• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 35: He's Real?

June, 7 1005,

“I can't wait to get back home.” I said as we left the building.

“I know what you mean.” Phoenix said, “Pinkie and me have a date. We're going to see the new Thunder Wing movie.”

“Oh yeah. I heard that one's suppose to be his best yet.” I said.

We got around to where I parked my bike. Since Jynx was working again, she used her wing pack on a regular basis, so I needed a new ride. Luckily I happened to be married to an awesome mare who could build just about anything.

Using a bit of ancient, formerly lost, magic she made the most bad ass motorcycle in the multiverse. It kinda looked like Cloud's from “Advent Children”. Not only was it an awesome bike, but with a flick of a switch it goes airborne. A pair of crystal magic wings sprout from the sides and a pyranium engine propelled it forward.

I landed the thing just outside of town (didn't want to start any fires.), and made my way to Sugarcube Corner. We were both there to retrieve someone we loved. My loved one just happened to be a lot smaller.

“Sup Pink. Was he good?” I asked.

“Yeah, but he did turn a batch of cupcakes into rubber.” said the pink mare, “But that's OK cause we're using them for decoration, see.” she pointed at the transformed confections on the counter.

I took my son from my friend and hugged him, “Did you have fun, Razor, huh.” he responded with baby noises, “Say bye to auntie Pinkie.”

“Bye Ray-Ray, we'll play more tomorrow.” said Pinkie.

“Later Shiro.” called Phoenix.

I shot him a wave over my shoulder, put Razor in his seat jumped on my bike and turned toward home. He loved this thing as much as I did. He cheered the whole way waving his paws over his head, squealing with delight.

We pulled up and went inside where I turned on the TV and put on his favorite show, Thunder Cats (the original). Mephisto no longer stayed anywhere nearby when it was on after Razor turned him into Snarf. He definitely inherited my chaos magic.

I started on dinner while he watched TV. Of course, I kept him in my sight the whole time. Plus the couch has an anti-magic ward on it so he can't do crazy things while sitting on it.

A little after I finished I heard the roar of an engine that signaled Jynx's return. I had just placed the last dish when she walked in.

“Welcome home, babe.” I called.

“Hi, honey.” she replied, “And hello to you too.” she picked Razor up and hugged him, “What kind of mischief did my little fella cause today?”

He answered her with a laugh.

I decided to translate to the best of my ability, “He rubberized some pastries.”

“Not even two years old and already transforming matter.” she said, “Mommy's so proud you.”she nuzzled him again before bringing him into the kitchen to eat.

We took turns feeding him while the other took a few bites of their food. He really is the most adorable thing in Equestria.

I had taken to wearing Gray Fang's amulet to help me undo anything Razor does. I was happy to discover that I was still able to use my own magic with it on. That would have been good to know before.

The stuff he did was mostly harmless, but often annoying, like when he turned the bed to marshmallow. Some of it though was funny, like when he turned RD pink. I laughed so hard that day... then he turned me purple. That's when I grabbed the amulet.

“Are you still going to talk with Twilight about keeping Razor's magic under control?” Jynx asked after she finished her last bite.

“Yeah, right after we're done with dinner.” I answered.

“You finish feeding the fuzzball, I’ll start on the dishes.” said my wife.

“You hear that?” I said to Razor, “Mommy just called you a fuzzball. Isn't she mean.”

“Oh stop, you know he's the cutest fuzzball in Equestria.” Jynx said giving me a playful slap on the back of the head to which Razor laughed, “Oh you like seeing daddy get hurt?” she slapped me again much to my traitorous son's delight.

“You think that's funny do you?” I said in a mock angry voice, “Imma beat you up now.”

I picked him up started tickling him. He laughed at my futile efforts to make him submit.

“How? How are you resisting my most powerful attack?” I said.

He kept laughing and swatted my nose.

“Argh! No you have slain me!” I fell on my back so overly dramatic Rarity would be jealous, “Good bye cruel world! Gack” my head rolled to the side and my tongue rolled out.

Razor sat on my chest and looked at me. He crawled to my face making cute little baby noises before, “Boo” he screamed and swatted my nose, “Owowow!” his little needle-like claw got stuck in my nose. I carefully pulled it out and rubbed the sore spot, “We named you well, sheesh.”

“If you two are done, we can head over to the library now.” Jynx said after chuckling at the epic duel in her kitchen.

I put Razor in his stroller and the three of us left the house heading for the massive tree in town. As we approach an explosion wracks the building. The front door opened up and a hacking dragon stepped out followed by a bit of smoke.

“Geez, she's worse that Twilight was.” said Spike.

“Sup, Scales.” I called out to him.

“Oh, sup Stripes.” came his reply.

“Sweetie Still blowin' stuff up?” I asked already knowing the answer.

I bet you never would have guessed Sweetie's talent was magic. Apparently every other time she tried using magic it was for stuff like fashion, or music. She never tried using magic for the sake of using magic. When Twilight gave her that book she found she had a knack for it. Go figure.

“You know it.” He said with a bit of irritation in his voice, “I'm going for a walk.”

“Going to the boutique?” I asked.

“Nah, I might go to Sweet Apple Acres, See what AJ or Big Mac are doin maybe play with Autumn Gold.” That was their new filly. She was born last spring.

“Should we be worried?” I asked, “I don't think he's even been to Rarity's in a month.” Jynx just shrugged.

“Twilight,” Jynx called as we walked into the library, “Are you OK in here?”

“Probably.” said the royal, “Are you two dead?”

