• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 56: Pain and Prejudice

AN: Remember how I said it was going to get worse before It get's better... yeah. Again, I ask that you trust me with this. This story CAN'T progress without this chapter. The reason for this will be made clear in the next chapter. I'm sure if you read Laalia's prophesy again you can figure it out.

Chapter specific tag: Tragedy

December 9, 1005,

“You're right.” Said Dr. Petri, the pony in charge of searching for a cure, “You're building a tolerance to the medication. Your immune system is quite good, which in this case... isn't good. It can't fight off the disease so it fights the medicine. All we can do is keep you on that and when your tolerance builds too much try another. I'm sorry, that's all we can do.”

“It'll do.” I said.

“We'll switch them out in two months.” Said the doctor, “In the mead time get plenty of rest and don't overexert yourself.”

“I'll try not to.” I said on my way out.

I walked through the building and out the front doors. When I got outside I was frozen in place by the sad baby blue gaze of my usually hyper friend Pinkie. We sat there staring at each other for at least a minute before she asked a question that made my heart want to stop.

She looked away with tears forming in her eyes, “How long?”

I knew what she was asking. Not telling her was one thing, but lying about it wasn't something I could do. I motioned for her to walk with me.

“Less than a year.” I said, “How did you know.”

“Your eyes.” She said, “I've seen the look in your eyes before. It's the look of somepony that's accepted that they're dieing. Why didn't you tell us?”

“I don't want to see you girls sad. There's going to be plenty of that when I'm gone.” I said.

“Maybe we can help.” She said.

“The princesses already have the top minds looking for a cure. There's nothing more to do.” I said.

“Then we can help in some other way. Let us help.” She pleaded.

I sighed, “Look if you want to help me, smile. Live like nothings wrong. I just want to live my last year to it's fullest. I can't do that if everyone's sad, especially you. Promise me you won't tell anyone.”

“I don't know, Shiro.” She said, “I think everyone would be upset if you don't tell them.”

“They'll be upset if I do.” I said, “They're going to be sad when I’m gone regardless, this way at least they'll be happy while I’m here. Please, I've just barely come to terms with this, and you girls crying over me will just send me right back into a depression.”

“OK, I wont tell, I promise.” She said.

“Thank you.” I said and wrapped her in a hug, “You really are a great friend, Pinks.”

“So are you.” She replied.

“There you are.” Said Jynx as she came into view with Razor on her back, “I thought you'd be back sooner. Oh, Pinkie hi.”

“She knows.” I said bluntly.

“Oh...” Jynx said.

“I won't tell.” She said before Jynx could ask.

“Thanks Pinkie. It means a lot to us.” Replied my wife, “We going anywhere specific?”

“A walk in the park?” I offered.

“Sounds good.”

“Okie Dokie.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The park was... well, a park. Open field with a few trees for shade and a playground. There weren't too many others there. It was just a young couple on a picnic, a mare and her foal, and Celestia. No one too important.

“Why hello, my little ponies, and kittens.” Said the royal.

“Mornin' Sunshine.” I replied.

“It's 2:30 in the afternoon.” She replied with a giggle.

“I know, but “afternoon Sunshine” doesn't sound as good.” I said.

“Ah, of course.” She said.

“So what brings you here? Your kitchen run out of cake?” I teased.

“Actually yes, but that's not why I’m here.” She said, “I'm just out for a walk.”

“I thought you did that through your garden.” I said as I watched Pinkie play with Razor.

“I thought a change would be nice.” she said chuckling at the way the pink pony and my foal/cub were playing, “I take it you were looking in on the progress.”

“It's OK princess, she figured it out.” I said.

“Oh.” the goddess frowned, “I've always known she's smarter than she lets on.”

“Hell, she's probably smarter than any pony in Equestria.” I said.

The loving couple pack up their stuff, and approached us, giving a quick bow to the princess.

“Excuse me, Lord Tora.” Said the stallion, “I was wondering if I might be able to get an autograph?”

“Really?” I said in disbelief, “OK, I guess. What do you want me to sign?”

“Um... darn. I don't really have anything.” He said.

“I have an idea.” I pulled out a camera and handed it to Jynx, “Now sit here next to me.” he complied and I threw my paw around his neck and held up my index and pinkie fingers with a toothy grin. He smiled as well, as Jynx took the picture. I took the camera from her and cracked it open like a fortune cookie, pulling out a 8x10 picture. I then pulled a pen from my ear and signed it, “To my friend...”

“Saw Dust.” He said.

“Saw Dust. There is no spoon.” I finished.

“What does that mean?” He asked.

“That's something you'll have to figure out for yourself.” I told him.

“Thank you.” He said as he left.

I heard the mare say “He's so mysterious” as they were walking away. I had tho laugh.

“The best thing is, he'll find something deep and meaningful in that.” I said.

“When you look hard enough for a meaning in something, you will always find it.” Celestia said, “Even if it just a movie quote.”

“Eeyep.” I said.

Suddenly we heard a hysterical laughter from Pinkie, “Hay guys look at me.”

We looked at the pink pony only to see that she wasn't even a pony. She was a pink cat. Not a large cat like me but a little house cat, and she was adorable.

