• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 12,223 Views, 2,091 Comments

Chaotic Harmony - shirotora

A new friend teaches the girls what true chaos is

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Chapter 53: Just Another Party

Woohoo! 100+ likes. Thank you to all of my readers for this milestone. I’m glad I've been able to provide you with entertainment. In thanks I have a special gift waiting at the end of this chapter.

September 11, 1005,

Once I was far enough away from the Princesses I let my laughter go. If I wasn't already known around the palace, the sight of a tiger running at top speed cackling like a psycho would have caused a panic. Once I got outside I channeled my spear's power and took off. As I passed Luna's tower I could have sworn I heard the “Peanut Butter Jelly Time” song, but figured it was probably a trap. They knew how curious I could be and were just trying to lure me back. When I found out what I missed, I cried like a little girl.

With another element to strengthen the others, I decided let loose and see how fast I could fly. While not as fast a Rainbow Dash, I was still going faster than the average pegasus. It was great. I had a new element, I was back from was was suppose to have been at least a two month trip in less than two weeks, and I got to troll royalty. Throw that on top of flying and you have one happy kitty.

I couldn't wait to get home. I purposely didn't call to tell anyone I was back. Imagining their faces when I walked in so early, I couldn't help but smile. I wasn't even gone very long but I missed Jynx and my friends. They really made my life great. They're the reason I would chose Equestria over my family on Earth, no matter how painful that would be. I shook my head and pushed the thoughts away. It did me no good thinking about something I could never have anyway.

It wasn't long before the quiet little town came into view. I landed in front of home and walked in quietly. I stalked around looking to see if anyone was home. When I determined I was alone, I put my stuff in my trophy room (unfortunately devoid of trophies, as they were destroyed with the old house). I remembered a spell Jynx taught me a few months ago. It was a spell for finding someone you know. It only works if you know them very well though, so I couldn't use it for just anyone. A grabbed a spare crystal from a desk drawer and began the chant. Soon a light formed an arrow toward town. I left, chanting every few moments. She was apparently at the library.

I flung the door open and said loudly, “Guess Whooooo! Huh?”

There was nobody there. It was completely devoid of equine life. I was about to turn and leave when, in the blink of an eye...

“SURPRISE!!!” the tree was filled with ponies and decorations. A big banner saying 'Welcome home Shiro from you big adventure.' stretched across the room.

“We got you!” said ADHD incarnate.

“No you didn't.” I defended myself.

“Then why are you clinging to the ceiling?” asked Dash hovering in my upside down face.

“Uh... checking the structural integrity?” I tried.

“That's nice of you.” Said Pinkie, “We don't want the whole place falling on everypony.”

I released my grip and dropped to the ground, “How did you know I was coming home?” Every hoof in the place pointed immediately toward the pink one, “Of course. You would have a pinkie sense for that wouldn't you.”

She just grinned. I decided to match her grin prompting her to widen her's. Time to show off my restored power. I grinned even wider causing my mouth to literally extend several inches off my face. Pinkie's grin was replaced by a confused expression.

She finally said, “Shiro, you are sooo random.”

Pinkie called ME random... I can now die happy.

“Daddy.” Razor said as I took him from his mother and kissed him on the cheek.

“How's my little fuzzy guy.” he answered with more baby talk, “How'd you make everyone invisible Twi?” I asked.

“I'm hurt,” came a familiar voice, “You see an amazing spell and you just assume Twilight did it.”

“Trixie! Long time no see.” I said as I ran over to give a friendly hug to the illusionist, “How's your show doing? Are you enjoying Las Pegasus?”

“The show's doing great, but to be honest I can't stand the city.” said the show pony, “Everypony's just so rude and always in such a rush. There's no way to really make new friends. Not to mention all the rude remarks pertaining to my backside from the stallions.”

“Enough about that.” said Rainbow, “Tell us about your adventure with Daring Do.”

“OK, fine, but it's weird.” I warned them.

