blade of his followed by my right hind leg, bludgeoning his skull.

He caught himself before hitting stone, rubbing his head, “You fucking, dweeb!” Yep it's Gil alright, who calls someone a dweeb? “He said you were tough, but he gave me something for that.”

“Who's 'he'?”

He smiled and flew around to the opposite side of the mountain. I followed.

He stopped at the other side and fumbled with something. I charged with my katana ready to end him. Before I reached him though he turned presenting a shield. Rainbow Dash

“Slow down now. Someone might get hurt.” he said wiggling the bound and gagged pegasus in front of me. She looked at me with fear and regret in her eyes.

That was it, if I was mad before, I'm pissed now, “I'm going to tear your throat out.”

“Wow, you live with ponies?” he said sarcasticly.

“Just remember, Gilda.” he didn't like the name, “She's the only thing keeping you alive.”

“For now.” he held up a vial of black liquid, popped the cork, and downed the whole thing.

He tossed the empty container and grinned at me, “Catch!” he threw Dash at me hard.

The impact knocked me several yards down, but I caught her. I unbound the cyan mare and made sure she was OK before releasing her.

“Go back to town, I’ll deal with him.” I told her.

“What are you going to do?” she asked.

I looked back at Gil. His eyes were glowing red and a black aura enveloped him. Whatever that was he drank, it made him more powerful, I could feel it.

“I'm going to find out if griffin tastes like chicken.” I said.

“Nasty, he doesn't bathe, much.” she said.

“Neither do you.” I said.

“I'm not leaving. I don't leave friends behind.” she said.

“You done talking, cause I’m not waiting anymore!” Gil shouted.

He charged fast, too fast. He struck me with the force of a freight train sending me tearing into the forest below. The impact releasing my hold on the fusion.

“Shiro!” Dash tried to get to me but she was cut off by the super charged griffin.

“Where do you think you're goin', sweet cheeks.” he grabbed her, “You know you miss me. You never forget your first, right.”

“I wish I could.” she said.

I jumped up the mountain (not in one bound, but still I was pretty proud of myself) and readied my chaos fire.

Gil swung RD in between him and me, “Do that and you'll kill her.”

I gave him a toothy grin and let loose a torrent of silver fire. He cried in agony while Dash was just surprised. He released her and flailed about trying to douse the flames.

“You think that's funny, nerd.” Gil was pissed, the black aura growing as he tossed another vial to the ground.

In a flash he was in my face. Before I could react he drove his knee into my stomach sending me into the air. In another instant he was above me, his talons grasping each other. He slammed them into my back sending me back to were I started this brief journey.

I got to my feet, shaking. Dash jumped beside me

“We can take...” was all she got out before Gil cloths lined us off the mountain.

Dash recovered just in time to slow my fall at the cost of her landing harder then she would have liked.

“He's too fast for us.” she sounded defeated, “It's that stuff he drank. It makes him like twice as fast as me.”

“Which means we need to be three times as fast as you.” I said as an idea formed in my head.

“Yeah, but how are we going to do that?” she asked

“Do you trust me?” I asked.

“With my life.” she said with conviction.

“Then take my paw” I said as I held out my scared paw.

She gave me her hoof and began glowing. Her body became almost pure energy.

In a flash of cyan light we fused.

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