• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 12,222 Views, 2,091 Comments

Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 42: The Pony King

*****Warning blatant plagiarism ensues*****

June 24, 1005,

“Hay, dad?” Midnight said running up to me on the couch.

“Yeah, Mid.” I replied.

“Can I go out and play with Applebloom?” he asked.

“If Jet's willing to watch you.” I told him.

Jetaga's place was right next to mine. Fluttershy sang a sapling into a house much like her own. I also found out it was the same song Laalia used to make Fluttershy's cottage. She refused to do it when he was there though. It seemed her fear of dragons extended to other dragony.

The investigation into the cult was still going on, and it appeared the EIA's intel was off. Not all the cultists were at the temple. They had others performing duties elsewhere at the time. Until they're rooted out I couldn't leave Midnight unsupervised.

I grabbed a crystal from the end table. Jynx made this thing for me since I still couldn't walk by myself. It's like a cell phone except I could call anyone even if they didn't have one. I thought about Jetaga and his face appeared in a floating circle in front of me.

“Hey Jet. Hows it going.” I greeted.

“Greetings, Lord Shiro.” he said.

I groaned. He knew I hated the damn title but he insisted on using it. Said it was improper to address me as anything else, even if I wanted him to.

“Are you busy?” I asked.

“Not at the moment, no.” he replied.

“You think you could watch Midnight. He wants to play with his friends.” I asked.

“Of course.” he said, “No child should be denied the opportunity to enjoy the company of friends.”

“Thanks Jet. He'll be waiting for you.” I said.

Less than a minute and he knocked at the door. Midnight dashed strait for it.

“Bye dad, love you.” he said as he passed.

“Don't give Jet any trouble. And ask Bloom if she can make that blood potion taste better.” I called as I picked up the remote. I was stuck there so why not watch some TV, “Oh, The Lion King. I haven't watched that in a while.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Midnight galloped almost all the way to the farm. He couldn't wait to see his best friend.

He arrived at the door and knocked excitedly. After a bit Applebloom answered. A smile instantly crossed her face at the sight of her friend.

“Hay Midnight.” she said.

“Hay Applebloom, you wanna play?” asked the little colt.

“Alright. Applejack, I'mma go play with Midnight.” she called back.

“Be back fer supper.” called the older mare.

The two ran out in the direction of the clubhouse. Jet few overhead as to give the two some semblance of privacy and to give himself a better view of their surroundings.

“So how are we going to ditch the dodo?” Applebloom asked motioning to the dragony over head.

Jet circled overhead looking down at the two little ponies whispering to each other. He landed in front of them smiling.

“Ah young love, blossoming in Ponyville. I'm sure you parents would be thrilled.” he said.

“Yeah...” Applebloom said, “Can Ah talk to ya fer a sec.”

Applebloom led Jet off and whispered into his ear, “Ah was wantin to thank him fer saven me from that cult pony guy. Ah was gonna, um, give em a little kiss, but I’m kinda embarrassed to with somepony watchin, so...”

“I will avert my eyes, little one.” he said and turned around looking away.

After about half a minute he turned back to see them sitting side by side. He smiled at the scene. They were facing away from him looking into the distance. For about two minutes they sat like that as a gentle breeze blew a few of their petals off... wait petals?”

He walked up to the pair and saw that either they were turned into flowers or they just ditched hi

“Lord Shiro's not going to like this.” he said to himself.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

The two friends laughed at their triumph.

“Alright we lost 'em” said Applebloom.

“I am a genius.” said Midnight.

“Hay genius it was my idea.” the farm filly replied.

“But I pulled it off.” Midnight argued.

“You wanted to distract em with a musical number.” Applebloom deadpanned.

“It woulda worked” defended the druid.

The two had ran all the way to the Everfree forest. Two and a half years ago this was one of the most dangerous places around. Now, though, the parts close to town were safe as most predators had been ran out.

Applebloom often walked these woods in search of reagents for her or Zecora. Recently she had been trying to find uses for poison joke, but gathering it was hard. She would sometimes ask Sweetie to help with magic, but she didn't always have time.

The two of the walked on a path familiar to Applebloom and Zecora but few others. It was calm and serene while at the same time mysterious and wild. Midnight felt comfortable here, like he belonged.

