• Published 5th Jun 2012
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Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 63: The Beginning of the End

April 21, 1006,

This is familiar.

I opened my eyes to the sight of a hospital room. What was strange though was I felt like I was just waking up from a nap. I actually felt refreshed. Did I just dream about getting stabbed? No, that pain was real. I opened my eyes and stared at the ceiling for a bit.

“Um,” A voice called from beside me, “Is that really you?”

I looked over and saw Jynx staring at me with concern in her eyes.

“Hey, babe.” I said, “Who else would I be? Do you know any other talking tigers?”

“Oh my goddess, Shiro.” She said breathlessly.

I sat up, still trying to figure out what was going on. I brushed a strand of hair from my eye and...Hair? I reached a hand up and felt the top of my head. Sure enough there was a mop of hair growing down to just above my shoulders. I looked at my hands... my fur-less, claw-less hands.

“What happened to me?” I asked. Maybe I was desensitized to weird stuff by now, but for some reason it didn't freak me out much.

“You've only been out since yesterday. Pinkie found you by some gate with this dagger beside you.” She floated the dagger that Petri Dish stabbed me with, “She said her Pinkie sense told her where to find you, but when she did monsters were coming from the gate. What happened down there? ”

“Dr. Petri told me a lost element that could cure me was in there. He said it could only be opened by someone who needs it but that was obviously a lie.” I said, “I'm not sure why he didn't do it himself.”

“Because the ward prevents anyone of this world from approaching.” Luna said as she walked in, “You are of earth, so you could pass through. It was meant to only allow we princesses through as we were the only ones not of this world.” She picked up the dagger and examined it, “Ah, 'Soul Rend', another of father's sadistic tools. It tears the soul apart, which we believe is the reason for your sudden change of appearance. The part it tore was the part that caused your transformation when you arrived.”

“Is there a way to fix it?” Jynx asked.

“We don't know.” Replied the princess, “It is unknown where the soul shard goes in a normal case. Shiro is NOT a normal case. His soul is three souls fused into one, his own, the White Tiger, and the Black Beast.”

“So I'm stuck like this?” I asked.

I couldn't feel my magic. It must have been because I was human again. Without my magic I would be vulnerable in the coming battle. I need my tiger form back.

“I don't think so.” Jynx said, “Look at your eyes.”

She floated a mirror to me and I looked at my reflection. It looked exactly as I remembered it. Blonde hair, scars on both sides of my jaw from the gunshot wound, slitted blue eyes, a few freckles... wait, slitted blue eyes? My eyes were still feline.

“I think the dagger just splits it and leaves it.” Jynx said, “After all, why go through the trouble of removing it when the victim is dead anyway?”

“Shiro, what exactly happened?” Luna asked.

“It was Petri Dish.” I said his name with as much venom as I could, “He was working for the Heralds of the Shadow.” I told them everything that happened, “I can't believe I was so stupid. It was an obvious trap and I ran strait into it. Now, not only do I NOT have a cure, but I just damned Equestria.”

“I wouldn't say that.” Said the familiar vice of the still ponyfied Laalia, “Did you forget, I told you this would happen.” We all looked at her in confusion. She sighed, “The gates of darkness shall be released, The land of harmony overrun with beasts. A shadow shall spread across the land, a fate brought by thine own hand. Sound familiar. Do you remember the rest?”

I thought for a moment, trying to remember her exact words, “A goddess' sacrifice undone, Unless four fires burn as one. Fire burns, Wind doth blow, Stone quakes, Water doth flow. Gather these elements of ol', to unite a fractured soul. Light and shadow must meet inside, else Equestria will die.”

“Exactly.” She said, “The last line shows there is still hope. “else Equestria will die”. Why would that be there if it wasn't preventable.”

Jynx gasped, “Shiro! I know how to fix your problem. That prophecy said this would happen. You said “to unite a fractured soul”, right? Your soul is fractured.”

“Holy shit, you're right!” I said, “But what about the elements?”

“You mean Fire, Air, Earth, and Water?” She asked, “The Fire Soul amulet, the Wind Bound Spear, and the Belt of Stones Strength. Those are what it means. All we have to do is find the fourth.”

That wasn't as good of news as you'd think, “But we don't have time to find it right now. We need to get ready for the attack. I'll have to search for it after.” I stood on my feet.

