• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 34: Full Circle

December 10, 1003

One year.

It had been one year since that epic trans-dimensional yawn. It was a momentous occasion, and you know what momentous occasions mean... a Pinkie Pie party. Bet'cha didn't see that coming (unless you have even the slightest idea of who Pinkie Pie is).

Alas I’m getting ahead of myself. Before the inevitable festivities ensued I had to give a presentation in front of Daring Do and my history class. A presentation on the Equestrian Revolt. The war that overthrew the tyrant king Chronos and gave way to the rule of Celestia and Luna.

Being friends with the royals in question, I was able to interview the two alicorns. Needless to say Daring was quite impressed with it. Phoenix and I definitely got an A on that one (even though I did most of the work).

“I still think we should have mentioned you defeating him.” Phoenix said as we flew back.

“I still think you're gay.” I said back.

“What? I have a marefriend, thank you.” he replied.

“Then I guess we're both mistaken.” I said back, “Unless you're only dating Pinkie as a cover, cause then I'll have to eat your heart.”

“Yeah, yeah” he rolled his eyes, “You know what's coming don't you?”

“The inevitable party? Yeah.” I chuckled, “I've known Pink long enough. That and she's been throwing parties just about everyday for the past month. How do you keep up with her?”

“What can I say. I like her energy.” he laughed.

The moment we landed a pink blur assaulted Phoenix sending him tumbling several feet back.

“Yeah what she did.” Jynx said to me. She was sitting on the porch smiling at me. I didn't want her to strain herself so I went up to her and gave her a hug and kiss, “How was school?”

“Awesome.” I said, “Daring loved the report. I taught her a few things that almost no one knows. She especially loved hearing about the war from Luna's perspective. A young princess, not really knowing what was going on. Really great stuff.”

“I can't wait to meet her. We'll probably even work together some time.” Jynx said, “Kinda like James Bond and Q.” she had really taken to the 007 movies. “Parties in the back.”

I moved to help her but she swatted my paw away. She didn't like felling helpless, but I hated seeing her strain herself.

It was only our close friends since everyone else was kinda partied out. I looked around seeing the six of course as well as the CMC, Steel, Souffle, Waya, Vinyl, Octavia (Vinyl's date), and Trixie. Tia and Luna said they'd try to make it for a few minutes but no guarantee.

“Hello, Mr. Tora.” Octavia said walking up to me with Vinyl by her side, “It's a pleasure to finally meet you. Vinyl has told me so much about you.”

“The pleasure is mine Ms. Octavia. Please call me Shiro.” I replied.

“Thank you Shiro, and you may call me Tavi. Any friend of Vinyl's is a friend of mine.” she said.

She's really not as stuck up as people portray her. Yeah she's from a well off family and kinda has that attitude but not badly. She's really quite pleasant.

“So you really are from another world?” she said with a bit of surprise in her voice, “I figured Vinyl just smoked more of that Jamanecan stuff she's so fond of.” she said.

“Last I checked you liked that shit too.” replied the DJ.

“Hahaha, a proper lady like yourself indulging in a bit of happy grass? I'm impressed.” I said.

“Proper?” Vinyl said, “She not as proper as you think. Especially in the sack.”

“VINYL!” scolded the musician, “What we do in private stays in private!”

“Except your screams.” Vinyl said with a sly grin.

Octavia glared at her for a moment but soon smiled, “I can't argue there. There's witnesses for that one. Still though, don't talk about it.”

“Alright. For you.” Vinyl kissed her marefriend.

“Hawt.” I said.

“Shut up.” Vinyl said, “Unless you want me to have a chat with Jynx.”

Thoughts of the terrible mutilation she would inflict upon me danced through my mind. I visibly shuddered.

“Maybe I should give some of the other guests some attention.” I said.

“Good idea.” said Tavi.

Trixie! You crazy show pony you, what the hell have you been up to?” I said.

“Ah, Shiro. So good to see you again.” said the magical mare, “Sorry I couldn't grace you with my magnificent presence these past few months.” eeyep, she still Trixie, “Busy with my shows and the such. I'm sure you can guess which of my stories are the most popular.”

Trixie had been traveling around Equestria recounting tales of love, comedy, adventure, and heroism. I hadn't had a chance to see one with school and what not.

“Let me guess the story of how you saved Equestria from the terrible Nidhogg?” I asked sarcastically.

“Of course.” she said with a smile, “After all if not for me he would probably have killed everypony.” At least that part was true, if a bit exaggerated.

“I'm guessing you take a few “creative liberties” with your telling.” I said.

“Don't you?” she grinned, “Twilight told me about your autobiography.”

“It makes it more entertaining.” I replied.

We talked about what was new with our lives. I told her about school, and she told me about life on the road. She was especially confused about Waya, and why I'd let him stay.

“Well I'm going to see what Twilight's up to.” I waved, “Talk to ya latter Trix.”

I looked around for the lavender princess. She wasn't too hard to find, as she was the only one wearing a dress. Even Rarity wasn't wearing one.

“Sup Princess Purple. What's with the dress?” I asked.

“Oh, no reason.” she said, “I just felt like dressing up.”

A funny thing I learned here, Applejack really isn't that great at detecting lies. Ponies are just terrible liars, and Twilight was no exception.

“Oh, Twilight... why would you lie.” I said, “Seriously though, why lie about why you're wearing a dress?” it was actually confusing me.