“”Aww, Pinkie you are so cute.” said Jynx.

“I must agree, you make a fine cat.” said the sud goddess.

“Now you can help kill the rats in the palace dungeons.” I said.

“What!? Yuck!” Said the pink fur ball, “If I have to do that then you can change me back now.”

“Alright, you mind Jynx,” I asked, “You're closer.” I took off my amulet and tossed it to Jynx.

“Tsk, you can be so lazy, you know that?” She said, “Besides, I don't need this anymore. Twilight and Luna finished this.” She pulled a small rectangular object from her bag, “It reverts anything back to it's natural state within a large area. She wanted me to try it out on Razor's magic anyway so...”

“Sweet, let's see if it works.” I said.

Jynx activated the thing and a wave of energy shot out in every direction. It seemed to peel the magic from Pinkie leaving her a pony again. The wave covered the entire park. I then remembered that there was a likely confused mare with her baby that might want an explanation. When I turned to her I froze. It took me a few moments to process what I was looking at while my paw started to burn. In place of the mare and foal was a pair of changelings. One adult and one that looked to be no more than a couple of years old.

“It worked!” Jynx exclaimed, “Here's your amulet back.” she tossed it to me but I was too stunned to catch it.

She looked up at us with fear in her eyes. The pain in my paw grew quickly until it was almost unbearable, but it wasn't attacking. I tried to discern what innocent pony was in danger when my answer came in the most unexpected way. A beam of golden energy lanced through the creatures head killing it instantly. The pain spiked.

I looked toward Celestia. She had a look of pure hatred on her face as her horn began glowing for a second attack. I looked at the infant changeling and realized why my paw was burning... an innocent was in danger. I rushed toward the child to stop the onslaught. Half way there I realized I didn't have my amulet so I couldn't absorb it. Instead I grabbed the baby and rolled out of the way just before the strike ended it's life.

“Shiro!” Yelled Celestia, “What are you doing?! Do you have any idea what that THING is!?”

“It's a baby that hasn't committed any crimes worthy of death.” I said, “In fact I'm sure that it's mother didn't either. Considering murder is the only crime in Equestria that grants death.”

“Those things are not ponies, they are monsters. Every one of them is evil.” She said.

“How do you know? Have you met any other than the ones that invaded?” I asked.

“Yes, ever since then we have uncovered several nests of the vermin.” Replied the princess.

“And do you just kill them like you did that one.” I said getting angry with the display of ignorance.

“Yes, they are dealt with on the spot.” She said as if it were nothing.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Celestia... talking about killing sentient beings as if it were stepping on a roach.

I growled at her and said, “That's sick! You judge the whole race based on what a few did! What the fuck is wrong with you!”

“If you want to protect an enemy of the state than I'll treat you like one!” She said and launched a fireball at me.

I couldn't stop it with the baby in my paws so I rolled out of the way. In the middle of my roll I heard a scream from behind me. I looked up and saw the expressions of utter horror on the faces of Celestia and Pinkie. My heart quickened as I forced myself to turn around. Jynx was laying at the end of a trail of scorched grass.

“Jynx!!!” I yelled as I ran to her. She was still alive, “Get help!” I screamed.

A flash followed by a second identical one came from where Celestia was. A pair of ponies in medical uniforms ran to the other side of Jynx and quickly placed her on a stretcher. My mind was racing with what had just happened. Celestia hurt Jynx in her blind prejudice. My Jynx was hurt bad because of her.

“Shiro,” Said the pony I called a friend, “I... I'm so...”

I cut her off, “If anything happens to her, I swear I will kill you.”

I ran after the medical ponies.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

I paced back and forth in the waiting room waiting for the doctors to tell me something. I still had the changeling baby with me. I still couldn't believe what happened. One moment we were all having a good time and then...

The door opened as Pinkie finally made it there. She had Razor with her who was thankfully sleeping on her back. She looked at me expectantly. I shook my head, answering her unspoken question.

“Pinkie... can you do me a favor?” I asked, “Can you take care of this little guy too?” I indicated the child in my arms.

“OK, Shiro.” She said and took the changeling from me and placed it beside Razor.

“Now can you take them back to the palace for me?” I added.

She nodded and made for the door, “We'll be waiting for you.”

It was a couple hours after she left that the doctor came into the room.

“Excuse me, Lord Tora, I need to speak to you.” The way he said it made my blood run cold, “The damage to her organs is too much... I suggest you say your goodbyes now.”

I pushed him aside as I ran down the hallway to the room she was in. Sitting beside her bed, I took her hoof in my paw.

“Jynx, baby.” I said with fresh tears streaming down my face, “I'm here, honey. Open your eyes, OK, come back to me, please.”

Slowly her eyes opened and looked right at me. A smile crossed her face... before she let out one last breath.

“Jynx... no Jynx, don't leave me! I'm the one who's suppose to go not you! NO JYNX... don't go.” I sobbed into the side of the bed until one of the nurses placed a hoof on my shoulder. I stood up and brushed her hoof away. She and another shied away from me, seeing the look in my eyes. I ran out of the hospital and toward the palace.

I had a promise to keep.

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