• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Armageddon Part 2: The Prodigal Son

December 10, 1005,

Waya had finally crossed the borders of Equestria and the Lupine Territory a few days ago. He was sitting under a rocky outcropping that he used for shelter from the snow storm the night before. He stared into he dieing glow of his fire reminiscing about his time in Ponyville. He missed his love, and his friends. The thought made him laugh. When he left his pack it was for the soul purpose of killing Shiro, but now the very same was his best friend. Not only that but he was dating royalty. Throw in all the other friends he made and he was as happy as could be... or he use to be.

“Happy E-Day, Shiro,” He said chuckling at Shiro's name for the day he arrived, “And happy birthday Razor Wind.”

He sighed thinking about how they were going to be having a huge party. It was going to be a great day for them while he freezes his flank off in the show. He threw some snow on the embers and stretched out. If all went well, he would be in his pack's territory in a few hours. After that he would just have to track them down.

“Might as well begin.” He said as he headed further into Lupine Territory.

As he calculated, after a few hours he saw the symbol of his pack carved into a tree. After so long he was finally home. He stopped at that thought. It just didn't sound right to him for some reason. Was this still his home? He had always said so, but now it felt wrong.

He sighed and asked himself, “Is this home?”

He froze. Something was watching him. After all the times Shiro stalked him for some kind of prank he was good at picking up on it. He moved on as if he didn't notice, waiting for his shadow to make a move. About twenty yards in the territory it attacked. It moved with incredible speed and accuracy striking the empty space that Waya stood a split second before. It looked up just in time to see the hoof that flung him into a nearby bush. Waya landed and faced the predator ready for a second attack. What he got though surprised him.

“You have improved greatly.” An gray, almost white werewolf stepped from the bush holding a pile of snow to his swelling eye, “Welcome back, Dohi Waya.”

“Nuda Asgina? Is that you?” He asked.

The wolf smiled at him and nodded. Nuda Asgina, was Waya's uncle of a sort. He was one of the very few that welcomed him with open arms when his father found him. He was one of the reasons Waya was reluctant to leave to find his father's killer.

Nuda adopted Gray Fang as a younger brother when he wandered into their pack. Gray Fang's clan was slaughtered in a surprise attack and he was the only survivor. Grey Fang quickly proved himself to his new clan, but still kept his ties to the Winter Moon. Even when he became alpha he still introduced himself as “the last of the Winter Moon clan”.

“Yes, my nephew. I assume your return means you have slain your fathers killer. I would have thought you would have found him sooner.” He said sounding sad.

“I found him in four months.” Waya said with a chuckle, “Shiro is nothing like I thought he would be. After he beat me, he invited me to stay in town.” Nuda cocked an eyebrow at this, “He is... odd, but he's honorable. We fought hundreds of times and spared me every time. He even helped me improve my skills. The strangest thing is that now he is my closest friend.”

Nuda laughed, “So it's true what they say about the God's Bane. He changes the fate of all who know him. I would very much like to meet this Shirotora.”

“I am hoping you can, but first I must ask a question.” Waya said, “Who is alpha?”

Nuda's face darkened, “It is Night Shade. I am sorry, but with in control it's not safe for you here.”

Waya's response was not what the old lycan expected, “Excellent. I was hoping the fools ambition would get him what he wanted.”

“Dohi, this is not a good thing.” Nuda said, “He despises you and I thought you despised him.”

“I do. Which is why I am glad he is alpha.” Waya grinned, “Now I will have no regrets when I challenge him.”

Nuda looked shocked at the young pony, “You are going to challenge him? Waya he is alpha for a reason. You say you have a life among the ponies, so what would you have to gain from this?”

Waya looked at his uncle with a serious look, “An army.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Night Shade enjoyed his position. He ate the hardiest, slept in the most comfortable spots, and had a different female every night. The greatest moment of his life was the day the pack found out Gray Fang died. It was the day he made his claim and the day the clan's embarrassment left. He smiled as he imagined the broken and maimed body of Dohi Waya after he found the one that could kill Gray Fang. He imagined what the scene was like. Dohi walking up and announcing his challenge.

“Night Shade, as a member of the Shadow Paw clan I challenge you for the right to lead!”

I'm not imagining this. He thought to himself.

He looked as the prey animal glared at him. Was he serious? Did he really think a pony could be alpha? He let out a laugh at the notion.

“Dohi?” He said, “Have you killed the one called Shirotora? Show us the proof.”

“I have not killed him.” Replied Waya, “I defeated him and I spared him.”

Night Shade laughed, “HA! You think you could be alpha when you show weakness and spare your enemy?”

“No. I spared my friend.” Waya said, “After the hundreds of times he did the same for me.”

“Hundreds?” Said the alpha, “He defeated you hundreds of times? The only fight I ever lost was against Gray Fang. That is why I'm strong.” Several older wolves scoffed at the foolish alpha, “Very well, I will allow your challenge. Who will support you?”