“Whoa!” Midnight exclaimed seeing a huge hollow tree, “That's awesome. I wonder if anythings inside.”

he started making his way toward the massive plant.

“Uh, Ah don't think we should go in thare.” Applebloom said, “It could be dangerous.”

“Danger?” Midnight said trying to impress the filly, “Ha, I live on the wild side I laugh in the face of danger. Ha ha ha ha.”

His laugh seemed to echo in a more sinister laugh. Three cougars came fro inside and either side of the tree.

“Well well, Kioah what do we have here?” said the first.

“I don't know Yan, what do you think, Ed?” said the first.

The third derpy eyed one laughed his response.

“That's what I thought a pair of trespassers.” said Kioah.

“Trespassers?” Midnight said, “Oh, um, sorry. We'll just be leaving.”

The two tried to make a break for it but were cut off by Yan.

“What's the hurry, we'd love for you to stay for dinner.” she said.

“Yeah, we're gonna be havin fillycheese steak.” cackled Kioah.

“No, no, make mine a colt cut sandwich.” Yan said joining the other in laughter.

The third popped up between them pointing and grunting.

“What, Ed?” asked Yan.

“Hay,” Kioah spoke up, “Did we order this dinner to go?”

“No, why?”


Midnight and Applebloom ran as fast as they could, but quickly got lost in the dense forest. They could see the cats giving chase behind them. Midnight cursed himself for his stupid idea to get rid of Jet. He just hoped the dragony would hear the commotion and save them.

They got to a rocky ledge and began climbing, desperate to get away. Midnight was almost at the top when he heard Applebloom call his name and scream. He looked back to see her slipping, one of the cougars closing in. He ran back down reaching his friend just as the cougar did. He quickly twisted, planting his fore hooves and thrust out his hind legs with all he could. He struck the predator right in the nose causing it to bleed. In the moments respite the two ponies put as much distance between them and there pursuers.

Dead end. Some where they took a wrong turn or something as now they were staring up a vertical rock face.

Out of the trees behind them they heard a voice dripping with malice, “Here little ponies.”

Midnight put himself between Applebloom and the hunters. Looking at them with fear.

“Leave us alone.” he squeaked out weakly.

“Ha or what? You have to do better than that. Come on try again.” Yan said.

Midnight took in a deep breath and yell out with all his might, “YA-TO NAH SALII!” what did I just say?

The lead cougar looked confused... until a brown blur tackled her from behind followed by two more tackling her friends.

Applebloom's eyes widened with recognition, “Timber wolves.”

The two watched as the cougars fled in terror from the wooden lupines. Instead of feeling fear like Midnight was sure he should have been, he felt relieved by the wolves. It was like they were family.

“Thank you.” he said, “Can you show us the way out?”

Applebloom screamed as one of them picked her up and put her on the back of one of another behind Midnight, who was already there.

In an instant they were off. Tree's flew past as there unlikely escort took them to safety. They stopped just near Fluttershy's cottage and went the rest of the way on hoof. They stopped on a hill just past the tree line.

“Um, Midnight.” Applebloom said, “Thank ya again. That's the second time ya saved me.

Midnight waved a hoof at her, “Oh it's alright. I'm just glad I co...” he was cut short by the sudden wet pressure on his cheek. His eyes shot open and a stupid grin spread across his face.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

In the bushes nearby two pairs of eye's watched the colt and filly.

“This stinks.” Scootaloo said as she swatted aside a branch.

“Oh, sorry.” said Sweetie Bell popping up beside her.

“Not you.” Scootaloo said rolling her eyes, “Him... her... alone.”

“What's wrong with that?” asked Sweetie.

“I can see what's happening,”


“and they don't have a clue.”


“They'll fall in love and here's the bottom line. Our trio's down to two.”


“Ze sweet caress of twilight” Scootaloo said in a mock french accent, “there's magic everywhere. And with all this romantic atmosphere...disaster's in the air!”


Author's note: Can you feel the love tonight? ;P


“I still love that movie.” I said as the credits started rolling.

“Honey,” Jynx walked in with a puzzled look reading a letter, “What's this about a lawsuit for copyright infringement?”

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