• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 16: Winter Wrap Up

Stone and Kitakaze stayed for a week. We go to know each other quite well.
Kitakaze worked at the Fillydelphia weather factory. Stone was a professor of geology at Hayel University.

We had him take a look at the pearl Gil had. Turns out it's Arcanite, a rare mineral favored by enchanters for the amount of magic energy it can hold. Twilight was trying to decipher the spells it contained.

Like what happens in these stories sometimes, things were peaceful for a time... until winter was coming to an end.

February 27,

I was practicing with Piercing Light while Mephisto tried imitating me with a stick in his mouth. He's been doing that for over a month now. It was really kind of cute, and he was actually starting to get the hang of it.

“Hay, come on you two we're going to be late.” Jynx called out to us.

Today was the planning day for winter wrap up. Equestrian spring starts March 1, so tomorrow we clean winter. I’m the only one in town looking forward to it. As for meeting at town hall... have I ever mentioned my allergy to government?

“Do I gotta go” I said in my best childish voice.

“Yes, you have to find out what you'll be doing.” she said.

“Alright. Come on, buddy.” I said to Mephisto. He was almost as tall as me at this point, and the biggest dog in Equestria I’m told. A stallion from 'Dog Lovers Monthly' came by for an interview and photos to be featured on the cover.

We all walked through town together. Everyone was heading he same direction.

The place was packed so we sat in the back. After about ten minutes the mayor took the stage.

“Good mourning fillies and gentlecolts.” she said, “For the past two years we've been the fastest town to finish wrapping up winter. This year...”

My allergy was already in full swing. I tried occupying myself by daydreaming, and trying to remember when I last wore pants, but that didn't work. So I pulled out a PSP... have I ever mentioned how awesome chaos magic is.

“So after the southern birds get...” *pew pew bloop dun boom*, “What is that sound?”

I became aware that every eye in the building was glaring holes right at me. I smiled sheepishly.

Jynx was pissed, “You are embarrassing me. If you don't put that away I’ll put it up and you won't like where.”


She was kinda scary though so I ate it... what, it was chocolate. That's right chocolate PSP, you jelly? I know you are.

After using all my strength not to go crazy the mayor finally got to the part I was waiting for. Assignments. I didn't know what I wanted to do more but anything would be cool.

She listed off the names and I was going to be a snow hauler. With my strength it made sense.

“Meet with your respective team leaders to find out the details of your jobs.” said Mayor Mare.

My team leader was Big Mac. He showed us what where we would be taking the snow after it was loaded into our carts, the best way to move the cart, what to do if the cart gets stuck. I know sounds boring right. Not to me, I was a giddy as a school girl at a Justin Bieber concert.

We were released after the instruction, and I met up with Jynx outside the town hall.

We got home about twenty minutes later. Jynx went along side the house and strapped into her, now fixed, flying machine.

“My report's not to big this time so I’ll be back before nightfall.” she gave me a kiss, “Check to see if Twilight's made any progress for me.”

“Later, hot stuff.” I said.

She replied, “Rape ya later, love slave.” god, I love her.

I stood back at she got a running start and kicked on the boosters. In a clout of fire and smoke she took off soon becoming a speck on the horizon.

After she left my sight I turned and went back to town.

I let myself in (it IS a public library after all) and sure enough she had her face buried in a book. Not just any book, her favorite book...

“Why is it that just about all the stories about me turning into an alicorn has it happen overnight?” she asked.

“They're going for the 'surprise effect'.” I said

She scoffed, “I wish it were that easy. Do you know how sore my shoulders get with these damn things growing?”

“Yeah I bet they... huh?” did I hear that right, “With what growing?” I knew the answer, I just needed to make sure.

“My wings.” she said as if it were common sense, “You didn't know I’m growing wings?”

I looked at her back... smooth as always.

She noticed my confusion, “They're not showing yet. Come here.” I complied, “Feel my shoulders.”

I ran a couple fingers across her shoulder blade. Sure enough there was a bony stump growing.

“I thought you were just adopted. How could you be growing wings?” I asked.

“Oh, I never told you that.” she said, “When somepony becomes a part of the royal family they take part in a ceremony called 'The Rite of Thorns' in which one of the princesses use the Crown of Thorns to infuse their blood with the pony joining the family. It's really quite painful, but the rewards are worth it... well most of it.” her mood suddenly went sour, “The downside is that you have to watch everypony you know and love age and die while you live forever.”

Immortality, the cruelest of curses.

I had to change the subject, “Oh, hay, Jynx wanted me to ask if you made any progress with the pearl.”

“Not really.” she said, “But I’m pretty sure it's something about the Elements of Harmony.”

“Really?” that was confusing, “Why would someone like Gil have something like that? Protection in case you girls tried to help me?”

“That's plausible. I'll have to test that somehow.” she said, “I'll have to ask Jynx if I can use the lab at Canterlot University. I doubt I’ll be able to find out much more with out proper equipment.”

“I think I’ll go for a walk.” I said, “You want to come?”

“That's OK,” she answered, “I gotta find out how everypony reacts when they find out Nightmare Moon turned me into a vampony.” she plunged back into the book.

“You're addicted to your fictional self. You know that?” I said.

“And it's all your fault.” she said with a grin.

