• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 47: Extra Credit

September 1, 1005

I was called in to Dean Higher Learning's office a couple weeks before classes were scheduled to start again. Naturally, I was quite curious. Even more so when my old history teacher was there as well.

“Dean Learning, Dr. Doo.” I greeted them.

“Call me Daring.” the adventurous pegasus said, “It's good to see you again Mr. Tora, or should I say Lord Tora.”

“Please, just call me Shiro.” I said, “I hate to rush or anything but the curiosity is killing me. Why was I called here.”

“We have a proposition for you.” said Dean Learning, “Daring here has an expedition planned in the southern rainforest. It's likely dangerous and she's in need of some extra muscle. That along with your knowledge of magic makes you the best candidate for the job. It's scheduled for three months and will count as you completing all your courses for the semester.”

“It's scheduled for three months but it could only be one or two.” said Daring, “It depends on how well things go for us.”

“A chance to go on an adventure with the greatest explorer of all time? Is it possible to say no?” I said, “I'll have to speak to Jynx first, but I doubt she'll have a problem. This will count as field experience too right?”

“That's right, and you'll have me as a reference.” Daring said.

“Nice.” I replied, “Dash is going to be so jealous. My sister-in-law is a huge fan of yours.”

“Get back to us as soon as you can with your answer.” Learning said, “Is there anything else you would like to know?”

“No.” I said, “I'd like to finish this up so I can speak to Jynx.”

“Very well, Then were done.” Said the dean standing to show me out.

Daring stood to leave herself, “It was good seeing you again Shiro. I hope we can work together.”

“I'll see you soon Dean Learning, Daring.” I waved to them before leaving the office.

I found my bike in the carriage lot and hopped on. After my house was blown up I remembered that it was still in the forest near the temple. It gave me a chance to try out my spear's flight ability. Though not very fast, it was still faster than walking. It was in need of some repairs after something used it for a toy but nothing too bad.

After the short flight home I found Jynx and Dash chatting it up in the living room or our newly rebuilt home.

As soon as I came in Jynx asked, “So what did he want?”

“A great opportunity with a major draw back.” I said. When I knew I had her full attention I continued, “I was offered a kind of bodyguard position for Daring Doo on her next expedition.”

“What!?” Rainbow shouted excitedly, flying into my face, “You were offered to go adventuring with THE Daring Doo? As in the greatest pegasus that ever lived? I mean she's even cooler than me, as hard as that is to believe.”

“Yes, Dash,” I said, “but it also means I'll be gone for about three months.”

“Three months?” Jynx said, worried, “Razor's birthday is in about three months. What if you miss it?”

“I'll be back.” I reassured my wife, “I won't miss my son's party for anything.”

“Why do they need you though?” she asked.

“Because I'm an ultra bad ass monster slayer, and I have knowledge of magic that most ponies don't.” I answered, “I won't sugar coat it... mmm, I should stop by Sugarcube Corner after we're done talking. Anyway, It's a rather dangerous place and she felt it would be a good idea to get some extra muscle.

“I don't like the idea of leaving you alone with the kids for three months, but at the same time this would be field experience. Dean Learning said I would get full credit for all my classes this semester, and Daring said I could use her for a reference in the future. Think about how easily I could get a job with her putting in a good word for me.”

Jynx thought for minute before giving me her answer, “OK. But so help me, if you miss your son's birthday I will never forgive you.”

“OK, I'll call you every day.” I said.

I grabbed the crystal phone and focused on Dean learning. After a few seconds he answered.

“H-hello, Shiro? What is this?” he asked.

“This is yet another invention of my ridiculously genius wife.” I answered, “It let's me speak to anyone I want no matter where I am.”

“Remarkable. Jynx, my girl, you truly are remarkable.” he said, “So do you have an answer.”

“I'll do it.” I told him, “I'll admit I thought Jynx would take more convincing.”

“I still don't like it.” said the mare in question, “but the numerous benefits can't be passed up.”

“I'm glad you see it that way Jynx.” said the dean, “The expedition will be leaving from here tomorrow at noon. I'll see you then.”

“Got it, I’ll talk to you later, dean.” I hung up the phone.

It was then I realized I had probably interrupted something, “Sup, Skittles. What'cha doin'?”

“I was talking to Jynx.” replied my adrenalin junkie of a sister-in-law, “Just a problem I’ve been having.”

“Anything I can help with?” I asked.

“Not really.” she replied, “It's not something anypony can really help with. I just need to get it off my chest. Since you're here I might as well tell you too. It's actually something I’ve been thinking about since Pinkie's wedding. It's just that seeing all my best friends with their lovers makes me realize how lonely I am. You have each other, AJ has Big Mac, Pinkie has Phoenix, Twilight has Waya, and Rarity has Steel.”

“Unless they broke up again.” I said.

“Then she'll have him tomorrow when the get back together again.” Dash said, “All I’m saying is the only relationship I ever had was with Gil and we know how that ended up.”

“As tacos and barbeque.” I said.

“Yeah, goddess I wish you could still do that fusion thing.” Rainbow said, “It was such a rush. I never moved that fast before.”

“I wish I could have experienced it once.” Jynx said.