“No.” Jynx said.

“Than we're good.” Twilight said coming down the stairs fanning the smoke away with her undersized wings.

“Sup, Chicken Wing.” I called to her, she hated the name.

“You're just jealous that you don't have any.” she said.

“True, true.” was my answer, “Of course, considering yours are smaller than Scootaloo's, you can barely say you have wings.”

“Is there a reason you're here other than to try to get on my nerves?” she gave me a deadpan stare.

“Aww, I’m just teasin' ya.” I said, “We came by to ask if you've made any progress.” We asked Twi if she could find something to suppress Razor's magic temporarily.

“Unfortunately most of the spells I've found don't work on chaos magic.” said the lavender alicorn, “There's not too many spells that do. It's such an uncommon magic that it hasn't been studied much. The only thing I know of that has been able to affect it is your amulet.”

“Really?” I asked, “I wonder where Gray Fang got it?”

“From the one who hired him to kill you.” Waya emerged from the tree house.

“Sup Wolfie. What'cha doin' here?” I asked.

“Reading.” he said simply, “The one who hired my father told him that would keep him safe. He said it was an artifact of the gods.”

“WHAT!?” Twilight said, “Do you mean to tell me that's one of the Divine Elements?”

“Uh, what are the Divine Elements?” I asked.

“They're powerful magical artifacts made by the gods and goddesses.” Twilight said, “The Elements of Harmony fall into this category, and are the most powerful of them. There are a total of 122 elements, well 121 since you broke Piercing Light.”

“Piercing Light was one of these Divine Elements?” I said, “Why didn't anyone tell me? And this thing only dispels magic. Can it really be considered one of them?”

“There's one that just makes fondue.” Twilight chuckled, “So yes it can still be one of them. Can I take a look at it?”

I handed it over and the scholar took to examining it like the uber egghead she was.

“It almost loos like Gaea's style.” she mused, “If that's the case it's probably more than just an anti-magic tool. I’m going to need to search through a book or two to find out for sure.”

“You said Gaea, as in Tia and Luna's mother?” I asked.

“That's right.” she said, “She was always partial to vine motifs. The only other one that would have this design would be Anisari, but she wouldn't make something to destroy magic.”

She floated it back to me and ran back inside and upstairs. After making sure it was safe we stepped inside after. Sweetie Bell was scrubbing up some raspberry jam, What the hell kinda spell do you make exploding jam? I asked myself, afraid of what the answer may have been.

“Found it!” called Twilight from upstairs.

“Wow, Twi, you already found what it is?” I asked.

“No I found the book.” she answered, “I'm too busy teaching Sweetie to look for you.”

“Oh, god, Tartrus has broken open!” I said as she passed me the tome, “Twilight doesn't have time to read. Panic, run for the hills, duck and cover, kiss you loved ones good bye, sort out your will...”

“That's enough.” Jynx said.

“So Twi, you still coming over tonight?” I asked.

“You think I'd miss game night? As if.” she gave me a grin, “I'm going to kick you flank so bad you'll fell it in the real world.”

“Fluttershy's still going to win you know that right?” Jynx said.

“But not before I teach Shiro a lesson.” replied Twilight.

I felt a familiar, yet now uncommon feeling. The scar on my palm stung. Someone was in trouble.

“Honey? What's wrong?” asked Jynx, “I know that look.”

“I'm coming with you.” said Waya.

The two of us ran out the door and toward the source of the discomfort. It was coming from the road outside Ponyville. We arrived in a few minutes, but all we saw was about a dozen ponies in cloaks and an overturned cart.

“Is everything OK here?” I called. I smelled blood.

The crowd turned to look at us. I saw just past them was the body of a pony.

“Stay out of this if you know what's good for you.” said one of them.

I growled at them, “Did you do that?” I pointed at the body.

The one who spoke before, obviously the leader, said, “What if we did? They were in the way and had to be dealt with. If you get in the way you'll be joining them.”

Ponies killing ponies. That was a crime like no other. That's when I noticed another smaller figure tied up behind them. It was a young foal. Not only had these ponies murdered other ponies, it seemed they did it to foalnap some poor kid.

No more words. I attacked driven by rage. These bastards were going to pay. I reached the first and swept my claws across his neck. Another tried to attack me from behind so I kicked out with a flaming back paw, crushing his face. By this time Waya had joined the fray. He was taking three of them with ease, while I crack the ribs of another.

I had no qualms about killing these ponies. After all, in Equestria the punishment for murder was death, and I was more than happy to carry out that sentence.

I had dealt with the filth on my side when I heard a pained scream behind me. I twisted around and saw Waya in the telekinetic grip of a unicorn. He was trying to crush him.

“Waya!” I yelled throwing my hands forward, launching a fireball towards the murdering creature, incinerating him. It was the first time since fighting Chronos that I had been able to do that. A fact that was made apparent by my collapse.

Waya managed to get up and limp over to me, “Are you OK, Shiro?”

“I just need a breather. Check the kid.” I said.

He nodded and ran over to him. The wolfish pony put his hoof on the kids shoulder and told him it was OK. He untied him and helped him up.

“U-um, mister?” said the small voice of a colt, “Thank you.”

I opened my eye's and looked at the young pony. He was a dark, midnight blue with a black and silver mane, and white muzzle. What shocked me the most though was what I saw on his forehead. It was a white five point star. I knew who he was before he even told me.

“My name's Midnight Star, what's yours?”

Author's Note:

Midnight Star is from my story, Dawn Shield

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