“What?” Jynx said, “You can't be seriously intending to fight tomorrow? You were stabbed less then a day ago, and you're still sick.”

I took a deep breath and paused. I felt different and not just because my form was different. And then it clicked.

“No Jynx, I'm not.” I said with a smile, “My disease only affects felines, and I’m not a feline anymore.”

I had just realized it myself, but the good doctor found my cure after all. It was why I felt so good... I could breath. The look on Jynx's face went from perplexed to complete joy. She tackled me to the floor and planted her lips on mine. She held it for several seconds before breaking.

“Oh, my goddess.” She said, “I can't believe I didn't realize that. I get to keep you...even if you do look funny.”

“I guess I'm not going anywhere just yet.” A thought just hit me, “Oh, shit what about the monsters from Tartarus? They're running wild as we speak!”

Luna stopped my with a raised hoof, “They are being contained for now. Shining Armor is maintaining a barrier with two dozen unicorns powering the spell.”

“Shit, we'll need them for the fight.” I said, “They'll be exhausted.”

“Zecora and Applebloom have been brewing mana potions all day.” Luna said, “The unicorns and Captain Armor will be fit to fight shortly after they drop the barrier. As for the ones that escaped Captain Night and the Night Guard hunted them down.”

“How long can Shine keep it up?” I asked.

“He said he can hold it through tomorrow afternoon, but we attack at dawn.” Luna said.

“Then I need to get ready.” I said, “Take me home please.”

Luna nodded and, with a flash of her horn, sent me just outside my door. Ponyville was deserted with everyone in the shelter. I wanted to stop by to see Midnight and Razor, but I didn't have the time. I made my way to the lab and got to work. My gauntlets had to be modified to fit my smaller arms and hands, and I needed something more. I was at a serious disadvantage as a human when it came to strength and speed, but I had something few did; resourcefulness. I lacked speed, so I’d make something to make me faster. I lacked strength so I’d make something to make me stronger.

I heard hoof steps, and Jynx came down. She went to her massive war machine and started with diagnostics.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“If you think I’m going to sit back and do nothing then you obviously don't know me as well as I thought.” She answered.

I was about to tell her to stay out of it, but I knew she wouldn't, “Fine, but stay away from the battle. Chances are some of the monsters will try to leave the battlefield and attack here seeing as this is the closest town. I need you to stay here and keep everypony safe.”

“Again with the “everypony”. Before long you'll be saying it all the time.” Jynx said giving me a grin, “Fine, I'll protect Ponyville, but you better not get hurt again.”

“Thank you.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“Do you have to go?” Pinkie asked as Phoenix tossed a few things in a suitcase.

“I'm sorry, Pinkie.” He said, “But my ability will be invaluable to the army. This is the reason I can do what I can, I just know it.”

He hugged his wife as a tear fell down his cheek. He wanted to stay so bad, but he had to help. It was difficult but he had a wife and daughter to protect, and he would gladly lay down his life for them.

Phoenix broke the hug but still held her by her shoulders, “If... If I don't make it back...”

Pinkie cut him off, “Don't, Pheephee, I...”

It was Phoenix's turn to cut her off, “Pinkie, I don't want to think about it either, but we can't lie to ourselves. This is war and ponies die. If I die, I don't want you to change. I want you to keep smiling for me and for our daughter.”

He let her go and went to his sleeping filly's crib, “Surprise, you answered our prayers when you came into our lives. I love you so much.” he leaned down and gave he a kiss on her forehead, hoping it wouldn't be the last love he gives her.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

“And if anything happens ta us, Ah want ya ta take Autumn and go ta cousin Breaburn's.” Applejack said to a teary Applebloom as she got her settled in at the shelter.

She and Big Mac decided to defend the town. There were few others with the training to fight the supernatural. That and if her hunch was right there would be vampires among the creatures coming from the underworld. It would seem keeping the old traditions alive was a good idea after all.

“O...OK” Applebloom sniffled. She was trying to stay strong, but it was hard.

“Don't worry Applebloom,” AJ nuzzled her little sister, “Ah don't think many of them varmints will even make it here. Besides you know yer big sis can handle any of them, and Big Mac will be beside me the entire time. There ain't no way anything'll happen ta us.”

