• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 12,222 Views, 2,091 Comments

Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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June 4, 1016,

I was being hunted, I could feel it. More then a decade of taking care of baddies for Twilight had honed my senses greatly. I continued on though as if I didn't notice, hoping to lure them out. Soon enough, my patience was rewarded. A blur jumped out at me like a canon ball, but it wasn't fast enough. I reached out and grabbed it around the head and rubbed my knuckles into his head.

“Ow, I give, I give!” Said my attacker, “You win, dad!”

“You got a lot to learn if you're gonna catch me off guard.” I said.

“So what'cha get?” Razor asked.

“Elk.” I answered.

“Nice. You gonna make that sweet and sour stuff?” He asked.

“Sure, that sounds good” I answered.

The two of us walked back home with our dinner in tow. When we got inside, I gave Jynx a peck.

“Took you long enough. You almost missed breakfast.” She said, “Getting rusty in your old age.”

“What are you talking about, I'm not old.” I said.

I took the meat to the meat freezer and stashed it away. After a quick wash, I went back up to the table.

“Razor, go tell your sister it's time to eat.” Jynx ordered.

The young cub went to the bottom of the stairs and yelled up, “Snow, mom said come eat!”

Snow was born the January after the war during a particularly beautiful snow storm, hence her name. She was mostly pony in appearance, a unicorn to be precise. The only features that betray her tigony (the name Jynx and I decided on for pony-tigers) nature was her coat color, eyes, and teeth. Other than that, she seemed like a perfectly normal filly.

“Hurry up and eat.” I told them, “We gotta be at Sweet Apple Acres in an hour.”

Damn these kids can eat.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Hay, Raz!” Called a cyan pegasus colt, with a fire red mane from beside the barn.

“I'm gonna go hang out with Blaze, OK.” Said Razor.

He flew over to his younger cousin and bumped his hoof with his fist, “How's it going Blaze.”

“I just creamed Flash in a race, so pretty good.” He responded.

“Is going to leave us alone now?” Razor asked.

“Doubt it.” Answered Blaze, “I bet he would if you just stood up to him. I mean, your awesome when you want to be. I know you could kick his flank if you wanted to.”

“N-no I couldn't. I'm not that great.” Replied the cub, “If I were more like dad I could, but...”

“You cryin again.” a country accented voice suddenly spoke.

“Yah!” Razor jumped, “Don't do that, Autumn!”

“You're so easy.” She said, “And cute.” The farm filly ran her hoof across Razor's chest.

His eyes widened and he stammered, “I, to, uh, do, um, haha, wh...”

He tried looking anywhere but at the filly in front of him. His gaze went to the side where he saw...

His eyes snapped back to Autumn and he grinned, “You know, I think you're good looking too. You wanna make out.”

Autumn's composure started slipping, “Uh... wait, you want to.” She said, sounding sad.

“Why, are you jealous or something... Surprise.” He said.

“Wha?” She flashed green and took on a white pegasus form, with a short, red mane, “How did you know it was me?”

“Cause Ah'm right here.” The real Autumn said.

The four friends joined each other in a laugh.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“I'm kinda hoping for a filly this time” Dash aid as she bit into her jalapeno and mustard sandwich.

“Twilight said she's coming, so just ask her.” I said.

“Ask me what, now.”

I turned around to see a pair of ponies landing behind me, “Dashie here wants to know if she's having a filly.”

“OK, let's see here.” Twilight's horn flashed and a faint glow appeared around RD's belly, “Nope, another colt.”

“Aw pony feathers.” Said the pegasus.

“Well hay, you what they say, 'third times the charm'.” I said. She just rolled her eyes.

I looked over at another familiar face, “Why hello your prince-y-ship-ness. Come to visit an old friend from before your immortal days”

“Shut up, Shiro. You wouldn't believe how hard it is helping to run two countries.” Waya replied, “I'm just glad Uncle Crazy Ghost is willing to do most of the work with the Lycan Empire while I'm here.”

“So... can you actually use that thing?” I asked pointing to the now fully grown appendage on his forehead.

He was about to answer but Twilight cut him off, “Not without breaking, tearing, or injuring somepony or thing nearby.”

“Yeah, I'm still an earth pony at heart. Magic just isn't my thing. The wings though, those are awesome.”

“Yeah, flying kicks all kinds of ass.” I agreed, “After we're done here let's have a match. We'll see if those wings will give you an edge. Right now though, I’m going to go find Midnight so we can get this show on the road.”

I made my way to a tent set up near the orchard. After a quick knock, I let myself in.

“How ya holding up Mid?” I asked.

“Uh... nervous.” He said simply.

“That's alright. It's normal.” I told my son, “I was the same. Be glad you can't get sweaty palms.”

“Hehe, You always know how to lighten the mood.” Midnight said.

“Well, it's not every day my oldest son get's married, so it's important that I do.” I said, “Now let's go make this the best day in Applebloom life.”

“Alright, dad.” He said as the both of us headed out of the tent, and toward the altar.

As we walked I thought about everything I had been through. This place may not have been all rainbows and sunshine, no things like that only exist in shows for little girls, but it truly is a wonderful, wonderful world.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

And that's pretty much it, my story. I know you're saying, “But there's still questions that need to be answered. How did you actually get there? Why did you turn into a tiger to begin with when Sato stayed human? Where the hell does Mephisto keep disappearing to?” Well, every question does indeed have an answer, but that doesn't mean you'll ever find out. Like I said in the beginning, I never found out how I got here. I just did

Of course this isn't quite all. I had a few other interesting experiences. Like the time that Razor, Snow, and several of their friends disappeared into thin air, but that not this story, nor is it mine. Perhaps you'll hear about it in the sequel or something.

So I guess this is good bye for now. If any of my family is reading this, know I still love you even though I’m in another world. To everyone else... stay thirsty my friends.

Yours truly,
Shirotora, the most interesting tiger in Equestria.


I would like to thank all my readers for their support. Especially the ones that commented almost every chapter, and those who let me use their characters.

This story may be marked complete, but it's not quite done yet. I'm going to post a few deleted, and alternate scenes as well as the tragic alternate ending. I might also put up a few side stories, slice of life kind of stuff. Also for you fans of smut, if you want I could post a few clop scenes of the other characters.

I'm going to be taking a short break from writing. Nothing major just a week, maybe two. I'll still be writing a little, but only sparingly. Hopefully I’ll be able to finish part four of my Dawn Shield series and get that posted.

Thanks again everyone, and keep a look out for “Into the Black: A Mare's Tale”, coming to a FiM fan site near you.

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