“When is anything involving you not?” asked Phoenix.

“Good point.” So I told them everything that happened, leaving out the part about me killing them all. This was a party and it would just ruin it.

“There's going to be a war?!” asked Fluttershy.

“He sent a message to the princesses, so they'll probably find some way to stop it from even happening.” I lied. Once again they didn't need to worry.

“That's good.” said my sweetest of friends, “I would hate to think of anypony getting hurt.”

I decided to finally see who all was here. Other than the usual Mane 6, Phoenix, Waya, Jet, and Big Mac, there was also Trixie, Octavia, Vinyl, and even Lyra for some reason. I was kind of disappointed to find out she wasn't the human obsessed pony every brony thought she was, but we still talked every now and then. I wasn't particularly close to her, but she and Pinkie had become good friends some time ago.

Seeing that I noticed the presence of said mint colored unicorn, Pinkie said, “I hope you don't mind I invited Lyra. She hasn't been able to come to one of my parties for a while.”

“It's cool.” I said, “The more the merrier, right? Besides, I keep meaning to get to know her a little better.”

I walked over to the lyricist and greeted her, “How's it going Lyra? You enjoying it much?”

She looked up from the TV that she was studying and smiled, “Yes I am, thank you. What is this? Pinkie called it TV and said it plays movies.”

“That's right, but not Equestrian movies. It plays shows and Movies from my birth world.” I said, “There's an idea. Hay everyone, who wants to watch a movie? What should we watch?”

“The Terminator.” Said Dash

“True Grit.” Was AJ's choice.

“Monty Python!” Screamed Pinkie.

“Titanic.” Said our host (to several groans)

“James Bond.” Said the fashionista muttering something about strapping the protagonist to her bed.

“A Nightmare on Elm Street... um if that's OK with everypony else.” Squeaked Fluttershy.

“What kind of plays do yo like?” I asked Lyra.

“I love musicals.” she said.

“All right then.” I said, “Then I know the perfect movie for you then. Chitty-chitty Bang-bang.”

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Jynx and I stayed until Midnight was getting ready to get out of school, which meant we had to leave before the movie was over. I wanted to be there when he got out.

“We'll be back in a bit.” I called out as the three of us left.

I was pushing Razor in his stroller as he waved at everyone we passed saying “hi”. He could now say, “daddy”, “mommy”, “hi”, and “hug”. He was growing up so fast. I know that's a cliche thing to say, but it's still true. Sometimes it feels like I’m just going to wake up and he's going to be going to school. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep because of it.

We got to the school house with about ten minutes to spare. I spent those playing with my son. He was walking quite well already (one of the perks of four legs), and was even trying to run, though he fell a lot. Soon enough we heard the sound of colts and fillies shuffling to get ready to go home. The front door opened like a flood gate as tiny ponies rushed out. In the middle of the throng was my little blue colt surrounded by his two friends while his little fillyfriend leaned into him.

“Oh god, Jynx, get me some insulin before this kills me.” I said.

“DAD!” Midnight said when he saw me. Applebloom let out a startled yelp when her support suddenly took off to glomp me. He looked up at me with a big smile, “You're early. I thought you were going to be gone for three months.”

“Well the ruin we went to wasn't very ruin-y, so we were able to explore it a lot quicker than we thought.” I said.

“Ruin-y? That's not even a real word.” said a walking dictionary.

“Sure it is.” I corrected, “Didn't you know? Ruin-y was adopted as a word Tuesday.”

“Really?” Sweetie said, “I didn't know that. I guess I’ll have to ask Rarity to get me a new Dictionary. What other changes were made?”

“A few things,” I said, “Like the definition of chicken now includes pegasi name Scootaloo.”

“Hay!” complained said pegasus.

I responded to her complaints by rubbing her head saying, “Pet the chicken, pet the chicken.”

She swatted my paw away and glared at me as if she were trying to light me ablaze. I'll be honest, it started getting warm. I conjured four Snickers bars and pacified the beast and her friends.

