• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 45: Ascension

June 27, 1005,

I hurried into the library as fast as I could, startling Twilight, Waya, and Rainbow Dash. They were reading a new adventure series that just came out. It was called “Space Mare”. It was about some unicorn that was whisked away to a far off planet by some evil sorcerer, were she travels trough space fighting an evil alien menace.

“Twilight,” I said urgently, “We have an issue, and you need to come over right now.”

Twilight looked worried at my obvious urgency. Without asking why, she jumped up and followed me out the door, Waya and Dash close behind. We made our way to my home and I showed them in. each one of their jaws hit the floor at the sight before them.

“A human? How? It shouldn't be possible.” Twilight said.

Jynx was sitting on the couch looking as if she was confused by everything. She was a very good actress. She was dressed in the cloths she had when she was first transformed, and unbraided her hair. I used a little magic to turn her eyes brown since magenta just doesn't happen in humans.

“U, Um hi, I'm Sarah,” she said changing her voice slightly, “Sarah Duffy.”

“Pleased to meet you. My name is Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said and turned to me, “I need to write to mom. She needs to know about this.”

“No need.” I said, “I already told Luna.” and by told I mean told everything. Despite her seemingly uptight manner, she's an expert troll. We actually spent an hour planning this, “She'll be here shortly.”

“Why not mom?” asked the purple princess.

“Because she has more experience with this. I'll help how I can but she was kinda weirded out when I told her I used to be human.” I told her.

“Where's Jynx and the kids?” Dash asked.

“Midnight's out playing with Applebloom, Razor's asleep, and Jynx went to see if she could find anything at the royal archives.” I answered.

“Wait, Midnight's out there unsupervised.” Twilight sounded worried.

“Laalia taught him how to call timber wolves, so if anyone tries anything they better have back up.” I reassured her.

A flash of light came from just outside followed by a firm knock. I quickly opened the door to let the night princess in.

“We came as soon as we could.” said Luna. She walked over to Jynx/Sarah, looking her over.

“Um, could you please back up a little.” said the “human”, “I'm not very comfortable with you being so close.”

“Why is this? Are you hiding something.” the alicorn glared at her.

“Why do you think I'm hiding something?” Jynx tried to sound like she was genuinely trying to hide something, “I just don't like po-eple (nice save Jynx) too close.”

“Are we the only pony here that senses deceit on her.” Luna asked us.

I spoke up, “No. She's hiding something.”

She glanced back and forth between the two of us nervously. That's when the fun part started. Jynx whipped her hand from behind her and hit Luna with a stun gun. It wasn't powerful... well for an alicorn anyway, but Lulu played it off well. She locked up and feigned unconsciousness. Jynx grabbed her and pulled a knife, placing it to her neck. If Twilight didn't panic, she would have felt the magic around the weapon, blunting it, but we all know her tendency to freak out.

“Stay back!” hollered Sarah, “Come any closer and I'll cut her. You're going to do exactly as I say.”

Twilight was shaking while Dash and Waya watched closely waiting for an opportunity. The tension was broken by every brony's favorite reality breaker.

“Hi everypony.” called the pink ninja as she jumped out of my rain coat hanging on the rack by the door, “I have invitations.” she gave each of us one in turn, “Here you go Dashie, Waya, Twi, Shiro, Jynx... umm, Jynxie, it's not safe to hug ponies with a knife, especially the princess.”

Luna couldn't hold back anymore and she broke out laughing. Jynx let go and let her flop to the ground. We glared at Pinkie.

“Thanks for ruining the greatest prank ever.” I said and touched Jynx activating my amulet. The pink anomaly just disappeared under a picture on the wall.

The three victims stared at us wide eyed and slack jawed as Sarah Duffy turned back into Jynx.

“Oh my,” Luna said getting herself under control, “We thank you for this Shiro, Jynx. It was quite pleasurable, but we have duties to attend to and must go.” in a flash of light the moon goddess vanished, still chuckling a bit.

