• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 28: Just Hangin' Out

August 22,

“NO, LET ME GO!”Twilight screamed as Celestia pulled her out of our basement, “I NEED TO STUDY. THERE'S INFINITE KNOWLEDGE IN THERE. I HAVE TO LEARN ALL OF IT!!!”

A unicorn in a white coat levitated a strait jacket on Twilight as Celestia put her in the back of a carriage.

“I am so sorry, Celestia.” I said, “I didn't even think she would find Wikipedia.”

She sighed, “It's not your fault. Twilight is a good filly, but she has issues with inadequacy. She has always felt she needs to 'live up to my standards'. She thinks I’m perfect, so she wants to be perfect, too. Sometimes I worry about that filly. This is the third time I’ve had to bring her home like this.”

“I'll block the site, and only allow a couple hours a day, unless you don't want her to have access at all.” I said.

“No,” she said, “A couple hours a day shouldn't hurt. I'll tell her that if I have to come back for the same thing she won't be allowed on it at all. That should keep her in line.”

Twilight's breakdowns are funny on TV, but in real life are kinda scary. She's an incredibly powerful unicorn (or would she be considered an alicorn already?) and could really hurt someone.

Jynx, Rainbow and I watched the princesses disappear in the sky before we decided to get back to our day. Jynx got to work in her lab, leaving the pegasus and I to hang out for the day.

“What do want to do?” Dash asked.

“We could go catch a movie.” I suggested.

“The only good ones don't start until afternoon.” she said.

“We could help the crusaders get into trouble.”

“As much as I like nurturing juvenile delinquents, I'm not in the mood.”

“Prank Rarity.”

“She's way behind on her orders. It'd be messed up to make it worse.”

“I could ask Jynx to let me borrow her wing pack, you grab yours and you teach me how to fly.” I had a hopeful grin.

“OK.” she said.

“Awesome, be right back.” I said.

I ran back inside and down to the basement. Jynx was busy at work with some crystals in some device.

“Hay, babe.” I said, “You mind if I borrow your wing pack. Dash is going to teach me how to fly.”

“Ok,” that was too easy, “but tonight you're my guinea pig.” there's the catch.

“Fine, but with what?” I asked.

“Where's the fun if I tell you?” she replied turning to put her hooves around my neck.

“You're evil.” I said, “You're lucky you have a nice ass.”

I gave her a quick kiss and grabbed the flying machine.

“You know how to use it right?” Jynx asked.

“Twist the left pad forward to accelerate, moving the arms turns.” I answered.

“OK, I made handles for you.” she said, “they're in the Cabinet over there.”

I grabbed said handles and replaced the ones on the machine. I put the hoof peddles where the handles were and went up on the back lift.

By the time I got outside Dash was already strapped in to hers. It was a lot smaller than Jynx's since it didn't need the controls. Instead it connected to little metal leads Jynx attached to her nerves. Basically she controlled them as if they were her natural wings. The only difference was the throttle that fit in her mouth. The wings were smaller too since they channeled her pegasus magic.

“About time you got here.” Dash said.

“Sorry, had to make out with your sister.” I replied.

“Eww, gross.” she gagged, “You need help getting strapped in?”

“Probably.” I put it on and strapped myself in with Dash's help, “OK ready.”

Dash spread her wings. I saw a brief look of grief as they shot out but it quickly faded. She was holding in the pain of her loss.

“Let's go.” she said taking the throttle in her mouth and taking off with the roar of her engine.

I quickly followed, or at least I tried. The thing was a lot harder to control than I thought. At least I had the good sense to get as much altitude as I could. That way there was less solid objects that I could slam into.

I was starting to get use to it. After about an hour I was flying smooth enough to actually fly beside Dash. It was a lot of fun to fly like this. The last few times was in a fight for my life.

“You catch on quick.” Dash yelled over the two engines.

“Thanks.” I yelled back.

“You think you can land without killing yourself.” she said.

“I'll try” I aimed downward and pulled back on the throttle. I leveled off with the ground and cut the engine, pulling up. My momentum stopped and I dropped about five feet. Being a cat with a bit more strength than even Big Mac, I landed pretty good.

I unstrapped myself and set the wing pack to the side, and stretched out and looked at the sun's position. It was about 4:00pm. We had been flying for six hours. I put the machine in the shed beside the house, and went back to the front.

“That was fun.” I said.

“Yeah.” Dash said a little less enthusiastically.

“You OK.” I asked.

Her mask of bravado was quickly replaced, “Of course. I'm Rainbow Dash. I’m more than OK, I’m awesome.”

She was starting to worry me. She was hurting bad, but she was keeping it bottled up. Eventually it was going to burst out whether she wanted it to or not, but trying to force it would have been just as bad.

“OK. What do you want to do now?” I asked, “Wanna get a late lunch.”

“Heck yeah. I’m starving.” she said, “Sugarcube Corner?”

“Mmmm, a diabetes inducing lunch sounds pretty good.” I said.

As we headed into town we saw AJ and Big Mac packing up their apple stand. We decided to see if they wanted to come along.

“A few treats sounds a might good right now.” said AJ.

The four of us made our way to the famous bakery. Pinkie wasn't there though. She had gone to Rarity's to cater her fall line presentation. I was kinda hoping to catch her before she left, but what can you do. We decided to order a large cake and share it.

“Then this guy screams like a filly runnin' round like his tail's on fire.” AJ finishes. Everyone but Big Mac was laughing. He was somehow redder than usual.

“Wow, Red,” I said, “Just, wow. That's gotta be embarrassing.”