That seemed to cheer the filly up a bit, though she was still afraid for her big sis. With one more hug, the two separated. AJ took one last look back before heading back to town. That was the first time she ever told a convincing lie.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Fluttershy watched the yellow speck on the horizon grow into the form of her grandmother, still in her pegasus form. She landed beside her granddaughter and smiled.

“Are you ready, Kataya?” She asked.

“No.” Fluttershy squeaked.

The sun dragon chuckled, “I didn't think so, but it matters not. The role we are to play is of too great an importance to stay. Forgive me, Kataya. You are too gentle to see what you are going to see, but the stakes are greater than your innocence.”

“I... I un-understand.” Fluttershy took a breath to try to calm herself, “I'm scared, but I won't do nothing while innocent ponies are getting hurt and killed.”

“I'm so proud of you, child.” she said, “You are truly my pride and joy.” With that, the pegasus was engulfed in light that morphed and grew into a full sized, gold scaled dragon, “Come, Let us fly to meet out brothers and sisters in arms.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Rainbow Dash and Jet walked through the war camp. Dash was still adjusting to the added weight of the armor and spear. Not to mention the sickles on her back legs made waking different. Jet didn't have any armor or weapons as he planned on fighting in his true form letting his scales protect him and his claws and breath be his weapons.

“Hay, Jet,” Rainbow Dash broke the silence, “Do you love me?”

Jet was caught off guard by the question, “Of course. Why would you even have need to ask that?”

Dash didn't answer, instead she posed another question, “Why?”

“Oh, my Lika (heart),” He stopped her and looked into her eyes, “If I were to tell you everything I love about you we would be here until dawn. You are kind, loving, funny, strong, dedicated... beautiful.”

“You really think so?” Dash asked, “Most guys think I’m scrawny.”

“Than I must thank them.” Jet said, much to Dash's confusion, “If they had realized there ignorance, I might have met you too late.”

Dash smiled. It was the first time she truly felt loved. True, she once loved Gil as much, but she knew she just convinced herself he returned the feeling. With Jet, though it was different. She TRIED, to no avail, to tell herself he wasn't any better just like she always did with guys she liked. It was why she wasn't the one with Shiro. She had a crush on him once, but was so afraid he would be just like Gil that she let him slip away. She wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

“You know, Jet.” She said somberly, “We might not make it tomorrow. We might die.”

“Rainbow, do not speak like that.” Jet said, “I will not lie and say it is not true, but it does no good to dwell on it.”

“I know.” Dash said, “It's just that... if tonight is going to be our last night together, I want it to be memorable.”

Jet nodded in understanding, “What do you want to...”

He was cut off by his fillyfriend's lips on his. No more words were spoken as the polychromatic pegasus led the dragony somewhere they wouldn't be disturbed.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

April 22, 1006,

It was a couple hours until dawn and I was needed at the front lines. I took a “full night's rest” potion to wake myself up. It was like eight hours of sleep in a drink. Now fully rested, I donned my gear and Jynx, after one more kiss, teleported me back to the camp. I saw ponies, griffins, and even a few diamond dogs milling around, waiting. The dragons of the Kras clan stayed a bit outside of camp. I made my way to the command tent.

“Can I help you... uh, Shiro? Is that you?” Captain Night asked to which I nodded, “Princess Luna told us about what happened.”

Captain Night of the night guard, General Saga, of the Griffin Army, and Paruk, of the Kras Dragon clan stood and gave me salutes of there own nations. Captain Night gave the Equestrian salute (god it looks like the Nazi salute), General Saga thumped her fist to her chest, and Paruk raised his chin exposing his neck (a sign of trust).

I said, “What do we have?”

I was given a run through of our numbers and the tactics we would be using. It was all sound and I made no changes. The fact was I was just wanting to get on with it.

“Very good.” I looked at the pony, griffin, and dragon, “Rally your men. Armageddon is about to begin.”


It's finally here folks, the exciting finale to Chaotic Harmony. I call it “The Shitpocalypse”. This is going to be like one mega chapter separated into several parts, each from a different perspective. Certain events will overlap and appear in multiple chapters but from the eyes of another. Due to the fact that some characters will play a smaller role than others, some chapters will be shorter than others.

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