Dash was the first to recover from the shock. Realizing it was a joke, she busted out laughing, “Oh Celestia that was awesome. Oh my goddess.”

Waya was next as he began to chuckle a bit, “Why didn't I see that earlier.”

Twilight was not quite as amused, “That wasn't very funny.” she glared at us, “I'm already stressed enough as it is. I don't need this too.”

“Why are you stressed,” I asked choking back my mirth, “Everything alright?”

“No, it's not, look.” she extended her wings.

“What they look...” I stopped myself as I noticed something. They were noticeably bigger than they were yesterday. I mean about a foot bigger, “I take it that's not normal?”

“No, It's normal, but it's not going to be fun.” answered the lavender alicorn, “Shining told me about this. I'm about to ascend.”

“Uh, ascend?” I asked.

“It's the final stage of the alicorn transformation.” she answered, “Shining went through it last year. He said it was the worst experience of his life, like he was being torn apart.”

“Do you know about how long until it happens?” I asked.

“Not really. Shining took three days to start, but for all anypony knows it could be sooner. My transformation has been a little faster than his, so I could ascend today.” Twilight gave an amused snort, “Hay, it could start before I finish this sen...” An expression of confusion came over her face.

I got concerned, “Twi, are you O...”

Everyone in the room was flung against the walls by a wave of energy. A fierce wind picked up centered around Twilight. I heard crying upstairs and immediately got worried.

“Jynx! Get Razor outta here, now! Rainbow fly them out a window! Don't come back down!” I yelled over the storm in my living room. They nodded and ran upstairs.

Twilight let out a blood curdling scream. Energy was arcing from her body incinerating anything it touched. I moved to Waya to keep him from getting hit. A few arcs came close enough to be sucked up be the Soul Fire Amulet, charging it further. A part of me wondered if it had a limit to how much it could hold and prayed it wasn't full yet.

“What do we do!?” I yelled to Waya as the winds reached hurricane force.

“All we can do is wait it out!” he returned.

The windows blew out sending shards of glass across my yard, “If it gets any worse she'll destroy my home!” I often found myself wondering what would have happened if I kept my mouth shut.

All at once the wind stopped. I thought it was over until I saw Twilight slowly lifting into the air, white light pouring from her eyes like it was fire. I felt a terrifying amount of energy building. I grabbed Waya and launched us out the door running as fast as I could. A blast of pure energy erupted from my home, shooting into the sky taking my dwelling with it. The two of us were knocked down as we fled.

I picked myself up and brushed the dirt from my fur. The charge in the air dissipated and I assumed it was safe to go back. I ran back to what was once my house, Waya close behind. We arrived just after a flash revealed Celestia. She laid down beside her daughter, horn glowing.

She looked up at us as we approached, “She's fine. It was more violent then most but she's fine.”

“That's good, but my home is pretty much erased from existence.” I said.

Tia glared at me, “Do you not care about Twilight? She's your friend is she not?”

“Of course she's my friend, but you said she's OK.” I said, my irritation showing, “But I have a wife and two kids, and now we're homeless. I'm sorry if my priorities are on my own family right now.”

Celestia sighed, “Of course, forgive me. I should not have snapped at you.”

“You're a mother who's worried about her daughter.” I said, “I understand, but I’m a father who's worried about his sons.”

“Of course, I'll see about rebuilding your home.” she said, “In the mean time, you may stay in the library. I’m taking Twilight back to Canterlot to recover.”

“Not without me.” Waya demanded.

Celestia was thoroughly shocked. I don't think she's ever been spoken to like that by a pony. Hell, I don't talk to her like that.

“Forgive my rudeness, but I won't leave her like this.” he said.

Celestia smiled, “You truly care for her. I'm glad Twilight found a pony like you. Very well, come.”

In a flash the three ponies were gone. I looked at the remains of my home. I wanted to cry. Everything we owned was in there. So many memories, gone in a flash of light.