“Yeah.” he said in a quiet squeaky voice that earned another round of laughter.

“If it makes you feel better I'll tell an embarrassing story.” I said, “Yesterday, Dash here walked in on me and Jynx getting intimate.”

Dash choked a bit, “What the hay! Why would you tell them that?”

AJ was struggling to hold back her laughter, “This was just last night?”

“No it was yesterday morning!” Dash said.

AJ and Big Mac looked at me confused.

“In the mornin'?” AJ asked.

“Yeah, why's that weird?” I asked.

Big Mac's voice returned to it's normal baritone, “Ah ain't never heard of ponies doin' it in the day time.”

“Really?” I said, “Back on earth, people would do it any time.”

AJ and Big Mac gave each other a thoughtful look. I kept forgetting their NOT siblings.

Dash added, “Plus, Jynx tried to kill me!”

“Oh, hush now, sugarcube.” AJ said, “She might have wanted ta slug ya good, but she didn't try ta kill you.”

“Oh yeah,” Dash said, “She chased me with a big ass sword. She actually swung it at my head.”

“Well, she's pregnant.” I said, “Pregnant women, and mares I assume, get very short tempered.”

I saw Big Mac's eyes grow wider as his gaze slowly shifted over to Applejack. I knew what he was thinking. AJ already has a short temper, and in a few months, well... I’m sure you get where I’m going. I’ll say something nice at his funeral.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

We all decided to call it a day and went our separate ways. I went to the basement to see what Jynx wanted of me. I was, for lack of a better term, terrified. I’ve faced werewolves, manticores, wyvern, and a dark god, but that mare is by far the scariest of them all. Damn I love her though.

She was still sitting at her desk, her manipulators (the metal tentacle pack thingy) were whipping around doing this and that. I didn't know what it was but it was cool to watch.

“Glad you remembered your debt, honey.” she said, “Don't worry, you'll like this one.”

She turned around to face me holding some kind of gauntlet looking thing in one of her cords. It had crystals placed through out and a strange runic writing. I wasn't sure what it did but it was obvious that she wanted me to ware it.

“Here put this on” told ya.

I did as she asked and slipped it on me right paw. I winced as it started to hum and contracted to better fit. I was just praying it didn't explode.

“Good,” she examined the object, “Good, it adjusted and powered. Now hold your paw as if you're holding a sword, and focus your energy through it but don't form it into fire.”

I did as I was told and a mass of white light formed from my hand in the shape of a scimitar. When Jynx said I would like it she was right. God damn I love that mare.

“Excellent.” she jotted down a few notes in a book, “Now open your paw flat and hold it out in front of you while still channeling.”

Once again doing as I was told, the light sword shifted to become a light wall. I figured it was defensive.

“Perfect,” she said, “Now grab it, wait for it to loosen, and take it off.”

I grabbed it, waited for it loosen, and took it off. Jynx took the thing for me and placed it back on the desk.

“So, what was that?” I asked, my inner geek taking hold.

“It's a form of crystal magic.” Jynx said, “It's used to form objects out of solidified magic energy. Usually it requires constant chanting to keep the form stable, but those runes are 'chanter's runes'. They're used to take the place of chanting in spells.”

“That's pretty cool.” I said.

I helped her with her work for another few hours before we both decided to call it a day. We headed upstairs and cuddled on the couch watching some TV. We were watching this British show called Misfits, when Dash finally walked through the door.

Walked, may not be the word for it. She more of stumbled/fell/wobbled in. She was piss ass drunk.

“HEEYY, Shhiro, Whach yo two doin'.” she slurred.

“Hey Dash, where was the party?” I asked.

“Party? Wash dare a party?” she said, “nopuny told me 'bout it. Wash it at shuger chube corner?”

“You OK Dash?” Jynx asked.

“Am I hokay...” She said, “Buck, no I’m not hokay! I’m a buckin pegashush with no BUCKING WINGS! How are yoo?”

She plopped down on the floor beside the couch, “Where'd da shair go... oh we never has one here. What the buck are yoo two lookin at?”

“Dash, we're getting concerned about you?” Jynx said.

“Oh, reily,” replied the drunk pegasus, “Ya sheam wooried. Snugglin up ta eash other, all luvy duvy. If ya was wooried 'bout me ya wudn't have let dat damn dragin rip my wings off.”

“Dash, we did what we could. I’m sorry you got hurt, but there was nothing we could do.” I said.

“Nutin yoo cud do?” Dash said, “Ah'll tell yoo wat ya cud of done. Ya cud of NOT gone chrazy and chry killin evrypony! Ya wud ave ben here to protekt me if we didn't have ta churn ya ta shtone.”

If she was trying to hurt me, she did a pretty good job of it. She was kinda right. I should have been there to protect her but I wasn't.

“Rainbow Dash!” Jynx yelled, “Don't you dare blame what happened on him. You know damn well that it's not his fault. If anypony's fault it's mine for not getting there soon enough.” tears were forming in her eyes, “I'm trying to fix it, I really am.”

“Ya wanna fix it?” Dash spat, “find ma wings an putem back on.”

“You know she cant do that.” I said, “she's working day in and day out trying to find a way to replace them. Working when she should be resting.”

“Ah want MY wingsh,” Dash said with tears in her own eyes, “ma wingsh were da mosht importint thing ta me. I wanna be a pegashush again!”

She finally broke down and cried her heart out. Her mask of bravado finally crumbled away. Jynx and I pulled her into a hug and we sat like that until one by one we each fell asleep.

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