“Why don't we go “fuse” when Dash leaves?” I said.

“Seriously guys, I’m going to start carrying a spray bottle when I’m around you two.” Dash said.

“You'll meet someone Dashie.” I said, “Good things take time.”

“Oh please.” she rolled her eyes, “You two knew each other for like a week before you started dating. You weren't even in Equestria for a month. I've been waiting for years. It's been long enough. I deserve to find somepony special.”

I could see how upset she was getting. She was right though. She's a great pony, and has been through enough. She shouldn't have to be alone.

“Why don't you enroll at the university.” I recommended, “There's plenty of couples that meet in college. Mr. and Mrs. Cake did.”

“And with you being a Knight of Equestria and all, you're guaranteed acceptance.” Jynx added.

“Me? In college?” Dash said, trying to picture it, “What would I study? I’m not a genius like you guys or Twilight.”

“You could always study aviation, and become a flight instructor.” I offered.

“There's things for flying there?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied, “There's all kinds of things. It's not all super science-y stuff.”

“All right I'll look into it.” said my multicolored friend.

“Sweet,” I said getting up, “Now if you'll excuse me, I need to say bye to a few ponies.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

September 2, 1005,

I was geared up and ready to go. I had my Spear, my knives, my gloves, my bracers, and my amulet. Jut and Laalia said they were collecting their shed scales to make some armor for me, but it's going to be awhile.

“Oh, Shiro.” Twilight said from the gathering of my friends that were there to see me off, “We have a gift for you.” She levitated a long necklace from her saddlebag, “So no matter where you are, your friends will always be there with you.”

I took the necklace, looked at it. It had several feathers and locks of hair, one from each of my friends, and the cord was two strings intertwined one shimmered a deep indigo with an ethereal quality the other was the colors of morning with the same ethereal nature.

I put it on and smiled at my friends, “Thanks guys. I love it.”

I shouldered my bag, ready to go. With one last farewell to my gathered friends, I pulled my spear and took off, surrounded by a sphere of air.

Dash and I made our way to Canterlot. Of course she was getting irritated by my slower speed, but I wasn't going to leave my bike in the carriage lot for three months. Could you imagine what I'd come back to? These are college students we're talking about.

After a while we arrived over the school. I pointed out the admissions office to Dash and she took off for it. Meanwhile I went to the place I was suppose to meet Daring. I returned my spear to it's sheath.

“You look like you're ready for war.” said a voice that sounded a lot like Jason Statham, accent and all. It sounded like it was coming from inside my head. I looked around to find the source. Leaning with his back against the wall was what I assumed was a diamond dog. It was hard to tell with the hoodie over his face. He was as tall as me but a little more muscular.

“So, you're Shirotora?” he... said? His lips weren't moving but I was sure he was speaking in my head.

“Yeah, I’m Shiro. Who are you?” asked, “Are you the one talking?”

“That's right.” he said, “I'm mute, so a friend of mine cast a spell that lets me speak with my mind.” he tapped the side of his head with a finger of his wrapped paw, “The name's Echo, Daring's told me a lot about you.”

“Echo? As in Echo the Diamond Dog? As in “The Ballad of Echo the Diamond Dog”?” I asked forgetting he wouldn't know what that was.

“Somepony made a ballad about me?” he said confused, “Why the hay would they do that?”

“Um forget it, it's nothing.” I said, “So how do you know Daring?” I asked, pretty sure of the answer.

“For some reason she decided to marry me.” he said, “Don't know what she see's in me, but I’m not complaining.”

I had to ask, “You may find this question strange but bare with me. Were you ever a human?”

He raised an eyebrow at me, “That sounds familiar, but I’m not sure from where.”

“That would be a no.” I said.

I couldn't believe it. First Waya, then Midnight now Echo. How many of those OC's people made are real? It would be so awesome if I met Firewall. I thought.

“I see you two have met.” said Daring's voice, “Are you ready to go? We can get to know each other on the way.”

“I'm ready when you are?” I said.

“Lets go, love.” said Echo.

“Alright, where's the carriage?” I asked.

Daring and Echo smiled before Daring said, “Who said we're taking a carriage?”

The two walked off, leaving me confused, “We're not going to walk are we?”

“That would take three months just to get there.” she smiled, “We're traveling in style.”

In a nearby field was something I recognized right away. It was basically a big cylinder with four propellers on the ends of four wings facing up and two large pyranium engines.

“Do you know what this is.” Daring said.

“Know what it is?” I scoffed, “I helped design it.”


Fact #3: I'm awesome. Crystal magic works by focusing the natural magic found in all crystalline materials to solidify and shape magical energy. It can also be “laced” into physical materials like wood or metal. This allows joints and moving parts to be controlled remotely.

Crystal can also be used to alter or direct other forms of magic. For example, the engines on my bike and the airship use the fire magic infused in pyranium, focused by crystals.

Normally, to create solid magic one needs to constantly chant in Crystese. The ancient language of the crystal ponies is infused with magic, as there were never more powerful mages in history. Through the chanting the magic is “instructed” in what to do. Runes of the dragons are often used in spells that require chanting as they can take the place of the words needed. It was through the combination of crystal magic and runes that Jynx created Crystech; crystal powered technology.

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