The elder wolves saw something in the small blue pony. He had a strength with him he didn't have when he was last among them. Quickly a dozen elders stood, giving their consent. They were followed by a few of the youngers that either respected the elder's wisdom or just hated Night Shade.

“Very well, pony.” Spat the alpha, “I will celebrate my victory with a feast, and you shall be the main dish.”

He stood as the pack members surrounded them in a living arena. Waya watched him, waiting. And then he charged. Waya wondered if his old enemy had gotten slower or if he himself had just gotten that much faster. It was little effort to step to the side of the blow and raise his front right hoof to the wolf's chin.

“You're a fool Night Shade.” Waya said as his opponent stood back up, rubbing his sore jaw, “While you've been lavishing in the life of the alpha, I’ve been getting stronger. Not only have I been fighting Shiro, who could defeat any wolf, but I’ve been fighting monsters along side him.”

Another charge ended similar but with an elbow to the spine sending him sliding on his face. The others looked on in shock. Some of them saw that Waya was stronger, but to be beating the alpha without even trying...

Night Shade was getting furious. He picked himself up and charged again, but this time before he swung he leaped over the stallion only to be met with a rising uppercut that sent him higher into the air. His fall was hurried by an ax kick from above. The silence that permeated the air was palpable. There were no warriors more fierce or skilled as werewolves yet a pony vanquished the mightiest with ease. Never before in history had a pony been alpha of a pack of lycans... before today.

Night Shade slowly got to his feet panting, “I... will not... be beaten... by my FOOD!”

He drew a sword from the side of one of the wolves nearby and leaped at Waya. Perhaps if the fallen leader had been thinking clearly he would have seen the total lack of fear in his targets eyes. This didn't escape the others. They watched the weapon descend with practiced precision. Their new alpha raised his right hoof as the bracelet he wore glowed in a pale light as it erupted and formed four blades of soft flowing light that resembled a wolfs claw. Night Shade howled in pain as he clutched the stump that had once been a hand.

Waya sighed, “You're a fool. You could have let it go and challenged me later. Now you're a liability.”

The Waya rose up, his left hoof forming a claw like the right, and with a scissor like motion severed the head of the foolish lycan.

If the silence before was palpable, this silence was suffocating. Waya waited and watched his pack. One by one they drew their swords and faced him. As one the dropped to one knee and held their weapons out with the grip toward him in a sign of fealty. They rose and Nuda approched.

“I can't help but think there is more to your return than to become alpha” said the ghostly wolf, “Power was never your ambition, so what's the real reason you've done this.”

“Simple, uncle.” Waya said, “I'm going to unite the clans and march into Equestria.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

April 22, 1006,

After months of challenges, Waya had finally united the clans and was almost home. They were just breaking camp as the sun rose over the horizon. Waya watched the sun with an uneasy feeling. Nuda sensed his nephew's mood and sat beside him.

“You know, the clans are calling the Moon Light Claw after the weapons you use.” He said.

Waya chuckled, “It has a nice ring to it. How are they holding up?”

“They want to know why we're here.” Said the elder, “You've said we aren't going to war with the ponies but you haven't said who we are going to fight.”

“To be honest with you, I don't know.” Waya said, “I was told by the seer Laalia to unite the clans and bring them to Equestria to meet a foe in battle. She said I would know who when I returned.”

“Laalia you say.” Nuda said, “I have heard tales of her. They say she communes with demons to see the future. Some how I doubt that is the truth.”

“Far from it. She is merely the most ancient of dragons that still lives. She is even older that Celestia and Luna and is a direct decedent of the first dragon born of the sun itself. She's also fun at parties.”

“You've changed, Waya.” Nuda said, “You use to be angry. Angry at those that mistreated you, angry that you weren't born a wolf, angry that you were a pony, but now you smile. I'm sure Shirotora had a lot to do with this, but surely he is not the only reason.”

Waya smiled, “No, a lot of my joy comes from my love, Twilight Sparkle.”

Nuda slapped Waya on the back knocking him forward a bit, “Ha ha, I was hoping you would find a mate among the ponies. I must say though the name sounds familiar.”

“She is one of the ponies that purified Princess Luna and defeated Discord.” Waya explained, “And she is a princess of Equestria.”

Nuda looked at him with wide eyes, “You're mate is royalty? HAHAHA!” he slapped him on the back again, sending him face first into the dirt, “I knew you would do well, but you surprise even me. Why didn't you mention this earlier?”

“Well I...” Waya was cut off by a sent carried by the wind, “I smell blood.”

“As do I.” Nuda answered as stood to face the clans, “Prepare yourselves!”

Waya ran ahead towards the now audible sounds as a shadow flew overhead to the distance. He watched it before resuming his way to the sound of fighting. What he saw when he got to the top of a tall hill was enough to make his blood run cold. It was the battle Shiro spoke about as ponies, griffins diamond dogs, and even dragons fought creatures that he had only read about. With out another thought he charged the field as he heard the rumble of lycan feet behind him.

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