“Well I guess I can show you, but you have to promise me you won't laugh.” she said.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” I recited.

“OK, over here.” she led me out behind the shed and pulled off her dress.

“Hold on Twi. I'm a married man here.” I joked.

“Ha ha. Sooo funny.” she said, “Look.” she pointed to her back but I didn't see an... oh... wow...

I took a breath to compose myself. I promised I wouldn't laugh, and I would be damned if I was going to break a promise. It was funny seeing her with a pair of three inch wings. They looked like they belonged on a newly hatched chick, not a full grown mare.

She quickly threw her dress back on, “They look so ridiculous. Humming birds have bigger wings then that.”

“Well what did you expect? That you would wake up and you'd have great majestic wings?” I asked.

“No, but still.” Twilight said, “Mom said that they would be full grown about two or three years after they appear. That means two or three years of embarrassingly small wings.”

“Don't worry about it too much.” I reassured her, “I won't lie to you. Some of us are going to poke fun at you, but we still love ya. We'll only do it in good fun. I'll personally deal with anyone who teases you to be mean.”

“Thank,” she replied, “I think...” The two of us went back to the party, “What will it take to insure your silence?”

I grinned and whispered in her ear.

“Really?” she said, “That's all? OK.”

She channeled energy into her horn and in a pop I had a manly, manly goatee.

“That's cool!” said the unmistakable voice of Sweetie Bell, “Can I try it?” she began focusing on her own magic and in a crackle my awesome goatee turned into a half of a fu-man-chu, as in one side of it, “oops.”

“Actually that wasn't too bad for a first try.” said Twilight as she fixed my messed up whiskers, “Remind me some time, and I'll get you a book of mine that helped me learn to better control my magic when I was a filly.”

“Well thanks for the chat, Twi. I'm going to go find Jynx.” I waved bye.

I found Jynx beside the newly arrived royals. Tia was, as expected, gorging herself on a chocolate cake Pinkie made.

“Hay babe,” I gave my wife a kiss, “What's up Sunshine, Lulu?”

“Hello Shiro.” said the two sisters.

“It's amazing, isn't it?” Tia said, “It seems like just yesterday Twilight sent me a letter about a crazy pony she met coming home from one of her outings.”

“Yeah, it seems like longer to me.” I said, “but I'm not old.”

“Excuse me?” she said with a false expression of hurt, “I'm only 4112 years old.”

“Don't lie, dear sister,” Luna chimed in, “You're 4634 and you know it.”

“And you're 3002.” Tia shot back.”

“Which is young by comparison.” Luna pointed out.

“But still ancient.” I shot.

The two stared daggers at me.

“You know we could easily destroy you, right?” Celestia asked.

“That's why it's fun.” I said. That got them laughing.

“You are insane, Shiro.” Luna said after getting herself under control.

“I hope you child will be a little more stable.” said Tia.

“As do I.” I agreed.

“Ohh!” Jynx exclaimed.

“You OK Jynx?” I asked.

“I'm fine... ohh!” she said again putting a hoof to her stomach, “Um, honey... I think we're about to find out if he's a foal or cub.”

“How are we... oh...OHH!” I yelled, “What do we do? What do we do? WHAT DO WE DO!?”

“Get her to the hospital!” Tia said panicking almost as much as me.

I threw the apples from the apple cart AJ brought and pulled it over to Jynx, “Tia put her in here.” I said.

I took off out the gate I just decided to make and down the road toward the hospital. I tried going fast enough to make good time but not so fast that I hurt Jynx. In my panicked state that was a difficult task.

I arrived a few minutes later and carried Jynx inside yelling, “We're having a baby! Someone help!”

A doctor materialize and took her back to the delivery room while a nurse got her info from me. As soon as she had what she needed I ran back to the room they took Jynx to. I went in and was directed to the sink by the nurse who explained what was expected of me. I already knew all that, but listening to her helped me calm down.

After I was washed and suited I went in to the delivery room, stood beside Jynx, and took her hoof in my paw. I held her like that for more than an hour, whispering to her to comfort her, before she was ready to start pushing.

“Alright Mrs. Charm.” said the doc, “On the count of three I want you to push, OK. One, two, three!”

Jynx gave a strong push, clenching her teeth and grunting through the pain.

“OK, that was good, again. One, two, three!” another push and more pain. She squeezed my paw as hard as the could.

“You're doing great honey.” I reassured her.

“That you are. Again three, two, one.” Jynx screamed in pain. Hearing her in pain hurt me more than anything else I had been through.

“Ready, again...”

“Hold on!” Jynx said, Give me a second.” she took a few breaths to calm herself down and nodded to the doc.

“OK, one, two, three!” Jynx let out a scream and pushed with everything she had, and collapsed back into the bed.

“Wow.” I heard the doctor say, “That's new.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

the second I walked out into the waiting room I was assaulted by questions from everyone. I held up my paw to quiet them down.

“The doc said that you can come back for a minute to see but you'll have to wait outside the room. Y'all won't fit in there at once.” I said.

I escorted the group of ponies back to the room that Jynx was resting. I walked in and picked the child up. Opening the blanket so they could see him.

“Everyone, meet my son...” a tiny tiger sat in my arms with a black mane, and pony tail, hooves on his back legs and a pair of tiny wings, “...Razor Wind.”

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