I walked out and shut the door behind me. When I turned around I was staring at a sight I have come to both adore and loth... the three smiling faces of Applebloom, Sweetie Bell, and Scootaloo.

“Hay, Shiro” they said simultaneous.

“Sup Ribbons, Squeaks, DJ (short for Dash Jr.)” I returned their greeting.

“Are ya busy?” asked Applebloom, “'Cause we were goin trough our note 'bout the stuff we already done, right. And we came across one that we never really did. We marked it off 'cause we had no way of doin' it, but with your help we can be...”

In unison, “CUTIE MARK CRUSADER TIGER TAMERS!” oh. my. God. Red alert, red alert.

“I got the whip.” said Sweetie.

“Where the he... hay did you get that?” I asked.

“It's Rarity's.” she replied.

“Why does Rar... never mind. I don't want to know.” I could guess, pervert, “Listen girls, I don't think that will work. See I’m kanda already tame... ish. You'd have to find a wild tiger and NOT get eaten by it.”

“Well can you help us any way?” Sweetie asked. They all gave me the look.

CMC uses puppy eyes... it's super effective.

“Alright. I’m going to regret this.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

How the hell came you go spelunking and STILL get covered in tree sap?

I got home to see Jynx's flier outside. I went to open the door but it opened on it's own surounded by a pale golden light.

I looked inside to see Jynx wearing what looked like the head piece to Cerebro from X-Men, but with a horn.

“Jynx did you do that?” I asked.

“Yes, I did.” she was positively beaming, “It's a prototype.” she pointed to the helmet, “An artificial horn that's not just cosmetic. I have my magic back!”

I ran up and gave her a hug, “Way to go, Jynx. How does it feel?”

“Like I lost a part of who I am, and finally found it. Which is exactly what it is.” she said on the verge of tears. The happy kind.

“We gotta celebrate,” I said, “I'll get the girls.” I turned toward the door... which proptly slammed in my face.

I turned to see the smile Jynx wore, “I thought we were going to celebrate.” I said

“We are,” she replied, “Bedroom, now” She didn't have to tell me twice.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

February 28, Winter Wrap Up

Mephisto and I faced each other armed with boken (wooden training swords) in hand and mouth. I decided if he wanted to train with me we could spar a bit.

It was still too early to meet Big Mac so we're really just killing time. I know it was kinda unfair, but he was enjoying it.

I swung at his left shoulder. He brought his boken up to parry and came with a thrust. I sidestepped it bringing my weapon low in a sweep. He jumped over and came down with an overhead strike. I held my sword over my head, repelling the blow.

We backed off to reassess each other. He's gotten quite good just watching me.

I charged with an upward slash. Instead of moving back like I expected he sidestepped and brought his own boken strait up...performing an amateur vasectomy. There goes my dreams of having kids.

“FREAKLE FUCKIN', SOME BITCH, MONKEY SLUT!!!” I was crying not-so-manly tears.

“Well that was colorful.” Jynx said as she came up to check on me.

“I hope you weren't hoping for children.” I squeaked.

“That's OK. I’ll just cheat on you for a foal.” she said.

“I hate you right now.” I told her.

“I love you, too.” She said as she helped me up, “You OK, now.”

“Could you kiss it and make it feel better?” I forced a smile.

“Maybe on your birthday.” she said, “It's time to go.”

We made our way to the cart pullers, and I reported in. Jynx helped me into my harness before going to find Twilight. She was assisting the purple mage with the organization.

The work was monotonous. I pulled the cart to get it loaded, I pulled the cart to dump it, I dumped it rinse, repeat. I did that for seven hours.

Most people back on Earth think winter wrap up would be fun. Well, after actually doing it I can tell you... YOU'RE ABSOLUTLY RIGHT!. Maybe it's just the brony in me, but some how grueling, repetitive work is fun right now. I had been sing the winter wrap up song the entire time.

I had been going longer then anyone else and decided it was time for a break.

“Yo, Red, I'm taken my break.” I called out.

“Alright, take what ya need.” replied Big Mac.

I unhitched myself and headed away from the others. Some weren't comfortable with meat eaters and I was hungry.

I went to my favorite hill, the first piece of Equestria I ever touched. It had a great view of the entire area. I saw Dash moving the clouds. I saw AJ and her team plowing and sowing. I saw Fluttershy waking the animals. I saw Pinkie and the skaters scoring the ice, along with a familiar black flea bag.

“When the hell did Mephisto learn to skate?” he was a smart dog but that was just weird.

I shook my head and sat down in the snow to eat.

It was a shame. I love the snow, but all good things must come to an end. Maybe I’ll petition the princess to add another month to winter next time.

I was thoroughly enjoying a manticore lettuce and tomato sandwich. Yeah that manticore that tried eating Jynx's parents tried it again on Vinyl Scratch. She said she'd she do my birthday for free. Awesomeness inbound.

I had just finished my wonderful lunch when I had a strange feeling. A feeling I haven't felt since... I drew my sword just in time to keep my head attached. I was looking into to lupine eyes.

“Greetings, Shirotora, I am Gray Fang, alpha of my pack. We have been hired to take your life. It's nothing personal, only business.” he said.

Two more jumped from the bushes. One me versus three werewolves. This is going to suck. Oh well...


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