“Oh. My. Goddess.” I heard Jynx behind me, Razor still in her hoof, “What happened?”

“It's gone.” I said glumly, “Tia said she'd get it rebuilt and to stay in the library for now.”

“But what about everything inside?” she said, “Our pictures, gifts, and belongings.”

“They're gone, baby.” I said, “My trophies, my cloths, my spear... oh shit. My spear was flung into the air.” Jynx looked up very nervously, “Maybe you should get inside somewhere.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” she replied and turned around.

She placed one hoof forward when, like a bolt of lightning a metal shaft plunged into the ground brushing her nose. My spear had come not even a hairs breadth from impaling the sexy scientist.

“Eep” she squeaked before she passed out from fear. Razor found it hilarious.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

I felt like a refugee. After digging through the ruins, I found that the blast was directed strait up so the basement was untouched. We had something at least. I also found a few of ours things that survived. Some pictures of Razor on his first Hearths Warming. He was only15 days old.

“Jynx will be happy to see you.” I said to the pictures.

I looked at the garage to see it was also destroyed, the carriage flung into Jets house. He's not going to be happy. Speaking of which, the sound of leathery wings sounded the arrival of the dragony in question.

“Lord Shiro, what happened here?” he asked.

“Twilight ascended in my living room.” I answered.

“Olkai,” he cursed in draconian, “I heard the ascension was violent, but not such as this.”

“Twilight was already far more powerful than other unicorns, even before her transformation.” I observed.

“I see your home was not the only one to suffer.” he said.

“Yeah,” I said, “We're staying at the library since Twi's in Canterlot recovering. You're more than welcome to stay with us.”

“Thank you my lord.” he said with a polite bow, “You will not know I’m there.”

“I better.” I chuckled, “You need to have more fun.”

We started heading back to town. I noticed the looks several ponies were giving Jet and wondered about something.

“Does anyone other than me and my friends and family know about your ancestry?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said, “I have made no strides to hid what I am. I am proud to be descended from shadow dragons.”

“No one gives you any trouble over it?” I asked.

“Nothing other than looks.” he answered, “Some have even been curious enough to ask about my sire's kind. Is there a reason you ask.”

“Just curious.” I said.

We arrived at the library and walked in to find Jynx watching Midnight playing with Razor. The moment I walked in they looked to see what I found. I handed the pictures to Jynx and a couple toys to Midnight. They thanked me as I picked up my little tiger-pony... tigony? I don't know.

“It's a mess, but the basement was untouched.” I told them.

“So I still have my research.” Jynx said, “I guess that's something.”

I sat there with my baby son in my lap. I looked down at him and smiled. I loved the little guy so much. I was just glad my family was safe.


A collective gasp sounded through the room. I looked down at Razor again hoping I didn't imagine it.

“Daddy.” he said again.

“Oh my gosh.” I said, “Your first word.”

“Oh that's my baby.” Jynx said coming in to hug us.

“Way to go little brother.” Midnight said, joining the group hug.

Our home was destroyed, almost all our possessions were lost, and my son's first word was “daddy”... this was a good day.


Fun Fact #1: Manehattan was originally called Grand Hill. It was the hub of the fashion world. The only reason anypony would go there was for fashion, mainly hat's or manedressers. Because of this it got the nickname “Mane and hat town”. This was eventually reduced to Manehattan.

Shortly after Luna and Discord were wed, a town was founded several miles east. The settlers were from the newly renamed city and named the new settlement Fillydelphia. It was meant as a kind of joke on their home city but soon others were naming their towns with pony themed names. Now it's an Equestrian tradition to name towns with such names as Marebrook, Los Pegasus, Ponyville, and even Canterlot.

I'll be giving facts like this about Equestria that I couldn't work into the story at the end of some chapters (not all). If you have any aspect of Equestria or pony culture you're curious about, leave a comment or PM and I’ll try to address it at some point.

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