“I kid, I kid,” I said.

“Throw in one of those peppermint patties and you'll have my forgiveness.” she said.

“Alright Ms. Trump.” I said and tossed her the bribe, “You could be quite the business mare when you grow up.”

“So what happened?” Asked Midnight, “You know, with your adventure.”

I told them the PG version of everything (leaving out the whole thing about Ragnarok) on the way back to the party. By the time I finished we were there. We walked in just as the movie was ending. Lyra clapped her hooves and cheered.

“That was amazing!” She said to Twilight, “Would you mind if I came over on occasion to watch more?”

“Of course. Just let me know when you want to come over, and I'll make sure it's available. I have to keep a schedule with it because there's only three of these in the world. This one, Shiro's, and mom's and Aunt Luna's”

“You have one too?” Lyra asked me.

“Yeah, I made them.” I answered.

“Can you make me one?” she asked.

“Umm... I don't know. I haven't even made one for the rest of my friends.” I said, “I tried once but, well, chaos magic is funny like that.”

“But you replaced the one that got destroyed in my ascension.” Twilight pointed out.

“Yeah, but that was for me.” I explained, “It works when I make one for myself, but not for anyone else, except Tia. This one was mine, remember.”

“I don't think I’ll ever understand chaos magic.” Said the alicorn, “but I suppose if I did it wouldn't be chaos. Excuse me, I'll be right back.” She headed toward the bathroom.

“So, Skittles, how'd your college visit go?” I asked.

“Not good. There's nothing there I’d want to learn. The only things that have to do with flying are all boring.” She said, “And going just to find a stallion is just stupid. I know you guys just wanted me to further my education, but let's face it, I’m just not that smart of a pony.”

“Don't say that about yourself.” I scolded her.

“Why not?” She shrugged, “We can't all be eggheads, and it doesn't bother me that thinking about stuff just isn't my strong point. I'm an athlete.”

“That's surprisingly deep.” I said, “So, you still looking for a stallion? Cause you were kinda serious about it before.”

“I'm not sure.” Was her response, “We'll see how my date goes.”

“Well as long as...” click, “Date?”

The prismatic pegasus pony grinned and said, “Eeyep, tomorrow.”

“Alright Dashie.” I said, “Just make sure he knows that if he treats you wrong I’ll hurt him.”

“Do not concern yourself, Lord Shiro.” Jet chimed in, “I was taught to always respect mares.”

“Good.” My math skills were getting rusty apparently cause it took a few seconds for me to put two and two together, “You? You mean you two are going on a date?”

“What can I say,” Dash said, “I got a thing for predators. Plus he's fast. We raced a few days ago, and I had to go super sonic just to beat him.”

“Damn.” I said, “I didn't know you're that fast, Jet. Come here, I want to talk to you.”

I lead him into the basement and spoke quietly so the others wouldn't hear.

“Did she tell you about her last relationship?” I asked.

“Yes, Gil.” he growled the name, “His end was too kind.”

“I agree, but that's beside the point.” I continued, “It took a lot to get her to even consider dating again. If you hurt her, she might never recover.”

“I understand.” he said.

“No you don't.” I said, “If you hurt her, and ruin her life, I will make sure you never hurt anyone again. Am I clear.”


“Then let's go and enjoy the rest of the party.” I said as I went back upstairs.


Fact #8: After the war of succession, The elder gods decided their presence was harmful to Equis and decreed that only Celestia, Luna, and Discord would be permitted to directly influence the world, but even then in moderation. Although the others do interact with mortals every now and then, they do not solve the problems. Instead, in times of need they chose champions to act in their place. This is to ensure that the races of Equis don't become dependent on them.

As promised, here is a sneak preview of my next story Into the Black: A Mare's Tale. And no, this is NOT a Halo fic. Those of you who have read it before, it's been altered slightly.

P.S. I found this fic that has potential, but isn't getting any attention. Do the guy a favor and check it out here

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